#🖌 others ocs
wheredreamsareforged · 9 months
☾ ― [ Fight! Fight! Fight! ] ╰┈➤ ❝ [ Oliver / Aurore / Childe ] ╰┈➤ ❝ [ 228 words; 1364 characters ] ☆ @anonbinaryweirdo
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“Aren’t you going to stop them, Monsieur Lavigne?” The Fatui Pyro Agent questioned hesitantly, looking between the amused satyr and the two currently engaged in some kind of fight in the open area of the training grounds. Yelling something about ‘shes mine,’ and for the other to back off. It was…oddly concerning, considering the two themself were intertwined romantically. As were Tartaglia and Monsieur Lavigne.
She had just shook their head. “And miss out on the entertainment? As if,” he leaned heavily against his claymore as the two observed the physical competition. “If- if I may inquire, why are Tartaglia and his other spouse fighting?” Worried he’d overstep his bounds by asking, the words were meek and tentative, though anxiety melted away upon hearing the soft chuckle from his superior.
“Oh simple, it is a duel for my hand.”
“Wha- does the 11th not already have your hand?”
“Romantically, though Oliver is not willing to allow that to be true.” It truly was comedic. Tartaglia’s other partner had been brought to the camp, no doubt to introduce the two of them, only for it to wind up with them pushing the 11th aside with a simple “Move it, it’s my turn with her.”
The indignancy of ‘but shes my partner’ was enough to make them crack a smirk as they watched it evolve from there. Encouraging the duel in fact. “Get him from the left, right when he goes to use his vision, petite crevette!”
“Hey! You’re supposed to be on my side?!”
“Thanks, ‘Rore!”
Aurore couldn’t wait to relay this to the Balladeer. He’d get a kick out of it should Oliver win- and even if the other didn’t win. The situation was just amusing all around.
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mrlilrox · 4 months
Even hard working agents need snack breaks
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Kirbtober Day 19: Cake
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lucienarcheron · 10 months
↠ SJM Masterlist
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Below you will find all my SJM fanfics/creations linked. You can also find my fanfics here.
All my writing belongs to me with a disclaimer that any character that isn't an original character belongs to their authors. Do not copy or claim my work as your own. Do not feed my work into AI or third-party platforms. Do not translate my writing without my permission. I do not consent for my work to be reposted anywhere.
Thanks for reading and enjoy :)
Creations/Moodboards; this is across all ships.
Headcanons ; across all ships
🌹 A Court of Thorns and Roses 🦊🌸 Elain Archeron x Lucien Vanserra [ Elucien ]
Bouquet Full of Loathing Rated SFW | Fluff & Humor Flower Shop Modern AU - Person A owns a flower shop and person B comes storming in one day, slaps 20 bucks on the counter, and says, “How do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower?”  
Bouquet Full of Love Rated SFW | Fluff & Humor Elain visits Lucien at work, new bouquet in hand.
The Sun Rated SFW | Fluff/Angst Elain has a nightmare and turns to her mate for soothing.
No Place I'd Rather Be Rated SFW |  Fluff with a smidge of angst. Elain's visions giving her nightmares that can only be soothed by one person.
 A Light Against the Darkness   Rated SFW | Angst/fluff Lucien battles his own nightmares with Elain there to soothe him.
Forget Me Not Rated SFW | Fluff Drunk Elain and her shenanigans.
Boys Night Out Rated SFW | Humor & fluff Drunk Lucien and his shenanigans. – companion to Forget Me Not. 
Sleeping Beauty Rated NSFW-ish | Fluff ‘Wake me up’ kisses because foxboy and flower girl can't help themselves.
A Fox and a Flower Crown Rated NSFW-ish | Fluff + Humor Elain has a vision and it, uh, has her feeling all types of ways.
Tales of the Fox & the Fawn A series of short snippets to fill my Elucien heart.
Around the World - Part 1 | Part 2 | Bonus Rated NSFW |  Prostitute/Client AU for laughs.
An Unexpected Visit Rated SFW | Fluff Drunk Lucien visits Elain at an inappropriate hour.
Quiet Thunder - Part 1 | Part 2 Rated SFW | Angst | Lucien expresses his frustrations to Elain. Elain follows up.
Morning Pranks Rated SFW | Fluff.
First Kisses Rated SFW | Fluff.
Instincts - Part 1 | Part 2 Rated SFW Lucien follows his instincts when it comes to Elain. It's the start of something new.
Frenzy Rated NSFW | Elain and Lucien like to spend their yearly mating anniversary fully wrapped in each other, sinking into a frenzy.
A Simple Request Rated NSFW-ish. A still shy Elain finds a different way to tell her mate what she wants.
Inspiration Rated NSFW | Modern AU Aspiring writer Elain Archeron is looking for some inspiration for her new novel when she happens to meet the perfect man for the job.
Oh, What a Night (Elucien + Nessian) Rated SFW | Fluff Nesta and Elain’s first Starfall, the two celebrating it in different ways.
