#⭒ ˙ ˖ ✧ — ˗ˏˋ ❝ ɪ ᴜꜱᴇ ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜱʜɪᴇʟᴅ ᴛᴏ; ᴏʙꜱᴄᴜʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘɪᴄᴛᴜʀᴇ ❞ ◌ ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀᴛᴇ ᴛᴀʟᴇɴᴛ ᴅᴇᴠ. ᴀᴜ ¦ 「 Shuichi 」
not-bcring · 9 months
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"I already told you. I didn't steal your phone, so I don't have it," Seto called down as he heard footsteps approaching the tree he was lounging in, not even bothering to open his eyes. He probably should have, as he would've seen that the other was not the Aikido girl come to badger him about her missing phone. (First meeting between Seto and Shuichi, go!) - ✧ ˖ ˙ 「 @ɴɪᴄᴋᴇʟꜱᴅʀᴏᴄꜱ 」 ˙ ˖ ✧
「 ☆ 」 Shuichi is accustomed to being dragged into whatever mysteries— or more often ❛ squabbles ❜ —plague his classmates. Not that he minds it, mostly. It’s flattering they put so much trust into his skills, viewing him as their best chance of getting answers or justice. Being literally strong-armed into assisting Tenko with her phone problem is proof that she sees him as capable. Even if her comment about how she’d prefer to have Kyoko Kirigiri handling matters lessened the sentiment. As did the offhanded remark about how unfortunately, she could never force another girl to have to ❛ deal with that insufferable headache ❜ .
The headache in question apparently referring to the Ultimate Phantom Thief. A bit obvious of a suspect but Shuichi refuses to let himself be biased. Reality doesn’t follow the tropes of mystery novels, after all. Even if it can adhere to a surprising amount. Not willing to lean towards guilt OR innocence before he could gather all the facts, Shuichi had asked for all the relevant information Tenko could give in regards to her missing phone. No detail was too small.
❛ No detail ��� ended up being the theme of the interrogation.
Eventually growing tired of his classmate’s repeated insistence that Seto was to blame and utter refusal to offer anything else, Shuichi had wearily thanked her for her… cooperation before going to find the only other lead he had. It wasn’t difficult to track down the notorious thief, onlookers more than happy to offer the last place they had seen him. It seemed like everyone was waiting with baited breath for his alleged reign of terror to catch up to him… Stuffing down the twinge of unease at how disappointed everyone would undoubtedly be if they knew he was looking for a statement and not confession— let alone retribution —Shuichi said his thanks yet again, before arriving at the tree.
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Startled but honestly grateful at Seto breaking the silence before he was forced to, Shuichi makes a mental note on a the thief’s assumption as well as this body language. So, Tenko hadn’t been exaggerating about how she already prodded at Seto for the phone. Nor about how dismissive the other was... Interesting. Pulling down the brim of his hat, golden hues trail up the length of the trunk until they see a leg dangling over a branch. Easing his way a bit higher, he stops just shy of Seto’s face. Allowing the brim to obscure the theif, Shuichi knows that he’s losing valuable insight one can only get by observing someone’s face. But considering the low-stakes of the case— this is a missing phone not a murder investigation —he figures he can try to avoid unnecessary additional stressors.
❝ Actually, I’m here on behalf of Miss Tenko Chabashira. ❞ He begins, slipping into his professional demeanor. Tone steadier than it would be were this a casual visit, Shuichi gives a small, polite nod; still discreetly avoiding eye contact, his own face veiled by ebony bangs and his hat, ❝ My name is Shuichi Saihara, and I was hoping you could provide some insight on the Missing Phone Case. The information I currently have is... limited, and I was told you may be able to tell me more about the incident. ❞ Even if he can't or refuses to, Shuichi can still get a feel for whether he knows more than he's willing to let on. 「 ☆ 」
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not-bcring · 1 year
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"You know, I always thought I knew wh-what I wanted and that I always got what I wanted. And then, everything I th-th-thought I wanted blew up in my face," Seto said hesitantly, eyes glancing between Shuichi and somewhere in the sky as if the clouds had written what he wanted to say. "N-nothing is like what I thought it was, including you."
"I'm realizing everything I thought I wanted was just what others told me I should want." What Ikuto told him he should want. "It was just what I needed to do to feel safe, feel like I had a home and someone who loved me. And some... some..  some part of me still feels that way. Like my body or my talent is the only reason someone would ever care about me, and that's okay as long as I get what I want!" He can feel the tears welling up in his eye, tears he thought had dried up a long time ago.
"B-b-but I don't even know if I can tell what I want anymore!... Except for one thing." Straightening up, he looked the other directly in the eye now as he took a few steps forward. He took the detective's hands in his. "Through all the confusion and doubt, I know I want one thing. I want you, and I want you to want me just as much. Not just sexually, but more than that."
With that, he took one final step forward into Shuichi's space, leaning to be close enough to feel his breath on his lips but never allowing them to touch, and he whispered teasingly, "But also, very sexually."
(Seto finally has an answer to Shuichi's confession after being freed. nickelsdrcocs or naughtydr depending on where you wanna take this.)
-  ✩   「 @naughtydr​ 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」   It’s been a taxing few weeks for all of them. Emotionally and mentally draining, Shuichi struggling to keep his head above water while wave upon wave crashed over. People breathing down his neck, clawing at his reputation— rushing at the chance to bring down the renowned detective —and throwing anything they can at him to make things more difficult. They know. He KNOWS they do. At the very least, highly suspect Shuichi hasn’t been entirely forthcoming about the facts of the case and the mysterious massacre involved. 
