canmom · 10 months
post-animation night 177 comments
brief thoughts on kizazi moto (more substantial tomorrow perhaps): visually that was so lush. we're really full post-Arcane/Spiderverse nonphotorealistic stylings here, with a powerful dash of Trigger/Flying Bark-esque Neo Kanada School as well. this was like a cross-section of the current big styles in animation and it kicked ass for that. I'm not entirely sure what the production pipeline looked like - the Irish film board was apparently involved somehow! and maybe some Irish studios so it wasn't a purely African production - but it was an extremely impressive showing all round.
narratively, putting it right beside Fatenah kinda highlighted the places it wasn't willing to go. though I had heard the directors had a lot of freedom, there were some very consistent themes running throughout the anthology - nearly every film involved parent-child relationships, many of them revolving around a kid hoping to prove themselves in the eyes of their society/ancestors. the uglier side of history is touched on lightly: one film shows us a flashy cyberpunk city from an alternate timeline where 'Great Zimbabwe was never colonised', complete with 'the most advanced justice system in the multiverse' (a giant robot bird that chases our protagonists), but doesn't expand on that as more than a colourful backdrop. the last film gets closest, presenting a mother-child pair of two gods who are wounded by extractivism and retreat from the world - I appreciated the understated bleak implication of its ending.
I think while the creators were probably not given too much overt creative restriction, they were surely aware this was to be broadcast in English on Disney's streaming service, and tailored their stories accordingly. so you'd probably avoid "Disney is the face of American imperialism: the movie". Disney money is a bit of a double-edged sword that way.
besides parent/child reconciliation, we had a lot of ancestors and more than a few gods. a few stories centred on coming of age rituals; other had a more or less central focus on social media fame and its corrupting effect. at times it verges into the preachy - characters who stand between two families, or between humans and aliens, and resolve to honour both sets of ancestors - but the presentation is more than engaging enough to make it a compelling watch, regardless.
there's a lot of wonderful lighting, set design and architecture throughout. Mọrémì had a very cool desaturated style with toyetic, colourful 'soul-stealing giants' that put me a little in mind of Absolver.
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Stardust had a bit of a Star Wars feel, almost feeling like an extra Visions short, but the injection of Islamic architecture was very effective.
a certain Arcane/Riot influence is very overt in many of the films - not just in the widespread use of paint textures in the CG environments and the approach to light and colour, but also with plot elements like the neon-drenched surfer gang in Surf Sangoma (episode 4) - which was definitely a fantastic-looking episode with the wonderfully out-there premise of a world where you have a squid suck on your face to gain surf skills. (just say no to squids, kids! you don't need 'em! rely on your magic ghost mum instead.) but I think this is something that's true in the animation industry more generally of late - the last few years have really kicked the door open to 2D stylings in 3D (paint textures, reduced framerates etc.). no doubt having a Spiderverse director as exec producer played a role in that too!
all in all I really enjoyed this anthology, and I'm super excited to see what comes next from the studios involved.
Fatenah meanwhile was fantastic, and an absolute gut punch. the fact that the hospital seen in the film has been in the news for being emptied out at gunpoint in the last week gave it a special level of 'oof'. its style may seem disarmingly simple, but the puppet-like styling ends up bestowing a huge degree of weight to the characters. the scenes of the border checkpoint, the monotony of cages and guards, and the concrete environment resembling a Half Life 2 map, were very impactful. highly recommend taking 20 minutes to watch this film.
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vivfms · 3 years
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
He’ll be back: why old age can’t retain Arnold Schwarzenegger down
The man they call the Austrian Oak has brandished a sword, a shotgun and a heads pen. But as he switches 70, is time finally catching up with Arnie?
All his life, Arnold Schwarzenegger has symbolized preeminence. Mr Olympia, Conan the Barbarian, the Terminator, the Governator on screen or on a platform he was the biggest, the most powerful, the mightiest. Whether swinging a sword, a shotgun or a superintendents pen, as a cinema reference or himself, he gloated in success in victory.
Crush your enemies, verify them driven before you and hear the lamentation of the status of women. Ill be back. If they dont have the bowels, I call them girlie humen. He was, and apparently ever would be, the Austrian Oak.
A preternatural degree of confidence, focus and passion propelled him from the forest village of Thal to prevail in bodybuilding, Hollywood and US politics. The accent and a reputation once saw unpronounceable did nothing to slow him. Even the pranks, such as Clive James equating him to a brown condom full of walnuts, merely bolstered the mystique.
