#❘❙❚  ┊  t. henderson. about   ➳   ❛   art enables us to find ourselves   ❜
xonismsx · 5 years
🙌 for a tyrus npc !
meme: send in 🙌 & let’s meet some npcsstatus: accepting@sharkapologlst
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meet joey abel !! tyrus oldest friend & current roommate. they’ve known each other since they were in diapers & were essentially inseparable from the start.  joey was a true class clown & always wanted to be a stand up comedian. he would test out all his new material on tyrus & the two of them cultivated a shared sense of humour, constantly influencing each other. he was essentially the opposite of tyrus though. in school tyrus was quiet & kept to himself whereas joey was as boisterous as could be, loud & friendly with anyone & everyone around him. he brought a little bit of that out in tyrus too, forcing tyrus out of his shell & into more social situations. tyrus owes a lot to joey though, & he’s not sure he could have made it through all those years of school without him. these days joey’s doing that daily grind, continuing to break into the comedy scene. he’s grown a considerable online following too, in particular on twitter but he also runs a podcast with another one of his comedy friends & the two of them are making a name for themselves as a duo. it’s not quite where joey wants to end up but if it gets his foot in the door, he’ll take it. he has a long term girlfriend of 3 years but it’s long distance hence why he’s living with tyrus. her name is samantha jones. eventually they’ll get married, but despite the struggles of long distance, they’re not in any rush. regardless, it’s a given that tyrus is gonna be best man no matter how many times joey tell him he’d rather have tickle me elmo over tyrus — if only for the sole reason that the best man’s speech would be leagues better than whatever tyrus manages to come up with.
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xonismsx · 5 years
if anyone is wondering what tyrus was like in high school i just want you to watch this
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xonismsx · 5 years
For Tyrus: Besides Delilah, What is their greatest achievement?
meme: character development questionsstatus: accepting@apcgee
o42. what tyrus’ greatest achievement?
it’s good that you specified not delilah bc that’s obviously #1. other than that, probably his academics. he was always really proud of his grades, even though he’d rather have spent any & all time drawing, his grades were good. once he entered law school, they actually got better. he moved away from doing art all the time to actually spending time studying since the only way he could get in was on a scholarship. he ended up leaving law school with average grades but regardless, he was always happy with how it all turned out, no matter how many years it took for him to actually complete school. thankfully he was graduating the year delilah’s mother got pregnant so taking time off didn’t affect his studies. & luckily the firm he got into was sympathetic when her mother died & he had to become a full time dad.
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xonismsx · 5 years
psa; regarding muses’ sexuality
as this is something that seems to have come up a lot lately in regards to shipping, here is a quick low-down on all my muses’ sexualities ( & please remember that these are non-negotiable ):
archie  —  gay
eragon  —  straight ( although the reality is that this isn’t something i’ve really explored so this may change )
isaac  —  bisexual
jamie  —  asexual & panromantic ( i highly recommend reading this post before making any assumptions on what asexual means )
kaede  —  straight
peter  —  demi/pansexual ( similar to jamie, as this sexuality is a little more complicated, i have a post outlining it, though his is a fair bit shorter than jamie’s. it can be found over here )
sebastian  —  straight
tyrus  —  straight
& that’s all folks!!
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xonismsx · 5 years
polyamory headcanons pt. 2
earlier i saw a post that was ‘ reblog if your muse is open to polyamory ‘ & it got me thinking & i wanted to make this it’s own post as opposed to trying to write in the tags. i made pt. 1 which you can find over here. this pt. 2 is the rest of my muses as i thought it was too long for a single post.
alright, so my boy tyrus here is just a very monogamous guy. a while ago i got a meme sent in about how my muses feel about threesomes & i’ll say it here again. he would if it’s something his girl would be into, but he’s not big on sharing in general. so for that reason i can’t see him getting into a poly relationship. that being said, i do think that he’d date someone who was polyamorous & was dating other people, he just wouldn’t want to also be in a relationship with those people. after all, not everyone who’s in a poly relationship are all in a relationship together. 
kaede couldn’t do it at all. she wants to be with one person, & one person alone, & she expects the same. she won’t do threesomes, & certainly won’t date more than one person at a time. it’s just not in her bones. as it is, any time she starts to see someone, it always feels a little like she’s cheating on her first husband, makoto, even though he died the night she was turned which was nearly 1000 years ago.
jamie i think is similar to eragon in that he’s very much so a go with the flow. he doesn’t mind being monogamous or poly as long as he feels like he’s loved & respected in the relationship. there are other things he cares about much more, so he couldn’t care less if who ever he’s seeing wants to be in a closed or open relationship. in this vein, he tends to date people more casually & won’t ask them to be in a single relationship unless he thinks it’s something his partner is really gunning for.
