#❧ 「 written 」 ⸻ 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝒻𝒾𝓃𝓃
ufwu · 2 years
❧ 𝒢𝒽𝑜𝓈𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝒴𝑜𝓊
event starter for @finnuf​
taking a short break from her studies to visit with her parents was always a nice and relaxing time for feng wu, despite her father’s endless nagging on the subject of an arranged marriage. regardless, she rather enjoyed being home even if it were for only a few days.
one part of her visits that she also enjoyed was being able to shop for some new herbs that could be used for medicines, while also shopping for ingredients for new dishes that she had managed to come up with during her time away from home. this was one of the many skills that she had been lucky enough to obtain from her mother over the years, one of which could prove to be quite a lifesaver when she was having to cook for herself.
today was supposed to be just like any other normal visit to ganggyn, feng wu making her rounds of shopping while greeting the faces of those she had grown to know since she was only a small child, sharing small stories of her school life while also hearing the ‘gossip’ going around, not something that feng wu was too fond of hearing though she still listened because it was considered polite to listen to her elders.
she lets out a small sigh as she looks through the items she had just purchased one last time, smiling to herself as she thinks of sharing her new dish with those she cared about, though her smile quickly fades when she’s approached by a couple of men, ones she had never seen before but she’s able to quickly recognize as a pair of bandits. this was something she wasn’t quite used to, more so around this area, though she knows that it’s not unlikely for such people to be wandering around when those around them were shopping and carrying a decent amount of gold with them.
feng wu manages a smile at the pair, acknowledging them before quickly turning on her heals and heading towards the direction she had just come from, hoping to at least lose them in the crowd.
maybe it’s due to the fact that she’s more aware of the two following closely behind that she manages to end up at a dead end, usually able to of course navigate through the area with ease, and she’s realizing that she should have turned a lot sooner than now. nervously chewing on her bottom lip, feng wu slowly turns to meet face-to-face with the bandits but instantly caught off guard when one of the two manages to grab her by the wrist and knocks the items in her hand to the ground. “Let go! Please!” She more or less pleads, even though she knows deep down that her kindness won’t get her out of this situation.
hearing the other male mention wanting all of her money, she turns her attention towards him while still struggling (and failing) to break free from the tight grip holding onto her. “I just spent the last of my gold. I don’t have anything else. I promise!” Okay, so that was a lie there. She did in fact have plenty of gold hidden away on her, though she wasn’t going to let them know this, nor was she going to allow them to take it. However, she knows she’s beyond too weak to really fight off the two men and she can only hope that they either believe her small lie, or even someone manages to walk by and save her before something serious happens.
“If.... you let me go, i can go home and get more... i could meet you back here at sunset. hm?” Nope, she wouldn’t do that either, though it would hopefully give her time to get to her private knight to take the two into custody and prevent them from causing harm to someone else. At least, that’s what she hoped would happen.
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