#❛ to cull the weak ❜           ⸗           * /  JACOB .
direwombat · 13 days
ok wait hang on can't tell if this is a feature or a bug of jakey's philosophy but if jacob's whole mindset is "the weak must be culled" but also that his expectation is that his soldiers should be willing to sacrifice themselves for the Father...are those who sacrificed themselves/killed "in the line of duty" considered weak by their fellow soldiers? or is sacrificing oneself still a noble pursuit.
does culling the herd only apply if it's the enemy? or does that extend to members of the project as well?
i mean, i hope it's a feature that the writers purposefully put in the game because i love hypocrisy and contradictions but also...idk if they put that much thought into it.
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softtidesworld · 5 months
I don't have any WIPs so I'll just ask you about yours lol. what's goin on in the FC5 prequel one 👀
aww thanks for asking!!!💞 so excited to share and yap
it’s called cherry waves (or whatever else i may call it in the future), which is an au where instead of burning down the barn/beating up their foster parents jacob takes joseph and john and runs away, which results in jacob never going to juvie, the seed bros never get separated, and jacob possibly never even enlists in the military (but he still finna be a kickass teenager). i’m still working out the kinks, including the time period (their timeline is wacky asf as it is!) so probably mid/late-80s? early-ish 90s?
also— joseph still becomes a cult leader surprise surprise 🙃 but it’s kinda like a children of the corn type thing?? he’d still be young, like around eleven or twelve. just a baby faced cult megalomaniac <3 gathering people for the end of the world, killing people, and jacob having absolutely none of that shit. john would be a wee bab but still has an effect on the story.
i will possibly introduce other fc5 characters, but considering the timeline, i’m kinda iffy about it. plus i don’t know if the story would take place in georgia, or in hope county. maybe joseph intentionally leads jacob to hope county so he can build his cult, and not just to seek safe haven from abuse and neglect??? maybe he’s more manipulative here because he’s just a kiddo and nobody expects a kiddo to supposedly talk to god about nuclear warfare and killing people??? he’s just using jacob to get him to where he needs to be like in canon???
what an asshole kid, honestly.
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dumbassdep · 2 years
Do you know why we train?
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lulu2992 · 16 days
Does Jacob Seed believe in God?
It’s a popular theory that, even though the oldest Seed brother is part of the Project at Eden’s Gate, he only has faith in his own ideology and doesn’t necessarily believe in God or the Voice. So is Jacob one of Joseph’s Heralds simply because he wants to support his brother and use his influence to his advantage, or does he actually believe in a higher power and in the Father’s message?
The first time we come (very) close to Jacob, during the mission “The World is Weak”, he explains why he thinks humanity has “forgotten what it is to be strong”. He says that “our heroes used to be gods” but that they are now, among other flaws, “godless”. If Jacob associates godlessness, so the lack of faith in God, with weakness, one of the things he criticizes the most, it implies to me that he thinks believing in God is a quality, so he most likely does too.
The next time the Deputy is captured by Jacob’s soldiers, he stays in the background to let Joseph talk to them and explain how he lost his wife and daughter. The Father tells this story in the Whitetail Mountains for a reason: it’s about pain, sacrifice, being tested, and doing whatever we’re asked to prove our devotion. Although Jacob doesn’t say anything to the Junior Deputy in that scene, the pained expression on his face proves that Joseph’s speech affects and resonates with him, and we only fully understand why the next time we meet him.
The third time the Deputy gets captured and ends up in one of Jacob’s cages, he too has a story to tell. While he casually shows how submissive and “well-trained” Pratt has now become, he talks about his experience in the military and more specifically during the First Gulf War. He explains how he and another soldier, Miller, got separated from their unit without food, water, or radio, and had to survive in the desert. When he realized, after eight days, that they were most likely going to die, he accepted his fate. “And in that acceptance came clarity”, he explains, and before he says the last two words, Jacob pauses and looks at the sky. In my opinion, this may indicate he believes this epiphany was of a divine nature.
