#➴ ʳᵃⁿ ᶠᵒʳʷᵃʳᵈ ᵗᵒ ˢᵉⁱᶻᵉ ⁱᵗ. ᵉᵃᵍᵉʳ ᵗᵒ ᵐᵃᵏᵉ ʰⁱˢ ᵗʰʳᵒʷ; ASKS.☼
hyaciinthxs · 2 years
tag dump.
➴ ; ARLO.☼
➴ ; MICAH.☼
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sunsmitten · 3 years
@groazei​ asked: they held no interest in speaking, the fresh night simply being used as a way to walk away boring times of the today. however, someone caught their attention, solely by noticing they had caught the stranger's eye as well. an arch of their brow and alucard would speak. "some things are better left unsaid."
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              Night falls, and already he longs for the sun. The absence of rays on his skin leaves his mood fickle; A bittersweet longing that rises just as the reds and pinks fade into a blackened sky. It was a daily occurrence, and after twenty-four years, one would think he’d get used to it. But he hasn’t. And Aleksy is certain he never could. 
The air is warm when he steps out from the darkened bookshop, jingling his keys before locking the doors shut. The ex-spartan didn’t mind the nightshift, though, he’d much prefer mourning the loss of his love in private- dramatic, he knows, as the sun will rise again tomorrow. His apartment was walking distance away, and as he drops the keys back into his pocket, something red catches his eye. It’s barely noticeable, only semi-illuminated by the dimming light above the shop’s door. Aleksy thinks he’s imagining things when his gaze flickers, his fists tighten, and he sucks in a quiet, startled breath. Whoever ( whatever ) it was, Aleksy hadn’t even sensed their presence. A first, and the brunette could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. Looking at this stranger hidden in the shadows set his nerves on fire, the warning signals go off in his brain and a hot flash of anger ( by his lack of awareness? His fear? Aleksy wasn’t sure ) coursed through his chest before it calmed. 
There was something discomforting when they looked at him. Stifling, and awkward. Aleksy felt like he couldn’t move in his own skin, and the side of his neck began to cramp. That anger was back, and Aleksy adjusted the strap of his bag in hopes it would loosen himself up. It did not. Lilac gaze flickered downwards, scowl deepening as he finally found the cause, and he considers his options. Does he follow the soft words of advice and remain silent? Or does he break the moment of stilled unpleasantness? 
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Again, he looks up, meeting their leer with a raised brow. “Tsk-” his tongue prods the inside of his cheek, and Aleksy points directly towards the strangers boots. Determined, and shoveling any lingering hesitation and fear beneath his hotly attitude. “You’re stepping on my Daffodils.” He could feel the delicate little flowers, their ache by the odd way they bent and desperation to live. “Move it.”
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@phantasmaw​​ submitted: “Is this… snow? I’ve never seen it before.” Sovann’s voice is doubtful as they stare out at the white powder covering the ground. They venture forward and stick a bare toe into it. A shiver immediately runs up their body and they scoot away a few paces. Their lips curl into a snarl- and just as quickly part in curiosity. They take a few more steps out and, despite the intense cold that bites at them, stand still beneath the light snowfall. A claw is held out to catch a few snowflakes, and they bring it up close to stare at the little white flakes. They turn their face upward. An icy breeze blows and they sneeze once. Then twice.
As if that set them off, they started to turn about in circles. Pupils usually slitted grew darker and slightly widen. A grin spreads across their face as they kick some of the snow drifts around. They turn and see Aleksy watching them. They go utterly still, expression wiped bare and unreadable. Silently, the reach down into the snow and gather up a wad. Then, with absolutely no warning, they pelt it at Aleksy. The snowball– if it could really be called that –lands against his chest harmlessly. But it’s not their only plan of action. Set off by the cold and this new discovery, they sprint at him with that same wide grin- only to stop a few feet away. They fake to the left, only to circle around to his right and kick up a bit of snow his way. It’s as if they’re trying to goad him into chasing them.
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            Aleksy assumes they find their answer when the freezing temperature rushes through their foot. Like watching a sheltered cat, Aleksy surveys on in twenty parts curiosity, and eighty parts amusement. Snow was, Aleksy has learned to accept begrudgingly, a natural occurrence of nature. A certainty that came with the cold months. And Sovann, no matter how odd and foreign, not knowing snow had the prince’s brow curl upwards. It emphasized Sovann’s lack of connection to this world, his world, and it made Aleksy shift uncomfortably. Ironic that the brunette continued to favor beings far out of his reach; He’d even call it funny, in a bitter sort of way. 
