#✽ ➝ verse 003. ❜
publicabsent · 1 year
@frightes: “ Hey, do you need some help? ” / accepting.
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nurse lane's assistant is perched on a slightly wobbly chair, reaching onto her toes to arrange the less-used supplies on the top shelves. annette doesn't hear the door open, but nearly jumps out of her skin when she hears someone else's voice. a quiet yelp escapes her, nearly dropping the box in her hands. it's cindy berman. a shadysider -- not that it matters, really, since she isn't liked by either group, but something of note. "oh! um -- um, n-no, i ... i'm-m okay, i -- th - than-nk you, th-though ... jus-st ... just org - org-ganiz-zing --"
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eievuimultimuse · 7 months
@eyeknowmayhem | CONTINUED.
     “ THAT DON’T MEAN I don’t want a WARNING, “ he retorts right as the telltale clink of the lock coming off rings quietly through the otherwise silent air. For what it’s worth, there’s no annoyance in his tone or anything like that. He just would have liked to have known that Hob was planning some outing; he’d caught the fly mutant completely off-guard and offered little time for him to get prepared for much of anything.
     At Hob’s own counter, however, Superfly goes quiet for a moment, before pressing his lips together and humming quietly. Not a full-on agreement, but— YEAH, he’s probably right that he would have said ‘NO.’  For no exact reason other than he’s had difficulty finding interest in doing much of ANYTHING for the past— well. For much longer than he’d care to admit. He’s gotten BETTER, but…you know how such slumps go. Once you’re in them, it’s hard to get out.
     ( Yeah, maybe he does understand why Hob thrusted this on him without warning, actually. )
     In any case, he follows Hob in, antenna twitching at the new scents that hit him when he does. Eyes are naturally drawn to the various flora that surround them, trailing his gaze along the various, multicoloured plants with the smallest amount of intrigue. His eyes are torn away by the cat’s random inquiry — which isn’t an inquiry at all, but evidently just him screwing around. Even without pupils, the eye roll that Superfly gives is apparent, but his lips are curved upwards slightly, so evidently he found it funny too.
     “ I think I’ll just stick with my cactus, “ he replies back in jest. He’s referring to that little plant he’s kept in the corner of his office — one that originally was a joke-y gift from— well, it was a gift that was meant to be funny. He ended up taking good care of it, though. It’s still holding up, actually, despite his particular lack of attention as of late.
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     “ That's sweetgum, by the way. “ He nods towards the pot Hob plucked from. “ Since you asked. “ Why does he happen to have that completely useless info memorized ?  Who knows.
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sialiia · 5 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ• . ° .┊┊ @wastheheart - continued
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ㅤㅤ❝𝓘 often wonder... if I ever became a vampire, how and if my gift would advance. What kind of things would I be able to do.❞ Sydney admitted quietly, blue eyes focused toward the ground for a brief moment before her gaze came back to the vampiress. ❝I hope I'm not causing you any problems by being here. I tend to pick up on things. Sometimes a bit more than just spirits. Information from the dead can tell me what someone is. So... the secret of someone's species isn't all that secret to me.❞
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resonette · 1 month
don't worry , god will forgive us .
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(   van helsing. accepting. )
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" you. "
the correction comes like sacrilege, almost. how brazen the flower maiden is when she looks at the goddess, casts her eyes upon her beauty, and still yet finds the bravery to correct her. it will get her punished, of this she knows, but she is not afraid. not she, who has looked upon the world and found it wanting. not her, who is responsible for the continued existence of her people. she is not yet princess, nor queen here, but she knows she is integral to this survival. they have made no mistake in ensuring that the flower maiden knows she will be sacrificed. that is why she must climb the foreseer's tower, seek his guidance, find a cure for her ailment before it is too late. before she dies, unable to help her people.
" our god will forgive . . . you. "
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" but what of me? there is no happy ending for me. i do not get to wed, nor bear children, nor see the beautiful flowers i spent ages of my life planting bear fruit or seed. and what of me, o aurora, for the only way for the rest of my people to carry on is when my blood is spilt? is that why ASTRA has cursed me in this way? is that why you have come to look upon me before i enter the foreseer's tower as so many before me have? i am going to die anyways; i would rather it be at the hand of a man who can present unto me the truth than be laid upon an altar to a god who refuses to look upon me? "
golden eyes tear up, here, wet and wanting like the most divine of waterfalls. it is like she is watering her garden, here, with the way the tears so freely streak down her cheeks, pale skin reddening with each breath the philean girl takes. her hands are overturned, her palms extended. if the goddess so much as wanted her to prostrate herself before her, she would, to prove her point. had the most beautiful of auroras chosen mankind? had there been another to finally, FINALLY , see what the flower maiden had begged for years , eons , lifetimes of seeing ?
