#✦ — • thewholecrew • grant •
fatedtruths · 1 month
fitz && ward
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he hates this . well , no , he hates it more whenever soemthing goes wrong . and things go wrong a lot . NO PLAN SURVIVES CONTACT ; that's what they say over at operations which was a very not reassuring comment to make . at least when things go wrong in labs they are in CONTROLLED environments ; he wasn't used to things going wrong out here yet . in the WORLD where people get hurt , where people die , where everything goes wrong badly .
so it's always worse in the middle of it going wrong but fitz hates the bit afterwards too . when the adrenaline wears off and everyone's exhausted and the trembling starts to set in as they all realise how close to the end they had been .
he's sitting on one of the sofas in the main living area . knees up to his chest with his chin on his knees as he fiddles with one of the DWARF drones . he doesn't hear ward coming   ( because he's like a bloody cat and never makes ANY noise like the bloody action man he pretends to be )       and the hand on the back of his head makes him jump , even if it's gentle . just as gentle as the kiss that is pressed just below his hairline and fitz finally relaxed again . swallowing thickly , eyes flickering up to look at @thewholecrew .      " we need t' get you a bloody bell . "
kisses . a kiss to the forehead , meant to soothe .
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deathvisited · 2 months
a random thought monster --- @thewholecrew
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did he think that he would ever end up here, in this moment at this time? no he hadn't, he hadn't let himself believe that his life would spiral so far outside of his control. but he'd been given a rude awakening when grant had walked away without even a glance back and now as they stood in the giant room with their graduation finishing he knew he had never had any control, not really. his green eyes watched the golden honey of the other mans across from him, the top two of their class and he knew he hadn't ever really wanted control over him.
he'd wanted to be loved for being himself, for being who he was.
he'd been such a fool.
sucking in a breath he stepped forward in order to accept his awards, his hands held behind him and knotting into fists as he contained the grief and horror that overflowed his skin enough that everyone surrounding him should have felt it. but as always they were blind to the mask he wore, a smirk kicking up the corner of his lips as he dipped his head and murmured a thanks. it was him that didn't look back as he felt grants gaze burning a hole between his shoulder blades as he strode up to his mentor and step father and stopped beside him, the clap to his shoulder doing little to stop the pain from splintering through his body as he looked back towards the stage as grant was called forth.
he knew he'd never see him again, not unless they were assigned to some kind of task force together. they were specialists, trained to work alone, to exist that way and thrive on it.
he had never been a creature that could exist in his own bubble, but grant had --- he'd made that extremely clear. so he took this time to memorize the face of the boy he'd stupidly given his heart to two years prior, seeing a mirror of all his broken pieces reflected back at him. but how much had he revealed about himself while grant stayed hidden in the shadows? how much had he allowed grant to come to know him vs how well he'd known grant? it had all seemed meaningless at the time and now looking up at the boy he didn't know even a little bit he could see how foolish he'd been.
heaving in a sigh he looked at ted with a small grin, putting his arm around the shorter mans shoulders in a half hug before he turned and walked out of the academy and out of grants life for good.
two years later
sebastian was in the command building, having been called in for a debriefing for his last mission and while he rarely liked being called to heel he had had to listen this time. he'd grown a reputation over the years of not listening to direct commands if they'd fuck up his missions, but the mission was done and to heel he came. much like the man he passed, his green eyes refusing to look at him fully, taking him in from his peripherals, because to look at him would be to acknowledge exactly what he meant. for his sanity he couldn't do that. he clenched his jaw as he walked though, focusing instead on the ass in front of him, the way it swished as she walked and the knowing spark in her eye as she looked over her shoulder at him.
it was a lot easier to lie to himself that he didn't notice him if he didn't pay him any attention.
he still hoped though, hoped that he'd feel the burn of those golden eyes across his shoulders as they finally passed far enough ahead that he couldn't see him. it didn't come though, and he knew it never would. grant had always had such iron self control over himself, well..... most of the time. he'd thought it meant something when he'd been the one to drive the man to snap, his control shattering until he was nothing but a broken boy that smashed against all sebastians own broken edges.
he'd been a fool.
