#✥ whispers from the higher plane ✥ ➺ ooc
falseapostle · 1 month
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✥ Inbox Call ✥
{Inbox call? Idk man, my brain feels like static, but I want to write literally anyone other than Hanekoma for a little bit. I feel like my other muses are getting so ignored by me right now. I need to pet them and give them some attention.}
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earthtooz · 1 year
clingy!gojo x gn!reader, fluff, use of pet names, a little bullying from reader but that's okay- it's gojo /j, he's annoying and probs ooc.
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gojo satoru is as codependent as he is powerful and you came to realise that the hard way during the timeline of your relationship. what began as a peaceful saturday morning lying together in bed has now become a total wrestling match, one that you were drastically losing in in comparison to gojo's unmatched strength.
"get off me, 'toru, i need to go buy groceries before the shops begin getting busy!" you huff, your hand on his shoulder doing nothing to make him budge no matter how hard you tried.
he whines, loud and pathetic in your ear. "don't leave! i'll be all cold and miserable!"
"oh boohoo. move," as an afterthought, you add: "please?"
he shakes his head, white strands tickling your chin as the sorcerer shoves himself further into your warmth, holding you with a kind of fervour that spiders have to their webs.
you don't know how you can get out of this one.
"please, love?" gojo loves it when you bring out pet names for him; something you monopolise in hopes of lowering his defence. "i'll be quick too. just a trip to the grocery store and then i'll be back, is that such a demanding request?"
"yes. i don't know what could happen to you out there, what if a special grade curse appears? i'd never forgive myself."
"then come with me."
"too cold for that. i'm staying here."
you roll your eyes. chivalry is dead. "glad to know that you've got my back. whatever. i can handle myself, 'toru, you know that."
"okay, but i can't- that's why you need to stay!"
"you have more cursed energy in one finger than i do my whole body."
he hmphs.
"you can destroy buildings for miles."
he hmphs again.
"your birth literally shook the jujutsu world."
the white-haired hmphs one final time, his cutesy act only doing so much when the grip he has around you contradicts it. gojo's strength is not something to be messed with but you just hope that he stops squeezing you soon because it was getting harder and harder to breathe. paired with his weight on top of yours, you don't think you two can get any humanly closer.
"'satoru," you groan, utterly exasperated at his stubbornness. "you're acting very sweet and all but i'm serious. we don't have enough food. we ran out of milk for your daily mocha-"
the sorcerer places delicate kisses along your collarbone, cutting you off as you shiver from the sensation, especially when his lips brushes over a sensitive part of your skin.
"-don't care."
"gojo," you murmur in a warning tone, any hint of affection draining out of your voice.
bad idea. you knew what using his family name would result in and in your sleepy, yet frustrated haze, you hadn't considered the consequences. not until gojo's clinginess intensifies, his head rising from your chest whilst one of his hands pause midway through the heart he was tracing on your skin. he's looking at you with eyes that glisten with love, worry and fear. you now feel guilt washing over you, unable to muster the words to apologise before he speaks up.
"please don't be mad, i mean well," your lover whispers, the sunlight that snuck through your blinds illuminating him beautifully, deliciously sculpting the planes of his back. "i love you so much, don't you know? i thought you loved me too."
you sigh, flopping your head back into your pillow.
gojo continues littering kisses here and there, a new sense of desperation lingering with his actions. "at select times," you quip.
"babe, that's mean!"
"just as mean as you trapping me here. i'm hungry, gojo, and i have things i need to do."
"stop calling me that," he whines, pushing himself up only to crawl up higher, his head now fitting into your neck from where it rested against your sternum earlier.
great. now you can feel even more of his weight as he flops atop you.
tapping his shoulder in surrender, the best you can mutter is a breathy 'you're heavy' before he expertly manoeuvres the two of you, all pressure disappearing immediately as you now lie on your side.
gojo looks down at you with so much love and adoration, that it sends you reeling, regretting looking at him. your resolve cracks even more with the gentle kiss he presses against your forehead, lingering there for a moment before pulling away.
he seems to be even happier in this position, arms wrapping tight around your torso in a bone-crushing embrace, keeping you right against his exposed chest.
right against his heart.
this is a battle you've lost, you decide, surrendering by wrapping your arm around the white-haired's torso.
gojo doesn't miss the action, no, he revels in it and you don't even have to see him to know that he's smirking. smugness dripping in his tone when he asks, "oh? finally gave in to my charms, babe?"
"you're so annoying," you grunt, unwrapping yourself and shuffling around in gojo's hold to face away from your boyfriend.
once again, you don't even need to see him to see the astonished look he gives you, eyebrows furrowed and jaw dropped in disbelief. imagining it provides you with a little feeling of satisfaction.
"unbelievable!" gawks the sorcerer. "i am merely trying to show you my love and you do-"
"-'toru," you declare, the affectionate nickname only you use immediately silencing him. "go to sleep. or i'll leave your ass for everything you've put me through this morning."
detecting the airiness in your tone, he knows your threat cannot be farther from a lie. but still, he complies but not without murmuring a small 'unfair' before tucking himself into you, completely overwhelming you with his limbs.