" do you wish ASTRA'S forgiveness? because i do. i would throw myself to the wolves one final time if it mean ASTRA would end this hellacious cycle that has been thrust upon me. i cannot remember the lives that came before my own, yet i know they exist. i am dying, goddess, and i am scared. please - do not bar my path. please, o most beautiful aurora. let me find my truths, so that i might die knowing i did all i could. "
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keepmovinjunior · 2 months
Meg is staring, slightly perplexed, at ˗ˏˋ @handsomethrowrug.
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❝ Uhh. Yeah. Why is Wonderboy's cape ... walkin' around? ❞
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pvachypessa-archive · 4 months
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Eyes placed on her garden before the shadow blocks her sun view. oh... What was happening? was it a cloud? No. no. She looked at the other piece of land and was as bright as it can be under the sun.
She looked at the shadow and followed it with her eyes to see the owner of it, it was a dragon!. The princess looked at the dragon (@trondopeacekeeper ) and getting up, she stepped back scared. Not knowing if the other was friendly or hostile.
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❝ I- ummm... hello! May I help you with anything? ❞
She was scared of him? Yes, will she show it? Not entirely no.
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deadn30n · 8 months
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❝    the  taste  of  food....  how  i miss  it  sometimes...     ❞
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victoriousfidelity · 5 months
@asprinkle said: "I'm not used to this. Being cared about." prompts for people who refuse to let anyone care about them. | accepting.
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"But you should be." The Goddess tells him, gently taking his hand in both of hers. "You deserve to be. Will you tell me about him? I'd like to know a little about the one who has seen how wonderful you are."
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publicabsent · 1 year
@loetise: hold me. please hold me. / accepting.
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she's holed up in the nurse's cabin, allie with her. annette had been ready to patch up any kids (mostly shadysiders) who'd gotten bumps or scrapes from capture the flag, but the reality of this is far worse than she could have imagined. the two small counselors are pressed against a wall under an open window, to hear if whoever is out there killing people approaches. her reluctance toward touch is trumped by both fear & allie's request, frail arms wrapping around the blonde tightly. "w-we -- we h-h-hav-ve to be ... be qu-quiet ... j-jus-st. jus' in c-case."
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owedfavors · 6 months
⤷ ✧ @prcspcr / continued.
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irony runs undercurrent to this entire conversation, nearly eking forth a smile. a smile she quickly transforms instead to the quirk of a brow, a silent challenge for him to consider for it for himself. she finds humor in it, that he should apologize for abruptness to her, that she should speak to him of worry. she does not doubt that humor is not the word he would apply.
❛ no, you are correct. worry is flawed. ❜ she has a reputation for that same demeanor he suggests she exhibit: ruthless unconcern for hurt feelings. it is but one more irony that he classifies it as ideal while others dismiss it as, at best, an unfortunate quirk of hers, if not a failing of her command style. no, perhaps not irony, but something else: the reason she does care, that she worried to bring the news to him herself.
her gaze evaluates, seeking answers ( how he is: the question she will not ask even as she would not want it asked of her ), but she remarks only, with subtle humor, ❛ unfortunately, even I am not immune to such flaws. not wholly, at least. as always, I appreciate the fresh perspective. ❜ she buys herself time, diverts them away from the crunchier aspects of reality and into theory and philosophy. ❛ though I do wonder, what emotions do you consider unflawed, lieutenant? ❜
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sialiia · 1 year
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ• . ° .┊┊ @astormymind ⋅ liked!
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ㅤㅤ❝𝓛ook... I don't want any trouble--❞ A quick pause to correct herself. ❝--Who am I kidding? Trouble tends to find me all the time... unfortunately. Not that I go looking for it.❞ She shrugged her shoulders casually, trying to find out how to keep the conversation lighter despite her heart racing from coming into contact with something she could sense was not human, at least not completely. Visually, it seemed like it. But being sensitive to energies and other worldly things, she picked up on things easily. ❝--Anyways! I um... is it rude to ask what you want?❞
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eievuimultimuse · 9 months
@eyeknowmayhem | CONTINUED.
     “ LAST GUY THAT said somethin’ in the same vein turned out t’ be a real asshole, “ he retorts. The funny thing is, he doesn’t even disbelieve the cat mutant when he says that. He’s probably completely RIGHT, but what does it matter if Superfly holds no interest ?  Being some UNSTOPPABLE PAIR was only good if they happened to have a shared, vested interest. And they simply did not have that: Superfly held no interest in this mutant army idea of his, and Hob sure as hell had no reason to care about HIS personal vendetta. In any case, his retort mostly stems from the fly lacking the usual PATIENCE he has with Hob.
