#⠀���니 ₊˚⠀⠀THINKING TOO MUCH⠀⠀——⠀⠀relationships.
shaechans · 4 years
ask game!!
the answers are under the cut in case it goes too long hehe
Last Song You Listened To?
from home by nct
Relationship Status.
Did You Wake Up Cranky?
no in fact i woke in a really good mood cause i didn’t have school lmao
How Many Followers?
426 holy shit thank you
Take A Vitamin Daily?
Do You Sing In The Shower?
of course. but sometimes i just think of shower thoughts
What Books Are You Reading?
started the hunger games series recently
Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14.
“information technology (IT) is the study of design, development, implementation, support or management of computer based information” that’s my sisters’ 8th grade social textbook lols
Favourite Anime?
death note (thats the only ive watched so far, gonna start haikyuu soon)
Last Person You Cried In Front Of?
my mom sigh i cried cause of this terrible headache i had and couldn’t handle anymore
Do You Collect Anything?
What Did You Have For Lunch?
fish curry and fish fry yum
Do You Dance In The Car?
more like sing than dance but then again, it depends on the song and the mood im in
Do You Watch The Olympics?
as of now, no but i might have to soon
What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed?
11pm on school days and 1-2am on weekends
Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now?
Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean?
none. i don’t like swimming. but if i chad to choose, pool. i’m thalassophobic
Bottled Water Or Tap Water?
What Makes You Happy?
making people laugh, the noise of laughter, kpop, and spending time with people i like annoying
Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now.
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Do You Study Better With Or Without Music?
with music. but like music i haven’t heard before otherwise i get distracted and sing along
Dogs Or Cats?
dogs!!!!!!!111!!!! but cats have been coming at me recently
If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be?
ngl red or orange
PlayStation Or Xbox
hmm playstation
Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean?
lake better than ocean
Do You Believe In Magic?
yesss except black magic that’s bullshit
What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing?
juniper green
Can You Curl Your Tongue?
Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You?
yes my shorts
Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now?
yes treasure (and superm’s super one album)
Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly?
noooo they’re scary
Are You Easily Influenced By Other People?
yes VERY easily. i’m a trend follower
Do You Have Strange Dreams?
all the time, it’s fun to think about in the morning
Do You Like Going On Airplanes?
oh yesss i love plane rides
Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds?
If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be?
nct / the 1975
Are You A Picky Eater?
yes, VERY. and i have a small appetite so i can never really eat too much
Do You Like To Read / Write?
hmm write more than read
Do You Like Your Music Loud?
in between. sometimes it depends on my mood. but i’ll often lower the volume than increase
Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents?
hmmm present wrapping would be fun
What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather)
it’s the autumn > winter transition
What Are You Craving Right Now?
cookies and french fries:(( even though i ate those an hour ago
Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed.
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lmao my ask and yes i use my laptop so
What Is Your Gender?
Coffee Or Tea?
i don’t mind really but i would prefer coffee over tea
Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About?
nope but i do have a marketing test on the 29th yikes
Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning?
yes im tidy like that
Favourite Pokemon?
squirtle and snorlax cuties
Favourite Social Media?
ngl right now really proud of my tumblr. but it’s usually my instagram
What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories?
i love them
Do You Get Homesick?
YES ALOT, like i feel like that as soon as im out my house for like 5 minutes
Are You A Virgin?
yes and im 15
If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free?
fuck that motel i’d sleep in the car wtf
Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life?
Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters?
hmm i don’t really yet
Do You Miss Your Ex?
don’t have one woohoo
What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now?
if beyonce can forgive jayz, i can forgive you ~ kevin moon
Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set?
the swings were are my favourite on the playground. i LOVE going on them and will fight 5 year olds to sit on one >.<
What Was The Last Thing You Ate?
Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not?
OF COURSE. i would help anyone in need of help, homeless or not, outcast or not. if you wouldn’t please unfollow me thank you
Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight?
Stalked Someone On A Social Network?
Do You Like Meeting New People?
sometimes yes sometimes no. it depends on the group of people, i’m attracted to lively and playful groups pf people
Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them.
Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed?
What Are Three Things You Did Today?
made myself a sandwich, replayed enhypen’s teaser a billion times and watched nct world’s latest episode
What Do You Wear To Bed?
comfy clothes
List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now.
Are You A Day Or Night Person?
day hmmm what
Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened.
i.... cannot remember.. i briefly remember this one dream where i, along with a group of people were locked up in this tower thing and it was a test???? and the judge was rain. he trained us for a week or something to rock climbing. and then i remember sunwoo helping me win when he was in the opposite team and he was about to kiss me woop but i fell.. and suddenly i was running away in a getaway car there were sirens in the beat of your heart kjakjahsj and then i woke up whew
Favourite Soda Drink?
ginger ale
Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More?
How Do You Look Right Now?
face oily, neck sore and eyes falling woooo
Name Something That Relaxes You
this playlist
What Tattoo Do You Want?
lowkey want a mmdiii (2503) or Yea, Simon says Hurry up 거리에 널린 flat hoop들 멈춘 순간 널 향해 조준 다 쏜다Hands up 뒤돌아 Hands up 흔들어 숨이 가득 차도 여기 법 계속 달려왜 또 눈치만 보고 서있나 우두커니 왜 또 겁먹은 표정을 짓나 이걸 원해?주문을 외워 I'm God 너희를 홀려 like wow NCT we all so sexy NCT noise you can't break me 누가 날 욕해 who Bless me achoo Simon says be cool Don't be such a fool Simon says 우린 real vibe killer (killer killer killer) Simon says 우린 real vibe killer (killer killer killer) 너네들은 다 mine mine mine mine mine 너네들은 다 mine mine mine mine mine 필요 없어 그딴 말말말말말 We don't pay no mind mind mind mind mind Yo 꽉 막힌 차 사이로 길을 여는 siren 니 맘에 그 체증을 밤새 뚫고 달려누구보다 빨라 전부 뒤에 가있어 거침없어 모든 건 내게 달려Eh 점점 분위기는 high high high high 우릴 막는 소린 bye bye bye bye 신경 다 끄고 놀아 밤새 누가 뭐라 하든 상관 안 해주문을 외워 I'm God 너희를 홀려 like wow NCT we all so sexy NCT noise you can't break me 누가 날 욕해 who Bless me achoo Simon says be cool Don't be such a fool Simon says 우린 real vibe killer (killer killer killer) Simon says 우린 real vibe killer (killer killer killer) 너네들은 다 mine mine mine mine mine 너네들은 다 mine mine mine mine mine 필요 없어 그딴 말말말말말 We don't pay no mind mind mind mind mind두려워하지마 널 막는 건 너 일 뿐 yeah 착각하지마 우린 오늘 break the rules 눈을 뜨고 깨어나 이 순간 깊숙이 빠져들어가 현실과 꿈의 사이 진짜 널 찾는 그 순간Simon says 우린 real vibe killer (aye, real vibe killer) Simon says 우린 real vibe killer (aye, real vibe killer) 너네들은 다 mine mine mine mine mine 너네들은 다 mine mine mine mine mine 필요 없어 그딴 말말말말말 We don't pay no mind mind mind mind mind We don't pay no attention but i don’t maybe the mmdiii.
whew that was a long one...kudos to whoever read all this bullshit
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Red Velvet “So Good” Lyrics Breakdown + Translation
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빛을 등진 커튼 사이 작은 바람결에 살랑이는 몸짓 Oh I love 까만 실루엣도 좋아 난 말이 막힐 만큼
빛 - light, ray, beam, twinkle, glow, gleam
~을/를 - object particle
등 - back, position, ranking
지다 - to fall, to sink down/into, to settle
V + ~는 - used to turn verbs into present tense direct modifiers (ex.: 읽는 책 - the book that is being read)
커튼 - curtain
사이 - gap, space, relationship
작다 - to be small, to be little
V + ~ㄴ/은 - used to turn descriptive verbs into adjectives
바람결 - rumor, hearsay, gossip, (lit.) movement on/of the wind
~에 - time/location particle
살랑살랑 - onomatopoeic word for “gently” (typically used to describe how things move in the wind)
~이는 - attaches to nouns in order to prep them to be modified by a following verb/verb phrase (이는 —> ~이다 + ~는)
몸짓 - gesture, motion
(새)까맣다* - black
실루엣 - silhouette
~도 - also, too, even
좋다 - to be good, to be nice, to be fine
~은/는 - topic particle
말 - word, speech, language, term, expression
~이/가 - subject particle
막히다 - to be stopped up, to be clogged, to be blocked
V + ~ㄹ/을 만큼 - as much as [verb].../to the point of being [verb]...
