#❛ ⦗ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ ɴᴀᴍᴇ ☾ ∶ ⁎﹡☆ ᴛᴡɪʟɪɢʜᴛ ⁎﹡☆ ⸺ answered .
spydcddya · 7 months
" papa's coffee is spilling... " anya observed, staring up at loid while pointing to his cup, " is it supposed to do that? "(i had to send daughter. .)
unprompted ask : ⭑ ANSWERED.
↳ @utallige accepting !
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the inquisition is enough to ( snap ) loid out of his stupor. taihen ! rebalancing his cup, after the inferno drip of his beverage poisons the floor. guess he'd been sleeping with his eyes open - more lately than he'd be in favor of counting this week. losing his grip like that ; it's unacceptable to be this vulnerable. he'd rest once they've won the war. a grateful pat to home on his daughter's head, the bitter smell of coffee reigniting his small flame.
-- it was only 5pm. ❛❛ caught me, huh ? i'll have to scrub this stain out before yor comes home. you know how she feels about carpet. ❜
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spydcddya · 7 months
" papa! " pouting, anya comes charging around the corner, bond right on her socked heels. " tomorrow is valentine's day at school! i'm s'psed to give you this! " holding up her very on macaroni heart, anya grins from behind it. " are you getting mama something? teacher says mama's and papa's exchange gifts! "
from the kitchen, yor nearly burns the cookies she's been attempting to make! but remembers to pull them out of the oven before they're too dark. " oh! - th- that's not necessary, dear! however, anya sweetheart, you can take a batch of these cookies to school! "
smiling, over the fresh batch, yor makes eye contact with loid, and her own gaze softens. the whiskey tied with a red ribbon in her room was a special surprise for later this evening. / hi. 😉 you get two for the price of one hehe
valentine's day ask : ⭑ ANSWERED.
↳ @ofluminance accepting !
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not five minutes pulling off his hat &. coat ; there was anya already bountiful as ever. looked like art class had their own bill of festivities with the glitter still fresh &. bouncing off the masterpiece she's crafted - ( he'll have to clean that up later ) quite the timing, since he almost forgot ! loid could always count on her to stay on his toes. taking care of a family was work. ❛❛ well that's something. thank you very much - you can hang it on the fridge if you'd like, just don't get in yor's way now. ❜
although the reminder's appreciated, what the hell was he going to do at this hour ?! he could pop his shoes back on &. step out a moment but not without them having questions. yor was too polite - she's an angel in his time of need but loid had something to prove ; show that he cared. gosh darn it, he'll have ... to improvise. clearing his throat, loid mentally thanks god the cookies were spared as he carefully watched over the stove in the midst of the attack.
❛❛ n- nonsense yor, anya's right ! that's what loving couple's do anyway. expressing how much we value one another in each other's lives is essential in every relationship. tomorrow just so happens to be anything but average, hehe - unfortunately for you anya, i've reserved my gift for after your bedtime. .. that is, if you're willing of course. ❜ the last sentence asking yor for permission.
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spydcddya · 2 years
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loid  thought  he'd  locked  it  away,    consistently  managed  but  suddenly  derived  in  the  figments  of  his  sleep.    &    either  he's  losing  his  touch  or  PERFECTLY  INTUNE  WITH  HIS  BODY'S  NATURAL  DEMANDS,  it  ruffles  him  awake  with  an  alarmed  gasp  !!    utterly  EMBARRASSED & flushed,    palm  shelters a  clammy  forehead,    grasping  to  center  the  animal  lurking beneath.      [    that  was  weird.    ]    dreams  weren't  supposed  to  make  him  this  ....  worked up. his past had no flukes. hopefully  the  others  were  still  sound  asleep.    ❝    ....  what's  wrong  with  me    ?    ❞    
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spydcddya · 1 year
omg my favorite spy daddy is back, i thought i lost u forever 😭😭😭😭😭 welcome back!!!!!
↳ @illholy accepting !
