#❥ d . spencer ⸻ interactions .
ghostwritcr · 8 months
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never thought he would wish that seeing isabella was just his mind playing a trick on him . ' what are you doing here ? ' voice is harsher than he wished for , but that comes from the mix of the angst of seeing her there , added to the already preexistent adrenaline of being in between races . ' you shouldn ' t be here . ' / @slumpcd
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junipers-archive · 1 year
hi hi hi:))) i’ve never made a request before but i desperately need a one-shot of emily and derek being besties at work and messing around with spence. just teasing him and talking abt life idk something to warm my heart🫶
Heyy and its no problem at all but hope you don't mind I made this a blurb because I'm not taking one-shot requests right now!! <3
❥ You overhear the team teasing Spence about his crush on you over the phone
You'd opted to stay home today, having not been feeling very well and gotten it cleared with Hotch. Cases were slow this week and it was no harm.
However you'd also forgotten to inform Spencer, he had called you this morning wanting to know if you were alright, needed anything and all the other basic Spencer doting questions. When your conversation was over he'd hung up, or he assumed he hung up and put his phone back in his pocket.
The truth of the matter was he'd missed the hang up button.
You thought it'd be funny to listen in on his interactions with your co-workers, maybe even get some gossip that wasn't exactly meant for your ears.
He was leaning against the counter in the kitchen, drinking his coffee as he greeted Emily. "Morning." His voice was groggy and you could tell he hadn't gotten enough sleep last night.
"What?? Is this a boy genius without his Y/n??" she was sitting at the table, picking at the muffin in front of her.
"W-Whatdoyou mean?" He tried not to show his excitement that people assumed you were his.
"She means that now that L/n isn't here you might not be in the best shape." It was Derek, you could tell by the hint of charisma in his voice that he was grinning.
"I-I can function without y/n!" He was blushing now, as Emily and Derek side-eyed one another, responding to him by scrunching their eyebrows and nodding sarcastically.
You on the other hand were elated, you loved they assumed you were his, you'd had a crush on him since you joined the team.
Derek now walked over to him, putting a rough hand on his shoulder, "Pretty boy can you ask her out already? Cause the googley eyes we have to put up with on the daily is getting repetitive.”
Emily almost spits out her coffee as Spencer begins to malfunction, but she finds breath to add on her own, "Don't get me started on when I had to walk around with you two lovebirds on the last case! It was like I was the side character in your romcom."
You can her them both crack up over her joke, teasing Spencer all the more about his crush.
After they've collected themselves he asks, "D-Do you think she likes me back?"
They collectively groan at his question, Derek like the big brother he is to Spence speaks up first, "Of course she does man, that girl would follow you to ends of the earth. And that's a long way considering you probably know exactly-"
"Twenty four million, nine hundred and one thousand point four hundred and sixty one miles." He cuts in dutifully expressing once more how many absurd facts he knows.
Emily tries to reassure him as Derek shakes his head, "Just ask her, I know Y/n and she would say yes to a date with you!”
And yes oh yes you think, you would say yes twenty four million, nine hundred and one thousand times if it meant you'd get a date with Spencer.
Sadly he sits down before you get your assurance that he'd be doing so. Effectively hanging up on accident, leaving you wondering if he'd get the nerve before you die of this cold.
But you text him anyway asking him to come over, if he didn't ask soon you guessed you'd just have to do it yourself.
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ghostwritcr · 2 months
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after having his dad almost walk in on bella and dom having their cute little breakfast , popping their safe bubble , bella's room became their secret hanging spot . and as her mom warned from downstairs that dinner would be ready in five , dom knew it was time for him to go . ' alright , now i should get going ... ' he sighed , gathering all his forces to kiss her lips one last time before undoing his hold around her body and sitting up on the bed to get his shoes back on . ' i'll have to work till a bit later tomorrow after school to finish some cars at the shop , but ... wanna hang out later ? ' he didn't wanna be clingy , but he also just couldn't get enough of her company . // @slumpcd
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ghostwritcr · 9 months
open to :  f ,  21 + muse :  dominic spencer ,  early - twenties ,  mechanic  &  illegal  racer , heterosexual . inspo : link
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' guess i ' m your prince charming . your friend was kinda busy with my man , so she sent me to get you . you ready , princess ? '
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ghostwritcr · 10 months
open to :  f ,  21 + muse :  dominic spencer ,  early - twenties ,  mechanic & illegal car racer , heterosexual .
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' okay , act like you don ' t see me , we ' ll play pretend . . . but your eyes already told me what you never said . . . '
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ghostwritcr · 9 months
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considering how much potential things had to become chaotic at the blink of an eye , dominic knew he shouldn ' t go to serenity ' s party . still , now that iridescent knew about his feelings --- and reciprocated them --- , boy just couldn ' t bare to be apart from her . his racing car already parked on her street , he spied the window he knew was choi ' s bedroom , as he chuckled by himself at his texts pretending he had changed his mind and wouldn ' t go to the party . until it wasn ' t funny anymore . she was gorgeous on that outfit she was wearing on the picture she sent him . the mere thought of other boys thinking the same made his mouth bitter with jealousy , as he dialed her number . ' c ' mon , dove , your carriage awaits . ' he hummed on the phone , roaring his car ' s engine , so she ' d see he actually was just outside waiting for her . not sure if he should go to her door , he stood by his car , unable to get the silly smirk away from his lips from even just thinking of her . / @mccntower
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