thenexusofsouls · 10 months
Well that caught their attention alright. A middle finger had shot into the air, directed at a group of teens across the street who were hovering by a Duncan Donuts long closed for the night. The boy beneath the hoodie, propelling said finger, sneered. Just like that, the group of five moved towards him, the tallest, Shacks, sauntering forward with an irritating air of confidence. And to think, there'd been a time when Rockland had thought he was cool.
"You can't seriously blame us, Rocky." He looked to the others with cruel amusement, "It was a prank, get a sense of hum-" Too busy searching for the favour of his crew, he'd missed the draw of the younger teen's fist before it met his cheek.
"Prank my ass, I could've been arres-oof." Rockland was tackled by Archie, the smallest of the bunch, who was about a head shorter than he was, but kinda stalky for his age, and with the element of surprise on his side. Cane clattering out of hand, and across the sidewalk, the lanky teen scraped across the pavement, electric pain radiating up from his tailbone. He caught the breath that had been knocked out of him just in time to catch the thump of a fist to the nose in return. - For Wade
Wade didn't know what to make of this city yet. He'd only been here a couple days and was still trying to get his bearings. It wasn't a bad city, he thought, just cold. Just... really cold when you're alone, like all cities are. Nevertheless, Wade did some hunting and stocked up on other supplies, always wanting to stay on the move. That's how he got jobs, and that's how he kept sane.
Tonight had been quiet enough so far... that is until he heard sounds of a fight. But a fight... between kids? Was he hearing this right? Wade made his way toward the sounds, and sure enough, some kids whose parents were absent and whose bedtimes must be fast-approaching were going at it. Or rather, several kids were beating up on one unfortunate one.
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"Hey! Come on, cut it out, what the hell're you guys doin'?!" Wade yelled, hoping to scatter the bullies. "You know better than this, get off him! Don't make me call the cops!" he said, watching as they all scattered... save for one. Wade knelt down beside the boy lying on the ground. "Hey, buddy, you okay?" he asked gently.
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celestialmantdonna · 4 months
The final battle again Thanos had been... hectic. To say the very least.
Mantis was struggling to come to terms with the fact that she had been gone for five years, like half of all living beings; like most of the Guardians. They had been restored only to walk through a portal, into the battlefield once again, for the showdown against the Mad Titan and his army. It had happened in a place called New York. The Guardians decided to stay on Terra, or Earth, as its inhabitants called it, for a few days in order to attend Tony Stark's memorial.
Mantis did her best to show support for the other victims of the Snap, but she realized she needed something nice for herself, too. And what could be better than a good book?
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A beaming smile appeared on her face when she finally spotted a library, and she approached it almost eagerly with quick steps. Books were an excellent source of comfort, and she walked in briskly, already feeling better at the sight of all the pages and covers, all the stories patiently waiting to be discovered.
"Excuse me," she said politely, approaching a boy. "Do you know where I could find the classics? This place is completely new to me," she added. She knew they had classics on Earth because, at some point, Quill had mentioned having to read one for school... though he didn't read it, and he didn't remember the title. Nevertheless, Mantis, like the curious soul she was, was very fond of books. She would read for the both of them.
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anon-loki · 8 months
{{Send me   ‘ 🌪 ‘   to catch my muse in the middle of a violent breakdown. Throwing things, breaking things, yelling… }}
Loki had been staying at an abandoned warehouse. The large building had been a quiet little hideout, rooms littered with furniture and dust. The normally silent walls were filled with screams and crashes as the Jotun raged. His child was missing.
The area around him was chaos, smashed chairs, desks, machinery. Holes punched in the walls so hard, the brick on the outside cracked and bowed. He had no words, no plan, no way of finding the young girl, she had simply disappeared. Another loud scream of anguish, as he grabbed a rolling chair and throwing it across the room. The chair hit a window, smashing it as the broken glass and seat fell to the alley below.
He spun, resting his forehead on the wall and punching it again, a strangled sob leaving his lips. Turning he pressed his back to the wall, sliding down it to be seated on the floor, screaming again.
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fieldagentellis · 8 months
"You're Marco? Why the f-" He swore, approaching the guy with furrowed brows. "did you think it was a good idea to drag my Mom to that base?"
Of all the times for agent Jordan to be on break!
Marco turned and reached out with a shadow hand to gently stop the kid approaching any further. He had no idea who this was, or why he was even in the base for that matter.
Maybe the kid had been waiting for such a moment, maybe it was just an annoying coincidence.
'-did you think it was a good idea to drag my Mom to that base?'