When he continues his story, he says sacrificing Miller so he could survive “wasn’t something [he] wanted” but “something that [he] had to do” before concluding that it was “[his] test” and looking at the sky once more. Again, to me, this suggests he believes that this “test”, this sacrifice he didn’t want to make but thought had to happen, was a divine trial, a “test of faith”, exactly like Joseph killing his own daughter. And in order to join his army, people are expected to do the same: they must sacrifice something (or someone) that’s holding them back. To Jacob, it appears a sacrifice is not just about the “weak vs. strong” ideology and culling the herd, it’s also how you prove your devotion, your commitment to the Project, to the Father and, by extension, to God.
In his final moments, Jacob says what led many people to conclude he was possibly an atheist: “My brother saw all this coming. I don’t know if he talks to God... that doesn’t matter. He was right.” I don’t think this means he doesn’t believe in a higher power, though. Many other characters in Far Cry 5, such as Jerome or Grace, clearly are religious but also think Joseph is a false prophet and that there’s no way the Voice he claims he heard is God’s. Here, Jacob doesn’t say it’s not true and that the Voice isn’t real; he simply admits that he doesn’t know if Joseph can communicate with God.
So, in my opinion, it’s very likely that Jacob believes in a higher power and that part of what he does to people has a religious significance. That said, as he takes his last breath, whether or not the Voice Joseph hears belongs to God doesn’t matter much to the Soldier anymore. What does, and what he seems to be certain of, is that he was right to believe in his brother.
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hellsarchived · 2 months
ive only just got into fc5 so i don't have a lot on the girls verses but i do have like a baseline idea that julie is very medic heavy. since i wanted her to be a doctor in a lot of her verses i wanted to incorporate that into her verse. she primarily uses shotguns and prefers close range fights that involve a lot of stealth takedowns (gonna utilize her stat of having pretty high stealth in tcm)
for ana i wanted her to have smthn tied in with jacob and whatnot being resilient and stuff i think it'd be interesting to have her be forced to do his "trials" or what not and with her being as strong as she is, surviving this culling of the weak. though this is VERY broad as i havent done much research on jacob and im scared to wander into his section so i'm staying around john's area rn. which julie is thriving in taking out outposts left and right. might bother mccarthy for lore stuff and some help creating ideas bc i'm so new
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sup-dilfsandmilfs · 19 days
Let you down
Jacob Seed x Reader
Not proof read, angst 
Inspired by the song ‘let you down’ by Dawid Podsiadło
I land punch after punch on Jacob, the wolf beacons still flashing their bright neon red lights. The dream like hallucinations of Jacob continue to swarm me, spewing an onslaught of 'your weak' 'the weak are culled' and 'its hunting season' before suddenly it all stops and clears 
And before me is Jacob, the real one. My bloody fists reach out for him, this time open. I clutch to his jacket as we drop to the ground in a heap 
"You should've never come here" he grumbles out as his arms wrap around me, one hand coming up to stroke the back of my head "I'm sure fate would've let us meet another way" 
"I know, I know. But I'm sure even now we can still find a way to be together" my words go from reassuring to chocked hope
He let out a hoarse chuckle "that day can't come any sooner"
"It can, we'll make it come! We can just leave now, we both know how to fly we can escape together Jacob...please" I practically yell and plead as my grip tightens on his jacket 
His hand cupped my cheek and pulled it up from his chest "you hold onto that dream dep... I'll meet you on the other side" with a smile his hand slowly slipped from my face, I grabbed it and held it back up but it wasn't the same 
The hand slowly turned cold as my tears fell faster "please" I whisper to the gods, any that will listen "please!" I yell up into the sky as tears fall from my eyes
A wolf howls atop the mountain but there is no moon to hear it's cry's, just as there is no god to hear mine 
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[ reunion ] a longing kiss shared after being apart for a while -> your choice of ship <3
Thank you so much for the prompt! This one is actually a bit of a spoiler for near the end of American Beasts, but here you go, have some Kit and Jacob!
He watched as the soldiers of Eden’s Gate stumbled back to the safety of the Project’s compound. Their numbers cut down and bloodied, even less would be making it into the bunkers to see New Eden, the herd culled by the ingrates who called themselves the Resistance. The hollow men who’d seen war, now as tainted by it as he was, moved like shadows past him – but she was nowhere to be seen, his eyes trained to search out that red hair and those pale blue eyes in a crowd. His heart raced in his chest, his brow furrowed as he just kept searching the faces. He wouldn’t, couldn’t, let them see the fear that was steadily creeping up his spine. 
