#《 ° ooc ; selkie.exe 》oh im trash just not approved trash
omends · 2 years
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okay but like, when and WHY did people stop doing these ? I remember feeling so excited every time I was included in one, and I remember all the cool blogs and people I discovered through checking them out. well, terrible graphic aside, I am here to hopefully continue the tradition of follow forevers. first and foremost, I love ALL of my mutuals and followers ! owo please don't be discouraged if you don't find yourself on this list, I'm doing this on the fly and we all know my memory is shit so I'm bound to forget someone. but I'm not lying when I say I love and appreciate you all ! thank you for following me and tolerating me on your dash. <3 you are always welcome here / with me.
first up, the MVPs of my dash !
@fortunefavours || mel is my absolute best friend, like. we have been writing for over 4 years ! I don't think I'd still even BE roleplaying on tumblr if it weren't for her. she has always loved and supported me unconditionally... humored my 3 am meta spews, shipped with me, written all the aus, celebrated our birthdays and holidays together. she isn't really active on tumblr anymore - we do stuff on Discord mostly - but I couldn't imagine making one of these without listing her first, so
@macveigh || another of my long-standing friends in the tumblr rpc. molly is so kind and passionate, her lore and worldbuilding are rich and morgan is just genuinely a great, heartfelt character. I know molly has worked really hard on her and I am so honored to have been a part of that developmental journey. just, another person I couldn't miss on this list. we love and support in this house.
@magioffire & @manenimittliv || you guys are getting put together because a) you've both been with me a LONG ass time and I appreciate that a lot, and b) because your characters fucking ROCK. you've both put so much time and effort and love into your muses and lore and it shows. I also know you've both had your struggles in recent years, but I'm glad to see you still kicking here on tumblr.
@mooneternyl || trahearne and kenzi are fucking ICONS and im still just ksjsjsj because we're mutuals and I feel so out of my league. but I love talking with them, plotting and shipping with them, and im excited to be able to write with them. a pleasure and an honor, it really is. we love and support in this house.
@touchedsky & @huntershowl || you guys are getting put together because I love you both and was so fucking happy to rediscover your blogs ! not only that, but joey and raine have been absolute inspirations for me. I aspire to have the level of creativity and writing skill that they do, I just really look up to them both as creators. and also I love their characters a shit ton, and my characters love their characters a shit ton. just a whole lot of love for these two.
now, for some quick shoutouts ! these are in no particular order, btw !
@luposcainus || absolutely fanatastic. im sorry I suck at plotting :,D im v excited to interact with you and love having you on my dash.
@frstwomn || just started following / interacting, but hi, I love you, thank you for bringing positivity and love to my dash ON TOP OF an amazing character
@cripplemagics / @hollowichor || thank you for bringing representation and awareness to the dash. you are doing good and probably hard work and I just want you to know I appreciate it a lot, so thank you.
@streetslost / @bloodcrave || I know you have more URLs but my memory sucks so... just know you are great and I love your characters
@celestieu || we love bunny and maddie in this house, that is all
@nezemnyy / @vtratasebe || you are cool af and I love your characters
@sanatoris || I know you have other URLs and that you aren't super active anymore, so just... I love your characters and miss having you on my dash
@defiantclairvoyant / @felinesensed / @thcyfight / @witchyheroines || we haven't interacted because I genuinely suck, but know that I see you and appreciate you and like seeing you on my dash. all the hugs, don't let the rpc stop you from sharing your creativity and loving your characters, okay ?
@thebestplayer / @lesoleilavole / @iblogaboutit / @liarincommand / @createsowndemons || super fucking quality right here folks !
@entersatan / @fromtower / @fromdreaming / @abandonroots || you are very creative and I love all your ideas and characters !
@breaksmen / @assumednothing || more quality right here ! I love having you on my dash, and I'm very excited to start interacting with illyana
@soleiltm / @miscxllany || you and your characters are icons, I love them all
@akeron & @rblgltch || your universe and lore is so fucking cool ! I am very excited to interact with you both and get involved in your universe and lore !!
