#✧˖*°࿐ Kaz x Oliver // i’ll be HANGING around. if you like it or NOT. i’m gonna be right by your side NO MATTER what.
voidfell · 3 months
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There is absolutely no possible timeline where Kaz hasn't met Oliver. It would fundamentally change both of their characters to not have the other's direct influence. Kaz would be a much worse person without Oliver's tempering personality, and Oliver would be a much different person without Kaz. Without Oliver, Kaz would likely be on his way to juvie at best, or a supervillain arc at worst since the Arcturion would still be buried under their school.
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disneygirl2202 · 7 years
Just Now Realizing (Chase Davenport x Reader)
Requested by @debamaba Request: Could you write a chase D. imagine in which your name's Bay and you're part of the elite force and have a crush on him and are not sure about him liking you and at the end of the day of the episode about the android girls you ask him why he built them and he answers about him being lonely and lame and you tell him he's not and stuff like that and then he starts saying things about no one will ever love him and the you kiss him and realizes he completely likes you a lot... please, and could you kinda make it long😂♥️🙂
A/N: I am so sorry that this took forever to get out. I have been so busy and just haven’t had the motivation to be writing. And I’m sorry if this isn’t what you wanted. I haven’t seen Elite force in a while, so sorry if this doesn’t make sense. I tried my best.
Bay’s P.O.V.
It has been very long day, training and all that. But my mind hasn’t been in the game, as Bree would put it.
“Bay, there you are. Are you okay?” Sky asks as she comes running out of one of the rooms
“What’s up?” I ask, turning around
“I was just coming to see if you have heard about what Chase decided to do this time.” She says, smiling towards me
“I haven’t. Does it have something to do with Oliver or Kaz?” I ask
“No. This one is all him. I think you should honestly go see for yourself.” Skylar says
I groan and head off towards where I know I can find Chase this time of day. I knock on the door, only to hear him talking to somebody, well more like multiple people.
I twist the door knob, pushing the door open and see Chase with a few girls I have never seen around. I look at his face and see a forced smile plastered on. I study them for a minute then hear my watch start to go off.
I shut the door quietly, my mind still clouded by what I was thinking about earlier. I shake my head and head towards the front door, needing to get to my job.
“Bay, when you’re on your way home, could you by chance stop by the store and get some more bread and milk?” Oliver asks
“Sure. It’s not like you ask much of me anyway.” I say
“Thanks Bay. See you when you get home.” He says, taking his sandwich back to the computer room
I roll my eyes as I shut the door behind me, heading down to the street. I go to my bike and get on and head of towards the mall.
Chase’s P.O.V.
I hear the door shut, but I didn’t see who it was, but I have that feeling that it was Bay.
I look at the android girls, sighing, not loud enough for them to hear. I hear Skylar and Bree laughing at something outside of the room.
How did I start to feel lonely when I have all of these people around me, that I know would help me with anything.
I stand up and stretch my arms out, walking towards the door, only having the girls start to follow me. I look at them and open the door, letting them out first.
I walk to the kitchen and see Bree making herself a lunch, Skylar sitting at the bar, eating something. Oliver coming into the kitchen, a dirty plate in his hands. Then Kaz is playing some sort of video game in the living room.
“Hey guys, where’s Bay?” I ask
“I think she is at work. But I’m not entirely sure, after our training session, she disappeared.” Bree says
“Yes, she’s at work. She’s stopping by the store on her way home to get more bread and milk on her way home.” Oliver says, setting his plate in the sink
“So Chase, are you enjoying those new android girls?” Skylar asks
“I am as a matter of fact.” I lie
“That’s good. You put a lot of effort into their making. Where are they anyway?” Oliver asks
I look back and see them coming from the hallway leading from my room to the kitchen.
“Right there.” I say
“They turned out really good.” Kaz says
“Thanks.” I say, crossing my arms
Bree and Skylar look at me and shake their head. Bree looks at Oliver then quickly pulls him out of the room.