But as Schwarzenegger approaches his 70 th birthday on Sunday he encounters a relentless, insidious rival not even he can overcome: age. Schwarzenegger, after all, is human. And the clock, unlike alien predators and rival cyborg from the future, cannot be stopped. As it ticks, his preeminence ebbs.
He simply wants to be number 1, in whatever situation. He would do anything to sustain it. But the ageing process … its never welcome, suggested Barbara Outland Baker, a former girlfriend. I envisage deep inside him there is some nervousnes: What am I supposed to do with this outing? I exclusively want to be number one. If not number one, what am I supposed to do?
Schwarzenegger remains far-famed, favourite and busy manically busy. Early mornings you can recognise him in Santa Monica, region up Ocean Avenue on his bicycle, running through red lights for his cardio. He still runs iron, behaves, wanderings and champs political nominees and causes.
He is like a Terminator machine in terms of ceaseless going, departing, running, straining, striving, striving, spoke Bonnie Reiss, world-wide head of an institute that digests his refer at the University of Southern California.
Striving, but no longer overcoming. Schwarzeneggers recent films have fizzled at the box office. He stumped in vain for John Kasich in last years Republican primaries. Chatter of him flowing for Senate or attaching some type of political comeback has faded. The former activity hero who guided California is greater number one.
He has invested his remaining political uppercase in the worthy if arcane issue of redistricing reform – curbing the gerrymandering which bedevils local and district elections and gasolines partisanship. He is ginning up money and tending for a subject which will reach the State supreme court in October.
Hes a gadfly. He doesnt really have much of a constituency in the Republican party, responded Jack Pitney, a politics prof at Claremont McKenna College. California Republicans dont talked about any more. Hes virtually a non-person.
Schwarzenegger used to be political royalty. He wedded Maria Shriver, John F Kennedys niece, and as an outsized GOP outsider touched off sexual harassment allegations dubbed gropegate and prevailed Californias governorship in 2003.
It was a rocky tenure. He taunted Democratic resists as girlie souls, clashed with unions and other powerful interest groups and watched the recession ignite a fiscal crisis. He precluded meltdown and acquired re-election by rebooting his government, moving to the political centre and grinding out judicial gains. Upon leaving role in 2011 he tainted his legacy by travelling the incarcerate sentence of the son of a political ally. His divorce from Shriver amid discoveries of an occasion and secret son with their housekeeper further dented his reputation.
For all his political attainments he mobilised California in the fight against climate change the loss of administration clout must pain, added Outland Baker. He really likes honour and dominance and the movie industry cant render the same level of real fulfillment, she enunciated. Their affair ended in 1974 but they remained in stroke and he leaved an interrogation for her 2006 memoir, Arnold and Me: In the Shadow of the Austrian Oak .
Schwarzenegger, who became a American citizen in 1983, dreamed of the White House. But an effort to amend national constitutions, the so-called Arnold amendment, failed to lift the ban on foreign-born candidates. A vast punch, replied Outland Baker: You want to be the best, the pinnacle, if youre Arnold. If he could lope, he would try.
The ascent of another celebrity-turned-GOP politician to the Oval Office, nonetheless, has conjured an unpredictable role, one with a global spotlight and rapt audience: needler of Donald Trump.
The two used to be on good terms but Trumps rise triggered a enmity. It explosion in slug and counter-slug every few weeks. The chairperson labelled Schwarzenegger a total adversity and pathetic as host of Celebrity Apprentice, which he used to host himself. He told their own nationals prayer breakfast roundup: I want to just pray for Arnold … for those ratings.
Schwarzenegger has swung backwith gusto. Hey Donald, I have a great plan, he said in a video positioned on social media. Why dont we switch activities? You take over Tv because youre such the panel of experts on ratings and I take over your job and then people can finally sleep comfortably again. When Trumps approval ratings sank he gloated: The ratings are in, and you got drenched.
Speculation abounds over Trumps motivation for the trolling.
A competition with someone he thinks is worthy of being an opponent, intimated Joel Fox, a taxation policies consultant who collaborated with the Governator. I think he catches Schwarzenegger warning because he has this deep insecurity about his manhood, said Pitney, the specialist.