     “ Yeah, and it’s still five minutes of my life that you’ve wasted. And don’t say ‘bug up your—’ “ He happened to glance down mid-sentence, prompting a visible, APPALLED recoil of his head. “ Man, what the HELL is wrong with you !? “ A smaller arm shoots out to wipe the mess off. “ Don’t dump that shit on my ride. “
     The outburst is practically the perfect segue for Hob to point out that the fly’s acting a little PISSIER than usual — a statement which does prompt a small twitch of his antennae. He’s not wrong to point it out; usually Superfly is WAY more tolerant of his shenanigans. Sure, he still didn’t put up with his shit, but it was usually done with a little more tact and professionalism. Tonight, though, he just didn’t have it in him.
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     Truthfully, he…might’ve already been ANGRY before he got here. And he might be taking it out on Hob as a result. It’s that recognition that prompts him to respond earnestly, though certainly not without that edge in his voice still: “ Look, ya’ picked a bad time t’ do your recruitment shtick, alright ?  Got enough goin’ on at home just t’ come down and deal with you. I ain’t in the mood. “
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cragsnow · 7 months
[ 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐦 ] : sender is helping the receiver through a panic attack / severe anxiety. @oathfcrged — sent from this prompt (x) still accepting!
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it’s a wonder that it’s taken this long for something like this to happen again. there are multiple factors that could be causing it: the tadpole, for one, that’s a pretty heavy hitter; or the fact that it’s the anniversary of his parents’ death; or even the sheer fact that he thought he might have heard the hissing of a snake, although that’s possibly imagined by his already heightened stress levels. either way, he’s on the verge of falling over the edge of the abyss into a situation that has proved fatal for others before. which, of course, doesn’t make him feel any better.
it starts with a tingling in his fingers, one that he recognises is his magic begin to spark and rile. they’re not fully in dangerous territory yet, so they still have time to defuse the tension that’s beginning to pull his muscles taut. ‘ hey, um, ’ he begins lowly, hanging back slightly to where aksel is pulling up the rear of the group. ‘ i need to…i have to get out of here. ’
he’s finding it difficult to offer up any other explanation than that without making himself worse, with the words that he’s already said spreading that tingling further up to his hands now. as if just the acknowledgement of what he sees as a weakness becomes a trigger. but the signs are clear in the way that he’s trying to take slow, measured breaths, and in the way that his hands are clenching into fists and then unclenching.
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sparkles0n · 2 months
// verse tagz
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scatcrccio · 8 months
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@ashesrebirthed (keiko) gets a pre-crash high school thing.
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HIGH SCHOOL WAS A SHIT SHOW IN ITSELF, always had been, always would be. Kids bullying kids to make themselves feel better about their own fucked up lives. Natalie never liked to think about it that way, to know that it was so easy for some people to do, regardless of the reputation she herself had been given. She never bullied anyone who didn't deserve it though and it was always just in retaliation to those who attacked her first or people that she cared about. Discrimination as a whole was a whole other fucked up thing that she hated to see.
So, to actually bare witness somehow struck a chord that causes her spine to straighten. The group of white-washed little assholes picking on the new girl made Nat's bottom lip quiver in a way that sent her heart racing. ❝ Don't. ❞ She heard Kevyn say beside her as he took note of where her attention resided, trying to keep her from interfering, but Natalie was already determined, shoving his hand away from her shoulder. ❝ No. ❞ She says, ❝ fuck this. ❞ books in hand shoved over to her friend before she runs fingers through her hair and makes her way towards the nuisance that clearly became bully-central.
❝ Hey! ❞ Voice shouts, loudly enough to cause at least a moment of pause before she's now standing in front of the girl being targeted. ❝ The fuck, dude?! ❞ Hand shoves against the chest of one of the guys who had previously slammed the girls' binder down onto the floor. ❝ Why don't you take your insecure high school bullshit drama elsewhere and compensate for something other than your small ass dick, yeah? No one's fucking impressed either way. You just look like an asshole. Good for you, dickwads. ❞ Nat stands her ground, even though it looks for a second as if the group of guys are ready to pummel her into the floor, it doesn't faze her and eventually, they scoff.
❝ That a fucking challenge, Scatorccio? ❞ One of them says while taking a step closer to her. ❝ Not like you'd be able to live up to it anyway, Galloway, so what the fuck does it matter? ❞ There are a few more back and forth outbursts with Nat's fingers now curled up into fists by her side before the group eventually gives up and walks away. Her chest still slightly puffed up from the brief confrontation, she soon allows herself to relax when turning back around to face the girl behind her. ❝ You okay—? ❞
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nighttero · 2 months
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@xamassed | starter
It was a leisurely walk in the park. The weather was perfect—not too hot—and the wildlife was active, with a gentle breeze blowing. She used to prefer being alone, but as she grew up, she gradually learned to interact with others. One of them being Ashley. They shared a couple of things in common. They both liked nature and hated being around people, but oddly enough she did not mind spending time with him.
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She pulled out her camera and snapped a few pictures of some birds perched in a nearby tree. Those were hard to come by during this season, and she might even win some online awards for her photos. Without speaking she gently tapped his shoulder then pointed towards the tree to indicate what had caught her attention.
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