#〉poisoned soul craving the taste of blood〈   —   ◌     ⌜xue⌟
deathfavor · 3 months
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   “  I personally suggest cutting out their tongue.  “
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queensconquest · 2 years
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@aristarchos​ said: ' A-.. A-Yang' Xiao Xingchen calls out to him, and he calmly walks over to meet where he had stood. Delicate fingers reach up to find his face, skin brushing against his cheek in the gentlest of ways. He wasn't entirely sure what had come over him, they had been only talking and laughing and suddenly the Taoist had been overcome with the urge to have him close.
 His fingers brush over his eyes, smiling softly as he felt A-Yang close his eyes before they now run over his lips. He takes a moment, taking in a breath before he moves to press his lips against A-Yang's. // xue yang deserves kisses 
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   Xue  Yang  lifts  his  head  when  he  hears  the  Taoist  call  for  him.  For  what  ?  He  doesn’t  know  nor  mind  ;  it  only  takes  a  brief  moment  for  him  to  swing  his  legs  down.  Gravity  and  momentum  do  the  rest  of  the  work  to  swing  him  down  from  the  tree  he’d  been  perched  in  to  land  nearby.  “  Yes  ,  Daozhang  ?  “  He  chirps  ,  relaxed  beneath  the  inquisitive  fingers.
   But  the  initial  stutter  hadn’t  been  missed.  Somewhere  under  his  ribs  he  could  feel  the  darkness  stir.  Had  he  figured  something  out  ?   Not  likely.  His  daozhang  would  blindly  walk  into  the  lion’s  den  if  someone  called  for  help.  Quite  literally  AND  metaphorically  in  this  case.  But  not  right  now  ,  this  is  more  just  nerves  it  seems.
   Now  Xue  Yang  does  not  flinch  at  the  gentle  touches.  Initially  he’d  used  his  injuries  as  an  excuse  for  it.  Then  he’d  learned  to  bite  his  tongue  ,  his  cheeks  ,  anything  to  keep  calm  even  when  he  wanted  to  recoil.  No  one  was  nice  to  Xue  Yang.  No  one  was  gentle  to  him  like  that.  (  Both  statements  were  still  true.  Even  now  ,  Xiao  Xingchen  didn’t  know  it  was  Xue  Yang.  So  still  no  one  was.  )  Not  truly.  But  now  he’d  learned  to  relax  and  enjoy  it.
   Red  eyes  disappear  behind  eyelids  as  the  fingers  wander  over  his  eyelids  and  the  lashes.  They  linger  close  even  when  the  fingers  move  down  to  touch  his  lips.  But  he  does  toy  with  the  thought  of  playfully  nipping  Daozhang’s  fingers.  He  doesn’t.  And  he’s  thankful  for  that  when  a  moment  later  he  feels  Xiao  Xingchen’s  lips  against  his.
   Kissing  Xiao  Xingchen  was  truly  was  like  tasting  the  freshest ,  clearest  water  he’d  ever  had.  It  was  light  given  to  something  that  only  knew  darkness  ,  teaching  him  the  colors  of  the  world  besides  just  shades  of  black  and  dark  greys.  Xue  Yang  presses  forwards  into  the  kiss  ,  all  too  happy  to  answer  the  other  in  kind.  He  would  truly  enjoy  this  ,  the  dark  lessons  of  the  streets  making  him  all  too  aware  how  it  could  easily  be  snatched  away.
   Only  air  infuriatingly  makes  him  part.  “  How  forward ,  Daozhang.  “  He  teases  lightly  with  a  grin  as  if  they  hadn’t  done  far  worse  plenty  of  times.  He  couldn’t  help  but  to  tease  him  of  course  though.  It  was  something  Xue  Yang  just  had  to  do  ,  and  in  line  for  A-Yang  too  of  course. 
