#✨magical magda✨
rosesloveletters · 2 years
*very gently barging in through the door to your blog* I'm home!!! The over-a-moth long break from social media has dine wonders to my mental health but gosh I've missed you ❤️‍🩹
All the guys came over to the ranch on Christmas and we shared gifts, ate good food and drank wonderful wines 🍷 a lovely time altogether <3
I've been spending most of my time with Cowboy 🐎 Frank is a darling, really <3 We took a ride yesterday to a creek nearby, made a little fire and drank hot chocolate before heading back, 11/10 would recommend ❤️
Hope you've been at least hanging in there <3 Wishing you the most wonderful time for the remaining year <33 all the guys are sending their love <3 remember that you're loved and cherished and you're the best thing to happen to your f/os ❤️
All my love,
Hiiiii, darling, how are you? Are you okay? How is everything! I'd been preparing to send you a message/ask to see how you were doing since it's been such a long time! I've been thinking of you while you were gone and wishing you the best❤️ It is so great to hear from you again🥹
I've missed you so dearly and I'm relieved to hear that your break from social media has helped with your mental health; that is the best news🥹🥹
How wonderful!! You must have had such a splendid holiday with your loves on the ranch; it sounds like such a peaceful way to spend that time with them. Oh wow, that ride with your Cowboy sounds absolutely incredible❤️ The two of you must've had a blast doing that together and getting some time together out in nature in each other's company.
I've been doing alright, thank you, dear. At least one of my f/os are around me most of the time, which is nice. It was a quiet holiday here, with exceedingly cold temperatures and snow, but it's warmed up considerably now.
Thank you so very much, darling. I'm wishing you nothing but the best and sending you all my love. You are cherished, loved and cared for just as deeply and I hope the new year treats you well. You deserve all good things❤️ Thank you for always being so good to me and to those around you.
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giulolosblackmail · 1 year
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[ID:  The Pepe Silvia meme with "Hosta is a shinigami theory" written on the conspiracy wall.
/End ID]  
i'm working on hosta's bio rn and so far i have ruled out one of my previous theories, she was misnamed in the wiki because magda called her a tayuu in one conversation, and since tayuu isn't a name but a profession (tearing my hair out trying to find one consistent fact over four different languages) hosta doesn't have anything to do with the Hatred in my heart set, therefore she's not an oni guarding the gate between the realms of the living and the dead
But, she is for sure not mortal since foggy already said hosta can't die because she isn't dead
theory 2 1: she's a fox spirit, more specifically a kitsune since i think that one would fit her best seeing as she's magically proficient, knows things about history and magic that she shouldn't reasonably know, is beautiful, and has a supernaturally long lifespan, plus she also has a pipe fox, and according to yokai lore only proficient magic users/summoners/sorcerers (idk how to translate it) can control their effect on luck, while the association with a pipe fox doesn't necessarily mean she's a fox spirit herself, you could pull meaning that out of all the yokai that could have been chosen, hosta got a fox spirit, plus there's the in-universe rumors about her being a fox spirit
theory 2: undead, hosta was, at some point, a living person and for some reason was resurrected, this one doesn't hold much weight since i can't find a specific japanese spirit or monster that fits hosta and isn't a ghost, but it does fit the whole not being able to die because she's not alive thing, plus it would partially explain her abilities involving death, i'm not sure that it explains the respect the dead have for her though
new theory✨: shinigami, being immortal is one thing, but hosta's control over the dead suggests she has some greater connection to death itself, she can call on the dead from anywhere and does not need to have met them before to call them, on top of that hosta has stated that she can move between the realms of the living and the dead, WHICH also has some Implications about theology in the hw universe, but i'm not sure why hosta moved to the stardust continent in general if this is true, the only thing she says about it is that she crossed the ocean fleeing war, she doesn't seem to have anything to do with acting as a harbinger, leading people to death, or seeing out those who are going to die so if she is a shinigami then she's not a very good one
results: inconclusive, i'm begging you just give me one concrete answer, this is the black glove thing all over again
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rosesloveletters · 2 years
Hi! Hope you're doing well 🫂❤️‍🩹 Just wanted to pop in here and share something funny that happened a few weeks ago. I went for a trip with a friend and realized once we got to the city that I had completely forgotten that winter was still a thing and therefore also forgotten to bring a beanie with me and I bought this cheap beanie that I didn't really like, but then I saw my reflection with the beanie on and thought "you know what, it's giving [newest f/o], I like it" and now I can't get enough of it. And as for the new f/o, let's just say I watched some silly movies about cars and fell in love with the bad guy (that gradually turned into a good guy) again. 👀❤️
Hi, Magda🫂❤️
It feels like we've not talked in a while. I hope you're doing well and that life is treating you kindly.