But he hadn’t budged. If anything, he dug his heels in more firmly. Dirtied his hands further with ‘ information ’ he had tucked away ( precisely for moments like this ) about superiors, fellow investigators, anyone and everyone who posed a risk to him or anyone he was protecting. He wasn’t upfront about it. Never giving specifics. Never giving them anything they could use to incriminate him. Not that he can entirely stop the backlash of blackmail. But he knows. And they know... And no one else has to.
And... it’s worth it. Whatever he has to do is worth is, so long as it helps Seto.
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Uncertain why the other man had wanted to meet him, Shuichi’s nerves had been going awry since he first received the message. Wondering what had gone wrong, what he had missed, what he needed to fix... Quick mind had thrown a million scenarios his way, each one more nauseating than the last. But reality was NOTHING like he had expected. Shuichi had tried so hard to keep from dwelling on his confession to Seto— not that it worked —that he hadn’t let himself even consider that he’d ever get a response to it.
But now, with the last lights of day streaming away to welcome the solemn night, he is.
As Seto speaks, Shuichi feels a weight in his chest, suffocating him with its familiarity. More than aware of what it can be like to not have safety guaranteed. To need to accept certain- realities... just to ensure a home and someone willing to give it to him. To feel cared about, even if it’s in a way that doesn’t feel entirely right. At least it’s SOMETHING. At least they can be considered something. To have people telling them what is best. To believe it. To NEED to. Because if they don’t... That just brings even more confusion and even more pain.
Feeling like their worth lies in what they can provide, and not who they are.
Overcome with an urge to wipe away Seto’s tears, he manages to keep his hands to himself, not wanting to make any unwanted contact. It’s hard though. Resisting the urge to touch him. Hug him. When Seto grabs his hands, Shuichi’s breath catches in his chest, wide eyes glossed over with tears he hadn’t wanted to shed. Trembling, his hands hold onto the other man’s, Shuichi shakily exhaling as he finds himself unable to break away from Seto’s gaze. He wants him... Seto wants him. He actually wants him? Heart pounding in his chest, he can barely hear Seto’s words over its internal racing... but he still hears them.
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Tensing at the tease, he should have expected it, gaze briefly flits down to Seto’s lips. So close and yet keeping their distance. Letting Shuichi have that small shred of comfort. Skin flushed with a heat that doesn’t stay on his face where it belongs, Shuichi shakily swallows and tries to speak through light breaths. But words fail... Only able to be forced out when he tears his eyes away, looking to the side, watching the colors that have overtaken the sky,  ❝  I... I know what it’s- like... to feel your only worth comes from what you can- ... give people.  ❞  Hold on Seto’s hands grows a bit tighter, as if reassuring them both that it’s actually there.  ❝  But you... You don’t make me feel that way. You make me feel like- ... I’m enough.  ❞  
❝  Not my talent. Not my looks... Just- me.  ❞
Tongue flits across his lips, Shuichi swallowing a lump in his throat,  ❝  I trust you... and- ... I want you. All of you.  ❞  Colors fading into night, they reflect against ebony hair, illuminating the Detective with the final touches of day. Retreating in on himself, hair starts to further fall across his uncertain expression, a silken curtain that golden hues peek through as Shuichi looks back at Seto. Words quieter, he admits despite the unease settling in his gut,  ❝  And I want you to have me too... In- every way.  ❞  Honestly? He’s scared.
He’s so, so scared... 
But there will also never be a better moment to take this chance. Seto wants him. Really wants him. Than to TRY. If he can’t give himself to Seto- if he can’t... make good on his word. Prove that he trusts him. When will he ever be able to? He has to. Meekly looking at Seto, Shuichi can’t bring himself to say anything else. Gaze pleading for the other man to understand, for him to somehow make things alright, he just waits to see if Seto was serious about his words. Or if it was merely another tease, same as all the others. Did he mess this moment up?
Please, let him not mess this up.   「 ☆ 」 
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not-bcring · 1 year
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Laying in one of the many trees on campus like a cat taking a nap on its back, Seto caught movement out of the corner of his eye as someone approached. A smirk appeared on his lips upon recognizing the poor soul, and he called down, "Now, what do I, lowly thief I am, owe the pleasure of basking in the presence of the Great Ultimate Detective? Surely, nothing I've done could be worthy of your attention."
As he spoke, he removed the navy cap resting on his head to wave around, the very same cap he had swiped from said detective that morning. (Seto wants to be a drama queen for you and Shuichi.)
-  ✩   「 @nickelsdrocs 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」   Shuichi... would prefer to have his hat. 
Which might further prove why he shouldn’t have it. Kaede has been trying to encourage him to rely less on his makeshift shield, wanting Shuichi to grow more comfortable looking others in the eye. Having faith that he won’t see disgust or hatred or annoyance or any number of negative emotions he’s CERTAIN are reserved for him. He’s seen them so many times before. But it’s difficult taking that step. Even more-so when the choice is ripped away, the sudden absence of his hat only making Shuichi’s dependance upon it feel stronger than ever.
