jikangairodo · 3 months
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margaret atwood, the sandman, chloe liese, hera lindsay bird, ross gay, alice oseman, eden robinson, lorde
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lunaetis · 2 months
@starspurn asked :
"ah, miss eden. how pleasant to see you again. a moment of your time, if you will?" penacony's dreamscape is vast and bright, a shiny play pen for those who'd while away their hours amongst the supposed splendor. aventurine's on the clock, but even he spared a moment to blow off steam at the slot machines. his prize, a large stuffed toy, is not to his own taste. he'd sooner offer it to another. "would you accept this gift?" whether it's accepted or not, he bends to press a brief and chaste kiss to the back of her hand. "and ... do think about my offer of friendship, hm?"
inbox call. || always accepting
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─「エデン」─  the TRAILBLAZER had been going back to this particular slot machine for a few days, now, having her eyes set on the large stuffed animal with an adorable silly little face. she was determined to win it, scouring around to collect the tokens needed. however, LADY LUCK wasn't liking her all that much. many days she tried and failed to get the said price, and today marked a whole week of her attempt in winning the item.
                only to see the LARGE STUFFED RACCOON she had been working hard to get a hold of within the arms of a certain risk taker.
                " AH !! " eyes wide, gloved digits pointing at the silly raccoon he had in hold even before his greeting was registered into her mind. how did he get it !? she probably had blown through her allowance and even some of the TOKENS she managed to find throughout her exploration within the dreamscape. eden had lost count of how many she used while aiming for that stuffed raccoon. and he got it !?
                whether it was his intention or a simple coincidence to give a peace offering gift, eden's aureate hues lit up the moment he offered the plush to her. it was difficult to mask her EXCITEMENT even when a part of her was yelling to not make it too obvious. pulling the soft plush towards her, the chaste kiss he placed to the back of her hand came as a SURPRISE. with one arm hugging the stuffed raccoon towards her and she buried the bottom half of her face into its head. damn. it's so soft.
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                " thank you. " did this count as a bribe ? perhaps. whether he meant it to be one or not, it was AN EFFECTIVE MOVE on his end. luck was certainly on his side. the trailblazer didn't like owing someone, whether it be a favor or a gift, so her gloved digits reached out to grab his wrist. all the while, she held the raccoon plush to her protectively. " what is it you need from me ? "
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barxlupin · 3 months
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@starspurn - continued from ask.
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He's been in far worse situations. That's what Leblanc keeps telling himself. The door could be locked, there could be guards armed to the teeth or Fragmentum monsters waiting on the other side, he could be injured...
Perhaps that's the reason why he's so restless, pacing around the small cabin as if looking for a way out that he knows he won't find. This isn't the kind of situation where he can use wit, charm, trickery or even brute strength to make one of his daring escapes. All he can do is wait for help to come. The idea irks him more than he's willing to admit. He's used to getting out of sticky situations all by himself, having to rely on something (or someone) outside his control is... distressing, to say the least.
Oh well, the company is nothing to complain about, at least. Were it anyone else beside Aventurine, Leblanc would have tasered them into unconsciousness already. He can act like a charming socialite, but truth be told, there's only one person he can tolerate having around for a prolonged amount of time. The blond Stoneheart has wormed his way into Leblanc's heart brain and isn't leaving anytime soon, and it has little to do with the fact that he's been Leblanc's most consistent hook-up since... forever.
Leblanc is... more okay with the idea than he's willing to admit.
Speaking of a certain gambler, his suggestion to get out of their clothes startles a small laugh out of the thief "That is the gentlest way you've ever asked me to get naked~" he chuckles, a hint of teasing in his voice. Usually, it's a breathless order whispered against Leblanc's lips while they're tangled together in a passionate makeout session. The thought makes warmth bloom in his midsection, although he's quick to tamp it down as he starts stripping, reminding himself that there's nothing sensual about it this time.
He manages to shrug off his caped overcoat, the leather harness around his shoulders, the toolbelt around his waist and the leather straps around his right thigh and upper arm, but when it comes to loosening his corset, he finds that his fingers are too stiff from the cold (his gloves are meant to prevent him from leaving his fingertips behind, not protect from the cold) to get a good grip. After a solid few seconds of failed attempts, he huffs impatiently and resigns himself to calling for assistance.