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deathfavor · 20 days
starter call for @diivineray
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" Hey. Can I have their corpses when you're done? " Xue Yang's smart enough to stay far out of reach of the infamous whip in case the sect leader lashes out in surprise. Technically no one was supposed to be down here. But he already knew well about this place's existence. When he didn't find the sect leader in his room or any other important place, naturally he'd come snooping. Much to his great enthusiasm, he'd found some other demonic cultivator in the unfortunate grasp of Jiang Cheng.
He was also smart enough to know that his request was likely to be rejected and met with volatile flames of fury. Unfortunately for Jiang Cheng, Xue Yang had never been afraid to burn. He grins like a hyena circling a lion's kill, making no effort to cover his twisted interest in the situation.
" No one saw me, before you freak out. You didn't even notice. " Which is dangerous. It stays unspoken. If Xue Yang wanted blood, he would have already spilt it. He doesn't fight fair, he fights to his advantage regardless of proper rules and etiquette. " You didn't invite me for the show. Here I thought we were closer than that. " Except Xue Yang isn't easy to find when he doesn't want to be found. The shadows have welcomed him as one of their own, his path of destruction only proof he'd been somewhere at one point.
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deathfavor · 1 month
xue yang starter call - @kyukicho
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Danger is obvious in the sounds of silence. A forest should be alive, even in the late hours of the night. Instead, the insects and birds are all ominously silent. A metallic scent hangs with the fog, made apparent that something has bled in the recent minutes. ( Or, more accurately, SEVERAL someones. )
Xue Yang doesn't care if anyone discovered the mutilated bodies. It's not like anyone would be able to pinpoint who murdered some unfortunate messengers traveling in the dead of night. It could be robbers, criminals, someone with a grudge, it's perfect. Shame he couldn't use them for an experiment, but sometimes it had to be that way. He didn't mind too much.
He stops on the dirt path when he spots a figure who....looks absolutely absurd. Was there a play in a nearby town? Xue Yang didn't pay attention to things like that. His eyes flick to the doll briefly and then back to the man. Could be a theater person, or just a shop owner. Any of the doll making shops seemed to have eccentric people anyways. " It's pretty dangerous to be out so later you know. " Xue Yang remarks as he strides closer, illuminated only by the moon.
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deathfavor · 3 months
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Cuz I may be bad
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But i'm perfectly good at it~
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Feels so good to be bad
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deathfavor · 3 months
@piscesiawave said: “It’s nothing you need to worry yourself over, your highness” // shhh pretend this is my multi you know who it’s for
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Xue Yang's jaw immediate clenches at the teasing nickname. It's not even one the street dog can manipulate into his favor. To reject it only fuels its use; to attempt to utilize it goes against everything Xue Yang is. Not to mention that Xue Yang wouldn't know what to do should he be spoiled in everything so called royalty should be. Xue Yang takes his spoiling in candy and blood. A feast if he's especially hungry. He doesn't do fancy clothes and accessories, in tender touches and being tucked in. ( It stirs a memory that makes him sick to his core and he shoves it away. )
" I'm not worried. But I want to know. " He's silent and then his eyes flash like a predator that's spotted the jugular of a deer. " Were you worried? " He asks, leaning forwards with a cocky smile. " You were, weren't you? " Xue Yang can't fathom what the other could be worried about. But he's willing to take a risk to try to turn the tables and get an answer from the sect leader.
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deathfavor · 3 months
@piscesiawave said: is it your voice in your head, or someone else's? // jiang cheng to xue yang
still born sentence starters
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The spontaneous question seems to genuinely catch Xue Yang by surprise when he pauses in cleaning his sword to look towards the sect leader. That seemed like an odd question to ask, and he can't fathom what might have prompted it, but there seems to be something serious about it by the way Jiang Cheng is staring at him. His body language practically screamed an intense focus to however the demonic cultivator might answer. Xue Yang lowers the sword into his lap and then leans backwards, supporting himself on his arms as he regards the other before he gives a roll of his eyes and a snort.
