yukikorogashi · 12 days
"No one's going to find us here. We're safe."
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THEY HAVE BEEN OVERWHELMED... she, especially... had been overwhelmed, by the CHAOS and ANARCHY that had so quickly unfolded before them on this very day.
Having just begun her training as a CRYOMANCER, Itsuki had not at all been prepared-- when that TERRIFYING LOOKIN' BRO and his forces had suddenly invaded the temple... her new home. The nightmarish sight of his BLOODY SKELETAL MAW forever ingrained in her mind, and forever haunting her for the years to come. And she would curse herself, remembering how she had just FROZE IN PLACE, while others so bravely rushed forward to try and take on these invaders.
With people from both sides being so BRUTALLY SLAIN before her eyes, she would only whimper as she watched the ones that she would call her brothers and sisters... fall lifelessly the ground in bloody heaps.
... BI-HAN would have been so disappointed in her, had he been there... ... disgusted and enraged, even.
If @anteix hadn't put himself on the line to take her somewhere safe, Itsuki would likely have been dead where she stood.
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"W-What about the others, bro...?" Biting the inside of her cheek, Itsuki was still trembling. Hugging herself for a moment to try and quell these shakes, she takes a shaky breath as she looked back to him. She knew that he would have to eventually return to fight alongside the others, and she would curse herself once again for not being able to help in any way... "... w-will you come back...? Please... be careful..."
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yukikorogashi · 10 months
bihan gives the little ice apprentice a icy...squirrel.
A NUMBER OF QUESTION would immediately arise inside the younger one's head. As her gaze would hop between her mentor, and the ADORABLE LITTLE ICE SQUIRREL now held within her hands.
Once more, she was pleasantly astounded that something so PRECIOUS could be created by the FIERCE, TOUGH-AS-NAILS WARRIOR that stood before her. Though, this was why Itsuki couldn't help but LOOK UP to him all the more. As she was reminded once more that ANYTHING WAS POSSIBLE, the moment a cryomancer was able to master their craft like he had.
Though, with anyone else, Itsuki would already thank the person for such a sweet gesture. But, with him... she wasn't quite yet sure of his intentions. Of whether this was a actually gift or reward for her, or...
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"Ah... don't hafta... 'kill' this one too, do ah?"
She couldn't help the nervous little smile that would cross her lips then. A part of her already regretting asking that.
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@icesheen ❤️💕
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