#❒ taking what's left of their love and hate ⟿ muse wataru
networkscrambled · 1 year
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❒⟿ Starter for @pureposer ⬳❒
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"Good evening, sir." Wataru bowed respectfully to the customer that had just come in, giving his best behavior as a clerk despite the fact that Hazuki didn't come off as someone who would take interest in their wares. "Feel free to take a look at our selection at your perusal. And if you have any questions or need any assistance at all, I am right here for you. All you need do is call out for me and I will be at your side."
He didn't have a lot of hope for getting a sale out of this one. He was carrying some interesting pieces, but that meant very little in the grand scheme of things. Il Cavallo del Re was a shop meant for classy and corporate individuals. Hazuki looked like someone who sported more casual brands like Monocrow. There was very little chance he would see the suits and flashy jewelry and believe he was in the right place. Benefit of the doubt, of course, but it did annoy Wataru when customers came in just to window-shop items that they would never consider actually buying. It was frustrating to watch them loiter like that.
But rather than make himself look like some uncivilized ape Wataru chose to stand aside and wait for Hazuki to either leave or buy something. He did hope he didn't end up wasting too much of his time here...
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forgxtemall · 4 years
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► NAME ➭ "Lance Wataru.” ► ARE YOU SINGLE? ➭ "No. I’m engaged to someone else.” ► ARE YOU HAPPY? ➭ "... Next question.” ► ARE YOU ANGRY?  ➭ "Not really.” ► ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED? ➭"No. My father is dead, my mother has left me with my grandparents since early in my life. Next question.”
► BIRTH PLACE ➭ "Blackthorn city, Johto.” ► HAIR COLOR ➭ "Red.” ► EYE COLOR ➭ “Grey. It’s a rare color, as far as I’m aware of.” ► BIRTHDAY ➭ "December, 21st.” ► MOOD ➭ "...” ► GENDER ➭ "Male.” ► SUMMER OR WINTER ➭ "Winter, I was born in it and I quite enjoy this time of the year.” ► MORNING OR AFTERNOON ➭ "Morning.”
► ARE YOU IN LOVE? ➭ "...” ► DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? ➭ "No, but I can see it giving hope to someone who might be desperate.” ► WHO ENDED YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP? ➭ "Please, I’ve only been with my fianceé. I’ve remained a faithful spouse to her,and our engagement is still as strong as ever...” ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART? ➭ "It wouldn’t surprise me.” ► ARE YOU AFRAID OF COMMITMENTS? ➭ "No.” ► HAVE YOU HUGGED SOMEONE WITHIN THE LAST WEEK? ➭ "Yes, my nieces.” ► HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SECRET ADMIRER? ➭ "It’s expected, given my fame and popularity.” ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN YOUR OWN HEART? ➭ "Yes. But it wasn’t because of love or anything like it...”
► LOVE OR LUST ➭ "Lust.” ► LEMONADE OR ICED TEA ➭  "Iced tea.” ► A FEW BEST FRIENDS OR MANY REGULAR FRIENDS ➭ "Many regular friends, or whatever works best for the situation.” ► WILD NIGHT OUT OR ROMANTIC NIGHT IN ➭  "Wild night out.” ► DAY OR NIGHT  ➭ "Night.”
► BEEN CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT ➭  "No.” ► FALLEN DOWN/UP THE STAIRS ➭  "Probably when I was young... Early on my life... I can’t remember. But our clan’s manor has so many stairways, it wouldn’t surprise me if it happened to me.” ► WANTED SOMETHING/SOMEONE SO BADLY IT HURT? ➭ "Yes.”
► DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GET ALONG ➭ “Yes, obviously. No doubt about it.” ► WOULD YOU SAY YOU HAVE A “MESSED UP LIFE” ➭ “No. No it isn’t. It’s exactly what I expected, ever since they began preparing me to take over the clan’s duties.” ► HAVE YOU EVER RAN AWAY FROM HOME ➭ "No. I don’t see my pokemon journey, like that.” ► HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN KICKED OUT ➭  "... No...”
► DO YOU SECRETLY HATE ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS ➭ "No I don’t, that’s just silly.” ► DO YOU CONSIDER ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS GOOD FRIENDS ➭ "They are fine, they do no harm when I’m not working.” ► WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND ➭  "... Clair.” ► WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU ➭  "Don’t be silly, I wouldn’t be stupid to trust anyone on that degree...”
tagged by . @systemstored​ & @tcpdog​ TYSM <3 tagging . Anyone who feel like doing this! Just say I tagged you <3
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networkscrambled · 1 year
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❒⟿ @insightful-mother asked: ⬳❒ ❒⟿ ' have we met? ' (open to anyone you want Emi to interact with!) ⬳❒
Question Starters
"O-oh...! Uh, n-no, I don't think so..."