Oh my goodness, it seems silly but it's easy to forget winter still being a thing this time of year! I don't know where you live, but if it's starting to change from winter to spring where you are, then I understand. It's doing the same thing here and the weather is so erratic.
Aw, that is so sweet how you connected with the beanie when you realized it is similar to your new F/O🥹 I'm sure you'll wear it all the time now! Omg I'm so excited for you with this new F/O!! You'll have to tell me about him❤️ I hope you're having a wonderful time together and are bonding closely with each other. Gotta love the bad guys! They're always such fun characters to explore.
Thank you so much for sharing this with me🫂 I hope you had fun on your trip to the city with your friend!
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rosesloveletters · 2 years
Hi! 🫂 I'm so sorry I missed your birthday, I was super busy that day and I saw people sending all these "happy birthday" asks and I wanted to send something but then I thought I wanted it to be thoughtful and not rushed and then I just couldn't find the time that day but just know you were in my thoughts and I hope you had a wonderful day ❤️
Hi, Magda!
Oh, that's okay, darling, no worries❤️ I appreciate you for taking the time to send an ask, you're always so thoughtful and sweet and it's a joy hearing from you. I hope all is well with you and that you're having a lovely week/month.
it's perfectly fine that you weren't able to find the time to send a message on the day, but knowing I was in your thoughts is very sweet and I am so grateful and honored to be on your mind.
I did have a decent birthday, thank you!
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rosesloveletters · 2 years
Read your last post and oh, darling ❤️‍🩹 I'm so sorry you feel like that but please know that this feeling will pass ✨ Lion is so so so lucky to have you and in awe that he has someone like you by his side ❤️ remember that you're such a cherished person to many, especially Lion <3 sending hugs 🫂
Thank you, darling🫂❤️
Your messages always cheer me up. I would've answered sooner, only I've been dealing with some pretty messy emotions this week so I wanted to wait until I felt well enough to offer you my full attention, as you deserve.
This means so very much to me. I interpret Lion as a very sad kind of guy anyway and I hate to put more onto him. This poor little fellow can barely handle what life has dealt him, how dare I make it even harder on him? He deserves so much love and attention and care. I want to be the best version of myself for him so that he feels happy, safe and loved. His soul is so beautiful and I am so proud of him for being his gorgeous, funny, lighthearted self (I am in desperate need of a Scarecrow rewatch, can you tell?)
I love you, darling, I hope this year is treating you right so far. Happy February 1st and may this month bring you all the love, light, joy and happiness you deserve❤️ Lots of love from me to you🫂🫂🫂
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rosesloveletters · 2 years
HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎆🤍✨ Hope this year is kind to you 🤍
Thank you so much Magda!! Happy new year to you too, darling🥹❤️ I hope this year is kind to you as well and that you achieve all you are hoping for! Sending you so much love☺️💗
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rosesloveletters · 2 years
Aw, thank you, dear Magda! You're a darling~ Hope you're well, dear friend - take good care of you💗💗
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rosesloveletters · 2 years
Hi darling ❤️ how have you been? You said this month's been a lot so I'm just checking in to see you're hanging in there 🍂 remember that you're important to a lot of people and your f/os love you endlessly <3 I've been trying to make a soft landing back into uni for myself and so far it's been alright. My schedule is bearable and I love the fact that it's gonna remain unchanged all the way to next year's January. I've only gone out once with my uni friends, to see a play at a theatre and it's been wonderful. I feel like with everything that's been going on lately I've had to take a lot more time for myself to be able to function but it's felt really good.