Photograph: Allstar/ ORION PICTURES
Whatever the reason, the Terminator star has become a subtle irritant and agent provocateur to the worlds most powerful humankind, responded Michael Blitz, co-author a 2004 profile titled Why Arnold Matters: The Rise of a Culture Icon. Arnold may not be able to pump much cast-iron anymore but he remains a lingering artist of pumping irony into the ludicrous position of American politics. He is the has-been who are continuing is .
Schwarzenegger is well equipped for engagement in this nexus of politics and personality, articulated Reiss, of the Schwarzenegger Institute. Trash-talking and premier psyching was part of the bodybuilding macrocosm, she said. The future superintendent sharpened his taunting sciences against a bodybuilding competitive, Lou Ferrigno, the future Incredible Hulk, in the 1977 documentary Shooting Iron.
Trump and Schwarzenegger proselytize the clash into advertisement, said Outland Baker: They have enough in common that they are likely understand the psyche of each other better than the rest of us.
Schwarzenegger had more to gain, alleged Fox, the policy consultant. If the president wants to engage with Arnold, its advantage Arnold. The former minister has used the attention to spotlight climate change issues and an after-school program, both reasons close to his heart.
Trump-trolling aside, Schwarzenegger acts hard to sustain his label against the ravage of day. It plots to downsize him, literally: his official height, 6ft2in, has been feuded over its first year by doubters who claim he is closer to 5ft10in.
He still works out at Golds gym in Venice, trundles around Los Angeles in his( biodiesel) Hummer and wanderings widely to promote climate change amounts, bodybuilding contests and movies.
The bankable superstar of act flicks such as Predator, Commando and Total Recall, and comedies such as Twins and Kindergarten Cop is long gone. Recent action outings such as The Last-place Stand, Escape Plan and Sabotage misfired. Rotating to smaller, quieter movies Maggie, Aftermath won over some critics( Arnie can play !) but gatherings stayed away. He plays a hitman in the upcoming comedy Why Were Killing Gunther.
Schwarzenegger still makes stardust and program supremacy to affairs promoting the environment, bipartisanship, voting reform and youth curricula. France lately recognised his climate change tries with the Legion dHonneur.
A packed, reinforcing life for most souls but Arnie? The signify of life, he one alleged, was not simply to exist, to survive, but to move forward, to go up, to achieve, to defeat.
The post He’ll be back: why old age can’t retain Arnold Schwarzenegger down appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2fyPRfa via IFTTT
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
He’ll be back: why old age can’t retain Arnold Schwarzenegger down
The man they call the Austrian Oak has brandished a sword, a shotgun and a heads pen. But as he switches 70, is time finally catching up with Arnie?
All his life, Arnold Schwarzenegger has symbolized preeminence. Mr Olympia, Conan the Barbarian, the Terminator, the Governator on screen or on a platform he was the biggest, the most powerful, the mightiest. Whether swinging a sword, a shotgun or a superintendents pen, as a cinema reference or himself, he gloated in success in victory.
Crush your enemies, verify them driven before you and hear the lamentation of the status of women. Ill be back. If they dont have the bowels, I call them girlie humen. He was, and apparently ever would be, the Austrian Oak.
A preternatural degree of confidence, focus and passion propelled him from the forest village of Thal to prevail in bodybuilding, Hollywood and US politics. The accent and a reputation once saw unpronounceable did nothing to slow him. Even the pranks, such as Clive James equating him to a brown condom full of walnuts, merely bolstered the mystique.
But as Schwarzenegger approaches his 70 th birthday on Sunday he encounters a relentless, insidious rival not even he can overcome: age. Schwarzenegger, after all, is human. And the clock, unlike alien predators and rival cyborg from the future, cannot be stopped. As it ticks, his preeminence ebbs.
He simply wants to be number 1, in whatever situation. He would do anything to sustain it. But the ageing process … its never welcome, suggested Barbara Outland Baker, a former girlfriend. I envisage deep inside him there is some nervousnes: What am I supposed to do with this outing? I exclusively want to be number one. If not number one, what am I supposed to do?
Schwarzenegger remains far-famed, favourite and busy manically busy. Early mornings you can recognise him in Santa Monica, region up Ocean Avenue on his bicycle, running through red lights for his cardio. He still runs iron, behaves, wanderings and champs political nominees and causes.
He is like a Terminator machine in terms of ceaseless going, departing, running, straining, striving, striving, spoke Bonnie Reiss, world-wide head of an institute that digests his refer at the University of Southern California.