“Why did you even make them?” Skylar asks me
“To be honest, I have no idea.” I lie
“Well I think all of us could use a team training session.” Bree says
“Well we should wait for Bay. She is a part of the team after all.” I say
“Well you better get your butt in there and start your training session with Bree.” Oliver says as he pulls up the training schedule
“Alright. Time I finally get to show off.” I say
Bay’s P.O.V.
I sigh as I bring the two loaves of bread and gallon of milk up from the bike. I open the door and hear Chase yelling, but I don’t really pay attention to what he was yelling.
I walk to the counter and set the things down, going around the counter and start to put things away. I feel the wind from Bree running past, hitting me in the face.
“What’s up Bree?” I ask
“We’re thinking of doing a team training session.” She says
“Alright. Let me change and I’ll meet you in the training room.” I say
I walk to my room and quickly change into some spandex shorts and a tank top, heading to the training room as I am pulling my hair into a ponytail.
“Bay, Chase, and Oliver against Bree, Kaz, and I.” Skylar says
“Alright. We aren’t doing the boys against girls this time.” I say
“No we aren’t. Thought we would change it up.” Bree says
“Alright. Oliver, Chase, do I need to worry about you two getting in my way of fighting?” I ask
“You shouldn’t have to with us. But Chase’s android girls, I would worry about.” Oliver says
“Why is that?” I ask, turning around
“Because they don’t leave him alone.” He says
“Great. As long as they stay out of the way long enough for us to beat these three, we’ll be fine.” I say
“Let’s hope they can.” He says
I duck under one of Bree’s kicks, grabbing it from behind me and knocking her down onto her back, taking her out of the session. I look back over at Chase and Oliver, only to see Chase being surrounded by his stupid android girls.
Don’t get jealous. He isn’t your’s to be jealous over.
I quickly back up before Kaz can hit me. I see Skylar take Oliver out and I shake my head, as I am basically the only one left.
One against two, such great odds.
I quickly charge at Kaz, hoping to take him out, which turns out to be successful as he was going to go turn towards Chase. I spin around and see Skylar heading towards Chase. Chase is yelling at the girls to leave him alone, I shake my head, running towards him, only to have to be stopped by the girls.
“Chase, Skylar is trying to come up behind you!” I try to yell over all the girls in his ear
I try to push through the girls, only to be knocked back by them, onto my back, meaning I’m out.
“Chase, you’re our last hope.” I mumble as I sit up and walk over to Oliver
I look over and watch, hoping Chase heard my first warning, only to see Skylar already have taken him down. I shake my head and punch the punching bag next to me.
“Chase, how are you supposed to fight if you have those girls following you everywhere?” I ask, walking into his room
“What happened to you knocking?” He asks
“I don’t know. Maybe because I am pissed off that we lost because of those stupid androids.” I say
“Well you don’t have to worry about them anymore. I shut them down.” He says
“Why did you even build them in the first place?” I ask
“Because I got lonely. Everyone thinks I’m lame.” He starts
“Well guess what, you aren’t that lame. You are actually a pretty cool person to hang out with.” I say “If anyone thinks you are lame, then screw them. They obviously don’t see how cool you are.”
“I’m smart. The nerds never get the girls. Therefore I am never going to find somebody who loves me for me.” He says
I roll my eyes and grab the front of his shirt and place my lips on top of his, kissing him. I pull away and quickly look away, turning around to walk out of the room.
Chase’s P.O.V.
I look at Bay in shock, as she goes to walk out of the room. I grab her arm and pull her back, putting my lips on top of hers again.
“Chase, I thought you didn’t like me like that.” She says
“Well you just proved to me that I actually do like you like this.” I say
She smiles as she shakes her head, she purses her lips, then kisses my cheek.
“Glad I was able to help.” She says
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voidfell · 3 months
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Tag Dump - Kaz Vazquez (via Mighty Med)
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