#❣ | peace signs :: answered |
belovedcorvid · 2 months
a tray with a letter and a dish covered with a cloche is left outside of rosinante’s room. once lifted, it’s revealed to be a meal of lettuce – plated like a face, with apple slices and plums functioning as the mouth and eyes.
it’s your birthday. 
are you surprised i remembered? did you remember? i waited all week for you to request something special of me, but you never said a word. surely it’s because you forgot and not because you didn’t think it would matter to me.
if your reason is the latter, i wouldn’t deny being a bit sad. just a bit. because, in fourteen years, i’ve never not remembered your birthday. i might have treated it like a lot of things – like a vigil, or an excuse to drink – but i still remembered. i never got much sleep on those nights. i hope the same wasn’t true for you. i hope, wherever you ended up, you spent those nights in places that were safe and warm. i hope you slept well. i hope mother visited your dreams – maybe that would explain why she never visits mine. .
speaking of mother: you might be too young to remember this clearly, but on your 6th birthday – before she even started getting sick – she wanted us to find you something special to eat while she kept you distracted. i broke into a nearby farm and ripped a head of lettuce straight out of the ground, with the trade-off of getting a nasty welt on the back of my head from a rock. father found some plums, and we had one apple left. then she had me take you outside to play and, while we were gone, she took that food and arranged them into a smile.
i tried my best to recreate it from memory. i don’t know why, it was just the first gift i could think of. i have others for you, too – but you’ll have to come see me for those. how about after dinner, on the balcony? i have a bottle of wine we could share while the sun sets, and maybe we could watch the stars for a while. if you want.
                   - doffy
❣︎ | Unprompted :: Happy Birthday, Corazón ! |
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He stared for a long time after he'd brought the dish back to his desk - a bizarre staring contest with a face made of fruit, or with his own small, distorted reflection gazing forlornly back at him in the margins of Doflamingo's fancy tableware. The smell of fresh produce - crisp, clean, alive - still lingered in the room even though he'd removed the cloche ages ago. He did remember, though perhaps not as sharply as he should: a lot of his early memories were sort of blended together into one pain-inducing sequence, alternately blurry and viscerally sharp - difficult to wrap his mind around, to understand that he was there in them. All that stuff happened, written on mind and body with a sharp edge. Doffy was older, maybe that was why he could see all this so clearly, like in this letter.
Guilt coiled itself around his heart as he reread the portions of this that seemed particularly genuine, for what if it was ? What if there was some remnant of a heart rattling around inside his brother's ribcage, and here he was betraying his last blood relative, lying to him, because he was too weak of will to believe that he could get better ? What kind of brother did that make him ? Or, was what he was doing for his brother's own good like he usually tried to tell himself when he felt poorly ? Scarred hands curled themselves into fists in his hair as Rocinante mentally prepared himself to try and explain this to Sengoku. What could he say - that Doffy could be rehabilitated after all, and that his primary evidence of this was a lettuce with a face on it ? It was entirely possible that this was done this way specifically because his brother could still read him so well, could see his bleeding, sentimental heart even though he did his best to hide it. That was what Sengoku would say, if he were to call him. Really there was nowhere to go.
The sensation of tears tracking from the planes of his face to the edges of the bowl was itchy, made his vision blur a little as he picked through its contents to browse a little. The plums, his favourite, were really good.
Doffy remembered.
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you came. — from law !
❣ | Memes :: This One | Send 'You Came' for my muse to help yours out of a Bad Situation
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It had taken weeks of travel for them to start getting along and working together, a fragile sort of truce that was still being figured out. Working together better meant less running away, insults a little less personal and sharply worded, but the surprise in those rasped words pierced his heart, razor-sharp. The marine fell to his knees beside his companion, measuring his breath through a wave of panic that welled up from somewhere deep and unexpected. Something must have shaken loose at some point, some sort of growing fondness made visible suddenly, when that tiny voice calling out for him had stopped him dead in his tracks mid-search for the missing boy. He looked so small. Law was small, small and frail even for his age especially now that his sickness was really starting to catch up with him. They could talk about what had happened while they were briefly separated after this last hospital later, right now he needed to take him somewhere safe and warm to recover.
