#✰ IN A BELLADONIC HAZE || main verse ✰
belladoniic · 4 years
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@blixxxa​ said: ❝I’m bar-hopping tonight, wanna come?❞
from drinking starters // accepting
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            “ you don’t have to ask me twice, darling~~ ” he was already a little sloshed at that point-- but he was never one to say no. he patted his jeans to make sure he had the essentials-- wallet, pack of cigarettes-- before checking inside his leather jacket and inside that secret little pocket he keeps only the most important things. 
      “ what kind of bars? do i need to change? ” he said, though he had no intention on really changing. yellow leather jacket, white tight-fitting tank, and jeans seemed pretty applicable for most bar scenes-- but it never hurt to check. “ we coming home together, or separate? ” he winked. maybe he was overloading with the questions-- but oh well. 
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belladoniic · 4 years
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           He was sat cross legged on his living room floor. There were papers strewn everywhere-- some sketches, some official documents, some old lyrics he should probably put away-- which was exactly what he was doing. He’s let his organization really fall behind recently, and he figured it was finally time to actually sit down and put everything in their respective spots... later. 
      Though, instead of actually going through those things right now, he was just looking at some pretty old photos of him and Roger-- back when they lived together-- that had been thrown into the mix somehow. He had a small smile on his face.
      “ You wanna live with me?” he asked, very suddenly, looking up at Maddie. It’d been a hot second since he’d said anything, so it even shocked him to say this so suddenly. But he meant it. “ You don’t-- you don’t have to-- but I think I’d like the company. House is only so big, and Pheobe and Joe don’t really take up much room at all. And they sort of work for me, anyways, so it’d be nice to have someone here that... doesn’t get paid to be here, you know? ” A short pause. “ But I can pay you, as well. ”
                                                                starter for  @greyhoundgxrl​ ! 
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belladoniic · 4 years
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@excentriquee​ sent: “ of course it meant something! ”
phrases that hit u where it hurts 
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                shining brown eyes blinked at hazel. he wasn’t expecting that response. he’s so used to saying and doing without consequences-- without thinking, that he wasn’t sure how to respond to this. but OF COURSE it meant something! reagan wasn’t just some boy he’d picked up from the club. he liked to think they were friends-- they’d slept in the same bed together for christ’s sake! so why on this green earth did he decide letting those words slip out of his mouth was such a good idea. especially when he hadn’t even been DRINKING-- not much, anyways. not enough to safely blame it on that.
      “ no-- it didn’t. ” he said firmly. because it didn’t-- or at least he was SURE he wasn’t about to admit that maybe it did. “ just forget about it, alright? please? that was-- that was incredibly embarrassing of me, and i-- please? let’s just move on-- i’m-- ” he groaned, frustrated with himself. he’s starting to blubber like some schoolboy. “ listen. i’ve-- i’ve got to write something before i go into the studio tomorrow. can we talk about this later?” or never.
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belladoniic · 4 years
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            “Every time I see you, you’re pissing me off.” A statement, point blank. A true one at that. He’s frowning, but still casually drinking from his bottle. He’s also always drinking when he sees Murdoc-- but that couldn’t be anything more than a coincidence. “Why is that? Do you hate me?”
                                                                         starter for @isgcd​ !!!!!
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belladoniic · 4 years
@excentriquee​​ liked for a thing
                this wasn’t his first rodeo-- he’d been around these parts of town for quite awhile.  though, admittedly, these were the more tame places he’d been-- but still a nice place to meet people, and hang out with.... friends.
      and, speaking of meeting people-- here was someone he’d actually seen quite a lot on the scene, which was a little astounding to even freddie, as he rarely ever pays attention enough to commit these faces to memory. but this kid had something-- a spark. something that demanded to be seen-- and he definitely was-- at least by freddie. 
      so, after a few drinks, he found himself walking up to the other man, adjusting his jacket to seem a little more cool.
                “ i think i’ve seen you before-- i really like your work. ”
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belladoniic · 4 years
@citialiin​ from X
      it wasn’t very often freddie mercury became starstruck.
     okay, that wasn’t totally true. it happened far more frequently than he’d like, given the number of people he had had the pleasure of meeting over the past few years that he’d admired for both long and short periods of time. thankfully he’d learned how to gain some semblance of composure and not act a total fool in front of most people. which was about to come in handy, because he’d spotted ziggy stardust.
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      he’d loved the music, but it was really the style that intrigued him. freddie always liked to go one step further with everything he wore, but it just seemed to work so much better for ziggy. at least in freddie’s opinion. and he very much wanted to meet the person behind that genius, even if it was only once and in passing. 
      so, he made his way over towards him, adjusting the jacket he had on so he didn’t look like such a mess. 
      “ let me buy you a drink. ” he said, as soon as he was close enough. it could have been any kind of drink-- alcoholic, juice, water-- he wasn’t about to impose anything on the other. although, maybe if he himself was a little more sober, he wouldn’t have used that as his opening line.
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belladoniic · 4 years
@crimsxnidol​ liked for a starter !!
            “ i’ll let you tell your friends you went home with FREDDIE MERCURY if you can get me a drink. ” 
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belladoniic · 4 years
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                “ i dont think i really like playing the piano anymore, ” he says casually. he’s just walking through the room, picking up various different things, as if to inspect them, but putting them down too fast to really develop any sort of real feelings about the item. he only did this for about a minute before he became bored of this too and sat himself down on the windowsill, crossing his legs and folding his arms on top of them. 