Where the fuck are you, Kitty?
The last stragglers of the army passed through the gates, a slow trickle of souls. His jaw clenched tight, a cold glare landing on each one of them, some part of him questioning how they survived, but somehow she didn’t. She wasn’t there. He hadn’t even received a final radio call. No warning at all. She was out there somewhere gasping her last breath, dying, alone, surrounded by the weak. He was of the mind to march out there and find her, pick up a gun and fight till the last breath in his body was spent, even if it meant he’d end up rotting in the ground beside her. It was better than the future he had without her. The future without promise, without hope – only sacrifice. 
Rounds fired into the night broke the darkness that started to swallow his thoughts, and Jacob’s gaze focused on the treeline. Raised voices screamed out slurs at their people, only to be hushed, met with utter silence as if blanketed in a fog that dampened sound, the same that creeped across the ground at his feet. Gunshots rang out once more, the trees bending and swaying, parting to make room for her. She dragged another of their people along with her, limping forward, more blood and broken bones than a man but like a good soldier she’d leave no one behind, having made a promise to Joseph as their Lion. 
Jacob motioned for followers to come forward and collect the man in her arms. Picking off the last few members of the Resistance who’d chased them that far with his rifle. She stood before him unburdened, silent and staring. He had no idea if she was injured herself. She didn’t seem to care. Frozen like a deer in the headlights, he was afraid to touch her. Was she just some ghost, another figment of his imagination? As if the moment he touched her she’d turn to sand and blow away in the wind. 
She gazed up at him, her face dotted with blood spray, strands of red hair blowing around her face and shoulders in the breeze, braid falling loose down her back. Her breath plumed out in a cloud of fog with each heavy exhale, stare unwavering as she clung to the dogtags that hung around her neck.
“Please tell me this is real. That this isn't some sorta goddamn dream,” he husked. 
“I’m here.” Her voice was hoarse, worn down from shouting out orders. 
Without wasting a single moment or another thought, he reached out in an instant reflex and cupped her face in his hands, thumbs stroking over the peaks of her cheeks as his mouth crashed down against hers. The briny scent of her sweat mixed with the smoke of fire and gunpowder, tinged with the metallic tang of blood. It was her, she was real, and he was absolutely enveloped by her. His lips devouring her, hungry and aching, starving for the future he'd thought he lost.
He brushed his fingers through her hair, knotting them up in her tresses, only to be gripped in return, her hands digging into his back, proving she was going nowhere, that she'd always come back home. The dog tags he gave her clanked between them, ringing out in the dark with each desperate meeting of his lips with hers. He hated to think that he might have ever been given the opportunity to forget how she tasted. 
His forehead pressed to hers, frozen stare taking in her angel face streaked with the remnants of violence, he couldn't believe he could be this fucking lucky to have here there, alive. “Look at me.”
Her eyes fluttered open, a gaze as cold and icy as his own meeting him, but in them he saw none of the deep seething anger that others witnessed with fear, he just saw light. He saw hope, and for a minute, he thought he could believe it, despite what the rest of the world had shown him. 
Pale eyes focused on her, hardened by a life that had never been easy. “I thought I'd lost ya.”
“I'm not that easy to kill.”
“Just you and the cockroaches.”
Her soft caress against his jaw was almost too much to bear. Something gentle despite the brutality he knew those hands were all too capable of.
“I'm always going to come back to you. Always.”
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chobit92 · 6 months
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Me: Scotty! Nick! Omg my boys!
Jacob: They were weak.
Me: Shut up Jake!
Jacob: 😂
Me: I mean it. Shut your mouth. And stop laughing this isn’t funny! 😭
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Me: Jacob.
Jacob: What now? Another one of your weak boys get culled?
Me: No. But yours did. Look at him. So weak.
Jacob: Is that Gus?
Me: Yep. I killed him.
Jacob: Bullshit he’s asleep.
Me: No he’s dead. He just looks like he’s asleep.
Jacob: Yeah, yeah.
Me: He is not asleep! He is dead! See you don’t like it do you? Now you know how it feels to lose one of your precious boys!
Jacob: 🤨🙄 Women…
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the-silent-judge · 1 year
In all honesty I feel like I would personally never survive if Far Cry 5 was real and if I was the deputy. There's two reasons
First being that I would bullshit you all and say I'd just make fun of them too much to the point where they'd just put one between my eyes without much of a thought.