Unexpected Surprises Rated SFW | Lucien has been trying to plan the perfect proposal for his mate for months. Things do not go as expected.
A Bouquet of Good Intentions Rated SFW | This little drabble was inspired by my Elucien Modern AU - Bouquet Full of Feelings series
A New Year with You Rated SFW | Celebrating NYE together
This Time, I'm Ready Rated SFW | Elain has a vision and it has her running.
That Single Thread of Gold Rated SFW| Inspired by eospaint's elucien piece
Heading Straight to You Rated SFW | Inspired by this post here and giving a bridgerton-inspired moment!
🍂 Eris Vanserra
Spirit Meets the Bones Rated M | Eris x Iris (OC) | Drama & Romance An arranged marriage brought them together and beneath all the hate, the two are more alike than they’d like to be.
✨🖌Feyre Archeron x Rhysand [ Feysand ]
Big Baby Rated SFW | Humor & fluff | Modern AU Rhys gets drunk at the bar and calls Feyre to rant about how much he loves her. 
All It Takes is A Wingman Rated SFW | Humor & Fluff | Modern AU ‘Hey I’m sorry to bother you but I’m trying to convince my friends I’m a sex god so can you please write a fake number on this napkin for me real quick’
Do the Do Rated SFW | Fluff & Humor Rhysand taking care of Feyre's ridiculously drunk self.
⚔️🔥 Nesta Archeron x Cassian [ Nessian ]
Bouquet Full of Lust (ft. Elucien) Rated SFW | Fluff & Humor Nesta gets a little taste of sisterly revenge. | Read after Bouquet Full of Love and Bouquet Full of Love
Oh, What a Night (Nessian + Elucien) Rated SFW | Fluff Nesta and Elain’s first Starfall, the two celebrating it in different ways.
Banned by the Boss Rated SFW | Fluff & Humor  Nesta pulls a mama bear move and bans both mating bonds of her sisters.  
Till the Darkness Dies Rated SFW | Angst and fluff Nesta’s battle against her inner demons.
Butter My Muffin Rated SFW | Fluff Nesta being a very soft girlfriend in private with Cassian combined with how I picture Drunk!Nesta.
Protect & Serve Rated SFW | Fluff Nesta has a nightmare and just wants to make sure Cassian is okay.
My Remedy Rated SFW | Fluff Cassian helps Nesta overcome her fear of the bathtub.
Change of Pace Rated Steamy | Modern AU “I chickened out of sex ages ago and you haven’t brought it up since but now I really want it, but I'm terrible at communication, so let me just strip shirtless/model lingerie for you until you snap”
Weakness Rated SFW | Steamy fluff Cassian does love his mate.
My Curse to Bear Rated SFW | Steamy fluff | Modern AU Based on the prompt “Matching couple shirts that say “bearer of the curse” on one of them and, “the curse” on the other”
⚫️ Gwynriel
Choices - [ Gwynriel ] Rated NSFW-ish. Gwyn makes choices for her happiness.
👑 Throne of Glass
Boner for You - Elide & Lorcan [ Elorcan ] Rated SFW | Humor & fluff  Fake Dating AU where Lorcan just wants Elide to be his girlfriend for a party and Elide wants to pretend she isn’t thrilled about it.
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kankuroplease · 1 month
can you make a Hc for Elke or Leonie please 🐾🖌🎨?but you don't have to, I mean, do you enjoy doing Hcs, doing Hcs and drawing it's because we like doing it it's a little pleasure. I don't want it to be boring work for you so you don't have to do an Hc 😊🖤
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OC headcons aren’t boring to me, but they’re a lot of work. It’s why I skip some request for them 😆 but I’ll do short versions for both Leonie and Elke
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She’s the eldest of the triplets
She was also the worst of their children in temperament as she would have tantrums over every little thing
Which, thankfully, she grew out of with time
Instead preferring to paint the side of their home, herself, and brothers with mud
She has piebaldism like father, grandmother, and two brothers
Even though she’s not alone in having it, she’s extremely self conscious about it as it’s not just her forelock or one one two patches. It’s all over her body
Which led to some mean comments from other kids
her sense of smell wasn’t heightened at all, so she felt less than her siblings and would cry to her mother about it
Despite feeling left out, her triplet Mika always made sure she was involved
It’s why he became her first muse when she got more seriously into art (he’s so nice compared to their triplet, Sena)
She did not want a ninken, but her parents insisted having one would make her feel more included with the Inuzuka
The compromised and ended up getting her one that’s a bit more self sufficient and also very small (a requirement of hers)
her father noticed she really enjoyed art and he made it his mission to get her an easel and materials to create with. Mika just made it easier to create
Her and Sena always argued. Not because of how he treated her, but because he was mean towards Mika
Asahi did a good job scaring off her bullies for her, but he also told her to use her fist. Their parents are shinobi, don’t let this peaceful little life fool her into thinking she can’t throttle these kids
Kuri tried to dress her up pretty but Leonie wasn’t a fan of frills and bows. She eventually stopped trying let Leonie be the wild child she was
Frederick made the best braids and she always asked (demanded) him to do hers and dance with her
She use to ask Sena why he hated everyone so much, but eventually came to accept that he didn’t hate them. He just wanted something different than what he had.