" Of course I did. "
He did his best to keep as much fear out of his voice as he picked him up, carefully gathering him into his arms even though he knew he shouldn't. Law would be furious actually, depending on the specifics his condition - had he been more with it, in more of a position to get mad or protest, he probably would have griped at him about moving someone with a potential head or back injury. But he cradled the kid close to his heart anyway, briefly nuzzling his face into his scruffy hair before pulling himself back onto his feet. His heart wanted him to pause right here and keep talking to the kid, but his brain knew it would be best to keep going. He had to, because he was all Law had. Both of them were all the other had. He had to walk extra careful, for he absolutely would not stumble or drop the boy.
" It's - I've got you, kid, it's gonna be okay. We're gonna be fine, just gotta find somewhere to rest. Somewhere warm. "
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belovedcorvid · 1 day
” Your health is deteriorating. Take a break, or I’ll make you. “
❣︎ | Memes :: From Here | Extremely Exhausted Prompts
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' Make me ? '
Pale brows arched high into an expression of surprise, cut through by an undercurrent of amusement despite his sleepy, dark-circled eyes. The tall man smudged out the remaining bit of his most recent cigarette in a crowded ashtray and stretched arms above his head, wincing as he listened to his joints creak and crack in protest. Sore limbs and tired eyes aside, the former Corazón had little intention of just listening and doing whatever he was told without a fight. Sleeping a bit after more than a day awake would be ideal, of course, but he was in the middle of something here. Law had never been afraid to bark orders in his direction or hassle him about his health - even when he was a little kid - but the idea that he was confident in his ability to make him do something still struck Rocinante as amusing.
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" Is that so - think you can boss me around just because you're a doctor now, hm ? " Snark aside, dried blood eyes were still filled with warmth - scars at the corners of his mouth tilting his expression even further into a grin despite the fatigue.
Neither of them slept especially well; Occasionally, Rocinante blamed himself for being a poor example for his young companion's less than stellar sleeping habits, but the reality was that they'd both been through a lot. And sometimes, a 3AM cigarette or just avoiding sleep entirely was just the best way to deal with that. Sure, he could hide behind attempting to track down a potentially useful old informant from his undercover days this time, but he also was avoiding unsettled sleep, was he not ? He always did, when certain anniversaries rolled around. Law was always a welcome distraction, so he turned from his collection of notes, maps, and other scraps to face him properly, leaning back precariously in his chair with arms folded behind his head.
" You're up awfully early yourself, kid - maybe I'll consider it if you take a rest first. "
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belovedcorvid · 25 days
plots please!!
❣︎ | Memes :: From Here | Send the Above for Plot Ideas
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Oh man, I've been meaning to send you some stuff to start things for a Minute (tm) - I'm just shy and very slow. OTL
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All about sending a C.ora that survives Minion to talk to people from Dressrosa / confront the consequences of his choices and his very complicated sense of guilt about them, so Cupid or Eros would be fun. Maybe even the bird working with this crew during the time of upheaval to try and track down his missing kid.
Plus, ever since you mentioned it it'd be fun to have him interact with Cupid because of their shared aesthetic choices - if they ever travel together it will be hard to tell whose dangly heart earrings or sunglasses are whose.
Honestly open to interacting with any of them. He'd probably enjoy talking to Evanidus as well because they're closer in age and I feel they're similarly sad and tired.
Additionally: I know you sent this to Cora but you follow my OC too and I would also be down to throw my spooky ghoul boy at any of these characters, especially Vanta because I like the vibe or Evanidus because they could talk medicine or try and figure out how Eden functions without circulating blood.