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"Could you help me remove my corset? My fingers are too stiff to untie the knot..." he turns his back to Aventurine, his gloved hands framing where the knot rests at the base of his spine, the two ends of the blue silk ribbon falling all the way down to his knees.
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shackld · 4 months
What is your favorite interrogation?
21. What is your favorite interrogation?
I need the record to show I have not played ALL of them neither do I own every character yet so answer is subject to change! I don't know if I have a top-top favorite, but I definitely love Shalom's, I love Chameleon and Wendy's. Coquelic's is amazing as well. "You just keep naming everyone" I CANT CHOOSE THERES SO MANY GOOD ONES.
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theircurse-archive4 · 9 months
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╰ ☆ ✧ —@starspurn asked: ❛ i am the villain in every story . ❜ / bram!
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˗ˏˋ *ㅤ★ㅤ‿︵ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤ𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒅𝒆𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒂 ' 𝒗𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒏 ' ? A villain was someone who did BAD THINGS. Villains hurt people. Villains killed people. Villains did everything they could to break down people to absolute NOTHING. People viewed them as a villainㅤ—ㅤand perhaps they were a villain as well. They certainly fit the criteria for a villain. But wasn't it a little different when one was a CHILD forced into that role ? The world certainly didn't think so.
⊱ ★ ⊰ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤThere were MORE IMPORTANT things to worry about other than what the world thought of them ( something they were already painfully aware of ). The child stares at the strange man; only recounting the rumors that floated about the mafia walls that spoke of BLOODTHIRSTY HORRORS. But this man hardly looked as dangerous as the tales told.
⊱ ★ ⊰ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤ❛ㅤYou don't LOOK like a villain ! So it can't be EVERY story !ㅤ❜
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⊱ ★ ⊰ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤ❛ㅤㅤ—ㅤYou do look kind of OLD and CREEPY though.ㅤ❜
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soulsballad · 4 months
Name: countess chelsea, but you can call me anything you'd like, darling.
Age: isn't that a little rude to ask a lady? twenty-four.
Do you like to cuddle?: it's insulting that i'm not being cuddled at this moment.
Can we make-out?: well, if you'd like. don't feel pressured to do any such thing, though; your company is more than enough.
A night in or dinner out?: i know a lovely restaurant.
Whip cream or chocolate syrup?: why not both?
Chocolates and roses?: naturally. if you have a flower you prefer, simply let me know.
What makes you a good Valentine?: i can offer you just about anything you'd like. isn't that a good valentine? oh, and i'm pretty.
Would you cook for me?: ... oh, that might not be advisable, dear. i wouldn't want to do you any harm.
Would you let me cook for you?: you don't need to, but you're welcome to if you'd like.
Where would you take me on a date?: oh, anywhere you want. a lovely dinner out, and then we can see where the night takes us, no?
Who’s paying?: me, naturally. don't you worry; i'll treat you right.
What did you get me for Valentine’s Day?: jewels. i thought you might like to choose your own gift; there's more than enough here for you to treat yourself.
for bai yi, if you're still accepting! chelsea simply had to offer sugar mommy services.
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there was really no need to read the whole application, because the minute bai yi read the name she was already set on tossing it aside and jumping right into the pinkette's arms. but the woman does know restraint and swiftly reads over the answers with a soft laugh. ❝ baby, say the word and i'll wrap my arms around you and not let you go. ❞ and that was not a lie, not entirely. pale hues continue to glide down the questions, stopping at four little words. i'll treat you right. they sit in her chest a little heavy, but rather pleasantly so. ❝ you'll treat me right, huh? does this mean you'll consider me as a potential sugar baby? i'll be the best sugar baby in the world. ❞ a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. and, after all, chelsea is gorgeous, so who wouldn't want to secure a position such as the countess's sugar baby. stepping closer, bai yi cosies up to the woman, both arms wrapping around one of hers as the woman invades her personal space, resting her chin on the woman's shoulder. ❝ i'll give you all the sugar you'll need. oh - and your application is accepted. ❞
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jikangairodo · 2 months
“   I am equal parts fuck around and find out and please don’t yell at me I’ll cry. ” / haibara
from x
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“If you say so,” Kento remarks with a raised brow, scepticism lining his tone. Perhaps, if he were more inclined towards self-preservation, he would leave it at that. However, as a sorcerer, he’s accustomed to risking life and limb for little more than a nod of acknowledgement. And so, in keeping with this daring spirit, he ventures further, effectively placing himself in precarious territory.
