#❓out of riddles❓ooc talk
riddlcmcthis · 2 years
(I’m gonna be back on here for a bit. I’ve missed my punk Eddie, and I think I need to focus on only one or two muses on tumblr for right now because I don’t currently have the brain power required for my multimuses. Might revive my Billy @haresgrove , as well, if I’m up to it, but activity will be spotty on both. I’ll see if I can do that after about a week or so of being active on Eddie.)
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riddlcmcthis · 1 year
(…Why is Eddie giving me ideas? I don’t need a new blog. I have so many. My drafts. Are overflowing. 😭😭😭)
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riddlcmcthis · 1 year
(Work sucked. Damn near froze to death. Had to stay over an hour later than normal because hardly anyone showed up and the location supervisor was being a bitch about it. I don’t care that he’s twice my goddamn size, I wanna fucking deck him! 🙃🤬 Soooo….yeah, too pissy and cold to write right now, unfortunately. Unless someone wants to plot murder. Gonna eat something and take a nap. Sorry for the rant.)
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riddlcmcthis · 1 year
dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs
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(I wanna hug the stuffing outta you!!! 😍💜💜💜)
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riddlcmcthis · 1 year
(Everything is drafted! Sorry it took me so long 😬 I’m gonna work through my inbox and then start on a couple drafts before I start sorting my laundry.)
(Update: I thought everything was drafted, but tumblr saved literally nothing. 🤬🤬🤬 Hellsite at its fucking finest…)
(Update 2: NOW everything is drafted. Plan is still the same, inbox and then a couple drafts.)
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riddlcmcthis · 1 year
(So Wednesday literally consumed my life last night and today… 😬)
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riddlcmcthis · 1 year
(I have
And pirate Eddie dominates them. :3
Like I know this is just supposed to be Eddie in a different time period and setting, and he mostly is, but I could also totally see Captain Edward Nashton being one of Eddie’s ancestors. Not necessarily directly of course, but but like a great great great great great great uncle or something. I even kinda came up with some family history and siblings for the Captain. It’s long, so buckle up. Big family!
His father was Judge Richard Nashton of London, who was married to a lovely Irish lady named Siobhan and had four kids with her before Edward was born. The eldest was Mary, second eldest and a year behind her was George, third eldest and two years behind him was Henry, and fourth eldest and three and a half years behind him was William. Edward was born nearly six and a half years later from a tryst between Richard and a scullery maid. Her family demanded that she leave the Nashton household as soon as they found out that she was pregnant, but a year after Edward came into the world, his mother fell terribly ill. She wrote to Richard, begging him to take in their son and give him a good life. He wasn’t going to answer her. He didn’t think the child his responsibility, after all. Siobhan found the letter, however, and had very different ideas. She berated her husband for betraying both her and his illegitimate son, insisting that he take the boy in so that his mother could rest in peace. Despite the rift in the family caused by Richard’s dalliances, of which there turned out to be many, Siobhan welcomed little Edward warmly and tried to be as much of a mother to him as she could. Mary helped look after him, as well, and would often sing him to sleep and read him stories as he got older. His older brothers, however, were not so enthusiastic about his inclusion into the family. About four years after Edward’s adoption, another of his father’s affairs resulted in the birth of fraternal twins, Ruby and Jasper. Their mother was a barmaid who could scarce afford to raise two children on her own, and she was quick to write to Richard and ask him for money. He refused, denying responsibility once again, but Siobhan had finally had enough. She distanced herself from her unfaithful husband and invited the barmaid, Elsie, and her two newborns to live in the family mansion. Elsie accepted, thrilled with the lady’s generosity. The two women got to know each other, bonding at first over the pain Richard had caused both of them, and became fast friends…and then some. Mary helped her mother and Elsie raise the twins alongside little Edward for a time before suitors became her main concern. She was married and living with her new husband within the year. George and Henry soon followed, each finding lovely wives and pursuing careers that had nothing to do with law. William, being closest of the four elder siblings in age to Edward, had gotten into the habit of picking on the boy at every given opportunity. He was a rude, bullish, bratty child, and was even more so as a teenager, when all three of his older siblings were working their way out of the house and his father was growing even more distant. Will felt left behind, and he took that out on Edward, blaming the boy for their family falling apart. Edward, meanwhile, had grown quite close to his younger siblings. Ruby and Jasper meant the absolute world to him, and he often found himself singing for them all the songs and reading to them all the stories that Mary had sung and read to him when he was little; he wanted to be a far better big brother than George, Henry, or William had ever been. In the year leading up to his twelfth birthday, the fights between him and William got worse and worse. Playful sniping turned to angry shouting, shoving turned into fistfights, and tempers wore thin. The last fight they had was interrupted by an irate Siobhan, who was appalled when William openly accused Edward of being the reason why their family was broken, stating that if his father hadn’t taken him in, then everything would be at peace. His mother started to scold him for it, but a very drunk Richard cut her off to agree with William, confessing that he’d never wanted anything to do with disgraceful Edward and would have been happy to leave him to his fate. Edward, hurt and enraged, did what any twelve-year-old might have done: he locked himself in his room for the rest of the night. Come the next morning, he was off to sea, leaving a tear-stained note pinned to his pillow.)
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riddlcmcthis · 2 years
Send me a 🌻 and I’ll ramble about whatever I want | @handful-of-muses
Pirate Eddie pirate Eddie pirate Eddie!!! 😈 I’ve been listening to the PotC soundtrack nonstop for hours lol because inspiration has struck me and will not leave! Be prepared!