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belovedcorvid · 26 days
 [ ✨positivity be upon ye✨]
 can’t believe when i first sent these notes a few months ago, my impression of you began & ended with “new friend i talk about the birds™ with. seems nice”.
seems nice? you’re one of the kindest people ever. i go crazy thinking about how kind you’ve been to me because i’m not sure i deserve it. honestly, if you didn’t send me that photo of you, i don’t think i’d believe you were real. 
you put up with so much from me: my weird questions, talking too much & busting into your dms with walls of text or 9000 thoughts, having a new hangup or crisis every other day because of where my life is at the moment — but you’re so patient with me every time. you make me feel like i’m normal & i’m allowed to feel upset about the things i’ve been through and never like i’m overreacting, or coping “wrong”, and from the perspective of someone who's been alone for a long time and spent a lot of my life being told the exact opposite, it’s genuinely changed my life. you’re an angel. i’m gonna wrap you in the coziest blanket to ever exist & shield you from all bad things forever (including your dentist, who i’m engaging in psychic combat at this very moment). 
with your schedule & health problems, your brain has to be mush most days and i’m sure i don’t help because i’m spiritually like a hamster running on a wheel who cannot shut up to save my life sometimes, which is why i wanna say thanks again. i’ll do something one day to show my gratitude in full because i don’t think my words are enough to explain how alone i felt before and how much your kindness has meant. enough to pave the roads by your house myself so you can skateboard again, for a start. 
when we first became mutuals, i was intimidated by you for maybe about two weeks (nothing you did, i just have “i’m self-conscious of cool people thinking i’m lame & annoying” disease) and i just feel so goofy about that because how on earth could i ever be intimidated by the human equivalent of a warm blanket? someone i have so much in common with, like medical things, and extremely specific feelings on haircuts and stairs? someone who will just get so absorbed in their craft projects, they’ll forget to eat sometimes? sunshine incarnate, mr. rory rabbit bnuuy last name? this guy? 
love you so very many. you’re so goofy, warm, and your soul probably feels like one of those fuzzy pom poms on winter hats. i’m gonna give you the biggest hug you’ve ever had in your life one day – and also cook you at least one meal that is both delicious and won’t make you wanna die for several weeks afterwards.
 i hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow and your bed is extra cozy so you have a wonderful night, too.
❣︎ | Unprompted :: Always Accepting |
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aaaAAAAAAAAA Wilder I cannot handle how kind you are, and sometimes wonder how you're real because my brain just spins its wheels about it. I've been holding onto this for weeks now ( I think, time is messy ) trying to figure out a way to answer that will adequately communicate how much I appreciate you and love you and I'm not sure it'll work but I'm gonna try. OTL
When we first met I was scared of you, too, if it's any consolation because you seemed super comfortable and confident right away ( can't relate ) and your work is spectacular and I didn't think I'd be able to keep up. People, like many, many things in the universe are very scary to me and it's hard not to feel like an alien in a human disguise doing very poorly at appearing normal. But I'm so glad we started talking in notes and stuff because it was silly to be scared of someone that feels like the missing second half of my brain / heart / etc. Quantum entangled particles or some shit. I always look forward from hearing from you and your thoughts and ideas do not annoy me - in fact if I don't hear from you I get worried about the change in routine and miss you a bunch.
This isn't quite as powerful as I wanted / think you deserve, but despite the belief of some I'm not good at words. Love you very many, hope you're having a good day and I agree - one day I'm going to give you the biggest hug when we meet in person. Hopefully this event will not cause a tear in space-time or something.
Much love, ♡ Ro
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belovedcorvid · 1 month
🚢? *slides over this for Leigh*
❣︎ | Memes :: From Here | Shipping Sheet :: Rabbit Loves Forms
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do i ship our characters together?: yes | no | not yet but maybe soon
would i like to ship with you?: yes | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
type of relationship i could see: childhood or high school sweethearts / friends | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love | fling | long distance | online relationship | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
tropes i'd enjoy writing for them: friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
Okay I know we already did Cora's wake-up post Minion but looking at this I think a version of this where he wakes up remembering nothing / nobody would be horrendously angsty and painful.