Think of this as an adverb phrase of sorts since it’s used to describe another verb when 만큼 is sandwiched between two verb [(ex.: 많을 만큼 필요없어. - I don’t need much. (NOTE: This is not the most natural way to say that; I used this specific wording, though, to help illustrate this point since those are very common words that are most likely very familiar to you.)]
Translation: Between the light beams slipping past the curtain / The dust dances in the gentle breeze of your movement / Oh I love even your darkened silhouette / It’s so perfect, I’m speechless
* - In Korean, colors are descriptive verbs.
좀 더 멀리 아니 깊이 내 머릿속을 헤엄치고서 아득히 퍼진 이 느낌 뭐였니 사랑이라는 이름이 맞겠지
좀 - few, little; contraction of 조금
더 - more, further, farther, again, another
멀리 - far (away)
아니다 - to not be
깊이 - depth, deep, deeply
~의 - possessive particle (내 —> 나 + ~의)
머릿속 - in one’s head
머리 - hair, head
속 - inside, in
헤엄치다 - to swim
~고서 - so, therefore, thus
아득히 - far off, vaguely
퍼지다 - to spread, to flare out, to go around
이 - this
느낌 - feeling, sense, sensation
뭐 - what, something
~이다 - to be
~니 - informal/casual question ending
사랑 - love
~(이)라는 - used to either refer to something by its name (i.e.- “...[thing] that is called…”; ex.저기 길에 “다이소”이라는 가게가 있습니다. - There’s a store called “Daiso” over on that street.) or to discuss an abstract concept & its characteristics (ex. 남들이 사랑이라는 너무 힘들은데 제일 쉬운 것은 한다고 말해요. - People say that love is difficult but that it’s the easiest thing to do.); this is a contraction of ~(이)라고 하는
이름 - name
맞다 - to be right, to be correct, to prove true
~지 - informal/casual question ending (typically used when asking a rhetorical question)
Translation: A little further, no, deeper / Until my head is swimming / What is this feeling taking over me? / It must be love, right?
스며든 그 향기가 좋아 이 기분이 좋아 가까이 와
스며들다 - to soak (in), to permeate, to penetrate, to infiltrate, to pervade, to sink
그 - that, the, he, his
향기 - scent, perfume, fragrance, aroma
기분 - feeling, mood
가까이 - close, nearby
오다 - to come, to visit, to show up
Translation: I love the way your scent lingers / I could get used to this feeling, come a little closer
이미 빠져들어 고요한 파도가 쳐 넌 나에게로 (가득 번지고) 난 뛰어들어 (맘은 넘쳤어)
이미 - already
빠져들다 - to fall (into)
고요하다 - to be quiet, to be tranquil, to be peaceful, to be still, to be placid
파도 - wave
치다 - to hit, to strike, to surge, to undulate, to smack, to punch, to slug, to slap, to beat
~에게 - “to/toward” particle
~(으)로 - means by which/method particle (think: “for,” “by,” “toward,” etc.)
가득 - full, to capacity
번지다 - to spread, to run, to grow, to escalate
V + ~고 - “and” connective used with verbs
뛰어들다 - to run, to dash, to rush, to dive/plunge into
맘 - heart, feeling, mind; contraction of 마음
넘치다 - to overflow, to brim over, to explode with/into, to flood
Translation: I’ve already fallen for you / Like a calm wave rolling in / You come to me (Wash over me) / I’m diving in headfirst (My heart’s overflowing)
온전히 깊은 울림인 걸 귓가를 간지럽혀 넌 나를 채워 (맘은 넘쳤어) Um 이대로 so good so good to me
온전히 - in full measure, wholly
깊다 - to be deep, to be bottomless, to be profound, to be strong, to be serious
울림 - echo, reverberation
~인 - contraction of 이는 (see above)
V + ~는 것 - pattern used to turn verbs into direct modifiers of nouns
걸 - thing, contraction of 것을
귓가 - rim of the ear
간지럽히다 - to tickle
채우다 - to fill in/up, to pack, to stuff, to satisfy, to complete, to fulfill, to fasten, to lock
이대로 - as it is, like this, in this way
Translation: Like an endless echo ringing in my ears / You fill me up (My heart’s overflowing) / Um, just like this, you’re so good, so good to me
들뜬 나를 어루만져 그 손길 난 사로잡혀 (oh 나를)
들뜨다 - to be excited
어루만지다 - to pat, to soothe, to stroke, to comfort
손길 - touch
사로잡히다 - to be caught alive, to be taken captive, to be seized, to be fascinated by
Translation: You keep my feet on the ground / I’m a prisoner to your touch
잉크같이 한 방울씩 하루하루 번져가는 너 점점 난 너라는 짙은 색을 입어가 때로는 은은히 모르는 새
잉크 - ink
~같이 - same as; derived from 같다 (to be similar to, to be equal, to be identical, to be the same as)
한 - modifying form of 하나
방울 - drop
~씩 - attaches to counters to indicate/highlight that the thing/action being counted will be split into the quantity specified by any number preceding the counter
하루 - day
하루하루 - day by/after day
번져가다 - to go spread/grow out (번져가다 —> 번지다 + 가다)
점점 - gradually, increasingly, little by little, bit by bit
짙다 - to be deep, to be dark, to be heavy, to be dense, to be thick
색 - color
입다 - to dress, to put on, to wear (입어가다 —> 입다 + 가다)
때로는 - occasionally, sometimes, in some cases, at times
은은히 - indistinctly, delicately, dimly, faintly, distantly
모르다 - to not know, to not understand, to not be aware of, to be ignorant
새 - time, span, gap, space, distance
Translation: Just like ink, drop by drop, everyday you’re spreading / Bit by bit until I’m covered in you / Sometimes without me even knowing
이 시작은 중요하지 않아 오직 지금이야 끌리잖아 woah
시작 - beginning, start
중요하다 - to be important, to be significant, to be crucial, to be critical, to be vital, to be momentous
V + ~지 않다 - verb pattern used to negate verb
오직 - only, solely, alone, exclusively
지금 - (right) now, present moment
끌리다 - to drag, to be drawn to, to be attracted by
~잖아 - particle denoting one’s previous awareness or knowledge of something (think “you/I already did/knew”)
Translation: How we got here isn’t important / All that matters is right here, right now, I’m spellbound
말해줘 여러 번 여러 번 너도 내게만 속삭여 yeah
말하다 - to speak, to talk, to tell, to express, to communicate
V + 주다 (to give) - used to soften a command into a request when used with/after another verb
여러 번 - many times
속삭이다 - to (be a) whisper
Translation: Tell me, over and over, again and again / Just whisper it to me
요동치는 머릿속은 (속은) 너로 가득 차서 정신없고 (없고) 감출 수 없게 해 난 너를 원해 퍼져가 흘러든 감정 벗어날 수 없어
요동치다 - to fluctuate, to shake, to jolt, to rock, to roll, to pitch
차다 - to be full of, to be filled with
~서 - so, because; contracted form of 그래서
정신 - mind, spirit, soul, consciousness
없다 - to not have, to not exist
감추다 - to hide
V + ~ㄹ/을 수 없다 - to be unable to do
V + ~(으)게 - future tense verb pattern (can only be used in first person; add “~요” to make it more polite)
하다 - to do
원하다 - to desire, to want, to wish, to hope, to long for
흘러들다 - to flow in, to pour in, to empty into, to find one’s way into
감정 - feelings, emotion, sentiment
벗어나다 - to get out, to free, to break away, to rid oneself of
Translation: In my scattered mind (In my mind) / It’s so filled with you, for my senses there’s no room (No room) / I’m not gonna hide it, I only want you / My feelings keep growing, I can’t escape
이미 깊이 빠져 마음에 나를 맡겨 넌 나에게로 (가득 번지고) 난 뛰어들어 (맘은 넘쳤어)
빠지다 - to fall out/in, to deflate, to drain
맡기다 - to leave, to check, to deposit, to put, to assign, to entrust
Translation: I’ve already fallen so hard, I’m giving into my heart / Just come to me (Wash over me) / I’m diving in headfirst (My heart’s overflowing)
온전히 작은 숨결은 또 (숨결은 또) 귓가를 간지럽혀 넌 나를 채워 (맘은 넘쳤어) 이대로 so good so good to me
숨결 - breath, breathing
또 - again, once more, also, too, as well
Translation: Even your tiniest of breaths (even your breath) / Rings in my ears / You fill me up (My heart’s overflowing) / Um, just like this, you’re so good, so good to me
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rkxdowoon-a · 5 years
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Private Audition for ROYAL ENTERTAINMENT Date: 28th of April, 2019 Location: Royal Entertainment building, Seoul Song: ‘I Want You’ by LC9 (00:02 - 01:12 and  02:15 - 03:02) Outfit: x
Dowoon is many things, but stupid was not one of them. He knows that Eric is angry that he’d been offered an audition while his little brother had not. And he knows that pestering him for advice would only sour the younger boy even more towards him. So, apart from some advice from Sunwoo (who, admittedly, was more knowledgeable about these things than Eric was) Dowoon’s entire audition had been planned out by the boy himself; from the song choice to his outfit to his actual performance.