Still, this is- a good thing... It has to be. He has to look at it in that light, otherwise he might spiral into an even bigger panic than the uncomfortable tightness already in his chest.  ❛  This is good for you. This is good for you. This is good for you... ❜  Seto wouldn’t do this to you if he didn’t think it was good for you. Of course, he also could very easily— and more likely —not fully realize what he’s forced Shuichi to face. Open as Shuichi can be when it comes to certain- coping mechanisms, it’s always a guess whether other people actually understand it. If they did, Kaede wouldn’t be so confident about his ability to shed his hat, he’s certain of it.
Or perhaps, it’s Shuichi who is blind to what he’s capable of.
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Head ducked and gaze flitting around like an animal searching for the closest cover, Shuichi hurries to his target, feeling his unease gradually lift the closer he gets to the tree. Looking at Seto, hat or no hat, hasn’t been difficult for a while now. Usually when his nerves spike because of the other man, it’s due to something the thief says or does. Not merely his company. Sucking in a shaky yet steadying breath, Shuichi aims a smile up at the troublemaker, a bit tired— from the emotional strain of being trapped in class without his hat —but still sincere.
Lightly laughing at Seto’s dramatics, he decides to lean into the game, curious to see what other quips the other man has at the ready. He can wait a bit longer to get his hat, so long as it’s for THIS conversation. Crossing his arms and tilting his head, Shuichi amusedly replies,  ❝  Oh really? Are you sure there’s nothing you could have possibly done to get my attention?  ❞  Seto having unlocked a side of Shuichi that few get to witness, the detective jokes,  ❝  You should give yourself more credit than that.  ❞     「 ☆ 」 
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not-bcring · 1 year
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One could hear a hiccuping sob from the kitchen in the dining area. Sitting on top of the cabinets that lined the back wall, Seto was wrapped around a bottle of sake like a baby sloth holding onto its mother. Empty beer cans littered the area around him, even some having been knocked onto the floor.  It would be clear to anyone that he was beyond drunk; he was completely smashed.
(Shuichi, come get your black-out drunk crush who's sad he has to blackmail you.)
-  ✩   「 @nickelsdrocs​​ 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」   There are two reactions one could have when faced with unknown sobbing… Most in Hope’s Peak would go with the first one. Continuing along their not-so merry way and pretending they never heard another’s sorrow. For good reason, self-serving as it may be. Things don’t tend to go well for people when they stick their nose into others business at the prestigious if somewhat perilous school.  With such a vast array of eccentric and often confrontational personalities, it makes sense that sticking to oneself is a popular decision.
Shuichi, chooses the less popular reaction.
Carefully peeking his head into the kitchen, brim of his hat— previously pulled down low to conceal his face ( as is the norm when the detective is by himself ) —is eased upward just enough for golden hues to peek out. Thin brows furrowed, silent lips are pulled back in a concerned grimace. Gaze scanning the mostly abandoned area, the kitchen looks desolate in the dim lighting, mimicking the shroud of night that’s already fallen outside. In the eerie quiet of a slumbering Hope’s Peak, devastated sobs seem to echo off the walls. Certain that’s a trick of his imagination— surely this would be more of a spectacle if it was truly overwhelming the dark room —Shuichi’s steps are still light as he hurries forward, as if hesitant to add even the slightest noise to the already deafening despair.  
He better hurry and get Seto… If he knows the thief, and he’d like to think he does, he wouldn’t want anyone stumbling across this show of vulnerability. Shuichi can only hope he won’t be too upset with the audience of one he’s already amassed.
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Stepping over scattered cans, Shuichi’s eyes linger on them for an uneasy moment. He’s never had alcohol touch his lips, but he’s seen its affect on other people. Family, co-workers, peers ( of legal drinking age and otherwise ) and it’s seldom pretty. His Uncle always warned him of those temptations; making sure Shuichi knew he was too pure for sinful substances. That if Shuichi let it enter his body, it’d taint something he worked so hard to protect. He could never betray his Uncle like that. Nauseous from the smell, he hastens his movements, wanting to leave the can graveyard as soon as possible. For both of their sakes.
Standing beneath the cabinets, head angles to look up at the pitiful sight. Chest tight, he tries to speak, only for words to fail. Broken before they can even form, all that comes out is a mix between a croak and a whimper, a red-faced Shuichi hastily clearing his throat before trying again. Barely breaking through the sobbing, gentle words hopefully hit Seto’s senses,  ❝  S-Seto? Are you— ...  ❞  Choking back the stupid question— Shuichi firmly believes there’s no such thing but even he has to admit  ❛  are you alright?  ❜  is one in this context —he tries again,  ❝  It’ll be alright...  ❞  There. That’s better. 
Extending his arms in an offer to catch Seto, he doesn’t make any moves closer, not wanting to risk scaring the fragile man.  ❝  Do you want to come down?  ❞     「 ☆ 」 
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not-bcring · 1 year
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"I would ask if th-that was a magnifying glass in your pocket or are you just happy to see me, buuuut..." Seto teased, holding up a magnifying glass he had swiped just moments prior. "You're not g-gonna try to tell me you have t-two of these, are you?"
(Seto had to use this line. It was dictated by law.)