Her and Elke were always close. She would paint to Elke’s singing and when they were older, Elke did try to introduce her to some guys too
Arashi always knew how to make her smile and laugh. If there is one sibling she was sad to have move out, it was him
By the time she reach young adulthood, she didn’t care what people thought about her and she was gain some notoriety for portraits
With some affluent customers commissioning her (thank you, Elke)
Unlike her sisters, she didn’t have some super pheromones or some Prince Charming willing to sweep her off her feet
She had a love of oddities and a new muse she found to keep her mind busy
Nothing like getting chased by some men through the woods and some blur of a humanoid creature ripping them to shreds
She blacked out and when she woke up she was closer to edge near her town
those blacked out, yet glowing, eyes really stuck with her on her walk back home
She’s not exactly sure what she saw, but her paintings of it worry her parents and she’s heard them murmuring about if it was one of “them”
They even assigned her one of her father’s ninken as a bodyguard
So she got the feeling that creature wasn’t all in her head
And decided to bring her sketches to ask her grandmother about it
Who immediately told her to stay out of the woods because that creature is most likely from a very specific clan, and much too dangerous to risk running into again
She was unsure of how or why this person was somehow here too, but if it is, then everyone should be on high alert
She also gave Leonie a good thump between the eyes as she could see her excitement building
This person was a berserker who’s unpredictable nature was too risky to be around
Much to her grandmother’s dismay, Leonie had washed the set of clothes she could have used to track this person because they were covered in dirt
Even with a sweep of the woods with the Inuzuka’s best and their ninken, nothing came of it
Just dried blood where those men who were chasing her had been slain
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She was the last girl Wolfgang and Ringo had
Their little full moon festival baby (it’s said to be a lucky time to be born)
Such a sweet and happy baby that blended into the family well
She was a quick learner in ninjutsu, polite, and had an angelic little voice she used to sing her favorite songs from a young age. So they really felt lucky!
Ebba told them that full moon births are said to be unfortunate as well, so they better watch Elke
Wolfgang didn’t believe in old wives tales and reassured Ringo their daughter would be fine
And she was! She made lots of friends and found her own ninken
Learned how to play the lute, harp, Kalimba, and Guzheng by age 12. She was truly a musical genius and was getting lots of fame for it
Then, it all got out of hand the spring of her first blood
All of a sudden Elke was extremely popular with members of a genders, as if they were under a spell
Wolfgang was getting tired of his door constantly being knocked and was even more worried at the looks his daughter was getting
He almost had a fight with a young woman over her not letting go of Elke’s hand while promising her the world if she would just be his wife
Turns out she was some duchess and really could, but that’s not the point!
Many letters professing love and poetry that could make a grown woman blush kept pouring in after every performance
Gifts that were to luxurious to expect, flowers, confections, etc.. you name it, Elke was receiving it
Elke decided to not leave the house with a family escort out of fear from this new found attention
It was at point they learned from some elders that Elke’s pheromones were very strong to say the least and appealing in a way that was extremely rare
She basically was emitting them at such a high level, that even non Inuzuka were being effected by it
Ebba and the elders began working on a perfume to help mask her scent and get her back to a level of normalcy with her interactions with other people
It was simi effective; enough to stop the overwhelming reaction
Elke was able to go back to being a performer. Traveling only a little bit with her ninken
choosing to live at home with Leonie and their parents
It took a few more years to figure some things out
But what was once an issue, she quickly learned how to utilize it in her favor. Less perfume, higher pay. More perfume and she can walk around like normal Inuzuka
It was fun to see how she affected others when it came to monetary gain, but with romance, she wanted to be loved for who she was not something as ridiculous as her pheromones
And she was able to find her true loves; two men and a man. The other pieces of her heart
It was tricky to navigate their dynamic as she didn’t have a polyam example (because her dad forbid her grandmother from talking about her romantic relationships) to go off of
one is strictly only attracted to her, another is her sweet cuddly asexual partner, and the other has social anxiety but has been her best friend and duet partner for years
She didn’t want to ruin a good thing being reckless
And what would her parents and siblings think?
But her grandmother told her as long as she communicates with them and make sure to respect their needs and boundaries, then things will work out if they’re meant to be
And she was right, like usual
She talked to her parents and their only concern was if Elke felt genuinely happy, loved ,and safe with her partners. If so, they were more than happy for her
Asahi said he was in no posture to judge others with his housemate situation
Kuri almost choked. She was shocked, but she knew all of them and they all were good people, so she can’t complain too much 😭
Frederick was just impressed. He can’t get one to stay, but she got three. Go baby, sis
Leonie felt very similar to Frederick, but added that she didn’t need to worry. They all support them
Mika was excited for her!