Truth be told, he’s still stunned that Royal asked him of all people to audition for them. It was just like when he’d gone to the Superstar KTWorld auditions; he’d expected nothing and got a place in the commercial. (Seeing himself on TV was weird) He’d been made enter the Triple Threat Challenge against his will and he walked away with the audition for Royal. Life was weird. So it’s at 10 AM on the 28th that he leaves his apartment with anticipation fluttering in his stomach and his cajón hoisted firmly onto his back.
All without saying goodbye to Eric. It’s slightly depressing, but Dowoon refuses to dwell on his brother right now. Not when his dream is almost in reach.
Arriving at the Royal headquarters, Dowoon waits silently outside the room where he’d been told his audition is to be held, swallowing hard every so often and trying to calm his heart down. After his transplant, this is honestly the most nerve-racking thing he’s done in his nearly 21 years on this Earth. it’s hard to not let the thought of ‘do I really deserve to be here?’ pass through his head. But he shuts it out as best he can, shuts out the heavy atmosphere at home, shuts out everything except what he’s planned to do.
When his name is called, Dowoon lifts his cajón into his arms and enters the room, a grin making itself known at the expressions on the judges face. Forget about bringing guitars or any other instrument, he’s pretty sure not too many other people have brought some form of drum to a Big 5 audition before.
“Hello, my name is Yoon Dowoon.” He says, setting the cajón down and bowing to the judges. He isn’t sure whether he’s relieved or disappointed that So Jisub isn’t there, but Dowoon figures the man has his hands full with actually running the company. Nodding in the direction of his instrument, he speaks again.
“Thank you so much for this opportunity, I’ll be preforming LC9′s ‘I Want You’ today. I hope you enjoy it.”
Sitting on top of his drum, Dowoon takes and starts to hum the distinctive start of the song, fingers gently tapping out the beat present as he moves to actually start singing.
하얀 바다에 빠져 까만 선율이 번져 나의 너를 그려내 잊혀졌던 Memory 조각 같은 눈물이 되감아 지길 바래
This is slightly easier to sing than ‘Just Right,’ with the group’s vocal range being somewhat closer to his own. There’s also the underlying message of the song of wanting something so much. He wants this contract. He wants to make his siblings proud of him.
And for the first time in his life, Dowoon wants to be an idol for his own sake too.
두 눈 감아 Oh na na na 꿈이라도 좋으니 너를 내게 보여줘 널 불러 Oh na na na 긴 시간 넘어 다시 이곳으로
At the pre-chous, Dowoon replaces the beat of snapping fingers that had been present in the original version by kicking his heels against the base of the cajón to produce a deeper sound, waiting for the exact second here he could start showing off his true drumming abilities. One final click as he sings the last line before he breaks into a grin.
I want you 눈앞에 니가 다시 다가와 그때와 다른 결말이 오길 (Oh!) I can’t let you go 매일 나 그려왔던 바로 이 순간 I said I want you I can’t let you go 끝없이 기다려온 바로 이 순간 I said I want you
At once, the drumming picks up to the beat it is in the original recording, Dowoon using his hands, fingertips and feet to control the rhythm and make it unique. He can vaguely see raised eyebrows from the judges at the shift from an almost ballad like performance to what he’s playing now. He doesn’t let that distract him, though singing and letting his hands glide along and bounce against the instrument to the create the sounds he needs.
‘I dreamed of this moment every day.’
But now it’s a different kind of dream. He dreams of being an idol and hearing people singing along with him. He dream of glory for his sake, as well as his family’s.
As he finishes singing the chorus, he keeps drumming, but slows it down to the speed of the last rendition of the pre-chorus’ beat. He had been loathe to cut out the second verse, but the time limit mean that, had he kept in, he’d be over time and he could kiss goodbye to the chance of any contract on that basis alone. Still, it wasn’t a bad thing, it had forced him to come up with a way to transition between his two chosen parts cleanly and allowed him to show off a little with his creativity. (If his drumming wasn’t already doing it already)
잔을 가득 채운 기억이 넘쳐 흐르는 밤 Oh na na na 희미해진 경계 기억 너머 내게 와 Cause I....
Dowoon returns to the soft beat of earlier, heels thumping off the cajón in a steady rhythm as he sings, his voice a little sad as he thinks of the lyrics. Memories of when he was Eric’s idol, even before Dowoon had ever thought of becoming one himself. Memories of when Eric hung onto his every word and looked at him with adoration. ‘The cup full of memories overflow,’ indeed. He forces the thought away before it can take root, knowing that it’ll renew the bitterness and depression he’d been feeling since they’d gotten home last Sunday.
He was so close. He couldn’t let this chance slip through his fingers because of his emotions.
I want you 더 깊이 내게 밀려온 맘이 파도처럼 날 삼켜버려도 (Oh) I can’t let you go 한 번 더 눈 감으면 다시 니 곁에 I said I want you (You, yeah) (Oh na na na, oh na na na)
As he enters the final stretch of the song, the drumming increases to its previous energetic beat and Dowoon’s voice rings out through the room. A smile re-appears on his face, not as wide as the one from earlier, but just as sincere. He has to believe in the message of the song. He has to believe that somehow on for the companies will see his worth and sign him, no matter how long it took. He has to believe that he can fix things with Eric, and that he can have a similarly close relationship without Sunwoo without their parents interfering.
He wants all of it. He wants to be signed and make his dreams come true. He wants to be the star that the sickly Dowoon had dreamed about when he was stuck in his hospital bed.
I can’t let you go 내일 나 눈을 뜨면 너의 품속에 I, I said I want you
Coming to the end of the song, Dowoon finishes with a decisive pound of his hands against the front of the cajón, letting the sound resonate in the room for a few seconds before standing up and bowing to the judges, smiling.
“Thank you for letting perform for you. It’s been an honour.” he says sincerely. Once he’s given his cue to leave, he bows once more and hauls his cajón into his arms and leaves, shutting the door behind him. He makes his way to the seats he’d been waiting on, suddenly sinking into them and shaking hard, eyes watering and a lump building in his throat as reality hits him like a truck.
He did it. He actually, finally, auditioned for Royal. Now all he could do was pray for success.
[Word Count: 1,207] Lyrics credit: ccl
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milkcocoahkorean · 6 years
hi, how can we know whether we should conjugate the verb into its plain form or into formal/informal form?
Hi, that’s a tough question. I think you’re talking about switching between speech levels, and it’s really complicated subject. But, I’m going to give a rather simple “easy” guide for navigating these forms in general. And, later, I plan on breaking it down much more in a separate post!
Well, Korean has two main divisions of speech which are 존댓말 (formal polite ㅂ/습니다 —> 합니다 or formal 아/어요 —> 해요) and 반말 (informal 아/어 —> 해 or plain form in speech ㄴ/는다 —> 한다).
1. Now, right away I can tell you that you’ll use the “formal polite” ㅂ/습니다 the least. So, don’t worry too much. You’ll see it in set phrases like “잘 먹겠습니다” or “감사합니다.” And you’ll often use this level while giving presentations or speeches in classes or at events.
2. Now, “formal” 어/아요 will be used the most. It should be your default language for whenever you meet someone for the first time, and you might continue to use it forever with them. Now, many people hear that you can use 반말 with people who are younger or the same age, but still people tend to use 어/아요 when they first meet because it’s just polite to do so. 