Jacob: I cull the weak. It's what I do--
Me: Do you know who else culls the weak? MY MOM!! HAAAAAA-
Second being that I would be 100% honest and say I would not be able to stop sobbing and crying uncontrollably to the point where they can't even get a single word in
Imagine that John is trying to have his whole power of yes speech and just "I- look- ok- Deputy, I'm sorry, I can't focus-- can you just- just stop crying for five seconds-? Im trying to make a valid point here-- annnd you're sobbing even harder now, oh my God-- just- stop!"
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askthe-littlepoet · 14 days
[holy shit]
[The WEAK have their purpose, you'll learn that soon enough.]
[I will Cull the Herd, for it is what I do.]
(Jacob Seed? in my COTL ask blog?)
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ladyoriza · 2 years
anyway it's about Jacob making a huge deal about Sacrifice as cutting yourself off from loved ones and killing your friends and "culling the weak"
but when faced with the option Staci chooses instead to sacrifice himself so Rook has a chance at escape.
it's about Jacob believing strength is only about physical prowess and being so wrong in his philosophy that he just doubles down on calling Staci weak because what was freeing Rook if not the peak of strength and bravery? what was pushing them onto the truck if not love?
Jacob doesn't understand strength at all. all he understands is being the most violent.
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strawberryscorner · 1 year
Forgotten Sins Chapter 7
Series Tags: Amnesia, Stockholm Syndrome, Drug Use (Bliss), Religious Cults, Fluff and Angst, Car Accidents, Family Member Death, Manipulation, Emotional Manipulation
Series Masterlist
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You raised your hand, ready to knock but put it down again. You were too nervous to eat during lunch, your mind was too busy thinking about this moment. You had to do this.
You raised your hand again and knocked on the door. You didn’t want to confess anything to anyone, you wanted to run away but the door opened before you could move.
“Hi,” you said lamely.
“Hello,” Jacob said. “Did Joseph send you?”
“No, I need to speak to you.” You pushed passed him and into the room.
You heard the door shut behind you, no one else was in the room which was good. Maybe you’d be able to get the words out or think clearly enough to know what the words were.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m scared,” you said and started pacing. “Of, well, of everything. But mostly, right now, of how well I can shoot. I mean, what if it’s not just that I know how to shoot, what if I have anger issues? What if I’m a murderer and I don’t even know?” 
You paused and looked at him but he didn’t say anything, so you continued pacing. “What happens if I tell John I’m good at shooting and he makes up some sort of reason, like a murderer, and I get marked up with a sin that might be true but could be totally wrong and I have no clue what it means?”
“Then don’t tell him,” Jacob offered.
“Then I’m a liar.”
He chuckled.
“It’s not funny.”
“No, I know.”
He still looked amused as he walked up to you. He made you sit on a chair. No more pacing which had started to feel like the only thing keeping you from drowning in your worries.
“Look, Joseph and John do usually start pushing confessions somewhat early, but you don’t remember any sins to confess. They can’t push it with you, so relax.”
“But what if I am a murderer?”
“What if you’re a hunter? Or just someone who had an odd hobby?”
You forced your head to focus on his suggestions instead of your anxieties. They made sense, not everyone who knows how to shoot takes people’s lives. There could be so many reasons why a gun felt natural in your hands. Just an odd hobby, yeah.
Jacob pulled you out of your thoughts by clearing his throat. “I have to feed the prisoners, you’re helping me.”
He turned for the door. While you were getting tired of these men always telling you what to do, you had to admit, feeding the prisoners sounded better than him handing you over to John or worse, Joseph. You got up and followed him.
The bowls in your hand contained liquid, some soggy vegetables and a few chunks of odd-looking meat. You didn’t dare ask what the meat was. There was hardly any of the soup in the bowl, you weren’t sure if feeding them was actually helping them or if leaving them to starve on nothing was better.
Someone held the door open, and you followed Jacob into the room. You took the cages on the left side of the wall, some of the prisoners took the bowl, greedily swallowing its contents while others stayed, cowering against the wall, staring at you so you gently placed their bowls on the ground for them to take when they were ready. One of the cages was empty, it had belonged to the man from Eli’s group.
