vivienified · 5 years
How iconic is it that within like 2 weeks of certain dark clouds finally floating away from Walt's shores, my best friend AND LORDE are making big comebacks? Is this what being favored by fortune feels like? If so. I'm LOVING IT. More please!
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gothel2thekor · 5 years
Now that I'm no longer adhering to an aesthetic that prevents me from going absolutely apeshit to pop music. No one is allowed to judge me for the things that I may do during Hannah Montana's set at the Beach Bash, because I will be living my absolute best life.
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boo2themax · 7 years
Am I the only one that realizes that we're living in 2017 where people can do these kind of health class projects with pretty cool simulator babies and not lame sacks of Gold Medal's finest?
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theteddybae · 7 years
It's so fun moving, you guys! While packing up I've found so many cool bits and bobbles that I thought I lost months ago! So far this week I've found 15 slinkies, 5 ping pong paddles, some zippers, my rabbit Georg (rip) and like way too many iPhones amd other things I probably should've held on to longer. I can't WAIT to see what I find next year!
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stefanwestergaard · 4 years
So you mean to tell me that they put the stables on a completely secluded part of town, thus making it even more of a ridiculous effort to go work with the horses? I don’t know, man...maybe this is when I finally give up horse whispering. 
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pearlcalhoun · 4 years
Hey, PSA: Those of us who work at Dark Side of the Moon would much rather spend our time there dicking around and doing our homework than cleaning hair out of the shower drains because you absolute monsters shed irresponsibly. If you can’t shower publicly without putting yourself at risk to getting your DNA stolen then go straight home after your workout, please. 
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charlielabouff · 4 years
I hope all of y’alls break was more productive than mine was! I spent almost the entirety of my break playing Animal Crossing and Paper Mario in the comfort of my own home. I’m so not ready to go back to school and start working and all that mess. 
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wesofmaldonia · 4 years
Well....Walt...it is fantastic to be back, and I’m so glad you all get to see me again, truly. But the real star of this town can no longer be me. As soon as I walked up to find my baby -- my love, my life -- in my parking spot at the dorms? I knew I was instantly outshined. This kid has never left my parents’ garage and..Wow, I’m getting choked up just thinking of letting my little boy spread his wings and fly across the haters. Speeding down the street at 1 am like it’s 2 Fast 2 Furious, the best film of the franchise. Walt, might I introduce you to...The Wesla, my everything. God, they grow up so fast. 
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leahshank · 4 years
I can’t believe I got kicked out of the bowling alley for trying to roll a person down the lane towards the pins instead of ball! What’s the big deal? I had their consent!
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elodiesmee · 4 years
Hellllllooooooo, Walt! After an extended vacation in an Italian prison I am back and mostly straight edge! Except for the drinking, obviously, but I will no longer be following handsome men on their very long backpacking trips! Also they do not have pastries in Italian prison. 
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wreckbex · 4 years
They renovated Walt and still didn’t include a smash room? That’s bunk. Anyone down to help me make one of our own?
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vivienified · 7 years
Okay, now that homecoming is over and we're all pretty much settled into our classes I have an announcement! I'm starting up a Superhero Appreciation club, to thoughtfully admire and discuss all the great crimefighters in film, television and print!!! The first informational meeting will be on Tuesday in the courtyard at 4pm. I'd love to see as many people there as possible, but feel free to just ask if you'd like more details before then.
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gothel2thekor · 7 years
Apparently it's really easy to make smoke bombs at home. I guess I know what I'm going to be experimenting with for awhile. I hope people with asthma are smart enough to keep their inhalers handy, because this kid plans on having some fun.
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daisyshiverdew · 4 years
Daisy: So homecoming was, as suspected, lame. No one can do a disco-themed dance without all of the outfits looking like they came from a costume catalogue and there were WAY too many blonde afros and like...isn't that kind of offensive? Whatever, I'm just looking forward to Halloween at this point.
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kostasdeimos · 4 years
@kostas: Alright, bitches, it's WHS's Dance Committee prez here and I'm going to do the WAP dance in the middle of the cafeteria for the first person who can correctly guess what the homecoming theme is gonna be this year
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tiaisms · 4 years
Tia: https://66.media.tumblr.com/40232eec4f93dd6e73182711770a18eb/tumblr_inline_ppx08tq2Av1rb8tjx_400.gif
Tia: Who wants to guess which Walt "It" couple this will be in ten years? 🤔 Spoiler alarm: The boy in this couple would NOT be Wayland.
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