#❥ ❝ restricted area ❞ (trigger warning)
hauntsect · 6 months
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I create, manipulate your kind in my image, MY CHOSEN ONES.
Indie Vought International & BlackCell Handler Original Character as portrayed by Kuroki.
CAUTION: Insect motifs and Dark Themes inbound
♡ or ↺ if interested !
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hauntsect · 2 months
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Flan was finally made... Hyles is vibrating cause he can't bake at all but God does he love his sweets.
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hauntsect · 2 months
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Spin and spin, forget all your worries. Spin and spin, forget your identity. Step on my shoulders, do you see the new lovely, lonely, empty, heavenly world?
❥ ❝ Indie Scientists and Handler OC as portrayed by Kuroki. ❞
CAUTION: Dark Themes and Insect Motifs inbound. ♡ ,↺ and/or follow if interested ! ( promo template by supersources )
Captivating, hypnotizing, fascinating UTOPIA.
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hauntsect · 2 months
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The rain wouldn't stop. It seemed the storm's havoc was just beginning. Hyles had slept soundly through the night, much to his uncle's relief. He had asked for one of the nurses to watch over him, requiring that he was informed of when the boy woke up.
7:00 AM sharp, Hyles opened his eyes. Only a few minutes went by when his uncle approached the room with a tray of fruits.
"Good morning, Hyles."
"Good morning, doctor... Have you greeted your wife, yet?"
"Yes, of course I have greeted your aunt."
"My aunt is dead." Hadn't they discussed this, already? There's a pause from them both, the doctor wasn't up for doing this today... Nor up for mistreating his little nephew because of his foolish ways,... or so he says.
"How are you feeling?"
"Different..." Hyles paused, lifting his hands up, turning them around for a brief study. "Stronger, I think. My aches are still there, but they feel so far away, right now..."
"Well, aren't those good news?" The doctor surmises for Hyles, who stares at his hands for a while longer before shrugging.
"It could be. I'm not sure..." His eyes go to the tray of food and, though he appreciates fruits, he scowls lightly, tilting his head in thought. "Were there no ice rolls, today?"
"There were, but you suffered a breakdown yesterday, you need to recuperate first. Therefore, fruits! ...And pills." Oh, Hyles glances at the plate a bit further... Right, upon closer inspection, he could see the pills were sprinkled around the fruit cocktail... Silly. He sighs low before proceeding to eat part of the salad. After drinking some water, his uncle spoke yet again.
"But... We can arrange some ice rolls, if you do something for me."
The dim eyes of the boy don't light up, as usual, but they do react. He lifts his gaze towards the doctor, nodding.
"I'd do anything for you." Ice rolls or not, but that was great incentive. His uncle knew this, so he nodded to the boy's words, extending a hand over to him. It took no time for the cold, pale hand to grab onto the man, wrapped in bandages, for the most part. His breakfast would remain unfinished, the boy hopped out of the bed, following his uncle towards wherever he'd take him.
For a while, they walked in silence. Deep, deep down the corridor, towards the faraway corners of one of the laboratories of the ward. Much like the different locations spread around, there was a shift in atmosphere. It was as if the sanitarization was taken to the extreme over here. Even the noise, the air was different, like falling into another dimension. Hyles knew this place well, he felt comfort in it, reminded of the pain he had endured, all for the sake of the doctor holding his hand.
He is led to a seat, right in the middle of the room. He sits instinctively, lifting his head towards the man.
"What is it I must do, today?" Hyles asks, watching as the utensils were thoroughly prepared, extremely sanitized, much like the burning oxygen lurking about. Sample gathering, maybe pain threshold testing,... liquid extraction? Though he tries to surmise what his uncle is looking for, he is at a loss. Yesterday, he remembers succumbing to his embrace, to slumber, being cured. But he feels his sickness still lurking about, the pain is just dulled down. What was it, then?