-  ✩   「 @nickelsdrocs​ 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」   Seto has been messing with Shuichi more often lately, the Phantom Thief seemingly convinced that it’s his inherent duty to pester the Detective. Like a game of cat and mouse; albeit, with the thief taking on the role of a cheeky cat antagonizing the meek ebony-furred mouse. Despite how annoyed their peers often get with the other man, Shuichi honestly doesn’t mind the sudden breach into his personal life. Seto’s antics aren’t malicious— not as far as Shuichi can tell, anyway —and they offer a welcome respite from the anxiety and work-riddled normalcy that is Shuichi’s day-to-day.
True, Seto DOES make him... nervous, sometimes. But that’s true of anyone. At least with Seto, the odd sense of camaraderie ( that Shuichi is pretty sure lives within his own mind; Seto likely only doing this for the sheer amusement ) overwhelms any anxious twisting his gut partakes in when the others teasing hits its mark a bit too precisely. But even that isn’t much of an issue. Seto’s intentions seem rather black and white. Any gray area Shuichi tries to interpret is simply a product of his overactive mind and desperation for substance in the relationship.
Rivals. That’s all Seto sees them as... Were Shuichi not at Hope’s Peak, the other man wouldn’t be so interested. He’s engaging with the Ultimate Detective, not Shuichi Saihara. Maybe Seto would still pursue him sexually, but after it became clear Shuichi wasn’t easily swayed into bed, that would probably stop too. But Shuichi doesn’t let that thought linger too long, not wanting to put a damper on something he shouldn’t be anything but GRATEFUL for. 
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Wondering if Seto genuinely DOES think that he’s hard, cheeks heat up with a rush stemmed from both the usual bout of fluster... and a new embarrassment as he hesitantly begins,  ❝  U-Uh... Well, um... Actually—  ❞  Uncertain where to look, golden hues flitting from the magnifying glass in Seto’s grip— no wonder he’s the Ultimate Phantom Thief, Shuichi hadn’t even noticed anything —to the others face and back down again, the Detective reaches into his pocket... and slowly, sheepishly pulls out another magnifying glass of comical proportions. 
Holding up the smaller tool for Seto to see, Shuichi looks at a loss for words, awkwardly saying through a wince,  ❝  I do have two.  ❞  One can never be too prepared, after all... and considering what just happened, Shuichi would like to think it is justified.   「 ☆ 」 
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not-bcring · 1 year
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As the game went on full force, no one noticed a certain phantom thief and his detective boyfriend in the rafters above. As soon as the game started, Seto had scooped up Shuichi to join him in his preferred spot high up, where others couldn't reach him. His much taller boyfriend sat in his lap with his legs wrapped around his hips to hang off the opposite side of his own legs so he could rub his bulge into his clothed ass.
Neither one of them were paying the game any attention as they were a bit too preoccupied battling for dominance with their mouths, of which Seto was very obviously winning. When he finally had to retreat for air, he teased, "I want to be inside you so bad. Did my good little bitch prepare and plug himself before the game like I told you to?" His hands, which had been groping at the detective's plump rump while making out, had already begun scooting his pants down over the ass he had been massaging very thoroughly.
(Seto really wanted Shuichi to join him in his safe space.)
-  ✩   「 @naughtydr 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」 Before meeting Seto, Shuichi would have never even considered doing something like this. The mere idea of public sex terrifying as it was mortifying. He wasn’t built for sexual deviance… He hadn’t thought he was. He was too skittish. Not suitable for the risks Seto seemed to yearn for. To thrive in. Shuichi, true to his self-doubting nature, had been certain he’d only be disappointing, even if he TRIED.
Right now? Straddling Seto’s lap, a hand buried in his boyfriend’s hair while the other grasps at the shorter man’s back, he feels anything but disappointing.
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Choking back his moans, they still manage to slip past eager lips, muffled against Seto’s mouth. Tongue messily tangling with the others, Seto leads the dance as per usual, Shuichi an obedient partner. Swept away by Seto mapping out a mouth he already knows so well, the detective further presses his body against his partner’s, blatantly offering the rest of himself for Seto to explore as he pleases. Every part of him at Seto’s disposal, from his eager mouth to the shapely ass being ground against.
And he can FEEL how much Seto wants that.
Seto’s hands groping him with a vengeance sends shivers up Shuichi’s spine, heart racing with every appreciative squeeze of his curves. He used to be self-conscious of them. His feminine features a source of ridicule as well as unwanted attention. But having Seto take such an interest, gives Shuichi a newfound pride in what he has to offer. Already extra sensitive thanks to the… activity Shuichi partook in earlier ( at his boyfriend’s insistence ) the detective is even more impatient than usual, each movement of his cheeks tickling his prepped insides.
Reluctantly pulling back to pant heavily for much-needed air, soft lips glossy from the fevered kiss, Shuichi’s tongue swipes across them in an attempt to recapture Seto’s taste before he tries to reply to Seto’s inquiry… Tries to. Cut off by a whimper when he feels his pants skillfully maneuvered down, Seto’s ‘ good little bitch ’ squirms lightly on his perch, subconsciously rubbing his ass against the awaiting erection. ❝ Y-Yes… ❞
Not satisfied with his barely whimpered answer, Shuichi tries again. Through a sheepish smile, prettily resting on a flushed face, he breathes, ❝ I- I did exactly what you told me to…. I thought of you the entire time. ❞ Speaking softly during the latter part, as if sharing a secret, Shuichi fondly rests his forehead against Seto’s, golden hues averted to the side with ironic shyness, ❝ Wh-When I was- touching myself, all I could do was think about how much I wished it was you… ❞
Hand lightly draws circles on Seto’s back with a dainty finger, Shuichi peeking at Seto through long lashes, ❝ I didn’t let myself, by the way. C-Cum, I mean… I got really, really close but— I didn’t. ❞ Appearing like he’s seeking PRAISE, a hint of hopeful-excitement shines in sunlight hues, the hardness straining against Shuichi’s pants acting as a testament to how pent-up he is. ❝ I wanted to wait for you… ❞ Wanted Seto to be the one to make him. To TELL him he could.
