#「⑆」 i wonʼt say a word until you stop breathing 🗡️ in character 「⑆」
assassincraft · 6 months
                         ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 「   @inufangs​ liked for a starter !!   」
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❝ don't— don't get mad— hey, look at me, i can see it in your eyes— ❞ he knew if he didn't go back after too long to visit, the other would come out here instead and search for him. but he didn't want that with the nature of his job the other making his way into the classroom. he was holding his side for sure as his ribs were... for sure two of them at least were broken. he had a bruise on his jaw from getting punched square in the face, along with some scratches and more bruises along his arms and legs as well.
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assassincraft · 6 months
                                     ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 「   @dnangelic​ liked for a starter !!   」
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late. oh late late late and karasuma was going to chew him out for being late to class for sure, this was it for him !! he knew he wasn't supposed to use his new found skills to make his way around town or outside of the mountain tops... but it was his only way to get to school on time !! jumping from building top to building top, nagisa was fond of using his new parkour skills to get around the city instead of getting stuck on busy streets. it was calming, nobody was up here and he was able to feel the breeze in his hair, his pigtails getting dragged through the wind. the freedom of no one staring at him, like he was some frail kid making his way through town.
powerful, he felt like he really did grow as a person when he did things like this, that the classroom had helped him become something more than who he was. he wasn't some scared kid getting bullied and pummeled into the ground anymore, he could stand up for himself if he wanted to. he could outrun the world like this, sit on a rooftop with some taiyaki and ignore the mumbles and rumbles of others. but... it all came to a halt as he missed his step, scrambling to grip at the edge of the building.
it wasn't ending well for him, that was for sure, fingers barely made the edge and he began tumbling down. he knew how to save himself from a fall, grabbing onto edges of patios and railings, breaking his fall and slowing his momentum until he made a few feet of a fall onto the ground, barely clipping someone on his way to the floor. his school bag scattered, and there was... some sort of metal square case with some stickers on it that fell out of his tote bag. along with something that looked like a... replica green tactical knife with some sort of writing and face on it ?? it took him a second to come back to it after groaning in pain, sitting up and looking around as he realized he just barely hit someone, his face going a bit pink as he realized.
❝ oh-oh my god, i'm so sorry, i- are you okay ?? ❞
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assassincraft · 6 months
                         ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 「   @killerhubby​ starter time !!   」
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they told the kids there were going to be people coming from the outside to help with the assassination and so far, two of them were... sub par. irina tried to steal the assassination right from under their noses and harassed the kids, and takaoka beat the kids into the floor and almost beat nagisa into the floor. so of course he wasn't thrilled when they introduced someone else again... a little anxious since he'd been at the center of attention the last two times someone came around.
being drilled during gym with their knife skills, the smaller was... behind his classmates for sure in speed and strengths of his strikes. they were sloppy, hesitant, and he was getting a little bit too in his head about things, last week he would have been better. but after everything that happened... he was just a little bit shaken up about it all. getting paired up with their new addition to the classroom a bit off from the class for some extra training, nagisa dragged his feet a bit along as he was taken off to the side.
hesitation to speak as they both stopped walking, blue hues looking into the eyes that he could see through the mask the other had on. faceless teachers... well, two of them now, he wouldn't really count what koro had going on as a real face... whatever it was.
❝ you're... not gonna treat us like the last guy, are you ?? ❞ there was a genuine look of concern on the kids face... not really focused on the knife in his hand at all as he was supposed to be drilling. he was worried, making a mistake last time meant punishment, and sure, it was only one instance, but he didn't know what to expect from these for hire types now.
