#❀ – π”ͺπ”žπ”«π”₯π”΄π”ž 𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱
txemptress Β· 2 years
"I don't love you."
fourth or fifth of the Dion series!! Yes, I'm finally doing this TT
warning: mentions of murder
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This statement stunned all the people in the room.
Dion proposing the idea of marriage between him and a mere pet towards the family! This made Roxana laugh. "Why should we trust you, Dion? You've always loathed the idea of marriage and yet here you are." Hiding a smile behind her hand, she looked towards the other two for their opinions on this.
Their father seemed to be lost in his thoughts on the matter whilst Fontaine just stared unamused. "You marry her? I don't find comfort in such an idea, brother." The word brother seemed to irritate the already annoyed male as his optics stared daggers at his older sibling.
"I see no problem with what I have asked." The second oldest said calmly, unbothered by his siblings' clear disagreement towards the matter. "It will benefit the family's growth. Not only that, but being married to her will spark up my chances as head which is why you all do not find that amusing." That seemed like a direct hit to his siblings who seemed startled by such a statement.
"You're presuming..!" "Shush." Lant interfered with much annoyance. "As Dion said, there is no problem with such a request. This will bring more most likely successful roles into the family." Tapping his chin, he went on. "I will have to think about it. For now this matter will be adjourned. See to it that the pet gets back to her cage." That was voluntary, and all of them seemed to want a word the girl.
Although Fontaine and Roxana seemed determined to get the girl, Dion got to her first. "As you wish." He said, taking the hand of the girl who had barely made a sound during the whole ordeal.
Walking out the corridor, he pushed her against the wall hard. Her back ached painfully as a hand forcefully lifted her chin to face him. "If you get the faintest idea that I care for you, you are gravely mistaken. I saved you only to my own benefit. If we get married you will not find a happy ending for I do not love you. In fact, one could say I loathe you to a point." The harsh tone in his voice mixed with the tight painful grip he had on her made tears swell, nodding meekly at the statement she tried pulling her wrist away from him only to be tugged tighter. "One more thing, once we're married and we need to have children if that ever happens. If the first child is a failure, you'll watch them die by my hand."
Without so much as a warning he dragged her to her so-called 'cage', tossing her in. "I will see you soon, dear wife." The door slammed as she sat up to see only darkness in the room. The swelled up tears streamed down her face as sobs ringed in the air. Clutching her chest, she wished that she was never born to parents that barely cared for her well-being, maybe if she hadn't she would've had a better life than this. Damned to marry and produce offspring for a male who did not care or love her in any way.
Her head was spinning as her vision slowly became unfocused. The last thing she heard was the door opening slowly as she fell into the dark oblivion of unconsciousness.
A soothing sound of laughter made her focus once more. This place.. Hadn't she seen it before? She eased herself upward as she padded her way to a giant structure. Home... Running through the deserted halls she screamed for her parents... brother... anyone at all. She found nothing. Only an empty home that once belonged to her treasured ones. Was this what happened now?
Suddenly footsteps were heard. Marching.. A scream of a woman was in earshot, begging to be heard. Mother..? Rushing once more she found a traumatizing sight. A male laughing at the sight of her mother's dead corpse on the ground. That male then turned towards her. Looking directly at her, he laughed maniacally. "See what your mother has become? If it wasn't for me you'd be like this, so you could at least be grateful." The male drew off his hood. Dion. Those taunting crimson eyes blazed with much satisfaction towards her crying.
A scream escaped her lips as she shot up from the cold hard floor she had been sleeping on. There stood Roxana Agriche watching her. Had she been watching her sleep? Locking eyes with one another, Roxana crouched down. "Are you alright?" Her eyes were glowing with what Name took for worry.
"I'm fine." She was surprised at the sound of her own voice, perhaps because she couldn't speak a word during the dream she had just had. "What are you..?" "Doesn't matter. Come along." Roxana said, gesturing her to follow.
Moving through the hallways with the lady, they made it to a room where Roxana asked her to make herself comfortable. Clearly confused on what was going on, Roxana spoke up. "I've asked father to make you my lady in waiting. I thought that would be better than becoming a wife to my irritating brother." Name clearly wasn't listening properly. At least she hoped. Roxana Agriche made her a lady in waiting and Lant Agriche had agreed without a problem?
"How-" "Let's just say I've earned a lot of father's favour." Roxana gave a small smile. "Please try to impress me as much." There was a reason she found interest in this girl.
Name was no ordinary being, it seemed there was more to her than anyone had thought. A power stirred inside of her. If Dion got his hands on the girl it would mean their offspring would be quite strong and a perfect weapon to be used on the Pedalians, which was not good for her plan.
Her lips quivered with nervousness as she answered, bowing respectfully. "I will try my best to ensure that you don't regret it, my lady."
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txemptress Β· 2 years
ρα૨ƭ ΰΉ€Ρ΅ : β€œBack to me. ”
character(s): Eros Vasilios, mentions of Dekis
manhwa(s): Your Throne
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She left the ballroom in shock. Dekis Solon had asked her, the fiancee of the crowned prince, to leave Eros and live with him and his family like it was not a royal she was betrothed to.
