#❝ easy smile avid cinephile ❞ ↪ JULIA
confideinmylions · 5 years
@bccpbccp-richie​ said ❛ I was trying to be adventurous. ❜ ( MEME - still accepting )
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JULIA shook her head. “ being adventurous can get you hurt sometimes. case and point, ” she gestured to the other’s injury. it was a minor one, but still. it could’ve been worse. “ you got to be more careful !! ”
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confideinmylions · 5 years
@heartofglcss​​ liked for a random starter !!
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JULIA had a bad habit of talking to herself aloud as she worked in her poetry journal. her voice almost moved with a melody, as if that’s how the words naturally came out. ( in truth, she was just remembering the tune from long ago. )
“ and i stand here helpless, my arms extended... knowing full well, darling, your war’s not ended... ”
she looked up, trying to remember think of what should come next. only then did she noticed someone looking her way. “ oh... uh... sorry? bad habit. ”
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confideinmylions · 5 years
“This is a job for a human who’s tough but also empathetic and has a big heart.” (trevor and julia)
meme && still accepting !!
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“ so… what you’re saying is: it’s a job for me? ” JULIA smirked. she wasn’t trying to act overly confident, she just was. “ and before you say i’m not tough. i’m plenty tough, thank you very much. ”
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confideinmylions · 5 years
♬ julia!
&& still accepting !!
“ be careful, it’s my heart ” bing cosby in holiday inn : “ The heart with which so willingly I part. It’s yours to take, to keep or break, but please, before you start: Be careful ; it’s my heart. ”
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“ is that almost half the song? yes, but songs were short little ditties in all the old movies ! still, i love this part cause it acknowledges the dangers of trusting someone with your heart. ”
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confideinmylions · 5 years
task no. 1-A :the fourth wall
an interview with julia adams trojan
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part one: no memories
[RIGHT BEFORE THEY WATCHED] take a look at the cover art and title. what do you think you’re about to watch? do you think you’re going to like it?
um, well... it says the new american musical, so i’m going to guess it’s a musical. ( she laughs. ) and i’m guessing it’s about a bandstand, like some musical competition. i like musicals a lot! especially old timey movie ones! so i’ll probably like this one, i imagine.
did you enjoy watching it? would you watch it, if more content came out?
it was really really good! it was emotionally strong! i definitely wanted to cry and scream out for some of the characters. musicals don’t usually get sequels, so i probably wouldn’t watch more. i’d listen to, like, unreleased music maybe. or maybe some cut scenes. i don’t think they could really continue the story, though. they just become a touring band sensation. that wouldn’t be as interesting to watch. fun, maybe, but there isn’t much of a story.
who is your favorite character? how about least favorite? who do you think is overrated and under-appreciated? who deserved better?
donny, obviously. the whole shows about him! you really see his struggles with ptsd from the very beginning, how he struggles to adapt to civilian life again, and how he copes with it. oh, and when he breaks down about michael. i just. i just lost it. like you can’t imagine how hard that is. not only watching your best friend die but... but being the cause.
i liked all the characters! nick was probably, i don’t know. one of the least fleshed out, so maybe he’s the least favorite. he just kind of has an attitude. a little selfish. perhaps just everyone had a little more personality, i don’t know. i like everyone!
no one’s overrated! no one. everyone is underrated. the whole band. but especially julia’s mom, june. like she’s the most detached from everything, but she’s a funny side character that actually has some wisdom and obviously cares so deeply for her daughter. 
the whole band deserved better. that’s all.
as a viewer, did the ending satisfy you? why or why not?
oh, i was very satisfied. i was happy to see them like... not sell out, i guess? like they weren’t about to give up their hard work. they wanted to stand for themselves and the other veterans. like the whole contents was to “support the troops” but it was all to really sell bayer’s aspin! they took their platform and did the right thing! i’m also glad that it worked out for them. like, they became a touring band and had lots of fans and they just all turned out pretty happy.
do you have any unpopular opinions about any characters, story arcs, etc?
perhaps i’m boring. i don’t think i have all that many unpopular opinions. perhaps i would’ve like to see julia forgive donny but not like... get together with him so soon after? like with time, perhaps. and maybe time isn’t really portrayed all that well in the musical, but i don’t know. it seems hard to like... fall in love with the man who, albeit accidentally, killed your husband.
who are your favorite couple(s) to watch? how about least favorite?
