#✧  antisupe  !
nonsupe · 10 months
the marshall's were prominent figures in panem. president and first lady in a world slowly coming back to its legs after too much spilled blood, putting the pieces back together again in their own controlled way. everything seemed to fit perfectly now, everything had an order and a precision that hadn't existed in the technical way it does today. and it was because of them. it was like they took everything in their hands and shaped it to work to their will, and if not by that will then by force. there was a vice grip over panem and recently reformed districts, it's been that way for as long as shiloh can remember.
because all of what he knows of an essence previous to panem was everything his mother told to him, who had a sufferers perspective. she lived in those dark times before panem had a real leader. his father had a similar story to hers, but he had an easier time growing accustomed to the changes as they happened while he was hiram marshall's personal bodyguard and hearing the plans spoken in closer proximity to him than almost anyone else. he knew what was coming and how to prepare for it.
it turn, some would say shiloh has the same luck. being close to the family as changes are made, as things were discussed in close enough proximity to him that he knows of the oncoming announcements before the rest of the people do. if only because he was hired, thanks to harry's own recommendation to the right people, to protect them during these times of change and dangerous politics when anyone could decide to take matters into their own hands and fuck it up again.
though his job was mostly to keep up with the son, leon, and keep him out of trouble and harms way, from making poor decisions that would keep him in those predicaments or something that would reflect poorly on him and the family. he was warned, of course, by those who were already familiar with his antics. warned by harry to mind him and watch for that gleam he gets in his eye when he was about to make a decision, especially an unwise one. but even with all the advice .. nobody could have truly prepared him for @antisupe.
" you're gonna get us both into trouble one day, " he says, and he can't resist the smile that comes with it. its not strange to be friends with a ward, right? " and you may be the only one who could charm your way out of it. "
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aur0ras-a · 10 months
"don't speak... just kiss me."
she's making a fool of herself , cheeks flushed and stumbling over words. love is complicated , a broken heart that she's tucked behind high walls. she hadn't been ready , not at first. denied it , pretended that the way she looked at leon was only as a friend. his past , she knew. even if it was unspoken between them. he hadn't always been a rancher , a life different then this before. she wouldn't say , not until he was ready. it was his story , after all. hers was easy to spill , the end of a marriage because they had become two different people. he had wanted something , someone else. so his ranch was a new start for her too , a place for her and her daughter to find happiness. to find her own independence.
body presses against his , arms around his neck. it's hesitation that lingers there , like chrissy is never going to be able to come back from this. she's more fragile then she would ever admit , living in a world of fantasy. to come down from this one , she couldn't. his words encourage her , lips pressed against his. acting on the thoughts that keep her awake at night , tossing and turning because she can't get him out of her head. everything she's wanted , right here in this moment.
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vdosed · 11 months
🔥 for all our things, and Caleb and Eden 😈
eden likes how sweet caleb is to her. finding a crying girl in the middle of the road will probably do that to anyone, but it makes their heart flutter every time he gives her his jacket 'cause she shivered a little. also, his hands. yvette goes a little crazy over leon's voice. maybe it's because of how often they're on the phone, or over the earpiece, but there's been enough times she's yelled at him to stop flirting with her because she is not trying to get worked up in the middle of the fucking work day.
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qwannon · 11 months
who died? no seriously, who is this guy? / @antisupe.
( breaking news: another pigeon-toed politician found dead in his downtown penthouse home. sources say he was decapitated and discovered with a note tacked with blood to his forehead that read 'help them' - ). cue chilling irony. kwannon keeps her arms tucked over her chest, glancing over to the company that strolls in joining her for the view in front of one of those obnoxious panorama television screens. ❛  i suggest you check your phone more often and perhaps direct these sort of questions to siri. you ask me these things as if we share the same name. ❜ man out of time. man that humors her often, which is a rare feat in itself. this moment is no different, yet where her usual inkling of a corner-taut smile would be, confusion overshadows and lays present in the arch of her brow.