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The streetlamps flicker on to brighten the darkening view. Grey snow clouds loom in a cluster overhead, wrapping their little world in melancholy. Aleksy hated winter, hated the freezing cold and most of all- hated the clouds that blocked his view from the sky. His own mood wilted, like a flower without water, and Aleksy steps out in the snow fall to join them. 
“You’re going to get sick,” he gently chides, but the statement makes him stop and consider if Sovann could even get sick. “Put on some shoes. I’m not taking care of you if you get hypothermia.” But he would. Aleksy would cater to Sovann’s every need if it came down to it, and that small fact burns through the white fluff that gathered on his cheeks. Perplexed, Aleksy starts to laugh quietly to himself when Sovann ignores him in favor of spinning in circles with their head tilted towards the sky. Aleksy could only compare the strange dance to a drunk ballerina, and he breathes one final huff of laughter when Sovann turns on him, expression unreadable. His tongue tuts against the roof of his mouth, gloved hand placing itself on a jutted out hip as he stares at Sovann dead on. He notices the way they reach down, how they scoop snow into their palm and that evil little spark in their eyes twinkle at him. Yet Aleksy holds his ground, holds his stare, and not even a flinch shakes him when the snow whaps against his chest. It takes only a matter of seconds for it to seep through his coat. 
With a scowl, his arms fly up to protect himself when they run at him and fling snow up from their kick. It’s all fun and games until they can’t feel their feet, Aleksy muses with sharp turn of his body. “You little ass-” he starts with a grunt, reaching out for them and only missing their shoulder by a mere inch. “C’mere!” Sovann, victorious, succeeded in their plans to gouge him into a chase. Aleksy charges forward, snow heavy on his boots, and with his second step his feet fly out from under him as ice shoots into the air. Aleksy lands ungracefully on his front, snow clinging to his clothes like a second fabric and prickling his face like tiny needles. “Bitch,” he mutters, though it’s unclear to whom he’s cursing to. The snow? Sovann? Himself? He gets to his feet without clarifying, stance wobbly and glare set on Sovann- though hard to make out, considering his glasses were plastered with white. “You better keep on running, slime bag.”
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@phantasmaw​​ asked: (1/2) They don't remember what exactly was said, nor what exactly was done, for it to end up this way: Aleksy stationed dutifully behind the checkout counter of the bookstore, Sovann hidden beneath the hollowed out space where bags and cases are kept. Velvet tongue laves slowly over his glistening folds and hooded clit. They hear the payment, the typical small talk before customer leaves- and then a sharp tug at their hair. There's hissed words that Sovann only hums at. Without warning, they grip his hips and pull him forward. Strong thighs now gripped 'round either side of their head, they suck on his clit while rolling their tongue along the underside. A gasp is all they need to hear to smirk coyly and unfurl more length of their tongue. The tip circles around Aleky's hole before thrusting in. When he starts to grind they tilt their head back, allowing him to use their mouth as he sees fit. This is a service they take pleasure in providing, despite differences between them.
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     Shame sits heartedly against his skin in the form of a blush. Hot, noticeably red, and spreading across his cheeks like a wave. It touches the tip of his ears when something slick parts his labia, tasting his clit in torturously slow movements. Aleksy is quick to ring the last customer her purchase, frustrated at her insistence to hold the conversation a few moments longer. It felt like centuries before she was out the door, the final minute ticking away and just as if the universe heard his pleads- the store was closed, and he can finally lock up. 
But grabbing the keys and wiping down tables was the last thing on Aleksy’s mind. He’s already bent at the waist, forehead pressed flush against the smooth surface on his counter with a hand sneaking below. There’s not much he could do besides thread his fingers between navy locks, nor much to say besides his incoherent approval. The greek’s professionalism willfully followed the last customer out into the night, vanished just as his shame did. Sovann’s tongue meets his clit again and tremors of ecstasy came shortly after. It washes down his legs and up his spine, and instinct tells him to spread his thighs wider. It’s hard with his jeans still sitting at his ankles, but Sovann seems to take his efforts as a sort of challenge. 