“I’d say you’re more of a ‘please don’t yell at me or I’ll cry’ person, but then again, I’ve seen you cry so often that my opinion might be a little skewed.” His jaw snaps shut soon afterwards. Not soon enough, if he’s reading the room right.
A strange mixture of amusement, apprehension, and unease encroaches upon Kento’s consciousness as he edges backwards. A hand instinctively reaches for the doorknob, ready to make a quick escape. If he takes Haibara’s comment into consideration, he supposes he might as well flip a coin to predict the reaction his words will elicit. Yet, he decides he’d rather not discover the consequences of his verbal escapade after fucking around so epically. After all, discretion is the better part of valour.
As he stands there, fingers wound tightly around the doorknob, Kento finds himself weighing the potential fallout of his words. A sensation of foreboding descends upon him as he discerns Haibara’s unwavering gaze, and something like regret trickles down his spine.
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shrineofprophecy · 2 months
@starspurn / ask answered
"i think i have just the drink for you." the blonde customer is unfamiliar, a woman whose style siobhan cannot help but admire. instinct guides siobhan as she begins assembling her order. a bitter flavour profile ... glimmering, star-like stellar champagne as a base, soothing soda and blossom dew to counteract the sweetness and intensify the bitter aftertaste. she hopes that it may offer a taste of whatever it is that this woman may need. "i hope you like it. first time in penacony, or have you visited before?"
Serval watched the woman with curious eyes. The magic of making one of these fancy drinks was like a miniature performance and it was interesting to see the colors change upon interactions with other ingredients. They didn't have anything like this back in Belobog or else she would have been the first to try it! She always did enjoy a good beverage after a long week but there wasn't as much as the insane amount of variety they had here in Penacony.
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"Thank you." Serval looked at her with a smile before her gaze went down. The drink was almost too pretty to drink but at the same time, she couldn't wait to try it. "This is my first time here. Actually, I didn't travel much before. Hell, it hasn't even been that long since I knew there was so much more than where I'm from. It keeps amazing me how much I've missed out on."
She took the glass in her hand and sipped from the drink, knowing this wasn't the kind that one could just chuck down. Her eyebrows raised in pleasant surprise and she let out an appreciative hum. "Whoa, this is amazing! I don't know what you put in it but I'm sold."
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barxlupin · 28 days
──  romantic gestures.  
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bold what applies to your muse , italicize if there's potential / it depends.
holding hands · buying flowers · cooking · cuddles · writing a poem / song · holding door open · tying shoe laces · sharing a milkshake with two straws · offering their jacket when it's cold · kissing in the rain · publicly confessing love · long walks at the beach · doing the titanic pose on a boat · taking cute pictures in a photo booth · sharing a taxi / uber · kissing the back of their hand · slow dancing · getting tickets of their favorite artist / sports team / other · introducing them to their parents · lighting candles · flower petals on bed · love letters · star gazing · brushing / doing their hair · picnics · teaching them to play an instrument / sport while gently guiding their hands · compliments · late night drives · taking selfies together · drawing them · self-made gifts · massages · proposing with a family heirloom ring · lending them their favorite book to read · paying for dinner / coffee · mixtapes / playlists · surprise birthday parties · feeding them · handing them keys to their apartment · making space in drawer for their clothes when they stay over · sharing a blanket · couple costumes · tucking a hair strand behind their ear · running after them at the airport / keeping them from leaving · moving cities to be together · blowing a kiss · breakfast in bed · defending them in a fight (verbally / physically) · joint bubble baths · dropping the L-word ("i love you") · dedicating a song at the karaoke bar to them · wearing their clothes · yawning before putting an arm around them while watching a movie · granting them the last bite (from a meal)
Tagged by: stolen from the dash
Tagging: @starspurn @luckquartzed
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deathfavor · 2 months
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@starspurn said: [ lean ] / hamel @ serpent, perhaps gently settling there simply to be close. (late inbox call!)
prompts for ordinary things that feel intimate [ lean ] sender rests their head on receiver's shoulder
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It's another mission completed and it will take some time for the scene to clear and the chief to be done chatting and giving the reports or whatever else it is they do. Serpent doesn't particularly care. It's why she had wandered a bit to sit on the park bench and makes room to welcome Hamel to sit beside her while they wait. She's careful to give the other sinner plenty of room as well ; never does the performer dare to invade the dancer's space or touch without permission despite how she usually is in close proximity to others.