" Of course it's mine. Who the hell else's voice would it be? " Xue Yang asks, lifting an eyebrow slightly. " I didn't have any parents, so it sure as hell wouldn't be their voices. " He laughs, dismissive and indifferent to the snippet he shares. He supposes that such information isn't actually common knowledge. If he really thinks about it, no one knows much about him besides his crimes and an unknown connection to the Langlin Jin clan. Oh well. Jiang Cheng knowing he was a street dog through and through didn't change anything ; it probably wasn't even a surprise.
Jiang Cheng has his answer, so now Xue Yang decides to properly make his disdain known with a scoff as he sets his sword to the side. " That was a dumb question. " But clearly it had SOME purpose. " Why? You got a different voice in your head? " He asks lazily, letting his head roll to look over he room. ( But never far enough that he can't watch Jiang Cheng from the corner of his eyes. No matter how comfortable or careless he may seem, Xue Yang is a wild animal who never puts himself into a spot of willing and full vulnerability. ) " Or something you're looking for? "
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deathfavor · 10 months
@aknightwithnosword said: 'Not very highness like of you to stick your tongue out at me, unless you're planning on putting it to use put it back in your mouth.' // so jc has to mess with xy now
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Horror tinged surprise flashes across Xue Yang's face as that awful nickname makes its dreaded appearance. He hates it. Hates that it can't be forgotten. One time! One time in robes too large for him and this was what he had to deal with.
Well fine.
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Xue Yang stares at Jiang Cheng for a minute and then promptly drops his gaze down low while making no effort to hide where he's looking. " If you wanted me to put my mouth to use, you could have just said so ~ " He won't at all be surprised if he gets some scolding about shamelessness but so be it. He started it.
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deathfavor · 10 months
Anonymous said: Xue Yang, how does it feel knowing Xiao Xingchen is never going to wake again ?
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For a moment, there is silence. Silence that hangs as heavy as the eternal clouds over Yi City and refuse to part. Tragedy will not be forgotten, blood refuses to dry. Xiao Xingchen's death is preserved like this whole cursed down seems to be. Unable to move forward, unable to let go.
" He doesn't get to decide that! " Xue Yang spits the words with venom, each drop potent with anger and pain. " I won't let him! " He refuses to let go, he refuses to withdraw his fangs and claws. It doesn't matter how stubborn Xiao Xingchen is, how much his soul refuses to come back. He WILL come back. Xue Yang will make sure of it. He will come back, and then he won't leave.
His breath shakes, eyes wide in a borderline insane expression as his fists clench tightly. A giggle. Then, a laugh, manic and loud. " I don't care how many times it takes, what I have to do. He's going to wake up again. " Even if Xue Yang has to drag his soul out of whatever afterlife and force him to stay, he could do that. He would do that. There would be no letting go.
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deathfavor · 10 months
@aknightwithnosword said: do you have any idea how crazy you are? // jc at xy ~ we all know the answer but ya know he's gotta say it for emphasis
no country for old men sentence starters
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Red eyes glint in the darkness that is cast both by the thunderstorm as well as the overhang shadows from the roofs of the buildings in lotus pier. His footing had long grown steady to navigate the landscape - the wolves of the forest may not know how to get to lotus pier unnoticed, but the stray dog does. Xue Yang grins when Jiang Cheng speaks, white teeth flashing as a bolt of lightning pierces the sky and thunder shakes the earth and make him look like a breathing nightmare. Maybe it's a warning from the gods. But Jiang Cheng's far too deep in it now as far as Xue Yang is concerned.
With that acknowledgement, it only takes a few quick footsteps and then Xue Yang is inside the warm room and out of the freezing rain. It's almost painful how warm it is, the heat against cold skin. It's striking how stark the difference between inside and outside is. He laughs at the comment, hands moving to rest on his waist.
