#「ᕮᗩSTᕮᖇ ᗷᑌᑎᑎY」ᴼᴼᶜ
make-it-mavis · 6 years
So if Mavis is a raccoon, what is turbo?
( you’re such an enabler thank you
Turbo and the Twins gotta be fast boys right? Fast boys in a zoo? Naturally, the answer to that is a trio of cheetahs! Only, one of the three is a bit of a special boy.
The Twins are your standard cheetahs, tall and lanky with skinny bellies. They hang out with each other all the time and visitors love taking pictures of them cuddling and playing.
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Their little brother is a rare mutation -- a king cheetah, sporting three snazzy racing stripes down his back. 
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He sure loves to act like he’s royalty, but he’s not as majestic as he could be. He’s a fair bit shorter than his brothers, has a bit of a belly comparatively, and never fully grew out of his pre-pubescent fluffy mohawk. The Twins make fun of him for it constantly, but he definitely draws crowds. He might not look like a king but he sure is fucking cute. He becomes a bit of an internet sensation for how unique-looking he is, and his huge personality. He’s very vocal and active and more than a little sassy with the zookeepers. Catch him getting into domestic disputes with his siblings. To the animals, he’s cussing them out. To visitors, they’re all running circles around each other while Turbo just straight up screams. Of course he’s a YouTube hit.
Mavis is drawn to his weird appearance, snarky personality and fast-paced playtimes. She likes to come bug him -- tug on his tail, stick her nose in his ears, boop his toe beans, brag about all the food and trinkets she stole that day. They quickly go viral: Stunted cheetah plays with raccoon. Who wouldn’t watch that?
I have more for the rest of the crew but I will have to discuss later :’D )
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make-it-mavis · 6 years
( It’s been a year and a couple days since I first re-read my old fanfic and fell back in love with it, leading to picking it up again. Now seems as good a time as any to do a mushy post that’s as long as my arms will allow!
The past five years have been really rough. A handful of undiagnosed mental illnesses and conditions on top of just shitty circumstances really took their toll. Been in and out of jobs, lost a lot of friends, had rough times with family, been in near-constant financial trouble, and lived with an abusive roommate for three out of those five years. It feels like I’ve been locked in full-on survival mode for so long, I forgot how to relax, how to actually enjoy myself, and, really, I feel like I lost touch with who I am as an individual and what matters to me.
And then, on top of all that, I was forced to rely solely on art commissions for income for almost two years. I was drawing things I hated almost every day, and honestly, sort of forgot why I draw in the first place. My art has always been how I understand myself and the world around me. I understand now just how strongly tied it is to my well-being. Somewhere along the line, my art stopped being for me. I had no voice in it anymore.
I had no voice at all. And I didn’t think I had anything of value to say.
Then, in an effort to reclaim old loves that I’d abandoned because they’d been deemed ‘cringey’ by others, I gave a shot at reading my old fanfic that I was certain would make my skin crawl. It was a mess. It was poorly planned, had no plot structure, and inconsistent character writing.
And I fucking loved it. 
I think I loved it more than anything else I’ve ever made. Because when I made it, it was for me. All the good parts about it, parts that I still read and go “There’s no way I wrote this!”, all came from me making something purely from a place of love and self-validation -- it all came from me, in my purest form. The whole story was me! Messy, all over the place, but clever, charming, quirky, and bursting with love. 
When I read it again, I swear I could physically feel a spark ignite in me that had been out for so long. I remembered that I was a person. I’m still working on this. I’m a person with thoughts and feelings and ideas that matter, a person who can make something as wonderful as this fanfic that had made me so happy. 
Reading my old fic made me remember that I matter. There are things inside me worth a great deal, and they’re worth sharing.
Then, deciding to reboot the old fic was a big deal. Thanks to a lousy, traumatic childhood, I kind of have major struggles with being open about how genuinely I enjoy certain things, out of fear of being ridiculed for it or having that thing mocked. And, well, let’s face it, a Wreck-it Ralph fanfic with an OC that’s definitely romantically involved in some degree with a canon character? By most people’s definitions, that’s cringey as fuck. That’s something that’s hard to be open about. But I’m really pushing myself with this to do what I want to do, and trust that my own interests and ideas have value. I’m pushing myself to pursue what makes me happy, and not cave to that chronic shame in me. And you know what? It’s going great! I can’t make much right now, unfortunately, but what I am able to do, and the constant ideas I have flowing, I love all of it! And I love that I can make something that I love again! My relationship with my own creativity is better than it’s been in years.