7 years later
he'd heard the first rumblings of hydra again and he'd been set on their trail by ted, and what he was finding was horrifying him more and more. inhumans were a plague, sure, but they didn't deserve this. now though his path had led him to a monster of a man and with that knowledge came fear, not for himself, not even for shield, because the man was so firmly entwined in the command structure that no one would have believed it. no one would have even looked twice at him, but things were starting to make sure more and more as he uncovered truths and discovered lies that were years old, far older than himself or even the boy that he was realizing was all wrapped up in this.
he couldn't have known, right?
grant had been many things, a liar, a cheat, a betrayer, but he wouldn't be working for hydra right? he knew down to his very bones, to the essence of who he was that grant wouldn't have gotten caught up in this so why the fuck had he stayed with garrett?
how many times had sebastian come home from training exhausted and beat to shit, but not because of what ted had done, and he'd see grant limping in, giving a strained smile saying it was training. the other boy had never discussed his training as in-depth as he had, had always been slightly vague when it came to why he'd be covered in bruises and cuts, and now..... well it made sense didn't it? he'd suspected it, but what was he supposed to have said? grant would have defended garrett until he couldn't breathe and now Sebastian knew if he uncovered this secret he'd do the same thing.
they were both fools.
four years later
he'd disappeared, the secret was out now and everyone knew garrett was a monster, that he'd been working with hydra for years and consolidating his power, but grant was gone. panic gripped him tighter than an iron clad fist and he knew that he wasn't gone. he knew that he'd been assigned to coulsons team (little cockroach mother fucker that he was) but that was the last he'd heard of the mission. he had to believe that grant was alive or else he'd crumble. the man had gotten inside him much like an incurable disease and he still didn't know why. kassy had asked him once and he hadn't been able to explain it. he'd once joked that they were fated, and why the fuck not? the world had super heroes and people developing strange as fuck powers, why not people destined to be together?
it was the only thing that made sense.
or maybe it was because grant was the only person that he had ever let inside his walls, had stripped himself bare and laid the gangplank across to be discovered and he'd let him in. now though..... now he needed to find him and he needed to help him because he knew he was in trouble, and regardless of whether or not they were destined to be together he couldn't abandon him like he had all those years ago.
he'd find him and he'd save him and grant would have the freedom to finally choose what happened to him.
6 months later
alarms were going off in the helicopter as Sebastian landed on the top of it, his black suit keeping the cold from freezing him and from being seen from the others, attaching the mini bomb to the door he scurried around to the tail, gripping onto it as the helicopters rotor blades tried to move, but they'd been immobilized before he'd dropped onto it. this was his only chance, the only way he could get grant free and clear of shield. he'd found out they were transferring him at the last moment and he didn't trust anyone to break him free other than himself. the BOOM of the door blowing and the smoke billowing out had him grinning as he edged into the body of it.
most of the agents had been knocked clean out when it came to the door blowing but now as he looked around the cavity to spot grant he was grateful to see he'd been knocked out as well.
he slipped over to him, breaking his handcuffs and instead strapping the otherman to himself with a grunt. he looked tired and worn, but not frail. he was almost certain the man had put on an additional 40 pounds of muscle as he grunted lifting him onto his back before strapping him more firmly in place. grants whiskered face tickled his neck until he was ready to leap from the helicopter, making sure his parachute was well prepped. he cast one look around before doing just that, and as he fell away he couldn't regret leaving all those agents to die, in fact there wasn't an ounce of it in his body. they had blindly looked at grant and the situation with garrett and thought that he was with hydra too.
none of them had looked past the hard facade the man wore and saw the broken man underneath it. but Sebastian knew that broken man more intimately than he could bear to recall so as they fell away and he pulled his chute he didn't look back as the heli hit the side of the mountain and went up in flames.