" Looked in the mirror lately, Sect Leader? " Xue Yang shoots back, making no attempt to hide the sharp glint in his eyes or the almost mocking tone with the title. He very rarely uses it, and never how it's intended to be used. " You're on the crazy list too y'know. "
He plops down on the ground, reaching inside his robe to pull out a candy to unwrap. He was due for it after all. Fingers pull away the patterned paper, and he tosses it into his maw.
" I mean. Not only do you engage with me - " Multiple meanings lurk in that phrasing " - but in your own quarters. " He grins, teeth sharp and dangerous but then he just throws back his head and laughs. " Don't worry. I'm used to being people's dirty little secret. " Rarely does Xue Yang speak of the past and even though this isn't direct, there's a clear implication sitting in the room with them now.
Subconsciously, his free hand rubs a bit at his gloved hand - the temperature difference is felt stronger in that hand with damaged nerves. He tilts his head to the side, playful and confident. " Looks like we're both crazy. "
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queensconquest · 2 years
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@aristarchos​​ said: “ would you just sit still? you’re gonna get an infection if you don’t let me clean this up. ” // xxc and xy
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   His  response  came  in  the  form  of  jerking  away  from  the  Taoist’s  touch  ,  teeth  bared  in  a  snarl  like  a  wild  animal.  (  It  wasn’t  FAR  from  the  truth.  )  It  hurt  ,  it  hurt  BADLY  ,  but  the  last  thing  Xue  Yang  wanted  was  help  from  his  captors.  Although  there  was  only  so  much  he  could  do  when  he  had  been  tied  to  a  damn  tree  while  camp  was  set  up  for  the  night.  But  that  was  fine.  Xue  Yang  could  do  pain.  He  did  not  know  or  do  kindness.  
   “  No.  “  He  snaps  ,  red  eyes  glaring  from  beneath  his  dark  strands  of  hair.  “  Who  gives  a  shit  ?  Not  you.  Cut  your  fucking  bullshit  peace  act.  “  He  jerks  away  again  when  he  sees  Xiao  Xingchen  reach  for  the  gaping  wounds  ,  grimacing  in  pain  when  the  ropes  tightened  further  and  dug  the  tree  bark  further  into  his  back.  Song  Lan  definitely  wouldn’t  have  helped.  Or  maybe  he  would  have  ,  if  only  because  Xue  Yang  clearly  despised  it.
   “  You’re  sending  me  to  my  death  anyways  ,  taoist.  “  He  hisses.  “  You  just  don’t  want  to  get  blood  on  your  pretty  hands  ,  right  ?  Want  to  feel  righteous  having  someone  else  do  it  ,  right  ?  “  He  wants  to  sink  his  teeth  into  that  pale  throat.  If  he  can’t  do  it  literally  ,  he  can  do  it  with  his  vicious  words.  “  Say  the  law  does  it  so  you  don’t  have  to  acknowledge  the  blood  on  your  hands  ?  Oh  ,  I  bet  that’s  it  !  “  He  LAUGHS  ,  sadistic  and  slightly  insane  as  his  heels  dig  into  the  dirt.  “  Are  you  afraid  an  infection  will  kill  me  before  someone  gets  to  chop  off  my  head  ?  That’d  be  HILARIOUS  !  One  last  defiance.  “  
   Although  Xue  Yang  wasn’t  keen  on  dying.  Besides  ,  given  where  he’d  lived  and  traveled  ,  he  doubted  anything  here  could  get  past  his  body’s  immune  system  -  unless  a  bug  delivered  it.
