#✧ — as : sydney kaiser.
atl0yalty · 1 year
new tags- roster updated ( link in pinned )- ready to vibe.
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sabohteurs · 3 months
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at-sabohteurs · 5 months
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thehungrycity · 5 months
Vice-chancellors have rejected calls to shut down the pro-Palestine encampments at Australian universities, saying campuses don’t want to see an “escalation” of the kind that is happening in the US.
A snap meeting was held on Thursday between the Group of Eight (Go8) vice-chancellors, the Australasian Union of Jewish Students, the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) and the secretary of the education department to discuss the safety of students and staff amid the protests.
Vicki Thomson, the Go8 chief executive, said it was a “very constructive” meeting that allowed universities to hear the concerns of representative bodies.
Mark Scott, the vice-chancellor of the University of Sydney, attended Thursday’s meeting. A protest on the lawns of his university is now into its 11th day, the longest of any Australian camps.
Scott took to LinkedIn on Thursday to reject calls from shadow education minister Sarah Henderson for police intervention, maintaining the exercise of free speech could be “challenging and confronting”.
“I am not convinced what is happening on US campuses demonstrates a pathway to greater safety and security for any students or staff, nor helps to build a community committed to free speech and thoughtful exchanges of divergent views,” Scott wrote.
“Protests and vigorous debates have always been part of our culture of academic freedom … even when, as individuals, we may strongly disagree with things we hear said.”
On Friday, the University of Sydney camp was met with a counter-protest by the group Together with Israel, but the situation remained relatively peaceful. There was no apparent police presence.
Monash University’s vice-chancellor, Prof Sharon Pickering, was also in attendance at Thursday’s meeting, as was the University of Adelaide’s provost, Prof John Williams. Both universities have backed the lawful expression of peaceful protest on their campuses.
The University of Melbourne’s vice-chancellor, Duncan Maskell, wrote to his university’s community last week reiterating respect for peaceful protest was “core” to the university’s values.
The Jewish Council of Australia has condemned the wave of counter-protests, labelling one at the University of Melbourne on Thursday a “motley group of rightwing zionists”.
Its executive officer, Dr Max Kaiser, said students in the Gaza solidarity camps were taking a “brave and peaceful stand against genocide and should be heard”.
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artisticlegshake · 3 months
Teegan Moylan - THE DIFFERENCE
Emmerson Gertring - EVOKE
Adelyn Kolanz - DANCE UNIVERSE
Kylee Ngo - NOR CAL
Emmy Claire Kaiden - EVOKE
Vanessa Soto - DANCE DELUXE
Alexis Mayer - THE ROCK
Maddie De Dios - EVOKE
Sydney Duke - DANCE STUDIO 111
Kalli Ramet - LYNCHBURG
Zachary Gibson - CANDANCE
Kinsley Oykhman - THE ACADEMY
Allegra Post - SWEATSHOP
Sophia Schaino - ELITE DANCE PRO
Natalie Galla - THE DIFFERENCE
Cade Kaiser - THE PAC
Riley Zeitler - WESTLAKE
Lexi Godwin - EVOKE
Coltrane Vodicka - EVOKE
Paris Dimos - BRENT STREET
Ellie Brunson - MLDA
Aaliyah Dixon - SUMMIT
Georgia Beth Peters - JBP
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scotianostra · 3 months
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On June 21st 1919, 74 warships of the German fleet were scuttled in Scapa Flow, Orkney.
Learning that the German High Seas Fleet was to be turned over to the Allies, the Germans scuttled their own fleet at Scapa Flow, Scotland, on June 21, 1919. Before the British became aware of what had transpired, the fleet was almost beyond salvage and the German Navy, for all indent, had ceased to exist. As punishment, the Germans had to deliver almost everything left afloat in Germany, including cranes, tugs, and service craft.
The sinking of Germany's captive Imperial Navy off Orkney in 1919 signalled the death of the Kaiser's Reich.
Following the end of World War I in November 1918, 74 German ships were interned in Scapa Flow, a shallow, sheltered bay in the Orkney Islands north of Scotland that had served as one of the Royal Navy's key bases during the war.