Sena was missing during this period (once again)
Arashi fully supports Elke! Especially because one of her girlfriends is an old sail mate of his
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the-trinket-witch · 20 days
Hey there ^_^! I know we don't know each other, but you seem to know a few of my moots sooo.. 🖌 for Tidus and my Octavinelle OC Aurinelle please :)?
(Oc info if necessary?)
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@ceruleancattail @squidwen @thecosmicjackalope @vaporvipermedia@writing-heiress
@oya-oya-okay @k-looking-glass-house@thehollowwriter@rainesol @cyn-write
@heartscrypt@honey-milk-depresso @br3adtoasty @jackiecronefield @ruggiethethuggie
@demonichikikomori @hoboyherewego @achy-boo @oreoskys@oseathepebble
@tunabesimpin @hamstergal @fumikomiyasaki@valse-a-mille-temps
@hallowed-delights @kimikitti @plutos-hell @thetwstwildcard @atwstedstory
@comingyourlugubriousness @ice-cweam-sod4 @twst-the-night-away @nammanarin
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illarian-rambling · 1 month
🐈 and 🖌️ for the OC explorations game?
🐈 How do they react to being cat-called?
Izjik: Instant death. She's throwing hands immediately, unless it's a hot lady, in which case she'll pretend to be angry, but secretly be kinda into it. I'm not gonna pretend she has the highest standards in the world when it comes to women. Or standards at all.
Sepo: For such a generally angry guy, Sepo tends to get very flustered when he's catcalled (which happens the most often to him out of the group because the man's stunning). Usually, he's happy to let Izjik handle it with the power of a thousand, angry, bitch-seeking missiles.
Twenari: Her go-to is, "Sorry sir, I don't have any spare change."
Djek: Catcalls them back in a much worse way until they get uncomfortable and leave. Or he'll just point and scream as loud as he can.
Astra: I think she'd be a little confused at first because she's a bit hard of hearing, but once she catches on, she'll get right up in their face, even if she has to stand on her tip toes. She'd then proceed to thoroughly chew out the catcaller, insulting everything from their shoes to their dog. This is usually far more intimidating when Mashal is standing behind her like the shadow of death itself.
Mashal: I think he'd also be really confused at first, then really concerned because why is this person catcalling a robot? He'd probably just walk away and ignore them.
Ivander: He'd be astounded that anyone would talk to him in such a way. Just utterly shocked. I think he'd also just walk away, though not out of any desire for peace, he's just at a loss for what to do.
Elsind: If they're wearing a specifically attractive form, I think they'd just be pleased their disguise is good. However, if it's been a rough day or he's walking around in his true form for some reason, he'd probably put on the most horrifying visage he could think of to scare them off, then go have a cry about it.
Avymere: Jail, immediately. They'd honestly be impressed by whoever has the gall to catcall the heir of Salis, but not enough to not have them arrested on the spot.
🖌 If they spray-painted a city wall, what would they write / draw?
Izjik: A very messy catfish with a silly expression. She'd try to sign her name, but it'd be illegible.
Sepo: A beautiful and frightening oceanscape featuring a ship caught in a storm. In one corner, painted very tiny, would be two siren boys. There'd be no words, but it's in memory of Saius.
Twenari: A set of whimsical floating islands with runes that make them bob up and down faintly.
Djek: "D Wuz Here" written in black letters that spread out in tendrils. He'd strive to get his graffiti into the weirdest, most unlikely places he could.
Astra: Written instructions on how to make a runic engine and alchemical formulas for otherwise expensive medicines. She'd put them in the center of town and repaint them brighter every time they get taken down.
Mashal: If he was given express permission or Astra managed to talk him into it, he'd make an incredible mural featuring mechanical horses galloping across a field of flowers. Out of all these chucklefucks, his art would be the most technically skilled.
Ivander: He'd paint some scandalous revelation about an authority figure for all to see. He'd also probably sign with the name of a person he doesn't like.
Elsind: She'd do flowers or something else simple and cute. Under it would probably be a motivational quote about everyone being beautiful.
Avymere: If they could somehow be convinced to do this, they'd probably just do a star or other easy shape. Creativity is not their strong suit.
Thanks for the ask, these were fun ones!
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moononastring · 1 year
↠ SJM Fanfic Masterlist
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Below you will find all my SJM fanfic linked! Thanks for reading and enjoy :) | PLEASE NOTE: All fanfic has been updated and uploaded to @lucienarcheron my main blog!
🌹 A Court of Thorns and Roses
🦊🌸 Elain Archeron x Lucien Vanserra [ Elucien ]
Bouquet Full of Loathing Rated SFW | Fluff & Humor Flower Shop Modern AU - Person A owns a flower shop and person B comes storming in one day, slaps 20 bucks on the counter and says, “How do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower?” | 
Bouquet Full of Love Rated SFW | Fluff & Humor Elain visits Lucien at work, new bouquet in hand.