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assassincraft · 6 months
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                       【 @ofsavior​ 】 ask nagisa a secret, he can't lie !! ❝ Is it easy for you to make friends, Nagisa? ❞
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he froze up at the question... friendship was a complicated thing for nagisa from birth. as a young kid his mother's abuse melted into his personal life due to her clothing choices and grooming of him. the only person that talked to him, was when he was finally eleven other than sugino... and that was karma. his hair was still long but, he was allowed to wear pants instead of skirts now, and he felt a little less... gross about being around people.
but even that didn't last long, there was a bloodlust deep in nagisa that hid under his skin, brewing, waiting to be fostered. he hid under the radar and snuck up on karma once, and that got him to be afraid of nagisa... scared of whatever was trying to surface. and he ditched him, didn't talk to him for most of the second year they were in... maybe defended him once or twice, but not much.
and in the third year he was in now ?? friends... he didn't talk to any of his classmates before koro-sensei took over the class. when it was aguri... the kids had no hope, walked in with their heads down and tried to get through the day. but the second koro-sensei came in... something changed, they were all drawn a little bit closer and closer, month by month, bullet by bullet, stab by stab. sure, the first few months were rocky and some of them were at each other's necks, hey, even one of them tried to get nagisa to sacrifice himself and it almost worked.
but... would they be all like this if it weren't for murder bringing them together against his will ?? no, no he knew none of them except sugino would still be around him, since karma and him were his only friends. a sad smile worked its way onto his features, looking away for a moment as words forced past lips he tried to keep shut.
❝ i don't... think friends are really meant for someone like me, really. ❞
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assassincraft · 6 months
                         ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 「   @kyukicho​ starter for: mikey !!   」
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stumbling as he was running to get away from the assassin with it out for him, shit shit shit. didn't any of them get the memo if any of the kids were collateral damage, the bounty was void ?! getting stalked and the shit beaten out of him wasn't enough for these guys, getting drugged, bombs strapped to them. they would stop at nothing to get to koro-sensei by targeting these kids, they knew they were his weakness, and they were right.
dodging between cars, running through on going traffic, not noticing the people on bikes that he cut off. he barely ran into the group of bikers, clipping one of the bikes with his boots as he felt the hand of the person chasing him grazing the hood of his uniform. he was luckily in his tactical field uniform though, his gun and knife strapped to him. but they were... fake after all, but a bb to the face would still hurt someone, but not kill. he could feel a hand grab him by a pigtail and get yanked back with a yelp, he knew how to get out of that though, he had plenty of practice at home before he even was in this line of work.
it wasn't long till nagisa and the other were going at each other, punch by punch in an alley off the main road; nagisa wasn't... the best at combat once he was already caught. if you didn't get your hands on nagisa, it was over for you, you'd be eating out of the palm of his hands. but once you got your hands on him... it was a bit hard for him to get the one up in the situation when he was so much smaller than his target.
fuck, he spat blood out of his mouth and his jaw was throbbing, but he'd gotten out of this and away from them. it took about another hour or two of dodging and scampering through the city before he ended up... somewhere, he had no idea where he was really. one hand was placed against a building, top of his head pressed against the building as he spat out blood, free hand holding his guts as he was having trouble breathing. broken ribs were becoming a common thing for him after every damn fight he's managed to break out of.
hearing a motorcycle in the distance heading towards him, he cursed to himself a bit remembering he cut a group of them off earlier... he really hoped whoever was riding by drove right by him. his right pigtail was down, hair hanging towards the center of his shoulder blades as the other one was barely tied up, more towards his ear now instead of at the side of his head. worse for wear in this line of business, his gun was on the floor under him with his own blood on it, about half of the bb's he emptied out on the guy chasing him around.
hearing the person on the bike dismount and kill the engine behind him, the smaller cursed to himself. fuck, he really didn't have the energy to get into it again with someone if he ended up somewhere he wasn't supposed to be. spitting out some more blood and sniffling, feeling it drip from his nose, he could barely turn himself around, back struggling to place against the building and face the other, confronting him.