The story of their scuttling, which inspired plays and films in the 1920s, was dramatic enough: Skeleton crews, disaffected and sick after months on board, had surreptitiously loosened portholes, drilled holes in bulkheads and left watertight doors open, waiting on the order from their commander, Admiral Ludwig von Reuter, aboard the fleet's flagship, the Emden.
Von Reuter, in turn, was waiting for the outcome of the peace talks in Paris, where the fate of Germany's ships was to be decided. Historians believe that von Reuter had been ordered to sink the ships at all costs (a violation of the Armistice agreement), but only if, as was expected, the Allies decided that they were to be seized. France, in particular, was said to be keen to acquire extra ships.
The British Navy suspected that the Germans were planning to sink the ships and prepared plans to stop them, but von Reuter found an opportunity in an alignment of circumstances: a delay to the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, which the German admiral was not kept informed of, and a bright day on June 21 that allowed the Royal Navy to leave the bay to go out on exercises.
After von Reuter sent out a signal by semaphore and searchlights at around 11:20 a.m., sea cocks, flood valves and internal pipes were opened. It took an hour for the news to reach Admiral Sydney Fremantle of the Royal Navy, leading the exercises, and another two for his fleet to return to Scapa Flow, by which time crews were only able to save 22 of the ships.
During the scuttling, some of the Germans were shot for refusing to go back to their ships to stop them from sinking, And 21 were wounded, mostly from bayonet wounds and being hit with rifle butts.
Thirteen World War I German sailors are now buried in a cemetery on the Orkney Islands: Nine were shot, and the others died during their internment — most probably victims of the flu.
The conditions during the internment were poor. Twenty-thousand Germans were initially brought to Scapa with the ships, though that was gradually reduced to about 1,800 by the time of the scuttling. The British were very strict, and tried everything to avoid allowing the sailors to get into contact with the local population here Life was pretty harsh, especially in autumn and winter. The weather here is pretty rough.
They weren't allowed off the ships. Their supplies had to come from Germany. We wouldn't give them anything. So it would have been pretty grim for them.
That segregation was partly motivated by fears of a spreading flu epidemic on board — but the British may also have had another "contamination" in mind: the spread of communism across Europe. The previous year's revolution in Germany had been started by mutinous sailors, and the vestiges of the class resentment were still on board.
There was still a lot of tensions between the officers and the rank and file, Many of the red sailors made clear that they were revolutionaries, and they to some extent even showed they despised their officers — by stamping on the decks to make it impossible for von Reuter to sleep. He eventually had to change his flagship because he got no sleep.
Nowadays, the last remains of all this drama (many of the ships were later raised) lie 30 meters below the surface. Scapa Flow has become a popular diving spot, where amateur regularly come to take a closer at the Kaiser's old ships.
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pixiecaps · 2 months
Hello! For the ask game:
Viajante, Parasita da Culpa, Zumbi de Sangue and Síndico Sydney: chose 3 characters and say how do you think they would play Minecraft 🫵 (like.would they really be into building? Would they die every 3 minutes, would they Speedrun the game immediately? Etc)
Viajante - What are moments that make you smile?
i think all the moments between arthur kaiser and joui honestly. the domestic nature between all of them. that love they all held for each other and they were always ALWAYS there for one another. i always think back to you know kaisers attacks and joui & arthur comforting him and kaiser taking a photo of them both so he could see them smile all the time. and man. the canon info of joui going over and cooking for ivette, arthur, and kaiser japanese & brazilian cuisines. and that it was either hit or miss on whether joui burnt it. and you know that bliss between the three and their little family. i think about all of jouis little jealous moments if someone stole away kaiser or arthurs affections. i think about that one photo kaiser drew on. i think about how arthur had lost so much in osnf and he still built up these bonds with people and he gained a new family! and i think about all the shared cigarettes between kaiser & arthur and i think about joui my body is a temple jouki only smoking if its with arthur or kaiser. i think about how kaiser could only look arthur and joui in the eyes. and i think about how they were each others rocks
Parasita da culpa - Which moment or concept would you change if you could, and how?
already answered but i’ll say something else. the change made to transcending after desconjuração. they nerfed my mechanic💔
Zumbi de Sangue - Favourite creature?
hmmmmm you know right now i’d say. its very close between two creatures but the one that takes first place is O Viajante. terrifying. INTENSE. those are scenes that i will never forget because the whole additional aspect the creature brought it was. unforgettable. definitely some of my favorite combats to date ive watched in ordem.