"The same old tests, Hyles. Endure them for a bit, yeah? I will have to take your bandages off." There's no fighting, no rejection, he nods quietly to it, taking the liberty to start unwrapping the bandages over his face himself.
Flesh and blood exposed, the grotesque, young nephew stares back at his uncle, not a single reaction to the pain of the air coursing through. The doctor approaches, he crouches to observe, and gather samples of flesh and liquid, much like the boy had surmised.
As pieces of skin are extirpated and extracted carefully, something interesting starts coming to light. Out of the corner of his eye, the doctor notices something start to sprout. Almost like a flower, (or was it a bug?) skin starts to grow from the battlefield that was the boy's misshapen face. He is about to gather some samples of it when the door to the laboratory opens and heels tap the ground with a light noise, like crystals. The two individuals know who this is...
The doctor turns away and walks over to place his utensils and samples on the tray, hoping to, once more, greet his love.
"Rosángela..." He calls for her as he does, and she looks over to him, on the seat, staring right back at her. A small smile forms on his face, the one she knows well – she braces for it.
"Te amo." And a chill courses down both receiving spines. The female's eyes move to find her real husband right by the table, standing, eyes widened – identical in physicality to the one on the seat. If he hadn't been there, right by the imposter's side, could she have noticed? Hyles wonders this too, his smile unwavering. The tone of Ordell's voice, the intonation, and his actions, mimicked almost to perfection...
Ordell should've known; for just as much as he has studied Hyles, the boy has studied him.
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hauntsect · 1 month
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Give your immortality to me, I'll set you up against the stars.
❥ ❝ Indie Scientists and Handler OC as portrayed by Kuroki. ❞
CAUTION: Dark Themes and Insect Motifs inbound.♡ , ↺ and/or follow if interested ! (Commissioned art done by Dinh Ha My)
This is the time and this is the place to be alive.
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hauntsect · 5 months
I read a post earlier about the Dimitrescu sisters being moths instead of flies, and what moth they'd be and I NOW HAVE TO KNOW!!! What moth would Hyles be?? Is there one or more that come to mind?
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OMG I need to know which moth your girlies are!
But also! Hyles would definitely be a Leucoma salicis, the white satin moth! I chose that one because it looks a bit transparent-like and soft, especially male ones. But I also like the black stripes they have, they still look gentle, but since black is also identified often with dark motifs and such, I think it's very fitting! That's the main one that comes to mind, but white moths in general make me think of him.
Picture incoming!
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hauntsect · 2 months
Talk more about hyles & his shifting!! How does it feel, is it painful? How does he shift— does he have to imagine the person or some other means in order to do so?
Oh man!
In terms of feeling, it feels like being liquified in acid before being reborn. He is convinced it truly is metamorphosis, he just doesn't have a chrysalis to protect him. It is extremely painful, especially because he has to pull with his own fingers. It can't be via anything else, so he has to pull at his own skin by himself and that hurts him quite a bit, especially because he doesn't know how to make it any easier and sometimes he doesn't pull enough so he has to restart or claw himself again. It gets easier, the more he does it, but if he stops doing it for a while, it grows to be as painful as the first time all over again.
For shifting, he has to have recently touched the person so his skin can "assimilate" the person's likeness. After that, it's just a matter of keeping that likeness fresh in his head as he rips his skin off. Sometimes, it helps to have a picture, audio, or to recall the moment they touched to keep the sensation alive.
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hauntsect · 2 months
⚔️ 👻 🖤 heh.
❥ ❝ why remember the moth? ❞
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⚔️ CROSSED SWORDS — do you have any skills that you are absolutely grateful you have and that mean a lot to you? how do you usually use these skills? would they come in handy if someone you cared about was in trouble?