“Where is he?” you asked Jacob.
He shrugged. “Not everyone makes it.”
You wished you had felt something, but you didn’t, you just accepted the fact. It wasn't surprising considering the food they were getting and the injuries on their bodies.
You saw someone didn’t get any food, you didn’t have time to ask why that was as three of Jacob’s men gathered around the cell, one of the went in and grabbed the scared prisoner then dragged him outside.
“What do you do to them?”
“We cull the weak.”
“So, if they survive, they join you?”
“Me, one of the others, it depends.”
 Jacob started walking to another area. You didn’t know what else to do so you went after him. Joseph hadn’t told you to do anything today and since this was the furthest spot you could be from the Father so unless Jacob told you to leave, this was where you would stay.
Jacob grabbed a box filled with various sizes of bloody meat and carried it to a car.
“Get in,” he told you as he placed the box in the back.
Jacob got in the driver’s seat beside you as you put on your seatbelt. “Are we feeding someone else?”
“The Judges,” he said, turning on the car and speeding off. “They did well yesterday, so today, they get treats.” He nodded to the meat in the back.
The drive was quiet, he hadn’t even put the radio on. Once he stopped the car, he got out to get the box of meat. You opened the door to exit the car, but a dead body was on the ground. Gross. You had to jump out. The grass was wet with what you assumed was blood as it hadn’t rained so you slipped. Jacob grabbed you with one arm and helped you gain your footing.
“Be careful, dead Angels are everywhere now,” he said. “I don’t know why so many of them are here, they usually stay away. Come on.”
You were nervous to be near the Judges again, but you trusted Jacob knew what he was doing when it came to them and hoped he wasn’t leading you to slaughter. There were Angels scattered on the ground as you walked, some with bullet wounds through their heads and others with claw or bite marks. The bodies were fewer as you got closer to the wolves.
The giant white wolves were laying on the ground, a collar with a long metal chain around their throats, keeping them in place. Jacob set the box down and grabbed a few pieces of meat, telling you to do the same. He walked down a line of Judges and tossed meat at them, so you copied him.
Holding the bloody meat was horrible and you were trying to hold your breath as much as possible while digging your fingers into the meat so it wouldn’t slip. As you tossed the food to the wolves, they’d try to catch it in their mouths, some would succeed while others licked at the meat once it landed on the ground.
Part of you thought it was kind of cute, a group of giant wolves laying down and licking or chewing their food but the other part of you, the part that could still smell the meat, hated it.
“No one else needs feeding, right?”
He was about to answer when his radio went off, “Jacob, we need you.” You heard John’s voice yell over gunshots.
“On our way,” Jacob said before looking at you. “Still have your gun?”
You nodded and he ran to the car, you took off after him.
During the drive, you had time to get nervous and think about what was happening. Eden’s Gate only had one enemy, the Resistance. Jacob asked if you had your gun so clearly, you were expected to fight alongside Eden’s Gate. The thought of having to fight Adelaide nearly made you ask Jacob to stop the car, but you forced yourself to stay quiet. You couldn’t, you had said yes to joining Eden’s Gate. This was your choice. No one forced you.
The gunshots were deafening once you got out of the car, there was a yellow plane in the sky firing down on the people of Eden’s Gate as well. John was shooting up at it, cursing a man named Nick Rye. Jacob took one of his bigger guns out of the car and started shooting any members of the Resistance he could see. You saw one running up behind John, who was too distracted Nick, you pulled up your gun and shot them in the leg causing them to scream as they fell to the ground. John spun around and shot them in the head.
“Don’t be afraid to kill them, you know how,” Jacob said.
You knew he was referring to your perfect shot on that photograph but that was a picture, these are real people. People moved, they weren’t still, just waiting for the bullet like the photo was. People who when shot between the eyes like that, would stay down, making you a killer.
“You won’t get a nasty sin carved into you for protecting us or yourself,” he said. “So, aim to kill, and most importantly, don’t die.”
He ran towards his brother to make sure no one would be able to attack him again since John’s focus was back on Nick Rye.