3. Now, once you get to know someone, and you’re the same age or a similar age, that person might say “let’s speak casually (in 반말)” or “you can speak casually (in 반말) to me.” But this is tricky, as all relationships are unique. Now, the cultural rules about switching to 반말 can be complicated, and if you do it inappropriately, you can look quite rude. Some people will forgive you and say “it’s okay because you’re a foreigner,” but that’s not good in my opinion. 
So how do you know? You ask. Or wait for the other person to ask you. The question is normally asked by the older person. If you’re the same age (born in the same year) either one of you can probably ask. 
Even if you’re the same age or they are older, not everyone wants to use 반말.  It’s a really complicated social construct, so it’s not as simple as “informal” speech or “you use 반말 with those younger than you.” It’s just not that simple. I suggest waiting for the other person to ask, and then you can never go wrong.
Here are some common phrases that people use to transition into 반말.
    편하게 말해셔도 돼요. You may speak comfortably with me.
    말을 놓으셔도 돼요. You may “lower” your speech (level).
    편하게 말할까요? Shall we speak comfortably? 
    말을 놓을까요? Should we “lower” our speech (level)?
    오오 우리가 친구네? 편하게 말하자! Ohh look’s like we’re friends! Let’s talk      comfortably!
The last one might be used by really extroverted people who aren’t really tied up in hierarchy, but it’s not that common. I have met one person who was like that though. These phrases might sound really awkward in English, but they’re common in Korean, and they’re really important when switching to 반말.
4. Plain form is used in writing. It’s used in diary entries, news articles, essays, reports, and on some blogs. You’ll use plain speech mostly for writing. 
And, you might be saying “but I’ve heard it in dramas?” And yes, it has a second usage. So if you want to use plain speech, you most definitely need to be in a relationship where you speak 반말. It is used quite often, but it’s not like you use it all day. People tend to sprinkle it in their speech sometimes. But a majority of the conversation is normally in “informal” speech.
    나 간다~ I’m going.
    못하겠다~ I just can’t do it.
    맛있는 걸 먹었다~ I ate something good~
But it’s really common to use the plain 자 to say “let’s do something.” This “자” is actually used all day.
    가자. Let’s go.
    하자.  Let’s do it.
    치킨 먹자. Let’s eat chicken. 
니 is a bit trickier. 니 is typically used to someone “below you” socially, and if you say it to the wrong person, even if you’re close, they might not like it. So, I suggest avoiding it. You never need to use 니  to ask a question.
    먹었니? Did you eat?
    없니? You don’t have (something)?
But once again these 3 plain forms should be used in a close relationship where you already use 반말.
This is a simple guide that will help most people navigate switching between the forms. But all relationships are unique, and there are exceptions to these rules.
Don’t worry though, you’ll get used to it after a while! I’ll be back sometime with a more in-depth explanation of how to navigate these forms and why.
I hope this helps!
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moonbokrk · 5 years
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TRC Triple Threat Challenge Date: 21st April 2019 Location: Yongsan-gu Performance: Boy in Love - BTS (00:00-01:44) Outfit: x
When Tiger JK had called him that during the MGA’s wildcard round, Moonbok had taken it as a personal insult. A slight against the skills he’d (thought he’d) honed since he was a child. He’d left the studio even more bitter and dejected than when he was first eliminated.
Now he realizes the older man was right. And that mediocre hadn’t been meant as an insult. Rather, it was probably meant as a challenge to Moonbok, to not be so complacent and to focus.
Which is why he finds himself in Yongsan-gu at TRC’s Triple Threat Challenge. Not because Moonbok feels as though he's a triple threat, but to show Tiger JK that he finally understood what the man had told him. That he’d taken heed of his words and tried to improve himself and his skills.
He’d chosen Boy in Luv for two reasons. One, because he’d finally learned the dance off, thanks to Jiyeon’s relentless training and his own stubbornness. Two, it was a BTS song, which incorporated dancing, singing and rapping together within the first 90 seconds in a tight routine. It was one of their signature songs for a reason.
Pinning back his hair tightly, Moonbok bounces slightly on the balls of his feet, craning his head to try and get a decent look at the stage, which is (unsurprisingly) not a success. Instead, he looks around the crowd with plenty of familiar faces from the MGAs, eyes widening slightly as he spots Sohn Eric with the boy he’d been with at the Jung Community Center. For a moment Moonbok’s eyebrows furrow as he racks his brains to try and remember if the young boy had done any rapping during the MGAs before coming up blank.
“Jang Moonbok!”
At the call of his name, Moonbok feels his stomach drop slightly as he yells back an acknowledgement and makes his way towards the stage. This time, he’s careful as to how he presents himself to the audience and the judges as he climbs onto the stage; not to appear as overconfident as he’d done in the MGAs and which had been part of his reason for his elimination, but also to not look meek and self-conscious either.
Standing on the marked part of the stage, he bows lowly to the judges before straightening up and speaking with a small smile.
“I’m Jang Moonbok, living in Yongsan-gu.” The judges faces remain impassive and Moonbok looks directly at Tiger JK. Not in the confrontational way he’d stared at Hyun Bin during the wildcard round, but in a way he hopes conveys this thoughts to the TRC CEO.
‘I’ve learned. I know what you meant now.’
“I’ll be performing Boy in Luv by BTS. I hope you’ll enjoy.”
Nodding firmly as he finished speaking, Moonbok turns and takes a few steps away from the judges to give himself space to dance, hands on his hips and willing himself not to bounce on his feet. He closes eyes, breathes deep and counts down from three.
And then the music starts.
되고파 너의 오빠 너의 사랑이 난 너무 고파 되고파 너의 오빠 널 갖고 말 거야 두고 봐
He strides forward with purpose, mentally running over everything Jiyeon had told him. Instead of a cocky smirk like in the MV, though, Moonbok wears a more serious expression. (Though part of that can be blamed on nerves) During the second half of the opening verse he moves into the actual dance, making sure his movements hit the beat of the song. Then he leaps into the air as the signature chant begins.
왜 내 맘을 흔드는 건데? 왜 내 맘을 흔드는 건데? 왜 내 맘을 흔드는 건데? 흔드는 건데 흔드는 건데
It takes plenty of concentration to keep his movements in sync along with singing and making sure he’s paying enough concentration on the judges. But he hasn’t been practicing this for so long for nothing. At least the dance is good for helping him release this nervous energy and his expression morphs into a more confident and relaxed one as the song continues.   
아빠, 아빤 대체 어떻게 엄마한테 고백한 건지 편지라도 써야 될런지 뭔지, 니 앞에서 난 먼지 괜히 틱틱대고 씩씩대고 징징대게 돼 나는 진지한데 찌질하게 시비나 걸게 돼 뭔데 신경 쓰여 다 큰 날 애로 만들어 거꾸로 뒤집을껴, 인연을 연인으로
When he’d first started learning this song during the winter, he couldn’t relate much to the message in it. If anything, his thoughts were usually along the lines of ‘shut up, and just ask her out already.’ But since he’d met with Soojin, it resonated with him a lot more. Through without all of the anger and complaining in the song. And that helps guide his movements and voice, wondering if she’d made it to the audition after all.
He hopes he’s making her proud, if she’s here. Even if their relationship is still a work in progress, he hopes she can see how much he’s improved since the MGAs.
대학까지도 너랑 간다면 참 잘 갈 것 같아 가나다라마바사아 하쿠나마타타! 똑같은 프로필 사진 왜 자꾸 확인할까 그렇다고 착각하지마 쉬운 남자 아냐
This was the rapping part that everyone remembered, it’s iconic. And it’s the part Moonbok as worked so hard on to make sure he can dance and enunciate himself properly. He wants to do this part so much justice, he wants to show Tiger JK that, while his rapping can still be improved, it has moved beyond the mediocre. Luckily, for the first half, the dancing is pretty simply, though he adds as much a personal flair as he can before carrying out the big leap forward at the face-paced nonsensical part.