there’s, like, only one couple. it’s julia and donny. it’s pretty easy to see that something is gonna come out between them, and you really do root for them! julia wants to move on, but it’s hard! donny is not only a great dude, but he’s the only one that can give her closure! it’s a really interesting dynamic, but after he admits to friendly fire, it’s kinda hard. like you root for them to like reconnect, but it has to be hard. like how do you look him in the eye, after that? yeah, june, stuff happens, but it’s still hard.
what do you think of JULIA? be honest.
she’s just along for the ride. like she never fully truly grasps what the boys are going through, but she tries. the boys all get each other, and all she can do is observe and try to help where she can. though, to be far, none of them probably fully understand her either. i appreciate her, like, never trying to act like she ever entirely knows whats going on with the boys but she still makes it clear that she sees them. she see their struggles. she’s a good person.
if you could give JULIA any piece of advice, what would it be?
i don’t know what advice i’d have for her. like, in the beginning, i’d say she needs to break out more. be more open and welcoming to new things and actively try to move on and not just linger in who she used to be. like don’t try to be who you were, be who you are. but i feel like she kinda learns that by the end? maybe just with her newfound fame, take it slow? appreciate even the small things? ( she chuckles ) i’m unsure what else to say.
part two: memories and realization
how does it feel knowing you’re a piece of entertainment for millions of people?
it’s all very personal, obviously but... i sang the original welcome home on national television. our whole goal was to share our story; show what it was really like. so i can’t say it feels bad. there’s no better way to share our story than... well then this! a musical! i can’t think of a better way! i definitely couldn’t have written half that stuff, so whoever... made this... did a pretty good job, at least!
do you still feel like your canon actions, thoughts, and feelings are your own?
i mean, yes? maybe... maybe all that stuff didn’t really... happen, but it’s still real in a sense. there’s truth in it all. i don’t think i’m some figment of one person’s imagination. i’m real. my life is real. even if there’s no exact real life tale just like mine, my life is my truth. i still feel sad thinking about michael. i still feel mad. i still feel happy. i still feel. period.
if you could say anything to your fans and / or creator, what would it be?
thank you for enjoying our story. it’s obviously a hard one, but... i hope it helped someone. or made people feel something. i’m glad people got to enjoy the journey, i guess. it means a lot to me.
also, thanks for the creators for making it a musical! i’m obviously a fan of showtunes, and this show is no exception.
how do you feel about being a main or minor character? in your opinion, is your portrayal accurate, or were you painted to be a certain way?
well, i would never paint myself as a leading lady before but... i guess that’s what i am. ( she chuckles. )
what was the hardest memory of yours to watch unfold on screen?
donny admitting to what happened in the trench. i... i didn’t need to see us both like that again. i also didn’t need to imagine my michael like that again. like, i’m glad he told me, i guess... but... that was hard for the both of us. i’m glad donny didn’t have to watch any of this. or... i hope he didn’t have to... everything looks so much harder than i could ever see.
what are some things you didn’t know about yourself / your loved ones before watching this? ( like something that happened that you didn’t know about )
everything that the boys went through. just... how even the littlest things set them off. just how much the music helped them. just how much they really helped each other. like, i could obviously see some of it, but there’s only so much a blind eye can see. i’m really glad i could be even the smallest part of helping them get through it all. and i really was just the smallest part of it all...
what moments do you wish were never shown to the world?
i wouldn’t say i was upset to see any of my moments. like i lived it, and i relived it again, but i’m fine sharing all of it. but... the opening... with michael and donny and all of the soldiers... that was a lot. i know it doesn’t even show the whole scope of what really happened. but... it’s so much harder to watch even a part of it then listening to what happened.
looking back, do you have any regrets? or decisions you really wish you hadn’t made?
i don’t think so. maybe i shouldn’t have been so nosy or question some of the boys habits in the beginning. i should have just minded my business a bit more. actually, i definitely shouldn’t have pushed donny so much about michael. i loved hearing about their adventures together. ( she smiles. ) like, i really loved it, but... he obviously didn’t want to talk about how michael died. it was obvious. so obvious. but i still pushed it. knowing what i know now, perhaps i should have wait a lot longer...
what do you think of how the other characters, your peers, saw you as a person?
i don’t know? ( she laughs. ) they obvious valued me as a member of the band. i mean, eventually. i kinda had to prove myself for wayne a little bit. they could be a little distant, but i guess they actually liked me. they weren’t pretending. 
you have one chance to defend or justify any of your actions. go ahead.
i just... really wanted closure. i mean, everyone in the band wishes things could go back to what life was before the war. they obviously saw the worst of the worst. but how do you move on when you don’t even know how your husband died? i shouldn’t have pushed donny. really, i shouldn’t have. but... there was no other way for me to find out what happened to him. to michael.
remember the advice you gave yourself in part one. are you going to follow it?
i mean, i definitely learned some sort of lesson. i try to be less pushy now. perhaps i just don’t have anything to be pushy about anymore, though.  also, i like to believe whatever fame we had never went to my head.
