seaoftales · 9 months
Finding a tavern as quest as this one was a rarity. A few patrons sitting around at tables or by the bar, conversations being held in murmurs, no pirates about to be way too loud for his tastes. The swordsman preferred a more peaceful ambiance than a loud one, so he settled at one of the tables closer to the bar, ordering some food and a bottle of red wine. He'd been famished after his last voyage during which he'd run out of food, foolishly miscalculating the supplies needed.
It was rare for Mihawk to spend more time than needed around people, and food was an exception. One might think that the man lives off of sarcasm and red wine, and while that wasn't too far off from the truth, the man still had to eat.
His more or less quiet mealtime was interrupted when the door burst open, a large group of undoubtedly pirates entering the tavern. He initially didn't pay too much mind to them, rather observing and trying to figure out who was who, and who was in charge.
It wasn't until they started getting louder, singing and laughing, that Mihawk finally glanced in the general direction of the young woman who was clearly their captain.
"My, aren't you a lively bunch."
@marriageproposallola ♥'d
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hibiscusxqueen · 9 months
@marriageproposallola liked for a starter:
"Well now," Rouge hummed, taking a bite of the slice of chiffon cake. The sweet flavours sang upon her tastebuds. "This is delightful! I would strongly recommend getting this from the bakery in the corner."
Crimson eyes met the young pirate before her. She knew who the girl was. Shakky's spiders always kept her up-to-date though the last time she had seen the woman before her, she was just a babe "I wasn't expecting to see one of LinLin's children here. What brings you here?"
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memoriescut · 7 days
Now you listen to me, Pudding. You got the makings of greatness in you, but you got to take the helm and chart your own course.
the thing is, pudding never asked for all of this - this greatness everybody seems to see in her, usefulness in plots and schemes she doesn't even care about. "i don't want to be great," why does the weight of all these responsibilities has to fall on her shoulders? mama put that heavy burden first, and even now she's gone pudding still feels it crashing her slowly. "monkey d. luffy will become king of the pirates," they've heard this statement countless times all around the new world, but pudding has seen it - third eye open and already revealing all the hidden truths. "he will find a way to come through ... so why can't i just be? what is the point of all this?" if only she could talk to someone from her father's family, or the man himself. it would make so much more sense then.
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theallblue · 9 months
@marriageproposallola liked for a starter!
Thriller Bark was the last place where this reckless crew of pirates had seen Lola and the pirates before they went their separate ways. It was unknown if there was a chance they could cross paths again because of how large the ocean was. They have come across many familiar faces throughout this journey, some of them being enemies and some of them being friends. Lola was one of the many pirates who they considered to be a friend which Luffy would agree to because of the time spent on that floating island. 
That island was a place filled with celebration and horror because of the presence that decided to appear in front of them. Kuma was a living nightmare. 
According to Nami, this island was their next stop which was a relief to Sanji since it would give him a chance to restock on what was needed. This island seemed to be a popular spot for pirates though because of how many ships were anchored in the dock waiting for their crews to return to their floating home. He knew that they would have to be careful since it was unknown who exactly was here even though there were a few familiar ships he could spot already. Crews that they have met since the start of this long journey. 
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He had met Lola’s sister while traveling to meet Big Mom and his family knowing that he had seen her familiar face somewhere before. It wasn’t until later that he learned about them being twins while Lola had her reasons for leaving. She didn’t want to be tied down to this place through an arranged marriage. The same situation that Sanji found himself in before Luffy came to rescue him, it was because of Luffy that he was able to return to this floating home of his. 
It seemed that this was the place they were going to meet as Sanji was the one who ended up finding her first. Lola was their friend, she was their ally while it wouldn’t be surprising if she managed to hear what had occurred at Whole Cake Island and Wano. The news quickly spread across the waters about the events that decided to unfold causing Luffy to be named as the next Emperor of the Sea. He didn’t know how Lola would react to the news while it was obvious that she probably didn’t have a good relationship with her mother. 
