destinedgray · 1 year
Time: Post plot drop stuff  Location: Eren’s Place  Characters: @erenxdemir & @destinedgray​
It had taken more time than finding Safiye and certainly Evy, but Andreas had eventually been able to locate Eren and make sure that he was alive and well. It came as no surprise. Somehow, he had come to suspect that the lion could get out of most things. But it had still not taken away from the relief that Andreas had felt upon seeing him, nor the joy that there was another one of them still alive. In all the relief, he had almost forgotten about the spell. But despite having little hope left that magic could do anything for him anymore, Eren’s promise to help before had still given him some. So it was more than a little crushing when he opened his eyes... and he was still Andreas. He only realized a few seconds later that the spell had done something, that he could feel the fraying of something deep inside. The mental wall that the Archdruid had built, a wall that had been fraying down slowly and slowly ever since the Masquerade. No memories had returned, but Andreas had never felt more connected to the nature that surrounded them. As a druid, their connection was already stronger than most. Now it felt as though every blade of grass and tree outside called his name, the breeze from the window whispered to him and the water in the pipes made a journey that he could feel as easily as if the water had been traveling all over his skin. He wouldn’t realize the wooden furniture had trembled in the process of the spell, nor that there were some things he knew now. The memories were kept from him, but some former knowledge had seeped through and came to light.
Andreas let out a slow exhale as he came too, sitting on the chair that Eren had provided. “Nothing,” he whispered. “But... something...” He was breathing harder, looking around as he tried to make sense of what he was feeling before he finally met Eren’s eyes. He knew. He didn’t know how he knew yet, but he looked at the other druid and the names came to mind without another thought. He would not know Eren had been there among the first chosen druids when his sister Nettelia gave him the gift, nor that he had proudly been able to meet the legacy of his teachings in the late years of Aren’s 8th life and Eren’s 3rd. Andreas would not know that the very last time he’d seen this soul in front of him in another lifetime was before Nettelia killed Aren. “Erišum. No... Alexander. Emre...” He squinted. “What does any of that mean? ...Is it you?”
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amberxfthenight · 1 year
for: @vicswnt
victoria santiago era certamente alguém a se admirar, contudo, embora de fato a mulher fosse belíssima, o que amber mais admirava nela era seu talento como artista. parecia que a graça dos palcos a acompanhava onde quer que fosse e assistir às suas performances decerto ajudava o romeno a combater o bloqueio criativo. era quase como ter uma musa, apesar de amber só a observar de longe. em sua opinião particular, era melhor assim, pois não era chegado a estabelecer conexões duradouras. verdade seja dita, na maior parte das vezes que tentou estabelecer laços de amizade — independente da contraparte ser humana ou vampira — ele mesmo acabou eventualmente se afastando, então talvez fosse melhor apenas evitar o contato. no entanto, se esse era seu objetivo, provavelmente deveria ter sido mais discreto. quando deu por si, percebeu que victoria o fitava de volta, pois a mulher certamente deve ter percebido o olhar dourado do historiador sobre ela em algum momento. amber sentiu-se envergonhado, mas respirou fundo, caminhando até ela, já que em seu âmago havia certa necessidade de se justificar — afinal, não era de bom tom ficar encarando os outros.
— perdoe-me, não era minha intenção encarar... — se desculpou assim que chegou perto o suficiente. — eu acompanho suas performances, mas certamente não estava esperando vê-la aqui. — esclareceu. — meu nome é amber. é um prazer conhecê-la!
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ask-regina · 2 years
Regina was nearly later for their charity event. Very untypical for the punctual Princess, but the unpredictable turn of events today forced Regina to make a few unplanned stops before she could head out to meet her husband at the venue. She was visibly agitated and upset when she arrived, and Regina tried her best to hide any signs of distress as she stepped out of the vehicle. The conversation with Isabella left her with a bitter taste. It wasn’t in her to be harsh with her daughter, but then again, she never gave her a reason before. As much as Regina wanted her to be happy, there was a huge issue she could not ignore. Isabella wasn’t just some royal or a noble lady... she was the future Queen of England and certain protocols had to be followed in order to secure their country’s future. There were certain things Regina wasn’t willing to defy in their lives, and this was one of them. She didn’t regret the decision to reassign the man her daughter claimed to have feelings for, it made sense at that moment - but it was a hasty decision that Regina made on her own without even consulting her husband first, and that made her feel a bit guilty.