Síndico Sydney - Choose 3 characters and say how do you think they would play Minecraft
omg this is such a fun question
kaiser would be so tryhard when it comes to pvp he’d play on sooo many servers to train he’d love doing shit with strategy and learning how to best kill people. he’d probably have some anonymous reputation online as “Angel of the Night” where no one knows who he is but they all know that when hes there theyre all doomed. he WILL SWEEP. i imagine he has a dark looking skin with like a cloak or something. kinda bbh vibe but all black perhaps
but then when arthur suggests to do a multiplayer world hes so down and its funny cause this sorta infamous pvp god playing with two pretty indifferent players: arthur and joui.
arthur would be decent hes not as good at pvp like kaiser but hes good with the controls and he knows how to play which is the most important part. he takes more of a leadership role with gathering resources and making super efficient farms for the other two to never worry about anything. he’d probably also build their house but its not like hes an incredible builder its just a regular shack but its their regular shack<3 they all have their beds next to each other
which is where we get to joui. he’d be the one begging arthur to collect dyes in their colors like red, green, purple so all their beds are cute and together. he’d be. pretty shit with controls and. everything. he doesnt really understand the game or the point he only agreed to play because he didnt want to miss out on arthur kaiser time. the fomo. so thats how he gets himself involved into this “minecraft” shit. all he does really is follow arthur or kaiser around on their adventures. arthur would probably give joui instructions like collect all the stones with black stuff thts coal and joui would actually do good at that. if hes given a mission he’ll complete it smoothly. kaiser likes trying to train joui but he’s a longgg way from being a pro pvp player like him but kaiser encourages him and tries to make him understand how critting works. joui and kaiser probably go out at night to fight mobs together to get specific resources arthur needs and joui probably dies a couple times but he doesnt back down
they end up having a pretty nice world and maybe with a few months of playing joui can actually hold his ground. kaiser collects flowers to put around their shack and arthur starts wanting to add mods and. theyre happy. they play any free time they have off missions.
ask game
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quinnorion · 5 months
Vu que j'ai changé de blog, les avatars que j'avais postés sur le précédent ne sont plus (sauf s'ils ont été reblogués quelque part) donc je poste cette petite liste avec mes (anciennes) galeries pour d'éventuel.les intéressé.e.s.
Adeline Rudolph
Adria Arjona
Alisha Boe
Andy Blossom
Anya Chalotra
Anya Taylor Joy
Ashley Moore
Aslihan Malbora
Aubri Ibrag
Boran Kuzum
Bruna Marquezine
Burak Çelik
Callum Turner
Camila Morrone ( 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 )
Carla Guetta
Cenit Nadir
Charleen Weiss
Davika Hoorne
Gideon Adlon
Go Minsi ( 1 / 2)
Grace Van Patten ( 1 / 2 )
Hannah Dodd
Jessica Alexander ( 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 )
Jodie Comer
Jonetta Kaiser
Kim Jennie
Kim Yoojung ( 1 / 2 )
Laura Harrier
Lauren De Graaf
Lucy Boynton
Madelyn Cline ( 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 )
Maia Cotton
Mara Lafontan ( 1 / 2 )
Mel Jarnson
Natasha Liu Bordizzo
Neelam Gill
Nikkita Chadha
NiNi ( 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 )
Oliver Jackson Cohen
Rafaella Consentino
Renata Notni ( 1 / 2 )
Rubina Dyan
Sabrina Carpenter
Savannah Lee Smith
Simone Ashley
Sobhita Dhulipala ( 1 / 2 / 3 )
Sydney Park
Tati Gabrielle
Taylor Lashae
Taylor Russell
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cefonteyn · 2 years
European History and Sensibilities in 1899 season 1
Please forgive the length of this post -- I know I'm rambling, but I am so taken by the depth and brilliance of this show. For context, I'm an Indian immigrant to the United States, who studied American and European history and literature in the U.S. As you might imagine, I have many, many thoughts about 19th century European history and ideologies evident in 1899.
