#❥ ❝ foul and fair ❞ (about / headcanon)
hauntsect · 2 months
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The infinite, insectile, extraterrestrial Monarch.
Commission by: Dinh Ha My
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hauntsect · 2 months
Taking a little break from sanatorium talk to touch upon the shifter thing. Remember how I said Hyles needs strong emotions towards the person he turns into in order for it to actually manifest? Well, in Annie's case, he feels intense jealousy. Not because she is a good person, but because she is dating the person he thinks is the most pure one to ever exist. This man has crazy high expectations of Hughie and thinks his actions and way of being are beautiful, not to mention he gets higher points for being a regular human as opposed to a Supe. He is also a stark contrast to his own way of being, which fascinates him to no avail.
So, yes, he is jealous that Annie caught his attention, enough for them to be in a relationship. This is why he is able to manifest as her. That in itself is a really high feat, because Hyles can grow obsessive towards people, but his emotions are a little harder to sprout towards just anyone.
I know this doesn't translate well on rp, since he is usually obsessed with basically all muses, but that's a different thing, your muses are special, therefore they're special to him. A regular person around him would not be as important if at all. After all, he does desire for humanity to rot.
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hauntsect · 2 months
As much as I didn't like the last parts of Martha is de.ad, how it basically left me hanging and wondering, the general vibe of it and Giu.lia herself reminds me of younger Hyles that I just sometimes think about it.
Back at home and I guess in general, he'll have two sides to him. One is the quiet, polite, adored side which is the side he shows to everyone, including his parents and their guests (the Martha in this case). The other side is the one he shows when he plays by himself, writes things, stares off into space, etc, the inherently violent, attracted to the morbid and the occult (Giu.lia).
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hauntsect · 2 months
Hyles doesn't strike me as the "4d chess genius kind of guy"... He is straight up deranged, "follow your heart/what you feel in the moment gone wrong" kind of guy, despite the things he has learned, and I hope I have portrayed that during my rps. Like, yes, he is a scientist, but he isn't mega smart or logical. He can be manipulative, intelligent, even almost a prodigy, to a degree, but he is also... pretty contained, somehow? He truly is almost an embodiment of contradiction, the more I develop him. He's just a guy... A guy that, despite being unable to truly understand human emotions has very ginormous, uncontrollable emotions – truly an "emotions gone wrong: the person" type of guy.
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hauntsect · 2 months
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"H̷u̷g̷h̷i̷e̷ ̷C̷a̷m̷p̷b̷e̷l̷l̷... will you marry me?"
— Shifter Hyles being deranged on main.
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hauntsect · 2 months
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The rain wouldn't stop. It seemed the storm's havoc was just beginning. Hyles had slept soundly through the night, much to his uncle's relief. He had asked for one of the nurses to watch over him, requiring that he was informed of when the boy woke up.
7:00 AM sharp, Hyles opened his eyes. Only a few minutes went by when his uncle approached the room with a tray of fruits.
"Good morning, Hyles."
"Good morning, doctor... Have you greeted your wife, yet?"
"Yes, of course I have greeted your aunt."
"My aunt is dead." Hadn't they discussed this, already? There's a pause from them both, the doctor wasn't up for doing this today... Nor up for mistreating his little nephew because of his foolish ways,... or so he says.
"How are you feeling?"
"Different..." Hyles paused, lifting his hands up, turning them around for a brief study. "Stronger, I think. My aches are still there, but they feel so far away, right now..."
"Well, aren't those good news?" The doctor surmises for Hyles, who stares at his hands for a while longer before shrugging.
"It could be. I'm not sure..." His eyes go to the tray of food and, though he appreciates fruits, he scowls lightly, tilting his head in thought. "Were there no ice rolls, today?"
"There were, but you suffered a breakdown yesterday, you need to recuperate first. Therefore, fruits! ...And pills." Oh, Hyles glances at the plate a bit further... Right, upon closer inspection, he could see the pills were sprinkled around the fruit cocktail... Silly. He sighs low before proceeding to eat part of the salad. After drinking some water, his uncle spoke yet again.
"But... We can arrange some ice rolls, if you do something for me."
The dim eyes of the boy don't light up, as usual, but they do react. He lifts his gaze towards the doctor, nodding.
"I'd do anything for you." Ice rolls or not, but that was great incentive. His uncle knew this, so he nodded to the boy's words, extending a hand over to him. It took no time for the cold, pale hand to grab onto the man, wrapped in bandages, for the most part. His breakfast would remain unfinished, the boy hopped out of the bed, following his uncle towards wherever he'd take him.
