#❣ sincerely chaos twin
wheredreamsareforged · 6 months
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
what color are your eyes?
why did you do that?
how many water bottles are in your room right now?
what kind of day is it?
when was the last time you ate?
are you farsighted or nearsighted?
something you’ve kept since childhood?
what’s your timezone?
did you have any snacks today?
an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site?
what was the last message you sent?
╰┈➤ ❝ [ weirder asks ] ╰┈➤ ❝ [ more ask games here ] ╰┈➤ ❝ [ this specific one here ]
: ̗̀➛ 'who is/are your comfort character(s)?' ↳ blue from pokemon, tartaglia, zhongli, the wanderer, kaeya, and diluc from genshin impact, bakugou from my hero academia, and gepard from honkai star rail
: ̗̀➛ 'what color are your eyes?' ↳ my eyes are weird. they're a blue/grey, with like one or two gold/yellow streaks that i think may have gone away by now?? at least that is the default lmao. my eyes have central heterochromia! the outside of my eyes is that blue, but the center is a really cool and light green that blends in! giving that grey look. they also just straight up change color. last night my left eye was straight up BLUE, while my right was straight up GREEN
: ̗̀➛ 'why did you do that?' ↳ it was funny. and you know what? i'd fucking do it again HAHA
: ̗̀➛ 'how many water bottles are in your room right now?' ↳ one! i've not drank water in a bit because i need proper caffeine due to work, but i've drank a lot more these past few months since moving
: ̗̀➛ 'what kind of day is it?' ↳ lay in bed and feel sad for no reason day (classic mood stuff l o l)
: ̗̀➛ 'when was the last time you ate?' ↳ 4:40 or something, just before i got off work
: ̗̀➛ 'are you farsighted or nearsighted?' ↳ neither!
: ̗̀➛ 'something you’ve kept since childhood?' ↳ most of my plushies- they're somewhere- and my first ever DS; the DS Lite. i still have the stooge and they work perfectly. got them for my 4th or 5th birthday; i still have the first game ive played on it too. the Ni Hao, Kai-Lan one
: ̗̀➛ 'what’s your timezone?' ↳ EST (GMT -5 iirc)
: ̗̀➛ 'did you have any snacks today?' ↳ a hashbrown w ketchup for breakfast, and chicken nuggets!
: ̗̀➛ 'an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site?' ↳ discord, tiktok, and c.ai
: ̗̀➛ 'what was the last message you sent?' ↳ both were to my partners, and both were personal so instead here is the last funny moment i have; the people you see are @wdws-angels, @gutzjunkie
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wheredreamsareforged · 9 months
How much effort does your oc put in their looks?
How does your oc approach social situations with strangers? And with friends?
How organized is your oc? How do they deal with others around them being messy?
How does your oc handle rejection?
How does your oc get along with people they just met? Do they make good or bad first impressions?
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Aurore Lavigne ] ╰┈➤ ❝ [ more ask games here ] ╰┈➤ ❝ [ this specific one here ]
: ̗̀➛1| 'How much effort does your oc put in their looks?' ↳ next to none. aurore cannot stand looking at herself in any capacity, so she avoids doing anything like putting in effort as that requires her to look at herself far longer than he would ever want to.
: ̗̀➛7| 'How does your oc approach social situations with strangers? And with friends?' ↳ okay so unsurprising, aurore doesn't really have friends. but there is a reason he is said to be comparable to a blizzard and why i've described her countenance to be glacial. he...is cold. to everyone. blunt and getting straight to business; though they sometimes are coy and subtle, specifically to gather information without anyone realizing. or to size up and put down an opponent in a verbal duel, to be on top without anyone realizing that is their goal. they're manipulative and sly what can i say?
: ̗̀➛8| 'How organized is your oc? How do they deal with others around them being messy?' ↳ you have a death wish??? leave something messy or make something look messy. she will kill you right then and there, especially if he'd just cleaned and organized it. they cannot function in a mess, everything they touch and come across will be cleaned; they've probably gotten into arguments and fights with other harbingers over it. anyone who works under them learns how to properly clean and organize and ykw, there is a reason her troops are most effective. especially with paperwork. he makes his shit clean and concise and easy to understand once you've learned it.
: ̗̀➛12| 'How does your oc handle rejection?' ↳ maturely. especially if it is of a romantic or sexual nature. though if it is work related, while still mature, they will most often be found training within the unforgiving cold of snezhnaya; potentially even sparring with tartaglia.