getting them from the mountains and back to civilization was harder, and while grant woke they didn't speak. sebastian couldn't really bear talking to him at this point. garrett was gone, he'd saved him from whatever hell hole prison they'd been trying to put him in, and now.... well hopefully the man would take his freedom this time. he'd ran straight back to his team the last time he'd jail broke him, but hopefully this time he'd be smarter.
he stopped outside of a small town in prague, finally feeling safe enough to leave him grant on his own, looking over at the golden shine of his eyes he gave him a smile.
"try and stay alive this time, yea?" and this time as he looked away he honestly truly knew he'd probably never see grant again. maybe they had never meant to be together, maybe they'd been a collision of fates that would never truly find happiness but had known that they'd need each other. grant had saved him from turning into the monster he could have easily become -- someone cold and ruthless without empathy for those that suffered because of him, and grant because he needed someone to save him from himself.
maybe this was their fate, and maybe, just maybe this was exactly how it was supposed to play out.
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headstrongblake · 6 months
i don't like the way they keep staring at you / grant & octavia / @thewholecrew
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despite the hundreds of bodies dancing to the same music loudly playing at the boy's nightclub, while octavia dances with her girls and alec, it's like the whole world disappears. there's no stress from starting college. no anxiety about garrett's appearance. no concern about what that means for grant. there's just trinity, kass, willow, liv, alec and her moving to the music. it's only when the music slows to change that octavia snaps back to reality, laughing as she raked her hand through her curled locks. "okay okay! i need a drink," octavia panted, shimmying out from between trinity and liv, "and a breath! you guys coming?" she asked, linking her hand with kassy who reached for her as the group of them made their way towards a booth in the corner where nick, grant & some of the guys were chatting and drinking.
with a bright smile on her features, octavia slid into grant's lap, her arm immediately looping around his neck. "you and nick really have to come out, c'mon, it's not as bad as it looks and we're having so much fun! right, kass?" octavia giggled, as she looked over at nick and her best friend before back at grant, brow furrowing when she realized he wasn't exactly paying attention to her. "hey," octavia frowned, leaning in closer to grant as she followed his gaze to a group at another table.
huffing, octavia took hold of grant's jaw, directing his attention toward her & her unamused look at being ignored. "i don't like the way they keep staring at you." he explained to octavia's casual shrug as her fingers toyed with the edge of his collar. truthfully, she hadn't noticed them. "so stop watching them and watch me, you won't even notice." she said as she began peppering kisses along his temple before turning a little in his lap. octavia tuned into the conversations happening around her as she reached for grant's drink, eyes widening when she noticed her bracelet was missing. "ugh," octavia shook her head, "i think the clasp broke again," she groaned, holding her bare wrist up to liv and trinity. "maybe it came off when we were dancing upstairs?" liv offered as a suggestion.
octavia pressed her back against grant's chest in a subtle show of affection before she turned, "i'm going to look for my bracelet, must've fallen off while we were all in one of the rooms." she said, pressing a kiss to his cheek before sliding off his lap. though she shook her head, declining all the different offers from their group to help her find it. "i'll be quick! don't worry, someone order me another round pleeeease." with that octavia was off quickly crossing through the dancefloor to climb the stairs and collect her bracelet from the private room.
luckily it was right where she'd thought it would be near the coffee table on the floor where nick and her had playfully disagreed that she or kassy had ever paid for a drink in either of his establishments. octavia was fiddling with the bracelet, looking for the break in the clasp as she came out of the private room and unintentionally knocked straight into someone going inside. the man's drink splashed everywhere but thankfully as octavia jumped a step back, nothing spilled on kass' pink outfit. "crap, i'm sorry, i totally wasn't looking where i was going," octavia spoke while one of the guy's friends appeared in her side view, triggering an uncomfortable feeling in her bones despite the way they offered her nonchalant responses. she hadn't realized they both were from the table grant was annoyed with. "why don't you guys come down to the bar, you can have another round on me." to which they both agreed, happily she thought as octavia avoided most of their chatter on the way to the stairs.
