yoaini · 2 years
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#ALBEDO Has always have a fixation on you,some would say a obsession,The great alchemist has always been a quite one,Infact people can’t remember the last time they heard him talk,That was until you came along,A traveler looking for their lost sibling,He always liked you,He was odd in your eyes,But respectable,You’ve only ever been to dragonspine once and that’s how you meet him,Coming there unprepared was your fault of course,unaware of the brutal weather,But he found you,offered you a place to stay,Unaware of his stalking eyes and the fact he had been watching you for hours, it’s quite common to unexpect bad things of people you trust,But that’s your fault,You shouldn’t have trusted him,It’s easy for him to slip meclizine into your drink and watch you stumble to stay away before succumbing to the drug. Maybe if you hadn’t have enter dragonspine to help a fellow traveler that this wouldn’t have happen,but yet again it’s your fault ,it’s easy for him to carefully pick up your body and bring you into his room,laying you down on his bed while fiddling with your hair
He knew you wouldn’t take it well when you woke up and he was correct,he always is, You panic when you wake up, struggling to get up still sleepy from the drug,Albedo is at your side immediately, holding you and trying to gently reassure you. It takes you a moment to realize what’s happening He quickly has to clamp a hand over your mouth when you try and scream to keep you quiet,He tries to explain that you’ll be staying with him for now on,He’s so gentle which is the opposite of his voice,He sounds angry,you’ve only ever seen him calm,Gentle,Not like this,it scares you He hates this,You won’t talk or even look at him,This isn’t what he wanted,He’s tried everything,Small motivational talks,You never reply,Small kisses on your soft lips,You look away, Gently cradling you to bed,You try and move away from him,He’s tired,He hopes you don’t mind when he slips aphrodisiac into your drink,Watching quietly from his work bench as you begin to writhe,
He watches the tears start to swell in your eyes as your hands start to shake He watches as you shove your head into a pillow trying your best to leave and take control of the last shred of dignity you hold,You don’t want to - you can’t go to him,He waits until it gets so bad,Until the heat is unbearable,Until your in pain,his touches and caresses start from removing your clothes to fucking you against his desk,The gentleness he once had gone,Stars of satisfaction in his eyes as he grunts with cooes of how good your doing,How proud he is of you,How happy he is that you’ve finally accepted him,Get ready to accept his seed.
✧ — ; please do not copy/Steal my ideas
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yoaini · 2 years
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#SCARAMOUCHE is a demon,if you somehow managed to catch his eye then it’s over before it even started,you could be walking to the grocery store and your fate is decided,Why would you even choose him?,He’s so cruel to everyone..Except you,Around you he’s the perfect husband,So kind and caring,Giving you the sweetest of kisses,always making sure your healthy and happy,Buying you the prettiest of clothes without a care in the world,But all good things come to a end,You could’ve harmlessly asked him a question when he was in a bad mood and it all came out,It happened so quickly you couldn’t understand,only opening your mouth before closing it,Isn’t this what you want. instead of complaining about the countless bruises staining your skin,Do something more useful,Cook him dinner,ask him about his day,When you tell him you feel scared he plays it off,That’s what a women feels like when the man isn’t around. maybe one day you’ll have enough courage to run away
#AJAX is a teaser,Sometimes it’s annoying but you have to remember who’s paying for the penthouse your living in,The type of man to sneakily get home from work to surprise attack you from behind while your sweeping,He’s so sweet,a lot of people have told you how lucky you are,Finding a good man with a good job,That’s what you think too,He just doesn’t tell you about the dirty work he does,Maybe one day while cleaning like a women should be,You happen to stumble across papers,Papers you knew didn’t involve his work,Your flipping threw the papers,Tears in your eyes,A liar that’s what he is,Unaware he’s behind out,Right before you set the papers down two hands snuggly fit around your waist pulling you towards him,He watch’s you squirm telling you that good wife’s don’t snoop
✧ — ; please do not copy/Steal my ideas
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