For a while, they walked in silence. Deep, deep down the corridor, towards the faraway corners of one of the laboratories of the ward. Much like the different locations spread around, there was a shift in atmosphere. It was as if the sanitarization was taken to the extreme over here. Even the noise, the air was different, like falling into another dimension. Hyles knew this place well, he felt comfort in it, reminded of the pain he had endured, all for the sake of the doctor holding his hand.
He is led to a seat, right in the middle of the room. He sits instinctively, lifting his head towards the man.
"What is it I must do, today?" Hyles asks, watching as the utensils were thoroughly prepared, extremely sanitized, much like the burning oxygen lurking about. Sample gathering, maybe pain threshold testing,... liquid extraction? Though he tries to surmise what his uncle is looking for, he is at a loss. Yesterday, he remembers succumbing to his embrace, to slumber, being cured. But he feels his sickness still lurking about, the pain is just dulled down. What was it, then?
"The same old tests, Hyles. Endure them for a bit, yeah? I will have to take your bandages off." There's no fighting, no rejection, he nods quietly to it, taking the liberty to start unwrapping the bandages over his face himself.
Flesh and blood exposed, the grotesque, young nephew stares back at his uncle, not a single reaction to the pain of the air coursing through. The doctor approaches, he crouches to observe, and gather samples of flesh and liquid, much like the boy had surmised.
As pieces of skin are extirpated and extracted carefully, something interesting starts coming to light. Out of the corner of his eye, the doctor notices something start to sprout. Almost like a flower, (or was it a bug?) skin starts to grow from the battlefield that was the boy's misshapen face. He is about to gather some samples of it when the door to the laboratory opens and heels tap the ground with a light noise, like crystals. The two individuals know who this is...
The doctor turns away and walks over to place his utensils and samples on the tray, hoping to, once more, greet his love.
"Rosángela..." He calls for her as he does, and she looks over to him, on the seat, staring right back at her. A small smile forms on his face, the one she knows well – she braces for it.
"Te amo." And a chill courses down both receiving spines. The female's eyes move to find her real husband right by the table, standing, eyes widened – identical in physicality to the one on the seat. If he hadn't been there, right by the imposter's side, could she have noticed? Hyles wonders this too, his smile unwavering. The tone of Ordell's voice, the intonation, and his actions, mimicked almost to perfection...
Ordell should've known; for just as much as he has studied Hyles, the boy has studied him.
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hauntsect · 2 months
Hyles is that weirdo that refuses to let certain people die. Sure, he'd let his adoptive parents die their natural deaths no problem, regardless of the ache, but he refuses to let his uncle die. He's the weirdo that keeps his uncle's brain and heart alive and well, tucked secretly at the deepest corners of his home's laboratory. He won't die, he won't die, he won't die. Never. The universe cannot take him, he refuses it.
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hauntsect · 3 months
For science!! Does Hyles have a favourite flower?
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We love science in this house!
Yes, he does! He basically is mostly inclined to flowers that are white or bright in color, much like a moth. His favorite has to be the sacred datura. If he had to choose another one, though, it'd be the gardenia, specifically the white one.
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hauntsect · 5 months
I read a post earlier about the Dimitrescu sisters being moths instead of flies, and what moth they'd be and I NOW HAVE TO KNOW!!! What moth would Hyles be?? Is there one or more that come to mind?
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OMG I need to know which moth your girlies are!
But also! Hyles would definitely be a Leucoma salicis, the white satin moth! I chose that one because it looks a bit transparent-like and soft, especially male ones. But I also like the black stripes they have, they still look gentle, but since black is also identified often with dark motifs and such, I think it's very fitting! That's the main one that comes to mind, but white moths in general make me think of him.
Picture incoming!
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hauntsect · 2 months
I remembered your hc on hyles liking sweet & cold things SO do you think he'd make like flavoured ice cubes or like really fancy ice cubes like these?
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Oh gosh, these look amazing! MOST DEFINITELY!
If he discovers about them, you bet he's going to drink water with these instead of the regular water. He won't go back to plain water ever again after this. He needs his cold sweets every single time!
Imagine him having to drink regular water while shifted and internally being like "tf? where's the sweet flavor?"
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hauntsect · 2 months
What is his love language, if he has any? What is his preferred love language to receive?
FOR SURE his love language is touch. But he also uses touch a lot with everything. It's his way of communicating in general, and probably one of the ways you'd be able to notice when he has shifted to another because that habit will not change, he will constantly try to touch another person.
As to the love language to receive, I don't think he really knows what he wants, but he wouldn't mind any and every type of love language available. Even hatred or abuse, he'll take as love if you make him interpret it as such.