As for my rainbow trash daughter? Writing Mavis and being in her headspace has been so therapeutic. She’s a shameless mischievous asshole, which is not only a good way to vent my inner snark, it’s really forced me to loosen up and get creative. When your character is a prankster with item-creation power, you really gotta get loosey-goosey with it. She’s also really fed the more colorful, adventurous side of me -- I’ve noticed I’m trying new things more, pushing through my anxiety, and laughing easily. I think writing her has just really encouraged me to not sweat the small stuff, and take every opportunity to be playful and have fun. Hell, I’ve even gotten into an exercise routine because of her and the fic -- walking and listening to music is how I get my ideas. She’s brought out degrees of my old optimism I missed so much.
Mavis just means a whole lot to me. She represents a lot more than what she is.
Turbo has been a bit more of a struggle, but I’m really happy with how things are going with him now. I had a lot of anxiety around my personal interpretation and portrayal of him, especially in relation to Mavis, because he is a fan favorite and there is a smattering of other good Turbos on here and canon characters doing almost anything with OCs is always under major scrutiny, but now? Now, I say, fuck it. I did what I wanted with him back then, and I’m forcing myself to do that now. That’s what all of this is about, after all -- doing something for me. Developing and embracing my Turbo is just another step in this huge journey of self-love and it feels great.
And, of course, the shitgoblins together? I mean, how good does it feel to write your own OTP, lmao? Everything that their weird and broken and delightful relationship is, all the goofy playfulness and heavily-masked sweetness and gut-wrenching heartache, all of it means so much to me, to be able to write that. Because it’s the most self-indulgent thing I’ve made in years. I love it. And hearing that you guys love it just pulls back the rotten dusty curtains of my heart and lets the sun shine in. It makes me so genuinely happy, because this all comes from such a genuine place for me. 
It says to me, “We’re hearing your voice, and we like what we’re hearing!”
This all means so much more to me than just a fanfic or an OC. This has been my therapy. This has been me recognizing that I deserve to be uniquely and unapologetically me, no matter what anyone else thinks. Everything I’ve done with this over the past year has been a radical act of self-love and self-acceptance.
And I want to thank you all so much for sharing in it with me. It means the world to me, it really does.
With the mushiness sufficiently scrawled, I will close by saying: 
Happy anniversary to We Can Make It 2.0! )
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make-it-mavis · 6 years
( remember in january when i said i wanted to get homesick done and queued before my surgery
wasn’t i adorable )
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make-it-mavis · 6 years
( workin on homesick. just hit. 100 goddamn pages, you guys.
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make-it-mavis · 6 years
( what I should be doing: literally anything else
what I am doing: slightly upping the pitch of Halestorm songs to produce Mav’s singing voice and feeling far too fulfilled over it )
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make-it-mavis · 6 years
—character info sheet
tagged by @heylingoth​ thanks man!!
Make-it Mavis
aliases: Mavis, Mav, Mavy, Cherry Bomb, Maraschino, Paintball, Inkstain, Pixie, Shitgoblin
one picture you like best of your character’s fc
my babygirl.... why do i hurt you so.... (also her design has updated but i CANT DRAW IT)
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two headcanons you have for your character that you never told anyone
lord thank you i have no outlets
Contrary to what she would have you believe, Mavis actually really likes most love songs. She likes their raw passion. Part of her is also morbidly fascinated by the baffling spectrum of emotions that can stem from this whole ‘love’ thing, and how many people feel those emotions strong enough to write songs about them. When no one is around, she even plays them on her guitar, sings them, and, strange enough, writes them. But just for fun, she says! Songs don’t have to have personal meaning! Just because she sings a love song doesn’t mean she’s directing it at somebody! Sheesh! (I cannot tell you the amount of times I’ve pictured Mav singing this cover of All I Wanna Do is Make Love to You and this cover of Can’t Help Falling in Love)
Mav has a soft spot for kids. They’re gross, wild, fun-crazed sugar junkies, just like her. She’s not exactly sweet and nurturing to them, but she loves to play around with them and will jump in to defend them if need be. She’s a little more likely to be emotionally available to kids, without realizing it -- such as encouraging a sad kid not to listen to bullies, whereas with another adult, she would make fun of them for listening to bullies. Or she would be the bully herself, lmao. She likes kids, and kids usually like her, but she’s a baaad influence. Don’t leave her alone with your kids, or they’ll be taught how to make explosives, how to mix drinks, a slew of colorful language, and come home with things in their belly that no civilized creature should eat, and half a mind to revolt against your parental tyranny. With a $500 babysitting bill.