It comes as a bit of a surprise when Hamel lays her head upon Serpent's shoulder. Serpentine eyes flick towards her, quick to ensure that Hamel is physically okay. Yet her quick glance over reveals that she seems to be just fine. Alarm ceases and Serpent relaxes, and after a moment, she gently tilts her head to rest against Hamel's in a subtle display of welcoming and accepting the gesture.
To know Hamel felt comfortable enough to allow herself to draw close despite how many sinners reject and scorned the snake-like sinner made something warm blossom in Serpent's chest. A warmth she usually associated with being able to observe others happiness. This time it was her own, as small and weak as it may be. She can't quite fathom it. To many she seemed like a monster, and yet, beautiful and sweet Hamel never seemed afraid of her despite the scales and fangs, or her often cooler temperature.
Serpent smiles to herself lifting her gaze to look at the stars above them. Despite the buzz of police activity, there was a sense of unusual calm in the air. " I've heard people have a tradition of wishing on shooting stars. " Serpent quietly mentions ; it was not something she'd been taught. ( Not when she was cast out in the cold with her snakes, seen only as something to make money. ) " Have you ever wished on shooting stars? " It's a quiet, curious question that settles in the still air.
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zorkaya-moved · 2 months
"miss bodyguard, how very safe i feel with you." silken, honeyed falsehoods; safety is an alien feeling to aventurine, one he neither feels nor strives for in his endless pursuit of risk. most likely, she knows he jests, he supposes. safety would require trust, a commodity in rare supply among the ipc and its lapdogs. nevertheless, as if acting out the part of the gallant royal defended by their valiant knight, aventurine reaches for her hand. the gesture is dramatic, a flourish as he grasps her fingers in his own and presses a kiss to the back of her hand. his gaze does not leave hers. "i hope we can continue to cooperate."
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Words of honey are often filled with poison, but the [bodyguard] remains receptive to them. After all, if her [liege] wishes to feed her poison, she would drink it without interrupting the eye contact. He may wish to use her as a weapon, and so be it. It is more intriguing to see hw he operates with a tool because it shows his willingness to survive, to move forward, to show ambition. Is there a desire to live if there is fear of death? It's a question best asked from the Apostle of Origin, but it's still a mystery and she is just a "bodyguard sent by diamond to guard another Stoneheart". A sacrificial beast to slay to prove loyalty or just to see if this man's [luck] will prevail when skill (Jade, Opal) could not.
Can luck beat skill? Can luck beat immortality? Can luck free Diamond from a cursed existence?
Oh, if luck truly meant salvation within death's embrace, then Aventurine would be praised for far more than he'd understand. Not just for loyalty, but for freeing his superior from a burden he cannot yet get rid off. The time is ticking, but time means the roots of frigid cold would dig deeper. And yet, the Stoneheart holds her gaze and shows nothing of his truer self. He is a liar, he is an actor, and he is a gambler, but Zarina watches him impassively, not allowing any ounce of emotion to be shown on her face. They both play a game of lies, pretending to be someone they are not and pretending to play gratitude when it is nowhere present.
They lie and they lie and they lie.
And so, she puts on a mask of a calm and collected bodyguard. The opposite of himself. The one who is seemingly absent in terms of emotions. A perfect tool to follow orders, but still one who speaks her mind and who is more 'honest' compared to others. Will he hate her if he were to learn the truth? The selfish choice, the fact that the beast chose him next to see what other stones serve under Diamond's watchful gaze. Perhaps, it was because she liked his eyes or... because she saw potential, survival and experience that no one from Stonehearts gave her. The desperation, borderlining on despair yet clutching onto hope (luck).