❝ please i don't— want any trouble, please— i'll— i'll leave as soon as i can stand— ❞
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assassincraft · 6 months
                         ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 「   @phonokinetix​ liked for a starter !!   」
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❝ hey— i need that !! ❞ his gun ripped out of his hands, he was going to fall behind his class as they all went ahead of him since they got seperated. frantically he got his phone to let the chat know he got separated before scrambling to put it away. seeing the pink bb's getting emptied onto the ground as the other went to make sure the gun was empty. nagisa blinked a few times at the look on the other's face realizing the gun was a airsoft gun. the reaction was usually the same since the gun had no orange cap to signify that it was fake, to these kids it was all too real of a weapon.
❝ can... i have it back now ?? ❞
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assassincraft · 6 months
                                     ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 「   @byanyan​ liked for a starter !!   」
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he for sure... seemed like more of a delinquent than byan thought was to an extent after their first meeting. sneaking around his mother, keeping secrets about why he had weapon replicas to begin with, why he was so picky with the food byan brought over and would rarely eat it. it was all... a bunch of lies at this point, convoluted and tangled in a little web that he's been the cause of. he invited byan over again while his mom was out of town on a business trip... and he knew he wasn't supposed to tell people about the assassination but... a few people knew !! those kids from that school when they accidentally hurt that old man... that's one example he could think of... and if they could tell them, why couldn't he tell byan ?? his... really close friend outside of the classroom.
byan... treated him better than some of his long term friends like karma, byan of course, would never pick fun at nagisa based on his looks or presentation. a matter of fact, byan really helped nagisa become comfortable with where he was with his masculinity without delving into too much detail into what his mom has done. comfort, he found comfort in the other not asking too many questions over obvious lies.
❝ if i told you something crazy... would you really believe me. ❞ smaller stared off away from the tv they were both watching, a few open dorayaki wrappers split between the two of them. things were light hearted until now... and the mood that nagisa just set seemed... intense. there was a lot of things going on in that classroom, government experiments, the threat of the world exploding (he might opt to leave that one out...), child soldiers, the whole concept of his classroom was taboo. kids weaponized in order to save the world without being given a real option... suckered into it. maybe this was a bad idea to open up about.
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assassincraft · 6 months
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                       【 @espectres​ 】  (still accepting) spotify wrapped 1-100            99. aaron west and the roaring twenties - just sign the papers
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talking to people that asked him about the assassination due to it being on the news for a while always... made his stomach churn a little bit playing it back in his head over and over again. the image of his teacher's remains dancing into the sky with little lights twinkling off out of existence, disappearing from this world. people heard about these kids... and believed what they saw on the news, that they were hurt, abused, stockholmed by the teacher. but the only people that caused them this pain were the people that forced him into it in the first place. the government for sure are the people that hurt these kids, they hurt itona, they tried to kill them several times... it was their fault.
as nagisa sat and thought, he played with the edge of his sleeve anxiously, breathing in, breathing out and trying to stay at ease. how hard it was to think of those times coming to an end, it was still fresh in his mind... earlier in the year, he was not over it.
❝ the things that we built together get torn down brick by brick and dispersed out evenly... ❞ words slip past his lips with dismay, everything these kids had built together was torn down so easily by these... men that hadn't even seen what these kids have done together. they handed out their reward money, sure, they were rich and set for the rest of their lives, but... was it really worth it ?? they were traumatized, in so much pain from what they just did, nagisa remembers rubbing his eyes raw sobbing on the bus back home, longing for what they had just ended.
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assassincraft · 6 months
                             ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 「   @scarsmasked​ liked for a starter !!   」
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❝ hey— i need that !! ❞ being out in the open for some training might not have been koro-sensei's smartest idea. yes, assassins were supposed to be able to do things out in the open and be able to function but... they were still just kids. kids that just started this whole job about three months ago and were already on a mission. the plastic gun being yanked out of his hands made the kid yelp, grasping for it as the other got it into their grasp way out of his reach, he was only five feet and some inches, anyway.
they probably thought it was real upon seeing it, maybe a kid running around with a real gun was a red flag. but for sure... upon holding it, it was obviously an airsoft gun, and if opened up, even only had little pink pellets in it as well !! the smaller simply crossed his arms and waited for the other to realize, sighing as he kicked his foot at the ground below his feet... blue hues darting around to get a good look around them.