I'm so glad I got back to horse riding, it's become such a highlight of every week and it makes me happy. I'm gonna be taking part in a dressage competition (just for the roders at the stable, nothing too fancy) next week and I'm both excited and scared. I've watched hours of dressage, trying to prepare myself somehow, maybe. Cowboy's been a champ about all this - bless the man for that, he's absolutely clueless about english riding - he's watched all my lessons and given me feedback (it's mostly him saying everything I did on the horse was amazing and me giving him a reality-check that everything I did was not, in fact, perfect).
I hope the rest of your week'll be kind on your soul, you deserve it 🤍✨
Hi, Magda✨❤️ How have you been doing? I hope all is well with you; I've been thinking of you and sending good vibes your way.
I've been handling it as best as I can. I made a post about it on IG, but last month one of our family cats passed away completely out of the blue and the details of which were very traumatic. That, amongst other things, have soured my mood these past few weeks. I've also just been incredibly busy with work and things happening in my personal life that I've just not had a whole lot of down time.
Thank you for checking on me; it means a lot to me❤️ You're very sweet to say that and I hope you remember and know how important you are to me, to others, your f/os and all whom you meet.
That's great to hear that uni has been going okay for you so far and I hope it continues on that way as the semester goes on. That's wonderful that you've had an easy transition with classes and that you'll have the same ones until January. It's so nice to not have to worry about things changing too soon. Yes, you should definitely take all of the time that you need and give yourself plenty of space to choose what you want to do, when, how soon, etc. I hope that you had fun seeing that play with your friends❤️ That sounds lovely! I know you've told me you've had a rather rough time this year and I'm so relieved to know you're doing much better now and giving yourself the time and space to function how you and your body needs❤️
I'm happy you've gotten back into horse riding too! It sounds like it would be so much fun and it seems to make you very happy and helps you connect with your f/os since some of them love doing that as well! Ooh that competition sounds like so much fun!! Just remember that it's only a friendly competition and to have as much fun with it as possible. Take it easy and just focus on how much fun you'll have, since horse riding is something you love to do❤️ Oh my goodness, well, I'm happy that your Cowboy is being so supportive of you! Take it all in, darling, and let him in to be there and to support you in this. He is so proud of you an so am I! All you can do is practice and then do your best in the competition and that's all the matters. I know you'll do well with it! You're already a capable rider from what you've told me and as long as you're having fun then it'll definitely be a memorable experience and you'll be very glad you did it❤️❤️
Thank you for your support, darling! I love you and hope you have a great time at the competition. I'll be sending good vibes your way that you'll do well and enjoy yourself❤️❤️
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rosesloveletters · 2 years
Wait hold on you and Lion are engaged???? CONGRATULATIONS!!! 🤍💍🎉 (tell me everything!!!) I'm so so so happy for you two! The engaged life is a bliss, enjoy!!! <3 Me and Cas decided right away that we wouldn't take any pressure about settling a wedding date and we still don't have one 😶 but I think that the modern society makes such a fuss about getting married really quickly after getting engaged and I think it shouldn't be that way. I know couples who've never gotten married but live together and/or have kids and they're fine. I think that it's a good decision from you two not to rush things if it doesn't feel right at this moment 💌 me and Cas are sending all our love and wishing you guys all the best ❤️
Hi, darling!☀️💛
Yes, that silly little boy is now my fiancé and we both couldn't be happier💍 Thank you so much, dear, I really appreciate your congratulations.
It all happened so fast. While we were at the exhibit, he was just quietly following me around while I took pictures and marveled at all the paintings and I could tell, just from watching out of the corner of my eye to make sure he could keep up with me and didn't get lost that he was mostly just watching me. Something was off with him that day because he was being really quiet and he doesn't do that too often because of how comfortable he is with me, so that should've been an indication, but I did not think he was going to propose.