안달 났어 나 안달 났어 니가 뭔데? 너만 잘났어? 왜 나를 자꾸 놀려 놀려 너 이제 그만 hol’ up hol’ up
He’s experimented with this particular dance move a few times, what with it being a little more complicated without other dancers to help your timing. Moonbok uses both the tempo of the lyrics and the background beat to carry out the iconic robot like movements, occasionally having to incorporate brushing his hair out of his face into the the dance. (He had at least, factored this in when practicing)
꽉 잡아 날 덮치기 전에 내 맘이 널 놓치기 전에 Say what you want Say what you want 니가 진짜로 원하는 게 뭐야 꽉 잡아 날 덮치기 전에 내 맘이 널 놓치기 전에 Say what you want Say what you want 니가 진짜로 원하는 게 뭐야
Instead of the stepping movements used in the original dance, Moonbok swivels his hips as coyly as he dares, hand resting on his thigh, rather than his crotch. (That was just embarrassing, plus it was usually the part of the song where he’d manage to kick himself.) His voice rings out clearly, almost as pining sounding as in the original version. What is it that Soojin really wants? And is someone like him really capable of giving it to her? Moonbok prays he is, drowns out the voice of doubt as best he can through singing and dancing.
왜 내 맘을 흔드는 건데 왜 내 맘을 흔드는 건데 왜 내 맘을 흔드는 건데 흔드는 건데 흔드는 건데
Returning to the dance moves he’d used when this part had played at the beginning, he slows down his movements slightly as the music fades, finishing with his hand in the air once again and breathing heavily. If he made mistakes, they didn’t register with him, all that he can think of now was that he didn’t cause a catastrophe like he did during Team Dream’s performance. He sang, rapped and danced and came out of it feeling happy. 
He’s redeemed himself in his own eyes. 
Smiling and bowing to the judges and Tiger JK once more, he speaks, glad his voice isn’t too hoarse sounding given the fast paced rapping and exertion from dancing.
“Thank you for watching me. It was my pleasure to perform in front of you.”
[Word count: 1,145] Lryrics translation: ccl
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ncts-nightnight · 6 years
170901 누군가에 대해서 알고싶을 때 취미가 뭐냐고 물어보잖아. 그럼 난 어떤 사람인걸까? 내 취미는 넌데. When you want to get to know about someone, you ask them about their interest/hobby. What kind of person am I? My interest is you. 170902 어떻게 매일이 마음에 들어. 이런 날도 있고, 저런 날도 있는거지. 근데 어떻게.. 넌 매일.. 내 마음에 들어? How do you like every single day? There are these kind of days and there are those kind of days too. But how is it that I like you everyday? 170903 그래, 사람에 치여서 혼자 있고 싶을 때 있어. 근데 제일 큰 행복, 제일 큰 힘을 주는건 결국 사람이더라. 그러니까 오늘 난 니 옆에 있어도 되지? Yeah, when people are busy, there are times they want to be alone. But the biggest happiness, the things that give the most strength are ultimately humans. So today, it's okay for me to be beside you right? 170904 꽃이나 나무한테도 좋은 말을 해주면 예쁘게 잘 자란다잖아, 우린 서로 좋은 말 매일 하는데. 음.. 나한텐 좋은 말 그만해두 될거같애~ 영호: 나두~ If you say nice words to the flower or tree, they will grow well right. We say nice things to each other everyday though. Um... I think you can stop saying nice things to me~ Johnny: Me too~ 170905 널 행복하게 해주고 싶어. 근데 내가 너한테 뭘 해줄수 있을까? 그래서 종일 생각한건데 이거 들어볼래? I want to make you happy. But what can I do for you? So I thought about it for the whole day, shall we listen to this? 170906 꼭 함께해야 좋은 것들이 있잖아. 쌀쌀한 밤엔 차 한잔이 필요하고 외로운 밤엔 잔잔한 음악이 필요하고. 그리고 내 11시엔 니가 필요해. There are things that are good together. On a chilly night, there's a need for a cup of tea and on a lonely night, soothing music is needed and also, at my 11pm, I need you. 170907 좋아하는 사람이랑 있으면 시간이 빨리 가. 그래서 말인데, 너 왜 자꾸 내 한시간 없애? The time goes fast when you're with someone you like. Speaking of it, why are you always take away an hour of mine? 170908 낮엔 괜찮았는데. 웃고, 떠들고.. 근데 밤되니깐 기분도 같이 어두워져.그래서 내가 왔잖아. 기대라고. It was fine in the day. Smiling, chatting away. But when it becomes night, mood becomes gloomy too. So I've arrived, come lean on me. 170909 누구에게나 각자의 슬픔과 기쁨이 있어. 너한테도 내가 모르는 슬픔이 있겠지. 하지만 이건 알고있어. 우리가 서로의 기쁨이라는거. Everyone has their own sadness and happiness. For you there's also a sadness that I don't know right? But what I know is that we are each other's happiness. 170910 너의 한마디가 누군가에겐 큰 기쁨일수도, 또 누군가에겐 상처일수도 있어. 그리고 나에겐 가끔 전부이기도 해. Your one word can be of great happiness and it can also be hurtful to someone. And sometimes it can also do everything to me. 170911 언젠간 우리 마음이 변할수도 있어. 그래도 이 시간은 절대 변하지 않아 치워지지도 않아. 그래서 난 오늘도 최선을 다 해서 널 좋아할거야. Someday our hearts may change. But this time won't ever change and be erased. I'm gonna do my best today too and love you. 170912 보는 라디오 켰어? 나 잘 나와? 근데 넌 왜 안나와? 나도 너 보고 싶은데 힝 뚕땽해 재휴니 죵말죵먈 뚁땽해. 쟈니도 뚁땽해. Did you turn on the viewable radio? But, why there's no you? I want to see you too. Hing~ I'm upset~ Jaehyunie is really really upset. Johhny is upset too. 170913 예전엔 하늘이 예쁘면 그냥 그런가보다 했어. 근데 이제는 예쁜 하늘이 고마워. 덕분에 너도 오늘 좀 더 행복했을 것 같아서. In the past when the sky was pretty, I only thought it was just it. But now I'm thankful for the pretty sky. I think you look happier today because of it. 170914 가을이라 좋다가두 이러다 찬바람 불면 쓸쓸해지는데 싶더라구. 근데 곧바로 이런 생각이 들더라. 아니지, 올핸 나 혼자가 아니잖아! I like it because it's autumn, but when the cold wind blows I feel lonely. But, I thought of this right away, "No, I'm not alone this year!" 170915 완벽해 이날씨! 게다가 금요일밤이잖아, 다들 이런날은 누구랑 같이 보낼지 꽤 고민하겠다. 나는 고민 안해도 되는데. The perfect weather! Moreover it's friday night, people might think for a long time about who will they spend day like this with. I don't have to worry about it though. 170916 내 머릿속에도 스위치가 있으면 좋겠어. 탁! 눌러서 복잡한거 다 끄고싶다. 너만 남기고 다 꺼버리게~ I hope there was a switch in my head. Ttak! I want to turn off all the complicated things. Leave only you and turn off everything. 170917 모든건 다 지나가. 그러니까 힘든건 그냥 지나가게 두고, 소중한거엔 집중해. 지금 이순간도 지나가고 있잖아. Everything goes by, so leave the hard thing behind and focus on what you care. Even this moment is passing by now. 170918 나 왔어! 어디 얼굴 좀 봐봐. 이제야 웃네~ 아 진짜 나 없으면 어떡할 뻔 했어. 영호: 으이구~(주먹으로 재현이 팔 콩!) 재현: 악! I'm here! Let me see your face. You're smiling now~ Ah really, what would you have done without me? / Johnny: Aigoo~ (Poke Jaehyun's arm with fist) / Jaehyun: Ah! 170919 누군가한테 호감을 얻고 싶으면 칭찬을 하라-는 글을 봤다? 오늘도 11시 0분 정확했어. 약속 잘 지키는 부지런한 사람 너무 좋더라. 칭찬해~ 칭찬해~ Have you seen a saying said "Praise them if you want to be liked by someone"? Today was also exactly 11:00PM. I really like dilligent people who keep their promise. I'm proud of you~ 170920 밤에 뭐 먹으면 왠지 더 맛있다? 같은 노래도 밤에 들으면 훨씬 더 좋아. 그래서 말인데, 너무 좋다. 우리 맨날 이시간에 만나는거. Somehow it's more delicious when you eat at night? Even the same song too sounds better at night. So, I really like it that we meet at this hour everyday. 170921 시간을 어떻게 보내는게 좋을까 하다가 나한테 소중한 일을 제일 먼저 해야겠다는 생각이 들었어. 그래서~ 하아~ 하아~ 하아~ 안녕? 나 왔어! After I wonder about how to spend the time, I think I should do the precious work  first. So~ haa~ haa~ haa~ hello? I'm here! 170922 너 혼자 다 잘하는거 알아, 근데 너무 벅차면 잠깐 기대도 돼. 옆에 나 있어. I know that you can do everything well alone, but when it's too much you can count on someone for a bit. There's me beside you. 170923 옆에 누가 있어준다는게 얼마나 대단한 일인줄 알아? 그런 확신이 있는 사람은 잘 안아프고 아파도 금방 낫는대. 아픈데 없지? 다 내 덕분이야. Do you know how great it is to have someone beside you? Someone who is sure of it is won't get hurt, even when they get hurt they will be fine soon. You're not hurt, right? It's because of me. 170924 내가 행복하다는 얘긴 아무한테나 할 수 있어. 근데 힘들다는 얘기나 속상하다는 얘기는 아무한테나 못해. 그래서 우리 사이가 특별한거야. I can tell to anyone that I'm happy, but I can't tell to anyone when it's hard or when I'm upset. So, our relationship is special. 170925 나 봐봐 그냥 아무말 하지 말구, 잠깐만 이러고 있자. Look at me and don't say anything. Let's stay like this for a while. 170926 오늘도 억지로 웃을 일 많았지? 근데 이시간엔 안그래도 돼. ..뭐?! 이시간엔 저절로 웃음이 난다구?! 크크크. 나두~ / 나두~ There were many things that force you to smile today, right? But you don't have to be like that now... What?! You're smiling naturally now?! kekeke.. me too~ / me too~ 170927 밤부터 추워진대. 따뜻한 옷 꺼냈어? 추우면 괜히 마음도 외로워져. 따뜻하게 입어. It's getting cold at night. Did you wear warm clothes? When it's cold my heart gets lonely. Dress warmly. 170928 모두에게 좋은 사람일 순 없어. 너에게 중요한 사람에게만 좋은 사람이면 돼. 일단 난 널 좋아해. I can't be a good person to anyone. I can be a good person only to you, a person who is important. First, I like you. 170929 우와 쭉 노는 날이네~ 다음주엔 내 시간 내 마음대로 나만을 위해서 쓸 수 있어. 그래도 매일 한 시간은 널 위해서 쓸게~ Woah it's a holiday~ I can spend my time next week for me as I wish. But still, I will use an hour for you~ 170930 좋은 사람들이랑 함께 보낸 행복한 시간은, 마음속에 차곡차곡, 잘 담아놓자. 언젠가 지치고 힘든 날, 꺼내보고 큭. 하고 한번 웃게. 큭. The happy time we spent with good people, let's keep it well neatly in our mind. We can take it out when it's a tiring and hard day, and smile. Kkeuk.