but as they were moving down the stairs, the man who'd spilt most of his drink abruptly stopped them, turning back to her. we could forgo the drinks doll, he winked at her as his friend stopped behind her. why don't we go into one of those rooms instead? octavia loudly scoffed, nearly laughing in his face as she rolled her eyes. "yeah, that'll happen." she responded, taking a step to the side to go around him, no longer content to offer them free drinks. however, the man sidestepped her, not only blocking her but leaning into her space. his closeness nearly tipping her over had it not been for his hand that darted out to tightly grab hold of one of the sparkly bands in her skirt. "i didn't know biker sluts had standards."
before octavia had a single second to react to the stranger touching her or his insult, grant's hand appeared on the guy's shoulder, ripping him back and away from her. but the tumbling of his body against the stone stairs draws the attention of other customers. eyes snapping towards them with gasps. although octavia could only focus on grant. the protective rage vibrating off him as he set the other guy nearly flat on his back. even as she watched him try to noticeably soften his gaze when he looked at her, asking if she was okay, the calm rage was there. octavia quickly nods, still a little stunned that someone had actually been drunk enough & bold enough to touch her, leaving her unable to immediately react when grant's back turns to her while he descends down the stairs toward the man.
nick's head turned toward the commotion, immediately annoyed that someone's pulling some shit in their club. especially when he's not on shift. nonetheless, this is why they have employees they trust and so his crystal gaze lazily found a man near the bottom of the stairs, groaning and slowly moving before he trailed up the stairs to...grant and octavia. "fuck..." he hissed beneath his breath, jolting up from his spot in the booth. "be back in a second sweetheart," nick called back to kass before disappearing through the crowd, sliding through to get to his brother. nick's head turned on a swivel until he spotted rev, "oi! rev!" he shouted, nudging his head towards the unfolding scene.
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defectiveparts · 10 months
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@thewholecrew asked: you don't give yourself enough credit. meme.
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the easiest thing to do is ignore the words. buck's exhausted, a bone deep feeling that has settled in his bones and refuses to budge. it's been a hell of a week, a hell of a.. well. life. he doesn't have any kind of grasp on his emotions at the moment, his ability to keep his emotions somewhat in check having flown out the window at the end of his last shift. he'd walked in to grant's apartment on autopilot, no thoughts of his own, and simply crashed on the couch as soon as possible. abs jumping up to use him as her personal pillow was merely a bonus at this point. he'd been set on closing his eyes and taking a much needed nap, but he'd made the mistake of opening his mouth and answering when asked how his shift had went. apparently his response had been more self deprecating than he had realized. "you sound like my sister." it's in his voice how tired he is, in the way his eyes don't even flutter open. buck just keeps running his fingers through abs' fur, letting the motion soothe him. "and if you're anything like her and have a little speech prepared, please. just. no." his head shakes, before finally tilting to the side. normally bright blue eyes are dull, obviously tired, as he looks at grant. "i really just want to cuddle your dog and nap for an hour or five."
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damagedtoysoldier · 11 months
bucky && ward
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he remembers , as vaguely as he remembers most things while he was THE WINTER SOLDIER ,   hearing stories of sleeper agents within shield , hydra , whatever they want to call it . he remembers garrett bragging , but he remembers the constant excuses AGAINST his asset being put into the strike team alongside rumlow and rollins .
and the other fuckers that bucky couldn't stand .
but looking at @thewholecrew now , at GRANT WARD , bucky thinks he suddenly understands why .   because there was nothing about the man he was looking at now that screamed hydra . and no one supposedly fully brought in under their own will would change that fast .