❝ are you done yet ?? you can tell it's a replica holding it now, right ?? ❞
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assassincraft · 6 months
                         ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 「   @espectres liked for a song lyric starter !!   」 winter coats by aaron west and the roaring twenties
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things had been hard, and trying to explain it to people that weren't there for it always felt... odd. promising to show his friend the classroom he was in for the last year felt refreshing kind of, he'd been avoiding it for a little bit. but the students bought it and they all owned it... so they could come any time they wanted. they decided to get some food and bring it up, try and help nagisa think about the happy versus the bad.
nagisa got there first... using his copy of the key to open the front door, walking to his desk and placing down his food. he stared at the chalkboard, the stray drawings of their teachers and some of the students up on it. some lessons they were in the middle of, english lessons and some science up on there. he tried to do what his new friend was encouraging him to... to look at the year with fondness, not dismay.
hearing the sliding door open from behind him, nagisa went to open up the other sliding door that lead to the courtyard that they used for training behind the classroom. sitting at the steps that followed a few feet away, he looked out at the overgrown grass over the once dirt field that the teacher leveled for them so they could train.
he went into the plastic bag he had and took out a dorayaki and put it next to him for shou to take when he was ready to sit down. instead of a frown, nagisa was smiling, looking out as he thought about the past year and some of their antics.
❝ you know, it got so hot during the summer, that we have a pool back there somewhere in the woods, i wonder how bad that water is now. ❞
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assassincraft · 6 months
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   【 @ryusxnka​ 】 are you alright ?? (finding nagisa covered in blood)                        “ Are you alright?! ”
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the young assassin had found himself in quite a compromising situation on the way home, did these guys know if they roughed up the kids that the bounty was void ?? it seemed like they didn't care... his mouth was bleeding for sure, cuts on the inside from the impact from the fist against his teeth. nose might be broken, for sure it was coating the white button up and vest he had on. one of his fists was broken from the person he was fighting grabbing it and crushing it pretty good. breaths were labored, he didn't break any ribs this time but a few good punches for sure took the wind out of him.
hand pressed onto the side of the building he was next to... hands barely keeping still as well, the shock setting in a bit from the broken hand he had. eyes snapped shut as he tried to not let his breathing speed up, trying to self regulate as the other asked him if he was okay... he tried to push through it.
❝ i have to be... i can't stop here— ❞
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assassincraft · 6 months
                         ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 「   @clownfile​ starter time !!   」
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basic training today during gym, target practice was important for kids that have never held guns in their lives before. everyone was... kinda bad, maybe a few good ones here and there but it was still their first month and they were grasping for straws. some of the teachers that were here now had liftimes on these kids, have seen their fair share of murders, hits, buried bodies and demons. and here he was... struggling with his gun... the slide was stuck in the backwards position and he shook it a little bit.
sighing as he was told by karasuma to go fix it in the classroom or swap out guns, the smaller dragged his feet back towards the steps to the inside of the classroom. he sat on them for a moment as he slammed the back against his hand a few times... what was going on, was a bb stuck or something ?? groaning, head tilted back as he squeezed eyes shut and tried to calm down before he felt a tap on his shoulder.
he didn't... have the anxiety and fears that this class would dwell on him just yet, still fresh and new to it all, someone touching him didn't make him anxious yet. so he simply opens his eyes to see the other holding out their hand, it made him a bit.. flustered that he had jammed it so bad he needed help to get it apart. swallowing, he handed his gun over to the taller and placed his hands in his lap, looking down as he felt kind of ashamed.