Right before he asked me, the entire room went dark for a few seconds and then... the scenery erupted in a starburst and it was like we were walking amidst the heavens. I was trying to take it all in, just stood there looking every which way and Lion slid up behind me, arms around my waist and he kissed my cheek as he whispered softly to me: "this is what it feels like, for me, every time I look at you and that's why I want you to marry me."
It was nothing like a traditional proposal and that was what made it so special.
Thank you so much, darling, I think we will definitely enjoy this part of our relationship. There is a lot of pressure to pick a date, but I don't think we will have one for quite a while. We're not going to rush anything and when we do feel like it's time, we've already decided we aren't going to put pressure on ourselves to have any kind of extravagant wedding where we have to go to more trouble planning and preparing it than actually enjoying it. It'll be something very small or perhaps no celebration at all except for the two of us.
You and Can are wise for taking your time with each other and there is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying a long engagement or never marrying. It all depends on what the two of you want the most and that should always be the most important thing. You are so very right; modern society does put pressure on people to get married quickly, but if it isn't what the couple wants then they shouldn't be forced to jump into anything they aren't ready for. It should be their decision and theirs alone. I know couples like this too, who are happy just to be together without ever being married and there's nothing wrong with that either. Being with someone else shouldn't have to follow a specific set of criteria.
Thank you so much for supporting us and we are sending all our love to you and to Cas💛 We greatly appreciate you both so much!
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rosesloveletters · 2 years
It took longer than I liked to get back into your askbox but just dropping in to say that I'd love to hear more aboit Lion (yes, again) so go ahead and answer any those question from the Lover f/o asks that you haven't answered yet! Sending good vibes and love your way 🤍🤍🤍
Hi, Magda! How are you doing, darling? It has been a while since I saw you in my inbox💝 I hope you’re taking care of yourself, dear. I’m sending you so much love and lots of good vibes! Thank you for asking about my beloved Lion💞💞
I Think He Knows: List all of the things about your f/o that make you fall in love with them a little more each time!
There’s too many - I love him too much💗💗💗
Here’s the things that stuck out to me in canon:
Can I just say how much I love his name? Francis Lionel Delbuchi is such an unusual name but it suits him beyond all measure. I love love love his name and how excited he is whenever I call him Francis, because not too many people call him that since he was nicknamed ‘Lion’. 
How much energy he has, specifically when he starts doing jumping jacks on the side of the road, running around through a department store like a madman and acting a fool in a bar where he got up on a table, started some kind of drunken processional and climbed into a burning trashcan. 
His cute laughter; it almost sounds forced but that’s just the way he laughs and it’s adorable.
His innocence and ability to be captivated by small things; he loves to watch the sunrise. 
Sometimes he comes across as almost shy and it’s precious💗
His childlike nature is perhaps one of my favorites. He makes really innocent jokes and likes to talk a lot when he’s comfortable. 
His love language is physical touch, i.e: putting his hands on my hips, my lower back, holding my hand, long hugs etc. 
I love the hat he wears. If he is wearing it, I’ll sometimes distract him with a kiss and then as a joke I’ll pull the hat down over his eyes and run away and it always makes him laugh.
His little dancey dance whenever he’s staying with Max, Max’s sister and her friend because🥺 that specific scene fills me with the intense need to protect. When I look at him during that, the only thought that registers is “who the fuck could ever want to hurt him?” I just want to scoop him up, put him in my pocket and carry him around with me forever🥺
When his hair is actually cut and styled he looks like a little schoolboy and it’s cute🥺 
His ability to diffuse an argument or a fight by using laughter and silliness; I truly see that as a gift because there aren’t many who can do that.
This section got away from me... I love him so, so much.
Death By A Thousand Cuts: How do you and your f/o handle bad times/how are you there for each other when life gets rough?