: ̗̀➛14| 'How does your oc get along with people they just met? Do they make good or bad first impressions?' ↳ this heavily depends. should they be diplomatic, they will be respectful and even a bit charming. throwing a smile or smirk the other's way and putting heavy emphasis on their french accent when appropriate, along with using titles like "monsiuer" or otherwise. something to get the other's guard down, maybe even fluster them. they'd argue that it's more than a good first impression; on the other hand, should it be a genuine first impression? well. they're cold and callous, barely paying you any mind and acting as if you aren't worth her attention should there not be a reason for you to be. rude and spitting insults that are colder than the waters of snezhnaya.
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wheredreamsareforged · 9 months
yiu don't have tk do them all though :33
3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 15, 19, 24, 26, 38, 37, 41, 53, 58, 60, 63, 95, 99, 106, 111
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Aurore / Childe ]
: ̗̀➛3| 'When did you get together in your shipping canon?' ↳ it was never really an open / blatant 'will you be my partner?' if anything, it was a little bit more accidental as they started out strictly as friends with benefits! minus the 'friends' part. more so hated co-workers with benefits
: ̗̀➛6| 'Who made the first move?' ↳ in terms of fwb, i'd like to think it was Aurore making the first move based on some snide comment Childe had made- considering he doesn't seem like to type to proposition another Harbinger. in terms of things becoming more than that, it was Childe. he and Aurore had spent a night outside in Sneznhaya drinking fire water when it had happened, his invite
: ̗̀➛7| 'What was your first date like?' ↳ it was wild! they're the kind of couple who consider going on a mission that involves some kind of violence a date, given how they both have a love for bloodshed and action in that regard. though the first date that could be considered a proper one, was a ball the Tsaritsa held; potentially done to garner positive reputation for diplomacy, or in honor of La Signora.
: ̗̀➛8| 'When did you first say I love you to each other?' ↳ Aurore still has yet to say it; Childe has probably used it willfully whenever he can. though typically in that playful not so heartfelt way- like on the battlefield for instance. or during training. or when Aurore is being more than a little bit cruel/sadistic towards Fatui soldiers that are deserving of it. anything more heartfelt is in private, over some drinks, which is rarer and far few in-between.
: ̗̀➛11| 'First impressions of each other?' ↳ the first impressions were...vaguely different. while they both could admit one another is strong and didn't get the position they had in the Fatui for no reason whatsoever, Aurore thought Childe to be an annoying nuisance that she would end if given the chance. Childe on the other hand thought her to be a bit stuck up and strict, though entertaining when annoyed and a good opponent.
: ̗̀➛14| 'What initially attracted you to them versus what they were attracted to?' ↳ Childe's whole deal is straight up fighting right? the first thing they had noticed about each other was their fighting prowess, and it was what motivated Childe to interact/annoy Aurore, as the satyr refused to fight him otherwise. ↳ for the longest time, Aurore had believed Childe to be an insufferable bug, who's only defining trait had been his love for battles. even when they were engaged with each other in a far-from professional manner, however, her viewpoint started to shift upon seeing his interactions with his family, and his reaction to the justice system within Fontaine.
: ̗̀➛19| 'How publicly affectionate are you? Is it cringe, embarrassing, or do you love PDA?' ↳ pda, to put it simply, is not something that exists within the relationship. with their status and how their love languages are, the closest thing you can see is them standing close to each other, maybe brushing hands.
: ̗̀➛24| 'What's a gift that you've given each other that means a lot to you?' ↳ Childe is not the kind to enjoy gifts, having enough money that he would reasonably be able to get something for himself whenever he wanted. that alone makes Aurore giving him a gift that means a lot to him is a lot harder, so, they didn't get him one. instead, he got Tuecer, Tonya, and the rest of his family gifts- well, save for his parents- and supported Childe's lie in being the Greatest Toy Salesmen; that alone meant the world to him, given it was unprompted. ↳ Aurore's is...less than physical. while yes, they don't mind the more lavish gifts that are bought, he more so focuses on the fact that Childe doesn't seem to care about what he looks like. given her body issues and past trauma, her physical appearance being looked at like something secondary to her other attributes means more than she can ever say. though physical gifts? it is most definitely a claymore Childe had custom made for them upon their old one breaking.