“ The backyard’s getting rather crowded with corpses. “
he couldn't help it ,  he snorted . hands digging into jacket pockets and a grin tugged at the corner of his mouth . oh he knows that he doesn't mean literally . . . well he is pretty sure that he doesn't mean it literally . but that didn't stop him .   " i don' have a clean up crew anymore , pal . you're barking up the wrong crazy hit man. "
house of yes .
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wcrriorhearts · 6 months
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Even entering the shop feels weird. Like she is out of place in a world made of pink and baby blue, parents shopping for their little ones around them with purpose and ideas in mind, while Daisy feels oddly lost. They have made a list of what they need, after googling for hours, but it still feels surreal, no matter how big her belly is by now. Their lives were so chaotic and dictated by SHIELD a short while ago, that this mundane thing now appears impossible. She wonders if that feeling will ever go away, or if she'll still think that way when the baby is 18. "Do you have the list?", she asks Grant, holding her hand out for him to take.
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fatedtruths · 3 months
fitz && ward
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oh . oh . it worked ! he means , well , he was going to get it to work eventually but experience dictates that sometimes 'eventually' could be quite a few long months with not a lot of sleep and last minute brainwaves when he should be sleeping . it wasn't usually this simple and really he was still confused that this first thought had worked first time .   " that's good . "   he finds himself saying . scratching at his jaw , rubbing the edge of one finger over his mouth as the corners of his lips twitch upwards into a grin .
he is finally standing still . still in the aftermath of the rush to find a solution . only then he noticed how close @thewholecrew was now and the hand held up in his direction .     " oh ! "   and his pleased smile widened into a grin as he returned the high five . a quiet ' ow ' follows , muttered under his breath as the skin on the palm of his hand now stung but it wasn't entirely bad .
" that was ..... unnervingly simple . like the bus version of turning it off and on again which we could do mid-flight but i . . . wouldn't recommend it ."
[ high five ] sender gives receiver a congratulatory high five
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deathvisited · 7 months
“You need to eat something, you’ve been through a lot today.” / @ ver
𝐚 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐞 𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 || @thewholecrew
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her breathing was steady as she lay curled against him, her eyes still stinging from the bout of crying that had come out of nowhere. an anxiety attack, apparently, something she hadn’t ever really had to deal with. apparently being pregnant was bringing up all kinds of fears for herself, and now… “i’m not hungry,” she whispered, looking up at him. it was a problem, one they were fighting with constantly as the due date got closer and closer. when she was stressed she didn’t eat. it wasn’t good for the baby and grant constantly reminding her just irritated her as most things did these days. biting her lip she pulled slightly away, running a hand through her messy hair.
she was boiling up and it had her struggling to pull her sweater over her head. for most people she wasn’t big, for herself she was huge. her frame had always been far more petite than anything and with the growth to her breasts as well as her stomach she felt like she mostly rolled places rather than walked. tugging the sweater off with an irritated huff she threw it grumpily onto the ground. “i don’t want to eat,” she pouted, his eyebrow raising at her making her glare at him. she knew she had to eat, what with the braxton contractions and all the other stress eating was needed. she just…. had no appetite. swallowing she tried to snuggle closer and grant gave in, for a little while.
but then he was pulling back and she was left stranded and alone on the couch as he rose to go find her food she didn’t want. she ate enough that the baby would be fine, and wasn’t that what mattered at the end of the day? she hated this, and it had her arms crossing but even that was awkward. her body had been taken over by someone else and everything she did felt unnatural and as if she was moving around controlling something that wasn’t quite hers. she knew he was doing his best, but tears pooled in her ocean blue eyes, sniffling as she raised her hand to wipe the tears angrily away. she wanted to love being pregnant but her entire life was one stressful mess and now...