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confideinmylions · 5 years
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JULIA had ventured out into the forest pumpkin patch, on the look out for the most perfect pumpkins. they obviously needed to be plump, be she still needed to be able to handle them herself. her mission was two-fold : she wanted to make fresh pumpkin pie and she might as well pick up some potential jack-o-lanterns.
she picked up a pumpkin just bigger than her head. she examined it, trying to find any flaws while she looked for inspiration in its shape. turning to her closest fellow pumpkin picker, she asked “ do you think i could fit a little cat on here? or do i need to go with a more... abstract design with this one? ”
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confideinmylions · 5 years
WE’RE LIVE WITH... JULIA TROJAN from bandstand
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❛  ( PARK BOYOUNG )  ◈  dude, shut up ! JULIA ADAMS TROJAN from BANDSTAND is on screen. their fans swear they’re just SELF-ASSURED & DETERMINED, but we’ve all seen their RIGID & HESISTANT side ! according to TRUMAN WIKIA, they’re TWENTY-SEVEN years old, QUESTIONING, & identify as FEMALE ( SHE/HER ). they’re currently a MAKEUP CONSULTANT & are COMFORTABLE about life in truman. luckily they have THEIR POETRY JOURNAL with them & can visit THE BLUE WISP whenever they want.
let’s roll a clip from bandstand!
julia seems like she’s from another time, but that’s because she is! julia adams ( better know by her married name julia trojan ) is from a musical called bandstand, which takes place immediately after world war ii. she is left a widow after her high school sweetheart turned husband is killed on the war front. she is somehow roped into joining a band called  the donny nova band ft julia trojan, lead by her husband’s best friend, to compete in a songwriting contest. it becomes a journey of growth for all involved, and julia learns there is life after love. 
what are some fun facts?
she tries to keep herself busy, but she still feels like something is missing. the only thing that seems to fill the void, ever so slightly, is world war ii documentaries and her poetry. these two things seem to overlap, as her journal is full of poems from the perspective of a war widow. even is she doesn’t remember writing most of them, she sure is impressed by the strength of her own imagination!
she is very persistent. when she has a goal, she’s in it for the long haul. however, sometimes she just gets tired of waiting. she especially gets annoyed when left without answers. she’s not easy to just sweep to the side.
she dislikes change. if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it. improvement means taking risks, and risks are scary. this means changing her perspective, too. it seemingly takes an intervention to change her mind.
who are the actors in their life?
actual truman actors
HUSBAND? - sweet guy, but tries to push julia away from all the world war ii documentaries and reading too much into her old poetry. 
general connections
CHOIR MEMBERS - julia is very active in the local choir, so she’d be good friends with most fellow members.
FREQUENT PATRONS OF THE BLUE WISP - for reasons unknown to her, julia has such a soft spot for the old fashion club. thus, she visits it often and would probably recognize some of the familiar faces ( including performers, bartenders, etc ) .
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confideinmylions · 5 years
🇹​🇦​🇬​ 🇩​🇺​🇲​🇵​:  𝒿𝓊𝓁𝒾𝒶 𝓉𝓇𝑜𝒿𝒶𝓃
aka my favorite poet of the 20th century
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❝ easy smile, avid cinephile ❞ ↪ JULIA
❝ if we were in a mgm film ❞ ↪ JULIA ✘ AESTHETICS    
❝ all the details of who i am ❞ ↪ JULIA ✘ BIOGRAPHY
❝ who i was before ❞ ↪ JULIA ✘ CANON
❝ letters ev’ry day, sent to reassure ❞ ↪  JULIA ✘ INBOX
❝ you know who tells me ‘slow’? nobody ❞ ↪  JULIA ✘ MUSINGS  
❝ someone has to make the very first move ❞ ↪ JULIA ✘ THREADS
❝ full of promise and full of poise ❞ ↪ JULIA ✘ VISAGE
⟨⟨ JULIA & DAVY ⟩⟩
⟨⟨ JULIA & JUNE ⟩⟩
⟨⟨ JULIA & NICK ⟩⟩
⟨⟨ JULIA & WAYNE ⟩⟩  
𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖋𝖎𝖈 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘
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