Striving, but no longer overcoming. Schwarzeneggers recent films have fizzled at the box office. He stumped in vain for John Kasich in last years Republican primaries. Chatter of him flowing for Senate or attaching some type of political comeback has faded. The former activity hero who guided California is greater number one.
He has invested his remaining political uppercase in the worthy if arcane issue of redistricing reform – curbing the gerrymandering which bedevils local and district elections and gasolines partisanship. He is ginning up money and tending for a subject which will reach the State supreme court in October.
Hes a gadfly. He doesnt really have much of a constituency in the Republican party, responded Jack Pitney, a politics prof at Claremont McKenna College. California Republicans dont talked about any more. Hes virtually a non-person.
Schwarzenegger used to be political royalty. He wedded Maria Shriver, John F Kennedys niece, and as an outsized GOP outsider touched off sexual harassment allegations dubbed gropegate and prevailed Californias governorship in 2003.
It was a rocky tenure. He taunted Democratic resists as girlie souls, clashed with unions and other powerful interest groups and watched the recession ignite a fiscal crisis. He precluded meltdown and acquired re-election by rebooting his government, moving to the political centre and grinding out judicial gains. Upon leaving role in 2011 he tainted his legacy by travelling the incarcerate sentence of the son of a political ally. His divorce from Shriver amid discoveries of an occasion and secret son with their housekeeper further dented his reputation.
For all his political attainments he mobilised California in the fight against climate change the loss of administration clout must pain, added Outland Baker. He really likes honour and dominance and the movie industry cant render the same level of real fulfillment, she enunciated. Their affair ended in 1974 but they remained in stroke and he leaved an interrogation for her 2006 memoir, Arnold and Me: In the Shadow of the Austrian Oak .
Schwarzenegger, who became a American citizen in 1983, dreamed of the White House. But an effort to amend national constitutions, the so-called Arnold amendment, failed to lift the ban on foreign-born candidates. A vast punch, replied Outland Baker: You want to be the best, the pinnacle, if youre Arnold. If he could lope, he would try.
The ascent of another celebrity-turned-GOP politician to the Oval Office, nonetheless, has conjured an unpredictable role, one with a global spotlight and rapt audience: needler of Donald Trump.
The two used to be on good terms but Trumps rise triggered a enmity. It explosion in slug and counter-slug every few weeks. The chairperson labelled Schwarzenegger a total adversity and pathetic as host of Celebrity Apprentice, which he used to host himself. He told their own nationals prayer breakfast roundup: I want to just pray for Arnold … for those ratings.
Schwarzenegger has swung backwith gusto. Hey Donald, I have a great plan, he said in a video positioned on social media. Why dont we switch activities? You take over Tv because youre such the panel of experts on ratings and I take over your job and then people can finally sleep comfortably again. When Trumps approval ratings sank he gloated: The ratings are in, and you got drenched.
Speculation abounds over Trumps motivation for the trolling.
A competition with someone he thinks is worthy of being an opponent, intimated Joel Fox, a taxation policies consultant who collaborated with the Governator. I think he catches Schwarzenegger warning because he has this deep insecurity about his manhood, said Pitney, the specialist.
Photograph: Allstar/ ORION PICTURES
Whatever the reason, the Terminator star has become a subtle irritant and agent provocateur to the worlds most powerful humankind, responded Michael Blitz, co-author a 2004 profile titled Why Arnold Matters: The Rise of a Culture Icon. Arnold may not be able to pump much cast-iron anymore but he remains a lingering artist of pumping irony into the ludicrous position of American politics. He is the has-been who are continuing is .
Schwarzenegger is well equipped for engagement in this nexus of politics and personality, articulated Reiss, of the Schwarzenegger Institute. Trash-talking and premier psyching was part of the bodybuilding macrocosm, she said. The future superintendent sharpened his taunting sciences against a bodybuilding competitive, Lou Ferrigno, the future Incredible Hulk, in the 1977 documentary Shooting Iron.
Trump and Schwarzenegger proselytize the clash into advertisement, said Outland Baker: They have enough in common that they are likely understand the psyche of each other better than the rest of us.
Schwarzenegger had more to gain, alleged Fox, the policy consultant. If the president wants to engage with Arnold, its advantage Arnold. The former minister has used the attention to spotlight climate change issues and an after-school program, both reasons close to his heart.
Trump-trolling aside, Schwarzenegger acts hard to sustain his label against the ravage of day. It plots to downsize him, literally: his official height, 6ft2in, has been feuded over its first year by doubters who claim he is closer to 5ft10in.