God, of all the times to be caught like this...! Yes, he remembered her, though thank god it was only a brief meeting. Miss... Sakuraba, if he remembered correctly. Il Cavallo had hired her to create some promotional material for their brand, and since his store was going to be the site of the promotion, he had been put in charge of handling everything. He'd met with her, had several lunches with her while the two of them worked on the designs for the promotional ads and which pieces would be at the forefront, had shown her around the shop and the products she would be promoting. God, he had spent an ample amount of time with her during those meetings, and his spine was frozen from the thought of it.
But that had been in his usual attire, perfectly presentable and well within what the public would expect of him. He never would have thought he would have found her here of all places, in the middle of a convention at a booth where he was selling his homemade jewelry based on a number of different series he was watching and new the public enjoyed. And... dressed as a woman... How embarrassing. How mortifying if there was even a slight chance that she might recognize him. How absolutely awful! He'd be ruined! Why was she here!? Was this a job? Was she an otaku or something!?
But he tried to have faith in his own abilities. Because while he hadn't pitched his voice up to a ridiculous extent, he certainly didn't sound like he normally would in the shop, and his makeup was absolutely impeccable, and judging from the compliments he'd been receiving all day he'd done a good job of portraying the woman he had decided to cosplay as.
God. Oh god, he prayed he didn't get recognized...
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"B-but since you're here," he perked up and tried to turn her attention away from himself and more to his wear, "what do you think about buying some jewelry? It's just the kind of subtle merch you would be able to wear out in public spaces. Er, if you're trying to hide it from your family anyway."
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networkscrambled · 1 year
{Alrighty, I finally have some icons made up for Wataru's crossdressing form. In case you are curious, the FC I'm using is Caterina Sforza from Trinity Blood. I'm still working on anime scs, but I went ahead and used some of the official art that's just floating out there to make some icons.}
{I think this is also a great time to go ahead and post an hc about how Wataru sounds when he is cosplaying or crossdressing. He does change his voice, and the result is a husky lower feminine voice. I'll find a vc for him soon enough. But just imagine that sort of voice when I'm writing with him with these icons.}
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networkscrambled · 1 year
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❒⟿ Starter Call: Wataru ⬳❒
{And since I've suddenly drummed up so much muse for him, here's a special starter call for Wataru specifically. I really wanna write him rn, so I look forward to interacting with y'all.}
{Just like this post and I'll craft a starter for you. Remember to reply with which muse I'm writing to if you're also a multi. Otherwise I'll pick at random.}
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networkscrambled · 1 year
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❒⇝ Anonymous asked: ⇜❒ ❒⇝ 📂 for Wataru ⇜❒
Random Headcanon Meme
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{Wataru really enjoys using pearlescent elements in his jewelry, especially when mixing them with chrome. He feels like it looks elegant on anyone, and even if you're wearing a fairly monochromatic outfit, it's a great way to bring some color to the ensemble. He won't wear them himself, however, in any public setting where he might be recognized by his family. He tries to keep a fairly carefully maintained relationship with them so that he can be involved with the people he cares about.}
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networkscrambled · 1 year
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❒ ⇝ @lollipopsandgunshots asked: ⇜ ❒
❒ ⇝ 📂 ⇜ ❒
Random Headcanon Meme
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{Since he was the muse I really made this blog for, we'll go with Wataru this time. I like to think that Wataru likes to cosplay, on very rare occasions, and only if he can line it up perfectly with being off work he will take a rare opportunity to go cosplay at conventions and rent a booth to sale his jewelry. It should be noted that when he chooses to do this he always dresses at fem characters, but he's gotten marginally good at it. The very first thing he learned how to do for his cosplay was hide his facial hair for that very reason. He's completely unrecognizable at a convention.}
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networkscrambled · 1 year
❒ Muse Tags ❒
{Muse Tags Under Cut:}
#❒ you're so superficial dressed up all official ⟿ muse megumi #❒ taking what's left of their love and hate ⟿ muse wataru #❒ feel the fire that's burning out of me ⟿ muse higashizawa #❒ if you got what it takes for the loud zone ⟿ muse mkn #❒ time to quit stalling ⟿ muse ryoji #❒ trapped in this city of illusion ⟿ muse shinta #❒ you feel this rave and soothing waves ⟿ muse yuji #❒ no matter what awaits we keep on marching on ⟿ muse ht #❒ i've had enough indeed ⟿ muse kyo #❒ i can't do what you're expecting of me ⟿ muse hirofumi #❒ just keep on rockin' rockin' ⟿ muse momoka #❒ you're shaking the hands of every stranger around ⟿ muse yudai #❒ keep it funky with a four━four beat ⟿ muse aoi #❒ life is like a box of chocolates ⟿ muse tomoyuki #❒ way too dark‚ sun comes down ⟿ muse machastree