Already there waiting for her, Regina spotted Robin by the entrance before eyes locked and soft smiles were given in return. “Sorry I’m late,” she whispered in his ear as she greeted her husband with a kiss on his cheek. She only had to survive the next several hours and try to act as normal as possible before they could have a moment alone so she could tell him everything.
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regvlvs-b · 2 years
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mindkiler · 20 days
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♔‘ ‣ fear is the mind killer - bee.
playlist breakdown - part 1.
#001 - INTRO. do you believe there is a life / where it's just you and me and i ? / we don't need to wait, we don't need a sign / it's only you and me and i
PT. você acredita que existe uma vida / onde somos apenas eu e você / não precisamos esperar, não precisamos de um sinal / somos apenas eu e você
#002 - BAD NEWS. no matter if you think we just not right / all we care about is us and we got pride / confident and i do i, careless even if you try
PT. não importa se você acha que não somos certas / tudo que nos importa somos nós mesmas e temos orgulho / confiante e eu cuido de mim, descuidada mesmo se você tentar
#003 - WAITING IN THE WINGS. guess we all are born with parts to play / some of us are stars, and some are just in the way / i know i was meant for glory / but that's never what my story brings
PT. acho que todos nascem com papéis para interpretar / alguns de nós são estrelas, e outros só estão atrapalhando / eu sei que eu fui feita pra glória / mas nunca é isso que minha história traz
#004 - WHITE GLOVE. it's a slippery slope, a heavy dose of heaven's knows / she stayed at home, so he took maddie with the hanged coats / she's soprano, the way she hit that high-c note / but, i guess that's how it goes
PT. é uma ladeira escorregadia, uma dose pesada de só deus sabe / ela ficou em casa, então ele levou maddie onde penduram os casacos / ela é soprano, do jeito que ela atinge aquela nota alta / mas, acho que é assim que as coisas são
#005 - ALL THE STARS. you can bring a bullet, bring a sword, bring a morgue / but you can't bring the truth to me / fuck you and all your expectations / i don't even want your congratulations / i recognize your false confidence
PT. você pode trazer uma bala, trazer uma espada, trazer um necrotério / mas você não pode me trazer a verdade / foda-se você e todas as suas expectativas / eu não quero nem os seus elogios / eu reconheço essa sua falsa confiança
#006 - BREAK MY HEART MYSELF. there's a jumper on / hollywood and the 101 / and i'm scared, i could be that one / but i'm not
PT. tem um suicida / na 101 em hollywood / e estou com medo / eu poderia ser essa pessoa / mas não sou
#007 - PUPPET SHOW. imagine a world where we could play different roles / where girls be takin' control / wrapped 'round our fingers, they couldn't tell us no / welcome to the puppet show
PT. imagine um mundo onde poderíamos ter papéis diferentes / onde as garotas tomariam o controle / na palma de nossas mãos, não poderiam nos dizer não / bem vindos ao show de marionetes
#008 - JADED. you're not even willing to look at your part / you just jump in the car and head down / to thе bar 'til you blurry
PT. você não está nem disposta a olhar para a sua parte / você apenas entra no carro e vai direto / para o bar até enxergar em dobro
#009 - FLORIDA !!! the hurricane with my name when it came / i got drunk and i dared it to wash me away / barricaded in the bathroom with a bottle of wine / well, mе and my ghosts, we had a hell of a time
PT. quando o furacão com meu nome chegou / fiquei bêbada e o desafiei a me levar / trancada no banheiro com uma garrafa de vinho / bem, eu e meus fantasmas, nos divertimos muito
#010 - TOO SWEET. don't you just wanna wake up / dark as a lake / smellin' like a bonfire / lost in a haze ?
