#✧ main verse ―≽ ♬ ♩ a world of our own ♪ ♫
wpureimagination · 6 months
ੈ✩‧₊˚·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ continued with @gollldrush from (x) *ੈ✩‧₊˚
A small smirk grazed Willy's lips at Leo's insistence. It was kind of her to think she needed to care for him so, even if a little unnecessary. He'd been doing just fine for the past few days. Although, the only reason she hadn't found out sooner is it had been much easier to hide. Now, though...Well, his body ached. And, quite frankly, he hadn't had a good night's sleep the past few days either. He supposed, though, he should have expected this to happen. Diving in the middle of 60 degree waters to collect ingredients for his chocolates hadn't exactly been one of his smartest ideas. But the colder waters were where they were the freshest! It had been a sacrifice he was willing to make, though he hadn't considered the more long term consequences.
"Thank you," he hummed with a little nod as he took the tea into his hands. The warm steam was enough to relax him just a little for the time being, a warm smile gracing his features. "The little orange man? Well...I suppose he and a few others could take over for a little while, but..." He swallowed, grimacing at the pain in his throat. Perhaps she was right...
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"Well, I don't know. I can't just ask that of them..It's a lot of work to put on such a small group of such small people..." Besides that, he wanted to keep working. Making chocolates was not just a job for Mr. Wonka, it was a lifestyle. What would he do with himself if he had to stop?! Still, her words were very convincing...
"Ah, well, you are right about that..."
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wpureimagination · 6 months
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"Have a colourful, wonderful, splendiferously jubilant day today! To those of you celebrating Easter, I wish you a happy one. For the trans folks out there I wish you all the best in your journey of self-discovery! And in any other circumstance may your day be filled with many sweets shared with the ones you love! Oh! And if you haven't anyone to celebrate with, consider this your special invitation from a dear friend to come celebrate life and diversity! Grab your sweetest treats and let's make today magical!"
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wpureimagination · 6 months
would you say your muse is a risk taker, or do they prefer to play it safe?
"I'd say I take a healthy amount of risks," Willy admits with a shrug. Brows lift, a reminiscent smile gracing his lips. Pride swells in his chest, his eyes glimmering with the excitement of the memories of his journey to owning a factory. "If I hadn't taken the risks I have, I wouldn't have made it to where I am today."
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wpureimagination · 6 months
ੈ✩‧₊˚·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ continued with @songs-and-stitches from (x) *ੈ✩‧₊˚
"No problem at all! My fault," he quickly replied to her apology. He tossed his cane in the air and caught it, then beckoned her to follow him, striding briskly to the other corner of the room where a rather magical looking contraption was set up to cook up his newest creation. He pulled a bright-pink lever, then pressed a few buttons and...It started working! The gears turned, steam piped out of the top, chocolate started to slide down the tubes...It seemed fine, except...
"Now, come this way..!" He jogged around to the other side of the huge machine where the chocolates would exit on a small conveyor belt. Unfortunately, what appeared on that side looked...Well... Willy stomped his foot on the ground in frustration, his hands on his hips as he rolled his eyes with an irritated sigh. The chocolate looked nothing like any of his other creations--dull, bland, a pile of chunks and cream with burnt edges. Quickly, the chocolatier ran back round to turn the machine off once more before it could spit out anymore monstrosities.
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"Blast! You see? Can't get it to make a proper candy for the life of me. It was supposed to make these little round things, see?" He pulled a sketch from his inner jacket pocket to show off. It was a rough image, but bold and colourful nonetheless with a golden W branded in the centre of the truffle, orange and white swirls decorating the outside. Nothing like what had popped out of the machine.
"Any ideas?"
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wpureimagination · 6 months
Word had spread; Rumours. There was a brand new chocolate shop, just opened up, and one like no other. People claimed the chocolate could make you fly. Could re-grow hair. Could boost your confidence. Rockland couldn't tell if what everyone was saying was hyperbole, or whether there was something real at play, but he planned on finding out. Maybe something there could help. At the very least, hopefully the chocolate could make for a nice pick-me up.
The teen didn't have to search very hard; there was a lineup out the door, grand banners with Wonka across them, waved in the breeze. The scent of chocolate wafted out, and the crowds buzzed in anticipation. Person after person stepped out with armloads of chocolate. Were they rich, or was this supposedly magical chocolate actually affordable, too? He was waiting on the catch.
His knee was getting stiff by the time he stepped inside, but the shop served as a great distraction; it was... breathtaking. He steadied in his tracks, jaw slack with wonder.