"i love you," you confess, the words hovering into air, dissipating before long but gojo hears it. he always does. he's engraved the way you say those three words in his mind.
it sounds sweeter every time though, causing butterflies to erupt in his chest as gojo kisses your cheek. "i love you more," parting with a little bite, you swat him away as he sinks back into his position, laughing in amusement.
you end up going to the supermarket together that afternoon.
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1zashreena1 · 4 years
Come Back for Seconds -11
18+, m/f/f, technically OCxDiego Jimenez [Power]
Summary: Surprise Date Night comes with Dessert. 
WARNINGS: Ridiculous descriptions and ‘the code is more like guidelines’ outlook on grammar. Is it OOC if the character was given essentially zero development in canon???
POSSESSIVE DIEGO, BDSM power dynamics, potential casual poly relationships, SMUT, threesome, Princess gets a full body licking, the L word, feels, plus size woman+fit man, is a relationship happening?? apparently.
A/N:  Princess took on a life of her own and has essentially become an OC. There are infrequent mentions of her description (specifically as plus size) and her actual name in later pieces (its Bicki). She started as self-insert so she looks like me (plus size, white, short, blue eyes, curly hair). If that is not your thing, I totally understand. And do not feel obligated to read this, I will not be offended!
I’m not a fan of “plot” so be aware that most of this series is just meandering through their relationship, angst-fluff-smut whiplash style. But with dick jokes.
TAGLIST: @chelsfic @symbiont13 @nicke0115​ @bunnykjm @rosee-sensuelle @girlpornparadise @mandoplease @heresathreebee @xxsteph-enrixx @jetiikad @joalsglasses @mutantcookiesecrets @demoncatstone @squidlywiddly87 @lockedoutofmyotherblog @poeedamerons
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Fourth of July falls on a Saturday this year and that means you get a three day weekend. Diego is deviously overjoyed about it and will not tell you why. This is scary. You are concerned. Flying up on Thursday night means less traffic and less headaches. Also, apparently, it means more immediate access to your Murder Panther.
Diego is waiting with Bastian on the tarmac, hovering outside the SUV while the plane lands. Its acutely adorable to see him pacing impatiently for you. The instant the door opens you trip down the airstairs and directly into his arms. Diego purrs loudly as he gropes your butt. 
"My Princess. I missed you. Give me kiss, now." Diego demands and you laughingly comply. Cupping his bearded cheeks you tilt your head to the right and seal your lips together. Diego groans as he rubs against you, he flicks the tip of his tongue out and it results in immediate capitulation. Your mouth opens wide and the mocha taste of pure Diego washes over you. His goatee is soft under your thumbs, the mustache burns pleasantly, and you can feel his lashes flutter on your cheeks. That sinfully talented tongue glides over yours, teasing and soothing in turns. You take the time to trace over his perfect teeth, smoothing along the roof of his mouth until Diego pulls back to pant, "How was your trip?"
He is stunning like this, gaze soft and cheeks flushed. It makes you feel so powerful that you can bring him to this state with only a kiss.
"Better now that I'm here." Your tone is brimming with desire, breathy and decadent. Those brown eyes are fiery in the evening light and he is so beautiful and this man wants you and this is everything you never thought you could have and you can't stop yourself from exclaiming, "I love you, Diego."
His confused blinking is cute, but his eyes crinkling in delight is even better. "I love you, too, my Princess. Come, I have a surprise for you." Upon Diego's release you slide gracelessly to the ground while he reaches back to open the rear door of the SUV. You peek inside cautiously but its just the leather seats and a bottle of Mexican Coke waiting for you. "Did you think the surprise was in the car?" Diego laughs fondly when you shrug defensively.
"With you? It could be anything." Your answer is delivered with a grin as you climb up into the vehicle, he ushers you along by smacking your ass as you pass by. You slide to the far side of the backseat but don't really settle in too much.
When Diego crooks a finger at you with one hand while patting his lap with the other you quirk a brow at him in challenge. You are happy to lose this battle and snuggle down into his lap for a lazy makeout session as Bastian shakes his head from the front seat.
His left hand is shoved down the back of your leggings so he can fiddle with your thong, but the right has a deep grip in your hair that Diego uses to control the position of your head. You must be feeling particularly submissive because you're content to let him arrange you to his liking.
Your head is tilted far back and to the left, giving Diego unfettered access to all the sensitive skin of your neck. He kisses, licks, nibbles, and rubs every inch available while you whine and moan in ever higher pitches. The answering rumbles and growls delivered directly to your ear are devastating. Panting and writhing, you're desperate to have some part of him shoved hard up against you but Diego is being a tease tonight.
"Please, baby. Gimme something, touch me. Diego, Diego, please." You sound pathetic. You aren't even ashamed. His lap is solid under you but every time you get wiggled into place to grind on him he shifts and dislodges you.
The hand on your thong rises, pulling the material up with it to rub against your wetness. Diego rasps playfully, "I am touching you." That gravelly tone is rightfully conceited, you're a dripping mess here and Diego is suspiciously… calm.
You gasp suddenly, "Did, oh my god, did you jack off before I got here!?" Diego yanks your head back so you're looking straight up. 
"Princess." The rumble is a warning tone. "Now why would I use my hand when I could have any one of your wet holes?" Diego is so smug and you want to hate it, but you both know he's right. He licks all the way up your neck like a dog.