korean transcript: @valentinesboy97 korean-english translation: @fluffywhitie, @jaehyunbom__
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rksona · 7 years
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★ — royal survival, episode 7 ;
🎼  want you to say — playback — ft. @seolhyunrk, @rkseoyoung, @rkrose, @ellyrk
it felt nearly impossible to believe that royal survival was truly coming to an end. it had been a long and eventful journey, though, if she were being honest, the time had slipped by much faster than dawon had expected it to. it almost felt as though just yesterday she had been filming for her audition, anxious and unaware of what her future might hold. auditioning had been one of the most difficult decisions of dawon’s life thus far, though, looking back now, she finds herself grateful to have taken the risk.
“this one’s for you, junyeong,” she whispered herself as they prepared for their stage, and dawon’s quickening heartbeat resembled some of her earlier performances. this was the do or die moment, and dawon wasn’t sure as to whether she felt excited or terrified, though she assumed that it was some weird mixture of both. she took one final look at her team around her, smiling once in seolhyun’s direction as they prepared for what might be their last performance together. dawon wasn’t ready to leave these girls, not yet—she had no choice but to give this performance her all, and she had no intention of holding back.
쳐다봐 날 또 피하다가 계속 엇갈리는 Sign Play me your song Play 처음부터 Playback
when it’s her turn to sing, dawon does her best to smile for the camera, hopefully showing off some of the charisma she had worked so hard to improve on. she was far from the most charismatic on the show, that much she wouldn’t deny—but it was difficult for dawon to ignore the progress she’d shown over the course of the show—the effort she’d put forth into becoming someone that wasn’t completely forgettable. her time on the show (and her teammates) had helped her to come out of her metaphorical shell, hopefully leaving her in a position to show the world what kind of performer nam dawon truly was.
기다렸잖아 I waited 좀 더 다가와 Come come to me now ooh
as the main vocalist, dawon felt that she had to be absolutely perfect when it came to the execution of her lines (making her particularly grateful for the lack of complicated choreography whenever it was her turn to sing). she found herself thinking back on what so jisub had told her in one of the earlier episodes, after her team’s performance of over u: ‘dawon, every time you open your mouth to sing, i don’t think anyone can possibly focus on anything else but where it’s coming from’. she found herself hoping that that would be the case once again today, and there was no way she’d allow herself to walk away without delivering any less than what should be expected of the main vocalist (in fact, it was her intention to go beyond what was expected, as scary as that thought seemed).
알고 싶어 니 모든걸 사소한 버릇까지도 What you like What you hate Yeah I’m so 사랑으로 빠졌어 Yeah baby boy
she can’t help but think of how much she enjoys listening to rose sing, and now more than ever she found herself grateful that they were on the same team. rose was someone that dawon had enjoyed practicing with, and she looked forward to their potential future together as members of luxe. when it came to her lines, however, they were far less demanding than what was required in the chorus, though she enjoyed herself while singing them all the same. she enjoyed the song more than she had expected to, and dawon feels that it’s one that she’d listen to a lot in her spare time.
기다렸잖아 I waited 좀 더 다가와 Come come to me now ooh
it was impossible for dawon to ignore the thought of how right this feels. performing alongside seolhyun, seoyoung, rose, and elly... they were some of the girls that she had grown closest to over the course of the show, and she couldn’t bear the idea of leaving them now. they were her team, and, no matter what results may follow, she doesn’t imagine that anything would be able to change that. there was a genuine happiness that she felt throughout the entirety of their performance, and she knew that it came from those that she was on stage with as they all put on one final performance before royal survival would finally come to an end.
(난 언제나) I’m waiting for you (그때까지) I’ll always be right here for you 더 기다리겐 하지마
as she and seolhyun sang their part of the bridge together, they were soon gently holding hands, even if only for a brief moment. there wasn’t a word to describe how much contentment dawon felt standing on stage alongside her friends, and she could only hope that they were doing a good job of showing their chemistry off to those watching them. these were the people that dawon wanted to debut with, and that is what constantly fueled her to give her all to the performance, determined to show so jisub how much she had improved from her performance of pattern all those months ago.
she had worked on her singing technique, improved her ability to carry out high notes—she felt that she was a much better singer than the day she had auditioned, and she doesn’t suppose that she owes that to anyone more than so jisub himself. it was strange, in a way—it almost felt as if the man was her friend, which was a far cry from her relationship with hyun bin, for whom she still felt intimidated by (though she still appreciated him taking a chance on her more than anything).
she put as much as she could without straining herself into her high notes, which came easier than they would have in the past, making her that much more grateful for the hard work she had put into training her voice over the course of the show. she had to assume that it would make the notes more pleasant to hear, too, though that was ultimately for so jisub to decide.
기다렸잖아 I waited 좀 더 다가와 Come come to me now ooh
the performance was drawing to a close, though dawon didn’t want to think of it as the ending. she didn’t dare to think of this as the ending, lest she run the risk of crying just as soon as their stage was complete. in the final moment, just after their performance had ended, dawon realized that, in that moment, she felt happier than she had in a very long time. this was everything that she’s ever wanted. she could only pray that it wouldn’t be over before it had the chance to truly begin.
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peace-freedom · 5 years
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marxh 🐰 #playlist
March - what a stagnant and uneventful month. I have just been trying to hold on to some hopes that soon I will be able to make some meaningful progress. These songs are what kept me going. Please listen to them if you’d like 🤗 Wish me luck next month! 
1. Sweet but Psycho - Ava Max
“Grab a cop gun kinda crazy. She’s poison but tasty. Yeah, people say, Run, don’t walk away.” 
