#✧ — as : tess ocean.
dcminions · 8 months
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OCEAN'S ELEVEN dir. steven soderbergh
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the-bitter-ocean · 8 months
Floof squad but…Mysims?! @comicaurora
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queenofthequillandink · 7 months
Sexualities of the original Ocean's crew, as decided by me and my partner while watching Ocean's 13:
Danny: Straight, but has fucked Rusty. Liked it well enough, but decided that he wasn't into men. Would still do it again.
Rusty: Bisexual, but in denial. Liked fucking Danny way more than Danny liked fucking him and doesn't know what to do with that information.
Basher: Pansexual. Has never once cared what was in someone's pants, unless it was explosives. And then he was even more excited.
Livingston: Too anxious to have a sexuality. Would pass out if put in a situation where he was expected to have sex. Homoromantic.
Linus: Genuinely does not know. Is trying to have whatever the coolest sexuality is, mostly by copying Danny and Rusty, but is getting signals that he doesn't understand due to the "will fuck men platonically" and "deep repression," respectively.
Frank: Straight. I'm sorry, my guy just has very straight energy. Highly vocal ally though. Dated a lot of girls that turned out to be lesbians and loves hanging out with them.
Yen: Slut. The rest of his sexuality doesn't matter. The most important thing is that this man fucks, and he fucks often.
Turk: Straight, but has somehow only managed to ever date trans women. It's not a fetish and he's genuinely not doing it on purpose.
Virgil: Queer. If it happens, it happens. Will only date people who annoy his brother.
Saul: Straight, but only has gay friends. Lived through the hippie 60s and the AIDS crisis. Threw a Molotov cocktail on Reagan's White House lawn.
Reuben: Are you fucking kidding me? Gay.
Tess: Demisexual. Will become attracted to both men and women, but she has to know them well first. Does not know this about herself.
Roman: Gay and isn't hiding it, but isn't flaunting it either. He'll tell you if you ask, but you do have to ask. Greco is his ex and the guys at boarding school made a LOT of GrecoRoman jokes.
Benedict: Considers having a sexuality a waste of time and energy. Only gets off as a bodily function like any other and doesn't understand why no one else treats sex this way. Has not considered that not everyone feels this way about sex.
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bbaked-beans · 10 months
content warnings: eyestrain, implied death and blood, be careful 💖
So @the-bitter-ocean and I had a conversation one time and it spawned into the creation of a comic (which has been in the works since the 7th of august)
Ocean did the lineart and composition and I did the colouring (and I fucked up the 7th panel ((sorry dude)) :3)
So, without further ado, here's our creation, gaze upon our work and weep:
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(characters and inspiration from @comicaurora)
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gheenue · 8 months
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call me hydrophilic the way i defend danny ocean
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picklesjam · 1 year
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I found my mom who looks like my mom.
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sabohteurs · 1 month
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i'm gonna get you back, tess & danny ocean ft. @cultfic )
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gravitywonagain · 2 months
mdzs heist au where wei wuxian and wen ning have the same dialogue cadence as danny ocean and rusty ryan
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blackacre13 · 1 year
I hope you like this: Lou adopts Danny's or one of her workers' baby and she shows up with him to visit Debbie in prison. Debbie is shocked and has all her walls up but over the years the 3 bond during the visits. When she's out, the fight over Claude is a bit more tense. Lou's afraid Debbie will get bored and go away while Debbie thinks she's not good enough for them. Until one day Deb and the boy surprise Lou with a proposal and then they surprise Debbie with him agreeing to be adopted by Deb
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(Slight variation of this that I hope you still enjoy🙈 needed to take some artistic license)
“Lou,” Tammy breathed, bursting through the door of the loft. “I came as soon as I saw your text. Are you okay? Please tell me you didn’t do anything crazy. I haven’t heard from you since the news about Danny and well—“
“Well, I can’t say it’s not crazy,” Lou grinned, looking somewhat nervous but excited. “But it’s not scotch related. Well, he was the result of a night of booze,” the blonde snorted.
“You didn’t,” Tammy whisper-hissed, closing the door behind her. “You slept with someone? Drunk? You just said—“
“I did not sleep with someone,” Lou rolled her eyes. “And I didn’t lie. I wasn’t drinking. And please. Like I’d ever stoop as low as to sleep with a man. I thought you knew me. No, I—I picked someone up today,” she smiled, walking towards the living room where a crib came into view.
“Lou…” Tammy spoke slowly. “Is that…”
“This is Charlie,” Lou smiled, waving the little boy’s tiny hand at Tammy. “Danny’s son. Well, I guess he’s my son now.”