The Sun Rated SFW | Fluff/Angst Elain has a nightmare and turns to her mate for soothing.
No Place I'd Rather Be Rated SFW |  Fluff with a smidge of angst. Elain's visions giving her nightmares that can only be soothed by one person.
 A Light Against the Darkness   Rated SFW | Angst/fluff Lucien battles his own nightmares with Elain there to soothe him.
Forget Me Not Rated SFW | Fluff Drunk Elain and her shenanigans.
Boys Night Out Rated SFW | Humor & fluff Drunk Lucien and his shenanigans. – companion to Forget Me Not. 
Sleeping Beauty Rated NSFW-ish | Fluff ‘Wake me up’ kisses because foxboy and flower girl can't help themselves.
A Fox and a Flower Crown Rated NSFW-ish | Fluff + Humor Elain has a vision and it, uh, has her feeling all types of ways.
Tales of the Fox & the Fawn A series of short snippets to fill my Elucien heart.
Around the World - Part 1 | Part 2 | Bonus Rated NSFW |  Prostitute/Client AU for laughs.
An Unexpected Visit Rated SFW | Fluff Drunk Lucien visits Elain at an inappropriate hour.
Quiet Thunder - Part 1 | Part 2 Rated SFW | Angst | Lucien expresses his frustrations to Elain. Elain follows up.
Morning Pranks Rated SFW | Fluff.
First Kisses Rated SFW | Fluff.
Instincts - Part 1 | Part 2 Rated SFW Lucien follows his instincts when it comes to Elain. It's the start of something new.
Frenzy Rated NSFW Elain and Lucien like to spend their yearly mating anniversary fully wrapped in each other, sinking into a frenzy.
A Simple Request Rated NSFW-ish. A still shy Elain finds a different way to tell her mate what she wants.
Inspiration Rated NSFW | Modern AU Aspiring writer Elain Archeron is looking for some inspiration for her new novel when she happens to meet the perfect man for the job.
Oh, What a Night (Elucien + Nessian)Rated SFW | Fluff Nesta and Elain’s first Starfall, the two celebrating it in different ways.
🍂 Eris Vanserra
Spirit Meets the Bones Rated M | Eris x Iris (OC) | Drama & Romance An arranged marriage brought them together and beneath all the hate, the two are more alike than they’d like to be.
✨🖌Feyre Archeron x Rhysand [ Feysand ]
Big Baby Rated SFW | Humor & fluff | Modern AU Rhys gets drunk at the bar and calls Feyre to rant about how much he loves her. 
All It Takes is A Wingman Rated SFW | Humor & Fluff | Modern AU ‘Hey I’m sorry to bother you but I’m trying to convince my friends I’m a sex god so can you please write a fake number on this napkin for me real quick’
Do the Do Rated SFW | Rhysand x Reader (but really it’s Feyre) | Fluff & Humor Rhysand taking care of your ridiculously drunk self.
⚔️🔥 Nesta Archeron x Cassian [ Nessian ]
Bouquet Full of Lust (ft. Elucien) Rated SFW | Fluff & Humor Nesta gets a little taste of sisterly revenge. | Read after Bouquet Full of Love and Bouquet Full of Love
Oh, What a Night (Nessian + Elucien) Rated SFW | Fluff Nesta and Elain’s first Starfall, the two celebrating it in different ways.
Banned by the Boss Rated SFW | Fluff & Humor  Nesta pulls a mama bear move and bans both mating bonds of her sisters.  
Till the Darkness Dies Rated SFW | Angst and fluff Nesta’s battle against her inner demons.
Butter My Muffin Rated SFW | Fluff Nesta being a very soft girlfriend in private with Cassian combined with how I picture Drunk!Nesta.
Protect & Serve Rated SFW | Fluff Nesta has a nightmare and just wants to make sure Cassian is okay.
My Remedy Rated SFW | Fluff Cassian helps Nesta overcome her fear of the bathtub.
Change of Pace Rated Steamy | Modern AU “I chickened out of sex ages ago and you haven’t brought it up since but now I really want it, but I'm terrible at communication, so let me just strip shirtless/model lingerie for you until you snap”
Weakness Rated SFW | Steamy fluff Cassian does love his mate.
My Curse to Bear Rated SFW | Steamy fluff | Modern AU Based on the prompt “Matching couple shirts that say “bearer of the curse” on one of them and, “the curse” on the other”
⚫️ Azriel
Choices - [ Gwynriel ] Rated NSFW-ish. Gwyn makes choices for her happiness.
An Ember Among the Shadows Rated PG-13/M | Azriel x Lucy (OC)  | Drama and romance  A sibling reunion, new friendships forged, and a possible attempt at finding love. A story about our favorite Shadowsinger. | DISCONTINUED.
A Not So Secret Affair Rated SFW | Azriel x Reader | Azriel slipping up about his not-so-secret love.
💥Crackship: Feyrhycien (Feyre x Rhys x Lucien)
 Ice Cream Delights Rated: SFW | Modern AU “God damnit, now all I can think about right now is you licking my cock like it’s that ice cream cone.”
