#❖ corrupted data infects all | hacked verse ❖
playmakiing · 6 years
@rxvclver // bounced from X.
| ϟ |   The weeks following the Tower of Hanoi’s fall felt quick in comparison to the ten years prior.  Time was faster, each day passing by quickly.  Before his brother delivered the news of his captor’s demise, time crawled by ever so slowly, each day blurring together until all that was left was a void of despair.  Jin had been trapped in the confinements of his own mind for a little over a decade, but to hear of hope?  A light had begun to shine in his life, a trickle peeking through the dark.         Meeting Playmaker--Yuusaku Fujiki--while an awkward experience for the both of them, was also an enlightening moment.  While similar in their shared trauma and the aftermath of it, there had been one stark difference--Yuusaku took his anger and pain and weaponized it against his foe.  Jin. . .turned away from it all and refused to come out for ten whole years.  He would forever be grateful to the other teen for showing him a glimmer of hope, but part of him had wondered if his life would ever have any meaning.
        And one day it did.  After Jin began to move and talk again, Shoichi had quietly left behind the younger’s old duel disk during one of his visits to the rehabilitation center.  Nothing was said about the item, but for hours each day since, Jin would hold the duel disk and stare at it.  The loudest part of him said he should never duel again, dueling was scary and only going to inflict more pain on him.         Yet there was a spark inside of him that gently urged him forward, telling him to face his fears and stand on his own two feet.  Surely it was time for him to protect himself and not rely on others to do it for him?
        Then he appeared.  One evening as he gazed down at his duel disk, it began to glow brightly, and the next thing Jin knew, his Ignis had appeared before him.  The younger Kusanagi hadn’t met Yuusaku’s Ignis, but he heard the tales of him--a goofball in a sense, sometimes cryptic but a vital part in defeating the Knights of Hanoi.  So to see his own. . .it was a shining encounter.  The Light Ignis--later to be dubbed Lightning--was calm and collective, seeking out Jin because he wished to learn more about humanity and its future.           At first, Jin hides Lightning’s existence from his doctors and Shoichi, not wanting to raise any suspicions or concern, relatively.  Yet a strong bond formed rapidly between the Origin and the Ignis, and it resulted in a great improvement in Jin’s recovery.  It wasn’t long before he was given the all-clear to return home, but before Jin could introduce his brother to his new partner, disaster had struck in the virtual world of LINK VRAINS--a mysterious attacker was destroying parts of the network and the logged-in duelists were in danger.  Shoichi had left in a hurry ( presumably to go to his truck to hack into the system ), and Lightning had persuaded Jin to log in.  Despite him not being a duelist, the Light Ignis spoke of sensing something off in the network and wanted to investigate it for himself.  With the added comment of being able to assist his older brother, Jin logged into LINK VRAINS.
        And to both of their astonishment, the assailant was none other than Playmaker, the former hero of the digital world.  Quick investigating revealed that the true mastermind was Ai, the Dark Ignis, and he had hacked his Origin to turn him into an obedient servant. The events following this attack fell like dominos, and far too quickly for Jin’s liking.  After spending so much time in an endless sea of nothing, to have his whole life flipped upside down in a matter of hours?  It was terrifying, to say the least.
        While not a hacker and his overall dueling skills improving at a decent pace, Jin spent most of his free time sitting in whatever courtyard Cafe Nagi had access to, watching the world go by and assisting his brother with customers.  Revolver--or Ryoken Kogami, whichever name he preferred--dropped by often; an ueasy alliance had been made between all involving parties, and he wasn’t sure what to think of it.  This guy was the leader of the Knights of Hanoi, and while he wasn’t the mastermind behind his trauma, Revolver still owned up to it in a way.  He was confusing and scary, but Jin couldn’t help but watch him.  Something about Ryoken intrigued him, and he couldn’t put his finger on it.         So when Ryoken’s body began to collapse in front of him, dark circles under his eyes from exhaustion, Jin instinctively reached out to catch him, arms wrapping around the other and he fell to one knee to support them both; his arms were still relatively weak, but it was better than letting the other hit the concrete at full force.
        The moment his hands made contact, however, something bizarre occurred.  The scenery around them shifted suddenly, and Jin found himself leaning against a railing as the starless night sky loomed overhead.  In the distance laid another outstretched city, the lights dimly shining.  The Satellite. . .the shambles of a former city where the people consider lesser and unworthy lived.  Where he used to live.  Whenever he happened to pass by this outlook, Jin couldn’t help but stare across the bay at his former home.