Trembling with anticipation, gaze silently pleading, Shuichi practically holds his breath to see what Seto thinks of that. 「 ☆ 」
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not-bcring · 1 year
✩ 「 @nickelsdrocs​ 」 ✩ - Continued from ★
「 ☆ 」   This is one of Shuichi’s favorite positions... Getting to rest on Seto, feeling as if nothing can touch him so long as his boyfriend is gazing down. Getting to feel those silver eyes upon him, whether Shuichi’s are open or closed. Depending on how overworked the detective may be, it’s not unheard of for him to drift into sleep, wrapped in the blanket of comfort that is his boyfriend’s company. Seto is safe in a way that people never were before. Gentle in a way that Shuichi can sink into, rather than shy away from. Truer in his intentions than Shuichi used to think others were capable of. The constant touch, from the lap he’s resting on to the hair he’s allowed to toy with without complaint, makes it easy to keep meeting Seto’s gaze even when his question is used— expectedly —as an excuse to tease.
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Cheeks flushed with a warmth that originates in his chest, he sputters at the thinly-veiled sexual statement, shooting Seto an amused smirk in return. Quirking a brow to playfully ‘ warn ’ that he expects a real answer, Shuichi emits a bout of laughter alongside Seto’s as his boyfriend indulges in his question. Delighted sound fades as Seto explains, replaced by a soft smile, mirrored in the fondness reflected within golden hues. A gentle, undeniable affection that Shuichi feels coursing through his entire body. It’s overwhelming but not in the way Shuichi is accustomed to things being so. It’s not frightening, but a source of more strength than he used to think he even possessed. It’s as natural as breathing... caring about Seto like this. 
It feels as though, without even fully knowing it, he’d spent his life suffocating.
And now? With the other man rambling above, seeming to not need such a petty thing as oxygen, Shuichi can finally take a breath... Maybe that’s why words come easier now. In the tranquil moment, a hand reaches up to gingerly cup Seto’s face. Thumb rubbing his boyfriend’s cheek, Shuichi’s voice softly glows with truth—
❝  ... I love you.  ❞     「 ☆ 」 
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not-bcring · 1 year
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"C-can I tell you a secret?" Seto asked Shuichi in a hushed whisper. They were looking at a display of ancient tableware that used to belong to an Emperor or something on their second museum date.
"That middle plate there. It's a f-fake," he whispered with a smirk. "One of the first pieces I stole. Replaced it with an 'ornately decorated' paper plate. No one even noticed, or th-they didn't report it if they did. D-didn't even make the news."
(Seto demanded to actually go on a proper museum date.)
-  ✩   「 @nickelsdrocs 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」   Museums are some of Shuichi’s favorite places in the world. A sanctuary of the mind and soul, they were the first place he could feel comfortable in who he is. Wandering around the sprawling corridors in wide-eyed wonder as a child, steps drowned out by surrounding crowds. Yet all those people had gone unseen, Shuichi’s mind overwhelmed by wonders previously unknown. By an urge to learn EVERYTHING he possibly could. Years later, that rush of excitement hasn’t faded. If anything, it’s only grown with each new one... Standing here with Seto? Shuichi has to be the most excited he’s ever been.
Aside from maybe their first date, that day living faithfully in Shuichi’s heart.
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Glancing away from the plaque he’d been in the midst of reading, curious gaze focuses on his boyfriend, Shuichi leaning in closer to better hear the secret. Gaze flitting to the mentioned plate, eyes widen at the admission, before they narrow in a familiarly studious expression. Golden hues glinting with the keenness of a detective, he picks apart the ‘ expensive tableware ’. An impressive fake, to be sure. Easily overlooked amongst the overpowering display. But, true to Seto’s boast, there ARE discrepancies. Picked apart by someone who honestly knows more than even the plaque does, Shuichi can see the whispers of deceit.
It’s baffling to think that nothing was ever done about it. Perhaps Seto is right and it went unnoticed... Shuichi HAS been known to see things that others are blind to. Still, it feels impossible for something so precious to simply vanish without a single soul realizing. Wondering where the true plate is, Shuichi beats back his ravenous concern curiosity, knowing nothing good could come of it. Chances are Seto doesn’t know or it has moved locations, and no one else seems to be affected by its disappearance. 
Uncertain whether that is an inspiring or sobering thought— by that rule, anything here could be replaced with fakes and it wouldn’t matter: which makes these incredible feats and priceless treasures feel almost... meaningless —Shuichi focuses on something that he knows for CERTAIN. Seto is incredible and deserves to hear it. 