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes?: develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between ( what specifically? )
what now?: let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter | all the things are good let's just keep writing and planning
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits: ( put whatever you want here )
OTL Ziggy thank you for being so patient; I really need slow burn and development for ships and I'm constantly afraid people don't realise how slow I mean when I say it. Their tentative almost thing is very cute - maybe some day the bird will realise he's in it.
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belovedcorvid · 2 months
a small frown tugs at the boy's lips, brows furrowed as he glares at the ceiling above as if it were the cause of all his issues. today would be like any other day had the child not been a member of the family for over two years, but he had, and because of that, he knew it was the blonde idiot currently outside on a smoke break's birthday. doflamingo threw a stupidly large celebration that everyone but the birthday boy seemed into each year — he wondered what the man was doing now . . . surely he was mad. surely he figured out corazón's loyalties laid elsewhere . . . doffy was smart, scarily so. if law knew, then he had to as well, didn’t he ? it was often a question on the boy's mind as to why the pirate captain hadn’t come hunting them down yet. It was probably thanks to cora, but law didn’t want to think too hard about it.
❛❛ took you long enough ❜❜ law frowned as the man occupying his thoughts entered the room — that had been an awfully long cigarette break. had he used that useless devil fruit and called someone ? the boy couldn’t help but ask. ❛❛ do you even talk to doflamingo, or are you still playing a mute idiot who can’t work a transponder snail ? ❜❜
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CORA !!!! sorry you get this grumpy little guy in your inbox but well, what can you expect … he'll come to adore cora- a shame this will be his only birthday with the funny guy :((
i missed writing with your bird man
❣︎ | Unprompted :: Happy Birthday, Corazón ! |
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A tall, black-feathered shape ducked to let himself back through the door of their current resting place, content to retire from the balcony for the moment now that calls were done. While working, he tended to keep personal calls to a minimum for safety's sake - both for him and for the people he called. But on your birthday, it felt a little more allowed to indulge, to call those that you loved. There weren't many, but the few there were he treasured immensely; today he probably would have gotten together with them had he not been undercover and hiding from a madman. The thought drew him back to the present, for it had been almost easy to forget that they were indeed sort of hiding - even Doflamingo's looming presence seemed further away today, the illusion that maybe they were out of reach.
At least . . . not within immediate, physical reach. His brother had not called in a while; while he couldn't be sure how the boy interpreted it - be it an omen or a sign of abandonement - to Rocinante his silence spoke as much as anything else the man said out loud. On days where he felt particularly hopeless, when doctor after doctor turned them away and forced their path to conflict directly with the Family's, it said ' go ahead and try and run, little brother, but there's nowhere in this world where I can't find you ' and gripped at the back of his neck like the talons of a predatory animal.
He smoothed over the thought for the moment with a smile, his posture relaxed and easy as he chuckled at the kid's question - always so accusatory whenever he asked anything. Always looking for a 'got you' moment, sharp and observant. " I'm not entirely sure Doffy could hear me even back when I could talk, " Rocinante mused as he made himself comfortable, leaning his chin into a scarred hand. That wasn't really true - nobody could read him better than Doffy could - it was more of a question of listening, rather than hearing. " I'm sure he'll call at some point today, though. Are you feeling up to eating ? We could go look for something to eat. "
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belovedcorvid · 2 months
"Hey Corazon! Happy Birthday!" "I made you a strawberry shortcake, I hope you like it."
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❣︎ | Unprompted :: Happy Birthday, Corazón ! |
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Rocinante turned when he was called, expression brightening into a warm, sunny grin - missing tooth and all. He didn't pay his own birthday much mind, especially the older he got, but the experience of being remembered was a heart-warming one.