I feel guilty about this one, because it is usually Lion who is taking care of me when I’m sad, because I’ve had relatively very little happiness since I met him and that has absolutely nothing to do with him. He asks me lots of questions when I’m sad, to make sure he’s doing what I want/need. A verbal affirmation lets him know he’s safe to continue what he’s doing. I get lots of cuddles and forehead kisses. One of my favorites though is if I’m in a bad mood or I’m sad, he’ll tell me little anecdotes from his life when he was young, just to give me something else to think about for a bit.
When Lion is upset, he stops talking and all he really wants to do is sleep, so if he’s upset we get into bed a little early and I let him be the little spoon. I’ll talk to him softly and play with his hair until he falls asleep. He doesn’t get upset very often at all; it takes a lot to get him into a bad mood. He handles himself quite well because he values humor and lightheartedness so much. 
Questions from: Lover Self Ship Asks
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rosesloveletters · 2 years
Giiiirl I love the new layout it's absolutely adorable!!! <333 hope this week's been good to you 🤍 sending hugs and love your way and Cas asked me to tell you he says hello and hopes things with your f/o's are going well! ✨💘
Thank you so much, Magda✨💖 I had so much fun putting it all together last night!
Thanks so much, dear. To be honest, this week hasn't been the greatest and I've just been feeling off and quite unlike myself. I think I need some time to recalibrate, re-center, assess what is most important to me and dedicate more time to those things.
I hope you're doing well and that this week has been treating you kindly. I'm sending you lots of love, hugs and good vibes✨ Tell Cas I say hello to him and thank him for asking after me. Things are well here with my f/os; Lion knows I'm not taking care of myself as I should be and is helping me with it. Hope all is well with your f/os too!!
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rosesloveletters · 2 years
For the f/o takeover asks: 3,5 and 6 for Lion <3 love hearing you gush about him 🤍🤍
here's an f/o life update on my part:
Cas is off visiting family for the whole month (good for him <3), Jack's on some daring adventure again and Batsy (he hates that nickname lol) is busy keeping up with criminals so I've been spending time with Cowboy on the ranch. I've finally had the chance to do some yardwork and tend to the garden (it was a mess when I started) as we've turned most of the horses out to the big grass pastures 💚🌱 There's still horse-related stuff to do (you can't escape those on the ranch) as the horses don't spend whole days out at the pastures yet, it's a slow progress getting them used to grass again after winter. 🐎
sending hugs and good vibes your way ✨
Aw, hi Magda!! I love you, darling, thank you for asking about Lion💖 you're so freaking sweet ugh how did I get so lucky to have you in my life?
What are your pet names for one another?
mine for him: Lion is already a nickname and I mostly refer to him as such. However, sometimes I'll call him dandelion. the standard 'sweetheart' and 'baby' are favorites as well.
his for me: he is the only f/o who's allowed to call me rosie (that's what I'm called irl and I hate it) because I like the way he says it. he sometimes calls me his 'silly goose'. on occasion I'm 'his girl' or 'flower'.
What's something they do that you think is just absolutely adorable?
(what does he do that isn't adorable?) I think his sense of humor is one of the most adorable things about him. it is very innocent humor, but it never fails to make me laugh. sometimes all I need to cheer me up is hearing one of his jokes or watching him play around like a child. he's so adorable when he's laughing and happy; that is my favorite thing about him and something that fills me with joy to witness.
also, can I just say that he's so cute and little? I love that we are about the same height, give or take a couple inches, because it's just so 🥺🥺🥺 I love that he's such a little guy🥺🥺🥺 I don't mean it in any negative type of way; I love that about him so very much.
How intimate are you with one another?
I would say that Lion and I are intimate in the way that we have a deep understanding of each other because of similar experiences and personalities that compliment each other quite well. we don't have specific roles that we fulfill, but Lion appreciates that I take charge a lot in our relationship and direct him. I have to say that I am a bit more dominant than he is (and he can be a brat when he wants to be) and our sexual intimacy reflects that.
in terms of general intimacy, Lion and I are very, very close. we stick near each other most of the time and he likes to be around me when I am working. he's always curiously asking me what I'm doing and likes to be included. Lion has the habit of clinging to those he cares about and it's adorable how attached he is.
