#「 ⊗ ┆ ╱ “ANSWERS” ¦ 」≽ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵗʰᵉ ʷᶦˢᵉ ˡᶦˢᵗᵉⁿ ᶦⁿ ʳᵉᵗᵘʳⁿ
lobselvith · 1 year
‘  sometimes people have to get hurt for me to get what i want.  ’ charlie
❛[   ⊗ GROWLING SUGGESTIONS ≻ accepting !
`WIRY, ATRAMENTOUS TONGUE COULD TASTE THE SHARP ATMOSPHERE OF BETRAYAL. Bitter, saline and brackish-- - FLAVOR THEY'VE MANY TIME EXPERIENCED. (SOURCE HAD ALREADY LEFT THE DOORS OF THIS HOLY DOMICILE). Stood now the cause, vocal with assurance of reasoning. “&– - Honesty oft' a rare communion-- - how interesting when you spare it and when you hoard.” The Angels seizing voice hints something of AMUSEMENT as it twisted the Fathers own thoughts to become their words.
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`ITS CRAWLING FORM SILHOUTTED BY THE RADIANCE OF SUN BREAKING THROUGH ITS WINDOWED PLATFORM. Like figure stained to imagery // BUT THIS WAS NOT HIS HOUSE OF PRAYER (AND THE YELLOW GODS VISAGE WAS OF LIFE & BLOOD // MUSCLE & MARROW). Still, divine frame found sanctum upon walls-- - seeing no need to succumb to the ground where mortal walked. Only peeling came of that from hands, body twisting backwards so it hung unbothered. “&– - Careful; pain is the quickest teacher. People will become cautious, and your desires may become more difficult to feed.”
`VALTIEL CARED NOT ABOUT PAIN FOR PROGRESS. Bore from it and born into it // JUST AS ENTWINED IN THEM AS LIGAMENTS AROUND BONE. (THEIR HANDS WERE NOT CLEAN OF THE SAME // ARE HUMANS NOT DESCENDANT OF A HOLIER IMAGE, AFTER ALL?) However, at the same they were little concerned with ACTUALLY providing advice to one that wished to do the same-- - the Angels desires was much more self centered. (THEY TURNED THE WHEELS // THE COGS // TO SEE HOW THE WHOLE DEVICE WOULD WORK). “&– - Did one loss piece equal a trade for what you wished today?” // @muutos
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lobselvith · 2 years
Faye's 5'1"
❛[   ⊗ HEIGHT COMPARISON ≻ accepting !
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lobselvith · 2 years
5'7" with heels.
❛[   ⊗ HEIGHT COMPARISON ≻ accepting !
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lobselvith · 2 years
pokes him. poke poke
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`FINGERTIPS GRACE, PRYING, HOLY FLESH. Foolish or haughty did they often view those that CHOSE TO DO SUCH A THING (FOOLISH STILL WOULD BE ONE THAT THINKS THAT WOULD GAIN INSTANT SNAP). Instead, seconds hung as Valtiel seemed to pay no heed to it // twitching frame and low noises of TYPICAL EXISTENCE FROM THEM. That was until spine twisted- muscle and sinew bending to a point on most it would break at the sudden turn towards the other (HEAD CANTING JUST A BIT TOO FAR AS VOCALIZATION DARED IN OTHERS CRANIUM).        “&– - Careful.” The tone held nothing to indicate true DICTATION (ANNOYANCE // THREAT // WARNING // INDIFFERENCE? ALL WERE VOID). // @qicixian
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lobselvith · 2 years
What that tongue do? 😏
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`LONG, WIREY TONGUE SLIPPED BETWIXT MISPLACED MAW. Mouth on side of cranium was one of the few parts of their anatomy that broke the strange SYMMETRY the Attendant had-- - malformed perfection. However, while it had the functionality of the sensory organ, little did it see proper usage. It spoke not through it when USAGE OF MORTAL MINDS WAS EASIER. Feasting was of little interest to them. (AND ANYTHING FURTHER THAN THAT WAS MORE ALIEN). It may occasionally lap the air like a snake sensing, but Valtiel knew and observed the world in ways IMPOSSIBLE.      “&– -Simply exists for appearances.”