"Indeed! Being able to conduct surgery, mostly being able to efficiently use a scalpel. It's one of the earlier things I got to learn, I've been using it for a while now, too. I use it a lot in my laboratory... So many of my projects require some kind of exposure, extirpation, the works. ...If someone I cared for were to be in danger and I had a scalpel in hand, per usual, yes... it would definitely come in handy. I wouldn't let anyone touch them, but I cannot guarantee that their components will not touch my loved ones accidentally... Ah, maybe I need a more practical approach."
👻 GHOST — is there someone or something that you feel is missing from your life? do you know if there's any way to find it/them?
"Yes, there is... So many things feel missing. Pieces of the puzzle I cannot truly see. I feel complete, I think of myself as complete and yet... There is a longing, my... being feels empty. A significant other, a soulmate, any other synonym they have for it... I've come to the conclusion that there is none for me, but I still look for it. I've been called stupid before, I believe it whenever I throw myself back into the thought of affection. I'm missing someone else, someone who understands me and I cannot find it, because it does not exist. There is no way to find it. On a lighter note, I am unsure if I am missing a protein, a part of my brain, something that could help me express emotion like my fellow companions and coworkers do. I was told children mimic what their surrounding humans do, I've done the same, but... it does not work for me. Something must be wrong, whether it is execution or a component inside me. Maybe, I should conduct a surgery on myself to find out!"
🖤 BLACK HEART — what would you say is the darkest thought you've ever experienced? what do you think caused you to have that thought? have you ever planned on or fantasized about acting on it?
"Darkest thought? Oh, do not be silly! I am not the type to have dark thoughts at all! Instead, I have gentle desires. You know the ones... Like when you look at a stranger you really like and you wonder: Wouldn't it be lovely to consume them – or a loved one – down to every minute detail? Rip off the ribcage hiding their heart from you just to watch it race as you take over them. Maybe with beastly thrusts against their holes, bites ripping off organs and skin, words of affirmation... To watch it react as you lay down the union of love... to be able to touch it right there, soothe it, alter it... Witness it. It's alive right there, it's all yours. If they asked you to eat them raw, would you be able to do it? Hyles, would you be able to please your loved one, bathing in their blood and drinking it? Basking on the taste of their body, bile and mucus. Would you savor it... or would you run away? Of course I fantasize about it... I fantasize about it so much, every single day, at every hour, every minute, with every twinkle of the dead stars above and the ones to come later. After all, it's love... All I think about is love."
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hauntsect · 2 months
❛ you want me to shut him up for you? ❜ ( chaotic pair of doctors, yes ??? ) @sanguinesocierie 's Fina || YES, I say!!
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Her invitation comes at the exact moment in which his patience is wearing thin. Ungrateful, he thinks to himself, hands crimson in the blood of their little patient that had been thrashing about seconds ago. They wailed, screamed, choked – so, so noisy! He hated it and, it seemed to show with how displeased his expression had turned... Enough for his companion to suggest some aid. He sighs to himself, he should've worn gloves...
Turning back to her, a small nod comes, light hues dimmed with annoyance and a dormant anger. "I'd love that... I am curious to see you in action. It does not seem like he'll make it easy, though... Are we not being considerate? Providing him with only the best of cells. Heroic, some would call them."
His comment is sweet in tone despite the lies it weaves, the anger barred behind a confinement reserved only for the man at their mercy. Cooperative or not, now that he was on their test bed, it was only a matter of time until his fate was sealed. Doomed by the same narrative as all other imbued SOLDIERs. "Do as you please with him."
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hauntsect · 2 months
While basking in the sun I just realized that Hyles is truly a being of contradiction (and a very toxic mf). Sure, he wants to destroy humanity (or for humanity to destroy itself) but he is so fascinated by human constructs and behaviors...
Like, he is one of those people that would probably, if he hasn't already, romanticize mental and physical health issues because they interest him and he thinks them beautiful, peculiar, and whatnot. Plus, he thinks himself sane and healthy, so he likes the idea of exploring uncharted waters in that regard.
