#✰* ˗ˏˋ thread ˎˊ˗
mortiium · 6 months
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IT FELT STALE OUTSIDE, IN A WAY that was hard for roman to articulate. two - hundred years into the business of being a thinking being, and they still struggled to find the right words. there was no space the vampire couldn't fill with immense silence, it seemed. they'd come to the edge of their family property, the church atop the hill looming large behind them. like a second set of eyes trained into the dark stretching expanse. a noise had startled roman out of the thoughts they had been getting lost in - potentially for days. like someone, or something, calling out. "yo," they started, feet inching closer to the road, eyes adjusting. "can we help you with something? there a soul that needs saving out here?" we. like anyone from the church would come outside to greet lingering strangers. like roman was in the business of saving souls.
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magnifiico · 10 months
@charroblanco || cont.
He’s felt a weight like this before. He’s felt—no, he’s endured—grief he’s spent his entire life convinced could never be worse. Never heavier. Never deeper, wider, more excruciating of a void in his chest. All this time, Magnifico has wondered how that could even be fair: how an emptiness could hurt so much— There’s nothing there. There’s nothing there. So why does it burn him from the inside out and spread an insatiable inferno through every bone—?
Why is he on fire? Why is he— Why is he here?
The thought process was, at the time and even now, nonexistent. He’s been working on impulse ever since opening that book, welcoming in that devastatingly powerful magic despite knowing precisely what that meant: the sacrifices he’d readily make all for the sake of—! 
Enough. Back to the present. That was then, this is now. Here.
He’s here because of so many reasons Magnifico can’t count—and so many more he doesn’t yet understand. He’s here because suddenly, inexplicably, he remembers how to breathe for the first time since that magic took hold of him, because he needs only to meet a world-ending, soft understanding in that gaze to feel his impulses have steered him right. He’s here. Because, by the end of all this, he’ll look back and think to himself, Yes, of course. Where else would I have been?
But in that “here,” and in that “now,” he holds on to even a fragment of what he’ll feel later. It’s enough to get him to stay.
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“It’ll do in a pinch,” Magnifico reassures him, and though his voice is low, practically squeezing out with an effort, he spills into it a gratitude that rings there in the undertow. For someone perceptive—someone like Ernesto—it’d be difficult to miss. “The, uhh… accommodations, not the tequila. For the moment.” Clarification, that which he embellishes with a quirk of a smile that doesn’t yet manage to reach his eyes.
And with that, he sidles around the other, caring a stark little about any brush of contact. “If I’m interrupting something”—he hesitates, peers over his shoulder—“well, don’t let me interrupt something.”
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believingmagic · 1 month
˗ˏˋ closed starter » jesper fahey with sabrina spellman @fadingmadness. ˎˊ˗
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"are you looking for anything in particular?" he asked. "maybe something... magical?" okay, he didn't actually know if this place had any full on magic. but, it's worked to sell things before; he's a grifter... sometimes.
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orvlle · 1 month
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@brutestrcngth asked :
❝ hey. do you need some help with that ﹖ ❞
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His head whips around ( almost too fast ) at the sound of a voice , his startled expression softening when he registers what the words were. The face was new , but he still recognized her ─ the on ship archeologist he requested after . . well. That isn’t really something he wanted to think about. He looks at the box that he had just set down after a good five minute struggle of trying to get a grasp on it.
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❛ Ah - could you ? ❜ He gestures to it. ❛ It was supposed to be going down to archeology anyways. ❜ He pauses for a moment , before giving her a smile. ❛ Doctor King , right ? I’m sorry that this is our first proper meeting. ❜ So much for looking like a strong , capable Captain.
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leonardosfm · 2 years
— ❛ OPEN. ❜  
LOCATION: club 33.
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🐢 ⠀  ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ───────────     “   well,   how   did   that   get   there   ?   ”      leo   commented,   as   he   looked   up   at   the   mistletoe   that   currently   hung   above   him   and   the   person   in   front   of   him.   he   knew   exactly   how   the   plant   had   gotten   there.   his   boss   thought   it   would  be  cute   to   decorate   for   christmas   in   the   bar   early,   which   to   each   their   own   but   the   last   day   of   november   felt   a   tad   unnecessary   but   who   was   leo   to   say   anything   ?   he   just   worked   here.   baby’s   first   job   !      “   because   you’re   cute,   you   get   to   kiss   my   cheek…   but   nothing   else,   unless…”   leo   said   with   a   playful   wink,   before   hopping   over   the   bar   so   he   was   behind   it   once   more.      “   i’m   kidding,   what   kind   of   guy   do   you   take   me   for   ?   giving   shit   away   for   free,   pfft.   anywhizzle,   what   kind   of   drink   can   i   get   ya   ?   you   won’t   believe   it   we   have   festive   drinks   out   already.   they   really   go   all   out   here.   ”
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dustified · 1 year
━━ ˗ˏˋ “So... you wanna dress a guy up as a girl to fuck with Cartman, and Stan won't do it.” Kenny was slow to paraphrase Wendy's suggestion back to her, body leaned in and voice low so only she could hear. But it wasn't like he wasn't down — of course he was gonna do it, he'd been bored out of his mind for weeks now, and Cartman kinda pissed him off the other day.
It's just that, y'know, being asked for help was definitely not a common occurrence anymore. Not for Kenny, anyway. Most people outside of his friend group typically kept away, no thanks to Cartman, or they thought he'd be too high or dull to comprehend their requests.
So a girl coming to him for help, let alone Wendy Testaburger...