One of the really fascinating things to me about 1899 is how European it is -- obviously in terms of the nationalities of the actors and the characters, but also in terms of one of the show's leitmotifs: you cannot run from your station in life.
There were populist revolutions across Europe in 1848. They broadly failed, and the monarchs won. So in 1899, Europe was still a land of kaisers and czars (both words that come from Caesar, immediately locating 19th century Europe within a two-thousand year history of inherited status).
This is in direct opposition to the American myth, right? The idea that you can come from nothing and become the king of the world. That's a story Americans love to tell and hear, and when we Americans talk about European immigration in the 19th century, that's the way we tell the story. "All men are created equal," we say. This is where you're supposed to come if you're the "poor huddled masses yearning to breathe free." New York, specifically, is where Lady Liberty holds her lamp beside the golden door. (Lady Liberty is European, of course -- but she is French. France had a successful republican revolution in 1791, relapsed with a series of emperors, but by 1899 was a republic again.)
That's why the Kerberos is bound for New York, and not Buenos Aires or Sydney or Bombay. The American myth calls to all our friends on the Kerberos. The show begins with an American poet's words. Olek repeatedly looks at an image of the Statue of Liberty. Virginia explicitly says, "Everyone is running from something." They all hope to escape their pasts and begin anew in America, specifically, because of America's foundational mythos. Maura hopes to become a woman doctor. Tove hopes to lead a normal life with her baby and siblings. Iben hopes to establish a church rather than toiling in the fields.
But they never make it to New York. They've tried "dozens of times," Daniel tells Maura, but the ship never reaches its destination. Because New York isn't real. These European have no hope, ever, of successfully becoming the masks they wear. Angel says exactly this to Ramiro: "You cannot change the nature of things." Later on, it seems that he has had a change of heart, but his realization comes too late, and he's never able to act on his epiphany and become a better person.
Consider the stories of Ling Yi, Lucien, and Franz.
In the British colony of Hong Kong, Ling Yi tries to steal her way into a better life. The results are disastrous: she loses her best friend. Later, she loses her mother. Even though she acknowledges to her mother that she's not entitled to have dreams, she begins a dreamy relationship with Olek -- and then loses the boy she loves. By the end, she's lost everyone she cares about. There is nothing left of the better life she tried to steal from Mei Mei. The ship isn't real. The ocean isn't real. Even her beautiful stolen kimono is gone. The only familiar presence left in her life, the only person with whom she can communicate, is her pimp.
Like Ling Yi, Lucien tried to steal an identity. He returned to Paris from French Algeria trying to live out a dead man's life, and learned that the universe would not allow it. He accepts his death as soon as Eyk announces that he's heading for the Prometheus, and later tells Clemence, "I didn't get what I wanted. I got what I deserved." He understands his fate as almost a karmic balance. He stole a dead man's life, and now he has to die, too.
And then there's Franz. He's the "American" on board, in the sense that he does what a prototypical American would appreciate. He's clearly of a lower-class background and builds solidarity with the working class. He attempts to democratize the ship by empowering the underclass -- giving them arms. And when he feels that the ship's leader is not doing a good job, he seizes power to redirect the ship to its original course. It could almost be in the U.S. Declaration of Independence, which starts by justifying the American Revolution. His actions are so very American that he could almost be heroic.
Of course, the name Franz is related to France. France gave critical support to America in its revolution. Then, as I said above, it had its own bloody revolution and deposed its king. By 1899, France was a republic. So maybe it's more accurate to say that Franz is the French revolutionary, not the American.