“I think I need to sit down.”
“It’s a lot, I know,” Lou nodded, cradling the boy against her chest as he coped, a finger tugging at her fringe. “But it’s kind of perfect, Tam. I mean, not perfect. Losing Danny was…I don’t have the words for it. I don’t think any of us ever will. But well, I saw Tess last week. And she’s been in a lot of pain. And she knows I’ve been in a lot of pain. I guess I’m the only other person she knows who’s sort of also lost an Ocean.”
“Your Ocean is coming back,” Tammy reminded her, still not able to look away from the baby, or how natural Charlie looked in Lou’s arms as she rocked him side to side.
“From jail, yeah,” Lou agreed. “But we don’t know she’s coming back to me. As much as I want that and crave that, and still love her as much as I did I—“
“I won’t push,” Tammy whispered, smiling sadly. “I know. It’s not a decision that falls solely on you. And I know there’s a lot left unsaid. And some unfinished—“
“Skulls to crush?” Lou provided, still bouncing Charlie. “Actually, just the one will do. I can’t wait to get ahold of Becker and just—“
“Maybe not so much with the violence while you’re holding a baby, right?” Tammy winced. “I mean now that you’re a—wait. What are you? Are you babysitting? Are you taking on Deb’s responsibilities as aunt? Shit. You said you did something crazy. Fuck. Lou. You said he’s your son? Oh my god. When the hell did you and Danny—”
Lou shot a death glare at the other woman above the boys head before she physically shuddered, closing her eyes as she tried to shake the unasked question away from existence.
“Absolutely not. God, Tam. That’s like incest or something. How could you even—just, no. Let me finish. Like I was saying, I saw Tess. And she’s been falling apart since we lost Danny. And raising Charlie, it was just too hard. Too much like seeing a little Danny look back at her. And a whole lot of hurt and angst I won’t get into. But I’m sure you know as best as we can. And well, for the reasons raising Charlie was making her ache, she thought that maybe it would do the opposite for me. Bring me out of a slump. Give me someone to take care of now that I’m taking care of myself again. So I can be a better person for myself, you know. And you. And—and Deb. And I think she felt terrible for even suggesting this and please, Tam, don’t judge Tess. She just wants what’s best for him and—“
“God,” Tammy breathed. “No, I could never. I can’t imagine what she’s gone through and of course. Of course we all just want what’s best for our kids.”
“She still wants to be in his life, but she just doesn’t feel like she can be the parent he needs. So, Tess sort of, made me Charlie’s legal guardian and if things go well? I want to adopt him. And Deb to one day. You know. If she wants.”
“Fuck. How is Debbie going to take all this?”
“I don’t know,” Lou sighed. “But we just got cleared.”
“Charlie,” Lou smiled softly, brushing a curl away from his face. “We’re clear to visit Deb. After all, she hasn’t ever had the chance to meet her nephew. I think it could help her with Danny. It could maybe—“
“How do you know she’ll want to see you this time?” Tammy asked quietly. “I know how many times you’ve tried and she’s—“
“She’s ashamed,” Lou shrugged. “And stubborn. And I know she blames herself for all of it. Claude. And prison. And Danny. And us. But I just—Fuck, I’d give anything to see her. And I want her to meet Charlie. And I just—I just want to see her face. Show her there’s hope. There’s something waiting for her on the outside when she gets through all this. There’s—there’s us. And we know her already. Love her already.” Lou smiled, turning Charlie around in her arms as he gurgled up at Tammy. “We’re just waiting for her to come home.”
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Tess: Danny and I are having a baby.
Linus: That's gre-
Danny, slamming adoption papers on the table: It's you, sign here.
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ralphiesaces · 2 years
danny and rusty’s song is literally worst of you by maisie peters and its from rusty’s pov
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smallblueandloud · 1 year
“Is now a good time?” comes Debbie’s voice.
“Oh, hey, sure,” says Tess. “What’s up?”
“This is my one call,” says Debbie, dryly. “I’m in prison.”
Tess flicks on her turn indicator. “Uh huh.”
round and round we go, ocean's 11, 2.4k. tess and danny, tess and rusty, tess and danny and rusty -- somehow, among all of that, debbie's always been the easiest for tess.
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livvyofthelake · 2 years
watching ticket to paradise with my mom tonight :) i love you tess and danny ocean slayyyyy
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solreefs · 2 years
kotlc ocean’s 11 au except we cut the romance subplot in favor of even more shenanigans
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carladuquette · 1 year
- Does he make you laugh?
- He doesn’t make me cry.
Danny and Tess, Ocean’s 11 (2001)
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