: ̗̀➛26| 'What's 'your song' with them? Does it remind you of each other, or have special memories attached to it?' ↳ i feel like they don't have a song they consider 'theirs.' but they do have songs that remind each other of the other! Aurore's song that reminds them of Childe is "Любо братцы, любо," a Russian song portraying a Cossack man that has been critically injured in battle, and is now watching his life fade in front of his eyes; if just due to the subject of the music. ↳ as for Childe's song that reminds him of Aurore, this is subject to change, but for now i would say it is "L'effet de masse" by Maëlle, a song where the central theme is about the effect of the masses, and how it can be destructive and cause ostracization and isolation. a deeper description of the meaning can be found here.
: ̗̀➛37| 'If you're away from each other, what do you prepare for each other? Welcome back gifts, setting time aside etc.' ↳ prior to getting together romantically, it was just making sure that their nights were free to release any pent up energy; how that is done will be left up to the imagination/interpretation of the reader. when they do finally get together, it is still roughly the same thing, however it is more...domestic in a sense. with treating any injuries the other may have- as they both have a habit of taking on more than they realistically should when it comes to fights- and occasionally giving some type of souvenir from their travels, though that is something Childe mainly does as Aurore is more frugal with his money.
: ̗̀➛38| 'What is a guilty pleasure/something that you'd be embarrassed to tell them about, but want to share?' ↳ Aurore would genuinely hate to share their feelings verbally or physically. like- she wants to say it in words he would understand, but that isn't...possible with her past trauma, trust issues, and other problems as the last time he decided to give dating a go, it wound up with him loosing an eye and ending up in the Fatui (think of Lynette's trauma that Arlecchino saved her from going through, except Aurore wasn't saved). so instead, he settles for biting comments, especially in French, that sound like insults, but when translated sound completely different.
: ̗̀➛41| 'What are your names saved as in each other's phones?' ↳ considering there are no phones in Teyvat, any answer here is not exactly canon. however, in a modern alternative universe, Aurore's for Childe would be an evolution: annoyance, idiot, Tartaglia, Childe, and lastly 'Mon rêve' which means 'my dream' in French. however she would verbally say 'Mon plaisir quotidien,' which translates to 'my daily pleasure,' when they were still in the fwb stage. ↳ Childe on the other hand strikes me as the guy who would probably have his contacts be the names of whoever the number belongs to; though if he did, he would most likely use animal based nicknames like 'Золотце' which means 'gold/precious'. though should he ever learn French, i can see him using 'Ma biche' or 'Ma bichette,' which roughly translates to 'my doe' or 'my little deer.'
: ̗̀➛53| 'What do your sleeping arrangements look like? Do you sleep together, or in separate beds?' ↳ separate beds, rooms as well, typically. the only time you would see one or both within the same bed in the morning is if it had been an exhausting work day, or both needed some kind of physical contact- not necessarily nsfw, but just some kind of presence from the other. it happens typically at least once every few weeks, with Aurore's severe PTSD induced nightmares.
: ̗̀➛58| 'When you go shopping, who takes the longest? Who's the worst to shop with?' ↳ Aurore is frugal. they do not take long unless they're debating on what he should get in that moment- though if they do heavily debate based on pricing, and Childe sees, he often buys whatever Aurore decided against when he is not watching- absolutely the worst to shop with. Childe would take the longest only because i can see him not hesitating to get something if he views it to be worth it. or if he thinks his siblings would like it.
: ̗̀➛60| 'When you take pictures together, how do you pose? Do you like taking pics together?' ↳ it's always pictures for the news, or paintings of the Fatui Harbingers in general. Aurore isn't a fan and is always posing so seriously with their claymore, and Childe with his own weapon. there are far and few in between, given the satyr's disdain for them. ↳ in a modern AU with phones, however, it'd always be surprise photos Aurore doesn't know are being taken while she is working or even laying down asleep; sometimes there will be a picture of them and Childe, an arm around their shoulder, with them looking blanking up at the camera from the corner of their eye. he still hates them, but the fact that he clearly knows its being taken shows that she at least gave permission/consent.
: ̗̀➛63| 'Do you take care of each other when you're sick? Who's an absolute mess when they're sick?' ↳ the most Aurore will do when Childe is sick, is be the designated Harbinger to take on whatever duties he had during the time in which he is sick. why? without the work done, the Fatui's projects slows down, especially when they're down 2 or 3 Harbingers already. ↳ it's mostly the same, save for how Childe doesn't take on Aurore's workload that isn't physical- due to the fact that Aurore is quite particular about that, and would prefer to still have something to do during moments of clarity and the like- but he may bring some soup or some water for her every now and again. between the two of them, Aurore is the worst, purely due to his physical disabilities and refusal to ever spend a day not working, as she will do all of her work if she is physically able to.
