#➴ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠˡᵒʷᵉʳ ᵇᵃʳᵉˢ ᵗʰᵉ ⁿᵃᵐᵉ ᴴʸᵃᶜⁱⁿᵗʰᵘˢ; HEADCANONS.☼
hyaciinthxs · 2 years
tag dump.
➴ ; ARLO.☼
➴ ; MICAH.☼
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sunsmitten · 4 years
this is everyone @ aleksy when he’s on his bullshit
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sunsmitten · 4 years
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    i can’t make aleksy 100% perfect so his major flaw is liking olives
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sunsmitten · 4 years
what phase of the moon are you?
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crescent moon
there is an air of mystery about you. with the shape of the cheshire cat's grin, there is a playful and mischievous side to you. you are wary of showing your true self to others, but when you're ready you won't hesitate to unleash the entirety of your luminescence.
tagged by : snatched it from @ahiiru​
tagging : everyone
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sunsmitten · 4 years
sometimes a guy wants his hair pulled or his neck grabbed or his arm twisted around his back while someone’s going to town on his pwssy and that guy may or may not be aleksy
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sunsmitten · 4 years
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aleksy has a dislike for the rain simply because it covers the sun; Aleksy thrives off sunshine, but there’s no denying how rejuvenated he feels once it begins to rain. As begrudgingly accepting he is when the storm clouds come in, he likes to sit on his balcony/fire escape and enjoy the raindrops on his skin. Even better if he has a cup of hot tea or hot chocolate. His disdain for the rain is always put to the test once it hits him.
But his most favorite part about the rain is when the clouds move and the sun peeks out to greet him again. He’ll sit on his balcony and wait just so he can say hi.
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sunsmitten · 4 years
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I hope whoever comes over to Aleksy’s apartment doesn’t have a thing against plants because plants are all they’re getting.
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sunsmitten · 4 years
nvrcmplt said: What's his thoughts on Centipedes / Spiders / Moths?
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   He doesn’t mind centipedes or spiders! If he ever finds one in his apartment, he’s way more likely to capture it and let it go at the park down the block. But moths can stay as long as they want. he thinks they’re super cute skjhkdj and will leave the window open so it can come and go as it pleases
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@dansemorosity​ said: give us a list of bugs that Aleksy would punch
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besides the wasp, he’d punch:
gnats ( he’s gotta be on X Mode for gnats )
fleas and ticks
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sunsmitten · 4 years
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other living creatures aleksy attracts besides bees and butterflies
ravens / crows 
butterflies, bees and hummingbirds surround Aleksy due to his connection with nature ( plants and flowers more specifically ), while animals like ravens, crows, swans, and foxes are all animals associated with Apollo. Because Apollo still, in his own way, watches over Aleksy and continuously tries to grab his attention, these animals have regular appearances in his life and will trail after him once they spot him. Never out of malicious intent, Aleksy has never been bitten or stung; Except by the wasp. Wasps only hang around him due to his scent. He naturally smells like flowers, and he’ll occasionally catch the eye of critters with justifiably bad reputations. 
of course there are other insects and animals that will appear around him every so often, but these are the creatures that Aleksy takes notice of more. 
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@dansemorosity​ said: Ok but would Aleksy like raisin nut bread? What about banana nut bread? :thinking:
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   I for one hate raisin nut bread. but aleksy would absolutely love it. his only redemption is he loves banana nut bread way more than raisin nut bread. 
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sunsmitten · 4 years
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this is aleksy’s favorite type of bread.
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sunsmitten · 4 years
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One of Aleksy’s guilty pleasures: Whipped Cream.
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sunsmitten · 4 years
What color is your love language?
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Lavender Key words: pure, affectionate, innocent
Your love is the love of childhood crushes, secrets told in the dark between two best friends and long car trips with your favourite sibling. You're a sweet person with a soft heart and a gentle way of showing your affection. A pure, idealistic love, yours is the love of intertwined pinkies, butterfly kisses, and rubbing noses.
Best matched with:  Fern, Canary
Tagged By: @dansemorosity​ ( thank u!!!! )
Tagging: Steal it from me BB
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sunsmitten · 4 years
tagged by: @ardenssolis​ ( thank you!!! )
tagging: @frlorn @ahiiru @nvrcmplt @dansemorosity​ / @carnivorarium​ @z00kept​ @rcpacity​ annnnd steal it if u wanna!!!