PT. você não quer apenas acordar / quando estiver escuro como um lago / cheirando como uma fogueira / perdido em uma névoa ?
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belladona-graphics · 16 days
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Quinto pedido especial para Pangea Ùltima, para sus cuentas administrativas y de diseño, manteniendo un estilo sobrio y acorde a su estilo y color representativo, me fascino el resultado final y la retroalimentación a medida que se elaboraban.
Estaré con una cuenta propia allí para ofrecer mis gráficos a ese foro awww que emoción, espero que a los demás usuarios les guste lo que prepare para ellos.
Un beso, nos vemos. Donna ♔
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techniicollor · 12 days
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♔‘ ‣ for some of us, there's only today - jae.
playlist breakdown - part 1.
#001 - INTRO ( END OF THE WORLD ). i had this interaction i've been thinking 'bout for like five weeks / wonder if he's thinking 'bout it too and smiling / wonder if he knows that that's been what's inspiring me / wonder if he's judging me like i am right now / i don't care / i'd rather tell the truth / than make it worse for you
PT. eu tive essa interação / estou pensando nisso há cinco semanas / me pergunto se ele está pensando nisso também e sorrindo / me pergunto se ele sabe que é isso que está me inspirando / me pergunto se ele está me julgando como eu estou agora / eu não ligo / prefiro dizer a verdade / do que piorar as coisas para você
#002 - SATURN. stuck in this paradigm / don't believe in paradise / this must be what hell is like / there's got to be more, got to be more / sick of this head of mine / intrusive thoughts, they paralyze / nirvana's not as advertised / there's got to be more, been here before
PT. preso neste paradigma / não acredito no paraíso / deve ser assim que o inferno é / tem que haver mais, tem que haver mais / estou cansado dessa minha cabeça / pensamentos intrusivos, eles paralisam / nirvana não é como foi anunciado / tem que haver mais, já passei por isso antes
#003 - EAT YOUR YOUNG. get some / pull up the ladder when the flood comes / throw enough rope until the legs have swung / seven new ways that you can eat your young / come and get some / skinning the children for a war drum / putting food on the table selling bombs and guns / it's quicker and easier to eat your young
PT. pegue um pouco / puxe a escada quando a inundação vier / jogue corda o suficiente até que as pernas tenham balançado / sete novas maneiras de devorar seus jovens / venha e pegue um pouco / esfolando as crianças para fazer um tambor de guerra / colocando comida na mesa, vendendo bombas e armas / é mais rápido e fácil devorar seus jovens
#004 - ALL MY FRIENDS. we open with the vultures, kissing the cannibals / sure i get lonely, when i'm the only / only human in the heaving heat of the animals / bit of brown salt, stinging on my tongue and i / i will not waver, i will not wait its turn / it will beat, it will burn
PT. abrimos com os urubus, beijando os canibais / claro, eu me sinto sozinho, quando eu sou o único / único humano no palpitante calor dos animais / um pouco de sal marrom picando minha língua / eu não vou vacilar, meu coração não vai esperar sua vez / ele vai vencer, ele vai queimar
#005 - OLDER. stare at the photograph / suddenly takes me back / the promises roll off your breath / in your cocaine-colored wedding dress / lost in the day to day / you kiss away the pain / every time you twist my lips / my dear devoted delicate
PT. olho para a fotografia / de repente ela me faz voltar no tempo / as promessas saem de sua respiração / em seu vestido de noiva cor de branco cocaína / perdido no dia a dia / você afasta a dor / toda vez que você toca meus lábios / minha querida devota delicada