But either way, in 1899, he's not a hero. His coup fails. Nobody shows him any respect at all, from haughty first mate Sebastian, to dignified first-class passenger Maura, right down to humble stoker Olek. The crew that was initially on his side turns against him (before he's deactivated, Wilhelm admits that Eyk had been right all along). Even the third-class passengers Franz empowered lose respect for him by the end, when he can't explain the mysterious Calling.
So, in the second half of the show, Franz returns to his proper place: under Eyk's command. (Just like France returned to imperial rule under Napoleon, even after its revolution.) Eyk is above deck, seeking philosophical enlightenment, exploring the nature of the mystery with Maura. And Franz is lower than ever, in the lowest part of the ship, performing manual labor: shoveling coal. When the storm hits, he doesn't even know until someone comes down to tell him.
In contrast, consider Olek. He never, ever subverts his station in life. Even when he's frustrated by Eyk, he does everything the captain requests. He treats everyone with deference, not even meeting their eyes, because he understands that he's lowest ranked. Even the relationships he forges -- the friendship with stowaway Jerome and relationship with prostitute Ling Yi -- are with people in his own class/rank.
Notably, Olek is Polish. In 1899, Poland hadn't existed for over 100 years; it had been divided between the Russian Empire, the Austro-Hungarians, and Prussia (later the German Empire). Olek is literally nobody, from no land.
And for knowing his place in life, he is rewarded by the universe: he ends up acting in stead of the captain, steering the ship. (Brilliantly, Olek's name comes from Alexander, as in Alexander the Great. It may not be immediately apparent to people who dismiss him as a "Polack," but Olek has rich history and leadership in his name.)
And finally, there's Eyk himself. His old-fashioned name also means "ruler," from the word for oak trees under which village heads issued their rulings. And he is the definite ruler of the ship. He is imperious and stern to start, and Maura immediately recognizes from the way that he carries himself that he is the ship's captain. He knows Morse code, and how to read naval maps, and the depth of the sea. He also knows how to read his crew and order them around.
Eyk exhibits a magnetic charisma, which works on everyone. Jerome and Ramiro, who would rather have kept their heads down and stayed out of the spotlight, end up risking their lives for him. Sebastian apologizes to him before deactivating him. Even Daniel -- for whom Eyk is a romantic rival -- helps Eyk, agrees with him publicly, and eventually just moves him elsewhere rather than deactivating him.
But as events get stranger, Eyk's behavior becomes erratic. He drinks heavily on the job. He treats officers, crew, and passengers poorly. He makes an imperious decision against the wishes of every single person on board. George III lost America for the same thing. Julius Caesar died for that, and so did Louis XVI.
But the mutiny against Eyk fails. Tove, who points a rifle at Eyk and informs him that they're turning the ship around, is also the first person to defect from the mutineers. She says to him, "Du bist der Kapitan." After the Calling, everyone again acknowledges Eyk as the captain. When the crisis of the storm begins, it's Eyk they seek first, before turning to Sebastian and Franz.
The show presents this as the correct order of things. Eyk is sympathetic, intelligent, and noble, in every sense of the word. We, the audience, love him for it. Even when we sympathize with Franz, we never agree with him and turn against Eyk.
So, the first season reifies the 1899 European idea that one ought to act in accordance with one's class status. Escaping one's station in life is impossible, and attempting to do so always leads to disaster.
(Here I would be remiss not to mention the relationship to Hinduism and Buddhism. The idea that everyone's life circumstances are a reflection of their actions in their past lives, and therefore should not be avoided or changed? That's Hinduism. The idea that the universe is an illusion? It's called maya, and it's in Hinduism and Buddhism. The idea that attachment to the illusory things of maya necessarily brings suffering, that suffering distracts you from your true self as part of atman and your goal of achieving moksha -- of being blown out of existence like a candle (nirvana) -- of achieving liberation from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth: all of this is in Hinduism and Buddhism. It's exactly what Daniel tries to tell Maura.
Europeans in the 19th century were familiar with these concepts. Knowledge of Hinduism and Buddhism was quite fashionable not only in Britain, but across the continent, and it remained so into the 20th century. See, e.g., Hermann Hesse's 1927 German novel Siddhartha about the Buddha, or this Polish translation of the Sanskrit Ramayana from 1937.)