I really took notice of this song when I was driving to campus. Guess I needed some hyped tunes in the gloomy morning and this just serves its purpose! The overall beats going on are xrazy and I’m lovin’ it 💖
2. I’ll never love again - Lady Gaga
“I would've broke my heart in two. Tryin' to save a part of you (...) Don't wanna know another kiss. No other name falling off my lips.”  
This. After I saw the trailer to Star is Born (I haven’t even watched the movie yet) I instantly listened to this and cried. So many emotions, unsaid, and it has been delivered through this song. Did you feel the pain too?⭐
3. Y Si Fuera Ella - 종현
“아예 모른 채 살 것을. 이렇게 미치도록 슬플 줄이야 .”  
- It’s better to act like I don’t know. Because the sadness is driving me insane.
It’s such a shame that I got to know and listen to this song after the passing of our beloved 종현. Just like what Lady Gaga has delivered through ‘I’ll never love again’, ‘Y Si Fuera Ella’ possessed the same emotional pain of having to lose someone we love. The character in this song begged and begged for the lover not to leave them, but they know it’s futile. And if you haven’t watched the video of 종현 singing this live..... you know what you must do now !
4. Bad Things - Machine Gun Kelly, Camila Cabello 
“Okay, yeah, I'm insane. But you’re the same.”  
This song somehow perfectly represents what I see would be or was of my relationship. I know I am insane, and I think it would just be a tad bit easier if my lover was on the same xrazy side 😉
5. Mama - Clean Bandit, Ellie Goulding
“I didn't know that I could have these thoughts.”
I would just like to say, Clean Bandit never disappoints. Seriously, how could they produce a song so relatable in more than just one way, every single time ! You can take the song in every context you want and it would still make sense. Unbelievable. And don’t even get me started on the music. Perfecto💯
6. November Song - Baek Yerin
“This love could make me blue.”
Such a sweet song sung by a sweet girl 💙 The slow paced of the song calms you and surely will take you to reminisce beautiful memories.
7. 달라 달라 - ITZY
“니 기준에 날 맞추려 하지 마 .”
-  Don’t measure me by your standards alone.
THIS ! THIS ! Everyone needs to hear and understand this! The message behind the lyrics is exceptional and the beats could get you jamming all day !
8. TWIT (멍청이) - 화사 
“주는 게 많아 근데 왜 너만 불행해질까 ? 나를 위해서만 숨을 쉬니까 너무 외로워 보여
주는 게 없지 근데 왜 나도 불행해질까 ? 나를 위해서만 숨을 쉬지 마 “
-  You give so much but why are you the only unhappy one? Because you only breathe for me You look so lonely 
I don’t give anything but why am I unhappy too? Don’t just breathe for me
To be really honest, this somehow sums up my one and only relationship. I’m having a hard time of choosing lyrics to highlight, they all just make so much sense to be wrote together as a story. Oh and there is a YouTube video explaining the meaning behind the song related to the Korean ancient story. Go check them out ! Anyone who feels like being attached/so close to their lovers but yet still feel empty, please listen to this🐤
9. RBB - Red Velvet
“You’re a bad boy and you’re bad for me !”
Did you hear those scream !? Did you hear them !? Gaddyum Red Velvet, I heard you 😱
10. Noir - 선미
“Blah blah bullshhh”
Another one who does not disappoint, EVER. For the context, for the music, for everything, I just love her. 💃😍
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ncts-nightnight · 6 years
180401 꼭 의미있는 시간을 보내지 않아도 돼. 하루를 재밌게 보내지 않아도 돼. 뭘 해야할까- 스트레스 받지 말고, 그냥 니가 하고 싶은걸 해. 하고싶은게 없다고? 그러면 가만히 쉬는 거. 그게 지금 니가 하고싶은거야. It's okay to not to spend your time meaningfully, it's okay to not a spend a day interestingly. "What should I do?" Don't be stressed and just do what you want. You don't have anything you want to do? Then just rest, that's what you want to do now. 180402 말을 할수있는 건 우리 사람들만의 특권이야. 좋아해, 사랑해 이렇게 간단한 단어로 감정을 전할 수 있는건 우리 사람들 뿐이야. 그러니까 그런 특별함을 마음껏 누리자. 좋아해, 사랑해. Being able to talk is a privilege that only humans have. "I like you, I love you", only us humans can convey our emotions through these simple phrases. Hence, let's enjoy this specialness to our hearts' content. I like you, I love you. 180403 가끔은 너에게 거짓말을 해야만 할 때도 있어. 아니, 거짓말이 필요할 때도 있어. 괜찮아, 잘 돼가고 있어, 충분해, 부족하지 않아. 계속 얘기해줘. 진심으로 믿는다면, 곧 현실이 될거야. Occasionally, there are times when I have to lie to you. No, there are times when lies are necessary. "It's okay, it's going well, it's good enough, it's not lacking." Keep on saying it and if you believe in it sincerely, it'll soon become reality. 180404 어딘가에 갈 때, 목적지로만 쭉 뻗은 길을 따라간다면 길을 잃을 일도 없고, 훨씬 빨리 갈 수 있을거야. 정말 가고 싶은 곳이 있다면, 샛길이 있는지 찾아보지 마. 여지가 있으면 우리는 망설이고, 헤매게 돼. When going somewhere, if you follow the road that only leads to the destination, you won't lose your way and you'll be able to reach much quickly. If there's a place where you really want to go, don't try searching for a side road. If there's leeway, we would hesitate and wander around. 180405 모든일에 처음을 생각해봐. 그땐 걱정이 가득했지만 지금 생각하면 애틋한 설렘만 떠오르지? 다시 뭔가에 도전해 봐. 그럼 마음 부푸는 추억을 더 많이 가질 수 있어. Think about the start of everything. Although you were full of worries at that time, if you think about it now, only fond excitement comes to mind right? Try challenging something new again so that you'll able to have even more heart swelling memories. 180406 누가 너한테 행복해지는 방법을 추천해달라-고 한다면, 넌 분명히 아주 사소한 것들을 추천해줄거야. 그 방법으로 내일 너를 행복하게 만들어줘. If someone asks you to recommend a way to become happier, you'll definitely recommend something very simple. Using that way, make yourself happy tomorrow. 180407 온전히 혼자인 시간이 필요해. 그래야 남들이 좋다고 해서 좋게 느껴지는 것들, 누군가 나한테 어울린다고 해서 내 것이 되어버린 것들, 그런거 말고 진짜 내껄 찾을 수 있어. I need alone time such that I will be able to find what's truly mine instead of the things that I enjoy because others say they are nice and the things that became mine because someone told me that they suit me. 180408 휴대폰 작은 네모 속 세상만 너무 들여다보지 마. 진짜 너의 세상을 둘러봐. 그러기엔 우리가 살고 있는 세상이 너무 넓고 멋지잖아. Don't only look at the world inside the small rectangle of your handphone too much. Have a look at the real world around you. The world that we are living in really wide and amazing. 180409 길가에 꽃 봤어? 지기전에 보라구. 그리고 내일 아침엔 하늘 한번 꼭 봐. 맑을거래. 내가 가진게 아니어도 너랑 나눌 수 있는게 많아서 행복해. Did you see the flower on the roadside? Look at it before it withers. Also, be sure to look at the sky tomorrow. It's going to be clear. Although they don't belong to me, there are a lot that I can share it with you so I'm happy. 180410 어둠이 없었다면 별을 발견할 수 없었겠지. 힘들지 않았다면 친구가 필요하지 않았을거구. 외롭지 않았다면 널 만나지 못했을거야. If there was no darkness, we wouldn't be able to discover stars right? If it wasn't tiring, we wouldn't need friends. If I wasn't lonely, I wouldn't have been able to meet you. 180411 누군가 토닥여주고, 쓰다듬어주고, 조용히 손 잡아주는 것만으로도 우린 아주 많은 힘을 얻어. 그게 누군가 내 옆에 있다는걸 알려주기 때문이야. Just by someone patting our back, our head or holding our hands quietly, we gain a lot of strength. That's because it tells us that there's someone by our side.