AYYEEEEE !!! you know what it is lmao asdfghjkl i can feel the love and i'm ready to jump into action. four months was too long of a wait for you guys but don't worry, i'll make it up to everyone :)
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spydcddya · 1 year
today, was the day. it'd been circled and marked on her calendar for weeks, months even. & still, it didn't do anything to make her any less nervous. emi had all the time in the world to prepare, yet here she was, at the last second, tearing apart her closet - trying to find the perfect dress to welcome loid home. finally, emi settled on a casual brown and pink floral patterned sundress, threw on a tan cardigan and her brown boots and all but ran for the door.
smoothing loose curls as she walks, she checks her makeup on a mirror on the way out, grabs her subway pass and keys and then, to her surprise, she hears movement outside her front door. the keys in her hand, lace between her fingers like daggers, slowly emi slips them behind her back as she opens the door -- she really should add a peephole.
opening the door, her heart all but stops. !!!! she didn't expect loid come here of all places! weren't they supposed to meet at the airport?! had his flight arrived early? certainly she hadn't taken that long to get ready.. had she!? lifting emerald eyes towards his own, her keys fall from her hand in surprise, mouth opening slightly, full of so many thoughts ready to come spilling out. " .. l-loid? i thought i was meeting you? i had everything planned!! and -- i, uh -- lunch, your gift! " emi looks down, fists grabbing the fabric of her dress in frustration. so much for plans.
lifting her head again, she takes a beat to truly takes in loid's appearance. he's just as she remembers, maybe a little more weathered, but- he was safe. & he was home, here, with her. what more could she ask for? emerald eyes crinkling at the corners, emi feels tears prick the longer she smiles up at loid. laughing lightly, emi closes the gap that lies between them and wraps her arms tightly around his middle. " do you have any idea how much i missed you? " the hug is important, but when she lifts her head off his chest and catches his eye, she's already pushing herself high on the balls of her feet to capture his lips with her own. " welcome home, " tugging him by his tie to follow, she steps back into her apartment with a sly smile. " are you tired? if not, i've got a few ideas of how we can spend the rest of this afternoon.. " with a sultry smile and a wink, emi drops his tie and brushes past him to shut and lock the door behind him. / I am not sorry hehehe 😜 ❤️
↳ @ofluminance accepting !
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loid' lost count of the days, the weeks, the number of times the sun had risen & then set, that brought on longer absences. his job knowing no boundaries to the people & things he cared for most. the phone calls that were either unstable & shaky at best, left to luck of reaching someone that would answer. leaving anya behind for a pursuit there was no room to negotiate leaving early on, he'd have to apologize for later. but there was someone else to pay a visit to ...
he's not sure how fast he drove the hour & a half straight. pushing the limits on his hardware & cascading over 90-100mph perhaps with palms that burned from eating leather. finally his motorcycle could rest a while when he found the entrance to her home. why he came here first? well, she was worth waiting for.
seeing emi in person seemed like a figment of the blonde's imagination as she stands stock still with confusion, beaten by his ambush. she was the only other person who kept contact & thankfully, she also hadn't quit counting down to the day he'd return in one piece. somehow, an entire season's passed - her clothes were different, shedding the bright colors for something more warm & welcoming. loid was tired, overworked, the darkness in his gaze soon settling on peace of mind. a light in them emerging as the heat of her touch awakens something inside he thought he'd lost - there wasn't much to say but to enjoy this moment. & never take it for granted. the softness of emi's lips meets his as he remains unmoved, his brain processing her affection. she's missed me.
gently led into her home & greeted with a subtle insinuation, his limbs begin to remember as her brush past him initiates a hold on her wrist only to repeat their hellos. he swings her back around. the embrace deeply met, with one arm slung across her waist & the other cradling the back of her head. she's home. & nothing in his time away could replace it. ❛ sorry ... but i couldn't wait. ❜ his voice low & staggered, his heart slowed. she's right, he is tired. but he didn't care. ❛ thank you for hanging in there. i'll make it up to you. ❜
he loosens his hold, contemplating her chosen words. it feels like intruding, but she didn't seem to mind. his luggage strapped to the back of his bike was ready to be undone. just say the word - ❛ are you inviting me to stay? ❜
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spydcddya · 2 years
" fffuuuuuck !! " anya repeats what she just heard him say
↳ @nedoki : always accepting !!
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was  he  that  LOUD    ?      &    she  dare  repeat  it    ??      he's  mortified.    having  heart  palpitations----    curse  his  martyred elbow.      ❝    ANYA-CCHHHAAAAANNNNNNNN      !!!!!!!    ❞    a hard roll of the last consonant. ❝ yor, please forgive me. ❞
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spydcddya · 1 year
bond is waiting patiently by the door, his leash in his mouth, large white tail hitting the floor loudly. he's been waiting all day for walkies. father, i require the walkies, please.