You couldn’t see anyone you recognised around you; Adelaide was nowhere in sight. So, you raised your gun and started firing at men and women who were trying to sneak up on John and Jacob. You aimed for their heads, missing some and shooting their throat or shoulder. You weren’t as bothered by their blood or their screams as you thought, you were mostly bothered you kept missing what you were aiming for. You could do it; you knew you could. Jacob knew you could and right now, he needed you to do it again. Too many Resistance members were shooting at him and his brother for you to keep missing.
You hear cars driving towards you all, it’s more Eden’s Gate members. Nick Rye goes higher in the sky and flies towards the cars, trying to destroy them before they can help you lower the Resistance member’s numbers.
When you’re focused on the plane, a man from the Resistance runs at you with you a knife, John shot him in the head and the man falls dead at your feet.
“Thank you.”
You picked up the knife from the corpse’s hand, just in case, you thought.
It was like the Resistance members would never run out. Any time they died, more seemed to appear and they were doing a good job at making sure more of Eden’s Gate couldn’t come to your aid. The only things you could hear were gunshots and screams, you could feel your heartbeat picking up and your palms sweating around your gun. You weren’t sure what was happening but as tears stung your eyes and you started hyperventilating, you knew it wasn’t good.
You backed away from the man whom you had just shot, tripping over a corpse behind you and landing on the blood-soaked ground. A woman stood over you, but through the tears and the sun glaring behind her, you couldn’t tell who she was, but you knew she was pointing her gun at you. You stared up at her, preparing for the pain of her bullet. A gun went off, and her head flew back, pulling her to the ground. This caused her gun to go off and you screamed as the bullet ripped through you.
“Dawn!” you heard a man call out, but you passed out before he could get to you.
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cryptidsnackpack · 1 year
Whatever you do, don’t picture Jacob Seed listening to The Great Pretender by the Platters. Don’t think about him, curled up in the barracks. Alone.
Don’t think about him in the desert. Alone. Don’t think about him losing John and Faith and grieving. Alone. Don’t think about his hands shaking around the gun as he repeats over and over again “cull the weak” to an empty room.
“I pretend too much. I’m lonely, but no can tell.”
“… pretending you’re still around…”
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lulu2992 · 6 months
Exploration of the now-offline Far Cry 5 official websites
Part 12: Jacob Seed
Recovered content
Here is what the American website said about Jacob, from at least July 13th, 2017, to February 7th, 2020:
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THE SOLDIER JACOB SEED “Preparedness through pain.” This is Jacob’s mantra. As the Cult’s recruiter and former Army marksman, big brother Seed’s main duty is protecting the Project at Eden’s Gate.
On or before March 27th, 2018, a video was added. The text didn’t change.
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Here is the video:
The first two sentences of the description were not on the European website, but the rest was identical.
I probably would have said Jacob’s mantra either was “Sacrifice the weak” or “Cull the herd” instead, but “Prepareness through pain” works too. I don’t remember the fact he was a marksman when he was in the Army is explicitly mentioned in the game or even in The Book of Joseph, but considering his weapon of choice is a sniper rifle, that makes sense to me!
Under the cut are all the available source files, saved directly from the website, of the images you see in the screenshots:
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direwombat · 2 years
🔮 + syb pls:3
fa;lfdjafsd this angst fic has been taking me forever to write and i'm still nowhere close to being done with it, but have some of syb exhibiting totally normal and healthy behavior by surrendering herself to jacob :)
“Sybille,” [Jacob] murmurs, “Put the gun down.”
Weak. She’s so fucking weak. Her eyes squeeze shut, fighting back the tears that threaten to spill over. In all this time, not once has she cried. Not when Dutch told her she was the only one to escape from the helicopter crash. Not when she stood helpless as John bled out in front of her. Not when Jacob had revealed that he and Joseph had been keeping Augustine from her, and not even when her brother had taken on the mantle of Faith. But here? At the end -- because that’s what this is: the end of her fighting, the end of her resistance, the end of the rope she’s been wearing as a noose -- here, she finally lets herself cry. 
His hands are careful as he loosens the pistol from her grip, taking it from her and placing it on the dashboard, rather than against her forehead and culling her right then and there. It’s what he should do. She’s shown him the soft fleshy parts she keeps hidden behind her slowly fracturing psyche. The kindest thing he could do is just put her out of her fucking misery. But he doesn’t. Instead, he cradles her face and pulls her in until she feels the heat of his breath fanning against her skin. 