❛  this morning, i heard a double knock at my door. when i went to answer it i found a dufflebag full of cash and a burner with a voicemail left for me to listen with directions. that was wilburt hugh, a pocket heavy sponsor who apparently looked in the other direction anytime one of his kids went missing ... until i killed him this morning. ❜ feed the habit. she implored that task with no hesitation, just an inbred desire to hear her katana wisp through the air... and when it sliced through his flesh, it was inhumanly quick. one might consider that to be merciful. ❛  i'm just having a hard time trying discern who would have hired me to do so. ❜ violet gaze peers onward, but there's an alto lilt that leaves the back of her throat and directs her question towards him. ❛  do you know anyone who sleeps with vengeance ? ❜
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floripire · 11 months
✨ I want validation 🥺
sparkle positivity time // @antisupe
you: i want validation 🥺 me: guess what silver? you came to the right place!
because leon hiram marshall (probably no relation to hayley marshall, unless you know something i don't ;P) aka captain vought is literally canon for me. like he was there all along, he told me himself. he was there, just in cryo.
everything aside, though, you thought about everything: the timeline, his teammates, his medical record, the universes. the way he reacts to everything that's going on around him.
it is all just so (inter)connected which is something that i immensely enjoy and can't wait to see more of.
and honestly i need five spin off shows and three audio drama's and six books of him right now immediately, please. because this dude? this dude right here? he is so interesting. he is a gold mine. he is literally 108 years old! there is so much to explore with him!
also his ships? love 'em. love him and annie together. i ship it a lot, i do.
(also the etymology of his names scratch the language and name loving parts of my brain because all of them harken back to kings in one way or another and i can't help but wonder whether that was vought's intention for him even if they weren't the ones to give him those names: leon was the first person to be injected with compound v, after all, technically making him the quote-unquote 'king' of the proverbial supe kingdom. please correct me if i'm wrong on this, though. seriously. this part of my glowing review / recommendation is probably just lopsided vibes but my brain didn't want to let this go so here it is.)
my own the boys / gen v verses are still in development across the board so thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting up with me being a snail.
i can't wait to see what's gonna happen in (your version of) s4 because i'm invested now. i'm along for the ride and i want to see where it ends.
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pohlepen · 11 months
who said anything about fixing you? let’s fuck
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       ❝  you sure know how to woo a lady, hm?  ❞    sitting in his lap, bare palms on his cheeks, she peppers a cluster of kisses against the side of his jaw and then his mouth.    ❝  you’re a dickhead, you know that, right?  ❞
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sgrspiced-a · 11 months
@antisupe : ❛  there's nowhere to hide if i say the wrong thing.  ❜
it takes her a moment to conjure up a response , recovering from the exhaustion that is mimicking the sun during a california heat wave . she's still lying on the ground ; her chest heaves and while she waits for her body temp to drop she wracks her brain . it's n i c e , almost , to have a conversation after training instead of a [ barrage of criticism ] . CALMING .
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❛ i can't imagine you being able to hide period . right or wrong thing . doesn't that ever get exhausting ? ❜
she keeps her eyes squeezed shut , hands clasped over her tummy like she's about to sleep . she isn't , but this is how she gets herself to stay calm ; a [ meditative position ] of sorts , for the girl knows better than anyone how quickly she can lose control .
❛ really, i think i'd go NUTS. throw myself off of a building or somethin' , don't know how you do it . ❜
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esc0rted · 10 months
the lights, the music, the fashion ━━ effie trinket is a social butterfly freed from the trappings of another year's games. of another dead set of tributes. the routine loss is no damper on the evening, of course ━━ these are her people. they congratulate her on her hard work, they spare her a dance, they offer her drinks into the wee hours of the morning. her statement dress of peacock green is difficult to miss as she flits toward the balcony, granting herself but a moment's rest after an evening of charming the room in every way she knows how. champagne in hand, she marvels at the cityscape she calls home, alight in all its glory. she fails to realize she is not alone until she turns back to face the commotion inside and instead finds unexpected company tracing her footsteps.
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" oh! please, do pardon me. i was just . . . " she trails off as the picturesque face in front of her clicks at last. " mr. marshall, isn't it? effie trinket. i hope you’ll excuse my manners. were you hoping to take the balcony for yourself? "
@antisupe : [  STEPPING  BACK  ]:      while they’re both attending a particularly lively and crowded party, both muses, craving a moment of peace and fresh air, accidentally go to the same balcony. unwilling to leave, they sit together, and begin to talk as the party spins on behind their backs. capitol brat, lets go !
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nonsupe-a · 2 years
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                           fight it,      or accept it.      fear it,      or control it.
exploring the natures of what it means to become weapons for a war not your own.     weaponized by silver ( @antisupe ) and gold ( @nonsupe ).