❝  That’s a remarkable counterfeit...  ❞  He replies through an impressed and lovingly-amused grin, giving Seto’s hand a small squeeze as he says in a quiet voice to avoid drawing unwanted attention,  ❝  Was it difficult? Swapping the plates... I mean, I know you’re the best at it— That’s obvious.  ❞  Lightly chuckling, cheeks grow pink as he moves to pull down the brim of his hat— only for fingers to grasp at air. Oh, right. He’s not wearing it. Face flushing harder, he clears his throat into his closed fist and adds through a sheepish smile,  ❝  But it was one of your first jobs.... What was it like?  ❞     「 ☆ 」 
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not-bcring · 1 year
✩   「   @nickelsdrocs​   」   ✩   -   Continued from ★
「 ☆ 」   He needs to be in there. He needs to be in there. He NEEDS to be in there. 
That’s the only thought— the only FEELING —echoing in Shuichi’s mind as he waits the agonizingly-long breath between his shaky request and Seto’s hasty answer. That and the feeling of hands roaming his skin. Ghosts of a touch that had been a living nightmare mere moments ago. Praise still tickling his ears... Breathy. Genuine. Deserved. He deserved what happened to him. He ALWAYS does. Fingers dig deep enough into his sleeves to pick at his skin, threatening to scratch that soft porcelain as a distraction.
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❛  Please... Please let me in.... Please don’t make me go.  ❜
Breathing heavily, Shuichi feels his heart claw at his throat, threatening to burst through in a beating bloody mass. He wouldn’t be surprised to see it in a heap on the ground, thrown at Seto’s feet, at the mercy of his boyfriend...  ❛  Please. Please.  ❜  Shaking in the hallway, legs feel weak, Shuichi leaning forward to rest his forehead against the door.  ❛  Please. ❜  A trembling hand raises to rest his palm flat on the door, Shuichi’s breath catching in his suffocated throat at Seto’s voice. Fumbling for the doorknob, he nearly has it turned before he abruptly stops.
❝  Wh-What?  ❞  Thoughts clouded, it takes him a moment to comprehend what it is Seto told him. Grip on the knob tightens, Shuichi considering turning it anyway for one terrifying second, before he slowly, reluctantly lets go. Fingers brushing the smooth metal as they fall down, Shuichi blinking back tears that he KNOWS are stupid to shed. It’s only a few minutes of delay, after all. Enough time for Seto to get dressed and then he can come in. Feeling the adrenaline rush, the thrill of knowing he was about to be in Seto’s arms, fade away to be replaced by a foreboding weight in his stomach, Shuichi weakly says,  ❝  O-Okay...  ❞  
❝  Um, I— I can wait... That’s alright.  ❞  Fighting and losing against the tremor in his tone, Shuichi goes back to hugging himself, now fully resting his weight against Seto’s door, desperate to be close as he possibly can.   「 ☆ 」 
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not-bcring · 11 months
✩ 「   @nickelsdrocs   」   ✩  - Continued from ★
「 ☆ 」 Shuichi doesn’t know where the flowery prose came from— maybe blame can be placed in the book of poetry set aside on the table he’s seated at —but it’s not inaccurate. There’s something about Seto that’s yanking the detective along against all better judgment. A sense of confusing comfort found in the others company. An elation that Shuichi hadn’t known could be felt. Seto is a puzzle within a puzzle and Shuichi is helplessly intrigued by it. Thankfully, the feeling appears to be mutual at the moment.
Instead of being off-put by such an odd turn of phrase, Seto appears to take it in stride. Simply adding to the sentiment without making Shuichi feel awkward for feeling it in the first place. Smiling at the playful thief, Shuichi snickers when his nose is tapped, a hand hastily covering his mouth to stifle the delighted sound. No need for a librarian to hover over the detective’s shoulder when he’s more than capable of keeping himself in line. Complexion hinted pink, eyes shine with unveiled ( yet woefully unrealized ) fondness as he replies from behind his hand, ❝ Well, that’s good. Because I don’t want to be rid of you. ❞
Despite the truthful words, Shuichi still doesn’t entirely believe Seto’s. Even if the thief means them, there’s bound to come a time when Shuichi is no longer interesting enough to remain a part of Seto’s life. When the novelty of ❛ rivals ❜ wears off and Seto sees the unimpressive detective for what he is. No one worth staying with.
Until then, it’s important that Seto knows his company is wanted for however long it may last.
Delicate hand rests upon an open book in front of him, hopeful smile revealed as Shuichi asks, ❝ Are you busy right now? Because if you don’t have anywhere else to be, maybe you’d like to spend some time here… with me? ❞ Based on the tower of books beside him, Shuichi seems to have made himself quite at home in the library. One would assume he was in the midst of a slew of schoolwork or perhaps pouring over a tough case. Yet the relaxed posture and willingness for conversation speak otherwise. Engrossed in a rare moment of respite, of course the detective chose to spend it in the library of all places.