        ❝ I have had to tell him as well, but it’s dangerous to look over there for long.  If anyone was to see you, they would suspect you. ❞
        An airy chuckle passes by his lips, but Jin adverts his gaze to look behind him; even in the darkness of the night, Ryoken’s figure was all too bright and easy to see.  Perhaps it was the stark white hair that glowed under the faint moonlight?         ❝ What would they do if they knew?  Kill me just like how they killed him? ❞
        The gentle smirk on the older man’s face faded at the snide comment, and he sighed.  ❝ Jin, you know I won’t let that happen, okay?  What happened then was a tragedy, and I swear I won’t let either of you get hurt by this corrupt authority. ❞
        Turning fully away from the railing, Jin steps towards his partner, not embracing him yet but slipping his hands into Ryoken’s, intertwining their fingers delicately.  They fit together so perfectly, sometimes he couldn’t believe how fate brought them together.         ❝ I know that, but I can’t help but hate this city for what they did.  Why do we have to suffer so some hoity-toity rich people live life without a care in the world? ❞
        Ryoken sighs as he presses a kiss to his boyfriend’s forehead, his voice low as he replies.  ❝ I don’t know, but we can only work towards finding a solution.  One day, Jin, we’ll find a way. ❞
        As soon as the vision materialized around him, it was gone in an instant.  Jin blinked owlishly, his attention back on the man in his arms--which are about to fail on him any moment.
        ❝ H-Huh?  I don’t. . .what just happened? ❞
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playmakiing · 6 years
@rxvclver asked:  💝 // 7. on the neck
| ❀ |   The avatar rested on an elevated platform, its bed of white wisteria draped loosely along the edges.  Glazed green eyes admired the features as clothed fingertips traced the curves of the angular chin; with the visor removed, Revolver looked rather angelic ( not like he wasn’t before ).  Playmaker was captivated, entranced in a manner unlike the hold his master commanded over him--no, this was different.    He wasn’t sure what was going on within his program, but whenever he spoke of this bug to Ai, he was given the response of how he was a special form of artificial intelligence and this sort of development was nothing to concern himself over.
        Even with the reassurance, Playmaker couldn’t help but wonder what it was about Revolver that caused this deep craving.  The Dark Ignis had told him from the beginning that this particular duelist was a threat to their master plan, and he either needed to be converted or deleted.  As part of his instructions, one of Playmaker’s three purposes was to battle against Revolver and win.  Their first duels had always ended in a draw, but finally!--
        Finally, Playmaker won!  The euphoria he felt from Ai’s praise had been enough to crush the strange despair bug in his code as the cyberterrorist body disintegrated into data in front of his eyes and formed into a glowing bullet in his palm.         That event occurred several hours ago, and the avatar that laid before him was nothing more than an empty shell; the Ignis informed his servant that he needed time to reprogram Revolver’s consciousness data before he was able to function correctly.  Left to his own devices, Playmaker chose to linger here and watch.  His databanks had plenty of information on humans in their natural habitat, and after meeting the other duelist he read up on all he could about them.  If they were in the real world, a steady rise and fall of the chest indicated that Revolver was alive--yet as Playmaker placed his ear against the other’s rib cage, there was no sounds or movement.  No breathing, no heartbeat. . .if this wasn’t virtual reality, this state of being would be classified as dead.
        Knowing that to be false, Playmaker hoisted himself up on the platform and onto the avatar, straddling his waist as he let his hands roam. Torso, face, sides, nothing was safe from his nimbleness.  After all this time of being adversaries, the young program was now able to explore for himself.  A zipper brushed against his thumb, one on the collar of Revolver’s pristine uniform; curiosity had yet to be satisfied, so deftly did he pull down fastener to expose the skin underneath.  Eyes widen, Playmaker leans down to study the area in further detail.  There wasn’t coding here, but another layer?  He knew if he pulled apart his skin, there wouldn’t be anything there ( not that he’s ever tried, but why examine a truth that didn’t need answering? ).  Even though this avatar was not Revolver’s real body, why have it appear so. . .realistic?
        Hovering still, Playmaker couldn’t help but lean forward even more--these blips in his programming were bubbling tighter and tighter in his chest, and soon his lips pressed into the crook of the comatose duelist’s neck.  Remain idle, he pulled his mouth away but not his head, letting his body finally go limp against the other.