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lobselvith · 2 years
I’m busy digging the dry blood and fleshy skin from under my claws right now. ’
 `THE GRISLEY AND GROTESQUE BE NOT STRANGER TO THEM. Caked in it as was // AND WOULD BE // Valtiel knew the feeling of caking blood and stringy matter (THEY WORE YEARS OF IT UPON FRAME). While some of it they bore the instant it befell this Earth in corrupted form, plenty of it was GAINED WITH THE TICKING OF A CLOCK. 
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`THUS WHAT WITHDREW THE DISTINCT CANT IN MOVING CRANIUM. Dust would settle over dust // dirt over dirt // AND BLOOD OVER BLOOD. (TO REMOVE WOULD ONLY ALLOW MORE TO DESECRATE AGAIN AND AGAIN). The Angel themselves did not see point in giving time to such menial details-- - a mere cursory of the larger affronts should be more than enough in the end. (VALTIELS VOICE WOULD INVITE ITS OWN WAY INTO HER HEAD).
                                                         “&– - Would not more just come later?”
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lobselvith · 2 years
😊 - cheryl
❛[   ⊗NONVERBAL SENTENCE STARTERS ≻ 😊  Sit down next to my muse
`AND THUS THE LULL SETTLES LIKE A DUST. Like a faltering heartbeat, but one that would beat again (STILL, AT THIS MOMENT THERE IS SILENCE). Or what can potentially account for the closest thing for silence. Eyeless entity kept vultures watch over recent cacophony of inhuman utterances and weaponary singing // JUST WITHOUT THE INTENT TO PLUCK MEAT OFF A CORPSE (RATHER AID SHOULD A SPECIFIC ONE COME TO BE).
`BUT THE PULSE OF SOUND WOULD RETURN. The step of boots // IMPERFECT BREATHING. Despite similarities, Valtiel knew what the outcome was before her frame came into the logic of vision of the room the Attendant occupied. Nest upon the crook of worn and rusted locker, stitched facade twitched in the vague direction of Cheryl’s approach. (EXPECTATION OF A MERE GLANCE // OR COMPLETE IGNORING). 
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`ALAS PROVEN INCORRECT. The wounded but victorious chose temporary respite beside Valtiels current perch. Leathery arms that were dangling over edge of furniture slowly pulled up, clenching upon margin. (GIVING THE APPEARANCE OF PEERING OVER LIKE A BALCONY WATCHER). Blood dripped from the Cheryl // NOT A SIGHT UNFAMILIAR TO THE ANGEL. Nor did he assume it would be the last drop shed-- - plenty more to go, after all.
`SILENCE WAS ALLOWED ITS SECONDS TO HANG AGAIN. Before low huff and beastial grunt came from The Attendant. Shuffling in a manner both smooth and erratic atop fixed location. Gloved hand twisting almost DISLOCATED to jut open door of locker as it creaked in protest. (BUT THE METALLIC RIBCAGE WOULD OPEN TO REVEAL ITS INNARDS). Along the unimportant was a first aid kit and a couple of bullet boxes. (A FAR MORE DIRECT HELP THAN THE DIVINITY USUALLY GAVE // BUT THEY DIDN’T RETRACT THE OFFER).  // @madeofstxrs
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lobselvith · 1 year
🔪 Point a weapon at my muse from PH
❛[   ⊗ Nonverbal RP Starters ≻ accepting ! NOTES: 🔪 Point a weapon at my muse
`GRAND EXECUTIONER RAISED ITS CLEAVER. Not an optical orb lay within the stitched cranium, but Valtiel had been observing OTHERS WORK // TASK-SET TORTURER, DUTIFUL VEGENCE. (BUT IT SEEMED FLY ON WALL HAD GARNERED ATTENTION). Vertebrae clicked as head raised directed at blades edge-- - convulsing head not masking the UNFALTERED manner of divinity. Damp growls in atramentous throat could be mistaken for AGGRAVATION // BUT SUCH WAS NOT THE DISPLAY FROM THE ATTENDANT (RATHER, INTRIGUE TO SEE WHERE IT WOULD SERRATE). Would it lay back to rust-infested ground or pierce holy flesh?
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`MITTED PALMS MOVED OFF OF WALL THEY HAD BEEN ON. Upside down like contortionist without platform // THE WALL ITSELF BEING THE VERY GROUND FOR VALTIEL // melded phalanges smoothed over weapons tip. It did not push away the device-- - nor did he adjust of placement to minimize EASE of potential strike (ALMOST A DARE IN ITS OWN RIGHT). Soft gurgle from esophagus almost like a question without needing to provide speech- 'Will you?' // @trashcollected
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lobselvith · 1 year
[  tap  ] + reverse
❛[   ⊗ OLD PROMPT ≻ not accepting !