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Stack of books comprised of whatever happened to catch his eye— ranging from a collection of short stories to a comprehensive study of birds —Shuichi had planned on sinking into them at his leisure. Nodding at the empty chair beside him, he lightly jokes, ❝ There are plenty of books to go around… ❞ Awkwardly chuckling at his own quip, gaze averts to the side. Tucking a strand of ebony hair behind his ear, it does nothing to tame the silken locks falling around his reddened face. ❝ O-Of course, I understand if you’d rather not. I know the library isn’t the most exciting place in the world… ❞
It doesn’t occur to Shuichi that he could offer to spend time with Seto somewhere else if he’d prefer. It already feels invasive enough just asking inviting the other to stick around, let alone inviting himself to wherever Seto might prefer to be. 「 ☆ 」
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not-bcring · 1 year
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Most criminals would say the worst thing that could happen during a job was getting caught red handed by the police, but Fuyu would beg to differ. It was way worse when you were not only caught by the cops, but caught by your...cop...friend? Could...Fuyu even call him that? Did slipping a bit of intel here and there and keeping the guys boyfriend from being stupid even warrant a friendship? Whatever, it didn't matter, Shuichi had caught the yakuza hook, line and sinker. "...uh, hey?" Smooth. "Remind me to fire those idiots out front after you pinch me, didn't know it took a fucking genius to keep watch..." //whats going on? idk but fuyu isnt even gonna Try to get away lmao -  ✩   「 @the-ultimate-muses 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」 Shuichi hadn't expected this to be a low-stakes arrest. People typically don't rob such influential people unless they're confident in their skills. True, sometimes this confidence amounts to nothing more than misguided cockiness. But more often than not, those people leave far messier trails than the breadcrumbs that led Shuichi to the sprawling estate. With his expectations, the Detective probably shouldn't have entered the premises alone. Strong in mind but not muscle, it would be effortless for an assailant to take him down should they catch him off-guard. But even with that in mind, Shuichi had preferred his chances without the so-called ' aid ' of the co-workers milling about the precinct this time of night.
With the vendetta they have against him, he wouldn't be surprised if they were willing to throw away this entire case just to watch him get a bullet or a beating... So, despite his reservations, Shuichi now greets a familiar face alone. An unfortunately familiar one. High-stakes doesn't even begin to cover what Shuichi has skillfully stumbled into, the emotional repercussions constricting around him as mercilessly as the legal ones he can already feel looming overhead. He is going to get so much shit for this when the others arrive.
❝ Heh... Hey. ❞ Shuichi awkwardly replies with a weak wave of his hand, appearing as if he's greeting an acquaintance— although Shuichi would classify Fuyuhiko as a friend; albeit a one-sided one —rather than confronting a criminal. Nerves tying his tongue, he glances toward the doorway with a grimace. It's unclear whether he's regretting coming through it or wishing that someone else would, if only to offer a new subject to take Fuyu's attention. Awkward air settling heavily in his chest as if trying to suffocate him, Shuichi fidgets from foot to foot, itching to leave despite it being the LAST thing he can do. For more reasons than the guys still standing guard outside. He might have snuck past them once but he's not willing to take that risk again; not with how his luck seems to be going tonight.
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❝ Wait- what? ❞ Gaze snapping from faux escape back to Fuyu, wide eyes shine with unmistakable surprise at how easily the other is surrendering. Even though Fuyu has been... helpful when it comes to intel, that's a far cry from practically holding your hands out to be cuffed. A voice in Shuichi's mind, cynical yet reliable from working cases, warns against the show of submission. The tightness in Shuichi's chest however, unreliable as its often proven to be, causes him to offer excuses for the men at risk of losing their illegal jobs ( taking any chance he has of delaying his decision ), ❝ Oh, uh— It's not entirely their fault. I did sneak past them so... ❞
Words faltering through an uncertain smile, he coughs into a fist, cheeks heating up as he looks to the side and lamely adds, ❝ Which uh, I suppose the point of keeping watch is to... prevent. ❞ Not sure where he's going with this thread other than talking for the sake of not forgetting HOW to, he cuts the topic and starts up the more pressing one. Sucking in a steadying breath, shaky as it may be when he exhales, and looking back at Fuyu with a strained smile, ❝ Look- Maybe... I didn't see you. Maybe, when I arrived... whoever was robbing this place was startled and fled. A-After dropping their loot, of course. ❞
Smile dare-say apologetic, Shuichi motions at the bag in Fuyu's grip with a wince and hastily explains, ❝ I can't just let you leave with that. It doesn't belong to you... ❞ Pulling down the brim of his hat and looking back to the door, it'd be so easy for Fuyu to do something while his guard is down but that doesn't stop Shuichi from lowering it anyway, ❝ But I don't want to arrest you. I- ... I owe you more than that and— and you're a good person. I don't... want to arrest a good person who has helped me so much. ❞ Cheeks flush with red and heart hammering more than he'd like ( Fuyu might be a good person, but Shuichi definitely is NOT ), he brings the brim of his hat down lower, ebony hair draped across his face like a desperate curtain.
❝ My co-workers are going to be here soon— I called them shortly after sneaking in, b-before I knew you were here and... Well, they won't be as lenient as I am. ❞ They won't be as willing to break the law in THIS instance. Never mind all the other times they've been willing to sweep things under the rug and Shuichi had to take care of the mess instead. Still, his stomach turns sour every time Shuichi does the same. But this isn't for HIS benefit... It's for Fuyu and Seto; two people who are more than worth a bit of nausea and ridicule and lying. ❝ But if you leave now, I'm sure you can get away before they arrive. ❞
They never are as quick as they could be when coming to Shuichi's aid. 「 ☆ 」
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not-bcring · 1 year
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「 ☆ 」   Shuffling toward the dorms, steps are shakier than they should be, limbs aching relentlessly as Shuichi forces one foot in front of the other. Blinking back tears, Shuichi chokes back a whimper, the detective having plenty of practice silencing his pain. Brim of his hat tugged downward to hide a nasty black eye, it can’t veil everything. Not the dirt still staining his face or clothes, the dishevelment of his usually pristine uniform, the way he shrinks in on himself as he moves, as if hoping that he can appear as small as he feels.