thank you so much for updating me on how things are with your f/os💖 sounds like your f/os are staying quite busy with themselves, but that is good to hear that you're happy for them and content with spending some time with your Cowboy💖💖 I'm certain there would be lots to do to care for a ranch! oh, wow, I'm happy you were able to take care of the garden!! yes, horse-related things are always bound to crop up on a ranch and it makes sense if they aren't spending the whole days out in pastures yet that there would still be a bit more to do. I bet it is very fulfilling to work alongside each other like that. Thank you so much for sharing this with me! It seems like you all must be doing very well and I am so happy for you~
things with my f/os are going okay: jakob and will haven't been around for a while, but I believe they're off searching for more tales that need to be told and trying to get their publishing/writing career going, so they're focusing a lot on that. terry is around a bit, but the one thing about my father is that he is always immersed in his work and he has been very busy managing his hotels because of it being summer. tony is around as well even though he keeps himself pretty busy doing goodness knows what; I imagine the business he's in is booming lmao. he is the only one of us who's enjoying the heat wave because he is so used to a hotter climate. lion spends his days with me, mostly, but he's quiet now because it's late. he's a morning person, whereas I am the opposite.
sending you lots and lots of love💖💖💖
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rosesloveletters · 2 years
🌻 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🌻
Hi, Magda!! Thank you for sending this🌻
I am ✨obsessed✨ with spicy foods.
I haven't seen myself with my natural hair color (except the roots) in seven years.
one of my comfort shows is bob's burgers.
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rosesloveletters · 2 years
Loved the question you sent me so I'm sending it right back to you: what do you and your f/os do outside of what you post here to strengthen your relationship/bond? 🤍
My answer's still in my drafts but I have every intention to finish writing it asap
My holiday was fine, spent a few days abroad with my best friend and went to see a concert, it was such a good trip and so needed right now <333
Social media can be draining as hell, that'd why I only post and interact here when I feel like it. Remember that you're under no obligation to make us content if you don't feel like it. It's okay to yourself first, a recommendation even if you will, you deserve to take and make time for yourself <3✨🤍🌙
Hi, magda!! Hope all is well with you, dear. I'm happy you liked the question; I love hearing all about your ships & everything you want to share with me, so I look forward to reading your answers. Take as much time with it as you need - there's no rush or any obligation to respond. You holiday sounds very relaxing🤍 I'm sure that was lots of fun going to a concert with your friend!! you deserve more good times like these~
Social media is so draining, but you're right, we have to take it in stride and only be active online whenever we want. Our mental health is top priority (though that is so difficult for me to remember or follow the advice of.) I've been trying to have a bit of time for myself this weekend, but it hasn't exactly gone to plan yet. perhaps today and tomorrow will be better.
now to answer your question: what do you and your f/os do outside of what you post here to strengthen your relationship/bond?
the stuff I'm discussing in this ask are things I haven't shown or talked about before and if I have talked about them at all, it's been very brief.
one of the things I do with my f/os is that I create lock screen wallpapers of each of them. If I want to feel more connected/close with a specific f/o, I can change my lock screen wallpaper to one of these and it helps me think of them often because of how frequently I see their face when I pick up my phone. 
these are some of the wallpapers I've made:
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Another thing I do is make Pinterest boards of random aesthetic photos that remind me of each of my f/os. this helps if I want to make an aesthetic of them or a lock screen wallpaper, but it is mainly for inspiration and ideas if I’m wanting to write a fic. 
here is the board I made, in case anyone wants to make one and doesn’t know how to get started:
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and finally, one of the more obvious things I do to connect with my f/os outside of social media, is write personalized fics about them.
writing personal f/o fics is much different than what I share with you publicly. everything in each fic is carefully curated based on my own preferences, likes, dislikes, dynamics, etc. I will either write using my own name or my self-insert, Audrey; I won't use 2nd person (you, yours, etc.) because everything in these fics is specifically tailored to me. with these written pieces, I don't worry about what is professionally or technically right or wrong like I would with a published piece. I focus mainly on the storytelling aspect and getting the lore written out as it comes to me.
self-shipping is not only about self-love, but it is also about (at least in my experience) experiencing a different, more desirable reality where I feel like I have more value, more to offer and am able to be loved and treated the way I feel I deserve but am not able to get in my reality. these fics allow me to "transport myself" fictionally into each world with my f/os and experience/express myself differently than I can in real life. writing these fics are very fulfilling to me and have helped me connect with my f/os the most, because when I'm writing, I'm there.