Running through corridors and what seemed like endless hallways, she found the garden at long last. Exhaling quietly trying to remain as quiet as possible due to the fear that a guard might be near.. Finding a place in a hidden area she found in the bushes, she pulled herself together.
There was no way she could escape the ever so possessive prince who was always one step ahead of her own wishes. Biting her lip to ensure that no sobs escaped, she thought with guilt of the male who had awaited her to answer him with a yes. Instead, he had gotten a girl fleeing from him towards what seemed to be the exit.
"Trying to hide, hm?" The voice of a familiar startled her to the slightest as she jumped. "Sorry, darling. I didn't mean to scare you." Eros cooed as he sat down next to her with amusement on his face.
Name couldn't possibly find her voice at a time like this. Eros didn't seem to mind though as he just leaned, using his thumb to caress her cheek. Much to his delight, the female complied with the actions. Leaning against her fiancee, she tried comforting her already clogged up brain.
Eros gave her time to think. The silence seemed a bit suffocating, but she was glad he did not bother getting angry at her. Unless he wanted to and was just calming her down.
The male suddenly shifted which caused her to fall on his chest. "Huh-" "I need to go." What a way to ruin the moment. She mumbled an okay as Eros stood up.
"I'll see you later." Eros murmured before leaving.
The silence was more suffocating than it had been now that he left. Pressing her lips in a firm line, she stood up and walked back to the ballroom. Walking in, multiple eyes fixed onto her. Keeping her head down, she moved past the crowd towards a corner whereas no one would look or try speaking to her. At least that was what she had thought. A male cleared his throat as he bowed in front of her. "Oh.. Marquess Helio.." She said, trying to smile at him. "A pleasure to see you." Helios nodded.
"As it is to see you, my lady. A delight to see that you've come back." Helio smiled. "I had thought I wouldn't be able to have a word with you because of it."
Name shook her head. "I just needed fresh air is all." Her eyes wandered past him to meet a pair of purple eyes. Medea Solon was watching them with no emotion. Was it because of Dekis..?
"My lady?" Helio asked again. "Are you okay?"
She blinked. "Yes of course I just... I'm just tired.." She mumbled, shifting uncomfortably because of the thought that Medea seemed angry at her.
After talking awkwardly with the marquess she officially excused herself from the male and the party, rushing to her room.
She had made a mistake.
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txemptress Β· 2 years
okay so this is for my wattpad and i need opinions on it so give me your worst if necessary.
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Name had deemed herself worthy of being a well known duke's daughter. But, she wasn't always like that. In fact in her past life, she was nothing but a disappoinment to her family.
All she could remember from her past life was that she was an abused child and that she had gone to sleep and woken up in this world.
It took her a while to realize that she was no longer in her time, but she realized it when her so-called "father" started mentioning the name "Agriche". This hit harder than a truck for her. This means she was in the 19+ harem manhwa world of Roxana.
"My lady, it is high time you wake up." The maid said, as she shook the girl from her sleep. The girl sheltered her eyes as another maid opened the curtains. "Lady Areum, please wake up dear. Your lord father awaits."
Of course he was. There was never a day when Duke Armani didn't await for his daughter. She groans as she sat up. Her maids stood lined up perfectly. Everything in this household was deemed to perfection. Not one of the servants fell behind and not one of the guards faltered from their works. If one was at least a second late to their duties, they would be executed or worse given to the Agriches for handling.
She was dressed in a gown, made of white silk and embedded with beautiful shiny gems of different shapes, which were colored using different varieties of blue.
It took the maids a few minutes to brush her hair until it shone. Then, her long grey hair was tied in a crown braid. She looked in the mirror as the maids finished with the final touches.
Areum Armani was truly a beautiful girl. She couldn't believe her eyes. She was so sure that she was probably not as pretty during her past life. Perhaps it came with being in the manhwa world. As a noble at that. Nobles and royals were always such beautiful people. She could recall so many manhwas where this was the case.
The maids bowed as she turned away from her reflection. "Is there a visitor today?" She asked the guard who had just recently turned into her personal guard.
The guard shook his head. "No, my lady, but your father has been asked to join Duke Agriche for tea, and he wishes that you will join."
She froze at that. Lant Agriche didn't have the greatest reputation. He was known to be ruthless, cold and murderous. The entire family's reputation revolved around crimes.
She nods. "Very well. Is my father still waiting?" She hoped he had eaten and left already, but this time luck was not on her side.
"No, Lady Areum. He still awaits your presence."
Then she was escorted to the dining area, where her father as well as her siblings sat.
Duke Armani sat at the head of the table. His cold purple eyes made contact with her own as he seemed to be furious for her late arrival. "Sit." He commanded as she sat next to her brother, who seemed very uninterested on whether or not she was late.
The family started eating, silence ruling the room. The only sounds were the sounds of the utensils.
She felt the cold eyes of her own father steadily looked at her. She felt exposed, as if he was staring directly at her soul.
"I assume you've been told about our rendezvous at the Agriche estate?" Duke Armani said, no one needed to ask who he was talking to because everyone knew the person who he always picked in these visits was Areum.