The buzzing sound of crowds, of people trailing through the factory was music to Willy's ears. Often, Mr. Wonka would take time to visit as many individuals as he could throughout the day. He was there to offer assistance to anyone that had questions, help those in need choose the perfect chocolate. And, of course, offer samples and encouragement to those hesitant to eat the decor. "Everything in this room can be eaten," he hummed to a young girl who had asked about a toadstool growing by the cherry tree. Promptly, he took a bight of one of the flowers to prove his point, to her astonishment. "Go on!"
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The chocolatier was happily going on like this, chatting with groups as they walked in and greeting parents at the doors. It was a busy day for his chocolate shop, but Willy didn't mind it. Far from it! He loved to be overwhelmed with business--and busyness--flitting from one person to the next. It was where he got all of that delightful, bubbly energy of his! Course, his legs were beginning to grow tired from standing for so long, but that was simple all the more reason to keep moving! His attention, though, was caught by the young teen now stepping through the doors. He recognized the look of wonder in his eyes and it warmed his heart to see it.
Happy to introduce himself, Mr. Wonka stepped up just behind the young boy, a gentle hand resting on his shoulder with hopes of not startling him too badly..
"Isn't it marvelous?" he whispered, beaming. "Welcome to Wonka's. Please, do make yourself at home, and feel free to try anything! Would be a shame if no one tasted the tulips or nibbled on the sweet peppermint path. I put a lot of work into those, you know."
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wpureimagination · 2 months
What are some of your favorite memories with your Mom?
"Ah! I was just thinking of her... Seems everyone wants to know a little more about Mamma. I have loads of wonderful memories with her, of course! She was a magnificent cook. I loved to help her make dinner, especially when we had enough ingredients to make something really special! Her chicken noodle soup was the best I ever tasted--just like her chocolate. I remember she'd make that soup for me whenever I fell sick. No matter how hard she had to work to get the ingredients together, she'd always manage it somehow...I don't know how she did it! I certainly can't recreate it for myself--isn't quite the same that way. Her own special magic, I think. More magic than I could ever hold a candle to, even with her special secret."
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wpureimagination · 2 months
what's a memory that makes your muse sad? what's one that makes him happy?
"What a complex question!" The chocolatier smiles warmly, eyes sparkling with excitement. "A two-parter. I like it!" Head tilts as Willy tries to come up with an appropriate answer...
"Well, one memory makes me feel quite a lot of sadness and pain is the memory of my mother's illness..." A pause, frowning like he's unsure of how much to say on the subject. He swallows. "It was...quite terrible to watch her slowly deteriorate...into...nothing..." Eyes shine with tears just simply mentioning it. Willy bites the inside of his cheek for a moment, unblinking. When he finally does blink, he's quick to wipe the tears off his face with a sniffle and flash a fresh smile.
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"But! I have quite a lot of happy memories of her to balance that one out, see? The memory of her chocolate is certainly a happy one, as is constantly being able to impress her with my magic tricks." A light laugh. "Once I even put on a whole magic show for her! Laid out a hat for tips an' everything, like a proper job! Course, it was just Mamma for an audience, but..." A shrug. "It felt magical. To be watched. To bring her some fantastical awe and wonder...An' I still feel that magic when I bring that wonder to others too! It's how I know she's always with me."
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wpureimagination · 2 months
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚ @cloudsc0ut liked for a starter ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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"Huh? Er...I beg pardon, you'll have t' speak up a bit more, I'm not so sure I heard you correctly."
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wpureimagination · 3 months
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚ @sadiebrin liked for a starter ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
"Yes! You must be Rockland's mother..!" A hand outstretched in greeting to the young woman, Willy's grin warm and inviting.
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"I've heard such wonderful things about you! Oh, and, um, I'm Willy! Willy Wonka, to be exact. Magician, inventor, chocolate-maker..." A light tip of his hat in greeting.
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wpureimagination · 4 months
send PINNED for a scene from my muse's past in which they were stuck somewhere, literally or figuratively
"Ohh! Well, I can think of quite a few sticky situations I've found myself in," the chocolatier laughs. "Those of both the candy variety and the non-candy variety." A small hum of thought as he looks up, considering all of the challenges he's faced in his life thus far.
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"I once got left behind on an island off the coast of El Salvador. Not to the fault of my colleagues, mind, my own fault, really." A small chuckle at the memory. "A bit frightening at the time, but I can look back on it and laugh now. I was naïve to think I could swim out to the island without informing anyone of where I'd gone. Thinking I was on the ship already, they pulled out without me! It didn't take long for them to realize I wasn't there, but it felt like a lifetime waiting for them to come back for me. I was terrified they'd leave me there for good!" Willy smiles warmly.