↳ @utallige accepting !
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it's amazing how quickly his pet knew to meet him at the door, even before making the decision.  &   just like that,   a leash was waiting to be clipped to bond's collar.  ❛  alright now, looks like you're ready for some fresh air. you remember the rules, don't you?    ❜  at least since yesterday, as loid acquires the nylon with slender fingers. 
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spydcddya · 1 year
" papa, if i study, can i have the fancy peanuts?? " ( loid she wants the fancy peanuts. The choco covered peanuts. Please. Shell study SO HARD )
↳ @utallige accepting !
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❛    you'll  earn  it  after  an  hour  of  your  time.    which  means  no  crying,    no  whining    &    definitely  no  crawling  to  yor  -    she's  powerless  against  those  puppy  dog  eyes  but  i  won't  be  shaken  so  easily.    if  you  can  sit  through  that,    i'll  be  generous.    ❜    children  like  her  needed  incentive  afterall. it's the most he can offer when  mathematics  was  the  choice  of  subject.    
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spydcddya · 1 year
Reputation: Number 1 Twilight stan and we support!
↳ accepting !
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you got that right !!!!
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spydcddya · 1 year
while anya is away at a sleepover at becky's, there left a rare opportunity for yor and loid to share a night in, just the two of them. tired from a long week, yor wasn't exactly watching how much wine she'd already had.. turning a corner with a happy hum, yor spots loid; & his handsome face is trapped behind a newspaper! oh, now that won't do.
crossing the room, yor doesn't waste a moment. with one fluid motion, she swipes the newspaper from the tips of her husband's fingers and straddles him. ruby eyes peer coyly into his blue. " loiiiiiid, dear. are those words in today's paper more entertaining than i am? " a hand slides up his chest, tugging tight on his collar. the corner of yor's lips have twisted themselves into a rather.. seductive smile. her free hand finds purchase around loid's neck, and her fingers, slip into his blonde locks. " we've already had dinner, darling, but.. what about, dessert? " / i am not sorry. >:)
↳ @ofgravitation accepting !
two  adults  cohabitating  in  a  single  room,    while  loid's  clocked  into  his  own  reading.    peaceful  for  once  with  child  &  dog  not  a  centimeter  in  sight  or  breadth  to  hear  their  shrill  laughs.    becky  was  deemed  a  savior  rather  than  a  thorn  on  this  very  night,  for  both  him  and  yor's  fill  of  time  were  to  be  determined.    it  wasn't  long  til  yor  helped  herself  to  their  selectively  chosen  stash  while  his  eyes  mulled  over  words  he's  absorbed  already,  &  at  long  last  giving  themselves  away  to  a  crossword  puzzle  with  lack  luster.   the  newspaper  well  leveled  with  his  forhead  as  he  sits  back,   reclined  to  boredom.    a  private  sigh  so  not  to blame  his  counterpart,    though  he  could  sense  the  booze  would  conquer  again    -  hopeful  she'll  measure  her  drinking.   but  by  a  modest  hiccup  from  the  mouth  of  beauty,    loid  re-adjusts    ;    fingers  remembering  the  crinkle  of  printed  paper  to  ignore  the  drifty  figure  passively  airing  behind  it.    at  times,    she  did  make  him  snicker  -  reminded  of  the  days  he  too  was  to  drunk  to  care  or  stall.    &  now,   someone  else  has taken  up  the  mantle  and  was  having  fun  for  him  -  just  be  careful,    he  thoughtfully prayed.   but  it  is  one  uncharacteristic  blow  that  steals  his  attention  when  yor  arrests  him  between  solid  thighs & supposed want or need.   eyebrows  firstly peek at the surprise  &  then  quickly  flatlines  as they were  before,  about  her  questioning  where  his  mind  has  been  &  could  be.    the  newspaper  a  poor  escape plan.    