   “  Hey  !  Hey  ,  stop  it  !  “  Xue  Yang  scowls  when  he  feels  the  hand  on  his  side  ,  prying  to  see  his  wounds.  But  he  couldn’t  do  anything.  “  Knock  it  off!  I  don’t  want  your  herb  paste  stuff  !  “  
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queensconquest · 2 years
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@aristarchos​ said:  Clears his throat. “Where’s my pretty pretty princess?” // jc at xy cuz we woke up with these thoughts today
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   If  there  was  a  quick  way  to  summon  the  demonic  cultivator  out  from  wherever  he  chose  to  disappear  to  when  visiting  ,  it  was  that.  Xue  Yang  scowls  as  he  swings  down  from  one  of  the  rafters  with  a  needle  in  hand.  Why  he  had  a  needle  in  handle  was  something  only  he  knew  ,  but  that  wasn’t  the  point  despite  how  he  pointed  it  at  Jiang  Cheng.
   “  I  am  NOT  your  princess  !  Got  it  ?  “  He  glares  at  him  pointedly.  “  Especially  not  some  pretty  pretty  princess.  I  mean  ,  I  know  you  got  a  thing  for  seeing  me  bloodied  but  I  don’t  even  have  that  going  on  right  now.  “  He  smirked  slightly  before  letting  go  from  his  perch  and  flipped  mid-fall  to  land  on  his  feet  and  stand  up  to  face  the  sect  leader  properly.  “  Well  ?  What  ?  “
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queensconquest · 2 years
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@aristarchos​​ said:  They didn’t have much, the few bits of money they did have was needed to make sure they bought of enough food to last them until the next. But after the first year of being together, of living in this place, of being told A-Yang had a birthday, Xiao Xingchen wanted to do something special.
He’d been able to get A-Qing to distract him for a few days, it was always funny when he’d complain about it. How he’d much rather spend his time with the Taoist then ‘blind brat.’ But Xiao Xingchen had insisted, and it seemed to be enough for now. In that time he spent those days in preparation for the final day.
A sweet little memory of the way he makes a path with candy, leading from their little home all the way to the little makeshift circle Xiao Xingchen had spent days clearing out just for this precise location. It wasn’t much at all, a simple cloth spread out on the ground, under a lovely little apple tree. On the cloth was a little basket, filled with a delicious meal he had been able to save up for today. They had spent the evening eating and drinking, their laughter echoing far off into the night until finally the Taoist pulls out one final surprise. He wasn’t really good at gifts, not really. But he hoped this would be enough. It’s a simple wooden hair pin, a similar one he has made for A-Qing some time ago, only this had a special design carved into the smooth wood of the pin, snow flakes that decorated all its side. It had been in works for quite some time, and he laughed about how he hoped he had finished it in time.
‘ I know it isn’t much’ he says, reaching over to stick it in his hair. ‘I.. I didn’t know how else to thank you. For sticking with me, and giving me a home as well. Happy Birthday, A-Yang’ // DNDJSKS SPOILS XUE YANG ;-; HAPPY BIRTHDAAAYYY
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   Tch.  “  Again  ?  Daozhang  !  What  did  I  do  to  deserve  this  ??  “  Xue  Yang  whined  when  he  was  told  YET  AGAIN  to  watch  over  that  blind  brat  as  if  she  couldn’t  fend  for  herself.  Xue  Yang  had  done plenty  of  things  deserving  of  far  worse  punishment  than  merely  helping  A-Qing  ,  but  Xiao  Xingchen  didn’t  know  that.  He  huffed  ,  shooting  a  glare  when  A-Qing  began  to  whine.  “  Fine  ,  fine  !  I’m  going.  “  And  off  sulked  the  street  dog  ,  rolling  his  eyes  at  whatever  useless  task  he  was  being  dragged  along  with  her  today.
   But  getting  back  ,  sharp  eyes  had  immediately  fallen  to  the  trail  of  candy.  Blind  brat  didn’t  seem  to  notice  and  Xue  Yang  didn’t  want  to  share  this  candy  ,  so  he  made  an  excuse  to  ditch  her  as  soon  as  they  were  back  at  the  coffin  home.  Trap  or  not  (  and  what  a  silly  trap  it’d  be  )  ,  Xue  Yang  bent  down  to  greedily  collect  the  pieces  of  candy  until  he  reached  the  clearing.  That  was  when  he  halted  ,   Jiangzai  sliding  from  his  sleeve  cautiously.  A-Yao  probably  wouldn’t  do  something  like  this  and  no  one  else  besides  Su  She  knew  he  was  here.  So  why -  ?  
