#✨Betty ♡ ⋆。˚ lost girl┊V. Vampire
leagueofdccm · 5 months
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🌸🌸. WHAT AM I ? WHO AM I ? 
 She wasn’t always thirsty for blood. Wasn’t always bound to the night. Trapped & forbidden to see the sun again. It’s heartbreaking to think….. the only time she’ll ever see that blazing sun again is in pictures. But it’s not the same. She doesn’t remember the feeling of WARMTH… doesn’t remember what it’s like basking underneath the sun and letting her hair loose while soaking up in the beach with her friends. The brightest of beams crossing their features. Eating ice cream and a couple of burgers and hotdogs! Eating up a storm like it was their last day. And it was. It was her last day witnessing the sun, sand between her toes. The last time she held her parents in her arms.. Wandering the streets at the dead of night. They tell you why you shouldn’t as a girl walk alone in the night. Bad people will hurt you, steal your money…. but no one ever tells you about the monsters that lurk the night and take you from your home and turn you into something you are not. Hands are cold, she’s hungry but burgers no longer interest her. Milkshakes make her gag… but blood? Blood fills her up.  You hear stories of those who thirst for blood and kidnap people, lure them in and drain their life….. or keep them as part of their… clan. Least that’s what they would say. Whether it’s true or not….. she hasn’t come across a single vampire since she’s been bitten. Least, not the one who turned her. Remembers so little of that night. Where she was, why she was there? What idea came to her mind to begin to think walking alone was a good idea. So stupid. Can’t go back in time, but can only look ahead. But… while she must look ahead, move on from her past. Move on from never seeing her family again, her friends. She wants to know who took her life away and why? A lost girl roaming the world. City to City. Small towns. The middle of nowhere. She’s lost and alone. Surviving on the blood of her victims. Has gotten used to feeding off people and stopped crying about it. Took a while for the guilt to pass by. Took a while for her to cross off any type of relationship/friendship. Lost already a couple of friends and romantic interest because of what she is, and what they are not. And that is immortal. Caging yourself, locking up your lifeless heart and luring your food by getting into their head and hypnotizing them. When she’s not doing her vampire duties or searching for the answers to her past. Betty sits most of her time wondering and asking herself.  Who was Betty Cooper? . Who exactly turned Betty Cooper into a thirsty vampire? Are those she cared about still out there looking for her? Or did they move on like the rest of the world? Will she ever get used to this life? Being immortal and watching the very world you live in change before you. Everything changing while you watch from the outside. Cutting yourself off from any type of love and real connection knowing you’ll never be able to have that. Those you love will die eventually. And who could love a monster anyway? The life of a vampire. Powerful yet lonely. NAME : Elizabeth Jane Cooper ‘ Betty ‘ FACE CLAIM : Lili Reinhart AGE : IMMORTAL GENDER : Female SPECIES : Vampire DATE OF BIRTH : sep 6th ( unknown year ) ACQUAINTANCES [ RELATIONSHIPS ] : Family & friends.
🌸🌸. BLOOD. BLOOD. BLOOD. BLOOD. NOTE .Werewolves / Ghost / Demons / Angels / Etc. Will be involved in this verse
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