Claws bite into his hips, creating a strange cocktail of ache and bliss and Aleksy can feel his growing arousal drip sinfully down his thighs. Ex-Spartan makes a sound between a laugh and moan when he’s pulled forward so Sovann can get more of their own fill. Was it wrong of him to be proud? It was a joyful little discovery that Sovann’s mouth was good at something other than condescending smirks and talking in cryptic riddles. A smile of his own is hidden behind free hand, bottom lip taken between his teeth to try and keep sounds of gratification from gaining outside attention. Sovann continues to spoil him rotten; Sucking, grinding, and taking advantage of his own desires to fuck him with their tongue. 
Back arches and their name is gasped like a song. His pussy was drenched, clit quivering under Sovann’s constant attention and despite the anti-god’s hold on him, Aleksy manages to roll his hips backwards to fuck himself deeper. “Ah- Mmh,” Both hands take hold of the back of Sovann’s head, pushing them further onto his cunt and now there was nothing to stop Aleksy from crying out. His cheek was plastered to the desk, sweat building up beneath it and it was then, that he didn’t care if a passerby peeked into the window. 
“Ngh- hah, h-how are you so fuuuuucking good?” The movement of his hips get more desperate, knees wobbly and he’s thrown off balance. His right leg gives out, grip catching himself on the edge of the counter before he fell completely while sputters and moans work through him. “S-Stop-” He needs to catch his breath, reposition himself so he’s not falling directly onto Sovann’s face. “Oh fuck- Sovann wait-” But they’ve already halted their movements, tongue slipping from his cunt and his legs won’t stop trembling. Hips buck once, twice- desperate for contact. He can feel their mouth so dangerously close, smug grin brushing feather light over soaked labia and that’s all it took for his pelvis to lock. Breathless, his orgasm comes all at once, tearing through him and flowing down his thighs or onto Sovann’s mouth untouched. “Oh my God- Oh my God,” it was messy, coating his underwear and pants still sitting dutifully at his ankles. His cunt clenches and twitches around nothing, still craving for Sovann to stuff him full. He’s an idiot for telling Sovann to stop, orgasm ridden out by his lonesome and tears prick at the corners of his eyes. 
“You can’t be done yet.” It’s a plea. As close to begging as Aleksy can get. Voice was breathy, slightly hoarse, but still so overly sweet. He knows his body’s exhausted, still trembling from post-orgasm, but Sovann was already an addiction Aleksy wanted over and over and over again. 
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@xaallo​ asked: " You're still angry?" Xaallo looks bored as he puts his book away. " Humans. Your lives are so short and yet you all still insist on wasting it on the most inane things. I think I will have a nice day, knowing my mere presence rankles you so." And then he's leaving. //aopsfkopakfopakAFOKA
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      “Yes I’m still angry.” Aleksy replies as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. Because it is. And he’ll keep being angry till the very day Mr. Dickwad finally stops being- well, a dickwad. “Do us all a favor and pull that self-righteous stick out of your ass. You’ve done nothing but rile me up and instigate fights out of me since the first day we met. You’re a piece of shit, and I’ll happily spend the rest of my life, till the very day I die, knowing you’re a piece of shit. Come in here again and I’ll kick you out myself.” And that was a promise. 
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@xaallo​ asked: Xaallo takes the book -- a poetry book -- and doesn't miss a beat, " Not my kink. Find someone else."
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    “Ah, right- Sorry. I forgot you were a gentleman. Truly a man of refined tastes.” Gestures to Xaallo’s purchase. “But if I may be so bold, sir. I don’t think pretty rhymes will help your shit attitude. Have a nice day though.”
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@xaallo​ said: hes checkin' out a book in his human guise, dont mind him
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      Like a plague that took different forms. The prince takes the book Xaallo placed on the counter with his thumb and forefinger, scans it without a word, and slides it back towards the ‘human.’ 
“I’m manifesting that you get pissed on.”
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@ahiiru​ said: "I think I have some books overdue, Mr Librarian," Xi says in a husky voice, leaning back against the desk so that the bulge in his khaki trousers is on display. "Whatever can I do to pay the fine?" (i'm sorry)
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    Circle framed glasses are taken from the bridge of his nose and dutifully set to the side. Aleksy regards Xi with a calculated look, brow raised and a cocked hip. What Xi would do after hours will continue to amaze him, and what’s worse is Aleksy’s own willingness to comply. 