she sniffled again, angrily wiping away another stray tear as she pouted and her stomach turned at the smell of the cooking food. she just wanted to be cuddled, she wanted him to just care more about what she needed and not just what the baby wanted. was it that loss of understanding that she needed things too? probably. grant had always been extremely attentive to her needs, the things she wanted, but he seemed to put her own needs aside and focus on what the baby needed more, and that honestly scared her. was it going to be like that after the baby was here too? was she going to be forgotten and neglected in favour of her child? it was a selfish thought and she hated herself for thinking it, but she mattered too, didn’t she? she wasn’t just a baby inoculation center, she was a person with feelings and needs of her own.
tears rolled down her face, and so by the time he came back with the food she’d been managing to stomach she was crying quietly, curled up around her big belly. “go away,” she mumbled the words as she hid in her soft blanket, not wanting to talk to him, or eat his stupid food, or deal with the fact that he didn’t care about her anymore and only about the baby she was carrying. 
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deathvisited · 7 months
“For fucks sake.”
the angry voice amused him enough to peek over the comic he was trying to read, amusement shining in his blue eyes. he had never seen a man struggle to put a crib up so very much in his life. "do you want my help?" the offer was said, amusement clear in his tone as he didn't move a muscle to help. grant had wanted to do this himself, had insisted, in fact, and like the good husband he was he'd raised his hands and said to go for it. now of course hearing the curse had him all kinds of amused. he looked at the crib, and was pretty sure that grant was building it backwards. which just amused him even more honestly.
"no." the reply was grumpy and he couldn't even blame grant, the instructions looked complicated enough from where he was sitting. he shifted so that he could put the comic down, because lets be honest he wasn't really reading it anyways. he rose to his feet before going over to join grant, wrapping his arms around his waist and pressing a kiss to his cheek. "the baby's not going to be here for a month, you don't have to do it right now," he pointed out softly, tugging grant around until he was able to look at him with shining blue eyes. "you can take a break, come back to it when you feel less frustrated," he suggested. his hands were doing their own exploration as he hugged him running down grants back as his eyes gleamed.
he knew one way to convince grant to take a break and work out some of that frustration and as he kissed him he made it slow and sweet, deepening it with a soft noise. grant was an easy mark, and one that he loved to pull on, and as he pulled back with a mischievous smile and a nip to his bottom lip he grinned. "i think i know a way you can work off some of that tension," he gasped as grant lifted him, the mans answer a soft mumble against his neck. "i just bet you do," grant said, and sebastian laughed because honestly while he was amused with grants frustration he also felt bad for him. he was awful at following directions which is why he'd been shunned to sit and watch.
getting carried to the bedroom he groaned softly at the soft bites and sucks along his neck, legs wrapping around grant before he was laid back on the bed and he grinned up at his partner, hands running down his chest before tugging his belt loose. "i'm sure the work will go a lot better after you let that frustration out."
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@thewholecrew --- gets an answer from a million years ago.
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fatedtruths · 11 months
What If ... the pod didn't sink? :'))))
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being in the pod , at the bottom of the ocean ( a lucky shelf barely 10 meters down if he was being really honest , but deep enough that the pressure on the human body would be immense . he imagines . he doesn't actually remember anything between the glass exploding . . . well no , the glass was bullet proof , pressure resistant . it was the sealant that exploded . but he didn't remember anything from the explosion until he woke up , weeks later , in a hospital bed ) it changed his life .
he had spent the FIRST HOUR or so underwater , while simmons napped ( well , she had been unconscious , but he had to calm himself down somehow , so he told himself she was just napping ) trying to figure out why they had sunk . he HAD designed the bus' pods after all and they were meant to be clever . adaptable . PREASSURISED . so he couldn't understand why it had sunk .
there must've been a flaw in his design . one day he'll go back to look at it . . . . just as soon as the idea of looking at it doesn't make his hand start to shake .