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felinoir-a · 1 year
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𝙲𝙰𝚃𝚂   𝙷𝙰𝚅𝙴   𝙰   𝙺𝙽𝙰𝙲𝙺   𝙵𝙾𝚁   𝙱𝙴𝙸𝙽𝙶   𝚆𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙴   𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚈   𝚂𝙷𝙾𝚄𝙻𝙳𝙽'𝚃   𝙱𝙴.   Even   before   Sage   Grove   so   kindly   gifted   her   with   her   abilities,   Felicia   Hardy   had   had   a   talent   for   slipping   in   and   out   of   tight   spots   since   she   could   walk.   But   a   state   of   the   art   safe   in   a   highly   regarded   bank   had   nothing   on   a   place   teeming   with   supes   —   freaks   with   stupid   monikers   and   even   stupider   suits,   but   enough   power   to   reduce   a   building   to   ash   if   they   wanted   to.   And   she   had   had   the   bright   idea   to   infiltrate   this   little   black   market   get   together,   searching   for   whoever   was   supplying   the   hellhole   that   made   her   with   Compound   V.  
But   she   might   have   been   a   little   too   enthusiastic   in   her   investigation   and   the   blonde   thief   might   have   drawn   the   attention   of   security   at   this   little   underground   club   for   supes.   Slipping   through   the   writhing   crowd,   citrine   eyes   darted   looking   for   an   exit,   even   as   the   shouts   of   surprise   grew   closer.   Two   sets of doors, one behind the bar and the other to the street,   both   farther   away   than   Felicia   would   have   liked   .   .   .   Which   only   left   one   thing:   taking   cover   and   waiting   it   out.  
Why   the   blonde   picked   him,   she   couldn’t   say.   Handsome   men   were   a   dime   a   dozen   in   this   crowd,   but   there   was   something   in   his   body   language   that   made   her   make   a   beeline.   Taller   than   her   by   a   couple   of   inches,   enough   scruff   to   appear   roguish,   and   an   almost   tangible   disinterest   in   the   club   around   him.   Not   her   usual   type,   but   she   could   make   it   work.
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❝      Can   you   please   play   along?      ❞      The   words   were   whispered   against   his   lips   as   she   tangled   her   fingers   in   @antisupe's   hair,   one   long   leg   hitched   over   his   hip   as   she   arched   a   brow   questioningly.   A   moment,   then   another,   then   Felicia   rather   forcefully   brought   her   lips   to   his,   the   hair   on   the   back   of   her   neck   lifting   as   shouting   came   closer.  
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nonsupe · 11 months
he saunters almost lazily through a crowd of people, watching them as they mingled amongst their own groups after the ordeal had been finished for about half an hour. at least the important part. there was some speech given that he hardly listened to, someone unimportant droning on about something that he'd surprisingly heard a million times already. repetitive, not usually a great sign.
he elects to give it some chance, though his expectations have considerably dropped after the announcement of a new hero was made. there was cheers and wishes for success, toasts from all across the room but it never made it further than that. which surprised him. this was vought, after all, he figured there would be far more glamor involved with the whole ... introducing our newest hero! thing.
now its more social gathering than party. this grand hall is filled with music and too loud chatter amongst various groups, cigarette smoke and the stench of liquor on every man in the room. though he does notice that very few others are more careful, more selective and kept to themselves despite the welcomed air in the room, and how those same people watch the faces of others as if someone in the crowd knew their darkest secrets. maybe a few of them do. and shiloh watches all of them. that was his job: to watch them, rather to watch the supes that roam the crowd and make themselves available to all kinds of conversation, make sure things stay relatively calm. but he's watching only one in particular, if only for his own selfish reasons.