#006 - WOULD'VE, COULD'VE, SHOULD'VE. all i used to do was pray / would've, could've, should've / if you'd never looked my way / i would've stayed on my knees / and i damn sure never would've danced with the devil / at nineteen / and the god's honest truth is that the pain was heaven / and now that i'm grown, i'm scared of ghosts / memories feel like weapons / and now that i know, i wish you'd left me wondering
PT. tudo que eu costumava fazer era orar / teria, poderia, deveria / se você nunca olhasse na minha direção / eu teria ficado de joelhos / e com certeza nunca teria dançado com o diabo / os 19 anos / e a verdade honesta de deus / é que a dor era o paraíso / e agora que cresci, tenho medo de fantasmas / lembranças parecem armas / e agora que eu sei, queria que você me deixasse imaginando
#007 - MY R. alright, today's the day, or so i thought / just as i took both of my shoes off / there was but a girl, short as can be / despite myself, i go and scream / the petite girl told me her woes / you've probably heard it all before / everyone ignores me, everyone steals / i don't fit in with anyone here / for god's sake, please! are you serious? i just can't believe / that for some stupid reason you got here before me / 'cause even so, you're still loved by everyone at home / there's always dinner waiting on the table, you know
PT. tudo bem, hoje é o dia! ou então eu pensei / assim que eu tirei meus dois sapatos / havia apenas uma menina tão pequena quanto possível / apesar de tudo, eu vou e grito / a pequena menina me disse seus problemas / você provavelmente já ouviu tudo isso antes / todo mundo me ignora, todo mundo me rouba / eu não me encaixo com ninguém aqui / pelo amor de deus, por favor! você está falando sério? eu simplesmente não posso acreditar / que por algum razão estúpida você chegou aqui antes de mim / porque, mesmo assim, você ainda é amada por todos em casa / há sempre jantar te esperando sobre a mesa, não é!
#008 - HALF OF MY HOMETOWN. back roads raise us / highways, they take us / memories make us wanna go back / to our hometown, settle down / talk about that one touchdown / raise some kids in red and black / "go bobcats" while the other half / of my hometown was in the crowd / they knew the words, they sang them loud / and all i wanna do is make them proud
PT. estradas secundárias nos criam / rodovias nos levam / lembranças nos fazem querer voltar / para a nossa cidade, para sossegar / falar sobre aquele touchdown / criar algumas crianças em vermelho e preto / "vai, bobcats", enquanto a outra metade / da minha cidade estava na multidão / eles sabiam as palavras / cantaram em voz alta / e tudo que quero fazer e deixá-los orgulhosos
#009 - WHAT WAS I MADE FOR? i used to float, now i just fall down / i used to know but i'm not sure now / what i was made for / what was i made for ? / takin' a drive, i was an ideal / looked so alive, turns out i'm not real / just something you paid for
PT. eu costumava flutuar, agora só caio / eu costumava saber, mas agora não tenho certeza / para que eu fui feito / para que eu fui feito? / dirigindo por aí, eu era um ideal / parecia tão vivo, acontece que eu não sou real / apenas algo que você comprou
#010 - ANATOMY. it's just anatomy, you're only half of me / sill, you don't know me at all / you've been my missing piece, so why aren't you missing me ? / guess i meant less than i thought / it's just anatomy / hate that you're half of me / hate when people say that our noses are the same / so i went and got a change, like three-quarters of L.A / and i've dated shitty people 'cause of how you treated mom
PT. é só anatomia, você é apenas metade de mim / mas mesmo assim não me conhece nenhum pouco / você tem sido a peça que falta em mim, então por que não está sentindo minha falta? / eu acho que valho menos do que pensei / é só anatomia / odeio o fato de você ser metade de mim / eu odeio quando as pessoas dizem que nossos narizes são iguais / então, assim como três quartos da população de los angeles, eu fui e mudei / e já saí com pessoas horríveis por causa da forma como você tratava a mamãe
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fullsunforsunki · 2 years
Símbolos aesthetic en blanco y negro.
