#✨{delinquent hybrid; (xena)
monmuses · 3 years
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> Werewolves are one of the more uncommon species in the modern world of monsters since their serious eradication during the 19th century. Since then, knowledge of them has been cut short for a few years until they began to resurface years later around the beginning of the 20th century.
> There are different subspecies of werewolves. They are a species that can be mixed with other monsters and hold their abilities completely. However, there are different kinds of them; examples being the classic Wolfman or an anthropomorphic wolf. Some exist as a curse, a few being just as they were born, or others as an infection / virus.
> How they act around others also differentiates between the different kinds; anthropomorphic or old stories of the first werewolves have complete control over themselves or only have the one form. Werewolves brought upon by curses either have some control or none at all between two forms. Very rarely do werewolves have more than two forms.
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> Braelynn is a perfect example of werewolves from old stories. She has complete control of herself, and her human look is more so her “second” form. In reality, she’s a wolf that can transform into a human. She has the ability to change parts of her body to be more wolfman like or completely change into a large Dire Wolf.
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> Finnchaem is a werewolf but follows the old stories from Ireland; she is seen as a protector in many ways. She has control over herself as a werewolf, but does not control when the transformations occur. In a way, it’s partially a secret she has to keep sometimes from people.
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> Xena can fall in both categories of having control and none at all. Because of being a vampire and werewolf hybrid, her control in power and mental strength varies heavily in how she feels emotionally. She has total control over her transformations and her form, but sometimes might not. It varies on how she feels.
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> Carmen, unfortunately, has received her werewolf abilities through a curse. Unlike the others, she has zero control over her form or her transformations. They can happen from a full moon or if she is harmed to near death. The curse itself has affected her life in ways such as how she sleeps, eats, and how her senses have been enhanced. Sadly, she can’t remember what she does as a werewolf or stop herself from doing certain things.
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monmuses · 3 years
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     * They all hear distant howling.
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monmuses · 4 years
@multiversalxpostxoffice liked for a starter from Xena
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     “ God, Valentine’s Day? ” Xena scoffed. “ No one here does this weak love shit. It’s boring. Why bother? ” In Xena’s hands was a number of love letters she had received from various acquaintances in her hometown. She wanted to toss them out into the trash, but her pride would’ve been hurt in the process.
     “ Besides, who even does love? It sucks you of your money and energy. It’s such a waste of time. ”
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monmuses · 4 years
Healer: My/your character helping your/my character when they are hurt/sick (perhaps one of your muses helping one of the coworkers, or the siblings? o3o) ((@slicing-clovers))
☠ Drabble list– You can send one anytime.
     “Oh now how did you get this, little one?” Harriet held the hand of Xena, who had herself taken to the hospital for some stitches. She had gotten herself in a scuffle that ended up gaining her some injuries that only a doctor could fix. Xena’s parents didn’t want to take any lives to heal her cuts. Instead, they took her to a doctor who accepted monsters of all kinds for visits like this.
     The pup herself was very upset by this fact. She didn’t want to be stitched up! And she didn’t want to be fixed up by a human! This was so embarrassing! In irritation, she growled at Harriet with bared fangs in response. The doctor simply laughed, “Oh my! Beautiful teeth you have.” Jekyll just simply chuckled, “I assume you are a vampire? Though, more wolfish than a simple vampire…”
     “I don’t have to tell you anything!” Xena barked, gritting her teeth. “I just want you to fix my little cuts!” The pup folded her arms tightly across her chest and glared at Harriet with such a harsh glare.
     “Well, I am simply asking some questions is all. I have never met a cross of a werewolf and vampire before!” Harriet sounded more ecstatic than afraid of the werewolf. Her attempt to being ‘scary’ barely got past the doctor as she was very much used to all kinds of growls and snarls by younger patients. Well… this one liked to put it off that she was tougher but was no more than a young pup, even if she was of adult age.
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     “Alright, if that is what you desire, I will stop speaking. It may distract me as I work, but thank you for reminding me of that.” Quietly, she went to work to clean her cuts and place bandages over them. Each time she touched the cuts with her cotton ball dipped in alcohol, Xena would yip in pain very softly. Each time she did this, Harriet returned a soft smile and chuckle to the pup which only made her more embarrassed that she was crying in such a way. Her face was more and more red as it continued.
     “…and done! All better?” Safe to say, Xena was nearly covered with bandages but mainly around her arms and legs. She could move them, but it would result in some bandages coming off. She *wanted* to run around, but sighed and chose to respect the doctor’s work. Her tail was between her legs and she hopped off the table.
     “Never been better,” she mumbled. “I’m fine.”
     “I wish you a better day! Don’t get yourself caught on anything else!”
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monmuses · 3 years
Question for all your werewolves, what was each of their first times transforming like?
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     “I’ve always heard of transforming being super painful, but I never felt that before! My first time, it was like... a tingle. The glamour didn’t cause me any pain, it went by in the snap of a finger! It was like being covered in lots and lots of glitter.”
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     “My first time? It was... painful. Very painful. I couldn’t exactly ‘hold it in’, or it would just amp up the pain even more. Afterwards, I still... felt like it was still me. Just in a better form. I could smell everything, hear everything, it... was amazing. Scary, but amazing.”
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     “It hurt like a bitch! Doesn’t happen anymore to me, of course. I can do it whenever and wherever I want. I don’t cry when it happens, I just take it like a tough bastard!”
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     “If I could describe it... it’s like gettin’ your insides torn. Bones shattered, maggots with teeth eatin’ at your flesh. It’s like gettin’ cooked alive and torn to pieces, but only for your body to heal itself to somethin’ new. First time it happened, I... was alone. In a giant forest, about to send myself into a panic attack. I.. I didn’t know what was happenin’ to me. I was a scared pup... I cried for my mama.”
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monmuses · 4 years
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     “Since when do you catch fleas so easily? Don’t you take baths?”
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     “I don’t need to take baths! I brush my own fur and I eat those fleas! Why do you care?”
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     “I don’t want your stinky fleas on me! You should’ve known they can catch on other dogs like me! Go over there and don’t come near. Besides, you smell really bad.”
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     “Says the mutt!”
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