#❖ endlessly endeavor this is finding infinity | pokemon verse ❖
playmakiing · 6 years
        This post is being made so I can link it to my verses page, but ofc it can be read now.  While this post here shows Yuusaku’s fully evolved team, the below list showcases his current team at the beginning of this AU ( aka Yuusaku is heading off to Kalos ).
Sableye ♂️ , aka Ai; level 39
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        Ai was the first Pokemon Yuusaku ever obtained, back when he was around 12-year-olds.  Despite being an Unova native, he has a lot of family in Hoenn’s Dewford Town and would visit the region often.  This is where he met this cheeky Sableye who would not leave him alone.  Yuusaku believed that once he returned home things would turn to normal; however, upon opening his suitcase to unpack, out comes the Sableye!         Unable to return the Pokemon back to his home region, Yuusaku took it upon himself to take care of him. . .even though this Sableye is a real pain in the ass!  Yet with that said, Ai is the most loyal teammate Yuusaku has, and he would never let his partner Pokemon go.
MOVESET: Shadow Claw, Payback, Confuse Ray, Torment ABILITY: Stall NATURE: Naughty HELD ITEM: Cleanse Tag ( the irony )
Umbreon ♀️ , aka Kuri; level 38
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        Upon turning 16, Yuusaku set out to have his Pokemon adventure.  Before leaving his hometown of Castelia City, he visited the garden areas and came across a rare Eevee.  While quite timid, the Eevee immediately found comfort in Yuusaku’s presence; while he never planned on catching her, it wasn’t until he was halfway through the whirling sandstorm of Route 4 when she came tumbling out of his bag.  Clearly he should have noticed the extra weight prior to that, but since Ai was already on his shoulder. . .oh well.         Later on down the line would Kuri evolve into an Umbreon during a nightly stroll through the woods after a battle between some grumpy Duckletts.
MOVESET: Moonlight, Screech, Feint Attack, Confuse Ray ABILITY: Synchronize NATURE: Timid HELD ITEM: Blackglasses
Honchkrow ♂️, aka Bitron; level 38
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        Bitron was a really random encounter, and this was when Yuusaku learned to accept that some Pokemon want to attach themselves to him like Velcro.  West of Nimbasa City and on Route 5, Yuusaku stumbled over a Murkrow with a broken wing, and he spent several weeks in the entertainment city while the Pokemon recovered.  If one was to ask him now of why he remained behind instead of leaving the bird at the Pokemon Center, Yuusaku will brush off the question, unable to admit that he was rather worried about its health.  So really, it’s no wonder as to why she joined the team.         It wasn’t long before Yuusaku realized just how much experience Bitron already had, and her rather diverse move pool confirmed that she had a previous trainer.  Yuusaku found a Dusk Stone sometime later and evolved her into a Honchkrow.
MOVESET: Night Slash, Haze, Aerial Ace, Steel Wing ABILITY: Super Luck NATURE: Lax HELD ITEM: Sharp Beak
Scragg ♂️ y, aka Wicckid; level 35
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        If Yuusaku hadn’t already guessed it by now, Wicckid’s addition to his party showed that he really attracted abandoned or attention-needy Pokemon.  During a trip to the isolated Anville Town, he came to discover that a small gang of Pokemon was terrorizing the citizens; one of those Pokemon was a small Scraggy.  While the mayhem only recently began, not many competent trainers visited the area--so Yuusaku was begged to help take care of the problem.          So he did. . .by defeating all of the Pokemon in a battle.  Yuuskau didn’t stick around long enough to see if his plan was actually effective, but he was already in Nimbasa City when someone politely informed him that a Scraggy was trailing behind him.  He doesn’t even question it at this point but guesses later that Wicckid was impressed by his strength and thus wanted in on the action.
MOVESET: High Jump Kick, Brick Break, Payback, Swagger ABILITY: Moxie NATURE: Adamant HELD ITEM: Black Belt
Pawniard ♂️ , aka Decode; level 37
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        On his way to Opelucid City, Yuusaku ended up butting heads with an arrogant trainer who had been catching and releasing Pokemon at a rapid rate if they weren’t considered “strong” right off the bat.  While he was just going to leave the other guy alone, the trainer got pissed off by Yuusaku’s aloof attitude and challenged him to a battle.  One of the recently caught Pokemon had been a Pawniard, and when he was quickly defeated, the arrogant trainer made a point to discard him after Yuusaku made quick work of his entire team.  The Pawniard was quick to attack himself to Yuusaku’s leg, and he just accepted that this was his fate.
MOVESET: Assurance, Slash, Metal Claw, Feint Attack ABILITY: Defiant NATURE: Lonely HELD ITEM: Evolite 
Deino ♀️, aka Firewall; level 21
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        Yuusaku’s final party member and the most normal encounter for all of his Pokemon, Deino was actually obtained through an egg.  While in Opelucid City, Yuusaku came across a pair of Rangers who were looking for trainers to take in some Pokemon eggs that they had found abandoned on Route 10.  They hadn’t been sure what kind of Pokemon would hatched, but their personal survallience showed that there was no mother coming back to the eggs, pressumably because she was captured by a trainer.  Feeling a sense of empathy, Yuusaku accepts one of the eggs, and it later hatched into a Deino.
MOVESET: Roar, Dragon Breath, Headbutt, Bite ABILITY: Hustle NATURE: Impish HELD ITEM: n/a
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playmakiing · 6 years
Pokemon Team
Use this site to generate your muse’s team!
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        Yuusaku is a trainer born and raised in the Unova region.  While from Castelia City, Yuusaku has visited relatives in Hoenn’s Dewford town on multiple occasions; this is where he met his first Pokemon partner, a Sableye he later named Ai.  He never actually planned on keeping Ai, but the prankster kept following him around and next thing Yuusaku realizes, he’s back in Unova and there’s a Sableye in his suitcase.
        He doesn’t begin his “Pokemon journey” until he’s 16, and before he leaves Castelia City, Yuusaku caught an Eevee in the hidden garden area of the city.  While he does catch most of his team during his travels of his home region, his third Pokemon’s origins are still a mystery.  Yuusaku found an injured Murkrow on the outskirts of Nimbasa City, and once he healed the bird up, she insisted on joining his party.  Much to her newfound trainer’s surprise, her move pool and experience suggested that she once belonged to another person.         Yuusaku does not purposefully travel in order to obtain badges and challenge the Elite 4; his “goal” is simply to find a purpose in life and gain freedom via this journey.  He has obtained some badges, but that’s about it.
His teammates’ names:
Ai the Sableye
Kuri the Umbreon
Bitron the Honchkrow
Wicckid the Scrafty
Decode the Bisharp
Firewall the Hydreigon
Tagged by: @elementumhero Tagging: I’m pretty sure my friends have done this meme in the past but I couldn’t get the website to load last time, so if you haven’t done this yet, do it!  steal it!
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playmakiing · 5 years
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