   The  answer  came  in  the  form  of  white  Taoist  robes  and  a  cheerful  cry  of  A-Yang !  Instantly  bristled  fur  fell  flat  as  Jiangzai  stealthy  returned  to  his  sleeve  and  he  gave  a  cheerful  chirp  of  Daozhang!  back.  It  wasn’t  long  till  they  were  eating  and  drinking.  He  hadn’t  expected  the  cultivator  to  remember  his  birthday  ;  hell  ,  Xue  Yang  hadn’t  even  recalled  sharing  it.  Not  that  he  really  knew  if  it  was  his  birthday  or  not.  But  A-Yao  had  made  it  his  birthday  ,  and  Xue  Yang  had  kept  to  that  as  it  being  his  birthday.  Must’ve  come  up  in  one  of  their  countless  conversations  in  the  past  year.
   “  Mm  ,  I  don’t  mind  daozhang  spoiling  me  like  this.  “  Xue  Yang  teases  cheerfully  ,  taking  another  drink  as  he  watches  Xiao  Xingchen.  This  was  nice.  Better  than  the  gaudy  naming  ceremony  he’d  had  to  do  that  one  year  at  A-Yao’s  insistence.  This  was  more  fun  ,  even  if  there  weren’t  as  many  sweets.
   Red  eyes  fall  to  the  hairpin  as  Xiao  Xingchen  pulls  it  out.  He  finds  himself  wondering  what  Xiao  Xingchen  thinks  he  looks  like.  Is  he  rugged  and  all  sharp  edges  like  he  really  is ,  like  something  dragged  from  the  woods  ?  Or  does  Xiao  Xingchen  see  him  as  something  softer  ,  like  a  puppy  causing  innocent  mischief  ?  (  Excluding  ,  of  course ,  the  prominent  fangs.  )  He  suspects  ,  perhaps  ,  it  might  have  been  the  latter  if  it  wasn’t  for  all  the  scars  on  his  body  that  the  Taoist  certainly  had  felt  on  several  occasions.
   Thank  him  ?  Xue  Yang  stares  intensely  at  the  other.  He  was  thanking  him.  But  then  he  breaks  into  a  smile  and  cheerful  voice  of  A-Yang.  “  Daozhang  is  saying  silly  things  again.  You  rescued  me  ,  I’m  the  one  that  has  a  thousand  thanks  to  give  you.  “  He  says  ,  fingertips  feeling  the  hairpin  tucked  into  hair.  It  feels  strange  when  he’s  not  used  to  things  being  in  his  hair  ,  but  he  doesn’t  mind.  Especially  not  when  it  is  from  Xiao  Xingchen.  “  But  thank  you.  “
   Mischief  lights  in  his  eyes  and  Xue  Yang  scoots  closer  to  Xiao  Xingchen  with  a  smile.  “  Does  the  birthday  boy  get  kisses  ,  Daozhang  ~  ?  “  He  asks  with  a  playful  sing-song  voice.  
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deathfavor · 1 month
xue yang starter call - @yeonban
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" You done playing pretend with all those high and mighty cultivators? " Xue Yang's voice carries an audible sneer without one needing to laying eyes upon him. He's never been one to hide his disdain for them even when he was a guest disciple; the years have not changed that. It is a tone that is notably absent when he speaks to Jin Guangyao. An exception, not the rule. He makes a fair amount of those for Jin Guangyao, but that's probably true both ways for the sake of this or that.