WHAT IF ? just locked in the pod , bobbing along the surface of the ocean . . . seemed a bit frustrating if you asked him and he would definitely get sea sick . maybe they'd be crushed by some kind of giant container ship ----that would be just their luck , landing smack in the middle of a shipping lane . however , if what jemma said was true , DIRECTOR FURY would've found them eventually . . . and they probably would've still been fine . . . well he'd still have a BROKEN ARM and jemma would have CONCUSSION but other than that. . . they would've been fine .
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headstrongblake · 10 months
i thought prompts ———i thought there was a way out of this. / grant to nick / @thewholecrew​
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     nothing lately has been easy. every damn day it seems like they’re putting out another fire. between this shit with the blakes and cops circling around, pulling different members of the MC in for questioning, now is not the time to be taking on more than they can handle. except. they’d done just that. taking on a much larger shipment of drugs than they ever have to start covering the hole they’d been putting themselves in. it’s reckless. probably stupid. but it pays.
    although, he doesn’t often look it, nicklas can tell that grant’s feeling the pressure. trying to figure out ways to earn that keep them above water quickly but all those ways are large one way tickets to prison. just like blake. it’s a difficult balance. one nick wouldn’t want to try. no, he’d rather leave that position to grant or bellamy. but, he can try to make it easier. so when he enters the club house, solution in hand, he’s immediately looking for grant. he checks the bar area first, doing a quick scan before he heads to the back, eyes eager when he does find the other. though grant’s clearly been dipping into the bar stock. i thought there was a way out of this.
     “ well, it just so happens there is, on the account of i’m a fucking genius, c’mon, look alive. ” nick grinned, sinking into his seat around their round table as he smacked a file folder down in front of grant. quickly he flipped it open, jabbing his finger at the drawing of motorcycles and their gas tanks. “ this my friend, is our ticket out. ” nicklas said with a smug smirk, very impressed with himself. but when grant didn’t immediately seem to get it, he rolled his eyes, tracing the measurements he made on the paper. “ check it, the cops are looking at us hard right now, but we gotta get that order across two county lines without gettin’ caught...and this is how we do it. give me a week...shit maybe less if i can get the parts in faster and i’ll build us these tanks that’ll store all the coke we need and we just look like a couple of bikers, sightseeing and shit. ”
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headstrongblake · 11 months
i thought i knew what to do, but i don't. / grant to nick / @thewholecrew​
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      the trip to the prison is wasted with bellamy unable to see them. hard to do so while laying in the infirmary. but it’s a trip nicklas would’ve made no matter the outcome because he’s not about to look octavia in the eye and explain to her that their lawyer had called with bad news about her brother. not without seeing him. or hearing from him just what happened. 
     his head hangs as he walks back to his bike but as he settles onto it, he doesn’t immediately fire up the roaring machine. just idly sits there staring at the gated prison. that is until grant speaks, saying what nick has only dared to think. as crystal hues shift to grant, it’s as if for a moment nicklas could finally see the heavy weight of their organization. the weight grant took over as they lost blake to prison. “ don’t sweat it, we’re goin’ to get this shit figured out. ” 
     but the look on grant’s face has nick doubling down, working through the different ideas that whizzed around in his head. he can’t physically help blake right now. but he could do what he can for grant. “ we’ll sit down when we get back, strategize this shit, figure out who owes us what, what favours we can pull and get him some better protection in there. ” nick lists the ways to help, forcing confidence in his tone. “ you’re not doin’ this shit alone, you hear me? ”
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headstrongblake · 11 months
❝ Truth is I know I’m going to hell. ❞ - grant / @thewholecrew​
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     “ wooooow, ” nicklas slow clapped his hands together, brow lifting as his gaze shifted down his bartop grant’s way, “ no, that’s some deep shit, please continue, ” nicklas gestured with a smirk before he wandered towards grant, the bottle in his hand hovering above grant’s half finished glass. “ you’re walkin’ tonight. ” he said as a stipulation before pouring grant another round.