Símbolos aesthetic en blanco y negro para decorar tus tweets, bios, carros, etc. By Melanie/Azúcar&Miel
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#Símbolos Gráficos
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# Domino
🀰 🀱 🀲 🀳 🀴 🀵 🀶 🀷 🀸 🀹 🀺 🀻 🀼 🀽 🀾 🀿 🁀 🁁 🁂 🁃 🁄 🁅 🁆 🁇 🁈 🁉 🁊 🁋 🁌 🁍 🁎 🁏 🁐 🁑 🁒 🁓 🁔 🁕 🁖 🁗 🁘 🁙 🁚 🁛 🁜 🁝 🁞 🁟 🁠 🁡 🁢 🁣 🁤 🁥 🁦 🁧 🁨 🁩 🁪 🁫 🁬 🁭 🁮 🁯 🁰 🁱 🁲 🁳 🁴 🁵 🁶 🁷 🁸 🁹 🁺 🁻 🁼 🁽 🁾 🁿 🂀 🂁 🂂 🂃 🂄 🂅 🂆 🂇 🂈 🂉 🂊 🂋 🂌 🂍 🂎 🂏 🂐 🂐 🂑 🂒 🂓
🂠 🂡 🂢 🂣 🂤 🂥 🂦 🂧 🂨 🂩 🂪 🂫 🂬 🂭 🂮 🂱 🂲 🂳 🂴 🂵 🂶 🂷 🂸 🂹 🂺 🂻 🂼 🂽 🂾 🂿 🃁 🃂 🃃 🃄 🃅 🃆 🃇 🃈 🃉 🃊 🃋 🃌 🃍 🃎 🃑 🃒 🃓 🃔 🃕 🃖 🃗 🃘 🃙 🃚 🃛 🃜 🃝 🃞 🃟
|!¤*'~``~'*¤!| 💙 |!¤*'~``~'*¤!|
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pridewishes · 1 year
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requested by @wackylilclown !!
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Hogwarts L.C. Magical [WhatsApp]
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💫📜 Estimado Potterhead, si tienes *14 años* o más, me complace informarle, que cuenta con una plaza en el colegio *Hogwarts L.C. Magical* de magia y hechicería. 📜💫
💫Si eres: ❤️🦁 Un feroz y valiente león 💙🦅Un Águila inteligente 💚🐍Una serpiente astuta 💛🦡Un justo tejón
🧙🏻‍♀️🧙🏻‍♂️No lo dudes tu casa en Hogwarts L.C. te está esperando... Ven, diviértete y compite con las demás casas para llegar a la Victoria... *¡LA COPA DE LAS CUATRO CASAS*!🏆
*╔═══════╝♔︎╚═══════╗* 🧙🏻‍♂️📜 *En Hogwarts L. C. Magical CONTAMOS CON:*🧙🏻‍♀️⚡ ⚔️🤺 Sala de Duelos. 🤾🏻‍♀️🤾🏻‍♂️ Quiddicth. 📻🎙️Radio L.C.Stark 🏦 Banco Gringotts 🏪 Tiendas 🤹🏻‍♀️🤹🏻‍♂️ Dinámicas divertidas. ⚡💫Desafíos relámpago. 🚵🏻‍♂️🧘🏻‍♀️Retos/ desafíos diarios. 🎲👬🏻 Gran comedor. 🎉🌟 Salón de la fama. 🌲🚫 Bosque Prohibido. ✨🏆 Copa de las 4 casas. *╚═══════╗♔︎╔═══════╝* 🧙🏻‍♀️🧙🏻‍♂️✨¿Qué esperas? Únete a esta gran familia solo toma un poco de polvos flu, pícale al enlace y grita *DIAGONAAAL*
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destinedgray · 1 year
Weeks of remembering and seeing what he didn’t want to see again felt like endless years. Lives, loves, losses, the weight of which was nearly too much to bare. The pain of losing a soulmate, lovers, children, siblings, friends, and innocent people all under Aren’s protection could not be washed away from the victories, the laughter and those loving moments that he’d experienced. But, in the same thread, neither did the pain wash away all the joy. In the scale of love and loss, the side of loss was far heavier but the side of love held with it a flutter of hope. And like the legend of an opened Pandora’s Box, that was just enough to continue living.