"I've been informed.." She answered hesitantly after a long pause of silence.
"Good. I thought I was going to have to kill another useless servant." He said. "Be ready in a few minutes. We will leave once the carriage gets here. I was informed that their son has returned from his mission. He had ought to keep you company." Her eyes looked up from her plate, seeing that the duke stared at her, smugly. He knew full well how she'd react to such monstrosity.
"Well, this shall be a different experience then." She cleared her throat. She worked hard not to let her father see that she was quite terrified.
After eating, she hurried to her room, taking her sun hat as well as one of her parasol..
When she came down, she found her father by the door. He looked at her structure, and nodded in approval.
They both went out of the door, to the beautiful courtyard. Filled with plants of all sorts. She noticed that a black and white carriage awaited to take them to her father's desired destination. As they approached the gates of the Armani estate, the guards bowed respectfully at the sight of Duke Armani. "May you safely return to us, my lord." The head guard murmured.
The duke didn't dare spare a glance at the low ranks.
She sighed and give them a small apologetic smile. She always felt sorry for those who tried so hard to impress the duke. If they only knew what he truly was in the inside, perhaps then they would never come to him looking for such praise that was too far-fetched to be given. Especially by a man who did not care for those underneath his rank.
The guards flushed, seeing that the beautiful Lady Areum had given them her charming smile.
"Wait." She looked at her father in question as he began walking away. She knew that he would need to inform the elders where he was heading.
The elders were the people who ordered everyone to do everything their way and all that annoying rituals. When her father came back, he said nothing just walked to the carriage, and went in it. That was not something surprising. Her father never talked about the elders. Most likely because he hated them to a great amount. There was nothing more that Duke Armani wanted than a "mysterious" murder case of all the elders.
The trip to the Agriche estate was quiet, and she was pleased to know that it was.
It had always annoyed her when her father continuously pushed on with conversations on marriage and finances.
As if SHE was the one who took the family coffers for her expenses, when it was known that her oldest brother was. Not only did he take the family's money as limitless, he also invited countless women to the house like it was his and not entire family's.
It pissed her off to know that her brother doesn't hold accountable for his actions and that she was the one to blame for his disgusting actions.
Then, again at least she was not the star of the house. She hated being the center of attention. She got it anyway for the fact that she was the Duke's daughter was enough to make ladies and lords of court to flaunt over her like birds finding crumbs to eat. That was alright for her at the very least. What she didn't like was when an Agriche tried grabbing her attention using unnecessary actions. By Agriche, she meant the eldest son of Lant Agriche.
Fontaine Agriche was a foul man to say the least. One who tried effortless risks to get her to notice him. He was a disgusting filth. His face was unbearable to look at. For some reason alk the Agriches looked enchanting except this man. Much to her delight he was off doing work for his father so she only had to deal with one specific Agriche. Dion himself.
"Welcome, Duke Armani. I trust you're doing well?" Lant Agriche greeted them without much emotion, but there was a welcoming tone in his voice towards the Duke of the Armanis.
"Indeed, I presume you have to." Her father seemed less tense and more at ease towards the older man.
"I've been worse." Lant said with a shrug, eyeing herself he then exclaimed. "So you've actually brought the daughter once more. Good to see you, Lady Areum. It has been a while."
She simply nodded before bowing as courtesy was needed towards nobles. "I suppose it has, my lord. I was quite grateful for your invitation. I shall see to it that I am no distraction from your needed to be discussed affairs with my lord father." Who knew it was this hard to be a noble-?! She composed herself as she straightened back up.
Lant Agriche simply gave a nod of approval. "I would call for my son, but as you know he's off in a battle." His eyes seemed to gleam with pride at that statement.
"It's alright truly. I shall take a walk in the garden." She declared wanting to leave these men alone to flaunt at each other instead of getting distracted over her 'safety'. "You may ask a guard to fetch for me when you're done, Father." She smiled with a bit of hesitation. Duke Armani seemed to not care and just chattered on with Duke Agriche.Β 
Positioning herself under a tree, she pulled out a book she had taken. Flipping a couple of pages, she realized much to her annoyance that this book was one of the countless books her father had lend her to study as if it would change her mind. Cursing in a high volume she flipped through the pages and found something of peak interest before she could read though someone suddenly gave her a fright.
"Isn't cursing unladylike, Areum?" She looked up to see a male standing in front of her.
Dion Agriche.
"And if it is?" She snapped back at him with a hint of annoyance. "I don't think you should be the one courting me of what's ladylike and what isn't." Dion hummed in response.
"I suppose so, but I think you'd rather I do it than your father." He was right. That dumb bastard was right about that.
"..." "No words?" Dion chuckled as he sat next to her, peering to see what she was reading. "A book about marriage? Looks boring." The book was then taken from her hand.
"Heyβ€”!" "I doubt you even want to read this sh*t my lady." A frown worked its way on her lips as he just watched with amusement.
"What do you suppose we do then?" She knew she shouldn't have said those words because the idiot had a smirk on his face.
"I think you know." Those crimson eyes gleamed with delight.
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