    placing the bottle to the side, nick quickly did a scan of the bar where everyone seemed to be settled with their drinks and food before he shrugged, leaning against the bar top. after all they’ve done, hell certainly seems like the only option. although, nick still teeters between the whole idea anyway. if there is a god out there, maybe they’ll die and that’ll be it. just darkness. quiet. maybe a little peace for once. “ well, it’s not like we can sit here and kid ourselves like we’re the victims, so, save me a seat? ” nick’s lopsided grin widened at grant’s look. “ c’mon, you think your ass is lasting on this earth longer than mine? ha, not a chance. ” 
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fatedtruths · 11 months
fitz && ward
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he is really not much of a field agent . actually outside of a lab he's not really much of anything , but that was a different story for much deeper times . as it was , he's absolutely not a fan ! of @thewholecrew's current version of SERE training ( SURVIVAL . EVASION . RESISTANCE . ESCAPE . ) if he wanted to be afraid of getting jumped every two seconds he would've joined OPERATIONS instead of SCI-TECH . . . or become a teacher , normal teenagers always seemed really feral to him .
he was only walking back to his bunk , head quite literally buried in the book in his hand , when from out of the shadows ( really he had walked right past him , it was a tight corridor , he just wasn't paying attention ) a figure grabbed him .
" ach ! "
and arm tight around his throat and immediately he knew it was ward but it didn't stop the book from clattering to the ground , the scientist squirming . " ward ! " both hands grabbed at ward's forearm , his voice strained but the other man hadn't quite cut off his air supply . luckily . " ge' off ! "
gestures . [ headlock ] — sender puts receiver in a headlock from behind
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fatedtruths · 1 year
leo && grant
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he hated any kind of training , really , it was all ridiculous . he hadn't even passed his field exam for christ's sake ! he shouldn't be anywhere near danger , should be happy and safe and fine in his nice non-mobile lab . away from it all . but @thewholecrew , MR SAVE-THE-DAY himself , had insisted otherwise . and , as much as he loathed to admit it , the bus' lab wasn't exactly non-mobile . in fact it was very very mobile . ( ' you're alone in a room with someone who is trying to kill you , what do you do ? ' )
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" i think i would just use the NIGHT NIGHT GUN . " he mimicked a gun with his fingers , pointing them playfully at ward . " i barely have the coordination to SHOOT i don' think i have it for THIS. " in fact , he didn't really have the HAND-EYE COORDINATION for that , he hadn't passed that part of his field exam either.
he huffed , mildly outraged , when ward turned him with his hands on his shoulders so he was finally facing the boxing bag hanging from the metal supports of the PLANE they currently lived on. " i think this is more of a SKYE thing , maybe you should just do this with her . "
[ GUIDE ]:    sender readjusts the receiver’s stance and posture with their hands while training together.
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fatedtruths · 1 year
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@thewholecrew asked !! [ SHIELD ]:     in order to protect them from physical harm caused by a third party, the sender shoves the receiver against the wall and shields them with their body
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fitz YELPED . it just kind of came out . he didn't see the glint of the knife until it clattered to the ground . in fact he barely saw it then . was too busy trying to catch up with what had just happened . an arm with the weight of an entire body shoving at his chest , the back of his hand scraping off the brick as his head cracked off the stones . " bloody hell ." he hissed , grabbing his head with both hands, he twisted in the barely there space between the wall and ward ( a rock and a hard place --- his brain oh so helpfully supplied )
peering round MR. SAVE-THE-DAY he saw the man on the floor , and finally saw the knife and he's not entirely sure how ward disabled the man . it was probably kung-fu or something .
" is he dead?" fitz pulled his hand away from his head , looking for blood but seeing none . there was some on the back of his hand though. great. " maybe i should start carrying a night night gun ."
and then the shock of the attack started to wear off and he squinted up at ward suspiciously . they were given the night off . he had gone to find a pub to drink ( to hustle unsuspecting normal people out of pool ) while simmons being boring simmons went to find some library she had been gushing about. " were you followin' me? "
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