#❧ 「 general 」 ⸻ dash games
distortedbeat · 1 year
rules: make a new post listing the letters of your url and share a song starting with each one. then, tag as many people as your url has letters
d - Diamond Eyes [Shinedown]
i - If I Killed Someone For You [Alec Benjamin]
s - Shoujo Rei [MikitoP]
t - Tsunami [Finana Ryugyu]
o - Other Friends [Caleb Hyles cover]
r - Runaway Baby [Bruno Mars]
t - The Room Where It Happens [Hamilton soundtrack]
e - Enemy [Imagine Dragons]
d - Dancing Queen [ABBA]
b - Bubblegum Bitch [MARINA]
e - Empty Walls [Serj Tankian]
a - All American Girl [Carrie Underwood]
t - This Love [Maroon 5]
tagged by :  @stigmatvm
tagging :  @seiirenes @slcying @detonizing @amplifyingtrace @multianime @crmtn @roguesenses @rcsentful @rcbcllixvs @deckofclubs @kibonosentoki @rubbarband @deathleads
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mcrrymurdcr · 2 months
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here go tags
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heartthrummed-a · 3 years
which genshin char has you on their hitlist?
Kohaku is on Ganyu's hitlist! Better watch out!
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❝...literally who?❞
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ofspy · 2 years
what creature lies in your soul?
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you are a powerful force, not afraid to defend what is your through fire and blood. those around you would be wise to respect the power you wield.
tagged by many
tagging: you! 
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crownedcourt · 3 years
general tags go brrrr
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distortedbeat · 2 years
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name.    Ren ( formerly Cry/Cryptic or Cereal )
pronouns.    They/he/she
preference  of  communication.    Discord is the easiest way to reach me! I don't mind the tumblr IM system terribly, but it's much easier for me to keep track on Discord, as Tumblr doesn't always notify me.
name  of  muse.    Kyouka Jirou
rp  experience  /  how  long.     About 12-13 years! As far as Tumblr goes, though, it's been like... 7-8 years, I think? Across many, many blogs
best  experience.    Probably getting to meet @invisiquirk and @empyrrrean. Those two are absolute GEMS in my life, and Cinder has been probably my closest friend for so, so long. I don't know where I'd be without the both of them. Getting to meet them in person a few years back is an absolute highlight of my life.
rp  pet  peeves  /  dealbreakers.    I honestly can't think of any pet peeves in this moment. Maybe purple prose? I am a native English speaker, but a lot of that is excessive and just muddles whatever it is you're actually trying to communicate. Dealbreakers, though-- that shit is all in my rules, naturally.
fluff,  angst,  or  smut.   I love fluff. So much. You don't understand. Platonic, familial, romantic-- you name it, I will find any way I can to make it cute and fluffy. It's my favorite. Angst is nice too, but I don't like angst just for the sake of angst, and usually I like for there to be some kind of good resolution/ending to it, or at least a neutral one. You're talking to someone terrified to death of the 'major character death' tags on AO3, man. LOL. Smut, though, is a no-go on this blog. Jirou's a minor.
plots  or  memes.    To be completely honest, I'm trying to get better at plotting, and would love to do more of it. But winging it/going off of memes has been my way for a long time-- so I'm very much open to doing both.
long  or  short  replies.    Long. For better or worse, I usually try to make myself write at least 3 paragraphs, at least for answers to memes. Threads usually end up about that length anyway. Short replies just... don't come to me tbh. I like to ramble lmao
best  time  to  write.    Whenever I find the time, honestly. Evening and night time hours feel the most productive to me, but I often work during the night so that's not exactly feasible. And with my shifts seemingly getting longer lately, free time is sporadic as hell.
are  you  like  your  muse. We're both definitely "The Music Kid". Jirou, however, is way more talented than I am. I only know how to play a trumpet and vague piano skills, and she can do like... everything lmao. But in terms of aesthetics and attitude, I think we're pretty similar! Except I'm just an angrier person. Bitter and small like a human espresso lksmdlkgm
Tagged by: I stole it off the dash except it was a couple days ago, I think LOL Tagging: You, with the eyes. I'm too scared to tag people yet lksmflkdmg
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distortedbeat · 2 years
top 5 song associations :   Kyouka Jirou / Earphone Jack
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Pushover - Manafest "I'm living a good life, why can't you leave me alone? You don't know me, no, you don't know me. I am not a pushover! You can't fill these shoes, you can't make me move. I am not a pushover!"
Empty Walls - Serj Tankian "Don't waste your time on coffins today. Don't you see their bodies burning, desolate and full of yearning? Dying of anticipation, choking from intoxication? I want you to be left behind those empty walls, taunt you to see from behind those empty walls."
Kaikai Kitan - AmaLee Cover "Ah, it feels so right to reclaim though we break all the rules for the future we've wrongly obeyed. Heaven? Hell? It's tempting. Promise me that you will never throw away your life, against these hollow promises you'll shine!"
Chronos - Cepheid "Slow the fuck down, just hold a minute! My life's still spinning out of control! Moments pass by while I'm still tangled, I cannot keep up, I feel alone! Time's still moving, a chronic nightmare I can't escape from, I can't obscure. Holding onto the hands of time but the hour hand just keeps moving on."
Second Chance - Shinedown "Please don't cry one tear for me, I'm not afraid of what I have to say. This is my one and only voice, so listen close, it's only for today. Well, I just saw Hayley's comet; she waved, said "why you always running in place?" Even the man in the moon disappeared somewhere in the stratosphere!"
tagged by .  @kibonosentoki
tagging . uhhh you with the eyes, i'm tagging you lmao
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distortedbeat · 2 years
tags real quick
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heartthrummed-a · 3 years
How do you tragically die?
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Buying Time for the Hero
Your comrade is the one who needs to save the world. Their quest is too important to fail and you knew it, so when the risk was greatest, you fought with everything you had to keep it at bay. In the end, you lost your life, but you did so in the most badass way possible. Be proud!
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heartthrummed-a · 3 years
your most beautiful feature.
Mayoi's most beautiful feature is their blushing cheek.
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“i think this thing is broken...” but they are, in fact, blushing.
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