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“You can start by getting a calendar.” He replies evenly, arms crossed. Aleksy plays the snooty librarian stereotype rather well. Too well. “Leave it somewhere that you’ll know you’ll see it, and mark down when you should have your books returned by. But in the meantime,” the brunette saunters forward, lavender gaze heavy with intent. “Take off your shirt.” 
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@xaallo​ said: Walks by Aleksy and whaps him in the face with his tail. Oops.
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    Shoves the offending appendage away. The nerve! “Whore.”
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@dansemorosity​ said: "Hey Aleksy, does this turn you on?" Arlo's holding out a miniature aloe vera plant, perfectly symmetrical and with just the right amount of decorative rock and rich soul in a hand-crafted pot. "If I dropped this right now, just let it shatter everywhere, would your pussy fall off?"
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      “Drop it and I’ll kill you.” In this moment, friendship meant nothing. Squat. Arlo wasn’t his boy, he was the enemy. Without a minute to spare, Aleksy snatches the defenseless little plant out of Arlo’s hands. There will be no plant hurting today. “I’d let it fall on your head like a dumbbell to give you a concussion.” 
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@khasmc​ said: © "Sorryyy," the words drags out of Tony's mouth like an apology despite the fact his expression appeared otherwise, pinched in a typical scowl while the splay of his fingers eased at the other's back towards the direction he came from, firm but not overbearing. "We haven't put the banners up yet but this is a private event."
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          A simple explanation of why he couldn’t finish his stroll through the park would have sufficed. Already, Aleksy had stopped to turn around when the tents were brought up, nearly running into a few hurried individuals. It’s enough to make him flustered, the sudden hand on his back and the face the new stranger was making towards him didn’t help the flush dyed across his features. Aleksy takes an abnormally large step forward in order to shake off the hand at his back, shivers crawling up his spine. 
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“Sorry,” His own scowl crinkles the space between his brows, looking down at the shorter man with his nose raised. “I'm heading back right now. I didn’t know there was something going on.” Trying not to make too much of a fuss, Aleksy moves further from the other’s reach and does exactly as he stated- quick to walk in the opposite direction. 
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@dansemorosity​ said: It's not until a day later that Sovann comes near Hyacinth again. Their veins are still pulsing a toxic cyan. Though they stand rigid, their eyes reflect regret. They look at him for a second, then down to his hand "May I- see your- hand?" Their gaze flicks up to his. A flinch races down their spine. They still remember the anger flaring in his eyes. It makes them hungry for forgiveness. It's uncomfortable; they've never felt this. It makes them ache and voice come out quiet. "Please?"
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      Flushed in near embarrassment at being caught cooing over his flowers, he stands straight with brows raised, Sovann’s appearance unexpected. It doesn’t take long for Hyacinth to realize they hadn’t come to poke gentle fun at him, their mouth twisted into a frown and the nature god can only mimic it. 
His previous anger had long since passed. Hyacinth’s absence from the temple was in order to give Sovann space, and here they were seeking him out. Like Sovann’s gaze filled with regret, his was filled with concern. Lips part to speak, to tell them they needn’t worry about his departure. But Sovann managed to beat him. His hand-? The pads of his finger curl in and feel at his own palm; Nothing but the usual lines and slight roughness of his skin. The scratch took form as a distant memory, there was no trace of a scar or the reminisce of blood. Hyacinth had washed it off in a nearby stream, surrounded by worried nymphs and a crude satyr. 
A huff, but Hyacinth smiles nonetheless. The god does as Sovann asks, he holds out his hand for the other to look. Intact and normal. “No harm done,” he wiggles his fingers for added effect, “I shouldn’t have reached out to you when I knew something was wrong.” He holds Sovann’s gaze, strong and unwavering. He knows they felt guilt, and apart of him is glad for it. Hyacinth was as understanding as he needed to be, as loving and careful towards Sovann when their past becomes too much for them. 
But that understanding ends when their anger is taken out on him. 
“I forgive you,” he says, their uneasiness over him was enough for an apology. “I’m not upset anymore. But don’t....” A sigh and a shuffle of his feet, “Don’t do that again. I wanted to hit you back, and I don’t like feeling that way. Not towards you.” 