“Sybille,” he says, and the rough pad of his thumb wipes a tear from her cheek. “Open your eyes.” 
Like a good soldier, she does as she’s told, and she knows that this is just the first of many orders she’s going to take from this man. He’ll tell her to jump and her only question is going to be “how high?” This is it. The tipping of the scales. The point of no return. He’s done it. He’s won. She can’t go back from this. He made her weak. He broke her. He’s going to put the pieces back together however he wants -- make her whatever he wants -- and she is going to let him. 
She failed. Her mother, her brother, Hope County, herself, she failed them all. 
But she never failed him. Not even when she actively tried. 
There’s a question in those intense blue eyes of his, eyes she wants nothing more than to fall into and drown in. He doesn’t ask it out loud. She’s not sure if he can, but he needs to hear her answer. “Yes,” she breathes. “Only you.”
And then his lips are on hers, a soft and gentle press. She shudders in his arms as he embraces her, dragging her over the gear shift between them and into his lap. A high pitched whimper escapes as she presses herself against him, her mouth opening invitingly and he eagerly welcomes himself inside. He kisses her until she can’t breathe and then he keeps going, greedily stealing the air from her lungs. She grips his jacket so tight her knuckles go white, and when she can’t take it any more, when she finally breaks, the hand he has resting at her hip, pushes her heated core against him. 
With a low groan, her head falls back, exposing the pale column of her throat. “That’s it,” Jacob murmurs against her skin, dragging his teeth lightly over her jugular and sucking a bruise above her collar -- finally marking her in a way that will tell everyone who she belongs to. “Give in, sweetheart. Surrender to me.”
And she does. God help her, she does.
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and because it’s WIP day what the hell, this is still real rough but have a little bit further down the line where Caleb finally gets his punishment. Not only is Jacob getting his licks in, but Staci’s getting pulled into the fun as well
Caleb was dragged down the hall, ripped from his bed in the middle of the night. His screams echoed down the halls of Saint Francis but no one came to his rescue. Hauled up the stairs he was shoved into a black room, with the smell of death and sewage around him. Cuffed to a chair by both his wrists and his ankles, he was left to rot alone. 
A heavy door creaked open, a shaft of light burning at his eyes as the fluorescent light above switched on to reveal an old hospital room with boarded up windows, newspaper balled up on the floor, and a dead rat decaying in the corner of the room. 
Caleb shook at the shackles on his wrists, there was no escape, but the fight or flight still kicked in. 
Jacob strutted into the room, striding across to the old doctor's stool where he sat down and stared at him with piercing blue eyes, his favorite pet Staci stood beside him.
"There are few things in this world I can excuse, least of all traitors and cowards. Worse still, is someone who's both."
Caleb hung his head, his talk of being hailed a hero was coming back to bite him in  the ass. 
"Not only did you outright ignore the Father's commands, but you attacked the Deputy from behind. You damn near killed her and for what? Because she bested you, bested the others like you? She was only doing what she was made to do. What we were all sent here to do – culling the herd."
"She - she's a sinner."
"That's where you're wrong. She may stand with the resistance, with the weak and the feeble, but she is more like us than you know."
"You're going to kill me because of her?"
"Oh no, I'm not gonna kill ya. I'm going to make sure you remember what you've done, and anytime anyone else sees ya they'll remember it too."
Jacob held out the palm of his hand towards Staci, who quickly placed the recently sharpened hunting knife in its place, grip side down.
"Just know, I take no pleasure out of this. This is me teaching you a lesson. This is for your benefit, Winters." Jacob stood up and then paused, looking back at Staci with a cruel grin. "Actually, I'm gonna have Peaches here make the first cut, make it count, really send the point home."
Staci looked up, his eyes wide with shock. “S-sir?”
"He hurt your friend, she coulda died. Shot an arrow through her back and didn't even get the kill. Doesn't that piss you off, Peaches? He was weak, cowardly.” Jacob placed the knife in Staci's hand. Watching as the young Deputy stood in front of his former schoolmate. His arms folded over his chest, taking in the sight of Pratt breaking further at his behest. "You wanna prove how strong you are, don't ya Peaches? Wanna prove you got what it takes to serve the Father."
"Yes, sir."
"Good. You passed your trials. Show me what you got, Peaches. Show me how strong you are."
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