@ghoststained / @gracesmuggled || we love and support in this house
@hebled || you are so fucking cool and quality, very excited to interact !!
@dehvils || firstly, thank you for being patient with me. secondly, we love and support in this house. very excited to write with you !
@nykrose & @immergrun & @batteredoptimist || idk you all have a similar nature magic / lowkey faerie vibe ? so just want to say I love and live for it.
@thxwxlf || you are both cool and quality. we love and support in this house.
@dutyworn / @smokedanced || you have just been so fucking nice and supportive and we haven't talked or interacted at all, and I really appreciate it. you just seem really chill and nice and you are a great and refreshing presence on my dash for it.
@vxctorx || okay but I love our plots and ship, and I'm excited to explore them more with you. also, you took and love a very unknown and underappreciated character which I respect a lot, especially since you're so passionate about him.
@griim & @unsnare || similar badass female muse vibe, we love and support you both in this house.
last but not least, a big thank you to all my followers, whether you've been here a while or we just started following each other. I appreciate you all. I know I am slow and forgetful, but I'm doing my best, and I look forward to interacting with you all in the new year.
also this is safe to reblog also also, more positivity like this in 2023 pls !
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omendsa · 3 years
I just want to say... Cru.ella was actually a DAMN GOOD movie. And... honestly... idk if ya'll haters knew this but... Disney does this thing that we all love to hate that's called REDOING THINGS in REMAKES. We all saw Mulan. We all saw Beauty in the Beast. We all saw Cinderella.
She is a girlboss. Turn off tumblr and watch the fucking movie like a grown ass person and appreciate it for what it is. She's relatable not because ~my mommy got murdered by some dalmations!~ she's relatable because hatred and revenge doesn't have to mean being EVIL. Being bad doesn't equal cookie cutter villains who rub their hands together in the dark and laugh maniacally.
How DARE Disney make a villain who does the wrong thing for the right reasons ! How DARE Disney make a movie reimagining an often understated and written off villain and give her CHARACTER and REASONS. No one said this is the same Cruella that hunted down Pongo and Perdita and their pups... and NO ONE said that Cruella DOESN’T become a psycho bitch and turn a bit insane later in her life / storyline and do just that.
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Like. Fuck people, c'mon. Ya'll gonna hate some quality ass content cuz someone on tumblr spoiled the whole twist for you ! WATCH THE MOVIE. Context is beautiful and fantastic and important and if you don't know, you're just a person making jokes on the internet to be cool.
Yeah. I am upset about this. No. I won't be taking questions, criticisms, or concerns. Take your narrow parroting ass and cha cha slide your way away from me if this upsets you.
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omends · 2 years
alright, so. I think I am going to give Kaey his own blog, focus on that, and possible a couple other original characters ?? I'm thinking Indi and maybe a few new ones.
I may return to this / my other blogs at some point ( let's be real, I'll probably want to move back in less than a week ;D ) but I think focusing on a couple characters / blogs in particular will be good for me right now, so that's the plan, and when I feel I'm in a better place mentally maybe I'll resume writing more of my kids.
so... like this if you want the URL for Kaeys blog ? no pressure. I'll post a promo here eventually, but right now I'm gonna keep it lowkey. I'll also probably follow long time mutuals, friends, and folks I know I want to interact with.