You sob with pleasure, I fucking love that tongue.
"I know you do, bonita." He rumbles under your chin. 
You didn't even know you were talking. This man has melted your brain. You hope he never stops.
Diego resumes kissing your neck until he reaches your ear, "Which hole do I want right now?" This man is fucking filthy and you love it. The whisper is vaguely threatening and you roll your hips back in an attempt to sway his decision. He continues in a taunting voice, "Does my Princess want to come right now? Right here in this truck like a good little girl? Are you wet and open for Diego?" 
You try to nod but his grip prevents it, so you have to use your words. You shiver, then gasp out, "Yeah, yeah. Please. Please touch me, baby." It sounds like literal porn and you are only a tiny bit proud. 
Diego's left hand slides under your thong and sneaks between your cheeks to settle with the pad of his middle finger pressed flush to your asshole. You tense briefly but he doesn't push. 
"Touch yourself for me. Come while I watch." Diego leans back to give you space so you can follow his orders like a good girl. You don't even have a chance to question it, your right hand is burrowed into your crotch before you realize it. Fingers working furiously, you start riding your own hand, whiny with need.
Diego watches hungrily. "There it is. Feels good, yes?" Thank fuck your weak nod is enough because words aren't happening right now. His big finger circles your hole steadily, its almost too much. You can feel everything winding tighter, so can Diego. "Are you good? Are you going to be so good for me, Princess?" 
Between his dark voice, the nasty tone, and the contrasting sweet words, you can tell this won't take long. It never does when Diego is involved. 
"Come," he breathes in your ear. "Let me feel it while you make yourself come in Diego's lap." Oh fuck.
Your pussy clenches down then releases the tension in agonizingly good contractions. There's nowhere to hide your face, the sobbing wails that escape your mouth are fully audible. Your hips jerk as you ride it out, tears slipping from your lashes. That finger never falters the entire time, all the while Diego is cooing and praising you, "Good girl. Very good, pretty Princess. You let Diego touch you everywhere, so soft for me. Yes, there you go. Come, little girl. Come. Perfect."
You melt into him and Diego releases your hair to capture your jaw so he can plunder your mouth. You just lay there, limp and pliant, moaning with satisfaction. Finally, you stir to reach down to his lap and Diego stops you.
"No, I'm waiting." His grin is all teeth and you are straight up frightened. Both of your hands are captured and brought back up to his face. Diego takes great amusement in watching you squirm and fidget with anxiety. 
"What, um." You're momentarily distracted by Bastian pulling into the underground garage of Diego's building. "What are you waiting for? Exactly?" 
Diego can sense your apprehension, you don't like surprises and he knows it. One big hand tucks you under his chin but the other straightens your clothing. He leans down to tickle your ear, "You will shower, then get dressed, and then we have a dinner date. I have a new dress for you."
The new dress is a stretchy, silky, weirdly open back number and there are new shoes to match. The color is indescribable, it shimmers from a washed out wine to smoky steel blue. The back is open from just under bra band level to waist and you are delighted to see that it has the Built-in Bra of Industrial Strength and an adjustable spiderweb of straps.
This makes the ninth pair of Louboutins he has gotten you. Diego discovered that they make their shoes to order and thus small enough for your ridiculously tiny feet, each pair fits perfectly with no break-in period required and they're actually comfortable. 
By the time you finish in the bathroom and come out to dress Diego has already changed into a suit. Its blue, not a navy blue, but an extremely deep royal blue that under bright light might actually look violet. The grey shirt underneath is shiny and he has an honest-to-god tie that matches the wine color in your dress. He glances up from his phone and you drown in those chocolate depths. 
"Come, let me tighten the straps, shorty." His cheeky smirk snaps you out of it. Shoes on, dress adjusted, eye makeup complimented, Diego proceeds to herd you out to Surprise Date Night.
When Bastian pulls up in front of a place that you know has to have a waitlist you're not remotely surprised that Diego strolls past the crowd and the hostess leads you to a small nook ducked off into a corner.
You are surprised to see Laylah waiting for you.
"Princess!" She greets you with a big smile and an even bigger hug. She towers over you in her heels and you both laugh when your face is smooshed into her petite cleavage. "You look," Laylah's assessing gaze sweeps over you from head to toe, getting hung up on your decolletage only briefly, "Delicious." She waggles her eyebrows and you snort with unladylike giggles. 
"That's my line, beautiful!" You shoot back.
Dinner passes in a blur of easy conversation and even easier laughter. You really like Laylah, she's funny and laid back and entertaining without being overwhelming or demanding. You know these are all part of her professional skillset but Laylah is genuinely happy to see you. She tells you about her trip home to Lebanon to visit her grandparents and you explain your convoluted insurance job at a hospital. All three of you make raunchy jokes and horrible innuendo about everything under the sun. Laylah is fascinated with your fierce independence and you admire her free spirit. The two of you take selfies while Diego orders the entire dessert menu just because he can. 
You're eating a chocolate torte as obscenely as possible while Diego purrs in approval when long fingers swipe some of the mousse off and present it directly to your mouth.