"You're Rockland," Marco realised, dissolving the shadow hand.
"I did not 'drag' her anywhere," he said quietly. "It was her decision to come."
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wpureimagination · 6 months
Word had spread; Rumours. There was a brand new chocolate shop, just opened up, and one like no other. People claimed the chocolate could make you fly. Could re-grow hair. Could boost your confidence. Rockland couldn't tell if what everyone was saying was hyperbole, or whether there was something real at play, but he planned on finding out. Maybe something there could help. At the very least, hopefully the chocolate could make for a nice pick-me up.
The teen didn't have to search very hard; there was a lineup out the door, grand banners with Wonka across them, waved in the breeze. The scent of chocolate wafted out, and the crowds buzzed in anticipation. Person after person stepped out with armloads of chocolate. Were they rich, or was this supposedly magical chocolate actually affordable, too? He was waiting on the catch.
His knee was getting stiff by the time he stepped inside, but the shop served as a great distraction; it was... breathtaking. He steadied in his tracks, jaw slack with wonder.
The buzzing sound of crowds, of people trailing through the factory was music to Willy's ears. Often, Mr. Wonka would take time to visit as many individuals as he could throughout the day. He was there to offer assistance to anyone that had questions, help those in need choose the perfect chocolate. And, of course, offer samples and encouragement to those hesitant to eat the decor. "Everything in this room can be eaten," he hummed to a young girl who had asked about a toadstool growing by the cherry tree. Promptly, he took a bight of one of the flowers to prove his point, to her astonishment. "Go on!"
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The chocolatier was happily going on like this, chatting with groups as they walked in and greeting parents at the doors. It was a busy day for his chocolate shop, but Willy didn't mind it. Far from it! He loved to be overwhelmed with business--and busyness--flitting from one person to the next. It was where he got all of that delightful, bubbly energy of his! Course, his legs were beginning to grow tired from standing for so long, but that was simple all the more reason to keep moving! His attention, though, was caught by the young teen now stepping through the doors. He recognized the look of wonder in his eyes and it warmed his heart to see it.
Happy to introduce himself, Mr. Wonka stepped up just behind the young boy, a gentle hand resting on his shoulder with hopes of not startling him too badly..
"Isn't it marvelous?" he whispered, beaming. "Welcome to Wonka's. Please, do make yourself at home, and feel free to try anything! Would be a shame if no one tasted the tulips or nibbled on the sweet peppermint path. I put a lot of work into those, you know."
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uncxntrxllable · 11 months
continued from here with @rocklandjbrin
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The dragon hums, his maw seemed to press together with some tension and his eyes close just slightly. The boy is right... There is nothing just about a dragon. People are aware of the existence of mutants, but most believe dragons to be folklore, only a creature read about in books or seen on television.
His jaws part with a small squeal, ❝ I can speak, and yes, I am real. ❞ He paused for a breath. If it was standard for a dragon to be able to speak, he couldn't know. He is the only dragon he knew, and he learned this language by listening to his people in his earlier years. Mimicking their words, and then eventually more fluent.
❝ You needn't fear me, I will not harm you. ❞ Rex lowers his head, shifting his weight slightly so as to bring his massive snout closer to the boy. He had a soft spot for the children, after having grown up with two human kids of his own.
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The boy seemed young to be out so far in the woods without a guardian. His pupils thinned and nostrils flared as he let out a puff of hot air, ❝ Why are you all the way out here on your own? What is your name, boy? ❞ He asks in a soothing tone, an almost purr-like sound vibrated his chest, and his pupils grew larger. Is he lost or is he out here intentionally?
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[Text: Bowie] Yo you’re a bird man, you have any extra eggs on you? 😂
[Text: Bowie] If you wanna give ‘em over I’ll trade you some choco chippy cookies long as they don’t turn out awful or somethin?
It’s clear in his expression that he bears a slight sense of uncertainty, his brows creasing in light confusion at the messages, one following the other within minutes. 
[Txt] Does Kela not have Eggs? 
He can’t help but to find it completely out of left field. 
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Nelson and Murdock. Sadie scoured the law firm’s website, eyes growing prickly with exhaustion. Shield had recommended them, but that didn’t mean much to her. The firm was closer to the apartment than she’d expected. Newer to the business, too. She’d lost track of how long she’d been researching them, but the time seemed to be glaring at her from the corner of the screen; 3:21 AM.
Alright. She couldn’t keep procrastinating. The soldier shut her laptop screen and touched the floor with her fingers, the light switch flicking off a moment later.