I guess that does fall in line with how he is as a scientist and as a person. He is so incredibly curious about these creatures that feel so different from himself, despite thinking they should be eradicated. I guess that's also part of the wonder of his destruction – it's so contradicting, it makes no sense when put together, but it certainly falls in line with who he is, somehow.
Is this a good moment to remind mun ≠ muse?
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hauntsect · 2 months
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It's thundering, storming harshly outside the wards – every patient prompted to stay inside. Yet, despite them being protected from the heavy rain and the lightning outside, the strong noise of a calamity reached every single room. Not just that, the screams of one particular patient reverberate throughout every corner. The noise must be getting to them.
"Someone, please, sedate whoever is causing such a ruckus." The doctor says and the nurses hesitate to speak. It's one of them who ultimately informs what the others wanted to say, he himself seems shaky about it, too.
"It's Hyles, sir." The man speaks and the doctor stops scribbling on paperwork. He turns over to the nurse, he stares back at him, eyes squinting in disbelief.
"My little boy? Is he in pain?" It was the only explanation for this and even that was shaky. He wasn't one to complain so audibly about his ailments. Why, the man called him his best patient due to it. He had even visited him earlier today, gifted him a nice book to read and all. Hyles had said the pain was bearable. Now, though, even he could hear his shrieks and wails from the other corner of the ward. Sounded like those of an agonizing, wretched creature. His poor kid...
Rushing to room 125, the scenery took a drastic change. From white, pristine walls to a shocking crimson, there's blood splattered all over. Pieces of skin fall roughly along with it. On the once white bed sits the boy, ripping and tearing at his own skin with both fingers and trembling scalpel. All of this, done as he cries out. The bodies of both nurses and doctors decorate parts of the floor and even the corners of the bed – it seemed it wasn't only his blood spread around.
He looked grotesque, flesh ripped apart, tears staining even the parts of his face that were bleeding out. Hyles is desperate, he screams and shakes, he wails, and speaks...
The language is foreign — to the people seeing it happen, it's all gibberish. Yet he cries out... and the doctor listens.
"Hyles... Hyles, it's me. Are you listening? If you cry out like this, we can't help you. Use the words you have learned. Use them." He encourages and, somehow, in between the wails, his carving of skin, blood-splattering comes to a halt, trickling down in discreet puddles. The scalpel falls over to the crimson bed, just as he is downcast. Finally, it seems like he is breathing.
"It hurts..."
"That has never caused such a visceral reaction. Go on, keep using your words." The doctor encourages while slowly approaching the boy.
"It is killing me. I'm dying, but... the stars. They're too high up, I cannot reach them. And the things they demand, and the things they want, I cannot do it. They're calling to me, I see them, I hear them. They're everywhere. I'll die before I make it. I... cannot... Cannot let it happen. Cannot, I must extirpate this decease, before it stops me... But I can't find it. I have to go deeper."
"No, Hyles, sweetest little saccharine dew," the doctor calls to him sweetly, mimicking the ways in which Hyles himself liked to speak towards his favorites, it keeps his attention steady, it was a language shared between them – proof of affection, Hyles would oftentimes call it, a weapon the doctor quietly surmised. The very weapon he used right now to keep Hyles calm. Crazed eyes land upon the older man's, who smiles back at him, calmly. He approaches and Hyles raises his hands towards him.
"I can't find it..." He cries out vaguely, tears running down. The man nods at him before he covers the bloodied boy in an embrace... and injects him a vivid blue liquid in. For a moment, there was silence, the grip of the boy slowly growing weaker and weaker... He gives in to the doctor's embrace, eyes closing, a relaxed sigh coming out.
"I thought our sedatives didn't work on him..."
"They don't... This was a different medicine." He comments, a blatant lie he hides neatly as he remains there, hugging his dear boy for a while longer... Worried that this might be the last time he could.