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He’d woken in darkness and on bare rock, the snarling of wolves coming from where he opened his squinting eyes to the brightness at the cave’s exit. He saw their furred, hunched forms hesitating in the sunlight. The Archdruid had felt it - that wave of magic that tore him from where he’d lay and shaken him out of the chaos of his mind. There was a bone deep heaviness in him as he put a trembling hand to the cold rock beside him. He couldn’t find it in himself to know who he was; of so many names he’d been given none stuck, none defined him while billions of memories screamed inside his head, fighting for attention. He could not choose between all the lives and he did not know who he was. So the Archdruid was no one as he stood up on unsteady legs and leaned up against the nearby boulder. His midsection was sore, as was his shoulder. His breathing was far too quick, quick enough that he felt lightheaded. It was then that one of the braver wolves stalked closer then and snapped at the air, snarling.
It finally got the first druid’s attention as he turned his weary eyes to the animal. “It’s okay,” he whispered. The wolf, and all those behind her, seemed to calm almost immediately. With tails and ears that drew up, the creatures ventured further into the cave with the Archdruid and panted calmly as they ambled up to his side. A couple more ran back outside into the sunlight, following the yipping of their pups. The Archdruid’s gaze followed after them, one of his hands immediately coming up to squinting eyes as the sunlight hit his face directly. There was a soreness in his midsection from weeks of healing and bedrest. He did not notice the colored robe on his body, not even when put his other hand there as though to ward off the increasing pain. The Archdruid followed the wolves and staggered up into the light. 
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amberxfthenight · 1 year
for: @charlottcm
fazia algum tempo que amber estava andando pela festa um pouco sem rumo, visto que nada em particular havia chamado sua atenção e também não estava encontrando nenhum de seus conhecidos pelo evento. na verdade, havia começado a procurar por alguém em meio à multidão de forma distraída quando sentiu o próprio corpo ir de encontro a uma pessoa. tão rápido quanto podia, o vampiro percebeu que o impacto fez um pouco da bebida no copo que carregava entornar, felizmente, havia reagido rápido o suficiente para que apenas parte do líquido derramasse. — mil perdões! — ele falou de maneira um tanto exasperada, o sotaque romeno ficando mais evidente do que de costume. logo, a atenção do rapaz se voltava à moça em sua frente e ele procurava por qualquer estrago que tivesse feito na roupa dela. — já é a segunda vez que algo assim acontece hoje... — ele resmungou para si mesmo. — me perdoe, eu estava distraído, o que posso fazer para compensá-la? — indagou, finalmente erguendo os olhos dourados para encarar sua face. assim que amber viu charlotte seu olhar pareceu reconhecê-la, pelo menos uma pequena impressão de familiaridade lhe tomou por um instante. provavelmente já haviam se cruzado na cidade, talvez mais de uma vez e quem sabe até tivessem trocado palavras casuais, contudo, verdade seja dita, o vampiro não se recordava dela. ora, não se pode exigir que um homem de cinquenta anos guarde na memória cada um dos cidadãos de eden, porém, a curiosidade do historiador já havia sido instigada. — eu tenho a impressão de que já nos vimos antes... a senhorita mora na cidade faz tempo?
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ask-regina · 2 years
‘She’s pregnant’ were not the words Regina expected to hear when they got to Robin’s apartment in New York. Pregnant. Her sister, who’s been pretending to be Marian all along, was pregnant with Robin’s child. God, how could she even begin to process it? How could she miss it? Zelena was playing magic tricks right under her nose, tricks that costed Robin and her everything and that thought twisted her stomach. She should have known! And now this happened! Regina barely had time to react before a sleepy little boy made his way into the living room, clearly woken up by the loud noises. Roland nearly leaped into her arms if he wasn’t taken aback by Zelena standing right there in his mother’s clothes. The squeal of fear coming from him nearly ripped Regina apart and the urge to murder her sister has never been stronger. Thankfully Robin was quick to react and in a swift movement, he moved to take Roland out of the way and back into his room; and as much as Regina ached to join them and soothe their son back to sleep, she had to take care of her sister first.