: ̗̀➛95| 'Is there anyone on your partner's side that you don't like/get along with, and is there anyone on your side that your partner doesn't like/get along with?' ↳ there is absolute nobody for Childe to not get along with on Aurore's side, as he is estranged from his family and doesn't talk about them at all. it's to the point where there are some rumors popping up every now and again that she just doesn't have one. ↳ for Aurore, while she hasn't properly met any of his family outside of brief encounters during missions or diplomatic outings, has been warry of any adult/parental figures he's met. this isn't to say they know Childe's story, because they don't, but instead to say that her base instinct is to not trust them. so at most he is cordial, which seems natural enough as he is the more introverted/cold personality of the two.
: ̗̀➛99| 'What's a common misconception about your relationship?' ↳ that it is strictly business or just nonexistent at all! most people will be surprised upon hearing that the two are romantically involved, as it's not out there or present to the common eye. most assume that they still do not get along anywhere but the battlefield.
: ̗̀➛106| 'If you could give advice to yourselves when you started, what would you say to each other?' ↳ less advice, and more so reassurance that it will not wind up the same as the last attempt would be, on Aurore's end. for Childe, well, the main issue in their relationship would have been patience and lack of faith on Childe's part. not any unfaithfulness as in cheating, but as in that it is genuine. so I'd say that he would more likely give the advice to be patient and trust that whatever feelings Aurore claims to have in her own way, are true.
: ̗̀➛111| 'What does this self-ship mean to you?' ↳ so much. Aurore is probably my second favorite genshin impact OC, and while she is not at all a self-insert of any kind as we are far too different, i love how she is disabled but still powerful and able to instill fear. any relationship where a character with trauma and a shit past can learn to be vulnerable and allow someone to help them means so much to me as someone with trauma too. they are my comfort blorbos of oc x canon, excluding any self-shipping.
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wheredreamsareforged · 10 months
Aurore fun facts 🥺
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☾ ― aurore lavigne - fun facts;;
☆ being from Fontaine, born and raised, they have a very prominent French accent- as Fontaine is mainly drawing inspiration from France. she also knows French, with English being her second language for this same reason ☆ when describing Aurore to others, i state him to be worse than Scaramouche had been when it comes to his treatment of Fatui soldiers. while this was mostly retconned with her current rendition, it is still prevalent in their behavior. they still abuse their power, yes, but they are notably kinder to those who have been through any sexual trauma, or trauma from a stage in which they were abused by an adult- especially men. as such, they are still regarded as such (most overdramatic retellings, or so people assume) ☆ she has killed people in the Fatui and outside of the Fatui. the former typically being from someone being perverted or trying to abuse rankings for those same reasons. the ladder is often because they are a genuine sadist that enjoys torturing their victims ☆ they are short, but also able to use their claymore like a sword! i need to learn how to draw bulkier figures to accurately depict them, but their current ref is close enough ☆ they are a harbinger; most annoyed by Childe, however, they absolutely despise Dottore, and has made threats on his life before. she 100% will sell him out to Diluc for free, no catch ☆ speaking of Diluc, Aurore holds him in high respects. not only for getting banned and a wanted bounty on his head in Snezhnaya both without a Delusion/Vision and with only chains/a claymore, but also how he treats perverted scum! i can genuinely see them working with him very rarely if they're tracking down something involving perverted crimes- like human trafficking ☆ now, fun fact, Aurore has no chest. they were absolutely Tortured in Fontaine before by the legal system as they were caught one day. didn't go out without a fight, and lost their leg and got some electro scars from it- died legally too. the scarring was too much and the potential surgery to get one is too risky. they are too prideful to do anything else like pull a James from Pokemon, so they just...sit their in dysphoria and mental pain. preferring she/her, while still using all pronouns
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wheredreamsareforged · 10 months
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wheredreamsareforged · 10 months
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This was a few weeks ago but look at them it's the crippling abandonment issues couple we're all married 💞
Cecilia is one of the twins I told you about—one of Oliver's older siblings 🥺
Her backstory is so sad 🥺😔🥺😔🥺😔🥺
Like actually 😭
I love them. They're scrimblos. I must hear more about them /nf
Also ur art is so cute please 🥺
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