Will he be mad to know his 'valiant knight' is a 'dragon in disguise'? And that Diamond wished not to deal with her and make her a problem of another, allowing her to choose whom she'll protect after Jade's failures. Will he angry to learn that she could've walked away instead of lurking here? And that she remained because it was not yet time. Will be disappointed to figure out one day that what was given to him was an Emanator, an Apostle of Origin, and that she could truly become what he needed her to be if he requested? After all, this life was just a game. A long, terribly long game of life. A game until the script of Finality will kick in for her to return to stars.
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"Our cooperation is only possible if you wish for it," she speaks, her tone awfully monotone. If he wants to play roles, she will happily keep up hers. But somehow, it feels all too similar to something from the past. Zarina pushes that thought away. "Your word is my order, Mr. Aventurine. Anything you wish of me shall be granted. As long as it does not interfere with my oath to protect you." Oath, is it? Truly, like a gallant knight. A knight for a gambler. A truly marvelous crossover of genres. "If you wish me to put on a mask for others to think I'm someone else, I will do so. Use me as you wish, I am now in your hands." Not Diamond's, Jade's, or Opal's.
As she takes her hand away from him, Zarina does a step back to put a distance between them as if showing him that she wishes to keep him 'comfortable'.
"To kiss the hand of your bodyguard is not befitting of a man your status," she brings her hands back behind her back, straightening up while looking straight into his eyes. It doesn't help that she stands a bit taller than him, her golden gaze examining but lacking any bright light. If he wants to lie and play a role, she will do the same. "I do not wish to taint your reputation. I am only a chip in your hands."
More like an ace up his sleeve, but does he know of it yet? Oh no, not yet.
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theircurse · 3 months
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╰ ☆ ✧ — @starspurn asked: “   I don’t understand … what exactly are you doing? ” / bram, likely witnessing yet another Modern Thing he doesn't understand. (late inbox call!)
↳ -: ☆ ( Unprompted ) ☆ :-
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˗ˏˋ *ㅤ★ㅤ‿︵ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤ𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅 𝒅𝒊𝒅𝒏'𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒂 how truly ANCIENT the man was. In their eyes, the man was simply an OUT OF TOUCH grandpa that lived under a rock all their life ! With them being confined to a cell most of the time, they couldn't claim to be perfectly in tune with the modern world eitherㅤ—ㅤbut surely, they were a lot better than the old man !
⊱ ★ ⊰ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤThe two of them were staring up at the entrance of the local AMUSEMENT park; an abundance of bright lights and sounds from all of the rides and attractions greeting them. They've never been to this place at allㅤ—ㅤbut it was pretty difficult to not notice the GIGANTIC FERRIS WHEEL that always loomed over the city.
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⊱ ★ ⊰ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤ❛ㅤIt's an AMUSEMENT PARK ! People go here to play and have fun ! But I've never been in here before ! Have you ?ㅤ❜
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jikangairodo · 2 months
“   No one is calling me baby and it’s outrageous I can’t believe it. ” / haibara again, pointedly
from x
When Kento is at home, he swaps his green-tinted goggles for regular gold-rimmed glasses. The water-repellent, weatherproof (often, eventually sticky) sorcerer uniform gives way to casual t-shirts and sweats. His hair, normally styled to within an inch of its life, hangs down and loose. With his music player shuffling through various genres from smooth jazz to early 2000s rock, Kento finds himself half-singing, half-humming along to Linkin Park as he slices fruit.
Yu interrupts his disjointed mumbling, causing Kento to blink in surprise before responding with a slight frown.
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“What?” Knife in hand, he cubes mangoes into even, bite-sized pieces, tossing the pits into the bin soon afterwards. The strawberries only need to be hulled. “You like pet names?” In order to conform to societal standards, Kento leans heavily on honorifics; adding suffixes, prefixes, and anything else necessary to names until instructed otherwise. Terms of endearment seem like an alien concept; he hadn’t even dared to call Yu by his given name without prior permission and a considerable amount of cajoling. “You mean to tell me I could’ve been calling you pookie bear this whole time?” There’s a hint of regret in his voice, and although Kento doesn’t pout, it’s a close enough thing when he purses his lips a certain way.