Of course, European history didn't end in 1899. Major shifts were on the horizon; a century of war was about to begin, reshaping Europe's map several times. European nations bit into one another, sometimes spitting each other out, sometimes swallowing each other whole.
The British empire continued to lose its global power. World War I ended Eyk's German Empire and established the Weimar Republic, setting the stage for the Third Reich. The 1917 Revolution ended Imperial Russia and established the Soviet Union. The Treaty of Paris reestablished Olek's Poland. Civil war raged in Angel's Spain. World War II began in 1937 on the Sino-Japanese front, and Ling Yi's Hong Kong was occupied by Japan. Olek's Poland was occupied by Germany, as was Clemence, Lucien, and Jerome's France.
And then the Cold War raged. Europe was split in two. America became a superpower and spread its sensibilities across war-ravaged Western Europe, while the Soviet Union did the same in the East. Eyk's Germany was itself split.
Until, finally, came the mostly peaceful Revolutions of 1989 (the same numerals as 1899!), fulfilling the populist promise of the 1848 revolutions. Round Table Talks -- beginning in Olek's Poland -- spread capitalist democracy across Eastern Europe. The Berlin Wall came down later the same year in Eyk's Germany.
(Jantje and Bo are German, too, of course. Their age and vantage point in Central Europe means they have a wonderful perspective on late 20th century European history.)
The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, leaving America as the sole world power. Obviously, Europe is not America. To this day, America is a very libertarian country, ruled by a worship of individualism and the belief that riches and success are only a reinvention away. European countries are not ruled by this same fundamental ideology.
But in the 20th century, we Americans exported (read: forced) some of ourselves across the world, including in Europe, very often in evil ways. A lot of it was horrible and self-interested. We ruined lives. We ruined generations. We ruined entire nations.
But not all of it was bad. (Black Americans invented jazz and rock and roll, after all, and it's the latter genre that plays at the end of every episode.) And one of the things we exported was our foundational myth -- our belief -- now widely accepted in many parts of the world, including modern Europe: that it is inherently right and correct that people should chart their own destinies rather than being forced into roles determined at birth.
(Not to suggest that self-determination is uniquely American. Other cultures have this belief indigenously, of course! I only mean that we exported our own version.)
At the end of the first season, we see the same people that we've gotten to know, but in a new historical context. They no longer believe that they are in 1899; now it seems they're in 2099. They're not exactly in America, but they are in the territory that America claimed to have won spiritually in 1969, in its space race with the Soviet Union. (Of course, we now acknowledge space as a place for all humans, not for any race or nationality. That kind of unity is reflected in post-WWII organizations like the United Nations...and the European Union.)
And so I wonder if the same leitmotif will play in the next step of these characters' journey, or if the next season will reflect Europe's 20th century: changing social roles. Democratization. Mass murder and genocide. Waning empires and anti-immigration sentiments. Homophobia, transphobia, sexism, and gender equality and increased LGBTQ+ rights. Socialism and austerity.
I really hope the next season embraces the next chapter in Europe's history. If so, it promises to be a very interesting season, marked with sharp internal and external conflicts and contradictions. Because, to borrow a phrase from the American poet Walt Whitman, Europe is large, it contains multitudes.
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bugsinthebayou · 1 year
a mini version of the oc tournament
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mortalfollies · 5 months
From a guardian article on Australian university encampments. Most of the article is spinning it as antisemitism.
“Students for Palestine organiser Shovan Bhattarai said the protest movement “unequivocally opposes discrimination and oppression”.
“A lot of Jewish students, some of the key organisers of the camps … totally disagree with their Jewish identity being weaponised,” she said.
Bhattarai said students would be prepared to “lower the temperature”, as Clare has urged, when the number of “bombs raining down on Gaza have lowered”.
“This situation taking place right now in Gaza is escalating,” she said. “Things are getting worse. The death toll is rising … the voices to stand up for Palestine should rise.”