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hauntsect · 2 months
Talk more about hyles & his shifting!! How does it feel, is it painful? How does he shift— does he have to imagine the person or some other means in order to do so?
Oh man!
In terms of feeling, it feels like being liquified in acid before being reborn. He is convinced it truly is metamorphosis, he just doesn't have a chrysalis to protect him. It is extremely painful, especially because he has to pull with his own fingers. It can't be via anything else, so he has to pull at his own skin by himself and that hurts him quite a bit, especially because he doesn't know how to make it any easier and sometimes he doesn't pull enough so he has to restart or claw himself again. It gets easier, the more he does it, but if he stops doing it for a while, it grows to be as painful as the first time all over again.
For shifting, he has to have recently touched the person so his skin can "assimilate" the person's likeness. After that, it's just a matter of keeping that likeness fresh in his head as he rips his skin off. Sometimes, it helps to have a picture, audio, or to recall the moment they touched to keep the sensation alive.
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hauntsect · 2 months
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You know how Hyles has learned mannerisms by observation and studying? I feel like this one thing, when he jumped as Annie out of excitement, is one of those mannerisms he learned. It shows "uncontrollable joy" to the recipient/towards an accomplishment, but it also pushes people to feel an infectious happiness and think of your reaction as so genuine you can't keep it in. This is mainly why he did it here, but also to be able to approach and lead the situation towards an intimate path without it seeming out of place.
But also the koi fish painting in the back looks so pretty, hand it over.
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hauntsect · 2 months
⚔️ 👻 🖤 heh.
❥ ❝ why remember the moth? ❞
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⚔️ CROSSED SWORDS — do you have any skills that you are absolutely grateful you have and that mean a lot to you? how do you usually use these skills? would they come in handy if someone you cared about was in trouble?
"Indeed! Being able to conduct surgery, mostly being able to efficiently use a scalpel. It's one of the earlier things I got to learn, I've been using it for a while now, too. I use it a lot in my laboratory... So many of my projects require some kind of exposure, extirpation, the works. ...If someone I cared for were to be in danger and I had a scalpel in hand, per usual, yes... it would definitely come in handy. I wouldn't let anyone touch them, but I cannot guarantee that their components will not touch my loved ones accidentally... Ah, maybe I need a more practical approach."
👻 GHOST — is there someone or something that you feel is missing from your life? do you know if there's any way to find it/them?
"Yes, there is... So many things feel missing. Pieces of the puzzle I cannot truly see. I feel complete, I think of myself as complete and yet... There is a longing, my... being feels empty. A significant other, a soulmate, any other synonym they have for it... I've come to the conclusion that there is none for me, but I still look for it. I've been called stupid before, I believe it whenever I throw myself back into the thought of affection. I'm missing someone else, someone who understands me and I cannot find it, because it does not exist. There is no way to find it. On a lighter note, I am unsure if I am missing a protein, a part of my brain, something that could help me express emotion like my fellow companions and coworkers do. I was told children mimic what their surrounding humans do, I've done the same, but... it does not work for me. Something must be wrong, whether it is execution or a component inside me. Maybe, I should conduct a surgery on myself to find out!"
🖤 BLACK HEART — what would you say is the darkest thought you've ever experienced? what do you think caused you to have that thought? have you ever planned on or fantasized about acting on it?
"Darkest thought? Oh, do not be silly! I am not the type to have dark thoughts at all! Instead, I have gentle desires. You know the ones... Like when you look at a stranger you really like and you wonder: Wouldn't it be lovely to consume them – or a loved one – down to every minute detail? Rip off the ribcage hiding their heart from you just to watch it race as you take over them. Maybe with beastly thrusts against their holes, bites ripping off organs and skin, words of affirmation... To watch it react as you lay down the union of love... to be able to touch it right there, soothe it, alter it... Witness it. It's alive right there, it's all yours. If they asked you to eat them raw, would you be able to do it? Hyles, would you be able to please your loved one, bathing in their blood and drinking it? Basking on the taste of their body, bile and mucus. Would you savor it... or would you run away? Of course I fantasize about it... I fantasize about it so much, every single day, at every hour, every minute, with every twinkle of the dead stars above and the ones to come later. After all, it's love... All I think about is love."
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hauntsect · 2 months
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Peak Hyles behavior. The absent look, the seriousness, the shifting to portray happiness again, even the change in the way he blinks, trying to make it seem natural...
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hauntsect · 2 months
I haven't explored Hyles as a friend much, because he oftentimes grows super interested in people instead of being platonic, but... I feel he'd blur the lines of friendship and be just as obsessive and possessive. He'd want to be your bestie, your main friend, and if he can get rid of the others, he will.
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