❝ i can't... figure out what i did wrong to jam it— and i don't— know how to take it apart yet. ❞
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assassincraft · 6 months
                         ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 「   @dumbthink​ liked for a starter !!   」
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being on the subway was annoying to him, he hated touching other people and being packed in like this. he kept his headphones on to avoid any confrontation while he was on the way to school. brushing up against someone, fingers touching, the smaller flinched and almost instinctively did something... not a kid would have the strength to do. his stop was next, and he inched away from the person he had brushed against before walking off as the doors opened.
「 ugh... getting so nervous when people touch me is exhausting... i almost flipped that person onto the train floor— maybe i should talk to karasuma about techniques for anxiety and controlling my new skills. learning all these assassin stuff tiring, how are you supposed to stay calm but alert, and not think someone is apart of it all nowadays. especially after that guy came in and choked out irina out of the blue and we had no clue who he even was. 」
his steps were practically silent... something he's learned through out the whole training thing, to make his footsteps disappear. to disappear... something he learned to even do at a young age, to get away from his mother's rage, to blend in, to mould into what he needed to be.
「 i hate trying to take apart those stupid guns... i always get mine jammed and have to go back in the classroom to fix it. and by the time i figure it out, training is already done and we're back to regular classwork. i'd rather just use the knives, i'm good at getting close to people anyway, what a pain. 」
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assassincraft · 6 months
                         ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 「   @myersbprd​ liked for a starter !!   」
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❝ uh, a few of the details that come to mind that if you uh, well, he gets caught off guard really easily when things don't go his way. uhm— we uh, were kinda close one time but he's just... too fast. ❞ getting people from outside the classroom to come help always... felt weird. some of them just wanted the money that would come from the reward and to take it from the kids. some of them genuinely wanted to help out and see them succeed and grow as assassins.
the last time someone came into the classroom it was irina... and she tried to take the assassination right from under their noses instead of working with them. and well, that backfired on her and she was now stuck with them, for sure going to share the money if they were able to do this. fingers carefully held onto his little notepad of all of koro's downfalls, carefully numbered and labeled as he found them.
❝ are you... usually in the assassination business, or just, government work ?? ❞
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assassincraft · 6 months
                         ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 「   @drakeheir​ liked for a starter !!   」
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panting, the smaller was tired around now for how long this mission was going on. they ended up scrambling into the public area due to their target that started trouble with them scattering. troublesome, the only reason they were here in the first place is because they attacked the students personally, instead of their teacher. they didn't care if people targeted koro-sensei, they knew that was to be expected. but the whole deal was that the students wouldn't get involved... they were breaking the clause of the contracts.
leaning against the side of a apartment building, nagisa was holding himself by the stomach... for sure he had a broken rib. it was getting harder and harder to breath, he already messaged his group chat to let them know he was okay, not trapped, and just needed a moment. shaking as he tried to get his gun back into it's holster, failing as it clanked onto the concrete under his feet. back sliding down against the wall as he soon sat on the floor, gripping his side.
it wasn't long before his sight went a bit hazy, but he could have sworn someone was... standing in front of him now ?? looking up hesitantly, the smaller put a trembling hand on his knife on his hip before realizing... it was no one that had anything to do with his mission. a civilian... that might be a problem still if they stuck around and got into the mix of things.
❝ i'll— ❞ a hard few coughs, ❝ be fine— ❞
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assassincraft · 6 months
                         ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 「   @longerhuman​ liked for a starter !!   」
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❝ you'd be shocked what the government is musing in plain sight. ❞ nagisa mumbled as he huffed, the contents of his school bag spread out, his green tactical rubber knife. the bb gun with matching writing on the side... s.a.a.u.s.o... the words written under it, special arms against unidentified slimy octopus, with a little logo of their teacher !! didn't look good for him at all... but the smaller simply leaned back in his seat with his hands cuffed in his lap... he could get out of it easily but for his sake of not getting in more trouble, he'd seem helpless to them.
the feeling of the cold metal against his wrist was kind of annoying... it was his class's fault for doing assassin stuff in public and getting seperated anyway. what was he supposed to say to people who have power, that don't know about this whole thing going on ?? stupid, not thought out well.
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