#❝ πŽπ”π“ πŽπ… 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 ― psa.
rosewiltd Β· 1 year
Hey, everyone. Just want to give a heads up for anyone that didn't know or maybe forgot about it β€” If you live in the US, there will be a FEMA test conducted on October 4th at 2:20 pm ET.
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) in accordance with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA). You can read the full press release that was posted in August on the official FEMA website here, but here is the basic breakdown for you:
The nationwide test is to ensure emergency systems, which aim to alert the public of national-level emergencies, are still working properly. If there is severe weather or another significant event which prevents them from broadcasting the alert, it will be rescheduled for October 11th.
What does this mean for you?
If you are sound-sensitive, this is your warning that your phone is going to emit a loud sound (as well as any televisions and radios) and the alert itself will last about thirty minutes. They don't clarify whether it is the notification itself or the sound as well, so to be on the safe side, just prepare to hear it for that long. Set yourself a reminder if you need to, and it is highly recommended that you remove headphones/earbuds during this test.
Unfortunately, because this is a national security test, you cannot opt out, and if you turn your phone off, the alert will still go off once you turn your phone back on.
For more information on what to expect, please see the linked article at the beginning and feel free to spread this to let others in the US know what to expect on October 4th!
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cahroline Β· 8 days
make fear street muses / verses πŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺ
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hellgivenhasmoved Β· 11 months
there is nothing wrong with making your blog and dash your safe place.
there is nothing wrong with having boundaries
there is nothing wrong with cutting people off who are toxic and unhealthy to you , your mental health , etc.
there's nothing wrong with standing up for yourself concerning all of this.
you do not owe anyone an explanation for making your environment healthier. this is just a reminder to myself and in case anyone needs it.
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cahrolinehasmoved Β· 1 year
ima put this psa up on this blog and in my rules cause i meant to hours ago but got caught up queuing inbox stuffs but :
if you use AI to do ic replies on your blog , do not interact / follow me lol. just don't . that takes away the whole point of writing and having fun. not to mention , writing would be so inconsistent.
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jjentertainment Β· 3 months
went to go pick up the kid today for his beginning of summer vacation. i don't get to see my son often , due to living locations for the moment , so i'll be spending most of my time with him. i'll have freetime when he's with my mom spending grandma / grandson time ... but that time will be divided between playing dbd and writing , so my activity will be less than normall till july 5th. by then i will be home , as well as the kiddo and will be moving back to normal.
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movedtocahroline Β· 1 year
all threads/drafts are moved to there. please do NOT follow if you do NOT intend on interacting . thanks.
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girlfox Β· 5 months
pokes my head in. ahri is shorter than her tails. she is teeny tiny and pocket sized and you should carry her around like a little pet on your shoulder, whispering bad things in ur ear like the bad influence she is!!
Tumblr media
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azrahelhasmoved Β· 1 year
heyo! this blog as moved! find us over on @azrahel
all threads and most inbox things will be transferred over! <3
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movedtoazrahel Β· 1 year
i'll be adding more to my rules but due to earlier's incident and being notified that someone is plagiarizing my threads, i will be adding that there will be certain blogs i won't interact with/will softblock if i see them on my dash and that i will hardblock if i find out it's happening again. i don't like posting stuff like this but this was brought up to me and i've been so mad about it since.
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hellgivenmoved Β· 1 year
friendly reminder because tomorrow is sinday, davina's nsf.w sideblog is @hellg1ven . feel free to send stuff in over there.
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azrahelgone Β· 1 year
okay azzie actually does have some people she's ship exclusive with? like..their character wise. meaning she only romantically ships with THEIR version of said character. and that's @bleakfated 's mick davies & tyson brady. and @ofblackskies 's henry winchester. anyone else's version of those muses are platonic strictly. also adding @razorfst / @becomelions to this with their characters ! they will be added to exclusives as well.
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flayerlinked-archived Β· 2 years
with the new year upon us, i wanted to give this blog a little bit of an overhaul without actually moving to a new one, so i figured i’d go ahead and put together aΒ CARRD, and entirely rewrite my rules. it’s very important to me that everyone please check out these new rules, as i have put them together with a great amount of thought and consideration ( i’ll know if they haven’t been read! )
unfortunately, they also now include a DNI LIST, which i did not want to have to make, but in light of recent events, deemed necessary for my own comfort and well-being. i please ask that everyone show some understanding and respect for this decision, and to any mutuals whom i may end up blocking due to interaction with the individuals on this list, no hard feelings! i simply have to do what i have to do to feel safe on this blog, and hope you all can do the same <3
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razubomb Β· 2 years
I see talk of affiliates on the dash so I'm here to give my two cents no one asked for. For me, personally, I view affiliates as portrayals which contribute to the continuity of Jessie's story. These are usually people I've grown comfortable writing with over an extended period of time and consider friends. Muses that I mention in threads and meme responses will default to my affiliates and add a bit of realism to the storyline ( For example, if I mention Cloud in a response to a Tifa roleplayer, I will be specifically referring to @nibelblade and the dynamic we've built between Cloud and Jessie ).
This is by no means meant to come off as elitist or exclusionary. On the contrary, I am more than happy to write with duplicates of my affiliates! I'm not particularly one for exclusivity, as I find that each portrayal is unique and can bring something different to the table, so I prefer to keep an open mind and write with duplicate muses ( I know this isn't for everyone and I don't think there's anything wrong with going exclusive, either. This is just my personal preference! ).
ANYWAY, tl;dr: yes, i have affiliates. yes, i am still willing to write with duplicates of those affiliates.
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hellgivenhasmoved Β· 10 months
hi. i really hate to make this post but please , do not come into my ims or add me on discord just to ask why i blocked someone. it makes me so uncomfortable. also , due to recent events , i will be HIGHLY selective about followng tvdu blogs .
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cahrolinehasmoved Β· 1 year
imagine hating female characters....truly can never related. this blog is highly female character ( both canon and oc ) supportive and friendly. if your gals are feeling neglected, toss them @ caroline.
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jjentertainment Β· 3 months
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