The Jewish Council of Australia’s executive officer, Dr Max Kaiser, said protesters were “taking a brave and peaceful stand against genocide”, adding many Jews had been part of the campus encampments.”
Don’t let anyone tell you it’s antisemitism. Fuck Zionists & fuck the government & journalists trying to spin this into antisemitism.
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atl0yalty · 2 years
          starter call           /          her gloves are worn in, fraying around her wrists and ripped around her palms-     she needs to find new ones, but supplies are hard enough to come by these days. clothes are relatively easy to scavenge, and she doesn't need a whole wardrobe anyway. but the gloves? they're a priority.     scouting out a long abandoned town just outside of virginia, sydney kept low and out of sight, wary more of the living than the dead now. the dead, at least, were predictable. the living, less so. and desperate people were dangerous-     sydney would know. she is too.          crouched down to reach through to the back of a shelf, syd pushed her tongue into the inside of her cheek as she felt around for something, anything she could use to wrap her hands. a noise, the smallest of scuffs-imperceptible to the untrained ear, but easily detected by one with the experience sydney had.     with no hesitation, sydney dropped her free hand down to her side, slipping her gun into her gloved fingers and holding it up with alarming ease-     her eyes turned, head following, jaw clenched.          '          i'm not the kind of person you want to sneak up on.          '          she warned. @careol.
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slashaer · 6 months
⭐ ( gimme all of u i’m greedy ty x )
send a ⭐ for muses i would be interested in throwing at yours / potential muse combinations.
madison montgomery & john bender - just because of the attitudes and how potentially toxic they would be.
alex russo & michael moscovitz - i just think they would absolutely vibe. they're both so chill. he can play some music and she can do whatever she wants.
aurora renaud & jack skellington - i'm imagining aurora wandering into the feywilds and ending up stumbling upon jack, who is also lost in there lmao.
verna & omen lancaster - omen is a witch and a wanderer who helps creatures and monsters where needed. it's giving kind of opposites vibes, but they'd have a mutual respect i think.
addison montgomery & mateo rivera - mateo is my ga oc who starts as an intern at the hospital and obviously moves up from there. he's an ex con, so everyone either is scared of him or whispers about him. maybe he can work with addison and she can see he's not bad.
stu macher & any of your scream muses - i have verses where he survived, so we can work with a bunch of stuff.
carlisle cullen & joyce byers - doctor moves to the small down several years ago to help out. he's probably seen the boys come through his clinic a lot and he's grown fond of joyce. he wants to help where he can.
taissa turner & natalie scatorccio - with tai paying for nat's rehab, i would just love to see their dynamic more. also when they're teens.
tatiana vasiliev & genevieve belmont - both vampires. gen is on the run and is hiding out in a poppy house / vampire lounge, so maybe tatiana can frequent there or go there for information or something.
sydney kaiser & cain fahey - can be rival assassins, or she can meet him after he goes rogue. or she can even be the one sent after him when he goes rogue.
ra mi young & rick grimes or joel miller - love me some apocalypse things, so i'm down for either ra mi young being the doctor in rick's group, or her tagging along with joel / ellie or even meeting her where tommy is.
ares asare & john wick - i didn't see any information for ares, but i'm sure there's a ton of potential.
johanna avery & dana polk or daniel le domas - take your pick of my final girl or my final boy. they can bond or hate each other. and perhaps get into another horror Together.
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at-sabohteurs · 6 months
( sc. ) she appears at @charmsurvive's side without warming, stealth drilled into her during her training until she's a ghost. it's early morning, a careful fog settles over charming and sydney's heterochromatic eyes are hidden by the sunglasses she's wearing, despite the lack of sun. in her gloved hand, a take out cup from starbucks. the other shoved into the pocket of her leather jacket. " salut comment ça va ? " she drawled, a touch of the morning in her voice, and her nose crinkled as she watched the sunrise.