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xonismsx · 6 years
For Tyrus: Lily's Dad kink. Not Daddy Kink. DAD kink. Kink for men who are Dads.
meme: send in kinks so i can expose my muses hahahastatus: accepting@apcgee
hMMMnnnMM i wONDer
no | rather not | i dunno | i guess | sure | yes | FUCK yes | oh god you don’t even know | that’s some next level shit right there
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xonismsx · 5 years
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bake a cake from scratch. ride a horse. drive a submarine. speak a second language. dance. catch a fish. play an instrument. throw a punch. build a deck. ice skate. unclog a drain. program a computer. change a flat tire. fire a gun. juggle. sew. play poker. paint. fly a kite. write poetry. change a diaper. sing. shoot a bow & arrow. ride a bike. swim. sail on a boat. do a back flip. play chess. give cpr. pitch a tent. flirt. stitch a wound. read palms. use chopsticks. write in cursive/calligraphy. use an electric drill. braid hair. make a campfire. make a mixed drink. do sudoku puzzles. wrap a gift. give a good massage. jump-start a car. roll their tongue. magic tricks. do yoga. tie a tie. skip a rock. shuffle a deck of cards. read morse code. pick a lock.
TAGGED BY: stolen from @heartmemos ;) TAGGING: i never know who to tag so if you see this, tag me & fill out the thing !
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xonismsx · 5 years
an npc from tyrus’ life
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since i talked a bit about tyrus’ childhood best friend, joey abel, i figured it was only right to say a little something about tyrus’ other best friend, rachel grant. tyrus met her during his first year of high school, & the didn’t click at all, far from it actually. tyrus wanted to keep to himself, & yet rachel went out of her way to talk to him. he was skeptical of her friendship at first, but soon enough he realized she was genuine. what really sparked the friendship, was she asked about his art. he was constantly doodling or drawing in class, & it wasn’t long into the conversation before tyrus started talking more, both about his art & himself. it was really pretty amazing how close they became after that. rachel just barely got her foot in the door but before tyrus knew it, she was inside his house, chilling on his couch with joey & himself as they watched comedy sitcoms. rachel was popular in school. she was nice, got good grades, & was even captain their school’s cheer leading team. she also played bass in an all female underground band called project thunder. unfortunately they broke up once they all graduated from college. there was no falling out, but one of the member got married & had a kid, & another member left the city. they had a good run of 6 years though, & decided it was time to call it quits. they went out on a high note, & they’re sure that their last show was the best one they’d had which gave them a real sense of closure. but despite being in a band, rachel can’t sing for shit. she’s as tone deaf as you get. as for what she did afterwards, her younger brother had a lot of mental health issues, & through dealing with & helping him, she decided she wanted to become a psychiatrist. it was a lot of work but instead of getting a bachelor’s degree before her medical degree, she was able to find a program that condensed the two into a 6 year program instead of 4 years per degree. then after becoming a graduate physician, she took on her residency to complete her final step before becoming officially licenced. so finally, after 11 long years, she became a licenced psychiatrist. she ended up with a tidy sum of debt after all that school but unrelated to work, she also volunteers at a few community centres around the city to work with troubled youth or with people who can’t afford to see a psychologist or psychiatrist under regular circumstances. she’s a really special person, & someone tyrus feels very lucky to have in his life.
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xonismsx · 5 years
alignment tracker  —  TYRUS.
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      Chaste ◌◌◌◌◌◌◌●◌ Lustful  Energetic ◌◌●◌◌◌◌◌◌ Lazy   Forgiving ◌◌◌◌◌●◌◌◌ Vengeful  Generous ◌●◌◌◌◌◌◌◌ Selfish       Honest ◌◌●◌◌◌◌◌◌ Deceitful            Just ●◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌ Arbitrary     Merciful ◌◌◌●◌◌◌◌◌ Cruel      Modest ◌◌◌◌●◌◌◌◌ Proud         Pious ◌◌◌◌◌◌◌●◌ Worldly      Prudent ◌◌◌◌◌●◌◌◌ Reckless Temperate ◌◌◌◌◌●◌◌◌ Indulgent     Trusting ◌◌◌◌●◌◌◌◌ Suspicious    Valorous ●◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌ Cowardly
➳ tagged by: no one !  i stole it from my past self ➳ tagging: anyone who wants to tbh, if you read it, consider yourself tagged
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xonismsx · 5 years
so as one of those npc memes, i talked about tyrus’ childhood & long time best friend, joey abel. i talked about him wanting to be a stand up comic, & how he’s slowly breaking into the comedy scene in nyc.
well you bet your ass joey made tyrus watch every single goddamn episode of whose line is it anyway. hell joey probably signed tyrus up for an improve class or two. both things tyrus learned to enjoy quite quickly, the show especially. i also think the improv class helped him break out of his shell a little bit & expanded his friendship circle beyond the few friends he had that he can could on one hand.
that being said, he doesn’t seem like the type to have done improv or tell jokes but he’s actually a really funny guy once he opens up
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xonismsx · 5 years
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▶ Your Mystery
your mystery is terrifying... 
you keep to yourself, no one really knows anything about you. the mystery surrounding you is both scary & alluring, which is your power. people don't know you, they don't know what you're capable of, & because of this they likely won't push you. & on the flip side, most people will do a lot of what you say to, in hopes of being the one person who knows something about you. you can be whoever you want to be, whenever you want. you could be the shy but nice person, the creepy person, the cool if reckless person, & all because no one knows you. all you need to do is suggest at things, & people will believe you. 
as my dad told me... mystery is power.