"Luckily I had far better friends than I realized." A beat. "Sometimes, I do miss those friends, but...I know they think of me, too. We were like a family! And there is something so wonderful about chosen family... Even when you're far apart, you can keep each other close at heart sharing memories like these."
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wpureimagination · 5 months
send FORGED for a scene from my muse's past that they think made them stronger in the long run
"Well...I think I have a lot of memories of moments that have made me stronger in the long run." The chocolatier gives a wistful look to the sky. "One in particular, though, is when my mother fell ill..." A sad smile brushes his features, blinking back the tears that have already sprung up in his gaze. "I was just a boy. Had to do quite a lot all on my own--she was bedridden for a month and then..." He sniffles, swiping a tear off his cheek. "Gone. Losing her was one of the hardest moments of my life...But it was through that experience that I learned to be independent. I learned how to grieve. And in the end, she taught me how meaningful strong friendships could be."
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A pause, then smiling even more warmly at the memory, his chest filling with love for his mother, for the friends he had made in the aftermath of her passing. "And that's one of the most important lessons I've ever learned. How wonderful it is to be able to find family again."
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wpureimagination · 5 months
Send 🫧 to my muse to get a story of a time they were drunk (or otherwise inebriated) (it won't let me see the emoji!)
"Oh! Um..." A small laugh from Willy, thinking back on some of his more rambunctious days sailing the seven seas with his companions. Brows furrow, looking up in thought. "Ah! There was the first time I had a glass of gin aboard a sea-faring vessel, back when I used to travel. I was living aboard a ship with a group of sailors and I had no idea what to expect--or how much drink I could handle, so I ended up quite a bit more tipsy than I'd expected." A hearty laugh.
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"Unfortunately, my body did not agree with the drink very well and I got terribly ill afterwards...It was quite shameful, really, but apparently hilarious to watch me stumble around, attempting to sing sea chanties whilst we played a game of cards." A shake of his head, blushing with embarrassment at the memory. "I lost quite a pretty penny that evening, but luckily my companions were kind enough to cut me a break and paid me back over the course of the next few days. That was the first and last time I've ever been so intoxicated."
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wpureimagination · 6 months
if your muse was trapped on a deserted island, what three items would they bring with them?
"Hmmm, well...That all depends on what item means in your vocabulary. Certainly my travel factory would be one! Along with a whole host of ingredients I keep stored in it--this all counts as one item, mind! And then, let's see...Oh! My cane, of course. Can't very well go without that! I suppose my hat wouldn't count as an item, would it? That's simply attire choice, so I believe I have it by default...Um...Then...Lastly..." Willy's looking up in deep thought, chewing lightly on the inside of his cheek as he considers his options. Finally, a lightbulb seems to go off in his brain. Eyes widen, a bright grin beaming across his face.
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"I got it! I'd bring a friend! Perhaps Noodle. Or the little orange man! Or perhaps I'd fit a few friends in my hat to take along...Might be a little heavy, though... Still! Can't go anywhere without someone to hold onto."
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wpureimagination · 6 months
what's your muse's favorite weird food combo?
Mr. Wonka looks quite confused by this question, eyes lifting to the sky in deep thought. He considers, hands on his hips, then finally manages to speak his thoughts,
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"I'm not quite sure I understand..." A pause, swallowing. "What constitutes a weird food combo? What's weird to you might be normal to me, you see? I'm not sure I can subscribe to the idea that anyone's tastes can be objectively considered weird. Different, certainly! But if you write something off before trying it, you're more than likely to miss a whole host of unusual and wonderful flavours that you otherwise may have never even considered!"
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wpureimagination · 6 months
[ 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 ] : receiver hears sender calling their name while asleep. leo & willy!
Willy's eyes moved rapidly behind his eyelids, dreaming deeply no doubt. His dreams were always quite vivid and this one was no different. The sound of his name being called, for example, was easily built into the dream. A soft smile meets his lips as he turns to the one calling him, only for her to continue calling his name as if he weren't there at all! How strange. But then it clicks. The moment she tells him to wake up, his eyes are snapping open, a small inhale taken as he lifts his head slightly.
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"Hm?" Brows quirk upward, head tilting to one side as he peers up at Leo from where he'd fallen asleep on the couch. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry, Leo! I must've dozed off..." A light chuckle, trailing his fingers back through messy curls. "Hadn't realized I was so tired! What were you saying? I've already forgotten."
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wpureimagination · 6 months
Do you live in your factory now?
"Why, yes! Of course I do! There's plenty of space for me there and, besides...Where better to draw inspiration than from within the very walls of creation? A castle marked by innovation at the very heart! A world of pure imagination! What better place to live than that?"
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