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" fuck, it's early . . . or late ? i haven't slept yet - why are we here at - " hand slips from pocket and rises, turning over to show her the watch face fastened to the underside of her wrist, sleeve pulled back slightly by the motion. " . . . i don't know why i checked this, it hasn't worked in a year. "
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gracie-bird · 11 months
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Mrs. Frederic S. Claghorn (left) and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer Jr. meet at the Chestnut Hill home of Mrs. Joseph S. Rambo (right) to complete plans for Oct. 30 gala being sponsored by women's division of Eastern Pennsylvania Multiple Sclerosis Society at Academy of Music.
The Philadelphia Inquirer (Sunday, October 12, 1969).
Dance honors Princess Brace Princess Grace of Monaco will be guest of honor at a "champagne dance" on Thursday, Oct. 30, at the Academy of Music Ballroom. Mrs. Joseph S. Rambo, of Chestnut Hill, is honorary chairman of the gala being sponsored by the Eastern Pennsylvania Multiple Sclerosis Society to raise funds to support research in finding the cause and control of this disease.
Festivities will begin with cocktails at 5 P. M. followed by dancing to the music of Romig, Lewis and Carney orchestras.
Mrs. William E. Milhollen, Mrs. William A. Roth and Mrs. A. Ardley Henkels, are cochairmen.
Assisting the chairmen in arrangements for the Oct. 30 dance will be Mrs. Lloyd M. Coates, Mrs. George Morris Dorrance, Mrs. Frank B. Axelrod, Mrs. Frank Garofolo, Mrs. Morris R. Shaffer, Mrs. Alan D. Ameche, Mrs. Kershaw Burbank, Mrs. Murray Firestone, Mrs. F. Howard Goodwin Jr., Miss Ann Jane Callan, Mrs. Margaret K. Con-Ian, Mrs. Sydney Daroff, Mrs. Michael Daroff and Mrs. Edward Dudlik. Also, Mrs. Frederick H. Le vis Jr., Miss Marian Hayes, Mrs. W.Thacher Longstreth, Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer Jr., Mrs. Paul R. Kaiser, Mrs.Frederic S. Claghorn, Mrs. Russell Levin, Mrs. William Levinson, Mrs. Donald LeVine. Others are Henry S. McNeil, Mrs. Walter J. Maiden, Miss Patricia Lockhart, Mrs. Charles Nicholson, Mrs. Elizabeth Orr, Mrs. B. Arthur Pinney, Mrs. William Putnam, Miss Mildred Rinker, Mrs. Henriette Wallace, Mrs. Stanley A. Welsh Jr., Mrs. Michael A. Walsh, Mrs. Thomas A. Wood Jr., Mrs. Douglas H. Worrall Jr., Mrs. Vernon D. Wright, Mrs. Charles Wilson, Mrs. Robert G. Wilder.
"Opening Night" is the theme of the sixth annual West Park Hospital Ball to be held Saturday evening at Radnor Valley Country Club.
The ball is sponsored by the Women's Auxiliary of the Hospital and is cochairmened by Mr. and Mrs. Aaron N. Cohen. Proceeds will benefit the hospital building fund campaign and a new cardiac unit.
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locke-writes · 1 year
2k Celebration - OC Playlist: Can I please request a playlist for my Star Trek OC called “Sydney Berlin”, please? Thank you SO much!! 😘 Here is her profile!
Sydney grew up not knowing her father, she lost her mother at five, and has since been raised by Montgomery Scott, who she sees as the father she never had, is now at the end of her last year at Starfleet Academy, where she dreams of exploring the stars and planets. With only a few months left until graduation from the Starfleet Academy and the summer to herself, Sydney tries her hardest to make every moment count, all while keeping an eye on the new cadets who move next door, including a certain Russian boy who unknowingly makes it all worth while.
You Can Have It All - Kaiser Chiefs
Shooting the Moon - Mona
Punisher - Phoebe Bridgers
Human - The Killers
Lions - Moon Taxi
Oceans - Puscifer
Lemon Eyes - Meg Myers
Survivor - Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats
Embryonic - Slow Motion Reign
Catch A Star - Men At Work
Just A Girl - No Doubt
Young - Sam Smith
Thursday Girl - Mitski
King of the Clouds - Panic! At the Disco
Put Your Money On Me - The Struts
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