Laylah is watching you intently, her wide eyes dark with interest. Huskily, she asks, "Lick?" 
You lock eye contact and lap your tongue all the way up her digit to swirl around the tip confidently. 
Laylah's lips part to sigh, "I can't stop thinking about you. You and this tongue and those hypnotic ocean eyes."
Your breath hitches as you realize that she means it. Laylah is serious, she actually wants you. The surprise must be evident on your face because Laylah smiles and goes on softly, "I said I liked big girls and I meant it. The two of you together are like fire. I want to go home with you again."
Her long fingers stroke down your neck, skim over your chest, and land heavily on your thigh. Laylah insinuates a knee between yours and leans down close. Its too tempting, you sink hands into her sleek hair and bring your lips up to hers. She tastes like caramel and espresso, but she smells even better. The kiss goes on forever, then turns into two kisses, and before you know it the count is well past ten.
"Fuck." Diego croaks from across the table, startling you. 
Laylah laughs wryly as you turn back to your Murder Panther. 
Your extremely aroused Murder Panther. His hands are fisted on the table, but you can clearly see his erection. Leaning toward him you hiss, "I wanna watch her ride your face."
Diego looks like he was just stabbed. His expression goes through several transformations very rapidly before he nods jerkily. You turn back to find Laylah biting her lip while watching him. "Do you wanna feel that?" You ask Laylah.
Her eyes are sultry and she jumps a little when you touch her leg. Hand sneaking up her skirt, you watch her carefully for any objection but Laylah only parts her thighs. Diego must have caught the movement because his low growl bubbles up. You two girls share a look, enjoying not just each other but his reactions, too. Laylah leans down to brush your cheek with her lips, the matte lip color hasn't budged yet so you tilt to give her space. Turning your head puts you directly in Diego's sights, He looks like he's dying. This is fantastic, you chuckle to yourself. 
"I've never had a short beard like that. Most of my male clients don't taste me, you know?" Laylah laughs into your ear.
"Oh no," You lock eyes with Diego and grin evilly. "He likes to lick pussy. And he's good at it." He licks his lips unconsciously, those dark eyes are huge. You can almost feel his tongue on you, the memories are so vivid. 
"I want to try. Is that okay with you? Its painfully obvious that you two are in love." Laylah murmurs into your hair. Your jaw drops open in shock, It is??
Diego is completely unfazed by her proclamation. Am I the only oblivious idiot here or what?
Diego watches you intensely before holding out a hand, "Whatever you want, Princess. This… wasn't my plan, exactly, but I am not protesting." He actually looks a little contrite, then you recall that this wasn't discussed prior to dinner. He clearly remembers your previous parameters and did not mean to assume. You kind of want to let him squirm for a while… but you can't. 
You turn back to Laylah, "No dick. And I'm being lazy tonight. Agreed?" Her nod is enthusiastic and Diego whines softly in reaction. Your gaze swings to Diego, "Yes?"
The shark smile is back. "Like I said, whatever my Princess wants my Princess gets."
Its different when you're just slightly buzzed instead of fully inebriated on some type of consciousness-altering substance. Easier than you worried but still a little more complicated than last time. You're not as loose or casual, you second guess where to put your hands until Diego hauls you into his lap in the backseat. He's only half hard, he senses your apprehension, and pulls your forehead to his.
"Do you want to stop this?" His question is direct and simple. Big hands settle on your hips but don't roam so you can think with clarity.
"No. I want this." You lean forward to rub his cheek with your own and whisper into his ear, "But tell me I'm your priority." A little bit of your insecurity bleeds through your request.
Diego hugs you close, pressing your chest to his with solid force. "Of course, mi amor. Laylah will go home after this, but I am keeping you. Princess is mine and I'm your Diego." That dark voice is so soothing to you and his hands cup your face to turn your lips to his.
The kiss goes on forever, hot tongue and soft lips and tickly beard. Diego rumbles underneath you, his enjoyment is prominent and reassuring. Laylah whimpers from the other side of the car.
"Don't stop!" She chokes out when you turn to check on her. Well okay then. Diego found himself another voyeur. You don't check the dental records for the beribboned horse and resume attempting to climb down Diego's throat for the remainder of the ride back to the penthouse.
The elevator ride is more of the same but with the addition of Laylah tongue. They pass you back and forth between them until you're dizzy and panting with it. Diego leads you both over to the sectional, you are pleased to note that he never tries to take Laylah anywhere near the stairs and up to the bed you share with him. You are also pleasantly surprised to see that his hands stay on you, outside of her elbow to steer while she's distracted with your cleavage. He is being careful and mindful and it tumbles you over from moderate arousal to burning desire.
Everything is a jumbled mess on the sofa; messy kisses, you can't tell whose hand is on your ass at first (it's Diego's), but they're both at your tits. In fact, they are getting in each other's way trying to get the top of your dress down and it makes you dissolve into giggles. Diego bites down on the back of your neck like he's establishing dominance and your entire spine turns to jello. Laylah whines at your squeakiness. 
You flop your right hand behind yourself where it smacks down onto Diego's thigh and he jumps, then groans, "Again!" Interesting.
"No. N-not yet, baby." Your breathy refusal makes Laylah raise a brow in question. "I wanna watch you in action." Laylah is already rolling the stretchy skirt down over her hips. 