" Hey, thanks! It's beautiful - you're very talented ! "
The tall man moved to take the dessert she was holding out to him, but stopped himself short and scratched at the back of his head, grin turning sheepish. It wasn't that he didn't want it, more that he was afraid of tripping whilst carrying it somewhere. His clumsiness always reared its head at the worst possible time, it seemed. It would be a shame to waste something so finely crafted, and he didn't need to accidentally destroy anything or injure himself on his birthday.
" A-haha, actually, would it be all right if you carried it to a table ? Not that it's happened before or anything, but I'm just a little afraid that I'll drop it on accident. "
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🩸  to  find  my  muse  after  they've  been  in  a  fight.
❣ | Memes :: This One | Are you Okay, Corazón?
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Near the edge of the carnage, the clear aftermath of confrontation, a bloody mass of crumpled black feathers held very, very still. Rocinante even breathed careful and slow, despite the pain it caused the wounds in his back for he was certain that being found now would be worse. If there was one thing the former marine had learned in his time exploring on his own, it was that he absolutely was not above playing dead or hiding to get out of a sketchy situation or a fight he didn't want to be part of, when the situation called for it. He could limp off later and return to his boat, but not when the sounds of people still poking around out here caught his attention - he grit his teeth under the cover of his coat. As far as he could tell the fight was over, victors already gone, so who was this? While he could make this convincing enough from a distance, if someone got too close just holding still would not work. It didn't sound like a lot of people - maybe just a few brave or desperate enough to rifle through the pockets of the dead.
He was hoping he'd be skipped over despite his size - perhaps he wasn't being as quiet as he'd thought - but as soon as someone touched him the large man twisted around to face them, flintlock already drawn and grim looking despite his silly bedraggled appearance. Hopefully he'd be able to stay awake long enough to escape whatever this was.
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" I'm giving you about ten seconds to back up. "
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[ silence ] sender and receiver comfortably exist in silence together, both of them working or reading or focusing on something different // ( smoker )
❣ | Memes :: This One | Prompts for Ordinary things that feel Intimate
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This was basically retirement, wasn't it ? Between a horribly botched mission and the resulting lingering injury that had nearly been fatal and permanently altered his gait, Rocinante had been placed indefinitely on reserve - reserve of reserve even, he mused to himself. Permanent grounding was a gift considering that he probably should have been fired, he knew that, but it still was . . . odd. Odd to get comfortable somewhere, to get used to seeing the same people all the time without lying to them about who he was, a calm that didn't really feel deserved. It had taken weeks, months - infinite patience on Smoker's part, he was sure - for ingrained hypervigilence augmented by a long and painful recovery to wear down into something genuinely restful: safe enough to chance a nap. He'd draped his entire ridiculous frame over their comfy sectional, propped up on a pillow or two to avoid disturbing the thick bandages still looped around his chest, and elected to take this particular afternoon to rest.
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Even if he didn't sleep deeply, it was still soul soothing to shut his eyes and just bask in the soundscape of their living space. He could feel the sun, hear the breeze and seagulls not too far from the open window near where he was resting - Rocinante had not yet brought them a snack today, and they weren't exceptionally pleased. He could both hear and feel the dog currently curled up and snoozing on his chest - how this otherwise quiet little creature could snore so loudly if resting at the wrong angle was beyond him. Maybe it just seemed loud because the room was peacefully quiet, even with the both of them here. A companionable silence wreathed in the scent of cedar and smoke and coffee. Briefly shaking off drowsiness, he paused in a reflexive scan of the room to see what Smoker was doing; eyes lingered on broad shoulders now free of characteristic lingering tension, the lines of his face and jaw drawn not with stress but with sharp focus. He'd known the other man for years, but sometimes it struck him how nice it was to see him in a context outside work.
' I like getting to see you look less stressed. '
The thought lingered, itched to be said, but he held it for now - letting his eyes drift back shut with the intention of going back to sleep.