      “ well-- i like playing the piano, ” he corrected himself-- because he did. “ but i think when we’re touring. it’s stifling to have to sit there for a whole song. it’s a nice break partway through when we do borhap-- but-- would it be bad if i hired someone else to do it for me? i think it might take a load off deaks too-- he picked up the bits for radio gaga, but he’s forgotten a few times, and i just think it might be nice for him. ”
                                                                                 starter for @nickkave​ !!!!        
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belladoniic · 4 years
@greyhoundgxrl​ liked for a starter
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            “ you mind getting me another drink, love? ” he says, after just slamming back the one he had. maybe he should slow down-- but he’s not really in the mood to. he tilts his head to the side, and gives her an almost sickeningly sweet smile. “ pretty please, darling-- ‘m afraid i’ll get the spins if i stand up right now. ”
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belladoniic · 4 years
@newleafbooks​ from HERE
            oh, now he’d done it, hadn’t he? freddie thought he was doing such a good job at keeping it together-- because he didn’t like to talk about this stuff. he didn’t like to just tell people what was going on inside that big head of his. but he finally took the step to do it, and now he’d gone and made lucas CRY-- 
      his own eyes stung now, but he ignored it in favor of reaching out to hold lucas’ face, wiping the tears away with his thumbs. “ no--! no, i’m sorry-- i didn’t mean-- ”
      didn’t mean what? to make him cry? he didn’t even know what to say at this point-- he was afraid of saying the wrong thing again, and fucking this entire thing up. even as lucas offered to let him stay-- seemed to want him to stay. or was it pity? he didn’t seem to really be in his right mind at the moment, so freddie wasn’t totally sure he trusted that judgment.
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      he wrapped his arms tightly around lucas, then. just holding onto him. “ just-- ah-- just breathe, love, okay? just-- ahh-- ”
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belladoniic · 4 years
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@excentriquee​ sent : it’s breaking my heart to see you like this.
from angst starters // accepting ! 
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                he feels sick-- and this time, instead of not enough, he’s pretty sure he’d had TOO MUCH. he feels as if his heart is going to beat out of his chest-- he threw up a little bit ago, but it did nothing for his nausea that was still rolling over him in waves. he’s shaking, panicking because is he going to die? he’s going to die!
      hopefully he’s just having a bad trip. 
                freddie looks up from his seat-- at reagan with big, shining eyes-- tears threatening to spill over at any moment. but he’s not sure if it’s because of the panic, or the utter embarrassment he’s found himself in. he knew as soon as he took it that something was wrong. and what was the first thing he did? call reagan. beg him to come over-- and for what? to get yelled at? to be lectured? he’d made a mistake--
      “ i-- i need help-- ” freddie whispers after a moment, letting his eyes fall back down to his lap, rubbing his face before wrapping his arms tightly around his chest as if it would stop the pressure he feels there. he’s not even sure what help he’s asking for-- begging for. “ please-- i-- PLEASE help me-- ”
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belladoniic · 4 years
@blossomingbeelzebug​ liked for a thing
      freddie is ungodly bored at this point. there wasn’t anything for him to do-- and everyone else seemed far too busy to indulge in whatever the hell it is freddie wanted to do. not that he blamed them-- their work was important. freddie could probably be helping them out, but at this point, he wasn’t in the mood to be there any longer than he had to be.
      so, he walked up to thomas. maybe he’d be willing to go do something that wasn’t so dull.
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      “ you’re not doing anything important, right, dear? ” he asked like he cared. well-- he sort of cared. but at this point he was willing to hire someone to do whatever it was thomas was doing. “ let me take you shopping. i want to get out of here. ”
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belladoniic · 4 years
@betelguide​ liked for a starter :o
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                 “ what is that UNGODLY smell? ”
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belladoniic · 4 years
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@greyhoundgxrl​ said: Happy Birthday Freddie
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            He’s absolutely glowing. He’s planned something small for the day-- just a little dinner party with his close friends. But hearing the words from her-- it still meant so much to him. So, he gave her a very big smile, and wrapped his arms around her, squeezing tightly.
      “Thank you so much, darling. You don’t know how much it means to me for you to be here right now. ”
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belladoniic · 4 years
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                “ you know-- i grew the damn thing and they threw razors at me on stage. RAZORS! you’d think, considering the way i used to dress, they’d be a little more accepting of things that are different. apparently not. ”
                                                                                      starter for @candiallure​ !! 
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belladoniic · 5 years
CONTINUED FROM X // @evieenpointe​
      “ ahh- on the contrary-- i’m quite a good secret-keeper. ”
      he isn’t dying to tell her, but he definitly feels a strong urge to. if only because he knew it would make her happy-- and who doesn’t want to see evie happy? freddie definitly does. 
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      “ ah-- but how will i know you’re trustworthy with them? “ he asked, and watched her get up on the chair, and freddie let her take his hands. it was quite the sight to see-- and all to get him to tell her a secret that he may-or-may-not have! well, maybe he just liked all the attention. he always liked the attention. so, he took one of his hands back to rest on her neck and brought his lips dangerously close to her ear. “ and what are you going to do for me, darling? ”
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