You turn around to find him panting, pulling his shirt out of the trousers and fighting with the buttons. When you reach out to help Diego snatches you forward with a death grip on your upper arms so he can lick his way into your mouth. Those amazing hands slide up your shoulders and into your hair, controlling your head with ease and familiarity, you pet over scratchy cheeks and broad shoulders. Laylah drapes herself over your back to continue with his shirt removal, you're distracted by the feel of her nipple piercings.
The kisses pause for air and you sorta-kinda expect Diego to go for Laylah's lips, so you seem a little confused when it doesn't happen. "You don’t want to…?" Big brown eyes blink at you slowly. 
"No. Want you more. Always." He rumbles quietly. Okay, so he trusts Laylah because that is some Soft Murder Panther on display here, you ponder briefly.
"Fuuuuuck, that is so goddamn hot." Laylah's kinks are not just voyeurism but apparently voyeurism specifically of the lovey-dovey variety. In fact, you can hear the wet sounds of Laylah touching herself… and so can Diego. He peers over your shoulder with focus, licking his lips yet again. You're jolted by the sudden and ferocious need to see his face buried in her pert little ass.
"Okay!" You point to Diego, "Naked now, on your back on the chaise!" Turning to Laylah, you bark, "You! Stand up!" In the time it takes you to urge her upright Diego has stripped fully and flopped down as directed, massive erection dark and leaking. You're a little shit, you have to touch it. Diego watches you stroke him firmly with a slitted gaze, purring happily.
As Laylah approaches his head she looks to you for direction. "You still want beard between your legs?" You ask to confirm. Laylah moans with a nod, biting her bottom lip. Your Cheshire cat grin makes Diego whine, "Then mount up." 
Laylah crawls over Diego and his hands fly to her hips to encourage her down. She sits on his face with quiet confidence and slides her hands down his muscled torso to get to your boobs. You laugh breathlessly, then snort out, "Greedy much? 
"I can't help it. These tits are fucking amazing. Can I touch your ass?" Laylah is practically begging. Diego's hips jerk in encouragement with the idea. 
"Yes, please!" You chirp, then strip the dress off over your head. Laylah cups an asscheek and you push into her hand. Before she can do anything else her entire body jumps and her eyes roll up. There's that tongue.
"Holy. Shit. What. Oh fuck, that feels good." Laylah groans toward the ceiling. You keep stroking him absent-mindedly but reach your other hand out for a studded nipple. "Shit. Shit shit shit."
Your laugh is sly. "All those textures, huh? The goatee is soft but the cheeks are scratchy. His lips are like velvet, right? And that tongue is legit sinful." Your hissing dirty talk is a surprise to everyone. Laylah nods weakly and Diego bucks into your hand. You leave off to smack his inner thigh. He jolts and moans lowly, making Laylah squirm.
"Oh my god. That's like a fucking vibrator!" She is stunned. You watch her body roll as she rides him before your hand moves again, this time you hit higher up. Diego's groan is louder and he keeps it going, moaning and growling into her cunt. His sounds are too much for you. Laylah's hands move with you as you lean down to lick the head of his cock.
Diego spreads his legs for you, arching up to get more while Laylah watches with interest. Finally she speaks, "Can you-oh fuck, just like that. Can, how much can you take, Princess?" Diego's muffled laughter makes you preen. Locking eyes with Laylah, you open wide and slide down on him. And down, down until your nose is buried in his hair and he's writhing. Laylah whispers in shock, "Goddamn." She bends down to look a little closer, "You know, you could make damn good money like that."
Diego's reaction is instantaneous. The vicious snarl makes you pull off in surprise and Laylah jumps up to all fours, too. 
"NO!" Diego barks loudly and all three of you freeze. His face scrunches up in focus and he goes on quickly, "I will take care of you! Mine!"
Laylah is watching your face, trying to gauge if she should leave or not. Diego's chest heaves as he realizes what just came out of him. Your heart is pounding, there is nothing you love more than being claimed. You throw a leg over his hips and settle down on his cock, but not taking it inside yet. Diego bucks involuntarily, hissing with surprise. 
"Yes, baby." You breathe. "And right now I want to see you take care of Laylah." Your hands smooth up her arms and over shoulders to ease her back down. She dives in to kiss you with her caramel tongue. Diego groans at the sight, then jerks her back down to get back to work. And judging from her noises, Diego isn't playing around.
Laylah breaks away to pant, "Oh, ohhh. Fuck. That's so good." You tilt her chin up to watch her lashes flutter, hazel eyes clouded with pleasure. Her mouth moves silently but you can tell its a rapid series of 'yes'. You cup her breasts to play with the bar studs in her nipples, they're fascinating to you. "Oh! Yeah, yeah, keep doing that." Laylah cries, bringing one hand up to cover yours in encouragement. Leaning down, you take the other nipple in your mouth and start sucking on it. "Fuck! Fuck yes! Yes, please don't stop. Please, please."