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@jyargal​ said: ♞- From Dorje! Carrying Aleksy to a cool shade so he doesn't get sunstroke and wilt like a flower! (He might've taken the point literally)
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        There’s a weightlessness to him that he doesn’t remember feeling when he laid amongst the grass. At first, the strangeness of it didn’t bother him. The sun still shone bright against his cheeks, adding another layer of freckles ( kisses ) and the heat managed to sooth him back into slumber. As long as the sun was able to watch over him, he’d be fine. A belief he’s had since childhood. But as his body became enveloped by shadow, out of the sun’s watchful eye, is when he roused from sleep, brows pinched together and lashes flutter awake. He looks up, and only for a moment does he see someone ethereal, wrapped in gold and surrounded by light. And when he blinks, the being is gone, and replaced with another that’s entirely unfamiliar to him. 
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“Let go.” A hand is placed at the strangers broad chest, ready to propel himself out the hold if he needed to. But for now, he’s to be civil. His parents raised him with manners, and politeness will be given even to weird men who saw fit to carry him as they pleased. “Let go or I’ll beat the fuck out of you.”
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@ahiiru​ said: ♞ i wanted 2 send one for alex too bc he's a shit
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    Well, if he’s going to be carried around like a princess, he might as well enjoy it. Arms crossed haughtily over his chest, gaze unimpressed as he stares dead center up at Alex. “And this proves that you’re stronger than me how?” Xi had no problem lifting him up at all, Alex wasn’t that special. “I want boba,” his first demand ( quite sudden ), hand gesturing for the jock to get a move on it. “If you can carry me all the way there, I’ll admit you’re big and strong and tough. A man of exquisite caliber.” 
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sunsmitten · 4 years
ahiiru said: ♨ aftercare 🥺
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        Leg twitched as a warm cloth grazed over the hand shaped bruises left on his hips. It travels further, wiping away the fluid caked to the inside of his thighs and back up to his pelvis. It almost hurts to lean back against Xi’s chest, body arched and tensed for so long it felt strange to relax. Arm moves, and the water moves with him. Aleksy is careful not to splash outside of the tub, intertwining his fingers with Xi’s and craning his neck to kiss along the other’s jaw. “Thank you,” he murmurs, the soft curl of his lips meant for Xi and Xi alone. “You don’t mind me staying over again? I don’t think I can drive.” His laugh is slightly hoarse, reminding Aleksy to avoid Xi’s neighbors at all cost the next morning. 
“You’re so sweet to me..” Almost ironic after the night they shared, but this moment between them proved how gentle Xi could be. If he had paid attention, Aleksy would have been able to feel his heart flutter. Unprompted, Aleksy begins to get up on stiff and wobbly muscles, turning himself around ( a tad awkwardly ) to face Xi. Head upon his chest, he lays against Xi as the water swishes up his back, the larger man following in the waters footsteps and gliding his hand up the curve of Aleksy spine. Despite the shivers it caused, both the warmth of the bath and of Xi’s hand gets him to drop his shoulders, appendages doodling small shapes into the tattooed flesh beneath him. “Sorry to get mushy, but I’m really glad you came and talked to me the day we met.” 
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@dansemorosity​ said: OR ALTERNATIVELY: ♧ - sovann having a bit of a mental break and lashing out when Hyacinth gets too close ;v;
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      He was used to their violence; But not like this. Hyacinth had been snapped at before, Sovann’s volatile moods ending in a few harsh words and a warning taking the form of exposed fangs. Yet, despite it all, the brunette had yet to face any physical damage until now. The sting of his hand was sharp, their claws nicked against his palm and drew blood. The smallest, insignificant of injuries ( Hyacinth would heal from it in a matter of seconds ), but the action still makes him freeze. Hand drawn back from Sovann’s shoulder and clenched into a fist. 
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What they needed was patience. It his fault for stepping into their space without asking, or that’s what Hyacinth told himself. It his fault and he shouldn’t be angry. But he was. A spark ignited deep in his bones that grounded his feet to the spot, cruel words just at the tip of his tongue waiting to spear past his lips. ‘What makes you think you can touch me that way?’ He wants to ask. Clenched knuckles itching to swing at Sovann’s cheek. Patience, he tells himself, they don’t mean it. It wasn’t war they wanted to start, and the former Spartan forced down his sword. 
“Sorry.” Hyacinth comes alive from his frozen state, apology barely above a whisper. Fist is dropped back to his side, uncurling itself from its white knuckled grasp. The fire still sat uncomfortably in his chest, shoulders still tensed and the ground crackled beneath his feet as he turns away from Sovann to venture elsewhere. 
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