" is it always like this? " he asks once he'd finally met him in the crowd of people. so sue him, he's bored. " this isn't what i pictured a vought event to look like, much less a welcome party. i half expected more glamor. " @antisupe, ♡
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watchspring · 1 year
To say that Penny had both metaphorically and literally fucked up would be a big understatement — not only had she gotten too comfortable around Hughie and his associates, but she completely let her guard down in general, something she was beyond ashamed of. One would think that after what happened to Lincoln, Penny would have learned to not make such rookie mistakes, but alas, here she was. To add insult to injury, her cover with the G-Men got blown, and it didn't take long for Valerie to find out about that. Penny just couldn't stay in New York City anymore, but where else she would go? Vought had managed to get ahold of the whole world throughout the decades, so no matter where she went, they would still find her, just like Valerie did then. It all happened so fast, with Valerie yelling at her with a gun pointed at her temple before she saw two large hands grab her head, and just rip it off out of place like it was nothing, blood spraying all over Penny before the woman's body dropped to the ground. Having seen so much violence over the last seven years, she couldn't bring herself to scream at the sudden turn of events. In fact, she couldn't make a sound, with the only movement of her body being that of her eyes blinking, as her brain slowly processed what had just happened. If this had been years ago, Penny would have reprimanded @antisupe for taking a life so brutally, but now, she couldn't bring herself to do it, not when he had just saved her life. ‟I...I just...you saved me,” That was all Penny could muster after a long, silent pause. ‟But why? Who are you?” With this, she shook her head, as if to reprimand herself for asking such questions. That wasn't important now. ‟We need to get out of here. It's not safe.”
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aur0ras-a · 11 months
new beginning. left all alone , a world of opportunities before her. and the place chrissy finds herself , tending to horses. it's the last place expected , but in the opportunity she finds happiness. hand words to brush through mane delicately , voice soft in words that carry conversation with animal. it could have been only a job , a way to take care of daughter and put herself through school. but it had become more then that , something that felt like she had finally found a place she belonged. a place where she could put roots , call it home. ❛ it's our secret , okay? tell anyone and i can't sneak you any extra treats. ❜ she hums to horse , gentle pat given to side. it's only when the sound of foot steps catch attention , do blue hues finally look up. greeting @antisupe with smile. ❛ i think the boss here is onto us, we're totally busted. ❜ leon had extended a kindness to her she could never repay , giving her a job with lack of experience. it was something given , more then he could ever understand. ❛ i know i'm early , but i didn't think it would hurt anything. i wanted to try and catch up on things. thank you again, for letting me go early yesterday. ❜ focus back on animal , back to job expected of her. any longer her attention lingers on him , and she worries the way face grows warm. it's a passing thing , she tells herself. some school girl crush , because it's a new place. the last thing she needs is another complicated thing , finally free of cage she had placed herself in. but with leon , maybe it wouldn't be like that. not that , the shared glances between them amounted to anything beyond work.
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awkwardcourage · 2 years
🌙𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕠𝕣 @antisupe​
Hughie was certain that nobody in Vought was actually going to hire him once they cottoned onto who he was. Former most wanted by Vought, former FBSA (i.e anti-supe) worker, was now looking to be the PA for the new head of the Seven.
Yeah... This wasn’t going to go well.
It didn’t even matter that he and Annie had been dating, in fact, it probably hurt his chances more rather than improve them. Still, Hughie needed a job and working for Vought would enable him to keep a closer on things with the supes. The world was so turned around that with Homelander gone and Neuman being the head exploder, Hughie actually felt safer working for Vought than he did for the people who supposedly went after supes.
Whoever did the background checks for Vought clearly wasn’t very good at their job. He got through the initial round of interviews, god only knew how and made it to the final stage. When he walked into the room, it was Soldier Boy who grabbed his attention first. Vought had been trying to keep the new leader of the Seven a secret, but Hughie, like most people, had suspected (and hoped) that it would be Soldier Boy to take the helm.
Hughie gave him a small, awkward wave and a smile to match.
“Oh, hey, um-” Hughie wasn’t sure which name Soldier Boy actually preferred, so he abandoned sobriquets all together. “Congrats on the-”
“No.” Ashley Barrett stood up from her seat. The poor woman looked like a pin drop away from a fully fledged breakdown. “No, no, not you, aboslutely not, what hell are you doing here? In fact, no, don’t answer that, just- just stay there, I’m calling security.”
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whitesuited · 2 years
knee that’s so rude be nice to evie 🔪
honestly???! like what did i ever do to it other than make it take me everywhere i've needed to go my entire life ...... the nerve of some joints lemme tell you. 🤣
also p.s. you're the bestest 🤍
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pohlepen · 11 months
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listen i was tempted to put the other one cause, theoretical monster
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we KNEW these two had instant chemistry and sometimes that chemistry is literally radioactive AND that's fine.
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are you frankie's type? ♡
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