He still works out at Golds gym in Venice, trundles around Los Angeles in his( biodiesel) Hummer and wanderings widely to promote climate change amounts, bodybuilding contests and movies.
The bankable superstar of act flicks such as Predator, Commando and Total Recall, and comedies such as Twins and Kindergarten Cop is long gone. Recent action outings such as The Last-place Stand, Escape Plan and Sabotage misfired. Rotating to smaller, quieter movies Maggie, Aftermath won over some critics( Arnie can play !) but gatherings stayed away. He plays a hitman in the upcoming comedy Why Were Killing Gunther.
Schwarzenegger still makes stardust and program supremacy to affairs promoting the environment, bipartisanship, voting reform and youth curricula. France lately recognised his climate change tries with the Legion dHonneur.
A packed, reinforcing life for most souls but Arnie? The signify of life, he one alleged, was not simply to exist, to survive, but to move forward, to go up, to achieve, to defeat.
The post He’ll be back: why old age can’t retain Arnold Schwarzenegger down appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2fyPRfa via IFTTT
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
He’ll be back: why old age can’t retain Arnold Schwarzenegger down
The man they call the Austrian Oak has brandished a sword, a shotgun and a heads pen. But as he switches 70, is time finally catching up with Arnie?
All his life, Arnold Schwarzenegger has symbolized preeminence. Mr Olympia, Conan the Barbarian, the Terminator, the Governator on screen or on a platform he was the biggest, the most powerful, the mightiest. Whether swinging a sword, a shotgun or a superintendents pen, as a cinema reference or himself, he gloated in success in victory.
Crush your enemies, verify them driven before you and hear the lamentation of the status of women. Ill be back. If they dont have the bowels, I call them girlie humen. He was, and apparently ever would be, the Austrian Oak.
A preternatural degree of confidence, focus and passion propelled him from the forest village of Thal to prevail in bodybuilding, Hollywood and US politics. The accent and a reputation once saw unpronounceable did nothing to slow him. Even the pranks, such as Clive James equating him to a brown condom full of walnuts, merely bolstered the mystique.
But as Schwarzenegger approaches his 70 th birthday on Sunday he encounters a relentless, insidious rival not even he can overcome: age. Schwarzenegger, after all, is human. And the clock, unlike alien predators and rival cyborg from the future, cannot be stopped. As it ticks, his preeminence ebbs.
He simply wants to be number 1, in whatever situation. He would do anything to sustain it. But the ageing process … its never welcome, suggested Barbara Outland Baker, a former girlfriend. I envisage deep inside him there is some nervousnes: What am I supposed to do with this outing? I exclusively want to be number one. If not number one, what am I supposed to do?
Schwarzenegger remains far-famed, favourite and busy manically busy. Early mornings you can recognise him in Santa Monica, region up Ocean Avenue on his bicycle, running through red lights for his cardio. He still runs iron, behaves, wanderings and champs political nominees and causes.
He is like a Terminator machine in terms of ceaseless going, departing, running, straining, striving, striving, spoke Bonnie Reiss, world-wide head of an institute that digests his refer at the University of Southern California.
Striving, but no longer overcoming. Schwarzeneggers recent films have fizzled at the box office. He stumped in vain for John Kasich in last years Republican primaries. Chatter of him flowing for Senate or attaching some type of political comeback has faded. The former activity hero who guided California is greater number one.
He has invested his remaining political uppercase in the worthy if arcane issue of redistricing reform – curbing the gerrymandering which bedevils local and district elections and gasolines partisanship. He is ginning up money and tending for a subject which will reach the State supreme court in October.
Hes a gadfly. He doesnt really have much of a constituency in the Republican party, responded Jack Pitney, a politics prof at Claremont McKenna College. California Republicans dont talked about any more. Hes virtually a non-person.
Schwarzenegger used to be political royalty. He wedded Maria Shriver, John F Kennedys niece, and as an outsized GOP outsider touched off sexual harassment allegations dubbed gropegate and prevailed Californias governorship in 2003.
It was a rocky tenure. He taunted Democratic resists as girlie souls, clashed with unions and other powerful interest groups and watched the recession ignite a fiscal crisis. He precluded meltdown and acquired re-election by rebooting his government, moving to the political centre and grinding out judicial gains. Upon leaving role in 2011 he tainted his legacy by travelling the incarcerate sentence of the son of a political ally. His divorce from Shriver amid discoveries of an occasion and secret son with their housekeeper further dented his reputation.