“Yeah, I'm in.” He leaned back out of her personal space, a shoulder now rested on the wall of lockers instead. “I'll be at your place an hour before school starts tomorrow, yeah? I can raid my mom's closet, she's gotta have somethin', but makeup takes a while, don't it?”
@pinkbcrett || wendy && kenny || closed starter
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writelives · 2 years
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new blog for my ocs means starter call for you. you can ask for more than one starter. you can specify or let me randomize the muse[s] for you.
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ofskellingtcns · 2 years
— ❛ CLOSED. ❜  @evergiots​
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🎃 ⠀  ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ───────────       jasper   had   been   in   a   rush   leaving   the   starbucks   he   decided   to   head   to.   lurking   in   the   shadows   was   a   skill   he   had   mastered   while   in   hallow   falls.   to   be   scary   he   needed   to   blend   in   with   the   dark.   so   darting   from   the   public   was   something   he   had   done   flawlessly   the   past   month.   however,   jasper   sometimes   got   too   bold   for   his   own   good   and   decided   to   step   out   where   people   could   see   him.   it   wasn’t   the   best   idea   given   the   reputation   now   placed   upon   him.   once   he   grabbed   his   coffee   he   headed   straight   for   the   exit.   in   his   rush   the   skeleton   felt   himself   collide   with   another   body.      “   sorry   ”      although   his   tone   said   anything   but   it   was   hasty   an   annoyed.   looking   down   at   the   person   jasper   realized   it   was   victoria.   his   features   softened   some   but   there   still   was   an   aloofness   about   him.      “   oh,   victoria.   i   didn’t   see   you   there.   ”
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ineffablefallen · 1 year
➥ @xchxsingcxrsx || tenth doctor “ You’re staring. ”
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── ˗ˏˋ “ Yeah, well... you've got my face. ”
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pinktief · 1 year
this is my formal apology to all the tav blogs because i'm canonizing the blood of lathander as zuriel's weapon 🙏 she's a devoted follower and champion of lathander, she really deserves it i'm glad u all understand and agree !
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mortiium · 5 months
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SLOANE WAS DRIVING FASTER THAN SHE HAD any real right to - like she had somewhere she really needed to be. lost in the volume of the song that was screaming from the speakers, it took an unexpected stop sign for her to snap back into her own head. "whoa," she mumbled, glancing over sheepishly at the passenger seat. "sorry." her voice was flat but jagged, like it was scratching her throat. "sorry. what were you just saying? i missed it."
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magnifiico · 8 months
Hi! Do you ever send memes to your followers?
Hey there, anon! c: Thank you for reaching out!
It may not look it, but I do send memes when I'm feeling them, yes! (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ My main problem is that I'm weirdly picky about memes...? idk how to describe it, but it goes both for reblogging a meme (which you see I haven't yet – there's your evidence!) and sending in memes. I overthink way too much, which then leads to me not sending things since something didn't "fit the vibe" right.
Furthermore, I've been less active on this dash lately since I'm consumed in another brainrot atm, so most of my activity here in the past month has been hiding in my drafts/inbox replying to current threads rather than starting a lot of new things!
(⌒_⌒;) I do apologize if this has made anyone feel like I'm uninterested. If we're mutuals, then yes, I'm interested. I might just not be super active or hunting down fresh interactions at that given time. 👍
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believingmagic · 1 month
˗ˏˋ closed starter » caleb rivers with aria montgomery @fadingmadness. ˎˊ˗
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there's a sigh that leaves his lips. "so, i'm the only one who remembers who everyone is and no one remembers me?" he asked. something about it felt kind of typical, a way caleb had always felt. maybe it was some kind of karma.
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orvlle · 1 month
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leonardosfm · 2 years
— ❛ CLOSED. ❜   @donatellosfm​
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🐢 ⠀  ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ───────────   leo   was   pouring   himself   a   cup   of   tea.   the   clock   read   6am   and   while   he   would   have   loved   to   have   been   up   because   he   chose   to   wake   up   at   this   ungodly   time   the   truth   was   insomnia   had   won   once   again.   leo   was   actually   about   to   go   to   bed   when   he   heard   the   shufflings   of   someone   in   the   living   room.   donnie   hadn’t   been   home   that   night.   he   texted   leo   saying   he   was   hanging   out   with   a   friend.   the   slider   pushed   down   his   anxiety   and   decided   to   trust   donnie.   he   knew   his   twin   could   handle   his   own.   so   donnie   sneaking   home   at   this   time   in   the   morning   was   interesting   to   say   the   least.   donnie’s   outfit   even   moreso.   taking   a   sip   of   his   tea   he   leaned   in   the   doorway   as   he   watched   his   brother.      “   hey,   buddy,   ”      the   smugness   was   seeping   in   his   words.      “   since   when   did   you   attend   halloweentown   university.   ”   
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dustified · 8 months
@ohxhamburgers || butters && kenny "I see more than I say.." As Eric Cartman had found out the hard way. This however, wasn't a threat, just a statement. A meaningful one as blue eyes moved to lock with another set of blue. Would he understand?
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━━ ˗ˏˋ What had started as a simple joke towards Butters' one half - blind eye, suddenly sent a nervous shiver down Kenny's back. He sees more than he says? What could that even mean? He actually remembered last week's deadly mishap? He'd caught him with his hero costume?
...Did he catch a glimpse of the skirt he'd hidden in his school bag?
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“Psh, haha, what?” Think on your feet, Kenny. His gaze darted away from the other blonde's face, the grin on his own ever so slightly faltering. “You‒ Tch‒ C'mon, man, you ain't seen drugs in my bag, I dunno what you even mean.”
Okay, yeah, fantastic cover.
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