“Lola, it’s been awhile. I never thought we would cross paths again like this.”
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songofnoheart · 17 days
For each “⭐️” I get, I’ll write a headcanon about our muses. ~ accepting
Brook and Lola feel like they would be on similar wavelengths when it comes to personality. Both a little extroverted, big hearted and prone to blurting stuff out. Brook believes Lola to be a part of the small circle of people who suffered from Moria on the same level as himself, so he acts a little more attentive to her words and thoughts.
Brook also... Secretly really wants to completely revamp Lola's closet. The two years of shobiz taught him about the importance of picking out your outfits and the onesies that she usually wears drive him up the wall.
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historias-multorum · 2 months
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"Excuse me ma'am, can ya tell me where I am? I got lost from my brothers."
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belovedcorvid · 2 months
"Hey Corazon! Happy Birthday!" "I made you a strawberry shortcake, I hope you like it."
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❣︎ | Unprompted :: Happy Birthday, Corazón ! |
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Rocinante turned when he was called, expression brightening into a warm, sunny grin - missing tooth and all. He didn't pay his own birthday much mind, especially the older he got, but the experience of being remembered was a heart-warming one.
" Hey, thanks! It's beautiful - you're very talented ! "
The tall man moved to take the dessert she was holding out to him, but stopped himself short and scratched at the back of his head, grin turning sheepish. It wasn't that he didn't want it, more that he was afraid of tripping whilst carrying it somewhere. His clumsiness always reared its head at the worst possible time, it seemed. It would be a shame to waste something so finely crafted, and he didn't need to accidentally destroy anything or injure himself on his birthday.
" A-haha, actually, would it be all right if you carried it to a table ? Not that it's happened before or anything, but I'm just a little afraid that I'll drop it on accident. "
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🩸  to  find  my  muse  after  they've  been  in  a  fight.
❣ | Memes :: This One | Are you Okay, Corazón?
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Near the edge of the carnage, the clear aftermath of confrontation, a bloody mass of crumpled black feathers held very, very still. Rocinante even breathed careful and slow, despite the pain it caused the wounds in his back for he was certain that being found now would be worse. If there was one thing the former marine had learned in his time exploring on his own, it was that he absolutely was not above playing dead or hiding to get out of a sketchy situation or a fight he didn't want to be part of, when the situation called for it. He could limp off later and return to his boat, but not when the sounds of people still poking around out here caught his attention - he grit his teeth under the cover of his coat. As far as he could tell the fight was over, victors already gone, so who was this? While he could make this convincing enough from a distance, if someone got too close just holding still would not work. It didn't sound like a lot of people - maybe just a few brave or desperate enough to rifle through the pockets of the dead.
He was hoping he'd be skipped over despite his size - perhaps he wasn't being as quiet as he'd thought - but as soon as someone touched him the large man twisted around to face them, flintlock already drawn and grim looking despite his silly bedraggled appearance. Hopefully he'd be able to stay awake long enough to escape whatever this was.
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" I'm giving you about ten seconds to back up. "
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a-musing-mixologist · 4 months
Lola: *standing on a balcony and sneezes* Kid: *standing on the roof* Bless you. Lola: God?!
Lola: I love you. Kid: How many people have you said that to? Lola: Everyone. Kid: What? Lola: I told everyone that I love you.
Kid: Do you know the best way to respond to disagreement? Lola: With tears? Kid: No. Lola: *tears up*
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seaoftales · 7 months
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❝ This is the biggest cake I've ever seen! ❞
The sheer glee and fascination in her violet eyes couldn't be brighter. The cake looked like an absolute masterpiece, with impeccable frosting that nigh begged to have a finger stuck in it, and boy did she struggle resisting that urge. Maybe, just maybe she could somehow get a piece.
❝ Did you make this all by yourself? ❞
@marriageproposallola ♥'d
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heavens-sin · 5 months
@marriageproposallola replied to your post: "Doffy! Where have you been pretty bitch?!" "C'mon I'm dire need of a frappe and mani-pedi."