▶ TAGGED BY: @softestmood ▶ TAGGING: idk i’ve done a lot of these lately? just do it if u wanna n say that i tagged u !
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xonismsx · 5 years
28. can you sort your muses from weakest to strongest?
meme: ask me about my multistatus: accepting@ensuist
28. can you sort your muses from weakest to strongest?
i did it strongest to weakest bc that was easier for me to do so, in order:
top of the chain is kaede. she’s a vampire that’s been alive for 1000 years & like with most if not all supernaturals, she only grows stronger over time
next i’m going to say is eragon, but it’s a very different kind of strong? he practices ancient magic & can control anything if he knows it’s true name ( reminder that this idiot is a canon character ). physically he’s not as strong as some of the other muses but he’s powerful af
in that same vein, peter pettigrew comes third. physically he’s not as strong but he’s immensely powerful when it comes to magic, again, this is all canon ( & that’s the tea ).
going back to physical strength, tyrus is next. he’s a born werewolf which means he has a lot more power & control than someone who has been turned & again, like with kaede, he does grow stronger over time as long as he makes an effort to keep fit, which, he obviously does. 
next is isaac. once weak but no more. he has spent countless hours working up his strength & honing his skills. he got tired of feeling powerless so he did everything he could to fix that
jamie, my baby boy, but somehow not the weakest. he’s 20 & reasonably active so he’s probably slightly above average but only just barely aka he might be able to beat you in an arm wrestle but definitely won’t win 100% of the time.
then second to last is sebastian. in high school & college he was quite athletic, & then as a young dad he was carrying raegan a lot but in later years not so much. he’s now 36 & very much so average.
then finally, archie is last. he’s a major book nerd so he’s not the strongest around. but he has always had major interest in playing football ( soccer ) so what he lacks in physical strength he makes up for in speed. that being said, he is able to carry heavy books & artifacts around with relative ease so who knows, maybe he’d actually be stronger than sebastian. but this is already long & i’m not about to start revising.
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xonismsx · 7 years
tag drop 4/?
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xonismsx · 6 years
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► Name ➔ Tyrus James Henderson ► Are you single ➔ Yes ► Are you happy ➔ Not really ► Are you angry? ➔ Not that you’d be able to tell ► Are your parents still married ➔ Well, when they were alive they were. Both sets.
► ‘Birth’ Place ➔ New York, New York ► Hair Color ➔ Dark Brown ► Eye Color ➔  Blue ► Birthday ➔  May 13th ► Gender ➔ Man ► Sex ➔ Male ► Summer or winter ➔ Summer ► Morning or afternoon ➔ Morning
► Are you in love ➔ No ► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ No ► Who ended your last relationship ➔ I did ► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ Yes ► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ Not usually ► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ No ► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ More than one ► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ Yeah
► Love or lust ➔ Love ► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ Iced Tea ► Cats or Dogs ➔ Dogs ► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ A few best friends ► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ Night in ► Day or night ➔ Night
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ Many times ► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ Yep ► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ Yes ► Wanted to disappear ➔ Yes.
► Do you and your family get along  ➔ We did ► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ Others might ► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ Never ► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ No
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ No ► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ Yes ► Who is your best friend ➔ Joey Abel ► Who knows everything about you ➔ No one anymore.
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xonismsx · 6 years
For Tyrus, Peter, and Isaac -- Body Worship
meme: send in kinks so i can expose my muses hahahastatus: accepting@apcgee
for all of them it kinda depends on which end they’re on bUT
tyrus: no | rather not | i dunno | i guess | sure | yes | FUCK yes | oh god you don’t even know
peter: no | rather not | i dunno | i guess | sure | yes | FUCK yes | oh god you don’t even know
isaac: no | rather not | i dunno | i guess | sure | yes | FUCK yes | oh god you don’t even know
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xonismsx · 7 years
11, 12 for the character development meme?
                                                  character development || always accepting
@ininxiro // you didn’t specify a muse so i’ve just picked one at random
11. in what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
the most scared tyrus has ever been is rather violent. he had been following his dad innocently ( albeit he shouldn’t have been ). he was only six but that made no difference to the werewolves that ambushed tyrus’ dad. he had to watch the murder, terrified of being left alone by his parents, & terrified that the enemy wolves would catch him & kill him too.
12. in what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
he was just hanging out with his best friends, rachel & joel. they were about 15 at the time & there was nothing special going on. school exams just finished, summer break hadn’t quite started back up again so no one had left for the summer or started working yet. they were just sitting in their hangout, talking. tyrus considers it one of his happiest memories as well as when he was most relaxed. 
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