 Barbie & Her Two Kens Rated SFW | Modern AU Bored/Drunk Feyre bothering her boys 
👑 Throne of Glass
Boner for You - Elide & Lorcan [ Elorcan ] Rated SFW | Humor & fluff  Fake Dating AU where Lorcan just wants Elide to be his girlfriend for a party and Elide wants to pretend she isn’t thrilled about it.
✨ Tumblr Prompts ( ACOTAR & TOG )
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rosie-creates-stuff · 3 months
MEET MY OC: Kelsey 🖌
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I go through phases with my OCs where I'll think about/draw/write about one OC more then the rest for a period of time and currently that OC is Kelsey. I struggled so hard trying to think of an outfit for her but I like the final design I came up with (mainly cus it's yellow and yellow is my favourite colour)
Kelsey is someone that knows what they want in their life. She has goals she's wants to achieve and works hard for them. She likes art, particularly painting, and would love to be an art teacher one day, to teach people to see art the way she sees it and encourage creativity.
She's very caring and protective of others, particularly her younger siblings and her friends. She'll always check on others to see how their doing or try to cheer them up after they've had a bad day. She's the sort of person that can't stand up for themself but if she sees someone else getting picked on she's standing up for them immediately, no second thoughts.
When Derek shows up at her kingdom, hungry and injured, she is the first person to come to his aid. When she finds out about what Reed is doing, the suffering he causes upon others, she wants to help stop him in any way she can and volunteers to join Derek in his mission.
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artxsticsuper · 1 year
⋆ ⭒𓆩 2023 - 2024 MASTERLIST 𓆪⭒ ⋆
✰ Welcome to the 2023 - 2024 masterlist! (Also, the first ever masterlist on my blog)
Disclaimer: Not all entries will be posted on Tumblr but each of them will contain a link that will lead you to the post from here or my other platforms. Once an entry is complete, a link will be added to it so feel free to check back!
Update as of February 18, 2024: All NSFW entries will only be on AO3 and can be found in my multi-fandom art book intended for explicit art. It is in the Fanfics section under Miscellaneous. Chapter numbers will be included in each entry that indicate where you can find them.
The Incredibles
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┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐ Main Incredibles characters and their elemental visions in Genshin Impact:
Mr. incredible/Bob Parr, Elastigirl, Violet Parr, Dash Parr, Frozone, Edna Mode, Syndrome, Evelyn Deavor, Winston Deavor
Incredibles 2 X Sanrio: Elastigirl/Helen Parr (My Melody) X Evelyn Deavor (Kuromi)
[NSFW] Evelyn: Feline in Heat
[NSFW] Evelyn: “Toy” Offer
[Summer pfp] Evelyn: Beach Photoshoot [NSFW variant: Chapter 2]
[Redraw] Elastigirl: Bubble bath
Bob X Helen doodles
Parr family: Sleigh ride
Wave pool
Winston and Evelyn Deavor + Yin and Yang
Syndrome X Evelyn: Taking flight
Cat Evelyn
[Edit] Elastigirl X May: God is a Woman
[Edit] The aesthetic of The Incredibles
She-lectra poster ⚡️
Retro Evelyn
[AU] Synvelyn (Syndrome and Evelyn)
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Turning Red & 4☆Town
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Taebaire: Angel in the forest
Snowball fight
[Comic] Ice skating
[Edit] [Soft] Robaire 🌹: Jordan Fisher - All About Us
[NSFW & possible comic] Taebaire: First time
[NSFW] Robaire: Vines
[NSFW] POV: You’re spending a “night” with Robaire
(MerMay) 4*Town members as mermaids: Robaire, Jesse, Tae Young, Aaron T, Aaron Z
[AU] BirdTown & Headcanons
[AU] BirdTown outfit designs
BirdTown logo
[BirdTown] (joke tutorial) How to get a mate Robaire style
Tae Young: Easter
Barbie and Ken Mugshot Redraw ft. Aaron T. and Aaron Z.
[Edit] The aesthetic of Turning Red
[Scene redraw] Mei: On the way to the concert
[Shitpost] Red Panda Ritual scene edit
Jesse: Father’s Day
[Mild NSFW] Robaire: Roses
Outfit redraw! ✨
[Pride month post] Bisexual Pride
[Edit] Jesse 🖌: Taio Cruz - Dynamite
[New pfp] Werewolf Jesse
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It Takes Two
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[Edit] Cody X May: Ruin my Life
[Edit] The aesthetic of It Takes Two
Joy as a human
Dr. Hakim as a human
[Edit] May: Supalonely
[NSFW] [series of artwork in one post] Cody X May: Stress relief
[NSFW] May: Need a hand?
Cody’s Passion
May’s Passion
[compilation] It Takes Two but it’s just May and Cody fighting and (slowly) fixing their relationship
[compilation] Dr. Hakim being an absolute troll
Catfish ride
[mildly suggestive] Cody X May: It was only a snowball fight… or was it?