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also, I will decide on what I'm keeping / dropping regarding threads, ships, plots, etc on the new blog. that being said, if you want to keep something in particular let me know... or, come talk to me about new ships, plots, etc. or being mains. or affiliates. ;) I'm down for anything and everything with Kaey, so don't be shy.
other than that ? add me on discord ! ( seal snoot ;#5985 ) I'm happy to rp, plot, etc for any and all of my characters on discord, so feel free to hmu about that. owo
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omends · 2 years
after spending some time on kaeys new blog and doing some soul searching I realized that I feel a lot happier and safer on the new blog, and I kind of just. don't want to come back here. the anxiety passed and I leaned into it and, surprisingly, it worked out really well for me so I'm glad for that. I just. don't have the energy to focus on multiple characters or blogs right now, so I'm going to focus on kaey and give him my attention and time, for better or worse. I'm not necessarily abandoning this blog or @feminsin, I'm just putting them on indefinite hiatus until I feel ready to pick up the characters again. very likely I will be making new single muse blogs as I get my groove back, but right now I just. get very overwhelmed on a multi. I apologize to everyone who was interested in interacting with the characters here or on my other blogs. ; ; if you would like my new blog please like / comment on this post or DM me. I might post the promo here eventually, but for now, I am keeping it lowkey. if folks aren't interested in interacting with him / writing with me then nows your chance to cut ties with no hard feelings. I may also follow some folks I'm interested in pursuing interaction with, but mostly I want to ensure the folks who follow me actually want me on their dash and to write with. again, no hard feelings. I really appreciate the patience and support I have been shown. <3 if you have Discord and want to maybe rp over Discord you can add me ! I'm open to writing any and pretty much all of my characters, so we can continue plots and ships if you want ! owo add me: seal snoot ;#5985 (you can also ask for my new blog URL on Discord as well if we already have each other added !) also, if you see some of my blogs deactivate (this blog and feminsin will be spared !) don't panic, I'm just doing some housekeeping. I've already deleted a few, but made sure to block folks so they don't have a ghost blog in their stats. ^^;
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omends · 2 years
you ever just like, I love my rp characters but maybe they shouldnt be rp characters ? like. I love them, but writing them is, eh. but then youre like, but I want to share them... idk guys. idk. I'm struggling to decide what to do with my blogs. like, really struggling. its why I havent been around much the past few days.
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omends · 2 years
okay, I'm riding the struggle bus. I have some queries for my moots who run sideblogs: how do you deal with it mentally / emotionally ? do you have any anxiety or particular feelings regarding following / mutuals / etc ? do you think your sideblogs get less attention for the fact they are sideblogs ? how do you deal with sending asks and IMs etc ?
I want the ability to have access to all my characters from a central place, without having them all on the same blog. I want all my characters to have their own space that fits them, essentially, but I don't have the patience or energy to run 3+ blogs across accounts. logically, I know that anyone I follow on this, my main blog, I'll follow on my other blogs and want to follow me there as well. logically, I know my other blogs will always play second fiddle to this blog.
I just... have a lot of anxiety about running sideblogs ? idk.
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omends · 2 years
okay but can I talk about a pet peeve of mine ? I wanna know, why do people follow you and then promptly unfollow ? like, before you even get a chance to check their blog out and decide if you want to be mutuals ? I'm talking, like, less than 24 hours later they have both followed and unfollowed you ? am I the only one who gets annoyed when people do this ? or am I just being petty ?
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the thing is - and I highly suggest you read my psa here regarding it - I am not a fast person. in fact, I am so easily distracted I admit it's kind of embarrassing. and considering lately I've been busy with school and dealing with my mental health... it takes me time to get around to things like checking my new followers, and frankly, I don't think it's reasonable in the first place to expect potential new mutuals to follow you back immediately... but that may just be me.
simply put. please be patient. shit takes time. and I know that's not just true for me, but for a lot of roleplayers currently. and, idk, maybe it's just my experience, but it seems like lately people in the rpc are either really chill about timeliness and taking your time, or folks throw a hissy fit if you don't follow back / answer an ask / write a starter for them fast enough and abandon you. which is kinda bullshit, tbh.
if you aren't prepared to be patient when interacting with me and others then this is not the blog for you. to vibe with me you need to be willing to 1) work with me and 2) be patient with me. I am 100% ready to do both for you, all I ask is reciprocation. and, going forward - I was already pretty fast and loose with blocking for my own comfort, mind ya'll - I will block folks if I feel like they're perpetuating this need for speed mentality and general impatient / intolerant behavior.