You moan into her skin and Laylah sobs with pleasure. Her hips are rolling, she is literally riding his face. Fuck that's hot. You can see his chin moving as he works her clit and its killing you. Diego rumbles against her and Laylah stiffens with a gasp. You watch her come apart, face slack and hips trembling. Her chin drops to her chest as it eases, but you bite down on her nipple while patting Diego's hip to keep going. Laylah crumples forward as her abs convulse with a second orgasm. His huge hands glide up to cup her little breasts and you take the opportunity to lick widely over his fingers and her nipple. 
"I can't. I can't. Need a break. Oh, time out, please." Laylah stutters out. Diego releases her and she slides off to the side to collapse in a heap. Diego takes a moment to breathe, gawking at the view of your naked body on top of him. You remember how Laylah looked sitting on him, her flat stomach and perky breasts. Your hands come up to cover your chest self consciously and Diego lurches upright.
"Fuck. You're so perfect, Princess. Ride me, ride this dick." Huge hands cup your face for a searing kiss, his tongue dives deep with it. Your moan is high pitched as Diego raises his knees to trap you. Grabbing his forearms, you roll your torso to grind down so his dick pushes through your folds to your clit. He presses up into your heat, moving with you but never relinquishing your mouth. 
"Mmmmmm." The whiny moan is pure need. Watching your man lick another woman off gives you a weird sense of pride. And just being able to see him in action has you dripping wet. You pull down on his arms, "Hold these." With that choked request your own small hands direct his to your breasts and Diego does not need to be told twice. He chomps down on your neck while flattening your chest just how you like it.
His teeth meander a path to your ear to growl, "Take this dick, Princess. Sit on Diego." It does the trick. Your whole body shudders and you reach down to angle his length into you and-
"Ohhh fuck yes, baby. Yeah, yeahyeahyeah." Your wail is entirely unintentional. God, he's so fucking huge, you're always a little light headed when he first gets fully seated. Its an incredible feeling, like you can't even move because you're so stuffed. Diego is still at your neck, working a pattern of hickeys and beardburn into your skin with obsessive attention. 
"Princess, fuck. Every time, so tight, so fucking tight pussy." He rumbles into your cheek while you sob silently. You definitely have a praise kink and Diego is observant enough to realize that compliments to your physicality are going to inflict the most devastation. His lips brush your ear as he rattles on, "Love watching you swallow my cock. Mouth, pussy, anything. You take it so well, little girl." You're already pulsing, whining and squirming above him. Being impaled is glorious but you need some fucking friction already. Your previously wandering hands (that broad chest is a masterpiece) come back to your own body and straight down to where the two of you are connected. Diego rumbles with approval, "Yesss, touch yourself. Play with that pretty little pussy until you come all over me."
Your eyes slip closed as you work your clit just like you did the car. The combined sensations of his hands roaming your body, his cock shoved so far up you that it might come out your throat, and the very perfect angle applied to your clit is almost too much. You're so focused on the building pleasure that his legs rising behind you and spreading wide isn't enough jostling to cause any delay. Diego rolls his hips slowly and steadily, never losing rhythm as you begin rocking on him. He purrs as his own hands slide down to your hips, squeezing and guiding. Your breasts are cupped, lifted and compressed almost perfectly. Oh fuck, his hands are everywhere--
Your eyes pop open in shock as you remember Laylah is here. Its her hands that are manipulating your cleavage with firm attention. Her body is pressed up tight to your back, abdomen curved to accommodate your ridiculous ass. That explains his legs being so wide open. Speaking of…
Diego is absolutely rapturous underneath you. His face is slack with awe, big brown eyes wide and drowning dark, his mouth hangs open to pant loudly. The naked hunger you see there as he watches you being pleasured, its too much, too emotional. Closing your eyes again, your focus turns inward as you tense and stiffen.
"Yes, Princess. Come, little girl. Come for Diego." The growl does it. Your cunt clenches tight, squeezing hard around him, before your breathing catches and everything snaps. Waves of ecstasy roll through you in ever decelerating rounds.
"I- Yes, yes, baby, f-fucking yessss." There is zero vocal control for Diego-induced orgasms. Your keening yelps drag a groan from him and Laylah moans behind you. Its too much, you collapse forward onto his chest in a graceless sprawl. Diego hauls you up to take your mouth and you bonelessly let him do whatever he wants. The kiss is filthy and desperate, he licks your entire mouth messily. Filled with Diego at both ends, you whimper in high pitches. 
The sound makes your Murder Panther snap. Huge hands sink into your hair to yank your head back roughly so you have to look at his fierce expression. Teeth bared and brows drawn together, he looks vicious. Diego growls ferociously, "I'm going to fuck you now, Princess." 
All you can do is hang on. 
Diego keeps your head held tight and uses the same arm to squash you down to his chest. His other hand holds your pelvis immobile while his hips snap powerfully. The head of that amazing cock rams into your cervix with every thrust and you know your sobs have to be pathetic. Squeaks and mewls fall from your lips as he fucks you in a position that no one else has ever managed. Its amazing how Diego can manipulate your thick body, you always feel little and delicate under his massive hands. 
"Come again! Come, Princess!" His snarled order is accompanied by a slap to your ass. The pain triggers another climax and Diego fucks harshly through your contractions. Something brushes your lower back, then soft lips are kissing over your right cheek. Laylah mouths over your burning skin, lapping where Diego just hit. Holy shit. He sees your face, watches your jaw drop open and your eyes widen. Diego smiles darkly with his next command, "Lick Princess, Laylah. Lick her ass while I wreck this pretty little pussy."