Regina wasn’t sure how long it’s taken, but once she made sure Zelena was secured and away in another room under Emma’s watchful eyes, she went into the kitchen to make Roland a warm glass of milk (and give herself a bit of time to try and remember how to breathe,) before finding the strength to head into his room where Robin still sat with him. “Hey,” she peeked in, slipped inside the room and shut the door behind as quietly as she could. “I brought him some warm milk,” she whispered, in case the child was already asleep again. Thank god Roland was a safe topic, because right now Regina wasn’t sure how to handle the huge elephant in the room.
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queroteseuir · 4 months
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S༘A༘L༘V༘E༘ R༘A༘I༘N༘H༘A༘ 📿
Infinitɑs gɾɑçɑs vos dɑmos, Sobeɾɑnɑ Rɑinhɑ,♔pelos benefícios que todos os diɑs ɾecebemos de vossɑs mɑ̃os libeɾɑis. Dignɑi-vos ɑgoɾɑ e pɑɾɑ sempɾe tomɑɾ-nos debɑixo de vosso podeɾoso ɑmpɑɾo e pɑɾɑ mɑis nos obɾigɑɾ vos sɑudɑmos com umɑ Sɑlve Rɑinhɑ….
¯¯¨¨˜“..(¨`•.•´¨).𝔖𝔞𝔩𝔳𝔢 ℜ𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔥𝔞
……….   `•🤲•Sᥲᥣvᥱ, Rᥲιᥒhᥲ, Mᥲ̃ᥱ dᥱ mιsᥱrιᥴórdιᥲ, vιdᥲ, doᥴ̧ᥙrᥲ ᥱ ᥱsρᥱrᥲᥒᥴ̧ᥲ ᥒossᥲ, sᥲᥣvᥱ! A vós brᥲdᥲmos os dᥱgrᥱdᥲdos fιᥣhos dᥱ Evᥲ. A vós sᥙsριrᥲmos, gᥱmᥱᥒdo ᥱ ᥴhorᥲᥒdo ᥒᥱstᥱ vᥲᥣᥱ dᥱ ᥣᥲ́grιmᥲs. Eιᥲ, ρoιs, ᥲdvogᥲdᥲ ᥒossᥲ, ᥱssᥱs vossos oᥣhos mιsᥱrιᥴordιosos ᥲ ᥒós voᥣvᥱι, ᥱ dᥱρoιs dᥱstᥱ dᥱstᥱrro mostrᥲι-ᥒos Jᥱsᥙs, bᥱᥒdιto frᥙto do vosso vᥱᥒtrᥱ, ó ᥴᥣᥱmᥱᥒtᥱ, ó ριᥱdosᥲ, ó doᥴᥱ ᥱ sᥱmρrᥱ Vιrgᥱm Mᥲrιᥲ. Rogᥲι ρor ᥒós, Sᥲᥒtᥲ Mᥲ̃ᥱ dᥱ Dᥱᥙs. Pᥲrᥲ qᥙᥱ sᥱjᥲmos dιgᥒos dᥲs ρromᥱssᥲs dᥱ Crιsto. Amᥱ́m
Salve 📿…………..*.
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belladona-graphics · 4 days
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Séptimo pedido para Gilgamesh, para @littleviewofinferno espero que te gusten los diseños y me tome la libertad de hacerte uno más de cada uno awww; no conozco tanto la serie así que espero que estén bien (?) úsalos cuando quieras [Ava 1] [Ava 2] [Firma 1] [Firma 2]
Un beso, nos vemos. Donna ♔
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citoufrases · 1 year
♬✿♥ ♔ Cada novo dia, é uma nova chance .!para você mudar a sua vida.
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