He thought maybe Hyles would turn into a crazed monster, much like the other subjects exposed to such a vial... He acknowledged he was crazy for even thinking this might help, for even trying it out on him, of all people. After he had done it, he was sure he would come to regret it. Yet, no growling, no twist or turning, nothing comes out of it. Instead, peace. Hyles sleeps, and the doctor places him softly on the bed. When he turns over, the fellow nurses who saw everything were still there, unable to decide if to leave or not. The scene was enough to make them want to run, but...
"Stitch him up. I'll take care of the rest." He wouldn't say it, but he was kind of an expert when it came to fixing a scene... "My nephew is not to be disturbed, once you're done. Just stitch him, wrap him up, and leave the room as is."
Nauseous and unsure, the nurses comply, and their hard work begins...
Hyles knows it has taken him long to wake up, despite the rain still pouring so soundly. It seemed the storm wouldn't let up, but it looked quite dark outside, despite the intensity of the lights keeping his room from succumbing to the void. The pain is gone, it has subsided, his organs no longer burning, no need to twist and turn, wail or scream. His muscles ache, his body aches, but the sting seems so far-away, nullified by the bandages spread all over him, and some form of painkiller.
He hears a scrubbing by his side, he turns over and realizes the walls have been rendered pristine white again... Only remnants of crimson remain on the floor. No bodies to be seen. Right, he recalled ripping one of his least favorites apart... and some others. He sits over, his uncle is doing quite a good job at this, he never believed him when he said he used to be a cleaner... Even the book he had been reading – the very one the man had gifted him – was no longer stained with blood. His bookmarks intact, as if nothing had happened to them.
We are not alone in the universe. I am not alone. I am a part of this universe, too.
"What did you do to me?" A hoarse voice asks and the doctor turns over, smiling as he usually does with his favorite patient.
"I might have found your cure."
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hauntsect · 6 months
∗ 26﹕ an  affectionate  text . — @dollhidden Lucy!! ❥ ❝ THE OTHER LINE ❞
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[ TEXT -> Synemon plana ☀️ ] Do you know how much I love you? [ TEXT -> Synemon plana ☀️ ] Enough to want to understand you further. [ TEXT -> Synemon plana ☀️ ] I'm laying down against that chest you held tightly to the other day. [ TEXT -> Synemon plana ☀️ ] They're incredibly warm, even when life drifts away. [ TEXT -> Synemon plana ☀️ ] You choose your mates well... I commend you. [ TEXT -> Synemon plana ☀️ ] You are amazing and I cannot wait to hug you. [ TEXT -> Synemon plana ☀️ ] I'll carry their warmth with me, so you can feel the both of us together. [ TEXT -> Synemon plana ☀️ ] That's how much I love you.
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hauntsect · 1 year
❥ ❝ do you do this often? ❞ @innsaeid 's Jesse ↩
"Hm? Oh!" He glances over the bloodied scalpel and coat before tossing the tool back on the tray and offering a wide smile to the unexpected visitor.
"Dissection training? Yes! I need to keep my techniques optimized, after all." A last look at the poor small animal he had just ripped open as he pauses in thought before his eyes widen, a small giggle escaping him. Of course Jesse wasn't here to watch him dissect!
"Though, I guess not as a date! My apologies, I did not mean to make our meeting a little unconventional." Removing transparent gloves, the Monarch outstretches a pale hand towards the other to shake. "It's a delight to see you again, sir. Did we have an encounter scheduled or did you miss my presence that much?"
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hauntsect · 1 year
❥ ❝ Tag dump, to the dear ones! ❞
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hauntsect · 15 days
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This is straight out of Hyles' abominations. He "accidentally" let this one loose.
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hauntsect · 2 months
Okay but like, I was writing the moment Ordell slaps Hyles and I just realized that this happens after he was injected with 115/V, the force almost threw Hyles off the seat he was at, so the hit was probably harder than I had thought initially. Uncle was madge.
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