For all his political attainments he mobilised California in the fight against climate change the loss of administration clout must pain, added Outland Baker. He really likes honour and dominance and the movie industry cant render the same level of real fulfillment, she enunciated. Their affair ended in 1974 but they remained in stroke and he leaved an interrogation for her 2006 memoir, Arnold and Me: In the Shadow of the Austrian Oak .
Schwarzenegger, who became a American citizen in 1983, dreamed of the White House. But an effort to amend national constitutions, the so-called Arnold amendment, failed to lift the ban on foreign-born candidates. A vast punch, replied Outland Baker: You want to be the best, the pinnacle, if youre Arnold. If he could lope, he would try.
The ascent of another celebrity-turned-GOP politician to the Oval Office, nonetheless, has conjured an unpredictable role, one with a global spotlight and rapt audience: needler of Donald Trump.
The two used to be on good terms but Trumps rise triggered a enmity. It explosion in slug and counter-slug every few weeks. The chairperson labelled Schwarzenegger a total adversity and pathetic as host of Celebrity Apprentice, which he used to host himself. He told their own nationals prayer breakfast roundup: I want to just pray for Arnold … for those ratings.
Schwarzenegger has swung backwith gusto. Hey Donald, I have a great plan, he said in a video positioned on social media. Why dont we switch activities? You take over Tv because youre such the panel of experts on ratings and I take over your job and then people can finally sleep comfortably again. When Trumps approval ratings sank he gloated: The ratings are in, and you got drenched.
Speculation abounds over Trumps motivation for the trolling.
A competition with someone he thinks is worthy of being an opponent, intimated Joel Fox, a taxation policies consultant who collaborated with the Governator. I think he catches Schwarzenegger warning because he has this deep insecurity about his manhood, said Pitney, the specialist.
Photograph: Allstar/ ORION PICTURES
Whatever the reason, the Terminator star has become a subtle irritant and agent provocateur to the worlds most powerful humankind, responded Michael Blitz, co-author a 2004 profile titled Why Arnold Matters: The Rise of a Culture Icon. Arnold may not be able to pump much cast-iron anymore but he remains a lingering artist of pumping irony into the ludicrous position of American politics. He is the has-been who are continuing is .
Schwarzenegger is well equipped for engagement in this nexus of politics and personality, articulated Reiss, of the Schwarzenegger Institute. Trash-talking and premier psyching was part of the bodybuilding macrocosm, she said. The future superintendent sharpened his taunting sciences against a bodybuilding competitive, Lou Ferrigno, the future Incredible Hulk, in the 1977 documentary Shooting Iron.
Trump and Schwarzenegger proselytize the clash into advertisement, said Outland Baker: They have enough in common that they are likely understand the psyche of each other better than the rest of us.
Schwarzenegger had more to gain, alleged Fox, the policy consultant. If the president wants to engage with Arnold, its advantage Arnold. The former minister has used the attention to spotlight climate change issues and an after-school program, both reasons close to his heart.
Trump-trolling aside, Schwarzenegger acts hard to sustain his label against the ravage of day. It plots to downsize him, literally: his official height, 6ft2in, has been feuded over its first year by doubters who claim he is closer to 5ft10in.
He still works out at Golds gym in Venice, trundles around Los Angeles in his( biodiesel) Hummer and wanderings widely to promote climate change amounts, bodybuilding contests and movies.
The bankable superstar of act flicks such as Predator, Commando and Total Recall, and comedies such as Twins and Kindergarten Cop is long gone. Recent action outings such as The Last-place Stand, Escape Plan and Sabotage misfired. Rotating to smaller, quieter movies Maggie, Aftermath won over some critics( Arnie can play !) but gatherings stayed away. He plays a hitman in the upcoming comedy Why Were Killing Gunther.
Schwarzenegger still makes stardust and program supremacy to affairs promoting the environment, bipartisanship, voting reform and youth curricula. France lately recognised his climate change tries with the Legion dHonneur.
A packed, reinforcing life for most souls but Arnie? The signify of life, he one alleged, was not simply to exist, to survive, but to move forward, to go up, to achieve, to defeat.
The post He’ll be back: why old age can’t retain Arnold Schwarzenegger down appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2fyPRfa via IFTTT
0 notes