In the midst of all this, Rocinante noted the clack of rock against rock on the other side of the room, then the sound of rocks colliding with the wooden table, then finally a soft curse escaping as a hiss from the other man. Wordless storytelling. A singular soft huff of mostly stifled laughter escaped the dozing blond. Amusement aside, he made a mental note to give that table a wide berth if there were stones stacked on it when he woke up. His clumsiness and this art form didn't always occupy the same space well, if memory served.
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[ rest ] sender unintentionally falls asleep leaning against receiver (♥)
❣ | Memes :: This One | Prompts for Leaning
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" What's the matter, kid - can't sleep ? "
The Polar Tang's autopilot idled them gently along in the middle of the night, the vessel quiet now that most of her crew had gone to bed. Most of them. But in the quiet of the shared common space beside a small lamp, Rocinante lingered, curled comfortably at the end of a sofa draped in a heavy blanket not unlike his old feather coat. In one hand he held a folded newspaper and its partially completed crossword puzzle, in the other a writing implement with a gnawed end. He didn't need to look up to know who it was; not only did he recognise the other's gait, but this wasn't exactly a new occurrence. Law had never slept especially well, even as a little kid, but he supposed he could relate - after all, he was also awake now in the 3 AM hour, was he not? Damn nicotine cravings. Old habits and bad memories both died hard.
" That's okay, you can stay and help me with this."
His joints cracked in protest, making him wince as he uncurled his legs to make room for Law to sit beside him. Rocinante appreciated the company anyway, even if he wished Law would sleep a little better - admittedly, this was usually the sort of puzzle that took him the longest on his own anyway. It was companionable and familiar in the most soothing sort of way, reading out a line he's been stuck on to get the other's opinion; it reminded him a bit of when they'd first travelled together when Law was small and they were short on space and things to do to pass the time as their little boat took them from island to island, hospital to hospital. It had been a distraction then, to get the kid's mind on anything other than how the last doctor had treated him, and it was a distraction now, all this time later.
Law's suggestions and spelling corrections drifted eventually as the time did, the captain's dozing form heavier and heavier against his side between the times that he jolted awake. " I don't mind, " Rocinante interrupted before the other could apologise, letting go of the paper to ruffle the other's hair, " It's late - er, early now I guess. I know you don't need to hear it from me, but you really should sleep more, Law. "
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   [ from Smoker ]
   he's got a little pup under his arm, it seems to be just fine limply hanging out there — pretty docile and content. a closer look look at the scrappy mutt though will reveal it is absolutely covered in fleas. but nothing in the marine's expression suggests he is at all bothered by this. in fact, his face is as neutral as ever, with teeth gripped around the cigars in his mouth. it's just another wednesday. 
    ❝ found it out back by the office. 'm gonna call it meatball. ❞
❣ | Unprompted :: Always Accepting |
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Their shared living space was mostly silent - quiet save the occasional crinkle of turned newspaper pages and the sea breeze that swept Rocinante's cigarette smoke away from the open window. Though the way this particular spot caught the afternoon sun made it his most favourite, the whole house was a source of solace in part because it was so quiet: a sort of soothing he'd perhaps been chasing longer than he could remember, and easy to tell when the other was around. He recognised Smoker's distinctive heavy boots immediately as he strode through the entryway, terracotta eyes dragging up from the newspaper and over it's top edge to study first the face of the other man, then the furball he held so gently and carefully in his arms. The former Corazón's expression softened - fondly, perhaps knowingly, a little - for he was certain this dog had a name before the other Marine had even managed to lift it up from where he'd found it. Rocinante didn't mind: that soft heart he tried so hard to camouflage couldn't be hidden from him.
Guess they had a dog now.
The blond set the re-folded paper aside and pulled himself to his feet, forgoing the crutch leaning nearby to cross the space between them on his own, the sound of his own gait uneven. A soft, sympathetic sound escaped him as a rumble as he scritched behind the little dog's ears, catching a flea as he did. Way too small to be living out as a stray. Okay, just maybe he had a soft spot for the discarded and small himself . . . That self-admission combined with noticing the occasional pale spot in animal's fur picked at something sensitive in his chest.