`AND SO A LULL HAD SETTLED OVER LIMBO. How unfortunate it was that when peace settled betwixt that ABOVE // AND BELOW // Angels and Daemon alike could suffer need for something to stir (OR AT LEAST THE DIVINE ATTENDANT COULD). Even more unfortunate Valtiel knew where to get their sources-- - and with the Angel about tranquility could not be assured.
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`IT DID NOT APPEAR FROM LAPPING SHADOWS OR GROANING ROT. Body rather pulled from ventilation ancient and DOCILE // TWISTED FRAME NEAR IMPOSSIBLE FOR SPACE (BUT TYPICAL OF THEM). For once little noise accompanied creatures visage-- - natural sounds of presence hushed at will. Even the subtle grind of muscle and bones ABSENT as hand dangled. Gloves coated in decades of VERMILLION-- - sources numeral-- - leaving not a mark on shoulder (JUST THE ASPECT OF THEIR TAUNT HANDS CONTACT // ACTION ALMOST A PERFECT MOCK OF HUMANS MANNER IF NOT FOR THE MINOR TWITCHES).
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lobselvith · 1 year
hi! i just wanted to remind you how incredible you are and how loved you are. on good days and bad days, the world and this community are greatly benefited and honored by your presence ❤️
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AHHH ANON YOU ARE FAR TOO KIND <3 THANK YOU THIS MEANS A TON TO ME! This community means so much to me, and I'm so happy to be in it! I hope you are doing amazing anon!
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lobselvith · 1 year
‘  i’m so cold  &  i can’t stop shaking.  i am not who you think i am.  ’ duke
❛[   ⊗ GROWLING SUGGESTIONS ≻ accepting !
`HOW FRAGILE A HUMAN WAS. Everything relying on something that was merely comparable to that of two clenched fists // AND WHEN THE MIND SHUDDERED DID THE BODY FOLLOW SUIT (A SELF DESTRUCTIVE ORGANISM // TOO FRAIL AND UNFIT FOR THE VERY WORLD THEY CRAFT AROUND SELF). Such a thing made Valtiel almost desiring to see their successes-- - even against possibility // EVEN WHEN THERE WHERE THOSE THAT WISHED TO STOPPED (PLEAS FALL UPON DEAF EARS).
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`A TICKING CLOCK, THE FAINT NOISES FROM OUTSIDE THIS ROOM. All murmured // SHUSHED // AND THEN ABSENT. Quiet bubbled and grew like a GLUTTONOUS BEAST (TANQUILITY AN UNFORGIVING MISTRESS). An unoccupied chair throning the impassive Angel of ambers and sanguine- body distorted but NONCHALANT; face mask emotionless, just as unresolute as what they offered up to the STRUGGLING. “&– - Who I think you are, or who you think you are?” // @muutos
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lobselvith · 1 year
“No! None of this is real! You aren’t real!”
// @ncthinggood-left~
❛[   ⊗ THE EVIL WITHIN STARTERS ≻ accepting !
`THERE WAS SOMETHING ALMOST AMUSING HOW HUMANS CLUNG TO CONCEPTS OF 'REALITY'. Any subtle disturbance of it and claims of DREAMS // FICTIONS they'd heard spilled as fact. (OF COURSE, TO CALL THEIR CAUSE SUBTLE WOULD BE DISSERVICE). Air smelling of gunpowder and blood-- - thick enough almost mistaken as VISIBLE PARTICLES swimming through old air. Cacophony came rhythmically // SOMETHING GRINDING, HOLLOW AND DISTANT (ALMOST MOCKING THE TUNE OF A PHONES RING).
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`AND IN THE CENTER OF DISTORTION STOOD THE FIGURE. Hunched at upper vertebrae, but STANDING none the less-- - no crawl, crouch, hunker or skitter. (IT WAS NOT A MINOR ADDITION TO THIS ATMOSPHERE-- - NOT THIS TIME). Cranium convulsing impossibly- but it did not crack or crackle, nor did it completely DEVOUR the smile like manner of fabricated maw upon leathery face.         “&– - Nothing? Then are you not part of that?” It's mouth did not move // TRUE OR FALSE // but he invaded the others mind like they were his own thoughts. // @ncthinggood-left
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lobselvith · 2 years
“I needn’t remind you the consequences for failure. Loyalty is a sensitive subject for us. Trust is such a valued commodity in today’s world.” something for your dbd verse perhaps? <3
❛[   ⊗ THE EVIL WITHIN STARTERS ≻ accepting !