All of these fics are handwritten in notebooks I carry in my backpack with all my other creative projects.
I have these three personalized f/o fics started:
The Brothers Grimm (2005): kindred spirits (working title.) 
Ocean’s Eleven Trilogy (2001, 2004, 2007): urban dreams in promised land
Scarecrow (1973): wild things (where the wild things are reference)
listing some other things I do to connect with my f/os outside of social media:
make playlists/listen to songs that remind me of them.
imagine various scenarios, specifically before bedtime (sometimes this results in me dreaming about them.)
pretending they’re there helping me with simple tasks, keeping me company, etc.
making aesthetics/mood boards of them.
writing poetry about them or how they make me feel.
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rosesloveletters · 2 years
Here's a gush pass: 🎫 <3 use it to gush about any f/o(s) you want, as much as you want! 🤍🌙
aw, thank you for sending this Magda. I didn't answer this one for a bit because I felt like I was saving it for something, though I didn't know what. I just recently gained a f/o and so I'd like to use this space to talk about him:
everything below the cut is strictly fictional detailings, created by me, for this specific f/o and our shared dynamic. there is not a place for me in canon, so I am creating my own.
this is francis lionel 'lion' delbuchi:
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Lion has the biggest heart out of anybody I know. We met outside of a shopping centre. He was leaning against the wall outside the main doors, people-watching and waiting for someone to be kind enough to give him a ride to the next city; he saw me smiling and laughing with a friend and that was what he said caught his attention, because he said I have the most beautiful laugh he's ever heard and the best smile. He came up to me and told me that right away, which isn't something I'm used to. even though I knew better than to trust a stranger, Lion wasn't strange at all, at least not to me. He wasn't a bad kind of stranger at all; he had a certain innocence about him that came through the very second I met him. There weren't many souls out there like him and I wasn't going to let that pass by unnoticed. He asked for a ride and I felt compelled to 'do this one thing' for this man and turns out it ended up being the best decision I've ever made. Once Lion walked into my life, he never left.
One of the things I love the most about Lion is how funny he is. Whether he's dancing, telling jokes, playing pranks or just being his authentic albeit clumsy self and tripping over his own two feet, he always makes me erupt into side-splitting laughter every day. A lot of people would find his antics annoying or loud, but it doesn't ever bother me or get on my nerves. Laughing is really important to him; having him around reminds me to smile more and get enjoyment out of life whenever I can. I often struggle with mood fluctuations/depression and Lion is the only one able to effortlessly put a smile on my face and get me laughing at him again. He likes to tell silly stories and sing songs and dance like a fool. It feels good to not take things so seriously all the time and Lion reminds me of that daily. He loves to run and play and have a good time; being around him keeps me on my toes. There's never a dull moment when Lion is around and trust me there's no better feeling.
He never has a bad thing to say to anyone, even if they might deserve it. I admire his positive attitude and strive to be more like him especially in moments of weakness where I might often like to be unkind. I take inspiration from his kind heart and spread positivity where I can. I let things roll off my back, much like he has taught me.
I love him deeply, for his childlike innocence about the world, his love of people and desire to spread as much laughter and joy in the world as he can. He's cute and sweet and thoughtful and always thinking of a way to make people laugh, not for attention, but because everyone deserves to live their lives with a smile.
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rosesloveletters · 2 years
Love the new url!!!!! It's so cute 🥺🥺🤍 sending hugs <333
aw, thank you🥺🥺 since my blog isn't only for heath anymore, I wanted something more generic & because I'm blogging about everything I love then I thought this was perfect & similar to what I had before.
sending all my love~💌
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