Ethnicity: Caucasian. Felix is about the whitest little white that ever whited. Possibly Swedish lineage.
First crushes: Haaaahahaha Mav’s not the kind to get ‘crushes’ too easily. But let’s be real here, she obviously has one on Turbo. She’s not aware of it -- I mean she doesn’t really have many other friends to compare her feelings to. Here’s someone that she admires, is motivated and inspired by, someone she constantly wants to do things with, things that she would have little to no interest doing with anyone else. She finds this person very attractive, actively enjoys physical contact/affection with him, despite her generalized touch aversion. She feels happiest when she’s around him, but that’s a friend thing, right? Surely the one person whose happiness you value just as much as your own is your very best friend, right?
Those can all be friend things too! That shit confuses me, and I’m not an emotionally uneducated little fuck like Mavis! It’ll take something big for her to put two and two together.
three things your character likes doing in their free time
Being an all-around delinquent.
Playing/singing/writing music
Attempting to make/build things with her hands and not with her brush powers (shes bad at it but she tries)
seven people that your character loves/likes
Tapper is a real straight fellow
...under 50 reinforced walls of salt, she has a complicated and flimsy affection for Felix
two things your character regrets
Being coded an Easter Egg
Ever trusting Felix in the first place
two phobias your character has
Sedatephobia (silence)
Post 1987 -- Cynophobia (dogs)
tag 10 people !
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make-it-mavis · 6 years
( bummed i can’t draw mav anything for pride month but an icon change is better than nothing! demisexual panromantic bbygirl )
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make-it-mavis · 6 years
( just want to let yall know i just hit page 40 for this angst project. it was supposed to be short enough to fit in one tumblr post when it was first conceived. 
im creating a monster. )
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make-it-mavis · 6 years
( yet another shout out, this time to bradley cooper as rocket raccoon for being a scarily accurate voice claim for my turbo. i mean god listen to his perfect shitty laugh )
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make-it-mavis · 7 years
( hey i so sorely miss in-character boardgame online. who shares my pain? moreover, who would be interested in playing sometime in the near future? hit that like button my dudes. )
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make-it-mavis · 7 years
@sm64mario replied to this post
As if I’m not ever down to kill people with a cheery plumber
( you are a gift. a national treasure )
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make-it-mavis · 7 years
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( very first drawing of make-it mavis vs. most recent colored one..... so is this a #glowup or?? I consider OG Mav to be 2017 Mav’s alternate lmao. They’d hate each other.
i would have liked them both to be pics of her smiling but! i cant draw right now. :c so ‘fuck off felix’ face it is! )
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make-it-mavis · 7 years
( callout post for anon for asking me to write about mav being heartbroken and mav being horny in one post )
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make-it-mavis · 7 years
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make-it-mavis · 7 years
Emotions | Accepting!
Everywhere she looks, sprites have all that she does not: Roles, jobs, homes, points, items, friends and family. She was programmed with nothing but the clothes on her back, for seemingly no reason, other than the Devs having it out for her. 
If the Devs gave her no home, then the entire arcade must be her home, for all intents and purposes. If the Devs gave her no possessions, then everything in the arcade must belong to her already – she need only the cunning and sleight of hand to take what is hers. Mavis’ jealousy comes in the form of coveting; she wants all that she does not have. Why? Because she does not have it.
If you should catch her eyeing something of yours, better not let it out of your sight. The Easter egg will find it, she will steal it, and she will damage your property while doing so.
What if what she wants cannot be thrown into her junk hoard? What if she catches someone stealing what she rightfully earned: Your attention?
This situation is confusing to her, and that aggravates her. She does not need your attention, but feels she deserves it. She deserves it far more than this newcomer, and will prove it the only way she knows how – fighting for it. Every chance to cut this loser down to size and rub their face in the dirt will be taken. Incendiary and cruel, she will do all in her power to drive them away. They were in her territory, stealing what belongs to her.
No one steals from the arcade’s greatest thief.
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make-it-mavis · 7 years
lord,,,,, lookin good mavis. lmao. *lowkey used to read your old little ficlets,,, and fav'd all ur art on dA*
“Like whatcha see, do ya?”
( replies to this 500 years later!! holy shit dawg you’ve been around since OG mav, that’s remarkable! you’ve witnessed the best of the worst of it then :’D and you can bear witness to how much this fucker’s grown into... the experience she is now lmao. glad to have you here!! thanks for being radical! )
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