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despite   their   stark   contrast   in   personality   and   reputations,   the   two   seemed   to   complement   each   other,   united   by   their   shared   thirst   for   talking   down   on   others,   shared   mentality   in   regards   of   entertainment.   Doflamingo   had   set   aside   her   usual   garb   for   a   more   relaxed,   yet   still   stylish,   attire   yet   the   top   was   open-collared   shirt,   unashamedly    exposing   her   cleavage.   manicured   nails   grasping   lola's   wrist.   her   lips   upturned   into   a   grin,   a   small   chuckle   leaving   her   lips. 
  ❝    yknow,   been   doing   the   usual   stuff   darlin'.   dealing   with   these   damn   kids   who   think   can   over   rule   me,   dealing   with   the   black   market,   mass   murder.   oh   just   girlie   things.   but   let   me   treat   ya   tonight   ;    yeah?         ❞ 
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memoriescut · 9 months
STARTER | @marriageproposallola
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when pudding allows herself to think about lola, the first memory that comes to mind is the sound of waves crashing against a ship, sun warming her skin and a goodbye that felt more final than she would have ever imagined. so much has changed since that day - and while her older sister still looks the same badass and adventurous woman from her memory, pudding can't help but wish that her own change has made an impression too not just for her new clothes but the more confident way she carries herself since her true awakening.
"i thought i'd never see you again." the crack in her voice quickly betrays her intentions to seem all grown and mature beyond her age - once a baby sister always a baby sister, and if pudding is honest with herself for a moment, there's nothing and noone safer in the world than the person she used to trust and cherish the most in her family. "i bet you have so many stories to tell me while we get back ho-" a pause and her heart hurts for a moment; home doesn't quite exist anymore, mother possibly following in the same fate. "is your true love still on your ship?"
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graytxrminal · 1 year
Lola felt numb when she saw Katakuri; she always wondered how she would react to seeing her family again. Would they kill her on the spot? Or would they drag her back to Tottoland for a public execution? She took another swig of whiskey from the canteen she had with her, it was her 30th? 31st? and she was barely feeling its effects.
"Well...this is a surprise. What are you doing here Katakuri, have you come to finally kill me?
Heh. She could almost hear a hint of hope in her voice.
"If you don't kill me, then the alcohol certainly will."
"I know you won't feel guilty, you didn't care when I ran away ten years ago, and you didn't care when I needed my big brother the most." "So I doubt you'll care now."
She took another swig.
a/n:alcohol warning
Katakuri's pupils narrowed. His grip tightened around the object he was holding, the small round shape turning over in his hand. He took aim before flicking the jelly bean at a near imperceptible speed, the small candy eviscerating the canteen Lola was holding.
Heavy footfalls thudded dully against the wooden floor. His hulking frame approached her in a matter of moments, and his leg raised behind him. In one sweeping motion, he had eradicated any remaining containers of the vile fluid. "The orders to kill you have expired. Mama is gone. I am unsure of whether she is still alive, but she is currently missing." He looked around the dark room. It was... depressing, but he didn't want to admit that. "Your sentence is currently suspended. Do as you wish."
He scanned the room for any extra whiskey. Just in case. "Your lack of faith in me is saddening." As much as he would've liked to defend Lola from Mama's power-hungry ravings, he didn't dare stand against his mother. She was a tyrant, known for ruling off of fear. Fear that permeated even her own children. "I am sorry your fate failed you."
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raidred · 6 months
[ @marriageproposallola liked for a starter ]
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" Your obsession with matrimony seems to be a learned behavior, with full-offense intended; unlearn it. "
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songofnoheart · 2 months
↕ 7'5''
» send me ↕ + your muse’s height ~ accepting
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"Lola-saaaaan! Tall women have their own incredible charm to them and you are definitely using it well, yohohoho!"
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historias-multorum · 2 months
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"Easy now, don't get up too fast."
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