`LOYALTY AND TRUST WERE NOT ALIEN TO VALTIEL. However, its exclusivity was there- own only by God. (THEIR OWN // NOT THE SCRAMBLING INSECT INFESTING THIS REALM). The attendant could offer up the temporary facade of it to others, but it was nothing more than that. The likelihood the other being knew this was not lost on the Angel // AFTER ALL, IT GAVE EXCUSE FOR THE REMINDER (AND FOR ONCE THE LOW, ANIMALISTIC SNORT COULD ALMOST SEEM PURPOSEFUL RATHER THAN A MERE PRODUCT OF ITS CORRUPTED FORM).   “&– - You do not trust me.” It was not said with questioning, but ASSURANCE-- - and there seemed to be a twinge of amusement in his voice
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`CROUCHED FIGURE DID GIVE IT ATTENTION OF A DIRECTED HEAD. Even if it snapped and dislodged off the path EVERY SO OFTEN. What it had offered would not be retracted on these grounds today, despite knowing it might be letting the maggots of DISTRUST worm their way in (PERHAPS IT WAS THEIR INTENT).          “&– - I choose not to be known for failure, and thus I am not. However, I've heard little of returned offerings.” // @possessedchain
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lobselvith · 2 years
"If I could, I would sell you for one corn chip. Hell I'd sell you for the whole bag."
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   “&– - Unfortunately, the most recent chip truck fell into the abyss. Might be a bit before you can make such a trade.” Yes, their forever-smile seemed a bit more TRUE with such a remark. // @belovedweighed
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lobselvith · 2 years
“The weak are sacrificed first. It’s nature, it’s business… it’s the truth most refuse to face.” from frank !
❛[   ⊗ DEAD BY DAYLIGHT STARTERS ≻ accepting !
`CROWS CARED LITTLE FOR WHETHER IT WAS WOLF OR FAWN THAT SURVIVED. An observing party didn't make wagers // ALL THAT MATTERED WITH A BENEFICIAL OUTCOME. (OF COURSE, PASSIVENESS IN THIS COULD BE ARGUED). For the Angels presence had been unsheltered before killers claim on victim-- - however, it had made no action upon the once hunted, now found.
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`CONTORTED FACADE OBSERVED INDIRECT THE HOOKED AND THE MASKED ONE. He had chosen to clamber up upon SPLINTERED WOOD // GNARLED METAL-- - fused phalanges sliding imperfect against glinting, curled steel where impaled struggled and GASPED (BLOOD COATING THE VERMILLION GLOVES). However, it showed no kindness for the distressed as they withdrew in slight-- - body twisting near IMPOSSIBLY to address the killer with a invasive voice.          “&– - Is it not foolish to go after the easiest first? Exhaustion shall come when you need the energy the most.” They did not care for providing SUGGESTION // simply a desire to pick apart words. // @anarkissm
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lobselvith · 2 years
‘  i’m okay.  i’m alright.  this is all in my mind.  ’ (From Faye)
❛[   ⊗ GROWLING SUGGESTIONS ≻ accepting !
`REACTION TO A WOUND OFT CAME WITH DENIAL. Surging adrenaline to HAMPER PAIN allotting idealization of nonexistence- the world the creature bestowed was LESION upon the psyche of unprepared (AND EVEN AMONG THOSE ACQUAINTED WITH THE RAZOR WOULD FEEL THE STING). Cold walls painted crimson tones, the bastardization of warmth as it crackled and PULSATED with life.  
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`AND LIKE INCISION SITE, THE ANGEL WAS THE SOURCE OF SPREAD. Ceiling its haven, CONTORTED and twisted to dangle fused digits towards a television scrambled and hissing below (STATIC BLENDING TO THE SOUNDS OF THE TWITCHING FRAME ABOVE IT). Valtiel chose device as source of COMMUNICATION- whether it be misconstrued as mere voices broken through scrambled signal, or properly digested as the divines response was not theirs to determine.          “&– - What comfort is there if this were to be delusion?” // @audaciious
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