#❝ we are the spark that will light the fire ❞ — threads {amilyn holdo}
toofacetious-blog · 6 years
starter for @stellevatum from amilyn holdo 🔮
Amilyn Holdo had always enjoyed dressing up. Usually this meant eclectic hair colours and eccentric styles of clothing, but she also understood the power that an individual’s appearance could have in any given situation. She understood that the impression that would be conveyed could have a lot of impact. It was for this reason that she had dressed less flamboyantly that morning, and more sensibly, though she hadn’t forfeited her bright hair colour—currently an eye-catching apple green shade.
She was just as conscious of her stride as she approached the woman with whom she was planning to talk, trying to convey a sense of purpose with every stride rather than ‘seeming to float on a cloud’ as Leia had once put it.
“General,” Amilyn began to speak almost immediately, so as not to give herself enough time to change her mind, “I heard you were looking for volunteers. For your next mission.”
‘Heard’ was an exaggeration. ‘Snooped through the files’ would have been more accurate. The truth was—Amilyn almost felt guilty just thinking it—she felt a little useless in the rebellion. Or perhaps ‘under-utilised’ was the correct word. Whenever Leia was off on a diplomatic mission and whatever else she got up to, it was difficult for someone like Amilyn to be heard amid the sea of trigger-happy flyboys all vying to be the next big rebel hero. And yes, maybe Kar, the rather intimidating woman no doubt raising an eyebrow at her at this very moment, was just as trigger-happy if not worse... but maybe, just maybe, she would let Amilyn do something. She wanted to feel useful for a change, and she knew that Kar’s missions, however off-the-record they might be, were a huge asset to the rebellion.
She kept her gaze neutral yet determined, and her voice was even as she continued: “I was wondering if I might be considered.”
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toofacetious-blog · 6 years
starter for @notaprincessaqueen from amilyn holdo 🔮
It had taken Amilyn long enough to get used to the etiquette of shaking hands and greeting new people, and even longer to come to terms with the fact that these things were required of her as a rebel almost as frequently as they had been as a member of the empire. Oh, she could put up a convincing front if she wanted to, but had a habit of staring off into space that she just couldn’t seem to shake. Today, she was particularly distracted. Luckily for Amilyn—as well as for the hapless new recruits she had been feigning adequate interest in—the source of her distraction had just stepped into view.
Leia appeared to be a little weary from her travels but other than that looked flawless as always. Making her apologies quickly and politely, Amilyn strode across the room towards her, long legs making quick work of the space between them until she stood by the much shorter woman’s side, grinning down at her in a way that was probably bordering on goofy.
“You’re a sight for sore eyes! How was the journey? Did things remain diplomatic?” Here, Amilyn’s eyes glinted conspiratorially, “Or did you find a way to get yourself into trouble, as usual?”
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toofacetious-blog · 6 years
starter for @thedramatics from amilyn holdo 🔮
In several years of being a part of the rebellion, Amilyn had only found herself embroiled in actual combat a handful of times. She preferred to stick to the planning, the strategic side of things, where her skills were best utilised. It was for this reason that being in the medbay had a certain novelty to it, even though it was only a minor injury that brought her there: a streak of blaster fire had left its searing impression across the skin of her left shoulder. The wound wasn’t deep, but it stung, and after dispatching the would-be Imperial infiltrators and making sure anyone else injured had been taken care of, one of the younger recruits had finally dragged her to the medbay themself, not taking no for an answer.
“So, do you spend all of your time here?” She asked the man dressed in blue attending her conversationally, from where she sat perched on a white treatment chair, gazing curiously at their surroundings, “It’s a little monotonous—the decor, I mean—but then, I suppose the strategy centre isn’t much better.”
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toofacetious-blog · 6 years
starter for @flyrebel from amilyn holdo 🔮
It took all of Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo’s considerable self-control not to utter an audible ‘hmpf’ as she watched the group of recruits gather excitedly around the vessel which had only come to a screeching halt moments previously. No other than Poe Dameron—of course; who else?—clambered out of the cockpit and jumped down, arms wide, his grin huge and warm and perhaps a little smug. He was a hit with recent recruits, Amilyn had observed with some reservation, though part of her could understand why. When things went well, he made it all look so easy, and when things went badly, he put on a brave face and kept going. He would make a great leader one day, if it wasn’t for—
Sure enough, the recruits immediately began badgering the pilot for details on his latest mission, all wide-eyed and impressionable, making up the Vice Admiral’s mind for her in an instant.
She stepped forward with a swish of her gown. “Black Leader—that is your call sign, correct?—would you mind postponing your... Q&A session and following me for a moment.” It was phrased politely, that much was true, but it was nonetheless a command.
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