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        ❝ Soon you’ll be here with me, and we can have our happy future together.  Ai-sama is going to be so happy. ❞
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playmakiing · 5 years
New Tag Dump, 3 of 3
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playmakiing · 6 years
5 headcanons for both soulmate Au and brainwashed!Playmaker AU [soulburner]
.headcanon & au meme. // still accepting!
ooc // NGL, some of these headcanons are more likely to be considered plot points, but they’re here still. @scxlbxrner
| Soulmate AU |
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- Because of the nature of Yusaku’s spotty memory, he has difficulty recalling his and Takeru’s first meeting after the Lost Incident.  This is due to the trauma of the Incident as well as an additional shock of finding his soulmate–only to lose him mere minutes later.  He can still sense the feeling of “this is my soulmate” when touching Takeru, but he cannot remember the first moment of realization from ten years ago.
- Yusaku is very much confused about his feelings for both Takeru and Ryoken.  On one had, Ryoken is his “special person” who saved him a decade ago and has sworn to try and seize a new future with.  And on the other hand, Takeru is his literal soulmate, a part that completes him.  Let’s just say Yusaku is very okay with this Ignis War to keep that subject matter at bay for the time being.
- And despite not wanting to deal with the subject matter of this soulmate business and his past life, Yusaku keeps finding himself grabbing onto Takeru in various manners and thus ending up with another small memory.  After a while, he begins to wonder why every event in those memories takes place before his and Takeru’s declaration of escaping the Satellite.And that’s when he gets his death dream. :)
- This may change depending on our plotting, but imagine…all the Lost Kids being a little gang in the Satellite in their first life?  Yet out of the group, only Takeru and Yusaku ended up being soulmates to each other, and were a little bit smitten as teens.  While everyone had the dream of escaping to New Domino City, the other four didn’t really agree with Takeru and Yusaku’s plans of escape, and thus those two went at it alone.And we all know how that turned out.
- As a Dark Signer, Yusaku didn’t really give much care about the group’s plan or its success.  In actuality, he had little faith that the Earthbound Immortals’ goal would be achieved.  Instead, Yusaku simply wanted to track down Takeru and kill him so they could both die together.  He does blame Takeru for his death due to a misunderstanding, but still longs for them to be together ( not even death can do them apart ).And as for whether or not Yusaku actually returns to the land of the living once the Dark Signers are defeated ( like most of them ), well…you and I haven’t decided on that yet xD
| Hacked Verse |
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- From the very beginning, Ai didn’t trust humans after the Knights of Hanoi attacked the Cyberse World.  During season 1, he acted the same as he did, but after returning home, he began to plot to get rid of humans with either annihilation or taking away their free will.  While he knew that Revolver would come after him again, Ai knew of one person who would be capable of defeating him–Playmaker.  So in order to make things simple, Ai does to Yusaku what Lightning did to Jin and steals his subconscious data.Smart plan, Ai.  Smart plan.
- However, unlike Lightning, Ai simply modifies that data to fit his very precise needs.  Instead of a completely lifeless doll, Playmaker is able to talk and makes decisions, albeit very limited decisions.  Playmaker believes himself to be an AI that Ai developed for his personal usage, and thus helps him duel ( like how Windy uses Echo ) and basically is a yes-man to anything Ai says. 
- It took Kusanagi a few days to realize that Yusaku was in a coma since Ai’s attack occurred while Yusaku was at home, and it wasn’t until Takeru and Flame sought him out in their search for Playmaker.  Upon realizing what happened and knowing it was too dangerous to put Yusaku in a hospital, Kusanagi reaches out to Ryoken through the network for his help in keeping the teen’s lifeless body stable while they try to find him.
- While Ai was tempted to remove the Playmaker avatar from Yusaku’s account and have his appearance resemble his IRL self, he decided to keep the former’s avatar out of a personal desire to “tame” the “almighty Playmaker.”  He also planned on using Playmaker’s form to lure out SOL Tech and eliminate them first in his war.
- After the war is over and Yusaku is recovered, he is constantly wary of AI programs and the Ignis themselves.  While a plus in Ryoken’s book, Yusaku is taking steps to learning to trust Flame ( and Lightning ) since Takeru and Jin cherish them.  It’s not easy, but he’s trying.
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