Xue Yang's pretty sure he's probably going to get a scolding look or annoyed comment for having his feet up on the desk, but he was working and studying the time. Regardless of what people think, Xue Yang is smart and he is leaps and bounds ahead of any other demonic cultivator despite learning primarily on his own. He swings his legs down and stands up with a stretch before silently slinking closer. Not obedient like a tamed animal, but welcoming in the way a wild animal may permit one it likes close.
" That has to be exhausting. You've been busy all day. " He frowns, his hand on his hip before a gleam sparks in his eyes. " They're leaving tonight, right? Any of them that need to meet an....unfortunate encounter? " He asks - Xue Yang's killed for much less but it is always more delightful when he can get the other to order it. Plus it means getting new test subjects without being scolded for it later. " I don't want to stay cooped up in here. " Albeit, there's plenty of proof Xue Yang had been working by the notes and papers scattered here and there.
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deathfavor · 2 months
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@starspurn said: "they say that violence begets violence." / and jiang cheng for xue yang!
still born sentence starters
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All Xue Yang can do is snort at the remark. " Yeah? Pretty sure that's a given. " He answers back, leaning back in his chair. It balances precariously on the back two legs and yet the raven-haired seems to not lack in confidence that it will hold and be undisturbed. If anything, it might be a challenge in his eyes for anyone to dare kick the chair. His feet rest against the table, crimson gaze watching the sect leader.
" Of course it does. People who are hurt want to hurt in turn. Unless, of course, you crush all hope of success and make them despair. " He muses, head tilted back slightly. Flames and screams....he could recall those both in vivid detail even all these years later. " Now, sooner or later you'll still have someone defiant, or those who don't care for their survival who would try to retaliate. But - "
He swings his feet off the table and the chair clatters back onto four legs with a loud sound. " We're all just animals. And animals lash out when they're hurt. Hatred, misunderstandings, desperation. In the end, people are driven to violence quicker than many would like to admit to. Not unprovoked, of course. " He waves his gloved hand like the comment was an annoying gnat. " But when provoked? When given a reason? Sure. People will take the chance "
Tilting his cheek to rest against the palm of his hand, he regards the sect leader with a curious expression. " What brought this up? :
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deathfavor · 3 months
continued from here with @starspurn
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   “  Ally?  “  Xue Yang laughs at the mere suggestion of such a partnership. It’s a heartless, haunting sound, as sharp and cold as the edge of his sword and enhanced by the shadows he lurks in. “ Not at all. I’ll even cut out his tongue or torture him myself if you’d like me to prove I don’t care and am no friend of his. “  His delivery is entirely too cheery, too at ease with thoughts that’d make many flinch away. " Or for your satisfaction, I suppose. "
   Xue Yang clasps his hands behind his back as he strolls closer like a wolf circling a herd of elk. “ Enjoy it? Mm, maybe. Especially when it’s people I hate. Although I suspect that would be a sentiment you share. “  Red eyes flash under a sliver of moonlight that pierces through the clouds, focused and intense despite how casual his mannerism is. He smiles. " After all, you get a kick out of it, don't you? Helps the rage in your bones? " What caused it, Xue Yang doesn't know nor does he care. But it's obvious all the same.
He shifts his tone, letting pressure off his inquiry. “ I don’t typically care much for what others do. But this is rather entertaining. I mean, it’s not every day you see some holier-than-thou cultivator doing things like this. “ He waves his hand towards Jiang Cheng and the unconscious man. “ What can I say? I heard the stories and was curious if they were true. “
   He comes to stop at a tree at the very edge of the clearing, standing in the light with his back against the trunk.  “  Who am I? A rascal, a delinquent, a street dog. Take your pick. “  He laughs, hands on his hips as he meets the leader’s eyes rather than bow to him or otherwise avoid eye contact. “ Does it matter who I am? “  He inquires with a shard of genuine curiosity in his voice.  “  I belong to no clan, if that’s what you’re trying to learn. Nor do I have any interest in them. “ His tongue clicks, disinterest obvious.
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