[NSFW] Bug-sized relaxation
[Fan-dub] It Takes Two (parts are to be determined)
[comic] Cody X May: That’s what made it special (Can you feel the love tonight ft. Dr. Hakim)
Audio Surfing
[compilation] It Takes Two out of context
Cody and May as pirates
DJ Cody and MC May
[NSFW] Suggestive May sketches
Cody X May: A night we’ll never forget
[NSFW] May: Unless you want me to clone myself
[NSFW] Good girl mi amor
[Edit] May: Lizzo - PINK (bad day)
Butterfly Monarchy
[AU] It Takes Two: Lovedollz
[Mild NSFW] Succubus May [NSFW variant: chapter 5]
Season of the Witch
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The Amazing Digital Circus
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Caine: Hundreds of all seeing eyes
Random TADC sketches
[Edit] Pomni, Jax, Ragatha, and Caine: Circus
Pomni X Ragatha
[Edit] I edited The Amazing Digital Circus pilot episode because this show is my new hyperfixation
The Void
[Mild NSFW] Caine: Jacuzzi [NSFW variant: Chapter 4]
[Crossover] 2 Dolls 1 Addict
[Crossover] Jax X Angel Dust
[Crossover] Caine X Spamton
Chef Bubble on the hunt for a thanksgiving dinner
Jax: Mistletoe
POV: You’re a parasite
Horse Photoshoot
Happy New Year 2024!
TADC OC: Chrysalis
Who let the bubble out?!
[Mild NSFW] Valentines Day Special: 2 Succubi Dolls [NSFW variant: Chapter 7]
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Miscellaneous & Stuff from other fandoms
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[Super Mario] Peach + possible sketches
Happy New Year!
[Super Mario] Luigi sketches
[Super Mario] Mario and Luigi: Embrace
[Puss in Boots: The Last Wish] Death
[Spider-Verse] Miles Morales X Gwen Stacy
[Spider-Verse] Spider-Punk/Hobie Brown
[Spider-Verse] Spider-man India/Pavitr Prabhakar
[Spider-Verse] [Nimona] [Edit] Hobie Brown and Nimona: P!nk — So What
[Spider-Verse] Hobie Brown: Nine Inch Nails - Closer
[Genshin] Nahida: The Swing
[Nimona] Nimona sketches
[mini comic] On the way to watch the Barbie movie
[Genshin] Kaeya: Sailwind Shadow outfit
[The Bad Guys] Ms. Tarantula: Head pats
Barbie Girl
[MC:SM][PASTEL GORE] Wither Sickness ft. Petra
[FNAF] Foxy
How my OTP’s would kiss under the mistletoe
6 Fanart Challenge
6 Fanart Challenge: Ships Edition
[Hunter X Hunter] Killua
[Hunter X Hunter] Hisoka
[Hunter X Hunter] Kite
[Hunter X Hunter] [Badass Edit] Kite: In victory or defeat, it’ll be hell.
Verbalase running from Hisoka
Birthday Hunter
[NSFW] [Hunter X Hunter] Hisoka: Bungee Gum [NSFW variant: chapter 8]
Year of the Dragon: Mushu
Taebaire: Robaire X Tae Young one-shots
[chapters are to be determined]
[SMUT] Str!pper Evelyn X Reader: Captured Prey
[SMUT & Crack Fic] Hisoka X Reader: Hisoka catches you at the back of Spencer’s [GONE SEXUAL]
TADC: New Year’s Day
[NSFW] Multi-Fandom Art Book
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wackysach · 1 year
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salut ! welcome to my tumblr. 🐛🧃
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★彡 sacharie || nov. 29 ♐️ || INFP || artist || 🏳️‍🌈
★彡 commissions: workin' on it ! 😉
★彡 art program: clip studio paint.
★彡 other blogs/socials:
DHMIS ask blog; @ask-the-creative-crew
instagram (main); @wackysach
instagram (spam); @sachariestash
★彡 other interests: music, history, classic literature, bugs (beetles and isopods mainly), theatre.
★彡 art style consistency ? what's that ? can you eat it ?
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tag list 🏷:
#🎨🖌 doodlebook (art)
# 🍎🧃 chit-chat (text posts)
# 📬📨 reblogs (reblogged posts)
# ☎️💬 QnA (answered asks)
# 🌤🪁 awesome sauce (fanart)
# 🖼📚 scrapbook (aesthetic images)
# 🗂✂️ cut-outs (art references)
# 🍭🧸 collectables (oc's)
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wheredreamsareforged · 9 months
☾ ― [ Warmth ] ╰┈➤ ❝ [ Luca / Xiao ] ╰┈➤ ❝ [ 184 words; 955 characters ] ☆ @gutzjunkie
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It’s been hours since she’d fallen asleep. Xiao…didn’t mind, quite the opposite in fact. From cutting snow once enough fell, to doing as demanded by the God, this? This was a nice reprieve from the typical day to day routines he’s fallen into and learned to loathe and accept as something to stay the same. Even with a war outside, these fleeting moments were ones he’d wish would last forever.