Then there’d be no chance of someone noticing him.
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So far, it seems to be working, the injured man weaving through the crowds without so much as a glance spared his way. Stomach twisting at this bittersweet bout of ‘ good luck ’, Shuichi’s vision grows hazier as stinging tears cloud dulled eyes. Head lowered, ebony curtain of hair further obscures his vision, Shuichi seeing nothing but the ground and his own two feet as he reluctantly treks along. Until he suddenly bumps into another soul, Shuichi sucking in a pained hiss at the jolt to his battered body, the detective still refusing to lift his gaze as he hastily stammers,  ❝  S-Sorry! I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going!  ❞  
As if that wasn’t obvious.
Flinching as if expecting to be struck for his foolishness, Shuichi is so gripped by a sharp bout of panic that it doesn’t occur to him to actually LOOK at who it is.   「 ☆ 」 
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not-bcring · 1 year
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Monomono ( nickelsdrocs It's definitely a gift and not something Seto swiped from Shuichi right after he got it.)
-  ✩   「   @nickelsdrocs​  」   ✩
✩   「   Meme   」   ✩
「 ☆ 」   Shuichi honestly didn’t know what to expect from the machine... Not normally one for games of chance, he’d found a coin and tried on a whim. Beginner’s luck must truly be a thing because what came out of it was PERFECT for the flora-fascinated detective. Wide-eyes take in the familiar yet strange sight, the biggest chestnut he’s ever witnessed carefully cupped in his hands. Heavy and rough against smooth skin... until it wasn’t.
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Blinking with surprise as his prize is snatched away, shock is quickly subsided by a soft smile when he sees Seto. Wondering if the other intends to feast upon or merely hoard the odd object, Shuichi does hope he’s allowed to at least study it a bit before Seto makes his decision... Figuring that it belongs to the thief now— consider it a gift; a token of thanks for his companionship —Shuichi quietly offers,  ❝  Would you- like to hear some facts about chestnuts?  ❞  
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 ❝  This one is... different than others, but— I mean... it’s still a chestnut.  ❞  He adds with an awkward laugh, rubbing the back of his neck as his cheeks tint a delicate pink.  ❝  I um, I know a lot more than I probably should about them...  ❞     「 ☆ 」 
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not-bcring · 3 years
(( Tag Dump - Shuichi Saihara ))
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#danganronpa v3 spoilers#(( *coughs and finally adds the Good Boi* ))#not-bcring#⭒ ˙ ˖ ✧ — ˗ˏˋ ❝ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀᴍɪɴᴅ ❞ ¦ 「 OOC 」#⭒ ˙ ˖ ✧ — ˗ˏˋ ❝ ɴᴏᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ᴀᴡᴀʏ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʀᴜᴛʜ ❞ ¦ 「 Shuichi 」#⭒ ˙ ˖ ✧ — ˗ˏˋ ❝ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʀᴜᴛʜ ᴛʜᴀᴛ’ꜱ ᴀʜᴇᴀᴅ; ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʀᴀɪʟ ᴛᴏ ɪᴛ’ꜱ ʀᴇᴅ ❞ ¦ 「 Shuichi Aesthetic 」#⭒ ˙ ˖ ✧ — ˗ˏˋ ❝ ɪꜰ ɪᴛ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇ ᴇᴠᴇɴ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴍᴀʟʟᴇꜱᴛ ᴛʜɪɴɢ— ❞ ¦ 「 Shuichi IC 」#⭒ ˙ ˖ ✧ — ˗ˏˋ ❝ ɪᴛ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴅᴏᴇꜱ ʜᴜʀᴛ; ᴀ ᴠɪᴇᴡ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ꜱᴇᴇꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀꜱᴛ ❞ ◌ ᴅᴀɴɢᴀɴʀᴏɴᴘᴀ ᴠ3 ¦ 「 Shuichi 」#⭒ ˙ ˖ ✧ — ˗ˏˋ ❝ ᴡʀᴀᴘᴘɪɴɢ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴍᴇ; ʟᴇᴀᴠɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ʙʟᴏᴏᴅʏ ❞ ◌ ᴘᴏꜱᴛ!ɢᴀᴍᴇ ¦ 「 Shuichi 」#⭒ ˙ ˖ ✧ — ˗ˏˋ ❝ ɪ ᴜꜱᴇ ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜱʜɪᴇʟᴅ ᴛᴏ; ᴏʙꜱᴄᴜʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘɪᴄᴛᴜʀᴇ ❞ ◌ ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀᴛᴇ ᴛᴀʟᴇɴᴛ ᴅᴇᴠ. ᴀᴜ ¦ 「 Shuichi 」#⭒ ˙ ˖ ✧ — ˗ˏˋ ❝ ꜰʀᴇᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛꜱ ❞ ◌ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴ ¦ 「 Shuichi 」#♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — ˗ˏˋ ❝ ᴛʜᴇ ɪᴍᴘᴏꜱꜱɪʙʟᴇ ɪꜱ ᴘᴏꜱꜱɪʙʟᴇ; ᴀʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴏᴛᴛᴀ ᴅᴏ ɪꜱ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ɪᴛ ꜱᴏ! ❞ ¦ 「 Shuichi and Kaito  」
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