Is she seriously going t-- "Ahhhhh!" Your surprised yell melts into mindless pleasure as Laylah does exactly what she was told. Her soft tongue glides between your cheeks to pass wetly over your hole. Over and over, Laylah licks you softly in counterpoint to Diego's rough thrusting. "I can't- fuck, its. Oh, oh my god. Please, please- I'm gonna come. Please, Dieg-" your broken babbling shorts out along with your brain. Everything fades away until all you know is crushing pleasure.
There's a dull roar below you, its just audible over the wind in your ears. Someone is rubbing your back. A searing heat deep in your belly makes you whimper. Its dark and quiet very suddenly. You feel like you're floating in water, slowly rising to the surface until you can see light and hear your name being called like distant thunder.
"Bicki, look. Mirame, Princess. There, there she is." Diego's quiet rasp is relieved. You look around briefly, cataloging your surroundings. Diego is sitting up against the arm of the chaise with you cradled in his lap. Your head is pressed into his shoulder but one solid hand is holding you upright so he can watch your face. The concern in those brown eyes is gratifying, whatever happened Diego is glad you're alright. The soft silk throw is draped over you like a cape. 
Laylah is in the corner of the chaise beside him, eyes huge but lips curled up in a grin. "You okay, Princess? I've never seen a man fuck a girl so good she blacks out. That's just impressive." Her hazel eyes sparkle with amusement. She lounges there fully nude with no self-consciousness.
You wave your hand lazily in her direction with a sigh, "Don't. Do not. His ego, please no." Your eyes close in slight embarrassment and you hide your grin in his neck. Diego purrs smugly.
"Oh, please yes. Tell me how I fucked two women into lazy heaps of satisfaction in one fell swoop. Go on then." Diego rumbles into your curls. "I want to hear all the ways you're going to thank me." His rough voice is dripping with pride.
You slap him in the middle of his chest. "Maybe later, when you can actually do something about it." You chuckle. Turning your head, you kiss his stubbled cheek sweetly, then lick him just to be rude. Diego only laughs and pulls you closer.
Laylah's laugh is crackly, her deep voice more hoarse than normal. "You two are ridiculously adorable." She smiles softly, the warmth of it goes all the way to her eyes. "Not to be presumptuous, but I would really enjoy doing this on a sorta regular basis. Not on a payroll." Here she gestures to Diego minutely, then turns to you with a darker look, Hungry, your mind supplies. She holds your gaze levelly as she elaborates, "I really like you. I want to be your friend. I mean, with benefits is obviously the dream, but you know. I had a great time tonight." All three of you laugh.
"I like that idea." You hear yourself answering. Diego looks down his nose at you in mild surprise. 
"You do?" He looks cautiously hopeful. 
"Yeah? I like having… friends?" You give him a confused look. "Is that not what you wanted?" You're not sure if you should be slightly offended or not. Sometimes there are cultural miscommunications and you always try to keep that in the back of your mind.
Diego's smile is slow and wide. "That is exactly what I would like Princess." His forehead comes down to yours and you smile goofily. You are exceedingly happy that Diego cares so much that he put effort into trying to bring you more companionship, that he paid enough attention to notice that you and Laylah connected, that she pleased you and he wanted that for you.
So you exchange numbers, you laugh with your friend, and when Laylah leaves early the next morning you're exhausted with fullness. Yeah, you have a best friend, but everything else is just acquaintances. This new thing is some weird messy not-disaster that you somehow aren't worried about. 
You're sitting on the bed, staring into space when Diego waltzes out of the bathroom completely naked. Hello. He leans down over you, both big hands bracketing your hips, to crack your heart open just a tiny bit more by proclaiming, "I can still smell her and she is not you. Come shower with me so I can smell like you again." Diego kisses your forehead then returns to the bathroom and the running shower with complete trust that you're right behind him.
You realize that you have complete trust to follow him. You trust him with so many things. You trust Diego with your heart.