Ones he’d wish would stay forever more.
But they couldn’t.
So instead, he would take them whenever they arise, seize the chance to lay back with her on top of him with her head on his chest whilst he stayed as vigilant as he could, waiting for the time in which he must leave to tend to whatever duties his God asked of him. As painful as it was to stay, it hurt more to leave.
At least here, his the fire licking at his skin and creating welts upon his hands and arms and neck, it was welcomed with open arms. It was warm. It was gentle. It was safe.
It was love.
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mrlilrox · 1 month
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Hi there maybe you'd consider my OC Tabitha? This is her lil bio if your interested: (thank you for considering!) Mask is optional.
Physical Description: hair is a dark,tangled mess, Her skin, fair, now bears the faint marks of sun exposure, tinged with a slight pallor from her lack of access to proper care. She has a mole/beauty mark above her right lip. She is lanky. And has piercing blue eyes that seem too large for her features. She wears worn-out hand-me-down dresses, and often times wears a hand carved rabbit mask that she found one day in the woods.
Character Description: Tabitha is a deeply sad and lonely girl, haunted by the loss of her father and the mysterious disappearance of her mother. Despite her young age, she has a keen intuition and a sense of unease that she can't quite shake. In her solitude, Tabitha often wanders into the woods, drawn to the quiet darkness. It is there that she often happens upon strange trinkets and oddities, sometimes they almost feel like gifts, or offerings. She often escapes into her imagination, where she creates elaborate fantasies - sometimes becoming so engrossed in her own delusions to the point of concern or ire to those forced to bear witness.
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Here be your mentally unwell 🫵
( 4/5 )
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lunatheartist22446 · 4 months
⋅⋆.drawing of the day! .⋆⋅
choose any drawing idea you like and the most voted idea will be drawn.
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dgiterart · 6 months
Art request rules 🎀🎨🎵🖌
I draw:
✔Female characters (not male because I'm still learning male anatomy)
✔OC characters
✔custome design
I don't draw:
Or any request that is inappropriate
How to send requests :
Please submit your requests as a submission 🙏
important!: I will use QR code on my art to avoid others stealing my art so I'll only send the ver without the code to the person who requested the art
Something important! :
If you want me to draw a character please keep in mind that I do not know all the games,anime,etc..
So if the character you want has different versions please send me a pic of the ver you want me to draw
Request:closed ✖
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koorinokujira · 8 months
Introduction and Blog Info
Well hello hello, and welcome to my humble blog! Come sit by the shore and watch the coming tide with me for a while, and let me introduce myself to you.
✧ About Me ✧
You can call me Oliver, Cecil, or Kujira, any of those are fine! My pronouns are he/him. I'm in many fandoms, some well known, and others fairly obcure, though my blog will mostly revolve around Sengoku Basara, if that wasn't already obvious. I also love whales (which is where my URL comes from), and daydream way too much. And to answer some very generic questions, my favorite color is pastel blue, and my favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate.
✧ Things I'll Post! ✧
✎ Character Imagines (Sengoku Basara) - I will take requests on these!
✎ Oneshots (Sengoku Basara and possibly other fandoms) - Will occassionally take requests on these as well.
✎ Longer, chapter based fanfiction (Sengoku Basara and other fandoms) - Won't accept requests on these for now (strictly because I'm afraid I'll lose motivation and let someone down).
✎ Original Stories - I have some of my own projects that I hope to show off here.
🖌 Digital Art - Mostly headshots of my OCs or favorite characters. Silly comics sometimes.
❅ Memes - Obviously.
+ other miscellaneous things.
✧ DNI and Similar Matters ✧
I want this blog to be a safe place for fun, so I think most of the things I will say are obvious. I don't tolerate homophobia, transphobia, or other similar things. Same of course goes for sexual things of the illegal nature, and also pro-shipping.
NSFW will not really be present on my blog. I'm ace, so I don't really need that sort of thing. The most that will probably appear is a few shirtless guys (or anatomy practice), or, when it comes to my fanfiction and other stories, simply leave a more passionate scene on an implication. So, if you came here to read something raunchy, I have to disappoint you, only fluff and angst over here!
✧ OC Database ✧
Sunrise (TF IDW1)
✧ Fanfic Masterlist + Request Rules ✧
✦ Sengoku Basara Imagines ✦
Comfort after a nightmare - Kojūrō, Masamune, Yukimura, Sasuke, Motochika, Keiji, Magoichi
Taking a bullet for your beloved (literally) - Masamune, Nagamasa, Kotarō
Taking care of each other's wounds - Masamune, Sasuke, Kojūrō, Kotarō
You fell first, they fell too late - Magoichi, Mitsunari, Shingen
Dying and not wanting him to see - Kenshin, Yukimura, Motochika
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Thank you for reading all this, and have a beautiful day!
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