#❛ person of interest / so mi: no more lies tucked in between your teeth.
mindsmade · 12 days
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a slightly late birthday gift for ya @yakam0z, as always by the wonderful @zaffyrr 💝
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ad1thi · 5 years
part 4 of the carbonell family au
before you read this chapter, this is your disclaimer that this is a mob au; so tony will be a morally grey character. he wasn’t intended to be cookie cutter good for this au and i won’t write him cookie cutter good. he’s the patriarch of a crime family, not an orphanage
Natasha knows the minute they enter the car that he’s mad. Simmering with rage that he’s furiously tamping down on. 
The part that loves him wants to let him unleash it, let him scream himself hoarse at the injustice of the world and then cradle him in her embrace while he recuperates
The part of her that was borne out of the ashes of a broken country wants to pull out her lip a little, jut her hips, and play up her sympathy so she never has to see him mad
because for all that she loves him, there is no part of Natasha that isn’t utterly and completely terrified of Anthony Carbonell
In the end, she settles on nestling against his chest, letting him comb his fingers through her locks lightly. He’s uncharacteristically quiet in a way that still bristles through her skin, reminding her of when he was 16 and he pushed his knee into her 17 year old throat. 
(it was the first time she ever feared for her life)
Eventually, his hand meanders, perfunctory touches against her skin until he reaches her hip. He pulls at her shirt from where its tucked into her skirt, and brushes his thumb against her branded C, over and over and over
She lies perfectly still, matching her breathing to his and letting him work through his anger; until he stops being Anthony and starts being Antoshka
Her lips still tingle from where he sank his teeth into them not 15 minutes ago, and there’s beads of blood that she wants to reach out and lick off
but she doesn’t
because she isn’t cradled in the arms of her lover
she’s cradled in the arms of the Carbonell Patriarch, and she, more than anyone (save for Rhodey), knows just how dangerous he can be
The car pulls up at their house, and he nudges his leg twice before she lifts up and rearranges herself. She moves to give him space, to let him get out first; but he pulls her back; nails digging into her hip where the brand is- and she acquiesces, moving with him seamlessly and without contest; because its her best bet
At 29 years old, Tony is acutely aware that he is one of the most powerful men in the world, if not the most powerful
He has his finger in a lot of pies, as the americans would say; and he’s virtually untouchable
Its a luxury that he fought tooth and nail for, and it was no small feat; and its not something that he plans on giving up anytime soon
no matter what Detective Steve Rogers has planned
He keeps his hand around Natasha’s waist as they enter Stark Manor, letting her sag slightly against him once the doors close behind them and manoeuvring her slightly towards the kitchen where he’s sure James is waiting
There’s a sharp right, and sure enough, with his back to them, is James manning the grill
His black henley is stretched against his muscles, straining at the seams, and had it been an ordinary day; Tony probably would’ve curled up against his lover and licked him out of the tight fitting tshirt 
but it hasn’t been an ordinary day
and Tony’s having a hard time being their Antoshka right now
He releases his hold on Natasha’s waist when they near the island, and watches dispassionately as she fights the urge to bend down and look at how deep his nails have dug into the brand
His mama always said that running the Family was like essendo due persone tesoro, a volte non mi riconosco allo specchio. He never got that at 12 when he was cleaning her wounds
(now he does)
She slips off her heels and pads over to James softly, pressing her lips in between his shoulder blades to alert him of their presence
He turns instantly, tilting her chin up for a soft butterfly kiss before he looks up and latches onto Tony, who’s standing a bit away like he’s an intruder to a painful domestic scene
James extends the hand not curling Natasha, “Antoshka, won’t you join us? It’s been a long day and I’ve missed you. The food was getting cold”
Tony stiffens and pulls at the lapels of his jacket, “I’ll be in my study. Find me after”
He doesn’t bother to pretend he’s from Manhattan, letting his rich italian accent seep out, when he stops mid way to the exit and says, “Don’t be late”
He’s poring over their dossier on Steve when he hears a knock on the door
“Entra,” he calls out; not bothering to look up from where he’s scrutinising Steve’s military record, and he hears the door creak open- but there’s no other sound
After he thinks he’s let them stew enough, he looks up to the see -
“Jesus, Zio Obie, mi hai spaventato a morte,” he says, putting a hand to his chest instinctively
“You work too hard my boy,” Obie replies, making his way to the liquor trolley
He offers a glass to Tony, which Tony grasps but doesn’t sip, sinking back in his chair
Obie flops down in the opposite seat, taking a long sip and smacking his tongue obscenely
“Your,” his mouth moves like he’s eaten something sour, “people were flitting outside the door as I was coming in”
“I take it they’re in the doghouse?”