180412 맑은 하늘을 보면 마음 놓고 창문을 열게 되는 것처럼, 맑고 밝은 사람이 앞에 있으면 안심하고 마음을 열 수 있어. 매일 이 시간엔 그렇게 마음 활짝! 열고 있는거 맞지?! Just like how if you look at the clear sky, your heart will feel at ease and open up its windows, if you're in front of a clear and bright person, you'll be able to feel at ease and open up your heart. Your heart is wide open at this time every night right? 180413 아이들 대할 때 한명 한명 성격, 개성 다 다른걸 인정해줘야 된대. 그래야 자기만의 능력을 펼칠 수 있다는 거야. 아이들 뿐 만이 아니야 지금 우리도 있는 그대로 인정받아야 꿈을 펼칠 수 있는데. It is said that when dealing with kids, we have to acknowledge that each and everyone of them have different characters and personalities. This way, their own abilities can unfold. Not just kids but we ourselves have to be acknowledged for who we are so that our dreams can unfold. 180414 흰 종이에 커다란 원을 그리고 그걸 스물네칸으로 나눠. 그리고 우린 늘 그 안에 해야할 일들만 가득 해웠었지. 한번쯤은 그 원을 니가 하고 싶은 일로만 가득 채워봐. Draw a huge circle on a piece of white paper and divide it into 24 sections. We always only filled it fully with the things that we have to do right? For once, try filling in the circle with only the things that you want to do. 180415 요리를 잘하고 싶을때 꼭 해야할 건, 좋은 재료를 갖는 것도 아니고, 완벽한 레시피를 찾는 것도 아니야. 요리를 많이 해보는거야. 잘 하고 싶은 일이 있다면 지금 한번 더 해보자. When you want to do well in cooking, what you must do is not to have good ingredients or find a perfect recipe but you have to try cooking many times. If there is something you wish to do well in, try doing it once more now. 180416 마음이 부서진 자리엔 조각이 남아. 그래서 내내 거슬리고 아프지만 우린 그걸 버리지 못해. 그 작은 조각이라도 갖고 있어야 그 사람을, 그 때의 추억을 생생하게 떠올릴 수 있기 때문이야. At the place where your heart is shattered, a shard of it remains. It bothers and hurts you all the time but we can't throw that away. Even if it's a small shard, we have to hold on to it so that we can recall that person and those memories vividly. 180417 좋아하는 사람한테 달콤한 말을 듣는 것만으로도 스트레스가 풀린대. ..진짜 그렇대! 오늘 스트레스 많이 받았어? 애기야? Just by hearing something sweet from the person you like, your stress will be released. Really! Did you received a lot of stress today? Baby? 180418 수선화의 꽃말은 자기애, 튤립의 꽃말은 사랑의 고백. 누가 꽃들한테 이렇게 멋진 말들을 하나씩 붙여줬을까? 꽃말처럼 사람한테도 어울리는 단어들을 정해준다면 너는 어떤 키워드를 가질 것 같아? In the language of flowers, daffodil means narcissism and tulip means love confession. Who attached these cool words to each of the flowers? Like the language of flowers, if we were to decide on phrases that match humans, what keyword will you have? 180419 너무 완벽한 사람한텐 다가가기가 힘들잖아. 가끔 우린 누군가의 약한 부분에 마음을 뺏겨. 그러니까 오늘 누군가에게 약한 모습 보였어도 괜찮아. 그사람이랑 약간 더 가까워질 수도 있어. It's hard to approach a person who's too perfect right? Sometimes we are captivated by someone else's weakness. So today, it's okay to show others our weak side too. You may even become closer to that person. 180420 누군가에게 당연한 사람이 되는 건, 참 슬픈 일이야. 내 호의, 배려 다 아무것도 아닌게 되거든. 서로에게 당연한 사람이 되지 않으려면 꼭 해야하는 말이 있어. 고마워. It's a really sad thing to become a person who's taken for granted by someone else, because my kindness and consideration all becomes nothing. There's something that you need to say so that you won't take each other for granted — thank you. 180421 너무 행복할 땐, 나한테 빛이 쏟아지는 것 같아. 근데 그럴 때 내 곁에 있는 사람은 내 그림자에 가리기도 해. 정말 행복할 때 나 때문에 마음에 그늘이 지는 사람이 없는지 주위를 한번 둘러보자. When I'm extremely happy, it feels like light is shining at me. However at such times, the person beside me may be covered by my shadow. When we feel very happy, have a look around us to see if there are people who feel gloomy because of us. 180422 몸을 튼튼하게 하려고 영양제를 챙겨먹잖아, 그럼 감기쯤은 쉽게 이겨내니까. 그런 것처럼 마음엔 부지런히 행복한 기억을 많이 챙겨두면 어떨까? 마음도 튼튼하게, 가벼운 아픔은 쉽게 이겨낼 수 있게 말야. In order to strengthen your body, you have to take supplements so that when you have a cold, you can easily overcome it. How about diligently setting aside lots happy memories in your heart? Your heart will be strong and you will be able to easily overcome pain. 180423 영화관에서 막 영화가 시작될 때 그 기분 있잖아. 어떤 얘기가 펼쳐질까? 얼마나 재밌을까? 기대되고 설레는 기분. 월요일엔 네가 늘 그런 기분이면 좋겠다. 이번주엔 어떤 일이 펼쳐질까? That feeling when you're inside the cinema theater before the movie starts. What kind of story will unfold? How interesting will it be? That feeling of anticipation and excitement. I hope that you'll always feel like that on Mondays. This week, what are the things that will happen? 180424 아무 용건 없이 연락하는 거, 어색하지만 받는 입장에선 그런 연락이 더 반가울거야. 다른 거 말고 오직 그 사람이 궁금했단 거니까. ....그래서 말인데, 뭐해? 그냥 니 생각이 나서. Although it's awkward to contact someone without a reason, from the stance of the one receiving it, it's even more pleasant. Not because of other reasons but solely because that person was curious about you. So, what are you doing? I just... thought of you~ 180425 행복에도 취향이 있는 것 같지 않아? 사람들마다 행복을 느끼는 순간도, 지점도 다르잖아. 그러니까 다른 사람의 행복을 부러워 할 필요가 없어. Doesn't it seems like there also preference in happiness? People feel the happiness at different moments and points. Therefore, there's no need to be jealous of other people's happiness 180426 양쪽에서 팽팽히 잡아당겨서 묶은 매듭은 풀기 힘들어. 그런데 모든 인연은 매듭이랑 비슷해. 누군가랑 관계가 풀어져버렸다면, 그건 한쪽이 충분히 잡아당기지 않은거야. It's hard to untie a knot that is tightly tugged from both sides. But all relationships are similar to knots. If your relationship with someone else came loose, it is not sufficient for one side to pull it. 180427 뭐든 주위 사람들이 말하는 기준에 맞추지 마. 너의 기준은 니가 세워야 해. 그리고 니가 그걸 만족시키지 못하더라도 실망하고 나무랄 수 있는 사람은 너 뿐이야. Don't try to match the standards that all the people around you talk about. You should set your own standards and even if you can't fulfil those standards, you're the only person who can feel disappointed and blame yourself. 180428 어떤 사람은 오랜 시간이 지난 후에야 이해가 되기도 해. 그 사람의 상황을 뒤늦게 공감하고, 미안한 마음을 갖기도 해. 혹시 지금 주위에도 그런 사람이 있진 않을까? 나중에 날 후회하게 만들 사람. Some people can only be understood after a long time. You're late with empathising with that person's circumstances and you feel sorry. Perhaps is there such a person around you right now? A person who will make you feel regretful next time. 180429 누군가의 선행을 보면 마음이 움직여, 따라하게 돼. 그런것처럼 내 작은 선행도 큰 퍼짐의 시작이 될 수 있어. 그러니까 아주 작은 일이라도 충분히 의미가 있어. When looking at someone else's good deeds, our hearts may be moved and we follow along. Likewise, my small good deeds can become the start of a huge diffusion. Even little things can be full of meanings. 180430 일단 새싹이 나와야 나무도 되고 꽃도 되는데. 너무 단단한 땅에선 새싹이 나오기 힘들어. 우리 마음도 그렇거든. 그러니까 내 마음이 너무 고집으로 단단한 건 아닌지 한번 들여다 보자. The sprout has to first come out before it can become a tree or even a flower. It's hard for a sprout to come out from a ground that's too hard. It's likewise for our hearts. Hence, we should take a look if our hearts are too stubbornly hard.
korean transcript: @valentinesboy97 korean-english translation: @fluffywhitie, @jaehyunbom__
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