Captain Edward “Enigma” Nashton got his nickname from a naval officer who muttered it offhandedly to a subordinate, who then drunkenly spread the nickname in every pub he went to. The nickname and its origin eventually made its way back to Captain Nashton, who not only embraced it but used it to tease the commodore when next they crossed blades, another weapon in his arsenal of cheeky flirtations. Other nicknames include Riddles, Riddler, and Know-It-All Brat.
Captain Nashton has sailed in search of the Fountain of Youth before, but when rumors began to spread about a ritual required for the use of it, he abandoned the endeavor in favor of pursuing better means of achieving immortality. He fears the cold, unyielding depths of Davy Jones’s Locker, but is unwilling to sacrifice another to avoid it.
Captain Nashton can be harsh, crass, and downright brutal when need be, but he’d rather have his crew respect him than fear him. Fear quickly turns into loathing, after all, and those who follow because they want to are far more reliable than those who follow because they have to.
The Emerald Knave is an old but reliable ship. Quick, sturdy, armed to the teeth, and rigged with dark green sails. Her flag bears crossed bones under a winking skull with a dripping green question mark crudely painted over it. The Captain’s quarters are dark, often only lit by candles and/or sun/moonlight peeking through black curtains. The desk is made of sturdy ebony, accented with gold gilding and littered with maps, charts, plans, various navigational instruments, and a bottle of rum or whiskey. The shelves are crammed with books on everything from history and geography to myths and legends. The bed is grand and plush, gold-leafed oak frame, with the best mattress and most luxurious silk sheets of emerald green that a pirate captain can buy. Captain Nashton usually has no trouble at all finding a man to share it with when he makes port.
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riddlcmcthis · 2 years
(I usually try to avoid saying I have triggers because I don’t know whether to consider them actual triggers or just fears, but car wrecks and certain species of sharks (mainly the big toothy ones like great whites and hammerheads) are a couple of things that make me nope the fuck out…should those be called triggers? I’ve been in wrecks before, so that one at least makes sense, but I’ve never been harmed by a shark just scared by Deep Blue Sea when I was little. I only ask because I don’t want to insult anyone with actual triggers, but I would also prefer not to see these things (especially car wrecks) on my dash. Should I ask people to tag them, or would that be rude/overstepping?)
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riddlcmcthis · 2 years
(Muffins are in the oven, and I have calmed significantly. In other news, I have two new OCs living in my head rent-fucking-free that I spent my entire shift at work thinking about. Neither of them have names yet. One of them is a very puckish immortal bartender with Johnny Depp as the FC, and the other is peak early to mid 2000s grunge dude who you think is gonna be a total dick but turns out to be a very passionate musician/writer/artist with a young Chad Michael Murray as the FC. I watched Freaky Friday last night and had a Monster this morning, if that explains any of it. I really need to not make another blog, but I gotta scratch the brain itch… 🙃😭)
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riddlcmcthis · 2 years
𝐈𝐍 𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄      [ … ]   𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄,
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BOLD what applies - italicize sometimes.   repost, don’t reblog.
fights honorably / fights dirty
prefers close - quarters / prefers range
chats during / goes silent
low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance
attacks in bursts / attacks steadily
goes for the kill/ aims to disarm / fights defensively / strikes first
is provoked easily / provokes their opponent / teases
gets visibly frustrated / shouts while attacking
uses strategy / focuses on the battle / experiences conflicting thoughts during battle / rushes in recklessly / tries to read their opponent before engaging
fights wildly/ fights calmly / fights apathetically /fights with anger / fights with excitement
fights because they have to / fights because they want to
fights without regard to wounds/ runs away when wounded / hides wounds / takes a blow to protect another
prefers a blade /  prefers a gun / prefers hand to hand combat / prefers a bow / prefers a shield / prefers a personalized weapon  / prefers magic, alchemy or spells
their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional
transforms for battle / fights as they appear
relies on strength / doubts their strength / relies on speed
uses everything they have / proceeds with caution / hides their full potential / exhausts quickly /has high stamina
behaves arrogantly / brags after landing a hit / belittles their abilities
uses psychological tactics / uses brute strength
avoids civilians / strikes down civilians
damages surroundings / avoids damaging surroundings
signature fighting style / makes it up as they go
mastered skill - set / learning their skill - set
fancy footwork / sloppy footwork
messy fighter /elegant fighter
accepts defeat / refuses defeat / begs for mercy
compliments their opponent / insults their opponent
uses unnecessary movements / moves efficiently / barely moves
prefers to dodge / prefers to block
defends their blindside/ has no blindside / leaves blindsides vulnerable
uses all available advantages / strictly uses one main method
plays around / holds back / fights ruthlessly / shows mercy
waits for an opponent to be ready / strikes when opponent isn’t ready
fears death / fears pain / fears killing
has PTSD  / avoids fighting
has lost a fight / has won a fight
has killed / refuses to kill
wants to die standing / would succumb slowly
tagged by: @handful-of-muses
tagging - @painforcain, @mxrvelouscreations, @cardigansandearlgrey, @jonathancrane-scarecrows and anyone else who wants to do this~
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riddlcmcthis · 2 years
(I need y’all to know that Eddie’s ringtone for Penguin is just him singing My Way by Frank Sinatra. 😉 That is all.)
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riddlcmcthis · 1 year
(Replies are drafted, gonna try to clear out my inbox tomorrow, then work through a few drafts. G’nite~ 💚)
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riddlcmcthis · 1 year
(Tired, clean, and slightly tipsy. Is bedtime. G’nite! 💜)
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riddlcmcthis · 1 year
(Wanted to do replies today, but I was feeling kinda bleh. It’s another executive function day I guess)
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riddlcmcthis · 2 years
(Gonna get into my inbox eventually, but I’m tired, hungry, and in pain. Work was brutal. Much pain. Very ow. 😭)
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