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𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐒: 1  /  2 /  3  𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄: high  /  average  /  deep 𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓: yes ( faintly )/  no 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐑: confident /  shy  / approachable /  hostile  /  other 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄: slumped  /  straight /  stiff /  relaxed 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐒: head tilting  /  swaying  / fidgeting /  stuttering  /  gesturing  /  arm crossing /  strokes chin  / er, um, or other interjections  / plays with hair or clothing  /  hands at hips / inconsistent eye contact / maintains eye contact /  frequent pausing / stands close  / stands at distance
𝐕𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐘: ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ ◻ 𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐂𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄:  ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘: ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ ◻     𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐘:   ◼ ◼ ◼ ◻ ◻
arse. ass. asshole. bastard. bitch. bloody. bugger. bollocks. chicken shit. crap. cunt. dick. frick. fuck. horseshit. motherfucker. piss. prick. screw. shit. shitass. son of a bitch. fuck. twat . wanker. pussy.
christ on a bike. christ on a cracker. damn. goddamn. godsdamn. hell. holy shit. jesus. jesus christ. jesus h christ. jesus h. roosevelt christ. lord have mercy. jesus, mary and joseph. sweet jesus.
contractions or enunciation? straightforward or cryptic?  jargon or toned? complexity or simplicity? finding the right word or using the first word that comes to mind? masculinity, neutrality, or femininity?  formalities or abrasiveness? praise or equivocation? frankness or lies? excessive or minimal hand gestures? name-calling or magnanimity?  friendly or blunt
DO PEOPLE HAVE A HARD TIME HEARING OR UNDERSTANDING YOUR MUSE?   almost always  /  frequently  /  sometimes  / rarely / never.
DOES YOUR MUSE’S POINT COME ACROSS EASILY WHEN THEY SPEAK?   almost always / frequently / sometimes  /  rarely  /  never.  
WOULD YOUR MUSE INITIATE CONVERSATIONS? almost always  / frequently  /  sometimes /  rarely  /  never.
WOULD YOUR MUSE BE THE ONE TO END CONVERSATIONS?   almost always /  frequently  / sometimes /  rarely  /  never.
WOULD YOUR MUSE USE “WHOM” IN A SENTENCE? yes / no /  only ironically.
YOUR MUSE WANTS TO MAKE A COUNTERPOINT. WHAT WORD DO THEY USE?   but /  though  /  although  /  however /  perhaps /  mayhaps. / UHM ACTUALLY
HOW DOES YOUR MUSE END CONVERSATIONS?   walk away  /  ask if that’s everything  / say that that’s everything / give a proper goodbye / tell their company they’re done here  / remain quiet  /  they don’t.
HOW DOES YOUR MUSE ADDRESS OTHERS?   titles  / first names  /  surnames /  full names  /  nicknames.
IN WHAT WAYS DOES THE WAY YOUR MUSE SPEAK STAND OUT TO OTHERS?   accent / vocabulary  / tone  /  level /  politeness  /  brusqueness  / it doesn’t.
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sunsmitten · 4 years
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    I’ve talked before about the physical differences between Hyacinth and Aleksy before, but there is noticeable differences in their personalities as well. While their soul is the same, they grew up in very different environments and are still separate people, despite it all. Aleksy is Hyacinth, and Hyacinth is Aleksy; But it’s their differences that make them two distinct beings. 
Aleksy is much more fiery in this life. Funny, how when he’s no longer a Spartan does he have a more prickly disposition and an eagerness to fight. Aleksy can be rather hard to approach, he doesn’t have a quick temper per say, but if someone is being an ass ( intentionally or not ) he has no qualms with putting them back in their place. Verbally or physically. Hyacinth on the other hand took a rather calmer approach to things. He’s definitely more levelheaded than Aleksy, played his cards smarter, and took a swing only when a situation really called for it. Hyacinth is a Spartan to his very core and loved to fight as much as the next guy, but he was a more calculated person at the time. 
They both have their charms, but Hyacinth was charming in a very boyish way. He laughed a little too loudly, liked to have fun more than anything else, and always expressed such a carefree and bright attitude no matter how dark times got. Hyacinth was seen as a beckon to his people, their own piece of sunshine and as long as he kept glowing, they believed everything would be okay. His counterpart also has these traits, but in a much more subtle way. Aleksy is reserved compared to Hyacinth, he doesn’t like to attract unnecessary attention and is more career and hobby oriented rather than spontaneous excitement. There are moments where he does act out of character, passing impulses too strong to ignore; However, impulses are another differentiating factor between them. Aleksy tends to ignore his impulses, while Hyacinth rarely, if ever, did. Hyacinth was led by his heart, and Aleksy by his head. 
As a Spartan, Hyacinth did not fear death. He was taught at a young age that he will die in battle and accepted his fate. It never deterred him from living how he wanted or from taking risks. But Aleksy does fear death. The place Aleksy went when he died was not the afterlife, although he believes it is. While Apollo had the best of intentions when trying to resurrect him, Aleksy had to wait in a space between life and death, and all he can remember from it is cold emptiness. To be murdered and taken from his love, his home, and to fall into a void obstructed Hyacinth’s views on the afterlife, and it’s Aleksy who has to suffer with the memories. 
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