" Poor little thing, how'd you end up all alone ? " he pinched the trapped insect between his nails to dispatch it - one down, a start, " Needs a bath. I'm sure there's something to eat and an extra blanket around here somewhere, right ? "
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   ❝ Coraooo~ ❞ large red irises and billowing curls of white hair are brought into closer view as a giant hand scoops the man from the ground ( without asking ). other than being much larger than Rocinante at this point, Luffy looks quite a bit different. even the grin on his face seems that much brighter.  ❝ hee hee silly, i almost stepped on you like a bug !! ❞
❣ | Unprompted :: Always Accepting |
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" Holy Shit, please don't step on me like a bug. "
The former Corazón kept a hand tight on his floppy hat to keep it from falling off his head as he looked up, up at the giant figure now holding him like a toy, his expression a strange mix of wide eyed terror and wonder - maybe even a flicker of something like pride. With his sometimes ridiculous height, Rocinante was not used to being made to feel small . . . at least not physically small. Certainly not small enough to be picked up with one great big hand; that had only happened one other time, a memory his mind scrambled to shove away hard. This was different, felt much more careful despite the commentary and much less like an attempt to catch and crush him.
But despite the fear that lingered he couldn't help but be amazed, for he'd seen this kid do a great many amazing things in combat but surely he'd never seen him do this. It was like being too close to the sun, wreathed in its warmth but far closer to blinding, unfiltered energy than one ought to be. But it made sense. In fact, it made so much sense that he couldn't help the slightly hysterical laugh that escaped his ribs without permission.
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the straw hat captain finds himself atop the large man's shoulders, legs hanging over in front of his chest. having pushed rocinante's hat aside, he hums contently, while marred fingers brush through blonde locks. so far one pig tail has been gathered up on the right side of the ex-marine's head, but luffy takes his time in forming the other... ❝ hey! mr. mime, your hair is kinda long! it's fun! ❞
❣ | Unprompted :: Always Accepting |
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Rocinante was certain he hadn't carried anyone on his shoulders since when Law was small. ' That was several years and injuries ago, ' his shoulders reminded the rest of him as they creaked in protest, but the large man just chuckled and continued on his way despite having acquired a passenger on this walk. Perhaps it just seemed so because of the contrast with his previous travelling companion, but Luffy was perhaps the most tactile person he had ever interacted with; placing a steadying hand on the other's leg while he got situated, he grumbled only a little when the other disturbed his hat to drag fingers through his hair - gathering it to tie back in places, he assumed.
As silly as he was sure that would look, the sensation itself was incredibly soothing and he relaxed into it, slowing his pace to a lazy walk as he listened to the kid's chatter.
" Yeah? I guess that's true - I don't really like how it feels to have it cut. When I was small and my mother would cut it, I would cry. "
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what Emotion are You?
Guilt. Your guilt gnaws at you like a cancer, slowly destroying you from the inside. It is a constant reminder of the mistakes you have made, of the people you have hurt, of the opportunities you have wasted. You deserve to suffer for what you have done, and the only way you can atone is by punishing yourself, by making yourself suffer. You want to torture yourself, knowing you let everything happen, and your pentinence will eat you whole. It is a small price to pay for the pain you have caused others, but do you truly deserve it?
tagged by: @sleeplesswork ♡
tagging: Steal from me and @ me, for I am very late and no longer know who's done this one and fear re-tagging people for a game.
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😊 - I think you are a really friendly person.
😲 - I’m a little afraid of reaching out to you. ( though i’m nervous when talking to everyone )
❣ | Memes :: This One | Intimidation Meme
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aaaAAAAA Sleepy I think you're really great too; thanks for sending, and for being my friend! I was really nervous when I started this blog because I'd never really written fandom content before - or not even really an extensive amount of narrative fiction, but you and a couple others made me feel like I had friends right away which is not usual for me and that kind of lives in my head rent-free.
I'm not good at explaining, but I still want to wrap you in a cosy blanket.
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