As he arranges grapes onto a fruit platter and meticulously places orange wedges around it for aesthetic appeal, he continues, “Do any pet names work for you? Any favourites, sweetheart?” Starting now, he’s determined to make amends for lost opportunities. “I have my own preferences, darling, but I’m eager to hear yours, too.” After spearing a perfectly plump strawberry onto a fork, he holds it out towards Yu, wiggling the fruit tantalising in the air.
"Come here, baby."
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shrineofprophecy · 2 months
@starspurn / ask answered
"miss sparkle, i never thanked you for your advice before." aventurine courts risk merely by speaking to one so unpredictable again, but thrill is what keeps life from becoming unbearably dreary. he isn't here for any particular reason this time, except to follow his own curiosity. whether his appreciation is genuine or not, his practiced smile hints at nothing but friendly warmth. bending forward, he clasps her hand in the lightest grip and, in an elegant move straight out of some old movie, presses a kiss to the back of it. "your wisdom is much appreciated."
The man should be grateful for any and all hints she had given him. She had been more than generous to hand him the pieces he needed. It was up to him to figure out the complete picture and solve the puzzle that is The Family.
"So you finally realize my value. I was wondering if I should leave you to your fate and let you use your pretty head at first..." Sparkle smiled but it was with the same practiced kindness that Aventurine loved to use, who decided to look like a true gentleman by kissing her hand. Neither of them would fall for the act yet they both enjoyed playing along.
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"Then again, it's not fun to see you run around in circles like a headless peacock."
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barxlupin · 1 month
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𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐝(𝐬): pizza, pasta bolognese, cheesecake 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤(𝐬): chocolate milk, cold infusion teas 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞(𝐬): muppets treasure island, mamma mia!, burlesque, ocean's eight, first wives club 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰(𝐬): leverage, bones, castle, the owl house, moriarty the patriot 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠: leggings, oversized shirts and hoodies 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠(𝐬): colors (halsey), lugia's song, wildfire, crybaby (melanie martinez) 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤(𝐬): to kill a mockingbird (harper lee), big girl (danielle steele), the artemis fowl series (eoin colfer) 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞(𝐬): honkai star rail, twisted wonderland, pokemon, hades
Tagged by: stole it from @celestiialnotes ^^
Tagging: @starspurn @moonrisenmuses @theircurse @vulpesly @deathsmaidens and whoever else wants to do it <3
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eikonbound · 5 months
continued from here:
It isn't very often that Terence sees Dion looking anything less than perfectly composed. So much depends upon the Prince's ability to keep himself even-keeled in his position of power. But in this moment, Terence can see that Dion is worried that his preparations aren't impressive enough. It's so interesting to see his partner in this light. There was never a a chance of a normal, ordinary life for the two of them, of course, no matter which direction Dion had gone in once he came of age. He is still a Prince. The hum of Bahamut still thrums in his body, and the people of Sanbreque adore him beyond measure -- though Terence knows he adores him even more. He has the specific honor of knowing Dion personally, being able to love him up close. Any amount of personal hardship is well worth it for that privilege.
In this moment he wouldn't change anything about Dion's plans, every detail is perfect. In truth, what Terence craves most is simple quiet with his beloved. It's not much to ask for, but it is very difficult to attain.
He leans happily, eagerly into Dion's touch, nuzzling into the warmth of his palm. "I'm touched by the gesture," he replies, moving closer to rest his forehead against Dion's. His love's worries of this outing being inadequate are terribly sweet to Terence, but he wants to make sure Dion understands how ideal it all is.
"I have dreams just like this, where we sit in a calm meadow, no one and nothing to disturb us. Perhaps it's silly that I conjure up the most simplistic of scenarios in my sleep, but we both know that this peace isn't easy to come by," he whispers, closing his eyes as he breathes out, "It is as if you plucked it straight from one of those dreams and made it true. Thank you, Dion."
With a brief brush of his nose to his love's, Terence pulls away and takes stock of the picnic Dion prepared for them. "Your attention to detail for my favorites is noted, as always," he speaks, reaching for two grapes. One of them he pops in his own mouth, and the other he offers to Dion. "This feels so much like days from our youth. You were just as thoughtful then, even when we were young. Despite the many responsibilities you juggled, you made such an effort for me -- for us."
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