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networkscrambled · 1 year
❒ Muse Info ❒
❒ name: Wataru Koketsu ❒ age: 43 ❒ gender/pronouns: M | He/him/his ❒ orientation: Homoromantic Homosexual ❒ height: 5'9 (175 cm) ❒ notable physical features: N/A ❒ trigger warnings: Violent content, anxiety/depression, dark themes, trauma, nsfw/nsft ❒ likes: Expensive clothing, jewelry and accessories, obvious displays of respect, obvious displays of affection, open-minded individuals ❒ dislikes: Sweat and dirt, very sweet foods, rude customers, window shoppers, disrespectful and close-minded individuals
❒ appearance:
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❒ tldr: wataru koketsu is a private but friendly individual who will use any means at his disposal to make a sale to unsuspecting customers that come into his shop. he can be a comforting presence to those that are in need, but he doesn’t especially try to form close relationships. he’s burdened by past trauma.
❒ background: Wataru Koketsu was born to a well-to-do family and grew up being held to a higher standard than many of his peers, mostly by his family. While he was raised to be elegant and gentlemanly, he was expected to be a man, and his naturally feminine body made that difficult to do. He was constantly bullied and suffered greatly from his feminine looks and voice, and his siblings held this shortcoming over his head his entire life. It caused such incredible tension between himself and his family that once he had gotten out of high school, he cut ties with his family and tried to make a life of his own. He found it difficult to learn to survive without the support of his wealthy family, but he found a home in serving the community around him. So that, even once his brother came to him begging to make amends, he still did not leave his job in retail. He learned over time that while unfitting for what his family considered a man, his voice was very appealing to most strangers, and he used it to help charm his way into the hearts of his customers. He came to hold a high position within his place of work, and he continues to use this to live a comfortable life today. When Wataru realized what his nephew Eiru was suffering, he wanted desperately to be a source of guidance and comfort for the boy, but due to his rebellious behavior in his younger years, he is not permitted to visit or spend time with the young man very often, for fear of influencing him. ❒ abilities: Wataru has learned how to manipulate other people just enough to be a good salesman. He can smooth-talk his way into a sale with almost anyone, and he’ll happily do so. Aside from that, he’s good with his hands and has begun to develop an ability to craft watches and jewelry. ❒ personality: Wataru is a soft-spoiken individual with a discreet sort of aura about himself. He is quick to make small talk and even quicker to flatter, but he doesn’t often try to make many friends of his customers unless they repeatedly visit him. Outside of work, he’ll be calm and comforting, and he feels more inclined to reach out to people where he can, though his systemic prejudices will occasionally get the better of him. While he isn’t particularly talkative when he doesn’t have to be, he is a good shoulder to cry on and can become extremely talkative if he’s guided into a topic he knows a lot about or is passionate about. ❒ relationships: Despite the fallout that came between himself and his family, and the remaining resentment among them, Wataru keeps a relationship standing with the other members of his family. He has two older siblings, a brother and a sister, and one younger sister. His mother and father are also both still alive, though deeply aged at this point. His best relationship is with his older brother, the one who came to him first to beg his forgiveness. His older brother is also the father of Eiru, but the rule about staying away from him is one imposed by the whole of the family and less his older brother. When it comes to friendships, Wataru keeps few very close ones but extends his friendship in general to anyone that would have it, just as long as they are respectful of him. When he does decide to trust someone as a close friend, his will extend himself to whatever length he needs to for them. He’s also a hopeless romantic, though he is marginally worried about entering a dating space. He will occasionally try to meet someone by one means or another, but his private nature and his family makes him nervous to really attempt going past anything beyond casual dating. ❒ hobbies: Wataru’s main hobby is crafting jewelry and accessories, and he models his work after the brand that he sells. He tries to create the next line of the most elegant work that he can. When he isn’t crafting he enjoys reading books and indulging in romcoms over a glass of wine. And while it is more of a secret, Wataru will in very private moments dress in women’s accessories and clothing, using it as a coping mechanism to work through past trauma.
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