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omends · 2 years
do... do people still do follow forevers ?? can we start doing those again ?? they were like positive callouts. bring back positive callouts 2k23. heck, more rp positivity in general 2k23.
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omends · 2 years
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hi uh. could I ask for some positivity ? please ? like, do ya'll like my characters ? what do you like about them ? what do you think of me ? etc. I could. use a little support / positivity. ; w ; it's been... a rough mental health weekend and I'd appreciate it.
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omends · 2 years
honestly if you arent dating kaey then you are missing out. he could be chirping at you, purring when youre nearby, flicking his ears, being soft and giving you love bonks with his forehead. blushing a lot because hes so nervous he doesnt know what hes doing. hes gonna cook for you and make you tea and help you with your hair. gonna let you braid his hair. gonna hang out with you without his prosthetic. gonna be just so fucking gentle and soft. hes gonna take care of you, and be protective of you, and support you unconditionally. hes gonna give you shy lil love licks because its just what he feels like he needs to do to show you how much he adores you. hes gonna be nervous and always making sure youre on the same page, always trying to keep you comfortable and happy. would do literally anything to keep you comfortable and happy and safe.
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im just. love this feral boi pls he has so much to give and wants so little in return. he deserves so much and is such a soft person who cares about others more than himself. date him damn it.
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omends · 2 years
ah yes, the 5 am urge to cry. this is fine. im fine. for no apparent reason at all i feel like crying, and just... bad. overwhelmingly so. nauseous and anxious. i just. suddenly got struck by it, and this insecurity. feeling worthless and unwanted. like my brain just now realized those feelings exist. i dont know what to do. maybe i need to cry.
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omends · 2 years
uh... where is my pinned post ? can anyone else see it ? like. it’ll pop up for a moment, then disappear. I even checked my blacklisted content, p sure none of it is in my pinned post.
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omends · 2 years
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screams because I got an angsty YCH commission of kaey !! ; w ; I couldn't resist, we love a boi that never gives up... even when fatally wounded and utterly terrified.
art by violetwitchhh // please ask before reblogging !
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omends · 2 years
I'm about to try to take another nap but I wanted to revisit an idea I had ages ago: custom ask prompts. hear me out.
we all know how they work, and we know that some folks prefer asks as a starting point for interaction. what if we started making prompts pertaining to our own blogs, or even had a list that could help kickstart interaction ? could also be a way to get wishlist items too, as well as direct folks to things we want to explore more.
send 🐈‍⬛🔮 to have your muse approach myk for a good luck spell
for a multi you could have it divided by character, but otherwise I'm thinking typical categories like sentence starters, reaction prompts, scenario prompts, sending in to get a starter for a particular plot / au, etc. sky's the limit !
but I think that this could really help people a) interact with others in a meaningful way and b) give writers the ability to explore things they're interested in for rp ! I intend to make my own prototype, but I wanted to post about it to get feedback / present the idea as well.
tell me what you think ! would you be interested in doing something like this ? would you utilize it if your rp partner had a custom prompt list ? do you think this would help people start interacting and engaging with others ? I want to know !
edit: by meaningful way I mean, I know some people don't send ask prompts in cuz they don't know if it's okay or if its something the person would want from them. but a curated prompt list would be public so you KNOW the person wants that and is okay receiving it from anybody. just trying to alleviate some of that anxiety / hesitancy.
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omends · 2 years
me: -makes a decision- also me: -immediately rethinks / regrets decision-
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omends · 2 years
just turned in my final assignment ! I'm done with classes until January ! that means that I plan on being around more since I finally have the headspace and spoons to be doing things :3 I can't speak to my sleep schedule, but if I'm not playing video games then I'll be here and on Discord. <3
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for now, I'm gonna eat and play some video games, then I can start being around tomorrow. feel free to IM me or add me on Discord: selkiesaurus#5985
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