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falseapostle · 9 months
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{Abe's turn! I'll eventually get to everyone, but it'll be slow. But anyway, have fun with the old man for a few days!}
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falseapostle · 21 days
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{I get a little bit of joy whenever a rat or a mouse follows my rat. I feel like you couldn't exactly know my rat is a rat until you really look into it, so I don't know how y'all keep finding me, but I am very excited whenever it happens.}
{That being said, I have trouble interacting with my rodents because I'm not sure how to go about this. So do y'all think you could help me out?}
{Should angels have the ability to talk to animals? Twewy folks, is that something angels can do? Do you think Haruto could talk to animals in a human or a noise form? Also, would animals be able to perceive his noise form? Should I go with that idea that animals can see ghosts and such? What do y'all think?}
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falseapostle · 2 months
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{Hello, hi, I have been busy.}
{I have updated Haruto's information as far as I can remember canon events for him and I've redone his blog again! He now has two new pages in the navigation and hopefully this time it actually is navigable. If you're still having trouble getting to anything, please don't hesitate to let me know because I really wanna make sure it's all reachable! I have also updated all of my ooc pages to match what's on @strawberry-barista and what is current for me now.}
{I also wanted to create a carrd for him, but I have come to realize that with a free carrd account I am now at my limit and can't make anymore. OTL I hadn't updated links on other blogs because I intended to make a carrd for those at some point, but now I see that that won't be possible. I'm sorry it's a little outdated, but mobile users will have to use the links in the pinned post to get around.}
{In any case he should be ready to go for me to be active here again! I really miss writing him and I really want to flesh him out more, so please feel free to come bug me about him.}
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falseapostle · 2 months
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{What I really need to do is update all of his pages. Maybe his theme because I find navigation difficult, even if it's pretty. Make him a proper carrd and get his canon events placed somewhere...}
{Did I even make verses for this man?}
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falseapostle · 7 months
Let me assign you an affection language
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a knife called grief
You have left your house, you have left those people behind, but what are you going to do about the memories which have taken root in you? You can run but not without them. You want someone to sit with you on this cool marble floor while the sun burns everything.You want them to cut your rotten heart and theirs too. You want to sit with it in front of you, let them see you with all your flaws, which haven’t been your fault but you have been made to believe so, and you want them to love you anyways. Because you know you’d do that for them.
Tagged by: @empyreous
Tagging: Please steal;
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falseapostle · 1 year
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✥ Haruto Abe of The World Ends with You (OC) ✥
✥ Indie | Semi-selective RP blog ✥
✥ Written by Kohi ✥
✥ Rules | Muse | Mun ✥
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falseapostle · 1 year
{Okay, so Abe officially has a cane now. I couldn't fight the urge any longer. And I've only done a few doodles, but I think this is good enough to get the point across.}
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{Ooh. I dunno if I like the size on this. XD Anyway, scratching aside, Abe's now carrying around a cane for defense purposes. The design is pretty simple with the grip being in the shape of a rat head. It's like, a heavy brass ball, too, so it could do some damage just by swinging it around. And I added the good ol' dagger in a cane trope to this one, too. No poison, just sharp and deadly. I'm still deciding on details like what color the thing actually is, if anything's painted, what materials were used etc. etc., but you get the gist. Just imagine him carrying this thing around when he's out and about from now on.}
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falseapostle · 1 year
{On the one hand I want to give him a cane, one that he carries around for show/fashion and doesn't actually need. On the other hand, I don't want to make him that pretentious as to actually carry around a cane he doesn't need. But his design sort of demands a cane, doesn't ?}
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falseapostle · 11 months
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{I meant to talk about this a long time ago, but I actually think Abe and Queenie have such power couple vibes? Yes it's gross because Abe is an old man and nobody likes that image but like think about it. They have the energy of a 1920's rich old gent and his spectacularly bedazzled flapper wife drinking expensive alcohol and looking down on everyone else at the party. They exude glitz, glamour, and elegance wrapped up with an arrogant bow.}
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falseapostle · 1 year
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✥ @lured-into-wonderland asked: ✥ ✥ ✪ ✥
What He'd Like to Do
One  ✦ = They don’t want to do this at all. Five  ✦ = They would die to be doing this! (Zero  ✦  = “Wat?!”)
My muse would like too…
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧  dance with your muse. ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧  sing for your muse. ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  ask your muse out on a date. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  take a bath with your muse. ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  hold your muse tight. ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  lean onto your muse. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  kiss your muse. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  sleep with your muse. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  marry your muse. ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  watch your muse sleep.
✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  cuddle your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧  go to a party with your muse. ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧  watch a movie with your muse ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  play video games with your muse ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  steal horses with your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧  cook together with your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  support your muse’s hobbies. ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  get drunk with your muse.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  watch your muse cry. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧  send your muse away. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  make your muse trip. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  deny your muse’s existence. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  slap your muse. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  crush your muse’s dreams ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  set your muse’s home on fire. ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  kill your muse.
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falseapostle · 6 months
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{Suddenly realizes I need to find an irl FC for Abe... Anyone got suggestions?}
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falseapostle · 1 year
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{OMG I finally finished it!!!}
{I must have redone the lighting and shadows on this like 500 times and his face still gives me fits so fjkdl;afjda I'm sorry about that one babes. I'm sure there's someone out there who can do this but like waaaaay better and maybe one day I'll commish it from someone but for now have this!}
{I am at least particularly proud of how the halo came out fjkd;alfjkdla. I wanted to get one of those baroque/renaissance style halos that looked like they were made out of wrought iron or lace, and I'm pretty happy with the result. I'm also really happy with the light beams all things considered. I feel like this should have been a lot better for how long it took me to do, but I'm tired and I'm mostly happy with it, so you can finally have it~}
{OFC, the Hazuki depicted here is @hazukami's very own, so yeye. Thank you so much for taking interest in Haruto and giving him a very good branch of storyline! If you ever get the spoons to write Hazuki again we can also run more plot from there :3c. I really really love these guys so be sure to lmk should that time ever come around again.}
{So glad to finally have this thing under my belt fjdka;.}
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falseapostle · 1 year
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"If you think he's a brat and you're the one in charge of him, I would say that you're failing him. But that's just my opinion. If he were my brat, I would straighten him out."
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