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   ❛    i  was  enjoying  that    ...      ❜    an  emphasized  lie.      ❛    jealous?    -    you'd  do  some  good  to  remove  yourself,  yor.    alcohol  isn't  exactly  your  friend  when  it  takes  over  this  way.      ❜    regardless  if  it  brought  out  her  confidence,    the  right  thing  to  do  was  leave  it  be  &  go  back  to  memorizing  the  same  twenty  pages.    but  it  seems  she  wasn't  agreeing  &  moving  in fast  with  wine  stenched  hands  pouring  over  his  very  composure.    yor had  never  touched  him  anywhere  near  this  close    --    & maybe  that  was  desire  or  just  the magic of liquid  courage but  a  low  grunt  with  his  neck  held  hostage  by  a  viper's  grip,    summons  a  burning  from  a  dormant  place.    veined  hands  remain  limp  at  either  of  his  sides,    twitching  almost  unnoticable  because  he  mustn't  be  clumsy.    he  mustn't  entertain  the  words  that  fall  like  silk.     ❛    i thought dinner was plenty for us. shame you still have an appetite when dessert's only best served when i'm ready to bake. but i'm afraid the kitchen's closed. ❜    the  blonde  retorts seriously,  however colored with fragrant meaning.
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spydcddya · 2 years
amazing blog. amazing muse. super amazing mun! juice is super creative and talented! not to mention very friendly & welcoming!! also the hcs / shitposts and CONTENT?! HELLLOOOO?! 10000 / 10 would recommend again and again<33
↳ @ofgravitation accepting !
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*sniffles* , I HOPE YOU KNOW WE ARE NOW A PACKAGE DEAL <33 COME HERE YOU !!! asdfghkl, i'm cryinggggg. remember you're one of the few helping me conduct this train & giving me true motivation. inspirational ! let us ride off into the sunset.
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spydcddya · 2 years
" damn. when'd you get up, early bird? " touya in his scrumpy pjs seeing him in the common area.
↳ @crem8 always accepting !
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❝    --    i'm  an  insomniac.    ❞    the  blonde  expels  cooly,    peering  up  from  a  half  interesting  novel.    books  he's  brought  from  home  for  a  hideout  this  foresaken.    telling  them  honestly  that  he'd  SAT  THROUGH  AN  ENTIRE  CONCERTO  FOR  GRAVE  CASES  OF  SLEEP  APNEA  was  almost  juvenile.    second  to  anxiety    &    the  wars  within,    a  punishment  disclosed  to  no one.    --    the  better  question  is,    why  touya  was  skulking  about  with  rags  that  further  tore  along  the  floors.    ❝    you  look  ready  to  stick  it  to  father  dearest.    ❞  
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spydcddya · 2 years
*purrs in his ear tbh*
↳ @bastcrbine always accepting !
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THE MIND  NUMBING  STUDYING HE'S BEEN AT  THE  LAST  TWO  HOURS   was  disturbingly  intercepted  by  a  cushioned  thrumming,    with  kittenish  lips  against  his  ear.     &    suddenly,    loid's  focus  is  primarily bent on  a  single  touch  that  effectively  arouses  something  deep  within  him.    this  was  new  for  bambi  -- mutually new for him,    &    it made  him  feel  like  he's  ready  to  jump out of his skin. WAS  THIS  HER  WAY  OF  GAINING  HIS  ATTENTION   ?  he  immediately stiffens,    tomato  induced.    a  hard  pass  to  anyone's  belief  that  he  remained  at all calm. she's playing mind games.   ❝    ever  heard  of  personal  space --  ?    ❞
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spydcddya · 1 year
When it comes to your muse's voice, do you prefer the original or dub voice actor for them?
OOOHHHH, i hope i don't start trouble but i 1000% prefer twilight's original voice actor aka the sub VA because although the dub is nice, it's still missing something for me. Maybe it's the lack of range in his voice but i love the sub. It's deeper, it's more aligned with his character & i feel like it is an important part in how he changes his facade. It's brighter and warmer when he's Loid where as, as Twilight it's colder, distanced and speaks more with an inside voice & that's what i try to channel in my writing his dialogue. If i can picture him saying it in sub, then that's what i'll write!
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spydcddya · 1 year
OTP for your muse?
↳ @reddragon-cowboy not accepting !
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spydcddya · 1 year
5. is there a muse you really want to try? if yes: what’s stopping you?
7. describe your favorite relationship dynamic. (can be any kind, platonic, romantic, familial, antagonistic, etc.) c:
↳ @ericense not accepting !
5. I have answered!
7. My favorite relationship dynamic for this specific character is familial. Loid's fatherly instincts and his rational is TOP TIER & kicks in right away for anyone that's even a year or two younger. He's fair, he's reasonable as he is equally soft. I will never get tired of loid's relationship with Anya and i can't wait for more of it.
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