It’s never sat well with Tony that Zio Obie never accepted he had two lovers, but he’s let it go as long as Obie continued to run SI smoothly
Even now, he shakes the whiskey softly before turning to Obie and asking, “to what do I owe the pleasure Zio?”
(obie’s thick boston accent has never failed to remind tony he’s italian. he can’t decide if he loves or hates that)
“Can an uncle not visit his nephew?” Obie’s presence is overwhelming, his voice booming, and Tony desperately wishes he wasn’t in conflict with his lovers because he would love nothing more than James standing on his side 
“I thought we decided after last time that it was too dangerous for you to drop by unannounced,” Tony raises en eyebrow, “so I ask again: to what do I owe the pleasure?”
Predictably, mentioning the shoot-out makes Obie shudder, giving Tony the cover he needs to press the button under his desk
Obie’s pouring himself another drink when James and Natasha enter, and none of them miss the way his eyes glint slightly
Natasha shoves slightly until she can settle on his lap and James tilts his head up for a kiss, slipping the drink out of his outstretched hand and onto the floor in one fluid motion
“I see the guard dogs have arrived,” Obie says and James bares his teeth almost obligingly
Tony runs his nails against James’ inner arm pointedly before giving Obie a smile of his own, “They were going to entertain me before you decided to stop by Zio, so I must a third time- why are you here?”
He bends slightly so Natasha can rearrange herself, “Don’t make me ask again Zio”
Obie holds his hand up in surrender, “There’s no need to threaten me boy, I come in peace”
He pushes over a folder that Natasha thumbs open and holds up for Tony, “The quarter’s profits. The company is struggling ever since we made the switch to green energy boy, and I wish you would reconsider at least finishing out your militar - “
its soft, so soft that Tony’s almost worried that Obie missed it, but his eyes flick up to where James is clutching the end of the seat
“I’m sorry?” Obie looks up at him owlishly, like he can’t believe James is speaking to him directly
“I said,” his voice is flat but firm, “no. Antoshka will not finish out his military contracts”
Obie looks at Tony despairingly, but Tony tilts his face away; burying it into the crook of Natasha’s neck and lazily sucking a bruise
There’s palpable tension in the air when Tony decides he’s had enough and resurfaces; and its at times like this that Tony is reminded of just how powerful he is
He keeps his eyes lidded, his lips wet and cocks his head just so when he says, “I don’t know what you tell you Zio. James says no.”
“Now if you don’t mind, I would like to go back to pleasuring my lover”
he nods once, dismissing his Zio and turns his attention back to Natasha, who’s palming his half hard dick through his trousers and pulls at her tanktop until it gives him access to her breasts
He doesn’t wait for his Zio to leave, instead lifting his left hand and pinching her nipple experimentally
Its only when the door close does he stop, pushing Natasha off his lap and standing so he’s facing his lovers
If Natasha is upset at basically being used as a common whore, she doesn’t show it; adjusting herself almost immediately before curling into James’ embrace
"The first thing I ever told you,” he says, drawing every word out, “was that you are mine.”
“You were mine then, you are mine now, and you will always be mine”
He lifts his gaze to them, “il tuo passato è morto, because you are mine and I am not interested in it following us around”
“Take there of Steve Rogers, or I will”
He forces himself to ignore the way James turns pale and crumbles against Natasha, and instead stalks out the room
When he reaches their bedroom, he slips off his shirt and sinks into the bed, propping his chin against his right knee and letting the left leg dangle off the bed
He lifts up his hands and pulls at his cheeks experimentally, before cocking his head and staring at his reflection
Hazel eyes bore into him as he wonders ti odi anche tu mamma? ma di sicuro non mi amano
italian translations (all off google translate):
essendo due persone tesoro, a volte non mi riconosco allo specchio: (running the family was like) being two people, I sometimes don't recognize myself in the mirror
Entra: enter
mi hai spaventato a morte: you scared me to death
il tuo passato è morto: your past is dead
ti odi anche tu mamma? ma di sicuro non mi amano: did you hate yourself too mama? because i sure as hell don’t love me
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mindsmade · 7 months
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the events at totentanz so far ( ft. @enypneon 🩶 )
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