Morning had come sooner than expected. Apparently her brain had better things to do than rest. No, instead it decided to startle her awake and send her heart into a hundred metre dash. She got dressed in the dark, shaky and mentally muttering reassurances to herself. The sun was just rising as she made her way towards the firm. Probably too early for an appointment. Deciding some food could do her some good, she stopped into the cafe she found open and grabbed a coffee and bagel, settling into a corner where she could keep an eye on passerbys. She arrived outside the firm ten minutes before they were set to open. She waited. And then she knocked. (sadiebrin)
For once the night had been actually quiet. It unsettled Matt, who was used to stopping at least one crime during the night. He couldn't help but feel like something big was brewing--something that he'd have to stop once it blew up; but if there wasn't even a trace, then there wasn't anything he could do for it now other than keep his ever watchful ear open.
At least Foggy and Karen would be happy. Especially if he was more than on time for work, and showed up with coffee and breakfast.
Matt arrived at the office earlier than he had in a long time, tilting his head as he noticed someone....hovering would probably be the best thing to describe it. He paid almost no mind as he set about getting his reader set up, setting out the coffee and pastries for his coworkers who, by his estimates were actually running late. He frowned a little at the thought.
He sighed and nearly startled at the knock. Matt checked his watch, sighing again. He straightened himself out, walked to the door and opened it.
"Good morning, welcome to Nelson, Murdock, and Page," he said with a warm smile, holding the door open for the person who had been hovering. "I'm Matt Murdock, I apologize for lack of proper reception, but how may I help you today?"
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wanderingguest · 1 year
+ @rocklandjbrin​ ( s.c. )
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>“I’m not saying you should run...” Actually, that’s exactly what she’s saying. The last thing Anna needs is a kid getting hurt while she’s fighting back a thing with tentacles. How did a thing with tentacles even make it to New York? She is positive this is Strange’s fault somehow. “But maybe don’t stand in the way of the spiny tentacle?”
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doctorjulie · 1 year
Rockland hesitantly sticks his head through the dentist office doorway, peeking about before padding inside. No secretary sat at the front desk, probably grabbing a cup of coffee or using the bathroom or something.
He takes a seat in the quiet office. Fiddling with the head of his cane, browsing a pile of magazines, blue eyes flicker up with a sign of movement in the back. The teen gives an awkward wave. "Yo, uh, I was just- you know how much a cleaning is?" @rocklandjbrin
It was a quiet office day. 
For once in, what must’ve been years, they were open and no one had booked in for an appointment. She figured, eh, what was the harm in telling her receptionist to go ahead and take a long lunch. 
“-Oh! Hey there, sorry I didn’t hear anyone come in.” Julia gave a little wave. He didn’t have an appointment, did he? 
The kid looked a little shy, and booking a dentist’s appointment could be intimidating, she knew. “It depends.” She explained. “Does your insurance cover dental?” 
How old was he anyway? 
“Sorry, do you have a guardian here with you?” 
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apostolicattilan · 2 years
"So uh, what made you decide to essentially dedicate your life to all this stuff, anyways?"
"This stuff'?"
Owen let out a huff of air, shook his head and then was silent for a bit. It was an innocent question, he assumed, just poorly phrased.
"I assume you mean as in becoming a priest? I was raised by those already dedicated to it and I saw the good they did. I wanted to do the same."
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ohtendril · 1 year
One Day at a Time is so great :D Do you have any favorite moments from it?
Oh man I haven’t seen it in years so my memory is shaky. But I def remember and love the quinceañera dance scene. There’s so many heartfelt moments. I love penelope as a character and Rita Moreno is a scene stealer for sure
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etherealstarr · 2 years
@rocklandjbrin​: "So, you've got a thing for pigeons?"
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“I do. I think they’re quite beautiful, despite what people may think. It’s their fault pigeons are the way they are, did you know that?”
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findmeinthefallair · 2 years
What does HDM stand for? :)
His Dark Materials. Fun for the whole family (not really!)
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iomadachd · 2 years
@rocklandjbrin liked for a starter
The wheel decreed: Zarya and Rockland
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: { Zarya } :
It wasn't often anyone was around Archives that wasn't actually associated with her department, but stranger things had happened. She knew that much.
He did look a little bit young for SHIELD though and she peeked around the stack of books curiously.
"Are you lost? I know it can be easy to get turned around here."
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sebastianshaw · 1 year
 ⚠️ He bullies children XD
"Bullying? Please. You're making me sound like a child. I just give the little parasites what they deserve." @rocklandjbrin
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